Re: [CentOS] Live CD problems

2010-06-30 Thread Trevor Benson
Instead of unmounting the partition try using 'mount -o rw,remount ', I 
dont use the live CD much, but unless you screwup the rw, remount, or the path 
to the mounted partition it should either remount the partition properly or 
error that you didnt point to the correct path.  I have rarely had issues with 
remount so it sounds like it would get around your issue.

Trevor Benson
dCAP, LPIC-1, CLA, Network+, MCP, CNA
A1 Networks - Network Engineer
DID (707)703-1041
FAX (707)703-1983

On Jun 30, 2010, at 4:43 PM, drew einhorn wrote:

 I'm trying to repair a remote system using the Live CD.
 I have VPN access to the subnet where it lives.
 An onsite person is booting from cd, and running a small script I 
 provided to tweak the default firewall rule set to allow incoming ssh,
 and set a password for the centos user and start sshd
 so far so good I can remotely access the system.
 the problem is the live cd environment is very fragile.
 I need to rebuild the contents of a couple filesystems,
 so I need to umount them and remount them rw.
 If I make a mistake in a mount command instead of giving
 an error message and letting me try again.  The system
 freezes and any other ssh session freezes, ahnd will not
 accept any more incoming ssh connections. the only way
 I have found to recover is have the onsite person reboot
 from cd and rerun the script allowing incoming ssh again.
 Hmm.  I should try to talk the onsite person through trying
 something else from the console.
 Argghhh!!! This is more than just an annoyance.
 Drew Einhorn
 You can see a lot by just looking. 
  --  Yogi Berra
 CentOS mailing list

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Re: [CentOS] Anyone got Diskless BOOT working under CentOS ???

2009-01-06 Thread TREVOR BENSON

On Jan 5, 2009, at 11:02 PM, wrote:

 Im trying to get a diskless boot set up under CentOS 5.2, and having  
 no luck
 at all.

 I am to the point of running system-config-netboot, and whatever  
 I put in, I get an error message.

 Responding to the 2nd button on the first popup, which asks for NFS  
 I put in the IP address of the current machine (the machine that  
 will hold
 the boot images for the diskless machine) and the root directory for  
 diskless machine, viz


 Which has a copy of my root file system, and in particular has a /boot
 subdirectory.  When hitting FORWARD, I get the error message:

   The diskless subdirectory must be NFS exported  
   and contain a boot subdirectory.

 Now Ive checked, vsftpd is running, nfs is running, and the above  
 (and others) are in the /etc/exports file.

 I did this several years ago under Fedora, and dont remember having  
 like this.  Has ANYONE done this recently, and do you remember what  
 you had
 to do???  I would REALLY like to exchange some e-mail with you.
 It would be nice if there was an example somewhere.


 CentOS mailing list

I remember getting something similar when the file and directory  
permissions were not set properly (and/or export permissions).  So  
even when the boot directory exists, correct permissions to view or  
use it were not set properly.  I didnt track down any information  
regarding the exact settings required for diskless boot, however when  
I copied the nfs export to a new export and chmod to world readable,  
then i got past the gui errors.  I stepped back, adjusted the boot and  
then got the diskless client booting, however there were a few other  
things regarding permissions, home directories, and whatnot that also  
caused failure to boot, or get x started.  Ill check out the wiki and  
see if anyone posted the information for file permissions, would be  
nice to get this going again.'

CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] monitor invidiual client (PC) network traffic to server?

2009-01-06 Thread Trevor Benson

On Jan 6, 2009, at 6:31 AM, mcclnx mcc wrote:

 We have DELL servers with CENTOS 3 and 4 installed. Application is  
 client/server type.

 Does there has way monitor invidual client (PC) network traffic to  

I would suggest either

A) Run tcpdump from the server with a filter to only examine the  
packets from or to the client.  The server is already receiving these  
packets, so now its just logging them.  Take a bit of disk I/O, but  
usually not a big deal unless this is a database server or file server  
and it slows down file access.  Still usually moot unless DB or I/O  
intensive server.

B) Connect a laptop or workstation to a mirror port on your network  
switch, or whatever your vendor wants to call their 'bridged',  
'administrative' port that receives traffic for all ports.  If you  
have a hub ignore the port 'type' and just plugin.  Now run tcpdump  
again filtering everything but packets from that IP or MAC.

Afterwords you can take the file it creates and open it with wireshark  
to help you dig through it and figure out what was being sent back and  

Trevor Benson
A1 Networks
CentOS mailing list

RE: [CentOS] [OT] VPN/DMZ best practices

2008-08-14 Thread Trevor Benson
 There is such a wealth of knowledge and personal experience on this
 that I'd like to get your opinions on our current situation.
 Currently, we have a simple tri-homed firewall with the internal


 1.  What are your recommendations for where the vpn (openvpn on linux)
 appliance should reside?  In the dmz?  Internally and configure the
 firewall to allow (and nat) vpn connections?  On the unused interface
 a different dmz than our hosting software?  Somewhere else?

For basics regarding your environment if Linux is your firewall gateway 
appliance and you have multiple internal networks behind it, then openvpn on 
the gateway is the simplest most effective way to connect the networks.  Ssl 
vpn's can be behind network gateway devices, but then depending on the type of 
connection between sites (site to site or road warrior) you may need to 
configure additional routes on the gateway or each machine to return traffic.  
If its on the gateway for your networks then that box decides how to route it 
out properly.

 2.  Should I abandon the single firewall approach and instead use two
 firewalls in a more traditional setup (gateway firewall - dmz -
 internal firewall)?  If so, where should the vpn appliance go?

We do VPN's, Firewalls, and security for quite a few collocations and 
companies.  Rarely is a company so security conscious that they want multiple 
layers of firewalls, and the complexity that can bring to the environment.  
Usually those that do have the staff on hand to troubleshoot complex networks 
as they need to adjust things.  Not to say that this isn't done, many people 
do, but does your environment necessitate this level of security?  If not lets 
stick to the single device approach.

 I'll probably have more questions based on your answers and I look
 forward to the responses.  Thanks.
 CentOS mailing list
CentOS mailing list

RE: [CentOS] What is vibr0 Network interface and what is it used for

2008-08-14 Thread Trevor Benson
My first guess would be a Virtual Bridge 0 interface.  Did you decide to 
install Xen during the 5.2 installation?  If so then it would automatically 
start up its network bridge to connect your Xen Guests to your local network 
(if you mapped the Xen Guest interface to work on this bridge).


 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Ivan Varbanov
 Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2008 12:06 AM
 To: CentOS mailing list
 Subject: Re: [CentOS] What is vibr0 Network interface and what is it
 used for
 It comes from virtual bridge (if you use vm,xen ...).
 On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 7:54 AM, Lunix1618 [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:
 I have see that my machine have an interface that named virbr0. I have
 no idea what is it and what it using for ? I am not configured any IP
 address for it but I see it had an IP address and see it listed in
 firewall config.
 Can anyone give me an explanation about this or point me to a document
 that describe it ?
 My machine running CentOS 5.2 and do not have internet connection from
 the installation time.
 virbr0Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet
 addr: Bcast: Mask:
 inet6 addr: fe80::200:ff:fe00:0/64 Scope:Link
 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
 TX packets:35 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
 RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:9143 (8.9 KiB)
 CentOS mailing list
 __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
 signature database 2806 (20080118) __
 The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
CentOS mailing list

RE: [CentOS] What is vibr0 Network interface and what is it used for

2008-08-14 Thread Trevor Benson
Sorry missed the answer you provided the first time.

CentOS mailing list

RE: [CentOS] Announcing the CentOS on Laptops initiative

2007-12-05 Thread Trevor Benson
 Sadly, for now, you have to request access to be allowed to create or
 these pages. I hope in the future we will have a more liberal view wrt.
 the wiki.
 PS I created this structure for your X60 for now, I plan to add my own
 laptops soon (but it does not include a X60). If you can add your
 information to this existing page, I am sure this is very valuable for
 another X60 owner.

Can I get a Thinkpad R51 page setup if not already and access.  About to blow 
out the FC6 and load CentOS 5 since I have to finagle the wifi every so often.  
Figured document as I go lest I forget.

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