Re: New Round of Exploits going on

2013-02-12 Thread Russ Michaels


That is partly true, if you make certain assumptions, but things are not
quite that simple, considering the following.

Let say you get your own server to host your own site.
And that is it, you do not do any kind of lockdown, do not keep your
patches and hotfixes up to date, do no monitoring what so ever.
Then yes in such a scenario the shared server will  be safer in general
because your server as a whole is not secure, so a vulnerability on the
server is more likely.
So getting a server with no idea what your doing and no management or
support, would be pretty dumb. If you do not have the skills to manage it
yourself and make sure it is secure then you should be paying you host or
someone else to do this for you.

However if you are running a server with *ONLY* your own site on it, your
chances of being attacked in the first place are much less than a shared
Consider that a shared server is going to have *AT LEAST* 200 other sites
on it, probably more, and attackers generally target a list of
domains/websites rather than the server itself when looking for
vulnerabilities, so that is a 20,000% increase in your chances of being
hacked due to other websites on the server already

Lets also consider that your own site is written in CF, and so CF is the
only thing you would have installed on your own server.
So you only have one application layer attack vector.
But on a shared server your also going to have ASP, .NET, Perl, PHP, Ruby
and probably more, so that has just increased the possible attack vectors
by at least another 500%

On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 6:37 AM, Byron Mann wrote:

 (apologies for the length)


 I can tell by your comments that you either have dealt with a lot of hosts
 or have worked or owned one. Well said.

 Having worked in the Hosting space for more than 10 years now, I can safely
 say there is absolutely no 100% way to prevent these exploits on any

 That is not to say there are not more secure options than shared hosting,
 but even at that you may need the above average skill set. I can make an
 argument that shared CF hosting is probably more secure for half the people
 using Coldfusion out there.

 How and why?

 Well most probably have no one actively monitoring their servers. Not only
 do we have ourselves and tools looking at the servers, but our customers
 who make us instantly aware of an issue.

 Even a subpar host probably has a better lock down on CF than many non host
 managed CF users.

 How many can say they don't have root kits (or even know what that is)
 running on their server? Probably a lot on this list, but the average vps,
 cloud or dedicated user out there, ummm probably not.

 Example, there was a recent issue we had with hidden elements being
 injected to files on a shared server. This was actually a customer running
 Wordpress. How many out there would have found that and how quickly, say on
 a dedicated server with a site that only gets updated once a month.

 The best you can do is be vigilant, do your patching and homework and when
 the next compromise comes, take it on the cheek, mitigate, and take what
 you learned and try to improve for the next go around.

 And if you are a hosting customer, it's up to you to be aware and educated
 on what a host should and shouldn't be doing (aka this list). And then
 decide if it's time to move on or acceptable to you.

 Of course I'm speaking in general terms, as this is the case with not only
 CF, but all platforms. How many times a week do we hear about a drupal or
 Wordpress issue, just about as often as CF, but if not more.

 Quick fact, we have more dedicated, vps, cloud (vms) revenue effected by
 compromises than our shared customers.

 But let's not all forget the real problem here. It's not cf users, the host
 or Adobe's fault. It's the dirt bags out there who make escalations happen
 that result in the 3 am phone calls.

 Byron Mann
 Lead Engineer  Architect


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RE: Problem with Hackers on Donation form through

2013-02-12 Thread Rick Faircloth

Looks interesting. IP-based blocking may be a good way to go
for my donation form.

-Original Message-
From: Al Musella, DPM [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 12:07 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Problem with Hackers on Donation form through

I came across an interesting way to get the country from the IP 
I might set this up and block non North American IPs...

At 04:43 PM 2/11/2013, Les Mizzell wrote:

One site of mine for a dance company used to get a ton of spam through
contact forms. Everybody hated CAPTCHA, so I put a simple question with
radio button choices:

A cow goes?
a. quack
b. woof
c. moo
d. chirp

VERY low tech, but believe it or not, we've not gotten a single piece of
bot spam since!

Wouldn't advise this for most uses though...

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RE: Problem with Hackers on Donation form through

2013-02-12 Thread Rick Faircloth

Another good thought! Thanks!

-Original Message-
From: Byron Mann [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 1:57 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Problem with Hackers on Donation form through

A fairly inexpensive and easy to implement fraud screening service is
maxmind minfraud.

It's something like 0.005 per transaction methinks.

Another method I didn't see in the thread was doing an email confirmation
before performing the cc transaction. Like  send an email to the user with
a unique ID the user must click to verify a legit email address was used.

Can still be bot'd but requires a bit more work on their part, which might
be enough discourage since there are a lot of other places for them to go
do their dirtiness.

Byron Mann
Lead Engineer  Architect
On Feb 11, 2013 11:13 AM, Rick Faircloth wrote:

 Hi, guys...

 I'm been running my first eCommerce setup with a donation
 page/form using

 Things have been running fine, excepts for spammers using
 the donation form to find legitmate CC numbers so they could
 abuse the card in other ways.

 I've assumed, up to this point, that the spammers are bots,
 not humans.  The spam attempts happened every 15-30 seconds
 for about an hour, then they stop.  Very few are able to
 successfully process a transaction, but I'm trying to stop
 the form from being submitted.

 I've tried honey-pot traps, then moved to CF's captcha (at
 its default level of difficulty). So far, the spam attempts
 keep coming and my client is wondering if they need to get
 someone (besides me) to handle the donations since I can't seem
 to stop the spam.

 I realize that if someone is hiring cheap human labor for $1
 per day to sit and enter form info, that I can't stop that,
 but if it is bots doing the spamming, will making CF captcha
 more difficult to read have a good chance of stopping the bots,
 or do I need to get with reCaptcha.  I like using CF's solution,
 because I can code it myself.  But if it doesn't work...

 Thoughts on this? I've got to get a solution working.

 Thanks for any feedback!



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Re: Hack - Further Information

2013-02-12 Thread Russ Michaels

well I guess I never saw it because I always keep the cfadmin in the
default website and lock it down, and always create a copy of the CFIDE
without the admin or adminapi for all other sites. So there is always a
I have just gone and checked some cf sites on several servers for sanity,
and could not access /cfide/administrator/index.cfm on any of them.

On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 6:36 PM, Dave Watts wrote:

  I have to say I have never once had that in my 12 years of installing cf
  servers, if the cfide dir or  vdir doesn't exist , then cfide or the
  administrator doesn't work, period.

 I have seen this many times. Again, as mentioned previously, it's not
 at all obvious - you request the URL /CFIDE/Administrator/ and you get
 a 404 from the web server, but /CFIDE/Administrator/index.cfm gives
 you a 200 for the CF Administrator. You can easily tell when this
 happens because the images (which are static files not served by CF)
 are not displayed.

  So there must be some.very special.circumstances for that to happen, it
  certainly doesn't happen on a standard windows install.

 The circumstances are not all that special, and happen under the exact
 situations I described. If you install CF with the CF Administrator
 and do not move or delete it, then you set up a web server without the
 CF Administrator, CF will be able to run
 /CFIDE/Administrator/index.cfm. Again, we typically demonstrate this
 in class, so it's fairly replicable. The key is simply to be aware of
 servlet mappings and how they work.

 Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

 Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
 GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
 instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite.


Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Problem with Hackers on Donation form through

2013-02-12 Thread Peter Donahue

Good morning everyone,

That verification solution will also work with screen readers making it 
possible for disabled Web surfers to use that form. Good going although 
CFFormProtect would eliminate the captcha all together.

Peter Donahue

- Original Message - 
From: Al Musella, DPM
To: cf-talk
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 11:06 PM
Subject: Re: Problem with Hackers on Donation form through

I came across an interesting way to get the country from the IP
I might set this up and block non North American IPs...

At 04:43 PM 2/11/2013, Les Mizzell wrote:

One site of mine for a dance company used to get a ton of spam through
contact forms. Everybody hated CAPTCHA, so I put a simple question with
radio button choices:

A cow goes?
a. quack
b. woof
c. moo
d. chirp

VERY low tech, but believe it or not, we've not gotten a single piece of
bot spam since!

Wouldn't advise this for most uses though...

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Hack - Further Information

2013-02-12 Thread Dave Watts

 well I guess I never saw it because I always keep the cfadmin in the
 default website and lock it down, and always create a copy of the CFIDE
 without the admin or adminapi for all other sites. So there is always a

That, by itself, is not sufficient. You can have a real CFIDE
without the CF Administrator and CF will still run scripts that aren't
in it. Again, this boils down to a few simple things: if CF receives
the request, and has a corresponding servlet mapping, CF can in many
cases run the request whether or not the file actually exists where
the web server thinks it should exist.

 I have just gone and checked some cf sites on several servers for sanity,
 and could not access /cfide/administrator/index.cfm on any of them.

That is good! But perhaps you are doing other things as a matter of
course that are preventing this behavior. And I wouldn't be surprised
if you are doing these other things, because they're commonly done by
people who are concerned about security. Again, though, the
out-of-the-box behavior does not guarantee that these scripts can't
be executed.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite.

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Problem with Hackers on Donation form through

2013-02-12 Thread Al Musella, DPM

   Your right  we do routinely get real donations from a few 
places like Puerto Rico and Mexico  (which both happen to be part of 
north america)... as well as most of Europe and Japan. We actually 
got real donations from China and  even Nigeria so we can't block any 
coutry outright.

So I am not going to bother blocking countries.
  We had another run of someone trying yesterday.. I detected it on 
the 3rd attmept (all of which failed).. then he (or she) tried about 
30 more times where I just sent the fake failure notice without 
letting it hit the credit card processor.

On 2/12/2013 12:06 PM, Al Musella, DPM wrote:
  I came across an interesting way to get the country from the IP
  I might set this up and block non North American IPs...

i would check w/your client first. not everybody outside NA is bent on
conducting fraud. and will you exclude users from Mexico, Puerto Rico, etc.?

and keep in mind that IP-to-country conversion isn't fool-proof as it is,
never-mind when folks actively try to defeat it.

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Re: Problem with Hackers on Donation form through

2013-02-12 Thread Justin Scott

   We had another run of someone trying yesterday.. I detected it on
 the 3rd attmept (all of which failed).. then he (or she) tried about
 30 more times where I just sent the fake failure notice without
 letting it hit the credit card processor.

I like this approach on two fronts.  First it protects you and your
merchant account, and second it gives the attacker a false negative on
card numbers that may have been otherwise valid which could help save
the cardholder from a lot of bogus charges down the line.


Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

RE: Problem with Hackers on Donation form through

2013-02-12 Thread Rick Faircloth

All of my attempts over the last couple of months
have been under 2 minutes apart.

It takes a lot longer than that to fill out the donation form.

I think I'm going to try a timing function to determine
the time of the first click of the form and the click of the
submit button, and if the times is less than 12ms (2 minutes),
I'm going to reject the submission.

Nothing else is working, I might as well try that.  If it's a bot
doing the spamming, it probably won't wait. If it's a person, doing
the spamming, they won't know why they're getting the failure notice.

Any problems with this approach?

-Original Message-
From: Justin Scott [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 2:36 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Problem with Hackers on Donation form through

   We had another run of someone trying yesterday.. I detected it on
 the 3rd attmept (all of which failed).. then he (or she) tried about
 30 more times where I just sent the fake failure notice without
 letting it hit the credit card processor.

I like this approach on two fronts.  First it protects you and your
merchant account, and second it gives the attacker a false negative on
card numbers that may have been otherwise valid which could help save
the cardholder from a lot of bogus charges down the line.


Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

RE: Problem with Hackers on Donation form through

2013-02-12 Thread Rick Faircloth

Sometimes I hate this work... even though I've got it made as a
freelancer. I still hate this work at times. Maybe I'll just go
work at Lowes...

-Original Message-
From: Justin Scott [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 2:36 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Problem with Hackers on Donation form through

   We had another run of someone trying yesterday.. I detected it on
 the 3rd attmept (all of which failed).. then he (or she) tried about
 30 more times where I just sent the fake failure notice without
 letting it hit the credit card processor.

I like this approach on two fronts.  First it protects you and your
merchant account, and second it gives the attacker a false negative on
card numbers that may have been otherwise valid which could help save
the cardholder from a lot of bogus charges down the line.


Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Problem with Hackers on Donation form through

2013-02-12 Thread Claude Schnéegans

 If so, this won't work because I don't use an actual button with
a type of submit. The submit button for my form is just a regular
button that triggers an AJAX function that sends the data to a CFC
for further processing and then submission in the CFC to

 From this you can conclude at 99% that the spammers are human.
Bot very unlikely execute Ajax functions, not even any Javascript.
Then Captcha won't help.

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RE: Anyway to automatically convert to URLSESSIONFORMAT

2013-02-12 Thread UXB

 This isn't even the biggest threat. Since you are passing the SessionID
in the URL, 
 it will be included in the referrer string and LOGGED by someone else's
server each 
 time you allow a link out from your website.

Absolutely!  Security is hard enough for web applications but without
cookies it is nearly impossible.  The company that decided to disallow
cookies on internal browsers for I am guessing security reasons does not
fully understand the implications.

Dennis Powers
UXB Internet - A website Design and Hosting Company
P.O. Box 6028, Wolcott, CT 06716 - T:203-879-2844

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

RE: Problem with Hackers on Donation form through

2013-02-12 Thread UXB

 button for my form is just a regular button that triggers an AJAX 
 function that sends the data to a CFC for further processing and then

Forget the form page the bots/humans are not even seeing it they are
attacking your processing cfc directly.  Your protection has to be server
side since any JavaScript on the form page is ignored. They are
submitting form data directly to your CFC processing page.

Dennis Powers
UXB Internet - A website Design and Hosting Company
P.O. Box 6028, Wolcott, CT 06716 - T:203-879-2844

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Re: Problem with Hackers on Donation form through

2013-02-12 Thread Justin Scott

 Forget the form page the bots/humans are not even seeing it they are
 attacking your processing cfc directly.  Your protection has to be server
 side since any JavaScript on the form page is ignored. They are
 submitting form data directly to your CFC processing page.

Part of the verification in the processing can be reliant upon
something executing in JavaScript and being passed in with the form
submission.  This is how CFFormProtect works (looks for and tracks
timing, keystrokes, mouse movement, etc.).  This data is tracked and
passed in to the form and the server runs checks against it to
determine whether the script ran and events occurred that you would
expect to see in a real environment vs. an automated script (it does
have some server-side checks as well such as Akismet lookups, etc.).

It is true that an attacker could capture one real submission
between the browser and the server and modify their scripts to submit
the appropriate data to make it appear as though a script ran and
those form fields were populated naturally when they actually weren't,
though an attacker would need to be pretty persistent to go through
all that trouble.

The idea with these kinds of protections is to make it sufficiently
inconvenient for an attacker to go to the trouble and move on to the
next guy who is easier to exploit.

One of the sites I ran years ago had a problem with people scripting
the signup process to generate accounts (even to the point of
generating e-mail accounts to use for the e-mail validation process).
We really didn't want to use a CAPTCHA, so we ended up randomizing the
form field names (and creating a map of the random names to the real
names as a session variable when the form was generated so we could
match them back up when it was submitted).  This prevented the process
script from being hit directly and would have forced them to load the
actual signup page first, parse all the fieldnames out, and then run
the submission again.  They could have automated this as well, but
never did (perhaps because it was too inconvenient and there were
easier targets to go after).

The earlier idea of automatically rejecting transactions and
transparently showing a reject notice after a couple of failures is a
good anti-abuse measure in this instance.  If logs are being kept,
they can be reviewed periodically and anyone who looks like they may
have been accidentally rejected can be contacted again later to
recapture their donation if needed.  Abuse can be a hard problem to


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A little help with jquery/cfm

2013-02-12 Thread Bruce Sorge

Hey all,
I have an app that is running great. User enters a code into a form field, and 
it checks the db to see if it's valid. If not they can't move on. Problem is 
that now the customer wants to be able to enter either the 2-5 character code 
OR the long name. For instance, you could enter AS or Adaptive Sports. I am not 
sure how to add this functionality into this code below as I did not write the 
query, I found it on-line and modified it for my site.


script src=js/jquery.js type=text/javascript/script
script type=text/javascript
pic1 = new Image(16, 16); 
pic1.src = images/loader.gif;


$(#orgname).change(function() { 

var usr = $(#orgname).val();

if(usr.length = 2)
$(#status).html('img align=absmiddle src=images/loader.gif / Checking 

type: POST, 
url: checkcode.cfm, 
data: orgname=+ usr, 
success: function(msg){ 

$(#status).ajaxComplete(function(event, request, settings){ 

if(msg == 'OK')
$(#orgname).removeClass('object_error'); // if necessary

$(this).html(' img align=absmiddle src=images/accepted.png / ');
$(#orgname).removeClass('object_ok'); // if necessary

$(#status).html('The Code should have at least 2 characters.');
$(#orgname).removeClass('object_ok'); // if necessary



Here is the check code.cfm page:

cfsetting showdebugoutput=false
 !--- Set the orgname to blank first ---
cfparam name=orgname default=

!--- Query the organizations table for all of the org names ---
cfquery name=checkName datasource=#request.dataSource#
   SELECT orgname, orglongname
   FROM organizations

 !--- put the names into a list ---
cfset orgnamelist = valueList(checkname.orgname, ,)

!--- Check the list against the name entered. If there is a match, then code 
is valid, otherwise conde is invalid ---
cfif listFindNoCase(orgnamelist, orgname)
cfset available = 'span style=color: Green;Code is valid./span'
cfset available = 'span style=color: red;The Code b #orgname#/b is an 
invalid code. br /Please re-enter your code./span'

Hopefully someone can help. The client put out a huge email blast today and 
then as an afterthought wanted the added functionality since someone already 
tried to enter the long name rather than the code as instructed.



Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: A little help with jquery/cfm

2013-02-12 Thread Brian Cain

You should move your check into the WHERE clause of the query (WHERE  orgname = 
'#orgname#' or orglongname ='#orgname#') and change the listfindnocase 
condition to checkname.recordcount GT 0.  There is no need to return the entire 
record set and then convert it to a list.  Get rid is the orgnamelist variable 
all together.  That is a waste of resources.

To be on the safe side you should also use cfqueryparam to wrap the variables 
in your SQL statement to prevent SQL injection attacks.

Brian Cain

On Feb 12, 2013, at 7:25 PM, Bruce Sorge wrote:

 Hey all,
 I have an app that is running great. User enters a code into a form field, 
 and it checks the db to see if it's valid. If not they can't move on. Problem 
 is that now the customer wants to be able to enter either the 2-5 character 
 code OR the long name. For instance, you could enter AS or Adaptive Sports. I 
 am not sure how to add this functionality into this code below as I did not 
 write the query, I found it on-line and modified it for my site.
 script src=js/jquery.js type=text/javascript/script
 script type=text/javascript
 pic1 = new Image(16, 16); 
 pic1.src = images/loader.gif;
 $(#orgname).change(function() { 
 var usr = $(#orgname).val();
 if(usr.length = 2)
 $(#status).html('img align=absmiddle src=images/loader.gif / Checking 
 type: POST, 
 url: checkcode.cfm, 
 data: orgname=+ usr, 
 success: function(msg){ 
 $(#status).ajaxComplete(function(event, request, settings){ 
 if(msg == 'OK')
 $(#orgname).removeClass('object_error'); // if necessary
 $(this).html(' img align=absmiddle src=images/accepted.png / ');
 $(#orgname).removeClass('object_ok'); // if necessary
 $(#status).html('The Code should have at least 2 characters.');
 $(#orgname).removeClass('object_ok'); // if necessary
 Here is the check code.cfm page:
 cfsetting showdebugoutput=false
 !--- Set the orgname to blank first ---
 cfparam name=orgname default=
 !--- Query the organizations table for all of the org names ---
 cfquery name=checkName datasource=#request.dataSource#
   SELECT orgname, orglongname
   FROM organizations
 !--- put the names into a list ---
 cfset orgnamelist = valueList(checkname.orgname, ,)
 !--- Check the list against the name entered. If there is a match, then code 
 is valid, otherwise conde is invalid ---
 cfif listFindNoCase(orgnamelist, orgname)
 cfset available = 'span style=color: Green;Code is valid./span'
 cfset available = 'span style=color: red;The Code b #orgname#/b is 
 an invalid code. br /Please re-enter your code./span'
 Hopefully someone can help. The client put out a huge email blast today and 
 then as an afterthought wanted the added functionality since someone already 
 tried to enter the long name rather than the code as instructed.

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: A little help with jquery/cfm

2013-02-12 Thread Bruce Sorge

The think is that the check is not done when they post, it's done when they 
enter the code, then shift the focus form the form field. 

On Feb 12, 2013, at 8:42 PM, Brian Cain wrote:

 You should move your check into the WHERE clause of the query (WHERE  orgname 
 = '#orgname#' or orglongname ='#orgname#') and change the listfindnocase 
 condition to checkname.recordcount GT 0.  There is no need to return the 
 entire record set and then convert it to a list.  Get rid is the orgnamelist 
 variable all together.  That is a waste of resources.
 To be on the safe side you should also use cfqueryparam to wrap the variables 
 in your SQL statement to prevent SQL injection attacks.
 Brian Cain

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: A little help with jquery/cfm

2013-02-12 Thread Brian Cain

Yes.  You are checking on checkcode.cfm.  That is the page that needs to be 

Brian Cain

On Feb 12, 2013, at 7:47 PM, Bruce Sorge wrote:

 The think is that the check is not done when they post, it's done when they 
 enter the code, then shift the focus form the form field. 
 On Feb 12, 2013, at 8:42 PM, Brian Cain wrote:
 You should move your check into the WHERE clause of the query (WHERE  
 orgname = '#orgname#' or orglongname ='#orgname#') and change the 
 listfindnocase condition to checkname.recordcount GT 0.  There is no need to 
 return the entire record set and then convert it to a list.  Get rid is the 
 orgnamelist variable all together.  That is a waste of resources.
 To be on the safe side you should also use cfqueryparam to wrap the 
 variables in your SQL statement to prevent SQL injection attacks.
 Brian Cain

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: A little help with jquery/cfm

2013-02-12 Thread Bruce Sorge

Yeah, I had a brain fart. This fixed it:

 cfsetting showdebugoutput=false
 !--- Set the orgname to blank first ---
cfparam name=form.orgname default=

!--- Query the organizations table for all of the org names ---
cfquery name=checkName datasource=#request.dataSource#
   SELECT orgname, orglongname
   FROM organizations
   WHERE orgname = cfqueryparam value=#form.orgname# 
cfsqltype=cf_sql_varchar OR orglongname = cfqueryparam 
value=#form.orgname# cfsqltype=cf_sql_varchar


!--- Check the list against the name entered. If there is a match, then code 
is valid, otherwise code is invalid ---

cfif LEN(checkName.orgname) OR LEN(checkName.orglongname)

cfset available = 'span style=color: Green;Code is valid./span'
cfset available = 'span style=color: red;The Code b #orgname#/b is an 
invalid code. Please re-enter your code./span'

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