Re: [CentOS-docs] CentOS website/blog localization support for IT (italian...) language

2019-12-10 Thread Andy Tech
Hi all, still again here...

I'm doing some working to start the Italian translation job (build a
glossary and share some good rules to approach translation task)

I've analyzed the wiki software (MoinMoin) and found it extremely
useful and simple
and I'm trying to get in touch with the it-translator-team of that platform.

I've two questions :
1) Can you share the usage/mostly accessed page on the wiki (to choose
where to start from the translating job and also to check how many
pages are served from the /it/ sub roots)
2) Is there/can we access an svn/git repository to save/backup the
translated page (both shared with another language translator team or
specific to our use)

and also ...

Exactly what's
It seems to be a historical overview of what's happened in the CentOS
community from the beginning of 2017 until today ...

Can I also translate this? Perhaps starting from the beginning of 2019 posts...
I noted this page seems to be served and managed from a different
platform (

Again Happy hacking a tutti!


PS: Even any references, errors and related lessons learned by other
translators can help, so ... don't hesitate to give me suggestions and
useful tips
CentOS-docs mailing list

[CentOS-docs] CentOS website/blog localization support for IT (italian...) language

2019-12-09 Thread Andy Tech
Hi guys, greetings from Italy.

My name is Andrea Flori and I work in an IT company who give Linux
support to his customers

I am somehow involved with CentOS in the last 3 years (both for
private/personal use and work) and I think that time is arrived to
give some contribution to the project.

In the last 3 years, I am somehow involved with CentOS (both for
private/personal use and work) and I think that's time is arrived to
give some contribution to the project.

I haven't a super technician skill so I think that the best support I
can give now is to help translate the CentOS website/blog to Italian.

So why not to start from a good basepoint like this -> "Contribute to the Wiki"?
[ ]

And of course also the related ones ...

Like this :

Some translations, harder and complex, will come after a first
training period if I'll be able to survive to the extra job that this
task requires :-)

I'm talking about :

Some questions :
- There's some Italian guy on this list? Who wants to help me in this job?
- There's already some translation job started but not finished to
reuse / from which start from?
- What's the relationship (from the translation point of view) of the
website, the blog and the mailing-list? Blog and Website are on the
same web publishing platform?
- There's some dictionary with shared and clear key words? (Like using
"host" for "server", etc.) ?
- There're some guidelines about how to do the translation task?

I can't access this link... what's wrong? What's the purpose of this page?
[ ]

Happy hacking a tutti !
[ happy hacking to everybody ]

Andrea Flori

PS : I'll in Bruxelles next January @ FOSDEM 2020, so I'll try to meet
you at Dojo on Friday, 31-JAN (I'll arrive in the morning at the
airport, before midday on the Marriot hotel)
CentOS-docs mailing list

Re: [CentOS] fasttest mirror -doesnt seem to pick sites near my region

2009-08-22 Thread tech
Johnny Hughes wrote:

 What I get is unknown (with our current version).  When unknown, it
 passes a list of high bandwidth machines.
 I will get and build a newer version of the GeoIP database and see if I
 can get a better result.

I reported a problem like this much earlier.

I am in Hong Kong. Mirror selects .TW sites for me. BUT, although .TW is 
close the actual data transfer between there and here is very slow.  I 
learned almost 20 years ago not to do transfers from there.

I excluded all .TW sites in the .CONF file. This wasn't working so good. 
I noticed that almost all of the sites listed were .EDU.TW so I changed 
my exclusion to just the .EDU.TW sites. I now live with this exclusion.


CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Emergency rescue help needed

2009-02-03 Thread tech
John R Pierce wrote:
 all the BackUPs I've ever seen have been simple relay switched units.
 when the power is on,  you're getting unfiltered power (except for a MOV 
 based surge protector), when the power is out, it switches to the 
 modified square wave inverter output.


There are units that change the AC to DC. The DC then charges the 
batteries and gets changed back to AC for the equipment. These units are 
very expensive though.

The relay switching types, like you mentioned, have response delays. 
They can let transients through. These transients can cause weird PC 
problems. I know, I have one of these and still a lot of transients get 
through to my equipment. My local service is very unreliable. The power 
company uses a funny set of definitions about transients so that they 
can claim their power is good.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] CGI configuration - second post

2008-10-17 Thread tech
This is my second request for help with this problem. I have followed 
the suggestions given the first time and made some progress but I still 
have one final problem/question.

I have two CGI scripts that don't work. One is the standard Set-Cookie, 
examples can be found all over the net, that sets a cookie and prints 
Your cookie name is set. The other is an automatic installation script 
that comes from and is for installing their CGI 
shopping cart.

Both of these scripts are now located in /var/www/cgi-bin/ and the 
folder and the scripts are set to apache:apache 755. BTW a setting of 
root:root also fails exactly the same way.

If I run either of these scripts from a browser using it 
fails. If I run it from a browser using or it works.

I have tried using a one line index.shtml file with that one line being 
either !--#include virtual=/cgi-bin/install.cgi-- or !--#exec 
cgi=/cgi-bin/install.cgi-- and they both fail.

They do find and execute the script. The set cookie script prints the 
Your cookie name is set. message OK but the cookie is not sent to the 
browser. The install script loads the first HTML page ok but does not 
load the second page.

I had a friend-of-a-friend IT guy that I trust look at everything. He 
hasn't found anything obvious. If he tries to run either of these 
scripts from his computer, it works OK.

Can someone here help me understand why this is happening?


PS posts in other online places (as suggested here) did not get any replies.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: CGI configuration - second post

2008-10-17 Thread tech

 Ralph Angenendt wrote:

And next time you ask something please include *error* messages.


Sorry. I should have said that there is nothing in the error log. I have 
 entries in the access log but not the error log. I had one before but 
I did a complete format and re-install and it is gone.

Let me also say that SELinux is OFF.

ScriptAlias is set and I believe it is correct.

I have gone over httpd.conf carefully and had someone else look at it. 
The obvious things seem to be OK.

I did go back and verify one thing, when the IT guy was testing and it 
worked for him, he was using and not

just That also failed for him.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: OT: C++ Newbie Hello World problem SOLVED

2008-10-10 Thread tech

 Lanny Marcus wrote:



I have gone and posted there.

To comment on some other suggestions I received here:

Setting the folder to apache did not fix the problem.

SELinux has not been run on this system.

 I had noticed some funny things with setting permissions using the 
GUI. I went back and made sure I did them over again from the command 
line. It still fails. I believe that Exec is set right in options. Many 
things work ok. Only some things don't

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: OT: C++ Newbie Hello World problem SOLVED

2008-10-08 Thread tech

 Lanny Marcus wrote:

I began with Assembly Language, Machine Language and Fortran.

This sounds like me (except for the Fortran bit). I even think that 
COBOL is new fangled stuff. This senior citizen doesn't mind being 
called a newbie.

I have made some progress but am still frustrated.

I took the suggestions made here. I put the CGI stuff in 
var/www/cgi-bin/. I double checked my permissions and http.conf file but 

I can run CGI routines mostly OK but I cannot set a cookie. I am using 
one of the simple set cookie routines from the net. It does everything 
but actually write the cookie. Other sites are storing cookies so I know 
the browsers (IE and FF) accept them. I can run routines that print all 
the ENV variables OK. I can use the random number function to set the 
cookie value OK. Just no cookie.

The only error in the error log file comes from mod_mime_magic and seems 
to be there even for routines that just read cookies.

I have other things not working such as installing the commerce cgi 
shopping cart using the automatic install program they provide. I get 
the first page OK but when I click on continue it just refreshes the 
page. It should POST a form with a name that is tested for with an IF. 
The new name should cause a jump to a subroutine that loads a new page. 
The name is blank so the IF falls through and reloads the same page. The 
browser knows that form data has been sent because a page refresh warns 
me that the form data is stale and must be resent.

Where do I go next?

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: OT: C++ Newbie Hello World problem SOLVED

2008-10-08 Thread tech

John wrote:

One last thing is how are you running the cgi-bin contents? Through
Apache, Mod-CGI, Fast-CGI or Mod Pythons CGI? Apache needs to be the folder
owner witch I take it, it is from you saying it does work on a few things? 

John, Thanks.
I have the apache (http.conf) file directory options set with Exec for 
CGI. Apache is not currently the folder owner; root is. I will change 
the folder ownership as you suggested and test again. It works on many 
things and only fails on a few. Set cookie seemed to be the simplist and 
most straight forward to fix; so, I chose it to work with first.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Probably a bad set-up but which one?

2008-09-29 Thread tech

Kai Schaetzl wrote:

Tech wrote on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 13:01:26 +0800:

Oh, it does print Hello World OK but it also prints the Content line 
as text rather than using it as a directive.

This is not a setup problem and not a CentOS problem. Your script is 
probably wrong in some code. I assume with Content line you might mean an 
HTTP header. There is no such header (there are headers starting with this 
string, though). I think your question is better suited for a Perl or CGI 
programming newsgroup.



Thanks for your reply.

By Content line I meant this line:

print Content-type: text/html\n\n;

I have tried many scripts, they all do this. I have problems with 
JavaScript too so I am not sure yet about this just being a Perl or CGI 
problem. I might even have multiple problems. I can see the possibility 
of permission problems, Perl problems, CGI problems, and/or browser 
problems. I am running the latest released version of all including IE 
and Firefox. All I do know is what all the examples that show this as 
working don't work. I have the book, CGI Programing 101, and can't get 
its examples to work.

It is very frustrating.


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Probably a bad set-up but which one?

2008-09-29 Thread tech

 Steve Huff wrote:

it would be easier to troubleshoot this problem if you were to post links to 
the following:

* your Perl script
* the Apache access and error logs showing what happens when you try to 
hit the CGI from a browser

* the relevant Apache configs (vhost, .htaccess, whatever)



Thanks for the reply. Instead of links I will post the code as it is 
very short.

This is what the browser displays all on one line exactly as shown:

Content-type: text/html Hello, world!

Here is the index.html file:

META http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
p!--#exec cmd=perl ./cgi-bin/hello.cgi--/p

Here is the hello.cgi file:

print Content-type: text/html\n\n;
print Hello, world!\n;

Here are the lines from the access log: - - [29/Sep/2008:23:22:22 +0800] GET / HTTP/1.1 200 189 
- Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008052912 

The error log has no lines for this access.


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Probably a bad set-up but which one?

2008-09-29 Thread tech

 nate wrote:

Do you have server side includes turned on in apache? (in
the Directory section typically)

Are your includes configured with the NoExec option?

Hi Nate,

Don't think so. I have +Includes and ExecCGI in directory options. 
NoExec does not appear anywhere in HTTP.conf or in perl.conf


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Probably a bad set-up but which one?

2008-09-29 Thread tech

 Stephen Harris wrote:

Right.  The O/P is confusing his weasels.  He's writing a CGI script
but using an _include_ script.  Two totally different things.


Thank you.

I appreciate your time and patience. I now know what to go find to fix this.

I was trying to do this the same way I installed the common visitor 
counter which worked.

Thanks to all who pointed me in the right direction.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Probably a bad set-up but which one?

2008-09-29 Thread tech

 nate wrote:

Have you tried variations on the path? e.g if your executing
a shell I don't think ./cgi-bin/ would be a valid path, it would
be relative to the file system itself.

Example from my personal web site:

!--#include virtual=/cgi-bin/multimon-new.cgi --


The ./cgi-bin/ is under public_html. It is set in http.conf as a CGI 
directory. The files are found OK. But, as mentioned, I have been 
confusing the proverbial apples and oranges. I will put my CGI tutorial 
books away and learn how to call CGI and JavaScripts from HTML to right way.

Thanks again.


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Probably a bad set-up but which one?

2008-09-29 Thread tech

 nate wrote:

Try calling the cgi directly like my example instead of
executing perl in a shell.

Will do.


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Probably a bad set-up but which one?

2008-09-28 Thread tech
I am having a problem that I assume is a set-up problem but I don't know 
which area to look at to fix it. Hopefully someone here can point me in 
the right direction.

I can't get the simple Perl Hello World script to work.

Oh, it does print Hello World OK but it also prints the Content line 
as text rather than using it as a directive.

Two different servers (both CentOs 5) and both IE and Firefox are doing 
the same thing.

I first tried a JavaScript program (free online shopping cart) and it 
wouldn't work properly. So, I changed to CGI and can't get it working OK 

What does work: CGI/Perl visitor count program. Count.log and main.log 
exist and get updated and display the updated count in the browser OK.

What doesn't work: content line is seen as text. I can't create a file 
using CGI. I can append to one but I can't create one. I have tried a 
CGI shopping cart (Commerce) which has an install script. It displays 
the first page OK but when I click on Continue I get the same page 
again. The script says clicking on Continue should submit a form 
(Post) with a name of step2. An IF statement should see that name and 
go to the step2 subroutine. It doesn't. It falls through to the ELSE and 
displays the same page. A Print command shows the name is blank after 
the click. The browser knows about the form because a refresh tells me 
about the stale form data.

I have the AddHandler lines and the ExCGI option in my http config. I 
have checked that all spelling and cases are OK. Carp Fatal to Browser 
is not showing any errors. Server error log doesn't seem unhappy either. 
I have done some searching in news groups and Deja, ooops sorry, Google 
and didn't find anything that helped.

Where do I look next?

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Automatic site selection for dowload

2008-06-27 Thread tech

Joseph L. Casale wrote:

Me thinks they call that yum-fastestmirror :)

Me thinks that doesn't work.

fastest mirror give me the lowest values for .tw sites. Which, I think 
mean the fastest. They are in fact, the slowest. Here are some real numbers:

base 856 kb 27:38
updates 91 kb 1:20

kernel-devel died after 52:01

At this point several mirrors were tried finally a fast one was found 
and things went quickly and smoothly.

Almost one hour and only 1.7 of 4.8 m was downloaded

This is typical for me getting data from .tw sites.


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: Automatic site selection for dowload

2008-06-27 Thread tech

Karanbir Singh wrote:

You can always just disable the yum-fastestmirror plugin if its not 
working well for you. In /etc/yum/pluginconf.d there should be a file 
called fastestmirror.conf - look in there, and change enabled=1 to 
enabled=0. Might be worth running it with verbose=1 for a little while 
to work out whats going on. Perhaps also reduce the maxhostfileage value 
to have fastestmirror speed check each mirror more often.

There is also always the option of only using mirrors you know work 
well. To do that, comment out the mirrorlist= lines from 
/etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo and replace them with baseurl=url to 
mirror. You can have multiple mirrors listed there. man yum.conf for 
more info on that.


I have already set enable=0. That helps.

I will try your other suggestions.

I suspect this is something unique. Initial transfers are fast but then 
things get very slow.

CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Automatic site selection for dowload

2008-06-26 Thread tech
I would like to ask that more flexibility be built into automatically 
choosing sites for downloading.

I have just upgraded to CentOS 5.2. When I look for a mirror, I get many 
choices from Taiwan. Since I am in Hong Kong this makes sense 
geographically but   not in terms of bandwidth.

Although Taiwan is very close, it is almost the slowest connection I can 
make. Some .jp sites are good but I find .sg or the US is usually best.

This morning I tried to update to the new kernel (92.1.6). My system 
seemed to die during the download. After some investigation, I found 
that Yum et al is being defaulted to .tw sites. (base, updates, add ons 
all go to .tw.) I have now been sitting at base primary.xml.gz for over 
15 minutes and am only about 50% done.

Is it possible when deciding these default sites to look at actual 
bandwidth and not just geographical closeness?


CentOS mailing list

[CentOS] Re: USB Wireless device for CentOS?

2008-06-16 Thread tech

MHR wrote:

I need to get a wireless device for an upcoming trip (USB is
preferable to PCMCIA for a long list of reasons)

I have a tp-link tl-wn322g.

The folks at tp-link were very easy to contact and helpful. They 
provided me the driver for it by e-mail


CentOS mailing list