Re: [CentOS-virt] Virtualisation, guests cached memory and density

2013-02-08 Thread Steve Thompson
On Fri, 8 Feb 2013, Karanbir Singh wrote:
 Xen, because of the way it works, will always get to higher density /
 performance than KVM when desity and reasonable performance are on the

My experience is the exact opposite.

CentOS-virt mailing list

Re: [CentOS-virt] Virtualisation, guests cached memory and density

2013-02-08 Thread Steve Thompson
On Fri, 8 Feb 2013, Karanbir Singh wrote:

 On 02/08/2013 05:20 PM, Steve Thompson wrote:
 On Fri, 8 Feb 2013, Karanbir Singh wrote:
 Xen, because of the way it works, will always get to higher density /
 performance than KVM when desity and reasonable performance are on the

 My experience is the exact opposite.

 Do tell more..

I have about 5-ish years Xen experience and 2 years with KVM, covering 
several hundred different VM's. I switched from Xen to KVM a few weeks 
after trying KVM for the first time (so my Xen experience is two years out 
of date). All Linux VM's are PV with virtio; Windows uses virtio also. 
Bridged networking.

One example: the physical host was a Dell PE2900 with 8 cores and 24 GB 
memory, running (now) CentOS 5.9. I wished to run 38 VM's on this, with 
the guest O/S being various CentOS versions and Windows XP, 2003 and 7. I 
could never get 30 or more VM's to start under Xen. It did not matter in 
which order I started the 30 VM's; the 30th machine always (no matter 
which one it was) failed to boot. There were periodic strange failures 
with the Xen guests, and accurate time keeping was always a problem.

I switched to KVM just to see what the fuss was about. Using the same disk 
images as input, I had the 30 VM's up and running without fuss in less 
than 2 hours. I went on to run the whole 38 in short order. I had no 
issues with KVM, and to this day I have several physical hosts with about 
75 guests, and I have never had a single problem with KVM (really). Time 
keeping does not appear to be problematical.

One of my workloads consists primarily of builds of large software 
packages, so it is a heavy fork() load. Performance of the guests, 
measured in terms of both build time and network performance, has been so 
much better in KVM than under Xen that it's not even funny. I posted on 
this some time ago.

At the time of my last Xen experience, the memory assigned to all active 
guests had to fit simultaneously in the host's physical memory, so that 
provided an upper limit. With KVM, the guest's memory is pageable, and so 
this limit goes away (unless in a practical sense the guest are all active 
simultaneously, which is not true for any of my workloads).

I see the ability to run top as a normal user on a KVM host and see what 
the guests are up to as a big advantage. Sure, one can run xentop on Xen, 
but only if you have root access.

Xen hosts have to run a Xen-enabled kernel; not so with KVM.

I typed this off the top of my head, so I'm sure I missed a bunch of 

CentOS-virt mailing list

Re: [CentOS-virt] Virtualisation, guests cached memory and density

2013-02-08 Thread Steve Thompson
On Fri, 8 Feb 2013, James Hogarth wrote:

 Have you looked at KVM with a c6 host yet? It's a marked improvement over
 c5 hosts...

Yes, I have a samba4 domain controller running as a KVM guest on a CentOS 
6.3 host (two of them w/DRS, actually). Runs like a champ.

I also have two LVS-DR load balancers running as CentOS 6.3 KVM guests 
with keepalived w/VRRP, one on a C5.8 host and one on a C6.3 host. Each 
guest has three network interfaces, as does the host (bridged mode with 
dual bonded interfaces underneath). Services are LDAP, Windows remote 
desktop, HTTP, webmail, IMAP and SMTP. Everything works fine for all 
services with the exception of SMTP, which works fine on C5 but not on C6 
(same guest setup, same realservers), where it loses connections when 
sending mail messages larger than about 10MB. Even setting rp_filter=2 
does not help; I have not pinned this one down yet, but I doubt that KVM 
is responsible since C5 works.

As a point of interest, the Windows RDP service feeds 31 Windows XP virtio 
realservers, which are themselves KVM guests on a Dell R710 (8 physical 
cores + hyperthreading, 48GB) running CentOS 5.9 (soon to be 6.3). Runs 
most excellently.

CentOS-virt mailing list

Re: [CentOS-virt] (no subject)

2012-12-08 Thread Steve Thompson
On Sat, 8 Dec 2012, SilverTip257 wrote:

 I have a WinXP Pro 32bit VM with virtio drivers and it runs just fine.
 I don't watch the load on it, so I don't know if its CPU goes idle.  I'll
 have to take a peek at it next week.

I have XP, 2003 and Win7 with virtio drivers, and the CPU does go idle on
all of them when Windows is doing nothing. However, Windows is often not
doing nothing; make sure that you have volume indexing, for example, 
turned off.

CentOS-virt mailing list

Re: [CentOS-virt] Recommendations, please

2011-06-22 Thread Steve Thompson
On Thu, 16 Jun 2011, Eric Shubert wrote:

 On 06/16/2011 08:07 AM, Steve Campbell wrote:
 What might most of you recommend for the type of
 virtualization software I use. I seem to recall that xen might not be
 the best choice due to it's lack of development. I could be wrong,
 though. For the present time, all of the VMs will be Centos based.

 Wait for CentOS6 (scheduled to be available early next week) and use KVM.

I have KVM running on CentOS 5.6, and have had no issues at all. In fact, 
it has been excellent all round.

CentOS-virt mailing list