[ceph-users] lost bluestore metadata but still have data

2017-09-22 Thread Jared Watts
Hi everyone, in the case where I’ve lost the entire directory below that 
contains a bluestore OSD’s config and metadata, but all the bluestore devices 
are intact (block, block.db, block.wal), how can I get the OSD up and running 

I tried to do a ceph-osd –mkfs again, which seemed to regenerate everything OK 
and got the OSD back to up/in, but all the placement groups assigned to the OSD 
are stuck stale.  Using the admin socket on the OSD to ask it to trigger a 
scrub on a particular PG gives a result of “Can't find pg ”.

It seems the OSD has no knowledge of the PGs that were assigned to it before.  
I assume this is because the mkfs operation cleared out state from the block/db 

Is there any feasible approach to bring an OSD that’s lost its config back to 
life in the future?  Thanks!

osd0 # ls -l
total 112
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root   58 Sep 22 22:26 block -> 
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root   58 Sep 22 22:26 block.db -> 
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root   58 Sep 22 22:26 block.wal -> 
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root2 Sep 22 22:26 bluefs
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root   37 Sep 22 22:26 ceph_fsid
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root   37 Sep 22 22:26 fsid
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root   56 Sep 22 22:26 keyring
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root8 Sep 22 22:26 kv_backend
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root   21 Sep 22 22:26 magic
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root4 Sep 22 22:26 mkfs_done
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root6 Sep 22 22:26 ready
srwxr-xr-x. 1 root root0 Sep 22 22:26 ceph-osd.0.asok
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 2221 Sep 22 22:26 ceph.config
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root   10 Sep 22 22:26 type
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root2 Sep 22 22:26 whoami

ceph-users mailing list

[ceph-users] how to troubleshoot "heartbeat_check: no reply" in OSD log

2017-07-27 Thread Jared Watts
I’ve got a cluster where a bunch of OSDs are down/out (only 6/21 are up/in).  
ceph status and ceph osd tree output can be found at:

In osd.4 log, I see many of these:
2017-07-27 19:38:53.468852 7f3855c1c700 -1 osd.4 120 heartbeat_check: no reply 
from osd.15 ever on either front or back, first ping sent 
2017-07-27 19:37:40.857220 (cutoff 2017-07-27 19:38:33.468850)
2017-07-27 19:38:53.468881 7f3855c1c700 -1 osd.4 120 heartbeat_check: no reply 
from osd.16 ever on either front or back, first ping sent 
2017-07-27 19:37:40.857220 (cutoff 2017-07-27 19:38:33.468850)

From osd.4, those endpoints look reachable:
/ # nc -vz 6807 ( open
/ # nc -vz 6811 ( open

What else can I look at to determine why most of the OSDs cannot communicate?  
http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/16092 indicates this behavior is a networking or 
hardware issue, what else can I check there?  I can turn on extra logging as 
needed.  Thanks!
ceph-users mailing list

[ceph-users] uncompiled crush map for ceph-rest-api /osd/crush/set

2016-03-09 Thread Jared Watts
Hi, I have a few questions about the usage of ceph-rest-api's /osd/crush/set.

Documentation obtained from GET /api/v0.1/osd:

osd/crush/set PUT "set crush map from input file"

1) Does the input crush map have to be compiled before using this API or can an 
uncompiled map be used?
2) Is there anything in the ceph-rest-api API to compile a crush map?

I can successfully set a compiled crush map, but I get an error using an 
uncompiled one which seems to indicate it must be compiled first.  The below is 
my attempt with curl to use an uncompiled map but it gets 400 BadRequest: 
"Error: Failed to parse crushmap: buffer::malformed_input: bad magic number 

Is there a way to do this with an uncompiled map?

curl -iv -XPUT --data-binary "@/tmp/crushmap-uncompiled" -H "Accept: 
application/json" -H "Content-type: application/octet-stream" 

*   Trying

* Connected to ( port 53279 (#0)

> PUT /api/v0.1/osd/setcrushmap HTTP/1.1

> User-Agent: curl/7.38.0

> Host:

> Accept: application/json

> Content-type: application/octet-stream

> Content-Length: 1297

> Expect: 100-continue


< HTTP/1.1 100 Continue

HTTP/1.1 100 Continue

* HTTP 1.0, assume close after body



< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

< Content-Length: 108

Content-Length: 108

* Server Werkzeug/0.9.6 Python/2.7.9 is not blacklisted

< Server: Werkzeug/0.9.6 Python/2.7.9

Server: Werkzeug/0.9.6 Python/2.7.9

< Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2016 22:45:57 GMT

Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2016 22:45:57 GMT


* Closing connection 0

{"status": "Error: Failed to parse crushmap: buffer::malformed_input: bad magic 
number (-22)", "output": []}

Thanks for any help!

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