Re: CF job/restarting a career

2005-07-28 Thread James Holmes
If you are going to learn CFMX of some flavour, I'd try to pick up as
much Java as possible at the same time. People may disagree, but
adding Java to your CF skills makes you much more flexible and gives
you a second direction to take if the opportunity presents itself. It
can also save you a heap of work, when you can dig into an open source
Java app and pull out the important bits for direct integration with
CF (I just did this for producing barcodes, for example). At a basic
level, Java isn't that difficult to grasp.

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Re: CF job/restarting a career

2005-07-27 Thread Jordan Michaels
Have you spoken with your boss about it? As a boss myself that'd be 
the first thing I'd want my employees to do if they were ever 
dissatisfied on the job. I'd want to find a way to fix it for them. 
Employees are the most important asset to any company - and a boss is 
just not a good boss if they don't do whatever they can to get and keep 
good employees.

My $0.02.


K H wrote:

Hi! I had a question about finding a CF job/restarting a career – if I’m 
posting in the wrong place, please redirect me.  Thanks in advance.

First, my situation.  I have about 3 years of CF 5 experience with an Oracle 
database plus Crystal Reports.  I relocated “recently” (over a year ago) 
to another office with my firm, at my request. Unfortunately, while 
significantly closer to my family, this office has no work on IT lines for me 
to do – and I’ve pretty much reached the end of my rope.  While the 
company’s great, its main focus isn’t in the information arena, and the 
work I’m doing currently is…mind numbingly awful. And the likelihood of 
this changing in the future is pretty small.  I also feel incredibly guilty 
for leaving the company that I started out with.

So, my (slightly panicky) question is, do you have any suggestions on what I 
should be doing next?  I’m at a bit of loss since I a) don’t have a great 
deal of experience with other programming things and b) don’t have a CS 
degree (mine are in engineering).  I have been watching the jobs list on this 
site as well as the local paper, etc.  Most seem to require either a CS 
degree, Java, or significantly more experience than I feel I have. All of my 
apps are on Intranets and behind confidentiality agreements, so demonstrating 
them is not really an option.  

Thanks again.  I’m going to sit over here and try to remember to breathe.

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Re: CF job/restarting a career

2005-07-27 Thread Aaron Rouse
I think every person is different in their ability to learn things. I state 
this because when I got around to learning CFCs I picked them up in no time 
at all, probably a matter of days. I did not even use any online tutorials 
or really even look much in the documents. What I did was looked at some 
examples of working CFCs and I just kind of jumped in them with my own set 

Having any college degree is definately a perk. I lack one, well one other 
than an Associate of Arts. I know for a fact that my lack of a college 
degree has been an issue with some places to the point of not even looking 
beyond that. Then when I look back at all the groups I have worked in when 
doing CFM, I can not really think of one person who had a degree even 
remotely related to IT.

Knowing a framework can definately be a foot in at some places. I think the 
most commonly found one would be Fusebox so that is where I would start 
learning. I actually know very little about Fusebox but have managed to stay 
constantly employed with CFM work for going on a decade. So I could be an 
example of where not knowing one does not matter. However I have been in 
some interviews where it turned out the place was a Fusebox shop and it was 
frowned upon that I had not worked with it.

On 7/27/05, Johnny Le [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 CFMX 6 and 7 are quite different from CF 5. My advice is to find a local 
 community school near you and learn about CFC and cfmx 6 stuff. Event 
 gateway and other CFMX 7 stuff are not really needed right now, but you 
 should know CFC stuff to make good money. I would advise you to find 
 tutorials on the web, but that would take much longer to learn. The next 
 step is to learn either Model-glue or fusebox framework. Since Model-glue 
 just came out, you would actually be ahead of the game. No one would know 
 you haven't developed for a while.
 Don't worry about CS degree. I have a degree in Economics. No one ever 
 questions my ability to understand programming concepts. The important thing 
 is that you have a degree. I do find that people without a high school 
 diplomat tend to have difficulties understand programming concepts.
 Most of our projects are password protected. So we can't really show our 
 work. You need to describe the sites a little bit in more details. I 
 actually describe individual modules within the site. Calendar, 
 registration, schedule, user management system, payment system, shopping 
 carts are some of the modules that you should definitely describe in details 
 if you have done those.
 It depends on how you look at the world. This could be exciting and not 

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Re: CF job/restarting a career

2005-07-26 Thread Jennifer Larkin
That anecdote may not be entirely accurate.

A guy posted to the BACFUG list about a year ago looking for a
developer for a code review job. The guy who was hiring was fed up
with certified developers who had no experience and couldn't think,
and was attempting to state that he didn't care if you were
certified-- he was not impressed by that because anyone can memorize
some stuff and take a gazillion practice tests. That doesn't make the
person a good developer.

It wasn't actually, If you're certified don't apply but If all you
have is certification, don't apply. Of course, people read it wrong
and flamed him for refusing to hire people with certification, which
wasn't the deal.

Personally, I didn't want a code review job. All day long looking at
Other People's Code(tm)? I'd end up killing someone.

On 7/26/05, S. Isaac Dealey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi K,
 Sorry for the delayed reply... I was actually hoping some other folks
 would reply, but I don't recall seeing any replies on the list... I
 don't really have a lot of advice to offer, but I did want to make
 sure you got some kind of response. My experience has been that having
 much of my work behind someone else's firewall hasn't been an issue
 when I've looked for work, and that's including before I became a Team
 Macromedia volunteer and/or CF certified. In all honesty I'm not sure
 if the CF certification has done anything for me -- I've heard an
 anecdote about someone being passed up for a job because they were
 certified, so for all I know having the cert may have actually
 hindered me. I'm hoping it's the other way around. :)
 My own answer to being disatisfied with my job has been to try and
 work toward changing my job long-term, rather than focusing on the
 quick-fix of finding another job. That is, in my spare time I work on
 the software I want to work with in the hopes that it will eventually
 produce a secondary income source I can grow until it replaces my 9-5
 In my experience it's not a quick solution. Asside from the fact that
 I can only work on it during what would otherwise be my leisure
 time, I've been at it off and on, mostly on (and with varying amounts
 of intent) for about 7 yrs now (more or less since I started working
 with CF). I think the fact that much of the early part of those 7 yrs
 was inexperienced and un-directed and much of hte middle part of those
 7 years had been spent focusing on a large-scale enterprise CMS I was
 never able to sell probably hurt my overall goals. In the last 2 years
 in particular I've focused almost solely on the onTap framework, with
 the intent now of creating a larger number of smaller applications. I
 think this strategy of many small, affordable apps (a forum, a small
 CRM app, etc) will produce better results in the short-term than the
 previous strategy of one colossal enterprise application.
 Good luck.
 s. isaac dealey 954.522.6080
 new epoch : isn't it time for a change?
 add features without fixtures with
 the onTap open source framework

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Re: CF job/restarting a career

2005-07-26 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
 That anecdote may not be entirely accurate.

Hey Jennifer... That's actually not the anecdote I was remembering...
I was remembering a post to ... I think cf-community in which someone
mentioned hearing from their boss after having been hired that the
boss had passed up on hiring someone with the certification for his
job. Though I don't remember if he said the manager had interviewed
the person -- it seems like I remembered it being intimated that the
guy wasn't interviewed, but that may be either a misremembrance on my
part or simply bad information. But I distinctly remember the guy who
posted the message saying praise the gods of certification because
he seemed to believe that not having the cert. had been a crucial
point in his being hired. Other than that I remember the rational
being similar to what you mentioned from the BACFUG list.

s. isaac dealey 954.522.6080
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

add features without fixtures with
the onTap open source framework

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