No need to re-create the osd.

The easiest way to replace the journal is by creating the new journal partition 
with the same partition guid. You can use 'sgdisk -n <partition 
number>:<starting sector>:<ending sector> --change-name="<partition 
number>:ceph journal" --partition-guid=<partition number>:<partition guid from 
the failed journal> --typecode=<partition 
number>:45b0969e-9b03-4f30-b4c6-5ec00ceff106 <disk device>' to create the new 
journal partition. You can get the partition guid of the failed journal via 
'cat /var/lib/ceph/osd/<osd directory>/journal_uuid' if you don't have it 

Once your partition is created correctly, dmcrypt should be able to map it 
using the existing key from the old journal. Then the journal needs to be 
initialized via 'ceph-osd -i <osd number> --mkjournal' and you should be able 
to start the osd at that point.

If you can't or don't want to reuse the existing partition guid with its 
associated dmcrypt key, you can follow the same procedure to create the journal 
partition using a new partition guid of your choice, but then you have to 
generate a dmcrypt key with something like 'dd bs=<key size in bytes, i.e. 256> 
count=1 if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/ceph/dmcrypt-keys/<partition guid>' and then 
create the dmcrypt volume with 'cryptsetup --key-file 
/etc/ceph/dmcrypt-keys/<partition guid> --key-size <key size in bytes> create 
<journal partition>' to get the encrypted journal device. Then you have to 
replace the 'journal' and 'journal_dmcrypt' symlinks in /var/lib/ceph/<osd 
directory> and write the new partition guid to the 'journal_uuid' file in the 
same directory. You still have to perform the --mkjournal with ceph-osd, and 
you should be good to go.


[cid:image9f5ad9.JPG@cc8e4767.4394994f]<>       Steve 
Taylor | Senior Software Engineer | StorageCraft Technology 
380 Data Drive Suite 300 | Draper | Utah | 84020
Office: 801.871.2799 |


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-----Original Message-----
From: ceph-users [] On Behalf Of 
Nikolay Khramchikhin
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 6:50 AM
Subject: ***Suspected Spam*** [ceph-users] dm-crypt journal replacement

 Hello, folks,

 Can someone share the procedure of replacement failed journal deployed with 
"ceph-deploy  disk prepare --dm-crypt" ? Can`t find at docs anything about it. 
Is there only way - recreation of osd?

 Ceph Jewel 10.2.5


 Nikolay Khramchikhin,

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