Re: [CentOS-es] Que me recomiendan usa Como Autenticador de usuario NIS o LDAP (OpenLDAP)

2011-10-14 Por tema Rafael Guillermo Dipré Peña
Configuracion de servidores de Joel Barrios

2011/10/13 Luciano Andrés Chiarotto

 Hola y Buen día a todos los integrantes.

 Mi consulta es la siguiente.

 Tengo un total de 20 usuarios y necesito que me acesoren que me conviene
 usar para la Autenticación de Usuarios, si NIS o LDAP.

 Algunos me decían que use LDAP (OpenLDAP) por es más seguro y reemplaza a
 NIS y otros me dicían que siga usando NIS.

 La verdad que me gustaría que ustedes me den su opinión sobre este tema.

 Es para un servidor que a futuro le voy a instalar NFS y otros servicios,
 por ahora con un autenticación de usuarios me alcanza.

 Si ustedes conocen de algún tutorial o manual que me puedan recomendar,
 bienvenido también.

 Desde ya muchas gracias.

 Slds. Luciano
 CentOS-es mailing list

Rafael Dipre
CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Migración del Directorio Activo

2010-07-27 Por tema Rafael Guillermo Dipré Peña
Puedes Usar MDS(Mandriva Directory Server) sobre Centos

El 27 de julio de 2010 03:49, Arturo Limón escribió:

 La combinación SAMBA + LDAP otorga la funcionalidad de un dominio Windows
 NT4, pero no es 100% equivalente a un AD de MS-Windows server 2000 en



 El 27 de julio de 2010 08:17, escribió:


 Me dirijo a uds en busca de sugerencias o posibles soluciones que
 puedan ayudarme.

 En la empresa donde trabajo tenemos Servidor Windows 2003 Enterprise
 Server con los servicios basicos: DNS, DHCP, WINS y por ultimo los
 Usuarios de la red en el Directorio Activo.

 Las computadoras que se encuentran en la red tienen instalado windows
 xp, estan dentro de un dominio, inician sesion en la red y cargan
 ciertas politicas desde el servidor.

 Mi pregunta es:

 Existe algun proyecto similar al Directorio Activo bajo CentOS?

 Puedo migrar mis usuarios y las politicas definidas hacia ella como
 cambio de contraseñas, roles, etc...?


 Webmail, servicio de correo electronico
 Casa de las Americas - La Habana, Cuba.

 CentOS-es mailing list

 CentOS-es mailing list

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Centos DS/Samba, clientes Linux/Windows

2010-06-10 Por tema Rafael Guillermo Dipré Peña
*Prueba este:*

El 7 de junio de 2010 06:21, Eduardo Grosclaude escribió:

 2010/6/7 Xavier Mauricio Tirado
  Estimados aprovechando la linea me pueden indicar una guia efectiva para
  preparar el CentOS Directory Server

 En el wiki está este documento:

 Es de principios de 2009. Alguien puede confirmar si está plenamente
 vigente o si necesita correcciones?

 Eduardo Grosclaude
 Universidad Nacional del Comahue
 Neuquen, Argentina
 CentOS-es mailing list

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] (sin asunto)

2009-12-10 Por tema Rafael Guillermo Dipré Peña
Ve a la pagina para el
manual Implementacion de Servidores Linux CentOs

El 10 de diciembre de 2009 07:00, O§many Oconnoró:

 Saludos a todos.
 soy nuevo en los quehaceres de la administraci'on de CentOS y me
 gustaria contar con algunos documentos basicos, si me pudiera ayudar.
 por ahora estoy probando comandos que utilizaba en consolas de comandos
 y me gustar'ia contar con otros.

 a todos muchas gracias

 O§many Oconnor
 AdminNet -Contramaestre- [UO]
 phone: 587158;587325

 CentOS-es mailing list

CentOS-es mailing list

Re: [CentOS-es] Solicitud de manual para instalacion y configuaraacion de squid

2009-08-08 Por tema Rafael Guillermo Dipré Peña
busca en alcancelibre en la seccion de
descargas el manual implementacion de servidores linux tiene eso y mucho mas

El 7 de agosto de 2009 17:54, Carla Paulina Fernández Morocho escribió:

  Buenos dias con todos

 Por favor si me pueden ayudar con un manual o instructivo para la
 instalacion y configuracion del squid



 Connect to the next generation of MSN Messenger  Get it now!

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Re: [CentOS-es] como instalo

2009-07-07 Por tema Rafael Guillermo Dipré Peña
saludos a todos, descargue el paquetes que me dices y todo bien hata el
punto donde me dice:

*error: Configure failed with error: libjpeg not found*

cuando trato de instalarlo me dice que esta instalado la ultima version:

*Package libjpeg-6b-37.i386 already installed and latest version*

si tienen la solucion se los agradecere mucho.

gracias de antemano.

2009/7/6 carlos restrepo

 Buen dia compañero, baja del siguiente link el scripts:

 seguidamente ejecutas el script, en el 99.9 % de los casos
 te pedira que resuelvas inicialmente dependencias (yum install para cada
 paquete a resolver), ejecuta el scripts tantas veces como te sea necesario
 hasta que al final te muestra una ventana para la configuracion de la
 impresora). Este paquete esta diseñado para sistemas tipo debian, alli es se
 encarga de resolver las dependencias, pero para el caso de centos nos toca
 resolversela manualmente.



 El 6 de julio de 2009 08:03, Rafael Guillermo Dipré Peña escribió:

 Saludo a todos quisiera saber como instalo en centos 5.3 mi imprsora hp
 deskjet d1560, ya lo intente descargando el paquete
 hplip-3.9.6b_rhel-5.0.i386.rpm pero me da el siguiente error:

 file /usr/lib/ from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
 conflicts with file from package hpijs-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/lib/sane/ from install of
 hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts with file from package
 file /etc/hp/hplip.conf from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
 with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-align from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
 with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-check from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
 with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-clean from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
 with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-colorcal from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
 conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-fab from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
 with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-info from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
 with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-levels from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
 with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-makecopies from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
 conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-makeuri from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
 with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-print from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
 with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-sendfax from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
 with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-setup from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
 with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-testpage from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
 conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-toolbox from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
 with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-unload from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
 with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/lib/cups/backend/hp from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
 conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/lib/cups/backend/hpfax from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
 conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ from install of
 hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts with file from package
 file /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ from install of
 hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts with file from package
 file /usr/share/hplip/ from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
 conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/share/hplip/base/ from install of
 hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts with file from package
 file /usr/share/hplip/base/ from install of
 hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts with file from package
 file /usr/share/hplip/base/ from install of
 hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts with file from package
 file /usr/share/hplip/base/ from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
 conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/share/hplip/base/ from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
 conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1

Re: [CentOS-es] como instalo

2009-07-07 Por tema Rafael Guillermo Dipré Peña
solucione el problema de la libreria jpeg y se instalo todo pero cuando
ejecuto el hp-setup me dice :

*error: No device selected/specified or that supports this functionality.*

El 7 de julio de 2009 07:29, Rafael Guillermo Dipré Peña escribió:

 saludos a todos, descargue el paquetes que me dices y todo bien hata el
 punto donde me dice:

 *error: Configure failed with error: libjpeg not found*

 cuando trato de instalarlo me dice que esta instalado la ultima version:

 *Package libjpeg-6b-37.i386 already installed and latest version*

 si tienen la solucion se los agradecere mucho.

 gracias de antemano.

 2009/7/6 carlos restrepo

 Buen dia compañero, baja del siguiente link el scripts:

 seguidamente ejecutas el script, en el 99.9 % de los
 casos te pedira que resuelvas inicialmente dependencias (yum install para
 cada paquete a resolver), ejecuta el scripts tantas veces como te sea
 necesario hasta que al final te muestra una ventana para la configuracion de
 la impresora). Este paquete esta diseñado para sistemas tipo debian, alli es
 se encarga de resolver las dependencias, pero para el caso de centos nos
 toca resolversela manualmente.



 El 6 de julio de 2009 08:03, Rafael Guillermo Dipré Peña escribió:

 Saludo a todos quisiera saber como instalo en centos 5.3 mi imprsora hp
 deskjet d1560, ya lo intente descargando el paquete
 hplip-3.9.6b_rhel-5.0.i386.rpm pero me da el siguiente error:

 file /usr/lib/ from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
 conflicts with file from package hpijs-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/lib/sane/ from install of
 hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts with file from package
 file /etc/hp/hplip.conf from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
 with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-align from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
 with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-check from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
 with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-clean from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
 with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-colorcal from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
 conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-fab from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
 with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-info from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
 with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-levels from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
 with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-makecopies from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
 conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-makeuri from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
 conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-print from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
 with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-sendfax from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
 conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-setup from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
 with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-testpage from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
 conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-toolbox from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
 conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/bin/hp-unload from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
 with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/lib/cups/backend/hp from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
 conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/lib/cups/backend/hpfax from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
 conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ from install of
 hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts with file from package
 file /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ from install of
 hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts with file from package
 file /usr/share/hplip/ from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
 conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
 file /usr/share/hplip/base/ from install of
 hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts with file from package
 file /usr/share/hplip/base/ from install of
 hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts with file from package
 file /usr/share/hplip/base/ from install of
 hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts with file from package

[CentOS-es] como instalo

2009-07-06 Por tema Rafael Guillermo Dipré Peña
Saludo a todos quisiera saber como instalo en centos 5.3 mi imprsora hp
deskjet d1560, ya lo intente descargando el paquete
hplip-3.9.6b_rhel-5.0.i386.rpm pero me da el siguiente error:

file /usr/lib/ from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
conflicts with file from package hpijs-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/lib/sane/ from install of
hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts with file from package
file /etc/hp/hplip.conf from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/bin/hp-align from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/bin/hp-check from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/bin/hp-clean from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/bin/hp-colorcal from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/bin/hp-fab from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts with
file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/bin/hp-info from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts with
file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/bin/hp-levels from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/bin/hp-makecopies from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/bin/hp-makeuri from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/bin/hp-print from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/bin/hp-sendfax from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/bin/hp-setup from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/bin/hp-testpage from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/bin/hp-toolbox from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/bin/hp-unload from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts
with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/lib/cups/backend/hp from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/lib/cups/backend/hpfax from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ from install of
hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ from install of
hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/share/hplip/ from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/share/hplip/base/ from install of
hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/share/hplip/base/ from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/share/hplip/base/ from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/share/hplip/base/ from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/share/hplip/base/ from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/share/hplip/base/ from install of
hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/share/hplip/base/ from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/share/hplip/base/ from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/share/hplip/base/ from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/share/hplip/base/ from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/share/hplip/base/ from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/share/hplip/base/ from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/share/hplip/base/ from install of hplipfull-3.9.6b-0.i386
conflicts with file from package hplip-1.6.7-4.1.el5.4.i386
file /usr/share/hplip/base/ from install of

Re: [CentOS-es] S.O.S

2009-07-06 Por tema Rafael Guillermo Dipré Peña
si es desde nautilus se usa la combinacion de teclas ctrl + h de ser de la
consola ls -la donde l=es para listar con detalle y a para mostrar ocultos.

El 6 de julio de 2009 08:53, ces can escribió:

  #ls -la

 Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2009 03:21:32 +
 Subject: [CentOS-es] S.O.S

   Alguien podria decirme como puedo ver los archivos ocultos de una
  Alberto Torres Paredes*:*
  * Ingenieria de Sistemas  :*
 *Universidad Privada Cesar Vallejo  :*

  Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2009 18:01:34 -0300
  Subject: [CentOS-es] Atheros como AP?
  Hola Gente,
  Estoy necesitando ayuda para configurar mi Wifi Atheros como AP.
  Les detallo mi hard:
  01:07.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. Atheros
  AR5001X+ Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)
  Salida del LSMOD:
  lsmod | grep ath
  dm_multipath 55257 0
  scsi_dh 41665 1 dm_multipath
  ath_pci 125616 0
  ath_rate_sample 47744 1 ath_pci
  wlan 224224 2 ath_pci,ath_rate_sample
  ath_hal 250864 2 ath_pci,ath_rate_sample
  ath5k 134121 0
  mac80211 183241 1 ath5k
  cfg80211 63825 2 ath5k,mac80211
  dm_mod 100369 11
  alias ath0 ath_pci
  alias wifi0 ath_pci
  options ath_pci autocreate=sta
  Segui estas lineas pero me da error en la primera: wlanconfig: ioctl:
  No such device
  wlanconfig ath0 destroy
  wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode ap
  ifconfig ath0 down
  iwconfig ath0 rate 54M
  iwconfig ath0 essid test
  iwconfig ath0 channel 11
  athctrl -i ath0 -d 1000
  ifconfig ath0 netmask
  ifconfig ath0 up
  iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j MASQUERADE
  echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
  Desde ya muchas gracias...
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