Hey everyone,
My signal-to-noise ratio with regard to SPAM has gotten to about 20%, and I'm fed up.
So I did something about it.
My weekend project was building a generic SMTP proxy for mail servers, that works with the SpamCop blackhole list.  I looked for a new NT mailserver that would work with these sorts of blackholes, but they were in excess of $700, which is more than I'm prepared to pay for a simple feature that I could write in my "spare time".
So, I wrote a generic TCP proxy (working title: "JSpamProxy") that works like this:
1.  Some remote mailserver connects to port 25, where JSpamFilter is listening.
2.  JSpamFilter spawns a thread to handle the connection, then initiates a DNS lookup against bl.spamcop.net
3a.  If the address is a known spammer address, the connection is dropped (with a 421 Service Not Available message)
3b.  If the address appears clean, a new connection is established to the port the mail server is "really" listening on (port 26, by default.)  A "Received:" header is added to the mail headers, so that the source IP is not lost (since the mail server thinks the source IP is
It's available under GPL at http://www.darylb.net/JSpamFilter/
Note: the SpamCop blackhole list is rather aggressive, and if you have a large volume of [legitimate] mail, you'll likely refuse some legitimate mail that simply got caught in the crossfire (because they're using a mail server that is/was used by spammers.)  SpamCop also requests a donation if you use their service: see http://spamcop.net/bl.shtml and http://spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/299.html before using this.
That being said, it'd be trivial to modify the source to use a different DNS-based blackhole list, such as MAPS or SPAMHAUS.
P.S.  I'm going to be out of town on Tuesday night, and can't make the meeting.  :-(

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