RE: Can this be optimized?

2003-10-05 Thread Snake Hollywood
Have SQL server do it directly with a scheduled DTS and it will be even

-Original Message-
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 05 October 2003 05:21
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Can this be optimized?


i just had to do the same, i have some reports that clients run
every 30 days, its about 1000+ lines in a csv, i *USED* to have it
write cffile appends' for each iteration.HAH, silly me.

i use cfsetting enablecfoutput  and cfsavcontent to dump
all the lines in 1 var, then write at once.NOW, from 21 min. down to
25-31 seconds, for about 1000 lines, to csv, then emailed, the whole
thing, out of a 1900 line database, the loop, inside cfsavecontent
and then dump once, wow what a difference!


-Original Message-
From: Stacy Young [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, October 04, 2003 12:22 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Can this be optimized?

I owe u a cold one for that...50% less memory usage. :-)

In the case where I'm emailing a CSV, I don't imagine there's much I can
do...(hope I'm wrong)

cfsetting enablecfoutputonly=yes showdebugoutput=no

cfsavecontent variable=request.filecontent


cfloop query=results

cfset x = 0

cfloop list=#results.ColumnList#

cfset x = x + 1

Evaluate( column ) , '' , ' ' , 'ALL' )#cfif x NEQ ListLen(
results.ColumnList ),/cfif/cfoutput






cffile action="" file=#filepath# output=#request.filecontent#

I originally had it looping over CFFILE but it was painfully slow...I
guess with the large number of file I/O's...this one stores in request
and makes single cffile dump at the end.



From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: October 4, 2003 12:05 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Can this be optimized?

Stacy Young wrote:
 It's not often I nitpick in the sake of 'supreme optimization' but in
 this case it's necessary. I'm using the following code snippet to
 generate CSV file for different queries. The process is usually quite
 memory intensive, wondering if anyone with fresh pair of eyes can
 out any items that can be done differently. Speed is not so much an
 issue, it's quite fast...but for larger recordsets it eats mega RAM.

Have you tried using cfflush?





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Getting Field names and datatypes from MS Access database

2003-10-05 Thread Angel Stewart
Hey all,

this topic was touched on a few threads back, but it was never fully

How would I get the fieldnames and their corresponding data types for a
specific table in an access database using coldfusion?


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postgresql.cfm not found (MX6.1)

2003-10-05 Thread jtnews
Seems that I have been bitten by the postgresql.cfm bug in CFMX 6.1

anyone have a fix for this yet?I can create datasources, but cannot edit, 
verify, or delete them once created due to this error:

Error Occurred While Processing Request
File not found: /CFIDE/administrator/datasources/postgresql.cfm


Please try the following: 
Enable Robust Exception Information to provide greater detail about the source 
of errors. In the Administrator, click Debugging  Logging  Debugging 
Settings, and select the Robust Exception Information option. 
Check the ColdFusion documentation to verify that you are using the correct 
Search the Knowledge Base to find a solution to your problem. 

How have others worked around this issue?

Thanks in advance!


This mail sent through IMP:

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RE: Getting Field names and datatypes from MS Access database

2003-10-05 Thread Snake Hollywood
All info about the table sin a database are stored in the sys tables.
open your DB and goto
Tools -- Options -- View
and check system table sand hidden tables
MSysObjects is the table that contains all the info you need.

Russ Michaels
Macromedia/Allaire Certified ColdFusion Developer

The free resource and community for ColdFusion developer. 

Join the CFDeveloper discussion lists.
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-Original Message-
From: Angel Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 05 October 2003 15:13
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Getting Field names and datatypes from MS Access database

Hey all,

this topic was touched on a few threads back, but it was never fully

How would I get the fieldnames and their corresponding data types for a
specific table in an access database using coldfusion?



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CFMX/Linux: using Java to read image properties

2003-10-05 Thread Ubqtous
I am under the impression that Java has some built-in ways of reading
image data, but I am new to CFMX/Linux and Java and am not sure how to
leverage this functionality in my code.

I basically need to be able to determine the width, height, and file
size of an image. I had a custom tag that handled this, but it stopped
working when I upgraded to MX6.1. I believe the custom tag used CFFILE
and CFDIRECTORY, along with some code to parse the image headers, to
determine width, height, and file size; however, I would think that
Java can do these same tasks much more efficiently.

I checked the MM Exchange and found a CFC (Imaging CFC, V1.0; that
utilizes ImageJ to do all kinds of manipulation, but I found nothing
for MX Linux that simply reads the basic file info I need. I did try
to install the CFC, but it apparently needs some work to run on Linux.

I would settle for getting width and height from Java, and the file
size from CFDIRECTORY.

If anyone can provide a code sample or point me to some good
references on the subject I would greatly appreciate it!

~ Ubqtous ~

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Re: CFMX/Linux: using Java to read image properties

2003-10-05 Thread Matt Liotta
Off the top of my head i.e. untested...

	image = CreateObject(java, javax.swing.ImageIcon);
	image.init(path to image file here);
	width = image.getIconWidth();
	height = image.getIconHeight();

	//get the size
	imageFile = CreateObject(java,;
	imageFile.init(path to image file here);
	size = imageFile.length();

The above code makes use of Java Swing, so you will need to have X11 
configured on your Linux machine to make use of it.

Matt Liotta
President  CEO
Montara Software, Inc.
(888) 408-0900 x901

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RE: CFMX/Linux: using Java to read image properties

2003-10-05 Thread Joe Eugene
Here is an article by Matt, i think there might be few other ways of
doing the same thing with Java.
Joe Eugene

-Original Message-
From: Ubqtous [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 1:04 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFMX/Linux: using Java to read image properties

I am under the impression that Java has some built-in ways of reading
image data, but I am new to CFMX/Linux and Java and am not sure how to
leverage this functionality in my code.

I basically need to be able to determine the width, height, and file
size of an image. I had a custom tag that handled this, but it stopped
working when I upgraded to MX6.1. I believe the custom tag used CFFILE
and CFDIRECTORY, along with some code to parse the image headers, to
determine width, height, and file size; however, I would think that
Java can do these same tasks much more efficiently.

I checked the MM Exchange and found a CFC (Imaging CFC, V1.0; that
utilizes ImageJ to do all kinds of manipulation, but I found nothing
for MX Linux that simply reads the basic file info I need. I did try
to install the CFC, but it apparently needs some work to run on Linux.

I would settle for getting width and height from Java, and the file
size from CFDIRECTORY.

If anyone can provide a code sample or point me to some good
references on the subject I would greatly appreciate it!

~ Ubqtous ~

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Re: Major debug issues with MX 6.1

2003-10-05 Thread Claude Schneegans
It's nothing a quick little mail rule couldn't solve.

A mail rule set WHERE?

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Re: CFMX/Linux: using Java to read image properties

2003-10-05 Thread Massimo, Tiziana e Federica"">

Massimo Foti
Certified Dreamweaver MX Developer
Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer

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RE: RE: Session Variables Or Client Variables (Pros Cons - Poll)

2003-10-05 Thread Joe Eugene

Just curious.. how this might work.
Create HashMaps/Structs in the application scope for every unique hit
to the server and assign a unique cookie ID number for unique requests
and store session values in application scope.

if(Not structKeyExists(application.appUsers, '#uniqueID#')){
 uniqueID = uniqueGeneratedID;
 application.appUsers[#uniqueID#] = structNew();
application.appUsers[#uniqueID#]['data'] =

No Wddx Serializing/Deserializing involved with the above method and session
not used.
Thoughts on the above?

Joe Eugene
-Original Message-
From: Barney Boisvert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 6:51 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: RE: Session Variables Or Client Variables (Pros  Cons -

I should give credit to John someone (either QvT or Farrar, I can't
remember which) for convincing me to write a custom system, rather than
native CF client variables.I was waffling at the extra work and
execution costs, but he convinced me I'd be much happier down the road,
he was dead on.I guess it's kind of like the don't use CFUPDATE
way back when.

 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Brunt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 3:15 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: RE: Session Variables Or Client Variables (Pros  Cons -

 Very nice Barney!

 Kind Regards - Mike Brunt

 Original Message ---
 Yeah, custom DB, with a read in Application.cfm and a write in
 OnRequestEnd.cfm.I use the 'clientvars' scope, since even if you turn
 client variables, you still can't use the 'client' name.After th read,
 complex data is unWDDXed for me automatically, and then reWDDXed before
 write, so I don't have to think about anything if I want to store
 data.That will soon include the ability to serialize and deserialize
 as well.

 I also have a field in my table for userID (separate from clientID), so
 can acutally do a join between my clientrepository table and other
 the DB and pull up info like which user accounts are currently logged
 without having to actively record that information somewhere else.It's
 quite handy.

 I'm sure it's a little slower than the native CF client vars, but well
 it in my opinion.The queries take all of 2 or 3 milliseconds per
 and the WDDXing take another couple.I'm don't know how you'd test, but
 much more overhead than what CF will do natively, and insignificant next
 the typical page request time for the app (80-250 ms).The amount of
 and money it saves with development and administration is very
 however.With one app, we just added a second CF server, and all we had
 do was set up the load balancing, point the DSNs at the shared DB server
 everything just worked.Plus, since it was running on CF Pro, we saved
 $10,000 on not going to the J2EE version for session clustering.We'll
 upgrade eventually, but we didn't have to right then, which was nice.
 also can get around the CFC problem with session clustering, which is a
 advantage to me.

-Original Message-
From: Joe Eugene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 2:03 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Session Variables Or Client Variables (Pros  Cons -

What custom system are we talking about? Custom DB with data write and
 read with SQL for every request?
Are you by-passing CF Serialization/De-Serialization?

Matt.. mentioned something about using a local file system to do this.
Curious.. is this any effective than CF Client var?


- Original Message -
From: Barney Boisvert
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 4:43 PM
Subject: RE: Session Variables Or Client Variables (Pros  Cons -

I use a custom system, modelled on client variables.Everything is
in a DB, but serialization and deserialization is automatic
though that'll change).The biggest advantage is simple clustering,
you needn't worry about session replication, and you can also access
database for non-client variable stuff.THe data format is more
so I can use application logic to control the tables as well as just
client mechanism.

Works very well.
 -Original Message-
 From: Joe Eugene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 1:30 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Session Variables Or Client Variables (Pros  Cons -

 Personally i am not a big fan of Client Variables due to DB
Serialize/De-Serialize Overhead
 and not being able to store complex variables etc...

 Just Curious..

 What would be the CF Developer Consensus to using Client Variables
using Session Variables?

 Joe Eugene

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Re: Major debug issues with MX 6.1

2003-10-05 Thread cf-talk
Depends what mail client you're using.In Outlook Express you simply click
Message and then select Create Rule From Message.

In web based mail clients such as an IMail server... there's rules that can
be made there as well.So, long story short... there's no need to put up
with the same virus being mailed to you a zillion times.


- Original Message - 
From: Claude Schneegans [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 10:42 AM
Subject: Re: Major debug issues with MX 6.1

 It's nothing a quick little mail rule couldn't solve.

 A mail rule set WHERE?

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Re: postgresql.cfm not found (MX6.1)

2003-10-05 Thread Ubqtous

On Monday, October 6, 2003, 2:43:17 AM, you wrote:

jec Seems that I have been bitten by the postgresql.cfm bug in CFMX 6.1

jec anyone have a fix for this yet?I can create datasources, but cannot edit,
jec verify, or delete them once created due to this error:

jec -
jec Error Occurred While Processing Request
jec File not found: /CFIDE/administrator/datasources/postgresql.cfm

I ran into the same problem, but I can't remember what the exact fix
was; however, I am pretty sure it was caused by the way the JDBC URL
had been entered.

Some links that helped me:

I never figured out how to remove the bad DSNs once I corrected the
error. I am sure there is a config file somewhere that can be manually

~ Ubqtous ~

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OT -- JavaScript

2003-10-05 Thread Howard Owens
I'm having a little trouble with this script ... here's the bit of code in question ... 

packageAtribs = new Object();
packageAtribs.holidaySelection = document.rentalForm.Holidays.value;

if I do --


I get the expected value.



gives me a blank.


packageAtribs.holidaySelection = 1; 

Gives me 1 on the alert.

If I parseInt() on document.rentalForm.Holidays.value, I get NaN on the alert.

To me, it should be pretty straight forward ... packageAtribs.holidaySelection = document.rentalForm.Holidays.value; should produce the expected results. I can't see, right now, any other way to get the value set that I want.
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Dynamic queryname in CFSCRIPT

2003-10-05 Thread Rory Lysaght
I've got a function that needs to check a different query depending on how it's called.But I keep getting this error:
You have attempted to dereference a scalar variable of type class
java.lang.String as a structure with members. 
The function is evaluating the string properly, but the line myarray[x].RecordCount; chokes.

Here's a simplified version of the script:

function timeRes(x) {
myarray = arrayNew(1);
myarray[1] = rsEquipAvail1;
myarray[2] = rsEquipAvail2; //, rsEquipAvail2, rsEquipAvail3);
rCount = myarray[x].RecordCount;
return rCount;
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RE: Dynamic queryname in CFSCRIPT

2003-10-05 Thread Matthew Walker
What happens if you write:

myQuery =myarray[x];

rCount = myQuery.recordCount 

instead of 

rCount = myarray[x].RecordCount;


-Original Message-
From: Rory Lysaght [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, 6 October 2003 10:45 a.m.
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Dynamic queryname in CFSCRIPT

I've got a function that needs to check a different query depending on how
it's called.But I keep getting this error:
You have attempted to dereference a scalar variable of type class
java.lang.String as a structure with members. 
The function is evaluating the string properly, but the line
myarray[x].RecordCount; chokes.

Here's a simplified version of the script:

function timeRes(x) {
myarray = arrayNew(1);
myarray[1] = rsEquipAvail1;
myarray[2] = rsEquipAvail2; //, rsEquipAvail2, rsEquipAvail3);
rCount = myarray[x].RecordCount;
return rCount;


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Re: Major debug issues with MX 6.1

2003-10-05 Thread Lists2 - TriPointTek
Claude Schneegans wrote:

 Firstly I HATE this HTML cf-talk system, Outlook users

 I' receiving more than 200 copies of the same ^%$ stupid 150k virus 
 Personnally I HATE Outlook users! ;-)

What client do you use?


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Re:Dynamic queryname in CFSCRIPT

2003-10-05 Thread Rory Lysaght
What happens if you write:

myQuery =myarray[x];

rCount = myQuery.recordCount 

instead of 

rCount = myarray[x].RecordCount;

Good suggestion, but it generates the same error message on the 
rCount = myQuery.recordCount; 
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Re: OT -- JavaScript

2003-10-05 Thread jonhall
packageAtribs.holidaySelection = document.forms['rentalForm'].Holidays.value;

Don't ask me what the difference is...i don't know :)
Sunday, October 5, 2003, 6:21:44 PM, you wrote:

HO I'm having a little trouble with this script ... here's the bit of code in question ... 

HO packageAtribs = new Object();
HO packageAtribs.holidaySelection = document.rentalForm.Holidays.value;

HO if I do --

HO alert(document.rentalForm.Holidays.value);

HO I get the expected value.

HO But 

HO alert(packageAtribs.holidaySelection);

HO gives me a blank.

HO While, 

HO packageAtribs.holidaySelection = 1; 

HO Gives me 1 on the alert.

HO If I parseInt() on document.rentalForm.Holidays.value, I get NaN on the alert.

HO To me, it should be pretty straight forward ... packageAtribs.holidaySelection = document.rentalForm.Holidays.value; should produce the expected results. I can't see, right now, any other way to
HO get the value set that I want.

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RE: Dynamic queryname in CFSCRIPT

2003-10-05 Thread Matthew Walker
Oh here's the problem:

You are placing strings in your array -- rsEquipAvail1 is a string. Try it
without the quotes. 

-Original Message-
From: Rory Lysaght [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, 6 October 2003 10:45 a.m.
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Dynamic queryname in CFSCRIPT

I've got a function that needs to check a different query depending on how
it's called.But I keep getting this error:
You have attempted to dereference a scalar variable of type class
java.lang.String as a structure with members. 
The function is evaluating the string properly, but the line
myarray[x].RecordCount; chokes.

Here's a simplified version of the script:

function timeRes(x) {
myarray = arrayNew(1);
myarray[1] = rsEquipAvail1;
myarray[2] = rsEquipAvail2; //, rsEquipAvail2, rsEquipAvail3);
rCount = myarray[x].RecordCount;
return rCount;


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Re:OT -- JavaScript

2003-10-05 Thread Howard Owens
Thanks, but still shoot blanks.
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Re: Major debug issues with MX 6.1

2003-10-05 Thread Claude Schneegans
Create Rule From Message.

Ok I have that (in Netscape, not Outlook of course ;-)

The only problem: the rule is applied when the message is received.
What I want is NOT receive them; and except by destroying all Outlooks on the planet, I don't see how it could be stopped. :-(

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Hosting Control panel ?

2003-10-05 Thread Mike Kear
My hosting provider is having some difficulties getting Etrinix to answer
support queries for their new Command Matrix v 1.9.1 and I think he should
dump it and go for another product. 

Are there any people using a shared hosting control panel that works with
ColdFusion?What direction should I point him to? 

What he'll needis support for CFMX6.1,MSSQL, MySQL, ASP, ASP.NET,
resellers, individual sites, quotas etc.The Etrinix isn't working too
well and I'd far rather help him solve that problem than uplift my business
again and move it all somewhere else.

The key problem we've had with the Ensim we were using before this Etrinix
piece of junk was that it didn't allow resellers or users to set up
ColdFusion datasources, which made it tiresome getting DSNs going.And also
Ensim's email server is unreliable.

Any other control panels we should look at?


Michael Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks.

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Re: Major debug issues with MX 6.1

2003-10-05 Thread Claude Schneegans
What client do you use?

Netscape, but the problem is not that I connot detect and destroyed them.
The problem is that they fill up my mailbox. What I need is NOT receiving them!
I receive messages from ISPs warning me that they have striped a virus off a message that was sent to me from their server. This is a good practice. If all ISPs could do the same there wouldn't be so many imbeciles to click on every .exe they find in their mail.
And if my own ISP could also scan received mailed, there would not be any problem.

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Re: Dynamic queryname in CFSCRIPT

2003-10-05 Thread Claude Schneegans
I suppose rsEquipAvail1 and rsEquipAvail2 are queries?
Then try this

rCount = evaluate(myarray[x]  .RecordCount);

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Re: OT -- JavaScript

2003-10-05 Thread Claude Schneegans
Don't ask me what the difference is...i don't know :)

I won't ask, because it makes NO difference ;-) Both are equivalent.

The problem might be with the place the _javascript_ is defined.
Try to put it inside the BODY tag.

If the line of code packageAtribs.holidaySelection = document.rentalForm.Holidays.value;
is executed before the form is built in the document, the variable wont get the correct value.

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Re: Hosting Control panel ?

2003-10-05 Thread Doug White
Webmin it is free

Stop spam on your domain, use our gateway!
For hosting solutions
Featuring Win2003 Enterprise, RedHat Linux, CFMX 6.1 and all databases.
ISP rated:
Suggested corporate Anti-virus policy:
If you are not satisfied with my service, my job isn't done!

- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 8:05 PM
Subject: Hosting Control panel ?

| My hosting provider is having some difficulties getting Etrinix to answer
| support queries for their new Command Matrix v 1.9.1 and I think he should
| dump it and go for another product.
| Are there any people using a shared hosting control panel that works with
| ColdFusion?What direction should I point him to?
| What he'll needis support for CFMX6.1,MSSQL, MySQL, ASP, ASP.NET,
| resellers, individual sites, quotas etc.The Etrinix isn't working too
| well and I'd far rather help him solve that problem than uplift my business
| again and move it all somewhere else.
| The key problem we've had with the Ensim we were using before this Etrinix
| piece of junk was that it didn't allow resellers or users to set up
| ColdFusion datasources, which made it tiresome getting DSNs going.And also
| Ensim's email server is unreliable.
| Any other control panels we should look at?
| Cheers,
| Michael Kear
| Windsor, NSW, Australia
| AFP Webworks.
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RE: Hosting Control panel ?

2003-10-05 Thread Mike Kear
OH .. thanks Doug, but I should also have said that our environment is
Windows2k or Win2003.


Michael Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks.

-Original Message-
From: Doug White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: Re: Hosting Control panel ?

Webmin it is free

- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 8:05 PM
Subject: Hosting Control panel ?

| My hosting provider is having some difficulties getting Etrinix to answer
| support queries for their new Command Matrix v 1.9.1 and I think he should
| dump it and go for another product.
| Are there any people using a shared hosting control panel that works with
| ColdFusion?What direction should I point him to?
| What he'll needis support for CFMX6.1,MSSQL, MySQL, ASP, ASP.NET,
| resellers, individual sites, quotas etc.The Etrinix isn't working too
| well and I'd far rather help him solve that problem than uplift my
| again and move it all somewhere else.
| The key problem we've had with the Ensim we were using before this Etrinix
| piece of junk was that it didn't allow resellers or users to set up
| ColdFusion datasources, which made it tiresome getting DSNs going.And
| Ensim's email server is unreliable.
| Any other control panels we should look at?

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Re: OT -- JavaScript

2003-10-05 Thread jonhall
This code works for me in IE6/Moz/Opera. The addition of the forms
array call made it work for me. I couldn't get just
document.rentalForm.Holidays.value to work either.

script type=text/_javascript_
function init() {
packageAtribs = new Object();
packageAtribs.holidaySelection = document.forms['rentalForm'].Holidays.value;


form id=rentalForm name=rentalForm
input type=text name=Holidays value=foo

Sunday, October 5, 2003, 7:47:51 PM, you wrote:

HO Thanks, but still shoot blanks.

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Re: OT -- JavaScript

2003-10-05 Thread jonhall
Hmmm going back and running it without the forms reference and it now
works. Either I had a typo originally or I'm going crazy.

Either way...the problem is either somewhere else in your code, or
there is something that I am overlooking in your post.

Sunday, October 5, 2003, 10:54:12 PM, you wrote:

jon This code works for me in IE6/Moz/Opera. The addition of the forms
jon array call made it work for me. I couldn't get just
jon document.rentalForm.Holidays.value to work either.

jon script type=text/_javascript_
jon function init() {
jonpackageAtribs = new Object();
jonpackageAtribs.holidaySelection = document.forms['rentalForm'].Holidays.value;
jon }

jon window.>
jon /script

jon form id=rentalForm name=rentalForm
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Re: Hosting Control panel ?

2003-10-05 Thread Doug White
In that case, I only have used Remote Desktopwhich can be configured with
IPSEC security and login security, on a per-user basis

Stop spam on your domain, use our gateway!
For hosting solutions
Featuring Win2003 Enterprise, RedHat Linux, CFMX 6.1 and all databases.
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If you are not satisfied with my service, my job isn't done!

- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 9:31 PM
Subject: RE: Hosting Control panel ?

| OH .. thanks Doug, but I should also have said that our environment is
| Windows2k or Win2003.
| Cheers,
| Michael Kear
| Windsor, NSW, Australia
| AFP Webworks.
| -Original Message-
| From: Doug White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|Subject: Re: Hosting Control panel ?
| Webmin it is free
| - Original Message - 
| From: Mike Kear [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 8:05 PM
| Subject: Hosting Control panel ?
| | My hosting provider is having some difficulties getting Etrinix to answer
| | support queries for their new Command Matrix v 1.9.1 and I think he should
| | dump it and go for another product.
| |
| |
| |
| | Are there any people using a shared hosting control panel that works with
| | ColdFusion?What direction should I point him to?
| |
| |
| |
| | What he'll needis support for CFMX6.1,MSSQL, MySQL, ASP, ASP.NET,
| | resellers, individual sites, quotas etc.The Etrinix isn't working too
| | well and I'd far rather help him solve that problem than uplift my
| business
| | again and move it all somewhere else.
| |
| |
| |
| | The key problem we've had with the Ensim we were using before this Etrinix
| | piece of junk was that it didn't allow resellers or users to set up
| | ColdFusion datasources, which made it tiresome getting DSNs going.And
| also
| | Ensim's email server is unreliable.
| |
| |
| |
| | Any other control panels we should look at?
| |
| |
| |
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Re[2]: CFMX/Linux: using Java to read image properties

2003-10-05 Thread Ubqtous

On Sunday, October 5, 2003, 2:22:08 PM, you wrote:


This looks promising, but I get the following error:
/opt/coldfusionmx/runtime/jre/lib/i386/ cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory nullThe error
occurred on line 224.

[All subsequent calls return a less helpful null nullThe error
occurred on line 224]

calling template code:
writeoutput(stImageInfo.width x stImageInfo.height);

line 224 in tmt_java_img.cfc:
cfset jBufferedImg=createObject(java,javax.imageio.ImageIO).read(jFile)

I am running CFMX 6.1 (6,1,0,63958), with Java v1.4.2, so it seems as
though my server meets the CFC's requirements. I know the image exists
(in the same directory as the calling template and the CFC uses
relative paths by default). Missing server package? Permissions issue?

~ Ubqtous ~

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Re: Re[2]: CFMX/Linux: using Java to read image properties

2003-10-05 Thread Matt Liotta
You don't have X11 configured properly on your server.


On Sunday, October 5, 2003, at 11:53 PM, Ubqtous wrote:


 On Sunday, October 5, 2003, 2:22:08 PM, you wrote:


 This looks promising, but I get the following error:
 /opt/coldfusionmx/runtime/jre/lib/i386/ cannot
 open shared object file: No such file or directory null  The error
 occurred on line 224.

 [All subsequent calls return a less helpful null null  The error
 occurred on line 224]

 calling template code:
 writeoutput(stImageInfo.width x stImageInfo.height);

 line 224 in tmt_java_img.cfc:

 I am running CFMX 6.1 (6,1,0,63958), with Java v1.4.2, so it seems as
 though my server meets the CFC's requirements. I know the image exists
 (in the same directory as the calling template and the CFC uses
 relative paths by default). Missing server package? Permissions issue?

 ~ Ubqtous ~


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Sorting CFCs: Structures over Arrays in collections

2003-10-05 Thread Jim Davis
Just finished a marathon coding session and thought I'd share/get some
opinions on some of the things I've found concerning CFCs and sorting.
I'm new CFCs and OO, so much of this may seem amateurish, but I expect
that many CFers are in the same position.I hope it may help somebody
or prompt discussion that heads off bad habits before they set in.

Specifically I've created many base domain components for this
application (a festival scheduling system) such as Venue, Event,
Artist, etc.Each component has a corresponding Collection
component (ArtistCollection for example).These collection components
have the methods you'd expect: add(), drop(), getByID(),
isIDInCollection(), etc.

My goal is to load these collections will all the assets for a festival
and then use that data instead of hitting the database constantly.This
is all pretty standard fare as far as I know.

Right now I'm concerned only with the collection components.

I began, as everything I've read suggests, by creating an internal array
to hold the components.I now think that was a mistake and have
switched to structures to maintain the internal data.However
structures can't maintain an explicit order, something Arrays do by

For this reason I use Structures internal to the component, but return
Arrays for most methods.

In my case the problem with using Arrays internally arose when I began
worry about sorted results.For example in my VenueCollection I want
to be able to return all artist components sorted by ID (the default),
Name, MapID (a numeric indicator which links the Venue to a graphical
map of the Festival) and so forth.

Sorting arrays of components is a pain.ArraySort() won't work on
arrays of complex objects so you're left with doing some sort of bubble
sort, going back out to the database, or using some sort of proxy
(creating, for example, a query using Query of Queries).All of these
are inelegant solutions in my opinion.

Also adding and dropping items from an array requires looping to
discover if the element exists before adding or deleting.

Structures on the other hand - they've got a lot going for them.

First off the Struct functions are much cleaner and simpler for most
tasks - at least if you have some unique ID you can use as the structkey
(the database key makes perfect sense).

For example to remove an element from an array you need to loop over the
array until you find it then do an ArrayDeleteAt().With a Struct the
following line does it (this assumes that the Venue component to be
dropped has been passed to the Collection):

cfreturn StructDelete(this.Venues, arguments.Venue.getVenueID(), true)

This line returns true if the Venue existed in the collection, false
if it did not.

To add a component you could use StructAppend (which allows you to set
an overwrite behavior if you like) but I like to do this:

cfif StructKeyExists(this.Venues, arguments.Venue.getVenueID())
	cfreturn false
	cfset ArrayAppend(this.Venues, arguments.Venue)
	cfreturn true

I only want to add the component if it's not already in the component.
Again - with an Array you'd be looping to see if the component already
exists.You could augment this with StructUpdate() if you would like to
overwrite existing values.

The big win however comes when you want to sort the collection.CFML
lacks any native component collections or component functions.
However internally CF does see components as Structs (of a sort) and
many Struct functions can be bent to work on components.

Specifically in this case the StructSort() function will, in fact, sort
a structure full of components the same way it will sort a structure of
structures.This makes sorting a breeze.

For example, here's the meat of my VenueCollection's getSortedByName()

cfset var curSort = StructSort(this.Venues, text, ASC, Name)
cfloop from=1 to=#ArrayLen(curSort)# index=cnt
	cfset curSort[Cnt] = cur.Venues[curSort[Cnt]]
cfreturn curSort

The first line does all the work.this.Venues is a structure
containing all the Venues in the collection.Name is a simple
property of Venue.One note: any property you want to sort on MUST be
present in the this scope - the component's variables (local) scope is
not exposed to the StructSort() function (an exception will be thrown).

Anyway - the first line does the sort, then returns a sorted array
containing (at this point) only the structure keys.The 3rd-5th lines
loops over that array and populates it with references to the components
instead.The last line returns the newly created Array of sorted
component references to the caller.

In my case I only wanted to sort on a few specific properties, however
it would be simple to convert the above to accept an argument of any
property thus creating a generic sort method.

So, in the end, external calls to the collection generally return arrays
- ready to loop over, present or whatever; but internally everything is
stored as a structure - which offers a lot more flexibility and 

RE: Sorting CFCs: Structures over Arrays in collections

2003-10-05 Thread Kwang Suh
You could use the java Hashmap if you really want to go nuts, but structures
are just as good for most things.

-Original Message-
From: Jim Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: October 5, 2003 10:17 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Sorting CFCs: Structures over Arrays in collections

Just finished a marathon coding session and thought I'd share/get some
opinions on some of the things I've found concerning CFCs and sorting.
I'm new CFCs and OO, so much of this may seem amateurish, but I expect
that many CFers are in the same position.I hope it may help somebody
or prompt discussion that heads off bad habits before they set in.

Specifically I've created many base domain components for this
application (a festival scheduling system) such as Venue, Event,
Artist, etc.Each component has a corresponding Collection
component (ArtistCollection for example).These collection components
have the methods you'd expect: add(), drop(), getByID(),
isIDInCollection(), etc.

My goal is to load these collections will all the assets for a festival
and then use that data instead of hitting the database constantly.This
is all pretty standard fare as far as I know.

Right now I'm concerned only with the collection components.

I began, as everything I've read suggests, by creating an internal array
to hold the components.I now think that was a mistake and have
switched to structures to maintain the internal data.However
structures can't maintain an explicit order, something Arrays do by

For this reason I use Structures internal to the component, but return
Arrays for most methods.

In my case the problem with using Arrays internally arose when I began
worry about sorted results.For example in my VenueCollection I want
to be able to return all artist components sorted by ID (the default),
Name, MapID (a numeric indicator which links the Venue to a graphical
map of the Festival) and so forth.

Sorting arrays of components is a pain.ArraySort() won't work on
arrays of complex objects so you're left with doing some sort of bubble
sort, going back out to the database, or using some sort of proxy
(creating, for example, a query using Query of Queries).All of these
are inelegant solutions in my opinion.

Also adding and dropping items from an array requires looping to
discover if the element exists before adding or deleting.

Structures on the other hand - they've got a lot going for them.

First off the Struct functions are much cleaner and simpler for most
tasks - at least if you have some unique ID you can use as the structkey
(the database key makes perfect sense).

For example to remove an element from an array you need to loop over the
array until you find it then do an ArrayDeleteAt().With a Struct the
following line does it (this assumes that the Venue component to be
dropped has been passed to the Collection):

cfreturn StructDelete(this.Venues, arguments.Venue.getVenueID(), true)

This line returns true if the Venue existed in the collection, false
if it did not.

To add a component you could use StructAppend (which allows you to set
an overwrite behavior if you like) but I like to do this:

cfif StructKeyExists(this.Venues, arguments.Venue.getVenueID())
cfreturn false
cfset ArrayAppend(this.Venues, arguments.Venue)
cfreturn true

I only want to add the component if it's not already in the component.
Again - with an Array you'd be looping to see if the component already
exists.You could augment this with StructUpdate() if you would like to
overwrite existing values.

The big win however comes when you want to sort the collection.CFML
lacks any native component collections or component functions.
However internally CF does see components as Structs (of a sort) and
many Struct functions can be bent to work on components.

Specifically in this case the StructSort() function will, in fact, sort
a structure full of components the same way it will sort a structure of
structures.This makes sorting a breeze.

For example, here's the meat of my VenueCollection's getSortedByName()

cfset var curSort = StructSort(this.Venues, text, ASC, Name)
cfloop from=1 to=#ArrayLen(curSort)# index=cnt
cfset curSort[Cnt] = cur.Venues[curSort[Cnt]]
cfreturn curSort

The first line does all the work.this.Venues is a structure
containing all the Venues in the collection.Name is a simple
property of Venue.One note: any property you want to sort on MUST be
present in the this scope - the component's variables (local) scope is
not exposed to the StructSort() function (an exception will be thrown).

Anyway - the first line does the sort, then returns a sorted array
containing (at this point) only the structure keys.The 3rd-5th lines
loops over that array and populates it with references to the components
instead.The last line returns the newly created Array of sorted
component references to the caller.

In my case I only wanted to sort on a few specific properties, however
it would be simple to convert the above to 

Re: Sorting CFCs: Structures over Arrays in collections

2003-10-05 Thread Matt Liotta
 Just finished a marathon coding session and thought I'd share/get some
 opinions on some of the things I've found concerning CFCs and sorting.
 I'm new CFCs and OO, so much of this may seem amateurish, but I expect
 that many CFers are in the same position.  I hope it may help somebody
 or prompt discussion that heads off bad habits before they set in.

You may find better responses if you send each of your questions 
separately as this email is rather long and touches on several subjects.

 I began, as everything I've read suggests, by creating an internal 
 to hold the components.  I now think that was a mistake and have
 switched to structures to maintain the internal data.  However
 structures can't maintain an explicit order, something Arrays do by

It can often be hard to choose between arrays and structures since 
sometimes you want properties of each one. Thus, it is often necessary 
to create a data structure that has the properties you want instead 
working around a problem in an available data structure.

 Sorting arrays of components is a pain.  ArraySort() won't work on
 arrays of complex objects so you're left with doing some sort of bubble
 sort, going back out to the database, or using some sort of proxy
 (creating, for example, a query using Query of Queries).  All of these
 are inelegant solutions in my opinion.

Implementing a well known sorting algorithm shouldn't be that difficult 
since all the popular ones are well documented and have examples 
available in many different programming languages. Bubble sort is 
generally not a very good one. Generally speaking, quick sort is 
usually the best choice.

 As always I'd love to hear opinions on this from those that know more
 than I do (which includes... well, pretty much everybody).  Are there
 actually good reasons to use arrays rather than structs?

IMHO, since all you want is to maintain key/value pairs in order, what 
you need is a Map that keeps its entries in order. The JDK provides two 
classes that do this, LinkedHashMap and TreeMap. Additionally, Apache 
Jakarta Commons has a number of other Map implementations that keep 
their entries in order. If you'd like an example of using one of these 
classes let me know.

Of course, you may want nothing to do with Java and would rather handle 
the problem in CFML. If so, I would suggest creating your own ordered 
Map as a CFC. To do that you would create both an array and a structure 
to hold your data. The CFC would manage keeping the two in sync, which 
shouldn't be hard considering one would likely only hold references to 
the other. Then whenever you need to access your data as an array you 
have an array to access it with. When you need to access your data as a 
structure then you also have a structure to access it with.

Matt Liotta
President  CEO
Montara Software, Inc.
(888) 408-0900 x901

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RE: Sorting CFCs: Structures over Arrays in collections

2003-10-05 Thread Jim Davis
-Original Message-
From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 12:51 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Sorting CFCs: Structures over Arrays in collections

 Just finished a marathon coding session and thought I'd share/get
 opinions on some of the things I've found concerning CFCs and
 I'm new CFCs and OO, so much of this may seem amateurish, but I
 that many CFers are in the same position.  I hope it may help
 or prompt discussion that heads off bad habits before they set in.

You may find better responses if you send each of your questions 
separately as this email is rather long and touches on several

Well - there wasn't really any questions at all here.;^)

This was meant to be just a general here's what I've found out; what do
you think message - not a query so much as something to kick off

 I began, as everything I've read suggests, by creating an internal 
 to hold the components.  I now think that was a mistake and have
 switched to structures to maintain the internal data.  However
 structures can't maintain an explicit order, something Arrays do by

It can often be hard to choose between arrays and structures since 
sometimes you want properties of each one. Thus, it is often necessary 
to create a data structure that has the properties you want instead 
working around a problem in an available data structure.

True.In this case I think that's what I've done (sorta).I want the
properties of a structure (easy random access, sorting, etc) inside the
comoponent, but want it to return ordered data (properties of an array).

 Sorting arrays of components is a pain.  ArraySort() won't work on
 arrays of complex objects so you're left with doing some sort of
 sort, going back out to the database, or using some sort of proxy
 (creating, for example, a query using Query of Queries).  All of
 are inelegant solutions in my opinion.

Implementing a well known sorting algorithm shouldn't be that difficult

since all the popular ones are well documented and have examples 
available in many different programming languages. Bubble sort is 
generally not a very good one. Generally speaking, quick sort is 
usually the best choice.

Bubble Sort wasn't actually what I did - it's just the first example
that came to mind.If I had had to really do it then I probably would
not have used bubble sorting anyway - although in some of my cases it
may have actually been quite effective (small amounts of nearly sorted

QuickSort is definitely a better choice generally however.I've never
needed it in CF (yet) but I have used it in _javascript_.

In any case implementing an algorithm may be simple - but leveraging the
core sorting capabilities of the language seems a better choice to me -
at least for simple sorts.

More complex sorts may require custom coding... but that's what makes
them complex.;^)

 As always I'd love to hear opinions on this from those that know more
 than I do (which includes... well, pretty much everybody).  Are there
 actually good reasons to use arrays rather than structs?

IMHO, since all you want is to maintain key/value pairs in order, what 
you need is a Map that keeps its entries in order. The JDK provides two

classes that do this, LinkedHashMap and TreeMap. Additionally, Apache 
Jakarta Commons has a number of other Map implementations that keep 
their entries in order. If you'd like an example of using one of these 
classes let me know.

Of course, you may want nothing to do with Java and would rather handle

the problem in CFML. If so, I would suggest creating your own ordered 
Map as a CFC. To do that you would create both an array and a structure

to hold your data. The CFC would manage keeping the two in sync, which 
shouldn't be hard considering one would likely only hold references to 
the other. Then whenever you need to access your data as an array you 
have an array to access it with. When you need to access your data as a

structure then you also have a structure to access it with.

At this point it's not so much that I want nothing to do with Java (I
will get there eventually) but that it really doesn't seem like I need
it.The solution I have is working just fine (for this application, of
course - it may break down under different requirements).

Right now I'm creating the array on demand - because I plan to cache
them immediately.However creating the array on construction instead
(and having them updated accordingly with the add() and delete()
methods) would, I think, effectively create the ordered Map you describe
(although not a generically applicable one).

In that case (it seems) I would have several Map components which would
have to be managed.Since I want to return a single set of components
sorted several different ways I think that what I have works best for

Of course that's not to say I won't hit a roadblock at some point and
need to 

Re: Re[2]: CFMX/Linux: using Java to read image properties

2003-10-05 Thread Massimo, Tiziana e Federica
Missing server package? Permissions issue?

What Matt said. You need to configure X11

Massimo Foti
Certified Dreamweaver MX Developer
Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer

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