Re: [CentOS] CentOS on new Thinkpads

2016-09-30 Thread Timothy Murphy
John R Pierce wrote:

> I have not much cared for Lenovo since IBM sold out to them.

I haven't noticed any change in quality at all.
I guess the IBM laptops were always manufactured in China anyway.
There seem to be more problems running CentOS and Fedora
on new laptops, but that lies in the hands of CentOS/Fedora.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 7 32-bit WiFi Hardware Switch

2016-09-27 Thread Donald Timothy Tribble

Darr Darr

Thanks for the answer. It worked, not sure how that switch got bumped 
from the Windows install to the Linux install.


On 09/27/2016 06:35 PM, Darr Darr wrote:
Not exactly linux-dependent. According to the docs for the Latitude 620 (available on dell dot com), the wireless switch is on the left side. Slide it towards the front, until its raised position indicator is aligned with the I ("off" is aligned with the O). The WiFi power indicator is on the front panel, in a group with about 4 LEDs... the WiFi indicator appears to actually *say* "WiFi" when it's lit up.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S5

 Original message 
From: Donald Timothy Tribble 
Date: 9/27/16  21:01  (GMT-05:00)
Subject: [CentOS] CentOS 7 32-bit WiFi Hardware Switch

I recently installed CentOS 7 32-bit on a Dell Latitude 620 and my WiFi
doesn't work. The software setting show me stuck in "Airplane Mode" and
I need to activate my WiFi with a "hardware switch" I am new to Linux
and need some direction here. I believe the wireless card is an Intel
Pro/Wireless 3645A/G.


CentOS mailing list
CentOS mailing list

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] CentOS 7 32-bit WiFi Hardware Switch

2016-09-27 Thread Donald Timothy Tribble
I recently installed CentOS 7 32-bit on a Dell Latitude 620 and my WiFi 
doesn't work. The software setting show me stuck in "Airplane Mode" and 
I need to activate my WiFi with a "hardware switch" I am new to Linux 
and need some direction here. I believe the wireless card is an Intel 
Pro/Wireless 3645A/G.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OT: Backup Question/Solution

2016-08-12 Thread Timothy Murphy
TE Dukes wrote:

> I purchased a 128GB flash drive. I can't get Mondo to write to it. I want
> to be able to make this device bootable. Do I need it reformat it from a
> Windows file system to ext4? I never had to format a blank DVD previously. 
> Is there a better solution for backing up a home system to some sort of
> external media?

I don't know if it is better, but I use BackupPC.
This has an archive option to copy the latest backup to somewhere else.
I use it to backup to an external drive every fortnight or so.
(I backup every night to a different hard drive on my CentOS machine.)

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] KMail

2016-07-24 Thread Timothy Murphy
Yamaban wrote:

> On Sun, 24 Jul 2016 14:44, Timothy Murphy wrote:

>> KMail seems to work on other Linux OS's.

> Work? Keyword here is "seems".
> [rant]
> Since Kmail1 on KDE3 there is no really fully working
> version that does not bork up your mail semi regulary.

> But what do you call a program that destroys your mail
> more often than once per year?

I haven't found either of those problems on Fedora-24/KDE.
I have criticisms of KMail, but basically it works fine for me.

Actually I save email on my CentOS-7 home server,
and back it up (with BackupPC) every night,
so it would not be the end of the world if Fedora KMail
ate my email. But it doesn't.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] KMail

2016-07-24 Thread Timothy Murphy
Any hope of KMail (and Kontact) coming to CentOS-7?
What exactly is the problem?
KMail seems to work on other Linux OS's.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 7.2 and KDE

2016-07-18 Thread Timothy Murphy
Jeff Layton wrote:

> I apologize if this is off-topic. I just installed CentOS 7 on my laptop
> and I used KDE. I can't seem to get the "hibernate" option. I've tried
> editing the options under "Power" but it hasn't appeared. Any thoughts?

Just tp say that I'm running CentOS-7.2/KDE and see the Hibernate option
when I click on the CentOS icon in the panel and choose Leave.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Problem with cloud-init on re-boot

2016-07-16 Thread Timothy Murphy
When I re-boot my CentOS 7 machine I get lots of error/warning messages
like the following:
Jan  1 14:39:04 alfred cloud-init: 2016-01-01 14:39:04,351 -[WARNING]:
  Calling '' failed 
  unexpected error ['NoneType' object has no attribute 'status_code']

Re-booting with the current kernel, 3.10.0-327.22.2.el7.x86_64,
sometimes fails, I think because of this problem,
although the previous kernel seems to avoid the issue.

I've actually disabled cloud-init, but I'm wondering
if there is a simple solution to the problem?
Actually, I don't remember installing cloud-init;
maybe it was brought in by some other package?
It's not clear to me why I should need it;
is it a necessary adjunct to libvirtd?

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Help sought for email problem

2016-07-07 Thread Timothy Murphy
My home server is running CentOS-7.1
I'm running postfix and dovecot on it.
I collect email from a few sources with fetchmail
and move it to ~/Maildir/cur/ with procmail.

Or at least, I did do this.
For some reason procmail has stopped doing its job,
and the email that I collect is finishing in /var/spool/mail/tim/

I can't work out what has caused this,
or what the cure is.
I haven't changed postfix or dovecot config files,
or .procmailrc.
I did stop and re-start postfix and dovecot on the server,
which I haven't done for some time,
so it is possible some earlier upgrade has come into play.

Any advice or elucidation gratefully received.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] dnf replacing yum?

2016-05-25 Thread Timothy Murphy
Kenneth Porter wrote:

> I saw mention of dnf in a blog article about installing a package on
> CentOS. Further investigation revealed that Fedora is replacing yum with
> dnf, apparently a new and better yum. But it wasn't clear if dnf was a

For the normal user (like me) dnf is neither better nor worse than yum.
In fact it is almost identical.

In my view, the introduction of a new name was completely unnecessary
and the cause of the only (small) complication with the changeover,
eg should I look in /etc/yum.repos.d/ or /etc/dnf.repos.d/ ?

Also, yum had associations which it was sad to lose.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] OT: Linksys router misbehaviour

2016-05-11 Thread Timothy Murphy
I'm running a Linksys WRT54GL router from my CentOS-7 home server.
Every now and then (maybe once every 2 days) the router's WiFi cuts out,
and I've found no way to solve this except to disconnect the power
from the router, wait 10 seconds and then re-connect.
This always works.
The router is running under dd-wrt.

My question is - which makes it a tiny bit CentOS-related -
does anyone with such a router know of a way
to wake the router up in such a case through the computer?

I wouldn't have dared to ask this question here or anywhere
until recently, as I assumed my ancient Linksys routers were obsolete.
But I've been reading posts recently saying that
there hasn't really been a Linux router to replace the WRT54GL,
and in particular Linksys's recent 11n replacement
is not as good as the old model in many ways.

Anyway, if anyone has an answer to my query I would be very grateful.

I have a couple of IP cameras working by WiFi on the computer,
which I can look at remotely.
I've connected one by TP-Link through the router,
and this doesn't cut out, but it is not wholly satisfactory.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Copying CentOS to new drive

2016-05-04 Thread Timothy Murphy
I recently asked about copying a running system to a new drive.

As a postscript, I'm wondering if it would have been preferable 
to run the machine under a Live OS, and simply copy the root partition
to the new drive?
Eg while running under the LiveOS,
  # mkdir /mnt/old /mnt/new
  # mount /dev/sda7 /mnt/old
  # mount /dev/sdb6 /mnt/new
  # cp -avx /mnt/old /mnt/new
  # rsync -ax --progress /mnt/old /mnt/new

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Copying a live system

2016-05-03 Thread Timothy Murphy wrote:

>> I want to backup my current CentOS-7.2 system to another drive.
>> Is it safe to copy the system while it is running?
>> Eg by
>> mount /dev/sdb5 /mnt
>> rsync -HPaxvz /. /mnt/
>> I've found contradictory advice on the web.
> Yes. When we're cloning a system, such as a compute node in a cluster, or
> rsync upgrading, we
> rsync -HPavxz /. newmachine:/new/.
> rsync -HPavxz /boot/. newmachine:/boot//new/.

Thanks very much to you, and all who responded to my query.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Copying a live system

2016-05-03 Thread Timothy Murphy
I want to backup my current CentOS-7.2 system to another drive.
Is it safe to copy the system while it is running?
Eg by
mount /dev/sdb5 /mnt
rsync -HPaxvz /. /mnt/
I've found contradictory advice on the web.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] [OT] disk utility showing message "the partition is misaligned by"

2016-04-23 Thread Timothy Murphy
g wrote:

> after new install, transfer my current /home to new drive, wipe
> current drive, partition and format it.
> anyone see anything wrong with such thinking?

I assume you would have to run grub2-mkconfig and grub2 install
or equivalent.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Dual boot C7 with Window 10

2016-04-22 Thread Timothy Murphy
Chris Murphy wrote:

> What you should revert back to UEFI only, with Secure Boot enabled,
> and reinstall CentOS, deleting the previous partition/mount points
> including the BIOS Boot partition that was created for CentOS's
> bootloader.

> The gotcha is that with Secure Boot enabled, the CentOS GRUB-efi
> package doesn't support chainloading the Windows bootloader. This is
> getting fixed in Fedora 24 but I have no idea how long it'll take to
> get to CentOS 7. You could either disable Secure Boot (which I don't
> recommend) or you switch between CentOS and Windows using the
> firmware's boot manager. You'll have to figure out which F key brings
> up the boot manager. On my Intel NUC it's F10, *shrug*.

May I ask a couple of questions which I'm afraid betray my ignorance.

1. Why is it advisable to "revert back to UEFI"?
Is this just a safety measure?
I would have thought that if an intruder had got in this far,
enabling him to install unsigned modules,
he would have you at his mercy anyway?

2. I installed CentOS-7.2.1511 from a Live USB stick,
and I have a Windows 10 partition that I can boot into.
So I assume that UEFI is not used by default?
Will it become so at some point?

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Problem updating ddclient

2016-04-21 Thread Timothy Murphy
Timothy Murphy wrote:

> when I ran "sudo yum update" on my CentOS-7.2.1511 today,
> ddclient was updated to ddclient-3.8.3-1.el7.noarch (from 3.7.3),
> and ddclient.conf was moved to ddclient.conf.rpmsave .
> When I move it back, "sudo systemctl restart ddclient"
> fails with the error (in "sudo journalctl -xe | grep ddclient")
>   Apr 21 13:05:39 touch[8590]: /bin/touch:
>   cannot touch ‘/var/cache/ddclient/ddclient.cache’: Permission denied
> I see that when updating ddclient a new group ddclient was created.
> I've tried various methods, eg deleting ddclient.cache,
> re-installing ddclient,
> creating a new ddclient.cache owned by root.ddclient, etc,
> but without success.
> Running "sudo systemctl restart ddclient" either fails, or hangs.
> Any advice gratefully received.
> Is there a way to go back to the previous version of ddclient?
> when I try "sudo yum downgrade ddclient-3.7.3"
> I'm told "No package ddclient-3.7.3 available"

I've managed to return to the previous version,
by going to
downloading ddclient-3.7.3-1.el5.rf.noarch.rpm ,
and running
 sudo yum downgrade ~/ddclient-3.7.3-2.el7.rf.noarch.rpm 

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Problem updating ddclient

2016-04-21 Thread Timothy Murphy
when I ran "sudo yum update" on my CentOS-7.2.1511 today,
ddclient was updated to ddclient-3.8.3-1.el7.noarch (from 3.7.3),
and ddclient.conf was moved to ddclient.conf.rpmsave .

When I move it back, "sudo systemctl restart ddclient"
fails with the error (in "sudo journalctl -xe | grep ddclient")
  Apr 21 13:05:39 touch[8590]: /bin/touch: 
  cannot touch ‘/var/cache/ddclient/ddclient.cache’: Permission denied

I see that when updating ddclient a new group ddclient was created.
I've tried various methods, eg deleting ddclient.cache,
re-installing ddclient,
creating a new ddclient.cache owned by root.ddclient, etc,
but without success.
Running "sudo systemctl restart ddclient" either fails, or hangs.

Any advice gratefully received.

Is there a way to go back to the previous version of ddclient?
when I try "sudo yum downgrade ddclient-3.7.3" 
I'm told "No package ddclient-3.7.3 available"

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Free Redhat Linux (rhel) version 7.2

2016-04-05 Thread Timothy Murphy
Johnny Hughes wrote:

> On 04/04/2016 08:39 AM, Timothy Murphy wrote:

>> I read that Redhat was offering their Linux free,
>> and downloaded the ISO, though I haven't run it.
>> What do CentOS users think of Redhat's offer?

> You need read the usage license.

I glanced through this before downloading the ISO.
But I can't locate it now on the RedHat website(s).

> That subscription can only be used in development and not in a
> production environment.
> If that works for want you want to use it for then it is an awesome move
> by Red Hat.

I run CentOS on two home servers (in different countries),
and have no ambition to make money from them,
which I take is the meaning of "production" in this context.

Surely there must be many CentOS users like me?
I found puzzling the suggestion (not by Johnny Hughes)
that RedHat's offer is of little value.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Free Redhat Linux (rhel) version 7.2

2016-04-04 Thread Timothy Murphy
I read that Redhat was offering their Linux free,
and downloaded the ISO, though I haven't run it.

What do CentOS users think of Redhat's offer?

The registration with Redhat seemed very bureaucratic to me,
and I'm not sure if I have carried it out properly.
Also, I didn't see if it was possible to get updates,
either with dnf or some other way.

I've been (and am) very pleased with CentOS,
which I've been running for several years,
and I don't particularly want to change.

Any views on this?

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] firewalld question

2016-03-25 Thread Timothy Murphy
Matthew Miller wrote:

>> I'n wondering if it is possible to have Centos-7 automatically change
>> firewall zones, depending on the network we conect to.

> The way to do this is changing the zone for the network in
> NetworkManager.

Are there two different ways of setting firewalld zones,
in firewalld and in NetworkManager?
Which is taken if they differ?

> (This works easily for wifi networks and is kind of a
> pain for wired ones, unfortunately, since there's not necessarily a
> good way to distinguish.) I don't have a CentOS (or RHEL) desktop and I
> don't remember offhand when this hit, but in Fedora, run the
> NetworkManager config panel, hit config on a network, and change the
> zone on the Security tab.
> Or, put "ZONE=public" or "ZONE=work" or whatever in the ifcfg file for
> the network.
> I'm hoping in the future to make this better, but there are actually a
> lot of different parts involved so it's hard to get everyone to agree
> on the best approach.
> I personally make "public" my default zone, and then add zones that
> should be more trusted to networks that should be more open.

I find the firewalld definition of "zones" rather confusing.
I run shorewall on my home server, and that seems to me
to have a much simpler definition of zones.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Alternative IP addresses

2016-02-16 Thread Timothy Murphy
Frank Cox wrote:

> Why not put 192.168.whatever in your /etc/hosts file?  No
> need to run a dns server to hard-code one single lookup like that.

Thanks very much, that seems to work.
I added "" to the line starting

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Alternative IP addresses

2016-02-16 Thread Timothy Murphy
Barry Brimer wrote:

>> My CentOS-7 home server has a static IP address.
>> Is there a simple way of organizing the hpptd server
>> so that it is accessible through this address at a remote host,
>> but is accessed at its 192.168 address by a laptop on the WiFi LAN?
> Is the static IP address that you mention public or private?

It is a public IP address.

> You could use Limit statements in apache or iptables firewalling to do
> this.

I guess there could be a way of organizing what I want through shorewall,
which I am running on my home server?

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Alternative IP addresses

2016-02-16 Thread Timothy Murphy
John R Pierce wrote:

>> My CentOS-7 home server has a static IP address.
>> Is there a simple way of organizing the hpptd server
>> so that it is accessible through this address at a remote host,
>> but is accessed at its 192.168 address by a laptop on the WiFi LAN?

> are you also running your own DNS at home?

I'm not running my own DNS server,
and would prefer not to.

> is this httpd server 'dual
> homed' and have a NIC on both the internet side and your local LAN ?

I'm not quite sure what "dual-homed" means.
The machine on which httpd runs has a fixed IP address.
Is there any way this machine could be accessed on the local LAN
through this IP address, rather than 192.168... ?

> you could run split DNS, so on your LAN, is 192.168.x.x
> while on the internet, is the actual IP address.

I'd rather not run a DNS server on my machine.
I tried this some years ago, and ran into trouble.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Alternative IP addresses

2016-02-15 Thread Timothy Murphy
My CentOS-7 home server has a static IP address.

Is there a simple way of organizing the hpptd server
so that it is accessible through this address at a remote host,
but is accessed at its 192.168 address by a laptop on the WiFi LAN?

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] heads up: /boot space on kernel upgrade

2016-02-13 Thread Timothy Murphy
Devin Reade wrote:

> I have a CentOS 6 machine that was initially installed as CentOS 6.4
> in May of 2013.  It's /boot filesystem is 200M which, IIRC, was the
> default /boot size at the time.

As a matter of interest, is there any advantage today
in having a /boot partition?
I thought it went back to the days when the boot-loader
had to be near the beginning of the disk?

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Just need to vent

2016-01-27 Thread Timothy Murphy
Jonathan Billings wrote:

>> > Maybe you're not
>> > aware of it, but there are a LOT of things that systemd fixes that
>> > people are happy about.

>> Like what ? I don't remember there were as many errors to fix before
>> systemd appeared.

> I suggest reading the previous emails (SOME OF WHICH YOU REPLIED TO)
> that listed many of the features people are happy about.

I don't take a position in the systemd argument,
but you said that systemd fixes lots of problems.
It is perfectly reasonable to ask you to name one of these problems,
perhaps the one you think is most important.

I would say exactly the same to anyone who said
systemd causes lots of problems, without specifying any.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] How does Live CD find OS's?

2016-01-23 Thread Timothy Murphy
Jonathan Billings wrote:

> I know that in el7, grub2 uses os-prober
> (, which is probably what it uses in
> the LiveCD.

Yes, thanks. 
I confused os-prober with grub2-probe, which is an executable file.
Hopefully I should be able to work out why I am getting this
  cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/block/8
error when I run grub2-mkconfig

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] How does Live CD find OS's?

2016-01-23 Thread Timothy Murphy
Chris Murphy wrote:

> Live CD does not have a troubleshoot boot sub menu option.

If I boot into CentOS-7-x86_64-LiveKDE-1503.iso
there is a Troubleshooting option, and if I choose this
there is an option to "Boot into Local Disk".
Clicking on this gives a list of OS's to boot into.

It seems this does run through all partitions,
running os-prober on each.
I thought os-prober was an object file, but I see it is a bash script,
so hopefully I can see exactly what it does.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] How does Live CD find OS's?

2016-01-23 Thread Timothy Murphy
If I boot into CentOS on my home server from a Live CD or USB stick
and go to Troubleshoot, it lists OS's it finds on the machine.
How does it find these OS's?
Presumably it looks through all the partitions on all the hard disks
for something that looks like an OS?
But how exactly does it identify an OS?

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] grub2-mkconfig strange error

2016-01-15 Thread Timothy Murphy
When I run "grub2-mkconfig" on my CentOS-7.1 desktop
I get the warning (4 times)
/usr/sbin/grub2-probe: error: 
  cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/block/8.  
  Check your

What exactly does this mean?

My device map looks perfectly normal to me:
 [root@helen ~]# cat /boot/grub2/
 (hd0)  /dev/sda
 (hd1)  /dev/sdb

This makes me reluctant to boot into CentOS-7.2.

An additional, possibly related, query.
When I run grub2-mkconfig it lists various OS's it finds:
Found Windows 7 (loader) on /dev/sda1
Found CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core)  on /dev/sda12
Found Windows 7 (loader) on /dev/sdb1
Found CentOS release 6.5 (Final) on /dev/sdb5
Found CentOS release 5.6 (Final) on /dev/sdc7
Why does it not list CentOS 7.2 since it
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.10.0-327.4.4.el7.x86_64
Found initrd image: /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-327.4.4.el7.x86_64.img

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] How to correct LiveKDE stick?

2016-01-09 Thread Timothy Murphy
CentOS-7-x86_64-LiveKDE-1511.iso crashes
on my AMD/ATI Radeon machine.
I installed CentOS-7.2 by first installing
CentOS-7-x86_64-LiveKDE-1503.iso, then appending 
to /etc/default/grub and running update-grub.

My question is: would there be any way,
short of re-compiling the ISO,
of altering the grub.cfg seen when booting from a USB stick?

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] No GUI with CentOS-7.2

2016-01-06 Thread Timothy Murphy
Timothy Murphy wrote:

> When I re-booted my HP MicroServer into CentOS-7.2
> I was given a text console.

I found the solution in the end,
I think from a hint dropped by Johnny Hughes.

I was missing a number of KDE packages, I'm not sure why.
But when I ran "sudo yum install kde-workspace"
there were a couple of dependency conflicts.
I managed to overcome these by yum-removing 2 packages,
and then re-installing kde-workspace filled the gaps.
As a precaution, I ran "sudo yum distro-sync"
which for some reason downgraded a dozen packages.
After that I re-booted into CentOS-7.2
and was given the desired graphic console.

I think I probably overlooked an error message
that came up when I updated the system remotely.
(The server was in another country.)

Thanks for all the suggestions I received.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] No GUI with CentOS-7.2

2016-01-06 Thread Timothy Murphy
Timothy Murphy wrote:

> Sylvain CANOINE wrote:
>> Could you share your whole Xorg.0.log ? Do you use a custom xorg.conf, or
>> custom xorg.conf.d files ? Opensource Ati driver, ou proprietary blobs ?
> Thank you for your interest.
> I am running CentOS-7 installed from CentOS-7-x86_64-LiveKDE-1503.iso
> and later upgraded to CentOS-7.2.
> The only packages I have installed have been from CentOS and Epel repos.
> I'm sure the ATI Radeon driver is open-source.
> The Radeon firmware comes from the kernel-firmware package -
> I don't know if any of that is proprietary?
> There is no xorg.conf file,
> I assume this is replaced by /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/* .
> I'm attaching Xorg.0.log - I don't know if that is allowed here?

I see that attachments are not allowed.
I'll try posting Xorg.0.log here -
I've deleted an enormous list of Radeon chipsets,
leaving only the one applicable in my case:
[ 28214.668] 
X.Org X Server 1.17.2
Release Date: 2015-06-16
[ 28214.668] X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
[ 28214.668] Build Operating System:  2.6.32-220.17.1.el6.x86_64 
[ 28214.668] Current Operating System: Linux 
3.10.0-327.3.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Dec 9 14:09:15 UTC 2015 x86_64
[ 28214.669] Kernel command line: 
root=UUID=370b44c7-9422-43af-bed9-a797c10bcbf7 ro vconsole.font=latarcyrheb-
sun16 vconsole.keymap=ie crashkernel=auto rhgb quiet 
[ 28214.669] Build Date: 20 November 2015  02:44:25PM
[ 28214.669] Build ID: xorg-x11-server 1.17.2-10.el7 
[ 28214.669] Current version of pixman: 0.32.6
[ 28214.669]Before reporting problems, check
to make sure that you have the latest version.
[ 28214.669] Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default 
(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
[ 28214.669] (==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Mon Jan  4 23:31:21 
[ 28214.670] (==) Using config directory: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d"
[ 28214.670] (==) Using system config directory "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d"
[ 28214.671] (==) No Layout section.  Using the first Screen section.
[ 28214.671] (==) No screen section available. Using defaults.
[ 28214.671] (**) |-->Screen "Default Screen Section" (0)
[ 28214.671] (**) |   |-->Monitor ""
[ 28214.671] (==) No monitor specified for screen "Default Screen Section".
Using a default monitor configuration.
[ 28214.671] (==) Automatically adding devices
[ 28214.671] (==) Automatically enabling devices
[ 28214.671] (==) Automatically adding GPU devices
[ 28214.671] (==) FontPath set to:
[ 28214.671] (==) ModulePath set to "/usr/lib64/xorg/modules"
[ 28214.671] (II) The server relies on udev to provide the list of input 
If no devices become available, reconfigure udev or disable 
[ 28214.671] (II) Loader magic: 0x7fc8e5fad020
[ 28214.671] (II) Module ABI versions:
[ 28214.671]X.Org ANSI C Emulation: 0.4
[ 28214.671]X.Org Video Driver: 19.0
[ 28214.671]X.Org XInput driver : 21.0
[ 28214.671]X.Org Server Extension : 9.0
[ 28214.672] (II) xfree86: Adding drm device (/dev/dri/card0)
[ 28214.674] (--) PCI:*(0:1:5:0) 1002:9712:103c:1609 rev 0, Mem @ 
0xf000/134217728, 0xfe7f/65536, 0xfe60/1048576, I/O @ 
0xd000/256, BIOS @ 0x/131072
[ 28214.674] (II) LoadModule: "glx"
[ 28214.674] (II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/extensions/
[ 28214.677] (II) Module glx: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
[ 28214.677]compiled for 1.17.2, module version = 1.0.0
[ 28214.677]ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 9.0
[ 28214.677] (==) AIGLX enabled
[ 28214.677] (==) Matched ati as autoconfigured driver 0
[ 28214.677] (==) Matched ati as autoconfigured driver 1
[ 28214.678] (==) Matched modesetting as autoconfigured driver 2
[ 28214.678] (==) Matched fbdev as autoconfigured driver 3
[ 28214.678] (==) Matched vesa as autoconfigured driver 4
[ 28214.678] (==) Assigned the driver to the xf86ConfigLayout
[ 28214.678] (II) LoadModule: "ati"
[ 28214.678] (II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/drivers/
[ 28214.678] (II) Module ati: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
[ 28214.678]compiled for 1.17.2, module version = 7.5.0
[ 28214.678]Module class: X.Org Video Driver
[ 28214.678]ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 19.0
[ 28214.678] (II) LoadModule: "radeon"
[ 28214.678] (II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/drivers/
[ 28214.679] (II) Module radeon: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
[ 28214.679]compiled for 1.17.

Re: [CentOS] No GUI with CentOS-7.2

2016-01-05 Thread Timothy Murphy
Sylvain CANOINE wrote:

> Could you share your whole Xorg.0.log ? Do you use a custom xorg.conf, or
> custom xorg.conf.d files ? Opensource Ati driver, ou proprietary blobs ?

Thank you for your interest.
I am running CentOS-7 installed from CentOS-7-x86_64-LiveKDE-1503.iso
and later upgraded to CentOS-7.2.
The only packages I have installed have been from CentOS and Epel repos.
I'm sure the ATI Radeon driver is open-source.
The Radeon firmware comes from the kernel-firmware package -
I don't know if any of that is proprietary?
There is no xorg.conf file, 
I assume this is replaced by /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/* .

I'm attaching Xorg.0.log - I don't know if that is allowed here?

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin
CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] A query on graphic console

2016-01-05 Thread Timothy Murphy
I'm only getting a text console with CentOS-7.2
on my (oldish) HP MicroServer.

The only explicit error I see in Xorg.0.log
is that no driver is found for my Pixart USB optical mouse.

My query is: would that be sufficient
to prevent a graphic console?

Incidentally, I can use X apps, eg xpdf,
if I ssh in from my laptop.

As always, any advice gratefully received.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] No GUI with CentOS-7.2

2016-01-05 Thread Timothy Murphy
Earl A Ramirez wrote:

>> When I re-booted my HP MicroServer into CentOS-7.2
>> I was given a text console.
>> When I run "startx" I get the response on screen [edited]:
>> =
>> [tim@alfred ~]$ startx
>> xauth:  file /home/tim/.serverauth.21307 does not exist
>> X.Org X Server 1.17.2
>> Release Date: 2015-06-16
>> X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
>> Build Operating System:  2.6.32-220.17.1.el6.x86_64
>> ...
>> Build ID: xorg-x11-server 1.17.2-10.el7
>> ...
>> xinit: connection to X server lost
>> waiting for X server to shut down (II) Server terminated successfully
>> (0). Closing log file.
>> =

> What is your is your default target of the server, systemctl get-default?

[tim@alfred ~]$ sudo systemctl get-default

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] No GUI with CentOS-7.2

2016-01-04 Thread Timothy Murphy
When I re-booted my HP MicroServer into CentOS-7.2
I was given a text console.
When I run "startx" I get the response on screen [edited]:
[tim@alfred ~]$ startx
xauth:  file /home/tim/.serverauth.21307 does not exist
X.Org X Server 1.17.2
Release Date: 2015-06-16
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System:  2.6.32-220.17.1.el6.x86_64
Build ID: xorg-x11-server 1.17.2-10.el7
xinit: connection to X server lost
waiting for X server to shut down (II) Server terminated successfully (0). 
Closing log file.

No error is given in /var/log/Xorg.0.log.
It seems to find an appropriate ATI Radeon driver,
but it has the warnings
 (WW) Falling back to old probe method for modesetting
 (WW) Falling back to old probe method for fbdev
 (WW) Falling back to old probe method for vesa
Also it ends with what look like a problem with the USB mouse:
 (II) config/udev: Adding input device PIXART USB OPTICAL MOUSE 
 (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
 (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
 (II) config/udev: Adding input device PC Speaker (/dev/input/event5)
 (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
 (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
 (II) UnloadModule: "evdev"
 (II) evdev: HID 04f3:0103: Close
 (II) UnloadModule: "evdev"
 (II) evdev: HID 04f3:0103: Close
 (II) UnloadModule: "evdev"
 (II) evdev: Power Button: Close
 (II) UnloadModule: "evdev"
 (II) evdev: Power Button: Close
 (II) UnloadModule: "evdev"
 (II) Server terminated successfully (0). Closing log file.

Any advice or suggestions gratefully received.

Nb This is a remote machine, and I have not actually seen the screen
for several months, so this probably has nothing to do with CentOS-7.2.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS-7.2 kernel panic

2016-01-04 Thread Timothy Murphy
Timothy Murphy wrote:

>>> My HP MicroServer crashes with a kernel panic
>>> when booted into kernel-3.10.0-327.3.1.el7.x86_64,
>>> but runs perfectly under kernel-3.10.0-229.20.1.el7.x86_64 .
>> AMD Turion64 cpu?
>> Could be related to:
>> uptream at

Thank you again.
I followed a suggestion in this bug report, appending the line
to /etc/default/grub , and running
  # grub2-mkconfig > /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
Now I could re-boot into CentOS-7.2 with kernel 3.10.0-327.3.1.el7.x86_64 .

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS-7.2 kernel panic

2016-01-02 Thread Timothy Murphy
Tru Huynh wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 01, 2016 at 11:53:51PM +0100, Timothy Murphy wrote:
>> My HP MicroServer crashes with a kernel panic
>> when booted into kernel-3.10.0-327.3.1.el7.x86_64,
>> but runs perfectly under kernel-3.10.0-229.20.1.el7.x86_64 .

> AMD Turion64 cpu?
> Could be related to:
> uptream at

Thank you very much.
My HP MicroServer does indeed have an AMD Turion64 cpu,
and the kernel crash-code listed in the bug you cite
is exactly what I see.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] CentOS-7.2 kernel panic

2016-01-01 Thread Timothy Murphy
My HP MicroServer crashes with a kernel panic
when booted into kernel-3.10.0-327.3.1.el7.x86_64,
but runs perfectly under kernel-3.10.0-229.20.1.el7.x86_64 .

I've been trying to save the panic message with kdump,
but am not sure how one can configure kdump to do this,
if indeed that is possible.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re-booting into CentOS-7.2 - advice sought

2015-12-30 Thread Timothy Murphy
I have a remote home server updated to CentOS-7.2.1511
(as stated in /etc/redhat-release)
but I have not re-booted since the update.
The machine is currently running kernel 3.10.0-229.11.1.el7.x86_64.

I'm wondering if anyone has advice on any safety steps I can take
before re-booting, so that in the event of failure 
I can give simple instructions to my daughter at the other end
on how to get the system running?

Any suggestions gratefully received.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Centos-7.2 LiveKDE does not work properly

2015-12-22 Thread Timothy Murphy
CentOS-7-x86_64-LiveKDE-1511.iso installed on a USB stick
does not work properly - it takes over 6 minutes to boot.
Who can I report this to?

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS and typical usage

2015-12-21 Thread Timothy Murphy
Alice Wonder wrote:

> As far as customizing CentOS / Fedora for server vs desktop vs laptop vs
> whatever, to me that is a moot issue.
> In the server environment you almost certainly are using a virtual
> machine, and to use a virtual machine you create an image.

What precisely do you mean by "the server environment"?
I run a number of home servers on HP MicroServers.
Evidently this is not a "server environment" in your view.
The only sense I can give to your phrase is
"a system run by one or more paid sysadmins".

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS-7.2 USB stick problem

2015-12-21 Thread Timothy Murphy
Timothy Murphy wrote:

> I've installed CentOS-7-x86_64-LiveKDE-1503.iso
> and CentOS-7-x86_64-LiveKDE-1511.iso
> on two USB sticks.
> The first boots up in 90 seconds,
> but the second takes almost 7 minutes.
> (I'm talking about the time until my laptop becomes usable.)

As an experiment, I installed CentOS-7-x86_64-LiveGNOME-1511.iso
on the same USB stick (in place of the LiveKDE iso).
This runs perfectly; the 5 minute pause on the LiveKDE stick
takes only 5 seconds under LiveGNOME.

It seems that there is a bug in the CentOS-7.2 LiveKDE OS.
To repeat, after 5 minutes a small window comes up saying
"Unable to save bookmarks in /home/liveuser/.share/userspaces.xbel.
Repeated error was insufficient permissions in target directory.
This error message will only be shown once.
The cause of the error needs to be fixed as soon as possible,
which is most likely a full hard drive."

If anyone has a way around this problem I should be glad to hear it.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] CentOS-7.2 USB stick problem

2015-12-21 Thread Timothy Murphy
I've installed CentOS-7-x86_64-LiveKDE-1503.iso
and CentOS-7-x86_64-LiveKDE-1511.iso 
on two USB sticks.
The first boots up in 90 seconds,
but the second takes almost 7 minutes.
(I'm talking about the time until my laptop becomes usable.)

After 5 minutes a small window comes up saying
it cannot save bookmarks because it does not have permission
in the required directory.
I assume the delay is a timeout, perhaps due to SELinux?

Once it has started up it seems to run properly.

I wondered if anyone else has encountered this?
I'll try installing the minimal version of CentOS-7.2
on the USB stick and see if that is better.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS and typical usage

2015-12-13 Thread Timothy Murphy
Alice Wonder wrote:

> I mean the typical server and indicated a server environment opposed to
> a home environment.

To me, a server is a computer providing a service to other computers
or electronic devices.
It may be on a space-station, or it may be in someone's home -
its whereabouts, or "environment" as you call it, is completely irrelevant.
All that matters is what services it offers.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS and typical usage

2015-12-13 Thread Timothy Murphy
Alice Wonder wrote:

> One of the benefits of systemd is the dependency based parallel startup.
> The same speed can often be achieved with system V init by fine tuning
> when the services start but systemd does that automatically.

If it's no faster then why is it a benefit?

> Just that it is not
> difficult to use, there are some advantages - 

Why don't you say what the advantages are,
instead of launching into a philosophical discussion of "market share".

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS and typical usage

2015-12-13 Thread Timothy Murphy
Alice Wonder wrote:

> In the server environment you almost certainly are using a virtual
> machine, and to use a virtual machine you create an image. Set up the
> image how you want and be done with it, you can then deploy it thousands
> of times and it is set up the way you need it.

Who is "you"?
I'm running a home server under CentOS-7,
and I'm not using a virtual machine.
Why should I?
I don't want to "deploy it thousands of times".

It's amazing how people assume that everyone in the world
is, or should be, running things in the same way as themselves.

> I was one of the systemd haters initially but now I don't have an issue
> with it. Yes it is different than what I learned,

I dislike systemd because it is much more complicated than its predecessor,
and it has no advantages in my case to make up for this.
The main advantage that was originally claimed was that it boots faster.
That is not the case on my Fedora laptop.
It is no faster, and it is much harder to work out what is happening
if something goes wrong.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Need firewalld clue

2015-12-13 Thread Timothy Murphy
Yamaban wrote:

>> So is the goal for firewalld to implement a GUI for iptables? What is the
>> "value added" by firewalld?
>>ThanksNick Geo
> Well, the order from Kernel inside outward is:
> 1. Netfilter (inside Kernel), not directly accessible by userland
> 2. iptables/iptables6, the userland cli tools to manipulate the Netfilter
> entries, mighty and complex, error-prone for casual use.
> 3. firewalld(RedHat/CentOS), or SuSEfirewall(Suse), or similar are the
> tools that simplify the task of creating the needed iptable rules, as
> not every one wants to write them by hand.
> 4. GUI tools, that allow to manipulate the config of firewalld (or
> similar),
> for those that are unfamilar with the command line, or want a quick
> and graphical way to do the job needed.

It might be mentioned that the previous firewall is still available.
It can obtained by "yum install system-config-firewall".

Actually I use shorewall - I'm not sure how this compares with firewalld.
It is certainly much better documented.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] wifi on servers and fedora [was Re: 7.2 kernel panic on boot]

2015-12-11 Thread Timothy Murphy
Gordon Messmer wrote:

> I think it's likely that, instead, you believe that you are
> representative of all of the people who do your job, and that features
> which you do not need are therefore not needed by others. That logic is
> quite normal, but completely wrong.

On the other hand, it would be relatively easy to determine
the number of CentOS users, or CentOS machines, in various categories.
For some reason both CentOS and Fedora seem to shy away from gathering
this kind of information, or indeed any information from users.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] 7.2 kernel panic on boot

2015-12-07 Thread Timothy Murphy
Phelps, Matthew wrote:

>> > Oh, wait: CentOS, love it or leave it.
>> Correct.
>> In fact, I would prefer you leave.
> Really?
> This is what we're dealing with now?
> OK. I will recommend we move away from CentOS.

This seems to be raising what to me is a trivial issue
to an absurd level of hostility.
Johnny Hughes' comment was uncharacteristically harsh;
and yours is even harsher.

To me, CentOS is a highly stable OS for my home servers,
and I am eternally grateful to Johnny Hughes and his colleagues
for carrying out what looks to me like an impossibly complex task.

The numbering of packages is a very small part of this.
On the other hand, a kernel panic would be very worrying to me
if it were in fact likely to happen.
I am glad to hear that I have no need to worry.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] 7.2 kernel panic on boot

2015-12-06 Thread Timothy Murphy
Always Learning wrote:

> I always admire Johnny's prose, passion for Centos and his calm approach
> to everything.

But two possibly OT and probably ignorant queries:

1. I am running a standard Centos 32-bit system on my home servers.
I keep them up-to-date, but have not re-booted for several months.
I see from /etc/centos-release that I am running 7.1.
If I re-booted would this become 7.2?

2. If so, is this kernel panic a widespread phenomenon?

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] HTML5 to SQL under CentOS

2015-11-05 Thread Timothy Murphy
Several years ago I wrote a simple, short, HTML/PHP program on my CentOS 
for adding items to a MySQL/MariaDB database on the server from my Fedora 

Recently I thought I would try to be up-to-date
and re-write the program using HTML5 Forms,
which seemed the proper thing to do,
but I'm finding this surprisingly difficult.

Does anyone have, or can point me to,
a simple HTML5 program (preferably not using Java or PHP) for this task ?

I've already found that Firefox, the browser I normally use on my laptop,
surprisingly (to me) does not support the HTML Forms date item,
or at least does not have a date picker to go with it.
So it seems I would have to use Chrome on my laptop,
which is annoying but not fatal.

Also it seems that CentOS does not support WebSQL.
Is there an alternative that serves the same purpose.

Any suggestions or advice gratefully received.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Two WiFi routers

2015-11-05 Thread Timothy Murphy
Gordon Messmer wrote:

> As a point of clarification: The setup that you're describing isn't
> multiple WiFi routers, it's multiple WiFi Access Points.

Thanks for your response, and for all the others.
I am indeed using the two routers as Access Points,
turning off dhcp on them, etc.

I did actually try what has been suggested,
but it didn't seem to work,
which made me wonder if it was possible in principle.

However, I almost certainly made some mistake setting up
the second router/AP, which is actually an ancient Netopia router
from my ISP, whose manual says it can be used as an AP.
I see it with "arp -a" on my server,
but I've now noticed I don't see it on my Android phone,
or with "iwlist scan" on my laptop.

Apologies, I don't think this router/AP is working ...

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Two WiFi routers

2015-11-04 Thread Timothy Murphy
Richard Zimmerman wrote:

>> Do you have them on different channels?
> YES, definitely If you have the room in the spectrum, ch1, skip2, ch3,
> skip 4, ch5, etc... I've actually have mine set with two empty channels
> between them as the 3rd building is a machine / fabrication shop with lots
> and lots of RFI going on.

So does a client laptop have to change NM setup
if passing from one router to another?

I wonder if one can specify a routers IP address to NM ?

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Two WiFi routers

2015-11-04 Thread Timothy Murphy
Richard Zimmerman wrote:

> I've got a 3 building network...
> Buildings 1/2 between then have 3 wireless routers all pointed to one
> CentOS server.
> The 3rd building across the WAN has 3 wireless routers all into one
> server...
> In my case They are for local LAN access so they are setup to pint to a
> single IP/gateway address...

Thanks for your response.
Do you have them on different channels?

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Two WiFi routers

2015-11-04 Thread Timothy Murphy
Can I have two WiFi routers on the same LAN
on my CentOS server?

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OT Strange IP address on home network

2015-11-01 Thread Timothy Murphy
John R Pierce wrote:

> On 11/1/2015 12:59 PM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
>> Again, I'm not sure what you mean.
>> "sudo locate rilo" doesn't find anything on my HP Microserver,
>> which is running under CentOS-7.1 .
>> Does HP have a "management interface" on my server?
>> What would it be called?
> the "gen0" original microservers with the NxxL "Neo" processors have a
> OPTIONAL remote management card that implments IPMI and iLO.   I don't
> have one in mine.
> here's someones blog about bringing his up.

Thanks for your comment, which led me to recall that
when I started up my two HP Microservers almost 5 years ago
under CentOS-5.5/KDE, I did look at the Remote Access Card.
But I found that after installing an Intel PCIe Ethernet card
there was no room in the rather crowded server for a second PCIe card.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OT Strange IP address on home network

2015-11-01 Thread Timothy Murphy
zep wrote:

>> Incidentally, I haven't yet worked out how to get any useful information
>> from nmap, as suggested by Johnny Hughes - I only get information
>> about open ports, which is interesting but not relevant to my query
>> about the 169.254.* address appearing in "arp -a" on my server.
>> I looked at "man nmap" but there seem to be an infinity of options.

> assuming nmap says there's a web server running, can you connect to
> it?   

Thank you for your response.
However, you would probably have to give specific commands
for me to understand your suggestions.

There is a web server running on my home server "helen" at
which I can access with Firefox or Chrome by browsing to "helen".
(The server is accessible remotely at .)
How do you suggest I use nmap to find if there is a web server running?
"sudo nmap -v -sn" tells me
  Nmap scan report for helen (
  Host is up (0.0037s latency).
  MAC Address: 00:1B:21:9F:36:DB (Intel Corporate)
but I already knew that from "arp -a".

> how did you run nmap against it?   I'd think you would have to
> create a dummy interface on the same network range to be able to
> communicate to it.

I'm not sure what that means.

> I suspect something like a service
> processor/ilo/rilo/whatever HP calls their management interface.
> could you have powered the machine up first then waited a little while
> before putting network cables in, esp in the one labeled 'mgmt'?

Again, I'm not sure what you mean.
"sudo locate rilo" doesn't find anything on my HP Microserver,
which is running under CentOS-7.1 .
Does HP have a "management interface" on my server?
What would it be called?

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OT Strange IP address on home network

2015-11-01 Thread Timothy Murphy
ken wrote:

> On 10/30/2015 09:01 AM, Timothy Murphy wrote:

>>>> So I guess the strange IP address probably comes from some Lite-On
>>>> device somewhere in my house - maybe on the server itself, an HP
>>>> MicroServer. There are so many possible electronic culprits today.
>>> You should be able to use nmap to scan the device.
>> Thanks very much for the suggestion, I'll try that.

> Try putting this line
> in the relevant config file, probably something like
> /etc/sysconfig/networking/devices/ifcfg-eth?
> then restart your network.

I don't have a directory /etc/sysconfig/networking/ on my CentOS-7 server,
but I have IPV6INIT=no in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp{23}s0 .

Incidentally, I haven't yet worked out how to get any useful information
from nmap, as suggested by Johnny Hughes - I only get information
about open ports, which is interesting but not relevant to my query
about the 169.254.* address appearing in "arp -a" on my server.
I looked at "man nmap" but there seem to be an infinity of options.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OT Strange IP address on home network

2015-10-30 Thread Timothy Murphy
Johnny Hughes wrote:

>> So I guess the strange IP address probably comes from some Lite-On device
>> somewhere in my house - maybe on the server itself, an HP MicroServer.
>> There are so many possible electronic culprits today.

> You should be able to use nmap to scan the device.

Thanks very much for the suggestion, I'll try that.

I've been surprised how much information I get from iptraf-ng,
which I only discovered recently.
I knew about "arp -a", but I'm told I should be using "ip neigh".
However, that doesn't give the name of each device on the network
(if known), as arp does.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OT Strange IP address on home network

2015-10-29 Thread Timothy Murphy
John R Pierce wrote:

>> So I guess the strange IP address probably comes from some Lite-On device
>> somewhere in my house - maybe on the server itself, an HP MicroServer.

> My HP Microserver N40L (the original version), the NIC is Broadcom,
> 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5723
> Gigabit Ethernet PCIe (rev 10)
> and its MAC is A0:B3:CC:xx:xx:xx

I have the same Broadcom controller in my MicroServer,
but there is a second Intel 82574L ethernet controller in the machine,
which could conceivably be the culprit.

What I don't really understand is why the dhcpd server
on my CentOS machine does not give this device a proper address.
(There are lots of spare 192.168.2.* slots.)

As far as I can see from iptraf-ng,
no packets are currently coming or going from this 169.254.* address,
which I see from google is a "link-local" address.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OT Strange IP address on home network

2015-10-28 Thread Timothy Murphy
Mark Haney wrote:

>> On 10/28/2015 9:04 AM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
>>> Why does "arp -a" show IP address
>>> on my home network?

> Sounds like you have a host with a NIC that's configured for DHCP but
> either can't communicate with the DHCP server, or there are no free IPs
> for the DHCP server to give it.
>> On 10/28/2015 9:04 AM, Timothy Murphy wrote:

Thanks for your response.
I should have said I'm running CentOS-7.1 on my home server.
Also the actual "arp -a" entry on the server is
  ( at 30:10:b3:2e:cb:ff

I see that 30:10:b3 is assigned to Lite-On (or Liteon)
which is a Taiwan company, who sell network cards among other things.
And I find when I google to "liteon wifi network"
that there are many queries (and complaints) about mysterious links
involving liteon devices.

So I guess the strange IP address probably comes from some Lite-On device
somewhere in my house - maybe on the server itself, an HP MicroServer.
There are so many possible electronic culprits today.


Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] OT Strange IP address on home network

2015-10-28 Thread Timothy Murphy
Why does "arp -a" show IP address
on my home network?
I recall seeing this IP address somewhere,
but don't remember where.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Exists some problem with cronjobs under CentOS7

2015-10-13 Thread Timothy Murphy
John Hodrien wrote:

> On Tue, 13 Oct 2015, C. L. Martinez wrote:
>> Nop, because binary logs (using journalctl) are disabled in this host
>> ... But under /var/log/messages, there is no error ...
> Might it be an idea to *not* disable logging?

More to the point, perhaps, is there any way
of recovering the entries that used to be in /var/log/ eg maillog?
Does "journalctl -u sendmail" give exactly the same information?
And what exactly is the status of syslog now?

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] httpd userdir problem

2015-09-28 Thread Timothy Murphy
Tony Mountifield wrote:

>> I'm running httpd-2.4.6-31.el7.centos.1.x86_64
>> under CentOS-7 (kernel 3.10.0-229.14.1.el7.x86_64).
>> I cannot get the httpd userdir facility working;
>> when I try to access localhost/Menloe I get the message
>> "You don't have permission to access /Menloe on this server."

> You need to include your username in the URL, otherwise it doesn't know
> whose public_html directory to look for. The username must be preceded
> by a tilde, for example:
> http://localhost/~timothy/Menloe

Yes, thanks, I discovered that later.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Is this a bug in CentOS-7 BackupPC?

2015-09-27 Thread Timothy Murphy
Jonathan Billings wrote:

> On Sat, Sep 26, 2015 at 08:12:40PM +0100, Timothy Murphy wrote:
>> I don't really understand this.
>> The perl script wants to create /var/run/BackupPC/BackupPC.sock
>> which it seems it cannot do unless /var/run/BackupPC/ exists.
>> If as you say this disappears on re-booting,
>> I don't see how this program could work.

> The contents of the /etc/tmpfiles.d/BackupPC.conf file looks like
> this:
> D /var/run/BackupPC 0775 root backuppc -
> If you create that file, you'll get the /var/run/BackupPC file when
> you start up.  I suggest filing a bug against the EPEL package if you
> want to get it fixed there.

Thanks very much for the explanation and suggestion.
I've created that file, and will see what happens next time I re-boot.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Is this a bug in CentOS-7 BackupPC?

2015-09-26 Thread Timothy Murphy
Fabian Arrotin wrote:

>> This message occurs in the Perl script
>> /usr/share/BackupPC/bin/BackupPC :
>> my $sockFile = "/var/run/BackupPC/BackupPC.sock";
>> unlink($sockFile); if ( !bind(SERVER_UNIX, sockaddr_un($sockFile))
>> ) { print(LOG $bpc->timeStamp, "unix bind() failed: $!\n");
>> exit(1); }
>> As far as I can see (I'm no guru) this is trying to open a unix
>> socket with the name /var/run/BackupPC/BackupPC.sock .
>> There is no directory /var/run/BackupPC/ on my server. When I
>> create this, setting backuppc.apache as owner, and run "sudo
>> systemctl restart backuppc" I see in /var/log/BackupPC/LOG that
>> BackupPC has (at long last) started
> Seems a packaging issue ? From where is your rpm for backuppc coming ?

>From epel .

> /var/run on EL7 is in fact pointing to /run , which is tmpfs, so
> packages aren't supposed to drop something there directly, or that
> will be gone anyway next time your restart the machine.
> Workaround for those not-yet-fixed-for-systemd-packages : man
> tmpfiles.d (that will create/maintain those)

I don't really understand this.
The perl script wants to create /var/run/BackupPC/BackupPC.sock
which it seems it cannot do unless /var/run/BackupPC/ exists.
If as you say this disappears on re-booting,
I don't see how this program could work.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Is this a bug in CentOS-7 BackupPC?

2015-09-26 Thread Timothy Murphy
When I try to start BackupPC with "sudo systemctl restart backuppc"
on my CentOS-7 server (running kernel 3.10.0-229.14.1.el7.x86_64)
I get the following error in /var/log/BackupPC/LOG

  2015-09-26 13:58:14 Reading hosts file
  2015-09-26 13:58:14 unix bind() failed: No such file or directory

This message occurs in the Perl script /usr/share/BackupPC/bin/BackupPC :

  my $sockFile = "/var/run/BackupPC/BackupPC.sock";
  if ( !bind(SERVER_UNIX, sockaddr_un($sockFile)) ) {
print(LOG $bpc->timeStamp, "unix bind() failed: $!\n");

As far as I can see (I'm no guru) this is trying to open a unix socket 
with the name /var/run/BackupPC/BackupPC.sock .

There is no directory /var/run/BackupPC/ on my server.
When I create this, setting backuppc.apache as owner,
and run "sudo systemctl restart backuppc"
I see in /var/log/BackupPC/LOG that BackupPC has (at long last) started

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] httpd userdir problem

2015-09-25 Thread Timothy Murphy
Tony Schreiner wrote:

> also if selinux is enabled, the boolean httpd_enable_homedirs should be
> set

I have set SELINUX=permissive

>> > I'm running httpd-2.4.6-31.el7.centos.1.x86_64
>> > under CentOS-7 (kernel 3.10.0-229.14.1.el7.x86_64).
>> >
>> > I cannot get the httpd userdir facility working;
>> > when I try to access localhost/Menloe I get the message
>> > "You don't have permission to access /Menloe on this server."

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] httpd userdir problem

2015-09-25 Thread Timothy Murphy
Richard Mann wrote:

> Look in /etc/httpd/conf.d/  for userdir.conf.

Here is my userdir.conf

# UserDir is disabled by default since it can confirm the presence
# of a username on the system (depending on home directory
# permissions).
#.#UserDir disabled

# To enable requests to /~user/ to serve the user's public_html
# directory, remove the "UserDir disabled" line above, and uncomment
# the following line instead:
UserDir public_html

# Control access to UserDir directories.  The following is an example
# for a site where these directories are restricted to read-only.

#.#AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit Indexes
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
Options MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch IncludesNoExec
Require method GET POST OPTIONS


>> I'm running httpd-2.4.6-31.el7.centos.1.x86_64
>> under CentOS-7 (kernel 3.10.0-229.14.1.el7.x86_64).
>> I cannot get the httpd userdir facility working;
>> when I try to access localhost/Menloe I get the message
>> "You don't have permission to access /Menloe on this server."

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] httpd userdir problem

2015-09-25 Thread Timothy Murphy
Timothy Murphy wrote:

> I'm running httpd-2.4.6-31.el7.centos.1.x86_64
> under CentOS-7 (kernel 3.10.0-229.14.1.el7.x86_64).
> I cannot get the httpd userdir facility working;
> when I try to access localhost/Menloe I get the message
> "You don't have permission to access /Menloe on this server."

Incidentally, httpd -l returns
Compiled in modules:

But when I add
  LoadModule userdir_module modules/
to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and restart httpd I get the message
"AH01574: module userdir_module is already loaded, skipping"

I notice that under Apache 2.2 there were a dozen or more
LoadModule commands in httpd.conf
but they no longer appear there in Apache 2.4 .

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] httpd userdir problem

2015-09-25 Thread Timothy Murphy
I'm running httpd-2.4.6-31.el7.centos.1.x86_64
under CentOS-7 (kernel 3.10.0-229.14.1.el7.x86_64).

I cannot get the httpd userdir facility working;
when I try to access localhost/Menloe I get the message
"You don't have permission to access /Menloe on this server."

I see in /var/log/httpd/error_log
"Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible:
while in /var/log/httpd/access_log I see
"GET /Menloe HTTP/1.1" 403 208

In /etc/httpd/conf.d/userdir.conf I have
UserDir public_html

AllowOverride All
Require all granted
Options MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch IncludesNoExec
Require method GET POST OPTIONS

The directory ~/public_html/Menloe/ is owned by me,
and has permissions drwxr-xr-x.

I wonder if anyone has met this problem?
Or if anyone is using the apache userdir facility in CentOS 7?

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Setting up BackupPC on CentOS-7

2015-09-20 Thread Timothy Murphy
I'd be interested in any corrections or comments 
on the following instructions (basically for myself):

We assume that BackupPC has been installed:
  sudo yum install BackupPC

1. BackupPC must be run by the user backuppc.
Accordingly the lines
  User apache
  Group apache
in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf should be changed to
  User backuppc
  Group backuppc

2. The user backuppc must be able to ssh to root (to run rsync),
since only root can access all the files on the system.
This is slightly complicated because backuppc has no default shell.
  $ su
  # su -s /bin/sh backuppc
  sh-4.1$ cd
  sh-4.1$ ssh-keygen
  Generating public/private rsa key pair.
  sh-4.1$ cd .ssh
  sh-4.1$ cp /tmp
  sh-4.1$ exit
  # cd
  # ls .ssh
If .ssh exists and contains id_rsa and ignore the next command
  # ssh-keygen
  Generating public/private rsa key pair.
  # cd .ssh
  # cat /tmp/ >> authorized_keys
  # su -s /bin/sh backuppc
  sh-4.1$ ssh -l root helen
helen is the name of my server - substitute the correct name or IP address
  # exit
  sh-4.1$ exit

3. We must setup the graphic interface to BackupPC,
since it is more or less impossible to administer BackupPC otherwise.
I want to configure BackupPC from my laptop.
My laptop and server are on the same network
  # vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/BackupPC.conf
Firstly, after the line
  allow from
  allow from
(giving the IP address of your network in place of
Secondly, change the line
  Require local
  Require ip

4. Give backuppc and yourself passwords to access BackupPC
  # htpasswd -c /etc/BackupPC/apache.users backuppc
  # htpasswd -c /etc/BackupPC/apache.users yourusername
  # exit

5. Ensure that all BackupPC files are owned by backuppc.apache
  # chown -R backuppc.apache /etc/BackupPC /etc/httpd/conf.d/BackupPC.conf 

6. Restart BackupPC and apache
  # systemctl restart backuppc
  # systemctl restart httpd

7. Now see if you can access BackupPC on your server:
  Browse to http://localhost/backuppc
If this succeeds give username backuppc and the password you chose for 
yourself above

8. Now try the same on your laptop:
  Browse to http://helen/backuppc
(substituting your server's name or IP address for "helen").
Again give username backuppc and the password you chose for yourself above.

9. Returning to the server,
  # cd /etc/BackupPC
  # vi hosts
I appended the line
  helen 0 backuppc
to this file - you can choose any name here in place of helen
it does not have to be the name of your server.

10. Now browse again to BackupPC, on laptop or server.
Where it says "Select a host" give the name you just chose.
Click on "Edit Config" and then on "Xfer"
and in the RsyncShareName line add the directory or directories 
on your server that you want to backup, and then click on Save.
(I chose /Photos, /common/tim and /var/www, 
but of course this is entirely up to you.)
Click on "helen Home" (substituting the name you chose above),
and press "Start full backup".

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] BackupPC is not easy to setup

2015-09-18 Thread Timothy Murphy
Bowie Bailey wrote:

> On 9/18/2015 8:39 AM, Timothy Murphy wrote:

>> Incidentally, I've been running BackupPC on my CentOS-7 server
> The GUI config editor is just an alternative to hand editing.  It uses
> the exact same files.
> Keep in mind that the config files are stored separately from the
> backups.  On my system, the backups are under /data/BackupPC and the
> config files are under /etc/BackupPC.

You are quite right.
The info about directories to backup is in the file
/etc/BackupPC/pc/ .
I had been looking for a file called config.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] BackupPC is not easy to setup

2015-09-18 Thread Timothy Murphy
Bowie Bailey wrote:

> On 9/13/2015 10:58 AM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
>> I take it then that there is no CLI method
>> of setting up and running BackupPC ?
> Sure there is.  All of the configuration is stored in text config
> files.  There is a main config file for global options and each host has
> a config file in it's own directory.

Yes, it was pointed out to me that there are instructions in
in Step-7:-Talking-to-BackupPC.
I note that these instructions end by advising the user not to follow them,
but to set up the GUI method.

Incidentally, I've been running BackupPC on my CentOS-7 server
for about a week now, and I notice that no config file is created
in /var/lib/BackupPC/pc/helen, where helen is the host-name.
It seems the GUI method stores the config file somewhere else.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Periodic speed test

2015-09-17 Thread Timothy Murphy
Fabian Arrotin wrote:

>> I'm wondering if anyone has developed a version to run the speed
>> test at regular intervals, say every 6 hours, and record the
>> results in a simple database or just a file?

> I like speedtest-cli, and use it (through crontab) with speedtest-cli
> - --simple then parse the output.
> - From that point you can put it everywhere you want (file, db,
> zabbix-sender, etc)

Thanks for your response.
I'm sure that is the simplest thing to do.
I hadn't noticed that /usr/bin/speedtest
calls speedtest-cli to do the work.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Periodic speed test

2015-09-17 Thread Timothy Murphy
I run the speedtest from <>
quite often, and find it very reliable.

I'm wondering if anyone has developed a version
to run the speed test at regular intervals, say every 6 hours,
and record the results in a simple database or just a file?

I imagine it would be a fairly easy task to modify the Python code
to do this, but it would be even easier if someone has already done it!

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] BackupPC is not easy to setup

2015-09-15 Thread Timothy Murphy wrote:

>>> 2. The graphical interface seems to be treated as an extra,
>>> but what other way is there of accessing BackupPC?
>>> Is there a CLI approach?
>>> If so, where is the list of transfer requests kept?

> 2. You can do all operations through CLI, all of it is mentioned in the
> documentation.

Thank you for your response.
However, I don't believe this short section gives sufficient information
to configure and run BackupPC.
Basically, it just gives a way of finding out what is happening
while BackupPC is running.
(Also it finishes by advising you to use the GUI instead.)

For example, what command would you give to tell BackupPC
that you want to back up /var/www (to choose a directory at random)?

> 3. As mentioned earlier, this is just the default apache config. And can
> be altered through httpd.conf (though I wouldn't mess too much with it,
> the defaults are normally fine).

I don't think that is true.
The simplest way to configure BackupPC is to run it with user backuppc, 
by changing "User apache" to "User backuppc" in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf .

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] BackupPC is not easy to setup

2015-09-13 Thread Timothy Murphy
Ulf Volmer wrote:

Thanks for your response, which clarifies matters for me.

>> I have a couple of questions that this raises.

>> 1. Why exactly does backuppc want to ssh to root?

> To enable access to all of the files on the client.

>> Is this just a way of running BackupPC as root?

> Why do you want this? It's not required to run backuppc as user root.

I don't want (or not want) to do this.
I was asking the reason for ssh-ing from backuppc to root.
I don't recall any other application taking this route ?

>> 2. The graphical interface seems to be treated as an extra,
>> but what other way is there of accessing BackupPC?
>> Is there a CLI approach?

> There are some CLI applications available, BackupPC_tarCreate for
> example to restore file from the command line.

I take it then that there is no CLI method 
of setting up and running BackupPC ?

Incidentally, I don't recall ever changing the user and group
under which BackupPC is to run when setting up BackupPC under CentOS-6.
Maybe this was done automatically during the CentOS installation
of this program?
(I certainly never used suexec explicitly.)

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] BackupPC is not easy to setup

2015-09-13 Thread Timothy Murphy
Timothy Murphy wrote:

> I thought I'd write a 1-page note to myself of the steps I took,
> in preparation for CentOS-8...
> I have a couple of questions that this raises.
> 1. Why exactly does backuppc want to ssh to root?
> Is this just a way of running BackupPC as root?
> 2. The graphical interface seems to be treated as an extra,
> but what other way is there of accessing BackupPC?
> Is there a CLI approach?
> If so, where is the list of transfer requests kept?

Another small query.
I see that BackupPC starts 6 copies of httpd running,
but so far only 2 have ever been used.
Can this number (6) be changed?

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] BackupPC is not easy to setup

2015-09-13 Thread Timothy Murphy
I finally got BackupPC working under Centos-7.1
after several hours of pain.
I had been running it for several years under CentOS-6,
and probably CentOS-5, but there seem to me
to have been several new issues that arise with CentOS-7.

In my experience, the official documentation on this,
is more or less useless unless you have a very long time to spend.
It suffers from the usual Linux disease of having
inordinately long explanations of everything
with no examples of the actual commands a real person has to give.

The explanation in <>
(which I only found later) is much better, 
though it starts with the warning
"This page is no longer maintained, having been abandoned on 2009-09-17".

I thought I'd write a 1-page note to myself of the steps I took,
in preparation for CentOS-8...
I have a couple of questions that this raises.

1. Why exactly does backuppc want to ssh to root?
Is this just a way of running BackupPC as root?

2. The graphical interface seems to be treated as an extra,
but what other way is there of accessing BackupPC?
Is there a CLI approach?
If so, where is the list of transfer requests kept?

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] BackupPC problem - wrong user

2015-09-09 Thread Timothy Murphy
anax wrote:

> On 2015-09-08 12:18, Timothy Murphy wrote:
>> I recently moved BackupPC from CentOS-6 to CentOS-7.
>> But when I browse to localhost/BackupPC I'm told
>>Error: Wrong user: my userid is 48[apache], instead of 984(backuppc)
>> As far as I can tell, the BackupPC settings are exactly the same
>> as they were before the move.
>> It seems htttpd is running the program as user apache
>> rather than backuppc, as required.
>> Is there a simple setting in /etc/httpd/ that will tell httpd
>> to run as a different user?

> Hi Tim
> if you try with suexec?

Thanks for the suggestion.
I had actually seen suexec mentioned,
but on looking for a simple example of suexec in action
I could only find ones referring to CGI scripts.

I found the official document <>
extraordinarily complicated, and it was not clear if this program
can actually be applied to BackupPC, since it refers throughout to CGI.

I guess I'll start by changing
  User apache
  Group apache
in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
and then later see if I can make sense of suexec .

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] BackupPC problem - wrong user

2015-09-08 Thread Timothy Murphy
I recently moved BackupPC from CentOS-6 to CentOS-7.
But when I browse to localhost/BackupPC I'm told
  Error: Wrong user: my userid is 48[apache], instead of 984(backuppc)

As far as I can tell, the BackupPC settings are exactly the same
as they were before the move.

It seems htttpd is running the program as user apache
rather than backuppc, as required.
Is there a simple setting in /etc/httpd/ that will tell httpd
to run as a different user?

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] why I use chrome on CentOS

2015-09-03 Thread Timothy Murphy
isdtor wrote:

>> I don't like Chrome but I can understand your need to use it.
> Chrome, and Chromium, too, spies on users' web habits behind their back.

A bit OT, but chrome is the only way to use chromecast 
under Fedora or Windows, as far as I know.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Fedora change that will probably affect RHEL

2015-07-29 Thread Timothy Murphy
Chris Murphy wrote:

>>> No, I am making the assumption that the vast majority of CentOS installs
>>> are racked up in datacenters, VPS hosts, etc.

>> Is that true, I wonder?
>> For some reason Fedora and CentOS seem reluctant to find out anything
>> about their users (or what their users want).

> This is confusing. I think it's overwhelmingly, abundantly clear that
> Fedora care about their users and are listening. CentOS cares with a
> hard and fast upper limit which is binary compatibility with RHEL. So
> if you want to change CentOS behavior you'd have to buy into RHEL and
> convince Red Hat, and then it'd trickle down to CentOS.

You (and others) are misunderstanding my off-the-cuff remark.
It was purely an observation about the lack of statistics.
I rarely if ever see a statement of the kind
  "Among Fedora users 37% use KDE and 42% Gnome".
Or (after the remark I was responding to)
  "83% of CentOS machines are in datacenters, and 7% are home-servers".
(Or "x% of Fedora users have turned SELinux to permissive".)

I'm not saying that Fedora or CentOS should work on democratic principles.
I welcome Johnny Hughes unambiguous statement that CentOS follows RHEL.
This saves a lot of time arguing about things that cannot be changed.

But I hold the (old-fashioned?) view that before expressing an opinion
one should get the facts.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Fedora change that will probably affect RHEL

2015-07-28 Thread Timothy Murphy
Warren Young wrote:

> No, I am making the assumption that the vast majority of CentOS installs
> are racked up in datacenters, VPS hosts, etc. 

Is that true, I wonder?
For some reason Fedora and CentOS seem reluctant to find out anything
about their users (or what their users want).

Is anything known about the ratio of RHEL to CentOS machines?

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] USB stick query

2015-07-07 Thread Timothy Murphy
Chris Murphy wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 5, 2015 at 4:43 PM, Timothy Murphy
>  wrote:
>> Gordon Messmer wrote:
>>> On 07/03/2015 03:43 AM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
>>>> I've tried this again, and it does not seem to work.
>>>> Have you actually tried it?
>>> I don't have a CentOS system here that I can reboot readily.  And it
>>> occurs to me that if I did, I didn't ask if your system boots via BIOS
>>> or UEFI.
>> Thanks for your response.
>> It boots via BIOS, and in fact boots into CentOS-7/KDE on a USB stick
>> (that is how I installed CentOS-7), and into Fedora-21/KDE on a stick.
>> But it doesn't boot back into the CentOS-7 system that is normally
>> running if I say "sudo grub2-install /dev/sdc" (the USB stick is sdc).
>> It just comes up with the repeated "-",
>> which I take to mean it has found the boot-loader on the USB stick,
>> but has not found the kernel on /dev/sda6.

I have to confess that on using another USB stick,
re-formating it under Windows-7, creating partitions with fdisk,
and running "sudo grub2-install /dev/sdc",
the USB stick did boot my CentOS-7 machine into its usual system.

I checked the first 4 x 512 bytes on the two sticks,
and they did differ in the first 512 bytes,
but I haven't analyzed the difference.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] USB stick query

2015-07-05 Thread Timothy Murphy
Gordon Messmer wrote:

> On 07/03/2015 03:43 AM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
>> I've tried this again, and it does not seem to work.
>> Have you actually tried it?

> I don't have a CentOS system here that I can reboot readily.  And it
> occurs to me that if I did, I didn't ask if your system boots via BIOS
> or UEFI.

Thanks for your response.
It boots via BIOS, and in fact boots into CentOS-7/KDE on a USB stick
(that is how I installed CentOS-7), and into Fedora-21/KDE on a stick.

But it doesn't boot back into the CentOS-7 system that is normally running
if I say "sudo grub2-install /dev/sdc" (the USB stick is sdc).
It just comes up with the repeated "-",
which I take to mean it has found the boot-loader on the USB stick,
but has not found the kernel on /dev/sda6.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] USB stick query

2015-07-03 Thread Timothy Murphy
Gordon Messmer wrote:

> On 07/01/2015 06:02 AM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
>> I also tried "sudo grub2-install /dev/sdb"
>> but for some reason this did not do the trick.
> That should place a boot loader on sdb that will boot the system. What
> behavior did you observe when you tried to boot from that USB drive?

I've tried this again, and it does not seem to work.
Have you actually tried it?

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] dual-booting <- Re: installing Cents os server 7.0

2015-07-03 Thread Timothy Murphy
Chris Murphy wrote:

>  Supporting dual boot means ability to boot both installed OS's upon
> completion of installing the second. This doesn't happen when the first OS
> is Linux using LVM, or Windows, or OS X.

In that case, wouldn't it be more precise to say: CentOS-7 doesn't support
dual boot if you are using LVM?
It seems to me to work reasonably well with ext4.
Does it work with LVM if you have a separate ext4 /boot partition?

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] USB stick query

2015-07-01 Thread Timothy Murphy
Gordon Messmer wrote:

>> I also tried "sudo grub2-install /dev/sdb"
>> but for some reason this did not do the trick.
> That should place a boot loader on sdb that will boot the system. What
> behavior did you observe when you tried to boot from that USB drive?

The dreaded recurrent "-".

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] USB stick query

2015-07-01 Thread Timothy Murphy
I have a working CentOS-7 machine.
I want to install grub2 on a USB stick
(without altering my present system in any way)
so that I can boot the present system from the USB stick.

Could some kind (and expert) soul explain precisely what to do.

If it were possible to boot other systems on the computer as well
that would be an added bonus.

I did google for this, but all the sites I saw
wanted to do more than I am asking.
I also tried "sudo grub2-install /dev/sdb"
but for some reason this did not do the trick.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] /boot on a separate partition?

2015-06-23 Thread Timothy Murphy
Do most people today have /boot on a separate partition,
or do they (you) have it on the / partition ?

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] OT Advantage of running DNS server?

2015-06-22 Thread Timothy Murphy
What is the advantage, if any, of running one's own DNS server?
Surely the link between domain name and IP address
must already have been established?

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Two partitions with samd UUID??

2015-06-14 Thread Timothy Murphy
I seem to have partitions on two different disks
with the same UUID:
  [tim@helen ~]$ sudo blkid /dev/sda2
  /dev/sda2: LABEL="/boot1" UUID="5bbc8e95-6108-41f5-bc0e-5b5f8df5ce03"
  [tim@helen ~]$ sudo blkid /dev/sdb2
  /dev/sdb2: LABEL="/boot1" UUID="5bbc8e95-6108-41f5-bc0e-5b5f8df5ce03"
This is causing some confusion, as these are boot partitions,
and grub2 seems to be choosing the wrong one.

I wonder how this occurred;
I thought different partitions on different disks
necessarily had different UUIDs?

Maybe I used dd at some point.
Would this keep the same UUID?

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Spamassassin: last step

2015-06-08 Thread Timothy Murphy
I'm running CentOS-7 on my home server, 
and have setup postfix + dovecot + spamassassin.
Everything seems to be working fine,
except that while spam is being marked as ***Spam***,
it is ending up in ~/Maildir/cur/ .

I'd like to divert it to ~/Maildir/.Spam/ 
(where I can examine it with sa-learn).
What is the simplest way to do this?

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dubli

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] What has happened to the CentOS logo?

2015-06-03 Thread Timothy Murphy
Mike - st257 wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 6:11 AM, Timothy Murphy
>  wrote:
>> Has the CentOS logo disappeared from CentOS-7?
> You are referring to Plymouth splash screen while booting.
>> I thought the logo in CentOS-6 was very pleasant.

The fact remains that booting was attractive, and now it isn't.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] What has happened to the CentOS logo?

2015-06-03 Thread Timothy Murphy
Has the CentOS logo disappeared from CentOS-7?
I thought the logo in CentOS-6 was very pleasant.
Also I liked the way in which one increasing circle inside another
showed how the boot was progressing.
The dots going round and round in Microsoft fashion in CentOS-7
is a retrograde step, I think.
One always has the fear it might continue forever.

Timothy Murphy  
gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin

CentOS mailing list

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