
One of specialities is working with the SE Asia Firms and from my converstions 
with them your rate seems to be an anomally since I have had to put out 
subcontracting bids for other developers to help when I am swamped,most of my 
replies have been in the $20-30 range. Also Sir you do not have to deal with 
the IRS and Social Security Administration, State, and Local Taxes so yes 
normally $40 is a good rate. I recently posted for $25 per hour and was 
overwhelmed with potential clients asking for my services , I was also talked 
about as if I was a fool by some of my fellow programmers here in the US. 
Regardless I was not meaning anything about race more so to the fact that 
because you do not have to deal with US taxes and the company has no Tax ID to 
report to the US Government, then they of course are willing to pay you and are 
happy to do it. I have often thought of opening an offshore company in maybe 
Costa Rica or Barbados in order to get those same benefits as you are proud of 
receiving. But in effect you are cheap for US companies because of the Tax 
Liability and Government Pension payments. Even as an offshore company you do 
not have a US Tax ID, I am sure the IRS could not take you to jail or haul you 
off to court another advantage you have. Again no pun on SE Asian my Step 
Mother was from Canton China before she came here to the US, and I love Taiwan 
and Hong Kong but guess what her brother who I learned some of my programming 
skills from also runs an offshore programming shop charging 35 per hour, and he 
is rich; living in Hong Kong. No way a US programmer could be considered Rich 
here for charging that rate. I wonder do you live in a Villa, how much money do 
you make out of the 40 per hour or does the whole company get paid that and 
then it is divided , you see here if a developer shared 40 per hour with his 
partners he would need 15 clients ,working for all of them to survive!

>I'm running an offshore ColdFusion developer from Jakarta, that is 
>south east Asia.
>My company's rate is US$40/man/hour, i think it's not that cheap :)
>Currently we have 0 customers that won't pay us.
>Infact, we never ask for down payment cause we're 100% sure that our 
>client will benefit from our work, thus pay the bill.
>To prevent this situation, for new client we usually break down large 
>project into smaller pieces.
>And do the small piece first, see whether they satisfy with our work 
>- and pay before we continue with the rest.
>At 09:30 PM 2/2/2008, you wrote:

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