Scott Robbins wrote:
As the subject of nspluginwrapper came up recently, it might
be worth mentioning that it's not properly documented.

The README seems to be the official nspluginwrapper README, which, oddly
enough, states that it's used with the command


However, RedHat based systems seem to all use mozilla-config-plugin. (I'm not sure about other distributions--FreeBSD uses the more intuitive command nspluginwrapper and gives a message about its usage upon installation.)
The only way I discovered this was by googling and coming across the
unofficial Fedora FAQ.  I don't know if it merits a wiki entry, but
perhaps either a README.RedHat or even a small FAQ entry might be
useful. It would just require a couple of lines, to the effect of
"Note that the command to run nspluginwrapper is

Running mozilla-config-plugins --help will show the available options."

It may be documented elsewhere, but it's not easy to find.  At least, I
didn't find it in the wiki or FAQ.  The Japanese page which does come up
in a wiki search only mentions it as a package, with no indications
about its use.  (My Japanese reading is weak, but even someone who can't
read it at all will see that it's only mentioned once in a list of

I don't know if it's of any help as I've not used nspluginwrapper before, but I stumbled across this guide by Tammy Fox recently:

Thought I'd mention it in case it might be useful for anyone putting together any documentation on the subject.

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