Re: Want to move into .Net?

2007-12-20 Thread Jesse B
So you think I am a tool, your intitled to that opinion but no where in the 
original post does it mention .Net is better. If anything one might gather that 
they are assuming a CF developer learning .Net is taking ones career to the 
next level. I think it's pretty safe to say that if one only knows CF that 
adding another language to your tool set is in fact a great benefit to that 
developer, hence the Next Level comment. Or maybe they feel so strongly about 
their company that they are stating that by joining them is taking ones career 
to the next level?

So before you flame the original poster you might re-read the original post 
with a clear mind and see if you can pick up where they are emplying .Net is 
better. I have read it 5 times and see nothing of the sort.

So as a tool I might also ask that if a client handed you a spec for an 
application, after reading through it would you also insinuate functionality in 
said application because you choose to assume the writers intentions even 
though the spec does not mention it?

moving this where it belongs.

Jesse - with all due respect, the original poster posted an ad to a
COLDFUSION list, which clearly insinuated that .NET is the better
technology.  What sort of response did you expect he'd get?

If that particular company is looking to move to .NET, that's 100%
their perogative.  I understand that they are currently on CF, so they
want a CF developer who will ultimately make the transition with them.
 That's fair.  But to promote it as taking the next step
professionally well again, that's their opinion and they have
their right to it.  But on a CF mailing list, Adam's response was 100%
warranted, and I'd say the tool is the person who posted the ad
originally using the tone they did.

Oh, I'd say you're a tool as well for continuing to post to that
thread in cf-jobs after the list owner asked you not to.

On Dec 20, 2007 6:49 PM, Jesse B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;160198600;22374440;w


Re: Senior Coldfusion Developer wants Telecommute work for $25.00

2007-12-13 Thread Jesse B
I think the off shore competition is a fad that’s on it’s way out. I think 
most companies are more worried about their intellectual property that they 
would not risk that as well as their clients data and intellectual property to 
some sweat shop overseas.

As a U.S company the thought of having to enforce a non compete or non 
disclosure with a firm overseas is enough to reconsider off shore dev.

 Jason here are the reason why I charge 25 dollars for telecommute work 
 instead of my normal $50 per hour on site
 I save on 3 dollar per gallon gas
 I spend everyday with my kids
 I own my house outright
 I own all my vehicles outright
 I have solar panels so no electric bills
 I am competetive therefor I must compete against S.E. Asians who 
 routinely take jobs away from Americans so I plan on beating them at 
 their own game
 Now as to who I have worked for, I you like I can send you my written 
 references from my managers at Both Sprint and Bank of America
 The list goes on I have worked at ADP, GSU, FAA, ATT, Cingular, 
 Motorola, Three different State and County Government including 
 DOuglas County SHeriffs office on Biometric Facial recognition program. 
 Michael as promised this is my last post. And I apologize to the 
 community again.  never imagined my rate would cause such a stir. 
 Maybe we all should drop our rates some if we want to stay in this 
 business then the Big companies would not ship all our jobs to 
 I was going to send this out when I originally saw this post, but I 
 know Vincent, and can't really speculate on him as a person.
 If you ask me... not that anyone has...  $25/hr seems pretty low for 
 quality of work he claims to have done.,   In my opinion, you get what you 
 for... and when it comes to web development, you might get lucky 
 every now
 and then, but more times than none you'll end up getting left hanging.
 This is no different than any other industry... Perfect example is 
 show Holmes on Homes this guy has 
 made a
 living going around and fixing the mistakes of others.  People often 
 for the cheapest price, and then get left hanging with a crappy 
 product that
 was built inproperly, and/or without the proper permits.  Web 
 Development is
 no different, imo.
 If you're looking for a good Freelance Coldfusion Developer, then 
 simply ask
 for professional references from the projects they've done.  Don't go 
 of sample websites that they claim to have worked on.  A good 
 keeps doesn't burn bridges with his/her clients once the job is 
 So professional references should never be a problem.  Once you 
 these references ask then about the quality, overall responsivness, 
 support of the developer.  And ALWAYS ask them if they would use 
 person/company again.
 Simply stated...  Don't jump before check the pool for water :)
 Just my 2-cents.
 On Dec 12, 2007 11:10 AM, Jesse B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;160198600;22374440;w
