RE: Photo Album Modification

2004-08-25 Thread Michael Kear
Yes, you can open in a new window with XHTML, just not using the
target=_blank attribute which is wicked and nasty in XHTML and will get
you banished from the kingdom.Do not pass go and do not collect $200.

I open external links usually in a new window, and while you can't use the
target attribute, you can do it another way that's valid XHTML1.0 Strict,
but it uses a tiny amount of _javascript_.

To open in a new window using XHTML make your links like this: 

.a href="" rel=externalMacromedia/a

And you have a tiny piece of _javascript_ that you can have as an external
file referred to in the header (I call mine 'external.js'): 

function externalLinks() { 
 if (!document.getElementsByTagName) return; 
 var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName(a); 
 for (var i=0; ianchors.length; i++) { 
var anchor = anchors[i]; 
if (anchor.getAttribute(href)  
 anchor.getAttribute(rel) == external) = _blank; 

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks
.com,.net,.org domains from AUD$20/Year

From: Mark Henderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 26 August 2004 12:45 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Photo Album Modification

*slaps forehead* correct, thanks Jim. I have it working now. I need them in
a list for another purpose which I've now solved. Getting ahead of myself
again it seems. Your point re using a database for more control is noted and
understood, and for a full-on feature rich photoalbum I can understand it's
benefits. I only wanted to whip something up requiring a minimum of fuss
when updating.

The next thing is opening the full image in a new window (using coldfusion,
not _javascript_) and without a target name (since the doctype is xhtml). 

Anyone know if this is even possible?

Mark H
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Interesting flash remoting example?

2004-08-24 Thread Michael Kear
I'm assuming thisterrific effect is flash remoting? No? Anyway it's
really creative and deserves a Attaboy to the designer.


Mike Kear

AFP Webworks

Windsor, NSW, Australia

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RE: Interesting flash remoting example?

2004-08-24 Thread Michael Kear
Exactly Chris,hence my question mark on the subject line.I was
wondering if people who knew more about flash remoting than I did would be
able to tell.I figured the info related to the actors was coming from the
database and the fact that every day has a different star might indicate
that too.But as I said, other swill know more about flash remoting than


Mike Kear


From: Chris Johnston [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 25 August 2004 3:04 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Interesting flash remoting example?

On Wed, 25 Aug 2004 02:53:30 +1000, Michael Kear [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I'm assuming thisterrific effect is flash remoting? No? Anyway
 really creative and deserves a Attaboy to the designer.

Cool website. I am wondering which effect you thought was Flash
Remoting, though? Effect is not necessarily a word I would ever
associate with flash remoting.Since there is no obvious database
integration, it is really hard to say if they are using flash

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Breadcrumbs - do you fully track users?

2004-08-23 Thread Michael Kear
What do you do for breadcrumbs on your sites?Do you display the actual
route the user took to get to this page or do you show the normal 3-4 steps
from the home page, regardless of the way the user actually got there?


Mike Kear

AFP Webworks

Windsor, NSW, Australia

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RE: Olympics web site - anyone know anything about how it's built?

2004-08-22 Thread Michael Kear
Australia's not there either Ian.I bet it's to do with the different
national Olympic Committees.I bet you have to buy all that stuff through
the US Olympic Committee's site (or whatever the US committee's name is).

When the Sydney Olympics came around they passed special legislation to
control the use of all sorts of stuff, including huge lumps of the English
language.For example it was against the law to use the word Sydney and
2000 in the same sentence without the express written permission of his
Lordship Juan Antonio Samaranch.

A client of mine made some components for the torches.A nice order for
him, and adds some nice prestige to his small business, but he's not allowed
to tell anyone without the express written permission of Jacques Rogge
hisself. He can't even use the word Olympic in any of his company's

So it wouldn't surprise me at all if you can't buy hats through the Athens
site, and you have to buy it through the US Olympic committee site.

You ought to be able to get a great deal on US Basketball team memorabilia.
No one's going to want that.In fact I heard the coach's job is up for


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


From: Ian Sheridan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, 23 August 2004 11:44 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Olympics web site - anyone know anything about how it's built?

Well I'm in the US and I saw a hat that I liked in the shop (sorry not CF). 14.40 euros is no big 
deal so I wanted to buy it. To do that you have to register and I 
couldn't. It did not have USA listed in the country drop down. Is it 
me?! because I saw a bunch of other countries there that are not in the 
EU. It didn't list Canada either.

Sorry about being OT, I know that NBC (a television network here in the 
US) bought all the broadcasting rights to the Olympics but damn why 
can't my capitalist pig ass buy a darn hat?!heh

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Double Negative way of making decisions? Good?

2004-08-19 Thread Michael Kear
I've been taking a look at ContentMonger LiteCMS system, mentioned
elsewhere today by Matt Robertson (,
and I notice a lot of the decisions in the code are made by what seems to be
a double negative for me.Quite confusing until I got used to it.Is
there any performance or other advantage to doing it the way Matt does it,
or is it just a matter of style? 

For example, ContentMonger has this: 

cfif not Compare(GetItem.SecureDisplay,Y)
	. Stuff .

Where I'd be more likely to put this: 

cfif GetItem.SecureDisplay EQ Y
	. Stuff .

If it's just a matter of style, that's no problem, although I think my way
is more readable and more readily understood, but if there is any other
reason to do it Matt's way I've got an awful lot of revision of code to do!!

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
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RE: Double Negative way of making decisions? Good?

2004-08-19 Thread Michael Kear
It treats zero as false, and the other two values as true.You can tell
because the following both give the same result:

cfif not Compare(Z,Y)Stuff/cfif

cfif not Compare(Y,Z)Stuff/cfif


cfif not Compare(Y,Y)Other stuff/cfifgives a different result.

For my money though, the fact that it's a double negative means it's
sufficiently easy to get confused (for me anyway) and therefore to code
round the wrong way, that I'm going to stick with CFIF variable NEQ Y.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks

From: Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
Sent: Thursday, 19 August 2004 9:28 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Double Negative way of making decisions? Good?

Ermunless I read it wrong he is using Compare and it is this which is
comparing the string - The actual CFIF is checking for the value returned
back from this Compare which is going to be -1,0,1 which is not
Boolean.the code Matt listed is checking for a boolean value (well he is
assuming its 1 or 0 / True / False).

I am not sure how CF treats -1 - i.e. does it treat it as False?  This is
classic case of using ColdFusion's typelessness to your advantage.
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RE: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-17 Thread Michael Kear
I'm sorry .. have I slipped on to some IBM discussion list?All those
acronyms - actually no I can't be a IBM list because many of the acronyms
have more than 3 letters.Must be a unix list.How did this happen?I
thought we were a ColdFusion list. No?


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 18 August 2004 1:41 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

 But I think it is not unrealistic to expect the built-in gateways
 (plus a few extensions that will undoubtedly be released) will do
 the majority of what the majority of developers need. It will be
 a while before the average developer wants more then say IM, SMS,
 SNMP and maybe telnet and IRC. I can even see some demand for
 'cool stuff' such as MUD gateways, but beyond that?
If you get IM and SMS, then SMTP, POP3, and IMAP will be asked for. If you
get Telnet people will want SSH. What about FTP, SFTP, and SCP? Those seem
useful. How many people will want NNTP? Let's not even talk about TCP, UDP,
or ICMP.
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RE: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

2004-08-17 Thread Michael Kear
Matt, I might be wrong here, but I don't think it's Macromedia's intention
to make it COMPULSORY for you to use the new feature. 

I think you could take almost any aspect of ColdFusion and there would be
people who would say I have no idea why they bothered to put that in the
product - we never use it. What a waste of time THAT was!

So you wont use this feature.Ok .. Don't.But I'll bet you'll find
plenty that will make your life better/simpler/more efficient.Every
version of CF so far as done that for us, and I reckon most of the others on
this list too.


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks 

(Organisation with limited resources but specialised expertise.)


From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 18 August 2004 2:14 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: BLACKSTONE: Software Development Times Article

Wow, that company was able to do all that without event gateways. They must
be an organization with extensive resources and specialized expertise.

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Olympics web site - anyone know anything about how it's built?

2004-08-14 Thread Michael Kear
Now that the Olympics are under way, I've been looking at the web site at and it's pretty impressive.Does anyone know
anything about what sort of beast powers it?Anything about how it's made

I know they've got huge sums of sponsors' money to spend on it, and all the
input for scores comes from laptops at the venues, input by the officials
and made available to other officials, media and the web site.The input
for details of the athletes etc comes from their home country Olympic
Committees through their own local clubs I guess,but for such a huge site,
with such huge traffic, there must be a really big donk driving it.The
site itself is pretty quiet about how it's built,but does anyone know
anything about it?Or know where there's a description of how it's built?

I see that they've learned from the fiasco over the Sydney2000 site, where a
disabled user sued the Sydney2000 Organising Committeejust before the
games started because he couldn't easily access the site using his screen
reader, and they had to scramble with only a few weeks to go and recode the
site.This site is not perfect in accessible terms, but itsa light-year
ahead of the Sydney2000 one. For example, all font sizes on this site are
relative so users can use their own preferences to set character size.
(Ctrl-wheel for windows users)

Anyway it's a matter of curiosity and interest rather than professional
need.But I'd love to know more about what's under the hood of this site.

Anyone know?


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

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RE: tip of the day

2004-08-04 Thread Michael Kear
In SQLServer,the syntax to get a random record is: 

SELECT TOP 1 * FROM tablename Order By NEWID()

In SQLServer, the NEWID() function gives the random record.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks

From: Ewok [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 4 August 2004 9:40 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: tip of the day

well there are a couple of ways to get a random record...
as long as ou are not using access there is a RAND() function to do it...
something like this if i remember correctly

select * from table order by Rand() limit 1

that SHOULD return 1 random record everytime its ran.

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RE: SOT: Good Australian CF Hosting Company

2004-08-02 Thread Michael Kear
Thanks Tom,And yes, we're still around.Most definitely!And getting a
better package together every day. 


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


From: Tom Kitta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 3 August 2004 1:22 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: SOT: Good Australian CF Hosting Company

I just know of don't know how good they are, but
they once posted on this mailing list.


Does anyone recommend a good Australian ColdFusion hosting company that
is in Australia?

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RE: Free Open Source Shopping cart?

2004-08-01 Thread Michael Kear
I have used the one in Ben Forta's book CFWACK several times, and modified
it so much it's ended up as my own cart.And once used one in a book called
ColdFusion MX from Static to Dynamic in 10 steps by Australian Barry Moore.

But by the time I've gone through the steps to use those carts for my
client's specifics, its just as easy to do my own.Once you implement one
or two, the principles of managing state, keeping track of the users as they
move around,closing the order and getting their delivery and billing
details are more or less the same from one shopping cart to the next.

If you've built one, it takes longer the first time but you know more about
the inner workings and its easier the next time around. IF you take
someone else's package,you either have to modify theirs to meet your
specifics, or change your business to match the way the package has been
written.I always think its better to have the shopping cart reflect the
way the business works, rather than change the business to match the way
software works.

I think you're right to want to learn from another shopping cart so you can
write your own from then on. If you haven't got Ben's book already you
can't do worse than have that in your library,for a whole lot of reasons.


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


From: Kevin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, 2 August 2004 12:06 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Free Open Source Shopping cart?

Hi all,

Does anyone know of an open source shopping cart in CF? I know of a few in
PHP and CGI, but nothing in ColdFusion. Can anyone point me in the right
direction? Google sent me to many programs that were for sale, but none



PS: I am looking for something to learn from to write my own.
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RE: Free Open Source Shopping cart?

2004-08-01 Thread Michael Kear
Sorry Kevin, it's such a fixture on the CF scene, that I forgot there was a
day when I didn't know the book. 

It's the ColdFusion Web Application Construction Kit (5th Edition is the
current one I think) by Ben Forta and Nat Weiss (wih others) published by
Macromedia Press.

There are two books in the series - the CFWACK mentioned above, and the
companion book, Advanced ColdFusion Application Development.Together,
they're about 2500 pages (plus a CD) of pure gold.

They aren't the be-all and end-all of ColdFusion coding but if you've been
through both books, you are pretty self-sufficient for most things.The
writing style is not flowery,written in easy-to-understand English.The
authors don't feel the need (as so many do) to impress the reader with their
command of high-falutinlanguage and its easy to work through.There are
many step-by-step tutorials.

The only warning I'd make is don't read it in bed. If you nod off while
you're reading, you could easily break your nose.


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


From: Kevin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, 2 August 2004 12:57 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Free Open Source Shopping cart?

Thanks Mike,

What is the exact title of the book CFWACK? :-) 

I would love to have a tutorial that uses a shopping cart for the example
app. Then I could sit down and design one to fit the needs of my specific
store. :-)




I have used the one in Ben Forta's book CFWACK several times, and modified
it so much it's ended up as my own cart.And once used one in a book called
ColdFusion MX from Static to Dynamic in 10 steps by Australian Barry Moore.

But by the time I've gone through the steps to use those carts for my
client's specifics, its just as easy to do my own.Once you implement one
or two, the principles of managing state, keeping track of the users as they
move around,closing the order and getting their delivery and billing
details are more or less the same from one shopping cart to the next.

If you've built one, it takes longer the first time but you know more about
the inner workings and its easier the next time around. IF you take
someone else's package,you either have to modify theirs to meet your
specifics, or change your business to match the way the package has been
written.I always think its better to have the shopping cart reflect the
way the business works, rather than change the business to match the way
software works.

I think you're right to want to learn from another shopping cart so you can
write your own from then on. If you haven't got Ben's book already you
can't do worse than have that in your library,for a whole lot of reasons.

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RE: Free Open Source Shopping cart?

2004-08-01 Thread Michael Kear
Sorry Kevin, it’s such a fixture on the CF scene, that I forgot there was a
day when I didn’t know the book. 
It's the ColdFusion Web Application Construction Kit (5th Edition is the
current one I think) by Ben Forta and Nat Weiss (with others) published by
Macromedia Press.  

There are two books in the series – the CFWACK mentioned above, and the
companion book, Advanced ColdFusion Application Development.  Together,
they’re about 2500 pages (plus a CD) of pure gold.
They aren't the be-all and end-all of ColdFusion coding but if you've been
through both books, you are pretty self-sufficient for most things.   The
writing style is not flowery,  and is written in easy-to-understand
English.   Unlike a lot of technical authors, the authors have resisted the
temptation to impress the reader with their command of high-falutin 
language.It's written in what I call conversational style and its easy to
work through.  There are many step-by-step tutorials.
The only warning I'd make is don't read it in bed. If you nod off while
you're reading, you could easily break your nose.
Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks

From: Kevin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, 2 August 2004 12:57 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Free Open Source Shopping cart?
Thanks Mike,

What is the exact title of the book CFWACK? :-) 

I would love to have a tutorial that uses a shopping cart for the example
app. Then I could sit down and design one to fit the needs of my specific
store. :-)


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RE: tutorial on mess.board (was: Free Open Source Shopping cart?)

2004-08-01 Thread Michael Kear
No there's no tutorial that says here's how to build a message board.But
think about what's involved in a message board and all the elements will be
in the book somewhere ...(thinking off the top of my head here)

You need to allow only authenticated users to post (authentication chapter).

You need to keep track of who's doing what(session variables and client

You need to store messages in your database and retrieve them ( data
manipulation and SQL chapters)

You need to keep track of threads and sort messages (data manipulation

I'm sure there are other issues too, but I've never really gone into message
boards much.I feel sure that while there's no tutorial on building a
message board, if you work out what your message board has to do, and take
on each issue one at a time, you'll find it laid out for you in the CFWACK.
If not,there's always this CF-TALK list and I've never found any problem
that's too difficult for this list.Collectively, this list knows
everything there is to know about ColdFusion and a whole lot more besides.
But I have found the vast majority of things I need to know are in those two
books.In fact I use them as my primary reference rather than the online
references and help files.

(To be fair, I should also say there are other books on ColdFusion that
might well be just as good, but I'm only familiar with the two books in the
CFWACK series.I have three editions of them now)


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


From: Roberto Perez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, 1 August 2004 4:55 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: tutorial on mess.board (was: Free Open Source Shopping cart?)

Does the book include a tutorial with a message board as an example? What 
you said about learning one shopping cart so that you can create your own 
also makes sense regarding the exchange on cf-based discussion forums a few 
messages back.

I've looked at the several (paid and free) message boards mentioned in the 
postings, and they all seem to have one or two of the features I need, but 
none is exactly what I want. A tutorial that uses a MB as an example would 
be a great starter to build something specific to my needs.
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RE: checking if variables are defined within invoke

2004-07-23 Thread Michael Kear
Another way, not always appropriate but depending on your logic, you can
give the argument a default in the CFC.That way if the variable isn't
passed to the CFC, it wont cause an error.Mind you, if you use it in the
wrong place you wont throw an error, you'll have wrong values in your
function, so be careful where you use it. 

cffunction name=thisfunction 

cfargument name=foo default=thisvalue

. stuff .



Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, 23 July 2004 9:43 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: checking if variables are defined within invoke

 Is there a way to check if variables exist within a cfinvoke?
 cfif isdefined(foo)GOO = #foo#/cfif doesnt work

 Do you have to write a whole separate cfinvoke? 

You could use the Iif function, I guess, but you could also just check for
the variable's existence before your CFINVOKE tag.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
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CFC for dynamic menu?

2004-07-23 Thread Michael Kear
I'm building a new site, and wanting to completely separate logic from
database access from presentation code, and so I am building a CFC that
(amongst other things) builds menus.(There wont be more than 3 levels of
menu)It'll do all the queries on the database, looping over query objects
to gather submenu items etc and creating an object to be passed back for
sitemap, navigation menus, and some authority access functionality,
depending on the context. 

What's the best method of passing this object back from the CFC?Should I
create an xml object?Or a struct containing all the menu data and submenu
data?Does it matter?


Mike Kear

AFP Webworks

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CFCs - more smaller or fewer bigger ones?

2004-07-14 Thread Michael Kear
I am laying out the CFCs I need for a new site, and wondered if there was a
'best practice' for the way to assign the methods to CFCs.

For example when I think about users for the site,there are a number of
methods I needrelated to logging in and logging out, maintaining user
details, sending e-newsletters, listing users.Is there any advantage or
disadvantage to having all those functions in one 'Users cfc or is it
better to have smaller, more specialised CFCs.Perhaps in this example a
UserMaintenance CFC and another UserLogin CFC?

I understand about the re-use opportunities, so I think methods related to
this site alone should be on their own, but in general terms, is it better
to have fewer, larger CFCs or more but smaller and more specialised ones?


Mike Kear

AFP Webworks

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RE: DateFormat

2004-07-05 Thread Michael Kear
Asim don't forget 21, 22, 23 and 31 alsohave different suffixes too.Just
add a few more CFELSE's or perhaps use a CFSWITCH and CFCASE for each of the


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


From: Asim Manzur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 6 July 2004 2:31 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: DateFormat

works exactly what I want.

Thanks alot.

I don't think there's a way to do that normally using the DateFormat() 
function, but this will work:

CFSET variables.i = DateFormat(Now(), d)
CFIF variables.i IS 1
 CFOUTPUT#DateFormat(Now(), ,  d)#st,#DateFormat(Now(),  
CFELSEIF variables.i IS 2
 CFOUTPUT#DateFormat(Now(), ,  d)#nd,#DateFormat(Now(),  
CFELSEIF variables.i IS 3
 CFOUTPUT#DateFormat(Now(), ,  d)#rd,#DateFormat(Now(),  
 CFOUTPUT#DateFormat(Now(), ,  d)#th,#DateFormat(Now(),  

Warm regards,
Jordan Michaels
Vivio Technologies

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RE: beta fckeditor out

2004-07-04 Thread Michael Kear
FCKEditor is one I've used - shows a lot of promise.But does it produce
correct XHTML?(i.e. lower case tags, correct line breaks with the close
slash .br / etc)The last few versions haven't.In fact it's changed
valid XHTML into invalid by changing all the case characters to upper case.

I'm still looking for a choice of WYSIWYG editors that will produce valid
XHTML.Up till now I have a list of zero.


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


From: Joe Rinehart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, 4 July 2004 9:30 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: beta fckeditor out

It's actually got some features in mozilla/gecko that aren't available
in IE, like splitting table cells with the mouse, etc.For something
that's free, it's pretty spiffy.

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RE: beta fckeditor out

2004-07-04 Thread Michael Kear
Thanks Kay, it's amazing how frequently our paths cross on the net. 

I've looked at XStandard one, and it uses an ACTIVEX control which means it
will fail to work when WinXPPro SP2 comes out in a few weeks, just like all
flash will fail.All ActiveX controls will fail unless they are from
Microsoft, as I understand it,or have I got the wrong idea with that? 

And Massimo Foti's WYSIWYG at is by far the most promising. It
runs as a coldfusion custom tag, (or cfmodule if you prefer) but it only
works on IE6+.If you have mozilla users or netscape users you're stuffed.
And it would be good to be able to offer a choice of styles from the site's
style sheet instead of giving them the raw styling commands. Instead of
Bold, Underline, Italics etc, I'd like to have a drop down that lets me use
the styles as in the style sheet (i.e. headline, byline, story body,
story teaser etc) But within those limitations, I guess it qualifies
Kay, so I have to change my statement to I have a list of one.


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


From: Kay Smoljak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, 4 July 2004 11:29 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: beta fckeditor out

Michael Kear [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm still looking for a choice of WYSIWYG editors that will produce valid
 XHTML.Up till now I have a list of zero."">


Kay Smoljak
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Now a CFFTP problem...

2004-06-27 Thread Michael Kear
I'm not having a great day today!(sigh)Now I cant see why the
following code would work ok on my dev server, but when I upload it to the
production server it doesn't work.What happens is it executes the CFFTP
Open command ok, but when it executes the next command I get the error


An exception occurred when performing the FTP CHANGEDIR operation. 


Here's the code:It's copied directly from my dev server to the production
server and I cant see why it would work in one but not the other.(I've
checked, and CFFTP isn't disabled on the production server.The only
difference I can see is that my dev server is CFMX6.1 standard, and the
production is MX6.1 Enterprise Edition.)If I take out the CHANGEDIR code,
and go straight to the PUTFILE code, the same error occurs at the same
point, so it's not a syntax error in the CHANGEDIR tag.Any ideas?


cfftp action="" 








cfftp action="" 



.uploading the file .br

cfflush interval=2

cfftp action="">






.Done .br


cfftp action = "">


 stoponerror = Yes



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RE: Now a CFFTP problem...

2004-06-27 Thread Michael Kear
Thanks Dave,I thought about that too.Since it's the production server
that is trying unsuccessfully to ftp to a third server,its ColdFusion
itself that has to have ftp permissions to ftp OUT of the production server.

How do I make sure that ColdFusion has permissions to ftp outwards?(I
can't ftp into my own system because I haven't got a working inbound FTP
through my own firewall).


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


From: sicksick monkey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, 27 June 2004 10:47 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Now a CFFTP problem...

Not sure if you have tried this or not, but if your code seems to
work on your development server and not your production server, I
would first check the permission of the username you are trying to
connect with on your production ftp server.Make sure the username
and password you are using have valid accounts on both the development
and production ftp servers.

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RE: Mailing to email list using CF

2004-06-26 Thread Michael Kear
What Kym does is very important to the users, and worthwhile, however a
similar thing has bitten a client of mine.He runs seminars amongst
university students and school students, who have a lot of hotmail accounts.
He wants to send (at the users' request!) newsletters, but hotmail does
something similar to what Kym does - too many emails in aburst and he gets

How can we send emails to several thousand of my client's users, a large
number of whom are hotmail users?


Mike Kear


From: Kym Kovan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, 27 June 2004 2:24 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Mailing to email list using CF


On our mail servers we monitor the IP address of every incoming mail server
or email client that talks to ours and check the frequency of connection. If
we get a burst of many connections in a very short space of time we ban that
IP address for an hour then turn it back on again. It doesn't affect
legitimate connections and if someone is sending many dozen emails at once
(very unusual) then they will eventually get sent in bursts of a few at a
time depending on the thresholds used but we have found that illegitimate
connections, such as a script kiddie scanning for valid POP accounts, will
pick up the banned status and move on to the next mail server in their list
and leave us alone.

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CD_Static Page can't log in

2004-06-26 Thread Michael Kear
Any one know a way around this?

I have an admin area behind a CFLOGIN authentication.The user updates the
database, then we have to create a static page based on the updated data,
which is then uploaded to several static sites as a kind of 'poor man's
syndication.(those sites are very unsophisticated). 

However when I run the custom tag CF_StaticPage,all I get as a resulting
page is the login screen, meaning that while I might be logged in,
coldfusion itself apparently isn't. 

How can I get around that?I guess I have to change the login code
somehow, but I don't know how I can log coldfusion itself in.Am I missing
something obvious?


Mike Kear

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RE: CD_Static Page can't log in

2004-06-26 Thread Michael Kear
OoopsSorry folks, it's Sunday afternoon and I had a brain fade there for a
while.I realised after I sent that message that I don't need CF_StaticPage
at all.All I need to do is wrap the dynamic page with cfsavecontent ,
save it as a variable,then write the variable out using CFFILE.

DER!!! So the problem is solved.

But thanks anyway.


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks 


From: Michael Kear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, 27 June 2004 3:25 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CD_Static Page can't log in

Any one know a way around this?

I have an admin area behind a CFLOGIN authentication.The user updates the
database, then we have to create a static page based on the updated data,
which is then uploaded to several static sites as a kind of 'poor man's
syndication.(those sites are very unsophisticated). 

However when I run the custom tag CF_StaticPage,all I get as a resulting
page is the login screen, meaning that while I might be logged in,
coldfusion itself apparently isn't. 

How can I get around that?I guess I have to change the login code
somehow, but I don't know how I can log coldfusion itself in.Am I missing
something obvious?


Mike Kear
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OT Plagiarism accusation stops posting

2004-06-16 Thread Michael Kear
This fuss is the main reason I haven't posted up the tutorials I've written
for myself.As I've learned how to do many things I've kept them as
tutorials on my own intranet but I wont post them on the web, because
there's bound to be someone who says That's mine!! I wrote that!.The
issue is, while I didn't invent the techniques in the tutorials, I certainly
wrote the tutorials, but the language and style is similar to others I've
seen.And some of the text will be out of the emails here on CF-TALK, where
I've learned how to do the thing in the tutorial.

I understand about copyright and intellectual property - I spend a lot of my
off-work time working with musicians and record labels in that field.But
also the fear of being accused of plagiarism in my case is keeping me from
sticking my head up and saying I'll share what I know.

The origins of some of the stuff I have is so mixed up nowI'll never be
able to say that bit's from him, and that bits from him.

Mike Kear
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What sort of a link is this??

2004-06-15 Thread Michael Kear
Archive: client has asked me to try to see whats' wrong with his link that doesn't
work. I'm looking at the page that calls the one that's broken and the
calling URL is: ms=10Membership=1#

in other words, there's no actual CFM file called, apparently.Is this
valid?What file will it be calling?The problem is that some variable
isn't being passed across and I can't see what variables are supposed to be
passed because I don't know what file to go looking at, out of the 400 odd
that are in the site (all unlabelled, uncommented and with a rats nest of
includes and custom tags)

Anyone ever seen a URL like that? 


Mike Kear

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What do you do with bounced emails?

2004-06-15 Thread Michael Kear
Archive: of you who send out bulk emails from your sites,how do you handle
the inevitable bounced emails/undeliverable/invalid addresses etc? 

I've told my client he should set up a mailbox to use as a 'replyto' and
collect them there, and after he sends out a mailing, open it with his email
client, then remove each one. 

Do the rest of you do this or do you have an automatic way to handle bounced
emails and update your mailing lists?(If so can you share it with me


Mike Kear

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RE: Help with string manipulation please

2004-06-14 Thread Michael Kear
Thanks for your help with this everyone.I've been on this job for a long
time now without a break, and my brain is fading.Not helped by having to
work through the night and on a public holiday.

Jochem you're quite right,the form should be better, but [A] there's no
space on the form page for more fields, and [B] I've inherited the worst
case of spaghetti rubbish code I've ever seen, and I can't be totally sure
I'm going to find the form code inside an hour and a half.(It took that
long to follow the 14 files along the chain to the last form I changed on
this site).That's why I'm doing a less than perfect solution on this.If
it means there are ill-formed names appearing in the database now, well I'll
give the client a price for fixing the form. 

If I was pricing this job again, it would be at least 8 times the price I
quoted, and the deadline would be at least a month rather than a week,
simply because of the rotten job the last person did.They're supposedly
professional coldfusion developers but I've never seen such a mish-mash of
uncommented code in my entire life.In a small site,there are over 350
files, and not a single line of comment anywhere.The file names are no
help either.The only way to find what does what is to open a file, follow
it along, through all the includes, custom tag calls and cflocations, and
look at the functionality. 

It's a bloody nightmare and that's no lie!I'm so far behind the 8-ball on
this deal I'm not going able to give them a single thing that's not on the
brief, no matter how desirable it might be for the site.

Thanks everyone for your help.I've decided that for better or worse, and
cultural differences notwithstanding, I'm going to go with the last word in
the 'name' field being the last name, and the rest of the name being
firstname.If that causes some issues with data integrity, let them pay me
to sort it out.(I guess that's starting to reveal my degree of tiredness
of this whole job now)


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, 14 June 2004 5:00 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Help with string manipulation please

I would suggest you rethink the form and let people enter a family
name and given name separately. How else are you going to handle
people that enter their family name first?

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Client wants to add data from spreadsheets - HELP!

2004-06-13 Thread Michael Kear
I have a client who wants to add records to his database (SQLServer2000)
from a spreadsheet.He takes his laptop to his seminars and adds the
attendees details into his excel spreadsheet, then wants to load all that
data into his SQL database for use in mass emails etc. 

My experience with uploading data to a SQLServer table from a spreadsheet is
that it's very finicky.The spreadsheet has to be EXACTLY right or it
doesn't work. I've found that it omits fields if they are not formatted
precisely right,and lots of examples oftext fields going up as numeric
and then bombing out half way down the sheet as it encounters text in that

The client isn't very good at keeping his data consistent, not really
understanding the difference between column names EmailAddress and Email
Addressand spaceEmailspaceAddressspace.

In short, I'm looking for another way to pin him down to more consistent
data collection.What can I do that will make it easier for him to upload
the data, still allow him to collect it at his seminars, and be able to
upload the data in a consistent fashion to his Online database without
having assistance from me every time he does it?


Mike Kear

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Help with string manipulation please

2004-06-13 Thread Michael Kear
I'm trying to work out how to process a form input . 

One of the fields on the form is name andI need to split the contents
into firstname and lastname.I realise that some people might have two
spaces in the name if they choose to enter two firstnames or if they have a
name like Jerry Van Morrisonso I want to strip off the characters
remaining after the last space and call that lastname. (If they don't
have any spaces in their input I'm going to consider the whole thing to be
their firstname.)

I've tried quite a few different combinations of find() and replace() and
mid() but I'm afraid my brain is obviously not going into gear.Can
someone help me please?How do I split into firstname and
lastname.(I've already looked at CFLIB.ORG and can't see anything there
that'll do this.


Mike Kear

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Searching for tables wtih a specific column

2004-06-12 Thread Michael Kear
I want to dynamically include tables in a query, to perform an operation on
a table only if it contains a column called htmlemail.How can I query
the database and determine if a table has such a column? 

I have worked out I can get a list of the tables using SELECT name FROM
sysobjects WHERE Xtype='u' Is there a similar way I can loop through the
list of tables and determine if it includes the column htmlemail?

Oh yea, I'm using CFMX6.1 and the database is MS SQL2000, just in case it
makes any difference.


Mike Kear

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RE: DHTML drop-down menu

2004-06-12 Thread Michael Kear
Be careful of using DHTML menus.If I read Microsoft's release correctly,
the version of IE that is about to be released inWindowsXP SP2 will block
DHTML content that overlaps any other content.

I asked for others' opinions about this last week but it kind of got lost in
the 'Coldfusion is Discontinued thread. The url to look at is"">

I believe this announcement says that DHTML menus wont work, and nor will
flash movies, but perhaps someone else can comment and help me work out what
it means.


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


From: Burns, John D [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, 13 June 2004 12:31 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: DHTML drop-down menu

I'm looking for a good cross-platform DHTML menu that allows sub menus and
would be easy to create using info from a database.I was looking at
hiermenu at which I've used in the past, but
apparently, they are now charging for those menus.Does anyone know of any
free ones out there that would accomplish this task? Thanks.

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RE: Searching for tables wtih a specific column

2004-06-12 Thread Michael Kear
YEP!It did too. Excellent,Thanks a lot.I knew this was the place to go
to ask!


Mike Kear


From: Philip Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, 13 June 2004 1:19 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Searching for tables wtih a specific column

You should look into the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views

SELECT table_name
WHERE column_name = 'htmlemail'

That should do it

On Sun, 13 Jun 2004 00:52:49 +1000, Michael Kear wrote:
 I want to dynamically include tables in a query, to perform an operation
 a table only if it contains a column called htmlemail.How can I query
 the database and determine if a table has such a column?
 I have worked out I can get a list of the tables using SELECT name FROM
 sysobjects WHERE Xtype='u' Is there a similar way I can loop through
 list of tables and determine if it includes the column htmlemail?
 Oh yea, I'm using CFMX6.1 and the database is MS SQL2000, just in case it
 makes any difference.
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Websites breaking with WinXP SP2

2004-06-09 Thread Michael Kear
I was reading the following page, about the modifications needed to a web
site to make it work ok with Windows XP SP2.In my case, not many of the
issues affect me, because I don't use a lot of _javascript_ and don't use
popup windows much.I can easily get rid of them where I have used them."">

However two little bits of information in this page caused me some alarm.

What do the rest of you think of these two little gems? 

Q: Does your Web site launch pop-up windows through other objects (e.g.,
Macromedia Flash movies)?
A: These pop-up blocker blocks these pop-up windows. There is no workaround.

Does this mean that flash is no longer going to work in IE and will no
longer be permitted? What will be required to make our flash movies work?

Q: What does Internet Explorer consider a pop-up window? 
Internet Explorer will attempt to block any window opened automatically
A script, with the exception of createPopup(). 
Modal and modeless dialogs. 
DHTML elements overlapping content on the page

Does this mean that the DHTML menus I spent so much time getting to work are
going to have to be replaced with something else?

Mike Kear
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QofQ problem - can you see what i've got wrong here please?

2004-06-07 Thread Michael Kear
This Query of a Query is giving an error I've never seen before.Can
anyone see what's causing it please?

The QofQ is as follows:


cfquery name=shortlist dbtype=query


FROM Thislist

WHERE Newsletter = 1

ORDER BY email



And I've checked, those fields exist in the query, and I can CFDUMP the
query ThisList without problems.All the fields referred to in the QofQ
exist in the first query and have values.

The error I'm getting is: 


 must be interprettable as a valid number in the current locale. 

Pointing to the line containing:
cfquery name=shortlist dbtype=query



Mike Kear

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RE: QofQ problem - can you see what i've got wrong here please?

2004-06-07 Thread Michael Kear
Thanks for that Pascal.I've done some more work trying to eliminate
possibilities, and I figure the problem might be something in the data
itself, causing the QofQ to hiccup. 

Does anyone know what causes that error,  must be interprettable as a
valid number in the current locale?


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


From: Pascal Peters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, 7 June 2004 6:35 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: QofQ problem - can you see what i've got wrong here please?

I can't see anything wrong with the code.
Are you sure there isn't an error in one of the previous lines. 
CF isn't always pointing at the line where the error actually occurred.


 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Kear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: maandag 7 juni 2004 10:26
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: QofQ problem - can you see what i've got wrong here please?
 This Query of a Query is giving an error I've never seen before.Can
 anyone see what's causing it please?

 The QofQ is as follows:

 cfquery name=shortlist dbtype=query
 FROM Thislist
 WHERE Newsletter = 1
 ORDER BY email

 And I've checked, those fields exist in the query, and I can 
 CFDUMP the query ThisList without problems.All the fields 
 referred to in the QofQ exist in the first query and have values.

 The error I'm getting is: 

  must be interprettable as a valid number in the 
 current locale. 
 Pointing to the line containing:
 cfquery name=shortlist dbtype=query


 Mike Kear
 AFP Webworks
 Windsor, NSW, Australia


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RE: QofQ problem - can you see what i've got wrong here please?

2004-06-07 Thread Michael Kear
Thanks for that Pascal.I've done some more work trying to eliminate
possibilities, and I figure the problem might be something in the data
itself, causing the QofQ to hiccup. 

Does anyone know what causes that error,  must be interprettable as a
valid number in the current locale?


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


From: Pascal Peters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, 7 June 2004 6:35 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: QofQ problem - can you see what i've got wrong here please?

I can't see anything wrong with the code.
Are you sure there isn't an error in one of the previous lines. 
CF isn't always pointing at the line where the error actually occurred.

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RE: QofQ problem - can you see what i've got wrong here please?

2004-06-07 Thread Michael Kear
Thanks dc.I hadn't tried that.I didn't know about that issue.However
it didn't fix the problem.


Mike Kear


Sent: Monday, 7 June 2004 7:48 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: QofQ problem - can you see what i've got wrong here please?


We're on CF5 and QoQ and AFAIK it always chokes unless you explicity use
all the columns that you reference. just a thought :-/

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RE: QofQ problem - can you see what i've got wrong here please?

2004-06-07 Thread Michael Kear
So does anyone know what would be causing this error message?I'm not even
sure what to be looking for.It seems to be complaining about a field with
a series of semicolons (;) in it but there aren't any in the database, or in
the code.

Any hints about what it means?

The error is: must be interprettable as a valid number in the
current locale


Mike Kear

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RE: QofQ problem -closing in on the problem..

2004-06-07 Thread Michael Kear
Ok I've narrowed the problem down a little.The error is generated by
having non-numeric information in the 'postcode' field.(It's a varchar
field in the database so there's no problem with that I think).I don't
think we need to have the postcode restricted to numeric data at source -
what if someone wants to put 'N/A' in the postcode field?

Anyway, there are several queries on different tables and datasources, and
the resulting queries are merged into one temporary query to be processed
with a QofQ.The query is created with the following: 


cfset thislist = Querynew(email, firstname, lastname, StreetAddress,
Suburb, Postcode, source, newsletter, emailsent)


Why would this query hiccup if non-numeric info is put into the 'postcode'
field in the query?I thought ColdFusion was typeless?I would have
thought a queryofquery wouldn't care if there was numericdata in the
'postcode' field or not. Am I wrong on that? And what do I do about


Mike Kear


From: Michael Kear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, 7 June 2004 8:22 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: QofQ problem - can you see what i've got wrong here please?

So does anyone know what would be causing this error message?I'm not even
sure what to be looking for.It seems to be complaining about a field with
a series of semicolons (;) in it but there aren't any in the database, or in
the code.

Any hints about what it means?

The error is: must be interprettable as a valid number in the
current locale


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks

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RE: QofQ problem -closing in on the problem..

2004-06-07 Thread Michael Kear
Thanks for your input Peter.This is not an input problem.Yes, they need
to do better data validation and that's another task I'm going to suggest
they need to do, but this is about queries notinput.

I have 3 queries on SQLServer tables, and one on a Excel spreadsheet, each
containing a field called Postcode which is a varchar field in the
SQLServer, and has mostly numbers and some letters in the spreadsheet. 

I am combining the four queries by looping over them and writing the output
to a query built by CFMX.Then I'm doing a query of a query to
de-duplicate the records, and sort them. That's where the application
gives an error when it encounters a postcode field with non-numeric content.
I can't see why that should matter. I'm not doing math on the field, I'm not
sorting on it.It's just a field, like name, suburb, country, email address
.. all the others.I cant see why it matters whether the contents of the
Postcode field are numbers or letters or dancing pigeons. 

At the point where it throws the error, it's not trying to insert into a
database, or perform arithmetic, just SELECT in the Query of aQuery.But
if there's a postcode field containing NA the whole thing hiccups.



Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


From: Peter Tilbrook [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 8 June 2004 12:14 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: QofQ problem -closing in on the problem.. 

Mike, if using CF use the CFINPUT and use validatenumeric or at least
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Confused about calling a function within a CFC

2004-05-30 Thread Michael Kear
I'm a bit confused about how to call a function inside a CFC by anther

I have a function called GETRANDID inside a cfc called utilities.cfc which
creates a random id number.It's access is 'Public because I have to call
it from several pages around the site. Now I am building another function
within the same CFC that does other jobs, but needs a RandomID.I want to
use the function GETRANDID to create the number, but how do I do it?Every
way I've tried gives me a very unhelpful Page could not be displayed
error, which tells me I've got it wrong but not what the problem is. 

Can anyone tell me how, within a function called RENDERLINKSI call the
other functioncalled GETRANDID ? 


Mike Kear

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De-Duping from 3 queries

2004-05-29 Thread Michael Kear
I'm writing anemailing application and we're going to be selecting our
addresses from 3 different subscribertables, based on a whole bunch of
criteria. I want to merge the 3 queries from the tables into one, then
de-dup so we only send one email to each subscriber. 

Is the followingthe best process to do this?

[A] Select the addresses from each table, based on criteria related to that
table into Qsubscribers, Qmembers, QSeminarAttendees

[B] Create a new query (QTempQuery)in memory, and loop through each of the
first queries, inserting the records into the new query. 

[C] De-dup QTempQueryby using QueryofaQuery to select DISTINCT from

Is there a better way to do it?Seems like a lot of stuff going on in
memory without anything being written off to disk at all.At the moment
there will be about 2500 records I guess but if it gets too big I might run
out of memory mightn't I?

And what's the SQL to use emailaddress as the key for SELECT DISTINCT, but
still to select all the other fields in the query?(the query has fields
calledemailaddress, firstname, lastname, emailsentYN)


Mike Kear

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Cataloguing CDs

2004-04-23 Thread Michael Kear
When you put some CDs into your PC,windows media player goes out to a
database and usually gets a lot of info about the CD to display in the
window of the player.Does anyone know if it's possible to access that
info using ColdlFusion MX?If so, how?

I have a radio station library to catalogue and it would be a LOT faster to
have some automated way to just put the CD in a machine and have it
automatically retrieve the info then store that data in our SQL Server
database.There are thousands of CDs to catalogue so if we can get even 80%
of them picking up the data this way rather than being entered manually it
would be a great boost to the project.


Mike Kear

AFP Webworks

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RE: Cataloguing CDs - an update

2004-04-23 Thread Michael Kear
Thanks to everyone for your suggestions. There was this huge database (CDDB)
and I had no idea it was there!!!DER!

CDDB (now Gracenote) is commercial and licensed, but I qualify for this
project as a non-commercial developer.(At least I reckon I do - I hope
they agree).They have a free licence for non-commercial developers.In
this case I'm a member of the radio station - it's a volunteer-run station -
a not for profit org. There's no money changing hands in any direction for
the job I'm doing so I think I'm qualifying as non-commercial development. 

Anyway I've applied for their non-commercial SDK, which gives me lots of
tools to develop an interface that will go find the all the info we need off
their database, provided it's been entered.Apparently about 75%-90% of
the albums we'll be cataloguing will already be on the database so it's
looking pretty good.They will respond soon letting me know if I'm
accepted and then I can use the SDK to write an interface to search the CDDB
and write the retrieved data out to a database of my own. 

Thanks again everyone.


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


From: Jerry Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, 23 April 2004 11:49 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Cataloguing CDs


The first step is to get the DISCID. The second step is to look u pthe
discid in a db of albums.

The database in use is probably CDDB. This used to be a free system that
everyone entered data into. Now, there are copyrights and restrictions on

freedb is a gpl'ed version of the db. I am not sure how complete the freedb
version is (it looks to have about half the albums of cddb), but the
licensing terms are much easier to choke down. 

Jerry Johnson

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/23/04 09:19AM 
When you put some CDs into your PC,windows media player goes out to a
database and usually gets a lot of info about the CD to display in the
window of the player.Does anyone know if it's possible to access that
info using ColdlFusion MX?If so, how?

I have a radio station library to catalogue and it would be a LOT faster to
have some automated way to just put the CD in a machine and have it
automatically retrieve the info then store that data in our SQL Server
database.There are thousands of CDs to catalogue so if we can get even 80%
of them picking up the data this way rather than being entered manually it
would be a great boost to the project.


Mike Kear
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RE: CF Hosting - unfair - a suggestion

2004-04-11 Thread Michael Kear
I'm one of those who doesn't feel comfortable plugging my own company and
services on this list.I think if we all plugged our own stuff all the
time, this list would lose its usefulness. 

But I'm small but serious in the CF hosting business, and I often have to
sit by and watch as lots of my competitors get a free kick whenever anyone
asks about hosting.I don't feel comfortable shouting HEY WHAT ABOUT ME!!
TRY ME TOO!! and I know there are others on this list who feel the same.

Why don't we have a site somewhere where anyone - not just the chosen few -
can post details of their coldfusion hosting, and then ban the subject from
CF-Talk?Or else make it an acceptable use of this list to plug your own
hosting all you like on the list.Surely we have to be fair about it, and
if our competitors are going to get free plugs all the time without even
needing to be members of this list,we ought to feel comfortable to stand
up and shout them down too.

Since I've raised the subject (Do you like the way I worked that in there?
g),I'm in the hosting business too.I have a small but very flexible
business, hosting Coldfusion MX, .asp,, php4.3, with MS
SQLServer2000 standard on all but the most basic level and if my standard
packages aren't exactly what you need, I can tailor a package to give you
precisely what you need.Details of the standard setups are at
DocumentID=4Note: the prices are quoted in Australian dollars.The
conversion to US is about .75 at the moment, so if you're American you'll be
paying about three quarters of what you see there.


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

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RE: Checking for a number

2004-04-01 Thread Michael Kear
You can force it to be an integer, regardless of what it currently is by

Therefore if this new integer, which you KNOW is an integer because you just
forced it to be one,is equal to the variable you started with, then it
must have been an integer to start with. 

cfif int(variable) EQ (variable) 

the variable is an integer


it's not an integer


(having said that, I'll probably find out there's a function that's existed
in CF since version 4 but I never knew it was there)


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


From: Tangorre, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, 2 April 2004 5:35 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Checking for a number

What is the best way to check that a value is an integer?

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New CFMX Colour Scheme tool on line.

2004-04-01 Thread Michael Kear
For my own benefit, I have been developing a colour schemer tool, and I've
put it on my web site for others to use, comment about, help me improve.
If you have coldfusion servers yourself, I am going to put it in the dev
gallery at Macromedia soon.

There are lots of colour development tools around, I know, but I got into
doing my own because all the tools I have known about use _javascript_ and the
scheme can't be saved.For example there's a great one at if you click anywhere on
the page, or try to cut and paste the colour numbers, it changes the scheme
and you can't get back again easily.The only way to record the scheme you
work on so hard, is to get a pen and paper and write down all the colour

So I started developing my own, so I can produce a chart for each site I'm
working on with the colours I've decided on for the site listed out.I've
put it on my web site and I'd really appreciate if you could go have a look,
and let me know if there's any way I can make it more useful, any features I
should add. My one uses no _javascript_ at all, and the form uses the GET
method, so you can email the URL and get the same results every time.You
can email the url once you're happy with the colours you've selected and the
receiver will see what you see as well.

You can use either the full HEX colour number (e.g. #3366CC)or the 3
character abbreviation (e.g. #36C) and you select the number of steps you
want between the first and last colour.It'll show you all the colours in
between the two and samples of text in the different colours. You might
also be interested to know there are no tables on this page- it's all done
with CSS2. the address. (note the Australian
COLOUR not the American COLOR)


Mike Kear

AFP Webworks

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RE: New CFMX Colour Scheme tool on line.

2004-04-01 Thread Michael Kear
Thanks a lot for the suggestion.When I have some time, I'm going to add a
colour picker to the tool, if I can find an easy-to-implement one on the

You can already save the results of this tool, or email them.Since it uses
the get method in the form, you can just copy the urland email it or
bookmark it, and it'll give you the same results every time.You can send
it to someone else too - say a client - and get them to have a look at the
same colours you are seeing. That was the primary motivation for me to make
this in the first place. I got annoyed with a colour schemer that was
wonderful but there was no way to save the work.

I have a development page for every site I do.It has the common settings
listed so I can refer to them any time I need.For example it has all the
application settings listed, database passwords,etc,and links to this
tool for the major colours I use. (Oh yes it's not on the actual site!!I
don't keep all that stuff there! It's on my off-line machine!).I got the
idea for that from one of the 27,649 renovation shows on our TV - the
designer had this story board she called it, with swatches of all the
fabrics she uses in a renovation, and the colours, bits of floor tiles etc
so when she goes shopping for stuff, she takes it with her and has real
samples of everything to compare colours etc with.I figured that would be
a useful thing to have for a web site.Once you've settled on a design, you
need to make sure you do all the development etc consistent with that
design.This tool gives you colours that are lighter and/or darker versions
of the colours you have specified for your design.

It's at you havent seen it yet
folks. (Note the Australian COLOUR not the American COLOR)


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


Sent: Friday, 2 April 2004 2:17 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: New CFMX Colour Scheme tool on line.

something like this that could be saved would be nice

 A colour picker to assist with choosing would be a great addon feature.

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Kear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, 2 April 2004 7:31 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: New CFMX Colour Scheme tool on line.

 For my own benefit, I have been developing a colour schemer tool, and
 I've put it on my web site for others to use, comment about, help me
 improve. If you have coldfusion servers yourself, I am going to put it
 in the dev gallery at Macromedia soon.

 There are lots of colour development tools around, I know, but I got
 into doing my own because all the tools I have known about use
 _javascript_ and the scheme can't be saved.For example there's a great
 one at if you click anywhere
 on the page, or try to cut and paste the colour numbers, it changes the
 scheme and you can't get back again easily.The only way to record the
 scheme you work on so hard, is to get a pen and paper and write down all
 the colour numbers.

 So I started developing my own, so I can produce a chart for each site
 I'm working on with the colours I've decided on for the site listed out.
I've put it on my web site and I'd really appreciate if you could go
 have a look, and let me know if there's any way I can make it more
 useful, any features I should add. My one uses no _javascript_ at all, and
 the form uses the GET method, so you can email the URL and get the same
 results every time.You can email the url once you're happy with the
 colours you've selected and the receiver will see what you see as well.

 You can use either the full HEX colour number (e.g. #3366CC)or the 3
 character abbreviation (e.g. #36C) and you select the number of steps
 you want between the first and last colour.It'll show you all the
 colours in between the two and samples of text in the different colours.
 You might also be interested to know there are no tables on this page
- it's all done with CSS2. the address. (note the
 Australian COLOUR not the American COLOR)


 Mike Kear

 AFP Webworks

 Windsor, NSW, Australia

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function for decimal to hex and back?

2004-03-30 Thread Michael Kear
Is there a function to convert a number from decimal to hex and back again?
I'm doing a small app that displays colours, and I need to do some math on
the RGB values of the colours, then display the Hex value of the resulting
colour.I have already found the InputBaseN and FormatBaseN functions,but
they won't display a 2 digit number regardless.

For example, hex 05 will display as 5, and I can't use
numberformat(_expression_, 00) because that barfs on values like A5.

Any ideas?


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

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RE: function for decimal to hex and back?

2004-03-30 Thread Michael Kear
Oh DER!!I keep forgetting to look for a UDF in CFLIB.That's a wealth of
great stuff, and I hardly know what's in there.

Thanks Pascal for pointing it out for me.Those UDFs look like they're
going to do exactly what I want.


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


From: Pascal Peters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 31 March 2004 12:00 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: function for decimal to hex and back? 

Don't write it:

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Currency Conversion web service

2004-03-29 Thread Michael Kear
Has anyonemanaged to consume a Currency Conversion web service under CFMX

Before you all send me listings of xmethods currency converters,I've
looked at them all and none of them work under CF without a lot of stuffing
about. Other people have apparently got a currency conversion working
because of the number of people who told me there was nothing to it. Back
in February this year, I spent nearly two days messing about trying to make
it work and eventually gave up, putting the issue on the back of the queue
until it came up to the top of the pile again.Now it's come back up. 

For those who missed it,back in February,Tom Jordahl from Team
Macromedia said the following back then, which I never managed to make work.
(I assume because I didn't follow his instructions or something but I
decided there were easier things to do and gave up):

[QUOTING Tom Jordahl]

Yes, enumeration is the problem here. 
I have fixed this, and I am working to try and get this fix available to
customers.I apologize for this bug.No test for a situation means it
doesn't work.Now we have an enumeration test. :-) 
In the mean time, try this workaround: 
 ws = CreateObject(webservice, ); 
 enum = CreateObject(java, NET.webserviceX.www.Currency); 
 argFrom = enum.fromString(GBP); 
 argTo = enum.fromString(USD); 
 result = ws.ConversionRate(argFrom, argTo); 

The above workaround has one tricky problem however; you will need to copy

the class NET.webserviceX.www.Currency to a directory on the ColdFusion 
classpath.I suggest C:\CFusionMX\wwwroot\WEB-INF\classes (adjust to your

installation directory). 

Here is how to do that: 

1. Run this page at least once and get the Class Not Found error. 
2. Go to the CFusionMX/stubs directory and find the WS- 
directory that has the NET sub directory. 
3. Copy the NET directory to wwwroot/WEB-INF/class. 
4. Delete all the .class files in the NET/webserviceX.www directory 
EXCEPT Currency.class. 

Sean Cornfield originally brought the issue up tome because of a thread on

CFGURU .Here is his web log posting on how to debug these issues: 

I tried that, and I have about a dozen NET directories, with references to
currency conversion there, and moving one after the other still meant I got
error messages. 

All I want to do is convert currency values on the fly when a user puts his
preferred currency in the session vars, so all prices display on the page in
his chosen currency.


Mike Kear

AFP Webworks

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Well here we go .. SOAP and PHP

2004-03-17 Thread Michael Kear
Well if there's anyone left there who doesn't look at my posts with fear and
loathing,I've put a draft document on my site, waiting for approval of the
copyright owner.I would love if someone who has PHP would look at my
article,follow the instructions and see if they give accurate and correct
instructions about how to use my web service.The result of the web service
consumed under cold fusion is on the right of the page in the green box, so
you can see what you're going to get if I have it right. 

What I'm trying to do, for those who haven't followed this thread, is
syndicate my database of anniversaries in the world of bluegrass to other
bluegrass related sites. Most of those are PHP sites, and run as hobby sites
by the owners.They're not necessarily professionally run.

Anyway, I'd like to know if what I have written is correct, and the
instructions yield a working service.Also if there is anything there
that's misleading or could be expressed better. 

The page in question is at

Hopefully this issue is close to ended now. 


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

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RE: web hosting, sql 2000

2004-03-17 Thread Michael Kear

We have that.Have a look at our setup if you like. We have SQL2000 and
you can use Enterprise Manager, SQLQuery Analyser or other tools if you
like. ColdFusion MX6.1, no tags disabled (except CFregistry)Moving to
Helm control panel this week.How big is the site?What resources will you
need?We're Australian but we're hosted in the Midwest of the USA, and
attached to a very big pipe to the net.

Our hosting plans are at
4 DocumentID=4 .(Note the prices listed are in Australian dollars -
about 30% higher than US Dollar equivalents so for US prices the amounts are
2/3 of what you see on the site)

These are spelled out plans but if you have different needs, we can tailor
one to what you want. 


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


From: mayo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 18 March 2004 8:16 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: web hosting, sql 2000

I have a client that's going to need something more robust than Access.

Does anybody know of an ISP that has database admin tools like Enterprise
Manager on line, something like phpmyadmin for SQL 2000.

All I want to do is to set up the tables.


Gil Midonnet

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RE: Consuming WSDL with PHP - Still looking ...

2004-03-16 Thread Michael Kear
Thank you Rob.I guess you have to pay for your computer time by the
keystroke and that's why it was too much trouble to put a sentence about
what was in each url. 

Anyway the first one seems like it might be useful, it's apparently a
tutorial on using a web service, but difficult for me to figure out because
I don't understand PHP syntax.That's why I need someone to help me.

I haven't got any idea why you gave me the second one. It's just a list of
.tgz files (whatever they are)I might download.Why I'd need to do that I
haven't got any idea.Are you saying I have to download, install, learn to
set up and then run PHP before you'll help me?


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


From: Rob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, 6 March 2004 6:19 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Consuming WSDL with PHP - Still looking ...

On Mon, 2004-03-15 at 22:47, Michael Kear wrote:
 It's been well nearly two months now, and I'm still stumped as to how to
 consume a CF WSDL web service with PHP.I've asked here several times,
 asked on CFAUSSIE several times, on three PHP groups, and there's no one I
 have found who knows how to CONSUME my CFMX WSDL web service with PHP.

 I've found numerous tutorials on PHP and WSDL, but they're all to do with
 how to GENERATE a web service, not how to CONSUME it.Maybe it's so
 that no one thinks they'll need to write a tutorial, I don't know because
 don't know diddly about PHP.That's my problem.Somehow, I have to
 produce a here's how to use it for PHP developers, so they can use my
 service.I keep getting messages from them saying it's not valid RSS.
 That's not surprising because it isn't RSS, it's WSDL. But they all use
 RSS feeds so they expect it to be like that.

 I'm grateful that I've had plenty of people say to me I don't have time
 write these instructions for you, but if you write them, I'll test them
 you, because I don't know anything about WSDL. (incidentally, all
 people are from the CF world - not one PHP developer has even replied to
 I guess I'm breaking some convention there or something)

 Anyone know of a tutorial anywhere about how to CONSUME aWSDL web
 with PHP?Or is anyone willing to spare a little time to help me?

 Mike Kear
 Windsor, NSW, Australia
 AFP Webworks


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RE: Consuming WSDL with PHP - Still looking ...

2004-03-16 Thread Michael Kear
Yes, I guess you're annoyed with me.And I'm sorry I was rude.But it's
been very frustrating for me. I'm accused by the PHP developers who want to
use my web service of producing invalid code.It's a FREE web service, from
a PRO BONO project- it costs me a great deal of time and therefore income
each month.And they can't be bothered to find out how to use a WSDL
service. They just say I'm the one doing it all wrong. So to help them
out and maybe remove some of the ill-feeling there, I tried to write some
instructions for them, but came to a grinding halt because I can't write
anything that I can test.I can't even write anything about PHP that I can
understand, because I don't understand PHP.And I've been getting the
exact same kind of information you sent mefor nearly two months now.
Except from the PHP community who haven't answered at all.

After two months, I'm still as deep in the dark as ever, and still being
accused at least once a week of being incompetent because I'm producing
invalid code.But I know I'm not because I'm consuming the web service in
ColdFusion on another site of mine.

All I want to do is find someone who knows PHP and how to consume a WSDL web
service, and who's willing to give me a few minutes of time.

What your answer says, with all due respect Rob, is here's the tutorials,
read them yourself and work it out

But I can't see how what you gave me answered my question at all.You gave
me two URLS, one of which was a list of downloads, and the other was about
how to use a web service for rental cars in the UK,and I don't know what
parts of the code to change, or to what.

So in reality, what you gave me was no help at all.I'm sorry but it
wasn't.You're about the 30th person to'help' me in the same way, and
still no sign of solving my problem.

Wouldn't you be frustrated too?I'm sorry I was rude, but I am still
none-the wiser and still very frustrated about it.


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


From: Rob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, 6 March 2004 7:41 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Consuming WSDL with PHP - Still looking ...

On Tue, 2004-03-16 at 00:03, Michael Kear wrote:
 Thank you Rob.I guess you have to pay for your computer time by the
 keystroke and that's why it was too much trouble to put a sentence about
 what was in each url. 
um... you're welcome? 

That was about the rudest thing anyone has said to me in a long time. I
give away a grip of my time and code on a daily basis, and when I do
charge people I do it often for less then most people... so tell you
what Michael ... figure it out for yourself.

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CFC Web services wont work with PHP sites

2004-03-16 Thread Michael Kear
I've come to the conclusion that it's not true that CF web services offer a
widely available method of syndicating info between sites.Well not between
ColdFusion sites and PHP sites anyway.It's another myth that goes along
with 98% of web browsers have Flash already installed.**

The fact is, that in all these weeks and weeks of looking, there is NO ONE
on the PHP side of things that knows how to use a web service generated by
Coldfusion.They know how to use RSS feeds and that's all.They wont learn
if they don't know,and won't share if they do know. 

And there's no one on the ColdFusion sidewho knows how to tell PHP
developers what do to so they can use their webservice. It's a big fiction
that web services create interchangeable information streams.

So .. if you produce a web service,you can share it with ColdFusion sites
and maybe .ASP sites but don't expect to be able to share it with PHP sites.
And also expect to be accused of incompetence and of producing invalid code
because PHP developers don't have a clue and wont learn.

This is the first time in over 4 years of working with ColdFusion that I
have been completely unable to achieve what I need to do with a web site.
For the first time I have to take a service off my site, saying it's no
longer to be offered to PHP users. 


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks

(** the myth about 98% of web browsers having Flash installed is only
technically true.That many browsers might have *SOME VERSION* of Flash,
but if you use recent versions of flash, the vast majority of users will
still have to download the player.)
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RE: CFC Web services wont work with PHP sites

2004-03-16 Thread Michael Kear
Thanks Tom. I don't know what you put in Google, but I've been googling away
for weeks and haven't seen that page. 

Anyway,so here's an example in that article: 



 $SOAPClient = new

 $SOAPOptions = array(

'namespace'= 'urn:SOAP_Example_Server',



 $sEquation = $SOAPclient-call(


$params = array(inputString = 21 divided by 7 equals: ),



 $sResult = $SOAPclient-call(


$params = array(dividend = 21, divisor = 7),





How do I tell these PHP folks who wont learn and don't have a clue, how to
use method getthisweeksevents

from the web service at code do I
change? And to what?

You see, my problem is I have to write a specific set of instructions and no
one wants to help me do so.I have had heaps of URLS presented to me, but
since I don't understand PHP, I can't change the above code into specific
instructions for them. here's what you have to do to use our service .
1,, 2,, 3,, and here's the code' is what I have to write.It's no good my
giving these PHP fellas URLs like this because they just wont follow it.
They want complete step by step how-tos. 

So .. if I take a stab in the dark at what has to be changed in the above,
how do I check I'm giving the right instructions??? All I ever get to this
question is yet another list of URLS.


Mike Kear


From: Thomas Chiverton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 16 March 2004 8:43 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CFC Web services wont work with PHP sites

On Tuesday 16 Mar 2004 09:35 am, Michael Kear wrote:
 The fact is, that in all these weeks and weeks of looking, there is NO ONE
 on the PHP side of things that knows how to use a web service generated by
 Coldfusion.They know how to use RSS feeds and that's all.They wont
 learn if they don't know,and won't share if they do know.

Well, apart from these guys, who know 3 ways.,39009340,39171442,00.htm

First page of google results mate :-)

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
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RE: CFC Web services wont work with PHP sites

2004-03-16 Thread Michael Kear
Interesting, Jochem.This is like an onion.Every time I unwrap one layer,
it reveals a dozen new layers underneath. 

That web service worked on the server this code was running on until last
Friday.It works on my dev server.The public method works on its own
web site,and exactly the same code (but with different query names and
function names) doesn't work as a web service, when it did last week.Huh?
Well that's onion layer number one.Why it would work ok on two servers,
and not on the third (production) one.

Aside from that, now I'mwondering what to do .you say Why do you choose
to use SOAP here? I would personally go for using REST.I haven't got a
clue.All I'm doing is using the code in CFWACK and trying to make it work.
Ben says:As we discovered, Web Service creation is exceptionally easy
when we utilise the functionality inherent in ColdFusion components. And
that's what I'm doing.I thought that what was generated by the CFC using
access=Remotewas WSDL - a flavour of SOAP.Are you saying its not wise
to use a CFC for it?

Ben's book CFWACK led me to believe it was easy to share information by
means of a web service.So also did Macromedia's Robin Hilliard at the CFUG
meeting when I first heard about web services.Piece of cake! he
enthused.Nothing to it!Once you learn how to do CFCs, it's a

So like a bloody fool, I accepted Ben, Macromedia,Robin Hilliard as
experts in the field, and went ahead.I used that web service myself in my
own sites,I tested it by moving a query across between my dev server, and
my production server, and between two sites on different production servers.
It WAS a piece of cake.Nothing to it.Follow the instructions in Ben's
book and no problem. 

Now I move that exact code, and it doesn't work.I get abusive mail from
PHP developers telling me that my page produces invalid RSS code (it's not
RSS so that explains that!) I try to find out how to help the PHP users and
the PHP people wont help, the web sites I've been shown and have found in
google, all tell me how to create a web service in PHP, but no one gives any
instructions I can understand on how to consume a WSDL web service. I
thought WSDL produced SOAP output and that's why I used it. NO one until
you, Jochem has suggested any different.I don't even know what REST is. 

So where do I go now?


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 16 March 2004 9:24 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFC Web services wont work with PHP sites

Michael Kear said:

$SOAPClient = new
$SOAPOptions = array(
 'namespace'= 'urn:SOAP_Example_Server',
$sEquation = $SOAPclient-call(
 $params = array(inputString = 21 divided by 7
equals: ),
$sResult = $SOAPclient-call(
 $params = array(dividend = 21, divisor = 7),

 How do I tell these PHP folks who wont learn and don't have a clue,
 how to use method getthisweeksevents from the web service at

First you make sure the web service at actually works (I
currently download the source of the webservice if I try it).

At first glance, the code should be something like:
 $SOAPClient = new
 $SOAPOptions = array(
 $sResult = $SOAPclient-call(

What code do I change? And to what?

Why do you choose to use SOAP here? I would personally go for using
REST and parse the XML using for instance

 So .. if I take a stab in the dark at what has to be changed in the
 above, how do I check I'm giving the right instructions???

Install PHP and test it.

 All I ever get to this question is yet another list of URLS.

Maybe consuming web services in PHP is not exactly trivial and people
want to get compensated for writing code.


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RE: CFC Web services wont work with PHP sites

2004-03-16 Thread Michael Kear
Taking a look at a different part of this issue now . can anyone see what's
wrong with this code?Why this would work as a web service on one server
but not another? 


!--- Function for internal use:get anniversaries this week---

cffunction name=getthisweek access=public returntype=query hint=This
returns the anniversaries happening this week as a query 

cfquery name=getthisweek datasource=#application.DSN#

(Valid SQL Query cut and pasted from Query Builder)


cfreturn getthisweek


!--- Function for web service:get anniversaries this week---

cffunction name=getthisweeksevents access=remote returntype=query
hint=This returns the anniversaries happening this week as a query for a
web service 

cfquery name=getthisweekevents datasource=#request.DSN#

(Same valid query as used above)


cfreturn getthisweekevents



There isn't any registration in the CF Adminitrator or anything is there?
The method getthisweek, the first one, works fine internally on the web
site.The second method, getthisweekseventsidentical except for its names
and the access type doesn't work.Anyone able to see why?


Mike Kear

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RE: CFC Web services wont work with PHP sites

2004-03-16 Thread Michael Kear
Michael Kear wrote:
 That web service worked on the server this code was running on until last
 Friday.It works on my dev server.The public method works on its own
 web site,and exactly the same code (but with different query names and
 function names) doesn't work as a web service, when it did last week.
 Well that's onion layer number one.Why it would work ok on two servers,
 and not on the third (production) one.

Jochem van Dieten
Apparently the .cfc extension isn't mapped to CF.

AT Last something is going right!You were correct, Jochem.That fixed it
sure enough. It's working now.Returns a query sweet and fast.Another
detail I need to check when moving server stuff around.I use that CFC in
my site in lots of ways and I forgot that a web service uses it differently
to when it's invoked on a CFMX page. 



Mike Kear

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RE: International Payment Processing

2004-03-16 Thread Michael Kear
My caution isn't directly CF related, but there are some locations that are
infamous for fraud.For example we don't accept credit card orders from
Indonesia no matter what.There is a big industry there in ordering
merchandise by credit card,then after it's shipped disputing the
transaction.That reverses the transactionso you've lost the merchandise
as well as the money and getting it back again is extremely difficult in the
Indonesian banking system. A friend of mine got ripped offfor several
multi-thousand dollar musical instruments that way.My advice, at least
for Indonesian addresses is to insist on bank drafts or irrevocable letters
of credit.You wont lose legitimate customers, because they are used to
being told their credit cards are no good.This kind of fraud is a plague

There are probably other countries with similar issues too.

To bring that back to CF,if you're shipping goods, you probably want to
build in a system that will let you screen the orders for various
destinations so that those destinations are handled manually.


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


From: Haggerty, Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 17 March 2004 2:11 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: International Payment Processing

A client of mine is looking to set up an ecommerce site that accepts
orders from outside the United States. More specifically, he has a large
number of clients in places like Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc.
and is trying to avoid the large fees and wait times that go along with
using cashiers checks.

I have built numerous ecommerce sites for U.S. and Canadian consumers,
but have never set up a site aimed at international offices and would
like to know what kinds of issues we are going to run into. We are
planning on using Verisign for the payment processing and will be
offering users the ability to pay with credit cards but not checks or
debit cards. Outside the technology, I am concerned about things like
taxes, tariffs, actually collecting address information, etc. - all of
his orders will be for amounts in excess of $1000.

Any advice would be appreciated.
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Generating RSS feed - validating

2004-03-16 Thread Michael Kear
I hesitate to bring this up again, because you're probably all sick of this
just like me.But I want to put this issue away now.It's about my
webservice for Bluegrass Australia's Anniversariesdatabase.

I took up Dave Watt's suggestion and decided to produce a RSS feed.Only I
found two problems there: 

[1]My server adds a line feed to the beginning of the xml document, which
means that the feed doesn't validate - the ?xml declaration is on line 2
not line 1. When I use the same code on my PC it produces the correct
file, with the declaration on line 1 and that error goes away. I guess I
can run it on my pc every day and have a scheduled task upload it to the
site as one way around this,but how can I force my server to stop adding
the line feed at the top of the file?

[2]I'm not producing a defined news feed - it's a different set of data.
I thought the whole point ofXML was that you could define your own tags
and fields.Am I heading down another cul-de-sac here thinking about
attempting to produce RSS containing fields like Event, Day, Month, Year,
name, comments instead of the more usual news fields?

(for those who missed the story to date, I'm attempting to share a database
of birthdays, events, anniversaries with other sites, and the PHP site
owners most likely to use the data seem blinkered at going anywhere but RSS.
Don't seem to know anything but RSS and don't really want to learn by
themselves.Dave Watts made an eminently sensible suggestion, I thought,
by saying 'if they only want RSS,why not give them RSS?')


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

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RE: Generating RSS feed - validating

2004-03-16 Thread Michael Kear
Thank you Peter, but it wont.I'm trying to share my information with PHP
sites, not consume their information on mine.


Mike Kear


Sent: Wednesday, 17 March 2004 2:08 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Generating RSS feed - validating

Perhaps this article can help:

Peter Tilbrook
Transitional Services - Enterprise eSolutions
Centrelink (
2 Faulding Street
Symonston ACT 2609
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Consuming WSDL with PHP - Still looking ...

2004-03-15 Thread Michael Kear
It's been well nearly two months now, and I'm still stumped as to how to
consume a CF WSDL web service with PHP.I've asked here several times,
asked on CFAUSSIE several times, on three PHP groups, and there's no one I
have found who knows how to CONSUME my CFMX WSDL web service with PHP.

I've found numerous tutorials on PHP and WSDL, but they're all to do with
how to GENERATE a web service, not how to CONSUME it.Maybe it's so basic
that no one thinks they'll need to write a tutorial, I don't know because I
don't know diddly about PHP.That's my problem.Somehow, I have to
produce a here's how to use it for PHP developers, so they can use my web
service.I keep getting messages from them saying it's not valid RSS.
That's not surprising because it isn't RSS, it's WSDL. But they all use
RSS feeds so they expect it to be like that.

I'm grateful that I've had plenty of people say to me I don't have time to
write these instructions for you, but if you write them, I'll test them for
you, because I don't know anything about WSDL. (incidentally, all those
people are from the CF world - not one PHP developer has even replied to me.
I guess I'm breaking some convention there or something)

Anyone know of a tutorial anywhere about how to CONSUME aWSDL web service
with PHP?Or is anyone willing to spare a little time to help me?


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

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Any issues with Helm Control Panel?

2004-03-10 Thread Michael Kear
My hosting wholesaler wants us to switch from the gawd-awful Etrinix control
panel for hosting to Helm, and while I realise nothing is perfect, are there
any serious issues with Helm?Does anyone here use it either as wholesaler
or reseller or site owner?How have you found it to be?

This will be our third control panel in two years and I don't want to have
the upheaval if it's yet another 'out of the frying pan into the fire'
situation.If it looks like that I'll be trying to persuade him not to
change.I've managed to get around the many bugs, shortcomings and quirks
of the Etrinix, but to find a control panel that works fine with FMX6.1
would be a major enhancement to my business.


Mike Kear

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DWMX Question - upgrading

2004-03-08 Thread Michael Kear
I'm upgrading my DWMX to the version shipped with the latest StudioMX and I
have a lot of sites already defined in my existing version.Is there any
way I can retrieve that info and transfer it to the new version without
having to re-enter it all again?(finding all the passwords is going to be
a pain!!)

I can't see any file that contains site information so I'm assuming it's in
the registry somewhere.Can I just export the relevant key and then copy
it back again after the install?

And as for all my customisations and tweaks, if I just copy the folder
C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Dreamweaver MX 2004\Configuration and stuff
underneath it,then copy it back over again, will that work? 

(My current version is DWMX6 and I'm updating to the version in Studio MX


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

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Still looking for help using web service with php

2004-02-18 Thread Michael Kear
After nearly a month of looking, I'm still trying to find someone - ANYONE -
who knows something about PHP to help me write instructions for PHP users to
consume my CFMX web service. 

I've tried looking here in CF-TALK, on CF_AUSSIE, on half a dozen PHP forums
and all I've ever been able to get is a list of tutorials.Without learning
PHP, mounting PHP on my server, and learning how to run PHP, I can't write
and test instructions myself based on the tutorials I've read.

I was hoping I'd find some helpful soul who would say I'll spend 10 minutes
and check what you've written works correctly'but no one wants to, or else
I'm making some social gaffe in the PHP community and they all hate me or

Anyone have any ideas what I can do please?I don't want yet another PHP
tutorial.I have to write specific instructions and they have to be dead
right, no syntax errors and double checked.You can't do that from a

Just in case anyone didn't see the original question, here's what I'm trying
to do. (perhaps someone might see what I'm doing wrong and why none of the
PHP world will even answer me):


I have to write some instructions for PHP users to consume a web service
I've made available, but I don't know much about PHP.Certainly not enough
to write the instructions for them to use in their website. 

Is there some kind soul who knows about PHP and web services who can help me
with this please?

It's a probono site for me so there's no money involved I'm afraid, but I
can give you a link on the page and a plug for your services if you like.

Please email me off-list if you can help me.


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

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RE: Looking for someone who knows CFMX AND PHP

2004-02-16 Thread Michael Kear
Thanks Andre, this is very good but it still doesn't do anything to verify
that I'm giving the exact correct instructions.Who ever heard of a this
is how you use my service page that doesn't tell you how you use my
service? I don't know PHP so I cant test what I'm telling people to do.
I could give them totally wrong instructions or sample code with syntax
errors and I wouldn't know.Surely I don't have to go to all the trouble to
learn PHP just to write 4 or 5 lines of code.There must be SOMEONE who
knows enough to be able to write the code and test that it works properly.

I have been looking for over a month now and no one seems either
knowledgeable about both PHP and CF who can help me, or no one is willing

Is there a group like this for PHP somewhere I could join where I might find
someone willing to help me?


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


From: Andre Turrettini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 17 February 2004 3:56 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Looking for someone who knows CFMX AND PHP

Google?? php web services tutorial 


-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2004 11:05 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Looking for someone who knows CFMX AND PHP

maybe find some info here 

 I have to write some instructions for PHP users to consume a web service
 I've made available, but I don't know much about PHP.Certainly not
 enough to write the instructions for them to use in their website.

 Is there some kind soul who knows about PHP and web services who can
 help me with this please?

 It's a probono site for me so there's no money involved I'm afraid, but
 I can give you a link on the page and a plug for your services if you

 Please email me off-list if you can help me.

 Mike Kear
 Windsor, NSW, Australia
 AFP Webworks 

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RE: Looking for someone who knows CFMX AND PHP

2004-02-16 Thread Michael Kear
Thanks Jochem, but what prompted me to want to write a 'how-to use the
service' page in the first place was that two users couldn't do it.They
were used to using RSS, and complained that it wasn't a valid RSS feed.Of
course it wasn't.It's not RSS.But if PHP sites are all going to be
having the same problem, Iwanted to have some instructions for them so I
didn't keep getting the same question time after time.And in any case,
the only answer I have for a PHP site owner who says your feed isn't valid
RSS, is to tell him it's not RSS. It's WDSL.

Thanks Mike for the suggestion of that PHP site. I'll go look there for
someone who's willing ot try it out for me. 


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

AFP Webworks


From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 17 February 2004 9:00 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Looking for someone who knows CFMX AND PHP

Michael Kear said:
 Thanks Andre, this is very good but it still doesn't do anything to
 verify that I'm giving the exact correct instructions.Who ever
 heard of a this is how you use my service page that doesn't tell
 you how you use my service?

You probably don't have to know PHP to tell people how to use your
webservice. Remember that webservices are backward compatible with
browsers? Use that and for an example tell people to just fetch the
right URL with the right query string:


Just provide a link to that URL and it should be obvious how it works.

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Looking for someone who knows CFMX AND PHP

2004-02-15 Thread Michael Kear
I have to write some instructions for PHP users to consume a web service
I've made available, but I don't know much about PHP.Certainly not enough
to write the instructions for them to use in their website. 

Is there some kind soul who knows about PHP and web services who can help me
with this please?

It's a probono site for me so there's no money involved I'm afraid, but I
can give you a link on the page and a plug for your services if you like. 

Please email me off-list if you can help me.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
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Need help from someone who knows PHP and CF please

2004-02-10 Thread Michael Kear

Mike Kear


From: Nando [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 11 February 2004 4:13 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: running under Mach II ... 


Sorry to wake this one up again ... but your statement here really concerned
me. I've
struggled on and off nearly the whole day trying to get subscribed to this
list so
that my posts go through. Let's see if it works this time ...

... when Sean comes back, I will discuss this issue with him... his actions
should not
be interpreted as an official Macromedia endorsement of any one project over

How would you manage these interpretations? How can anyone do that? All you
can do is
make yourself or your company or your project as bland as possible, a white
wall in a
white room, in a misguided effort to cut down on interpretation. In the
end it just
doesn't work - those who want in a certain moment to interpret will still
In fact, in my experience, they (we) will interpret more.

I personally appreciate the added color these days, the more personal access
people working at MM. And i think a lot of other people do as well. It is
true that at
times personal preferences will show through in what you guys present, but i
MUCH MUCH rather have a chance to take a good look at the personal
preferences of some
of theexperienced and talented people who are working at Macromedia, than
shielded from them in an effort to be neutral.

If neutrality is a virtue in this regard, then Michael here on his own list
should be
equally careful professing opinions and preferences (about Macromedia's use
frameworks for instance), because his opinion of course carries more weight
someone like me.

Likewise, Matt is the president of a software company. Matt's opinions
certainly carry
more weight in the innocent blue eyes of more junior developers like myself.
Why is
Montara Software or House of Fusion any different from Macromedia in this
regard? They

The way this thread presents the issue makes it look like IF Sean and his
team had
decided to use the Mach-II framework because they thought it technically the
decision, (and i'm sure they made the decision on technical merits, because
no other
motive makes any sense for them at all - ie, THEY were not susceptible to
being unduly
influenced by Macromedia's use of Mach-II)
THEN they should have hidden the fact from us. Does that help anyone? Does
a policy of hiding what you know and do because you are talented and
experienced - and
therefore your reputation carries a certain added weight of validity -
anything? Make anything fair? Is that moral somehow?

I don't think so.

So before this thread drifts off into dreamland, i wanted to weigh in on
this and say
i find the openness and personal access to and from some of the tech people
at MM to
be right on track in a variety of aspects, and very helpful - good for
everyone. I
wouldn't want to see a hollow unfair influence argument dampening that. If
follow that argument to its conclusion, then anyone in the community that
gains a
reputation of being experienced and knowledgeable should hide everything
that they are
doing from the rest of us so that we are not unduly influenced. And that's
just a
negative spiral for everyone involved and does not make sense at all.


Well, in the interest of putting this thread to bed, let me try to wrap
things up by saying that when Sean comes back, I will discuss this
issue with him.Although I don't have a problem with Macromedia's web
team using Mach II or Sean contributing to Mach II development, his
actions should not be interpreted as an official Macromedia endorsement
of any one project over another.


I have a CFMX6.1 site with a web service that I want to make available to
others to consume for free.A lot of my potential friends will be using
PHP and when it comes to PHP I'm pretty clueless.However I need to write a
step-by-step with correct code to consume the service. 

Can someone please contact me off-line if you're willing to help me write
the instructions for PHP users? 

(oh and it's a probono site for me, so I'm afraid there's no money to be
changing hands.I'll happily give you credit and a link on the page if you


Mike Kear

Windsor, NSW, Australia

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Need help from someone who knows PHP and CF please

2004-02-10 Thread Michael Kear
(once again, only with the correct message this time . Sorry about that

I have a CFMX6.1 site with a web service that I want to make available to
others to consume for free.A lot of my potential friends will be using
PHP and when it comes to PHP I'm pretty clueless.However I need to write a
step-by-step with correct code to consume the service. 

Can someone please contact me off-line if you're willing to help me write
the instructions for PHP users? 

(oh and it's a probono site for me, so I'm afraid there's no money to be
changing hands.I'll happily give you credit and a link on the page if you


Mike Kear

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RE: OT: Good beginner cold fusion book

2004-02-09 Thread Michael Kear
I have gone through two series of Ben Forta's books, and they're very large
and detailed, and easy to read.But for a beginner, I'd vote with Massimo.

ColdFusion MX: From Static to Dynamic in 10 Steps by Barry Mooregoes
through the conversion of a site from a regular html static site to a
database driven CFMX site with a simple shopping cart.It goes through
this is CFIF.level steps, and gives you step by step on how to include,
how to redirect etc how to reuse code.It's really good as a basic.At the
end of it you'll know all of the routine stuff we use every day.Then you
get Ben's books and they will mean a LOT more to you.


Mike Kear

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Memory Leak on Win2k/CMX6.1

2003-10-31 Thread Michael Kear
We're getting this dreaded memory leakthing on our new server -(CFMX6.1
/ Win2k)The server runs for a few hours while the sysadmin is at the
office, and then soon as he turns his back and heads for home, it stalls.
The pages slow and slow until finally we get timeouts or database not
available or some such.As far as we can see, Jrun.exe is growing and
growing in memory and causing everything else to stall.

Has anyone solved this problem yet?Who can we talk to about narrowing
down what's causing this problem?We have a whole server grinding to a
halt every day and that's not satisfactory.Ever since we installed CFMX6.1
we've had totally useless servers. 

We've seen several people saying the same thing in different forums, but no
one saying Here's what you do to fix it.Is anyone working on it? 

Here are some of the links to the problems:

So where's the answer?Anyone?

Michael Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.

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OT: Strange behaviour from Outlook2002

2003-10-23 Thread Michael Kear
Off Topic, so I'm sorry but I think you people know more than any other
group I know of...

I'm getting some aberrant behaviour from MS Outlook2002 - lately it's been
popping up the invalid password dialog box when I collect mail, but if I
just click OK it goes away and gets the mail.Next time I collect mail,
it'll be another account that's supposedly refusing the login, but entering
the password again, clicking the remember password box and it goes and
gets the mail.Then again a few times later, the same thing, so it hasn't
remembered the password or it's sending the wrong info to the mail server.

I thought for a while it was a problem at the mail server, but I could
collect mail using Outlook Express without problems, and I know the
passwords were ok because I can log in using the web based mail client
without problems ever.And other people have been able to use Outlook to
access my account without any problems too.

So I think I have a corruption in MS Outlook somewhere.I reinstalled
Outlook, using the repair option but that didn't make any difference.

So here's the question ... 

Has anyone else had this behaviour?I assume it's probably caused by one of
the many virus attacks I get each day.

Does anyone know where Outlook keeps the passwords and email account info?
Is it encrypted in the registry?(Wondering how far the corruption goes -
just Outlook or perhaps it's a wider issue).

Any ideas anyone?

Michael Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.

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RE: (Photo) Gallery for Cold Fusion?

2003-04-05 Thread Michael Kear
There's a tag in the gallery that will let you manipulate images in a
whole variety of ways, including making thumbnails and copying images to
thumbnails folders.  You could use that as the basis for your gallery
app.  But I've never managed to make it create good images.  I don't
know how other people have managed with it, but I think there's no
substitute for the MkI eyeball in deciding if an image is crisp and
clear and correctly cropped.

This was a big blow for me because I have several photo galleries I
maintain for clients and for my own projects.  It consumes far too much
of my time, and as a result I keep procrastinating on them until I am
forced to update them.

Has anyone else used the custom tag for creating image thumbnails

Michael Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.

-Original Message-
From: Jim McAtee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, 6 April 2003 12:17 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: (Photo) Gallery for Cold Fusion?

Is there anything similar to the PHP open source project Gallery
available for
Cold Fusion?  I've been playing with some php open source projects such
as Post
Nuke, phpBB2 and Gallery for the past week and they are some impressive
of work.

The Gallery project on SourceForge can be found at:

The application uses one of several open source image processing
packages (I'm
using ImageMagick) to do image manipulation like creating thumbnails,
rotation, and autoresizing.  I can just about muddle through php and can
customize a few sundry features, but I'd love to find a CF version of
that I could integrate into a couple of existing ColdFusion applications
I'm working on.

BTW, wasn't there a CF Open Source mailing list at HOF at one time?  I
don't see
any trace of it on the web site any more.  Is there currently a good
for CF open source projects?


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RE: (Photo) Gallery for Cold Fusion?

2003-04-05 Thread Michael Kear
That's how you display the images, Dave, but what about creating the

If you take a 60kb image that's 650pixels wide, and display it as a
thumbnail by giving it width attributes of say 130pixels wide, you're
still downloading the whole 60kb.  If you create a new 130px wide image
for the thumbnail, and use that, you're only downloading 5kb or so. 

Multiply that by 42 images in a thumbnail gallery and you're talking
about a significant change in the size of the page you're working with.

So you really should create thumbnail images rather than just displaying
the full image with small size attributes.

Michael Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.

-Original Message-
From: Dave Lyons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, 6 April 2003 2:22 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: (Photo) Gallery for Cold Fusion?

personally i find it just as easy to use a horizontal looper see:

and just set the image height  width to a thumbnails size then make the
image clickable to a larger one.

seems to work very well.
- Original Message -
From: Michael Kear [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2003 11:15 PM
Subject: RE: (Photo) Gallery for Cold Fusion?

 There's a tag in the gallery that will let you manipulate images in a
 whole variety of ways, including making thumbnails and copying images
 thumbnails folders.  You could use that as the basis for your gallery
 app.  But I've never managed to make it create good images.  I don't
 know how other people have managed with it, but I think there's no
 substitute for the MkI eyeball in deciding if an image is crisp and
 clear and correctly cropped.

 This was a big blow for me because I have several photo galleries I
 maintain for clients and for my own projects.  It consumes far too
 of my time, and as a result I keep procrastinating on them until I am
 forced to update them.

 Has anyone else used the custom tag for creating image thumbnails

 Michael Kear
 Windsor, NSW, Australia
 AFP Webworks.

Get the mailserver that powers this list at


RE: (Photo) Gallery for Cold Fusion?

2003-04-05 Thread Michael Kear
Wow,  you DO have a well-heeled user base.  Here in Australia the use or
broadband is nowhere near the point where I'd consider dismissing the
non-broadband users as insignificant!  In fact I know of only 3 other
people in my circle of acquaintances who have broadband or ADSL (not
counting the internet professionals who all have it).

I still think its important to try to get total page size down around
60k or lower.

Michael Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.

-Original Message-
From: Dave Lyons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, 6 April 2003 2:46 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: (Photo) Gallery for Cold Fusion?

correct but really how long does that take?
My real estate company's site is done in asp but with the same concept
and I
have never had a complaint about slow load times.
There is also a benefit to this method and its that the image is already
loaded so when they click on the image to go to the full size one the
time is 0 cause its already been loaded. I think most people pick up on
that, plus most people have some sort of broadband anymore so its really
that much of an issue.
Someday i will mess with those thumb creators but right now that works
So i hear what you are saying and I guess a lot of it depends on your
viewers. To my Real Estate sight I sell lofts and the buyers of lofts
most very techy people and load times aren't an issue. As a matter of
most have t1 lines are better.
If your target viewer is using dial up or (aol yuck!) then i will make a
small difference.
But it has to be downloaded at some point

- Original Message -
From: Michael Kear [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2003 11:34 PM
Subject: RE: (Photo) Gallery for Cold Fusion?

 That's how you display the images, Dave, but what about creating the

 If you take a 60kb image that's 650pixels wide, and display it as a
 thumbnail by giving it width attributes of say 130pixels wide, you're
 still downloading the whole 60kb.  If you create a new 130px wide
 for the thumbnail, and use that, you're only downloading 5kb or so.

 Multiply that by 42 images in a thumbnail gallery and you're talking
 about a significant change in the size of the page you're working

 So you really should create thumbnail images rather than just
 the full image with small size attributes.

 Michael Kear
 Windsor, NSW, Australia
 AFP Webworks.

 -Original Message-
 From: Dave Lyons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, 6 April 2003 2:22 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: (Photo) Gallery for Cold Fusion?

 personally i find it just as easy to use a horizontal looper see:

 and just set the image height  width to a thumbnails size then make
 image clickable to a larger one.

 seems to work very well.
 - Original Message -
 From: Michael Kear [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2003 11:15 PM
 Subject: RE: (Photo) Gallery for Cold Fusion?

  There's a tag in the gallery that will let you manipulate images in
  whole variety of ways, including making thumbnails and copying
  thumbnails folders.  You could use that as the basis for your
  app.  But I've never managed to make it create good images.  I don't
  know how other people have managed with it, but I think there's no
  substitute for the MkI eyeball in deciding if an image is crisp and
  clear and correctly cropped.
  This was a big blow for me because I have several photo galleries I
  maintain for clients and for my own projects.  It consumes far too
  of my time, and as a result I keep procrastinating on them until I
  forced to update them.
  Has anyone else used the custom tag for creating image thumbnails
  Michael Kear
  Windsor, NSW, Australia
  AFP Webworks.


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ColdFusion and related topics.


RE: (Photo) Gallery for Cold Fusion?

2003-04-05 Thread Michael Kear
Can you check it please Pablo ... all the links inside that tutorial
seem to point to a page that bounces me to a webtrends stats server.

Michael Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.

-Original Message-
From: Pablo Varando [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, 6 April 2003 3:47 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: (Photo) Gallery for Cold Fusion?

Not an actual tag, but more of a complete tutorial. :-)

You can view it here:

Might at least get you going in the right direction...


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ColdFusion and related topics.


RE: Form Building software

2003-03-29 Thread Michael Kear
This is an excellent and useful tool!   I added a query at the top, to
look up the table names in the database and put them in a drop down list
because I can never remember the exact names of the tables.  

It uses the query:

cfquery datasource=#form.dsn# name=gettables
SELECT name 
FROM sysobjects 
WHERE xtype='u' and not(name = 'dtproperties')

Thank you Clint for making this available to us all. It's going to save
me time.

Michael Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.

-Original Message-
From: Clint [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, 29 March 2003 1:33 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Form Building software

Here is my little form builder.

I just want to reiterate - all this does is build the form. It does not
build error checking, add queries or anything else at this point.

I am going to enhance this form builder (I too, get tired of building
same old stuff over and over) and this will be added to my sql tool.

there is a readme.txt, a stylesheet and formbuilder.cfm inside this zip
file. The code is not encrypted and is provided free of charge.

Also, this currently only works with SQL Server.


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RE: CFMX Updater 3 Released

2003-03-20 Thread Michael Kear
Well in that case you had better make some arrangements for people who
haven't got flash installed on their server machines.  I was only trying
to help out since you had obviously forgotten about server owners in
your haste to show how clever you all were with the newfangled flash. 

Michael Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.

-Original Message-
From: Christian Cantrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, 21 March 2003 4:43 AM
Subject: Re: CFMX Updater 3 Released

On Wednesday, March 19, 2003, at 07:54 PM, Michael Kear wrote:

 I'm assuming there's a reason Erika doesn't want to install flash, not
 just that I don't like flash!.  So I'm prepared to make the updater
 available to her from my web site.

The terms that you agreed to when you downloaded the updater explicitly 
forbid redistribution, so please do not do this.


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RE: CFMX Updater 3 Released

2003-03-19 Thread Michael Kear
I'm assuming there's a reason Erika doesn't want to install flash, not
just that I don't like flash!.  So I'm prepared to make the updater
available to her from my web site.

Erika, please email me and I'll let you know where you can get it, since
getting it from MM without installing flash is difficult.

Michael Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.

-Original Message-
From: Barney Boisvert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 20 March 2003 11:19 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFMX Updater 3 Released

That'll let you access the rest of the site without flash, but not the
download page.  just get a redirect to the
which says you have to have JS1.2 and Flash  Tons of fun for
servers without a GUI to install flash into.  Anyone from MM have a


 -Original Message-
 From: Dave Carabetta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 3:39 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: CFMX Updater 3 Released

 Yeah, but apparently ... And please tell me I'm wrong ... You can't
 download it unless you have Flash installed and running ... However,
 my server ... I am NOT installing the latest Flash player and I just
 want to use the HTML version of the page 
 So if someone could guide me to a dowload link that doesn't require
 to install Flash .

 Erika, if you don't want to use Flash, you should be able to
 switch over to
 a pure HTML version of the site by clicking on the Accessibility
 link in the
 footer of any MM page.



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RE: MSDE on Office XP CD - where is Enterprise Manager?

2003-03-18 Thread Michael Kear
That's the answer. The 120 day trial of SQLServer is handed out like
lolly water by Microsoft at any of their promotions.  The server expires
after 120 days but I don't think the EM does. 

Michael Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.

-Original Message-
From: Ken Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 18 March 2003 9:50 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: MSDE on Office XP CD - where is Enterprise Manager?

look around  see if you have a sql server license someplace.

And if not, get a trial CD of SQL Server from MS and install the tools

This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


RE: MSDE on Office XP CD - where is Enterprise Manager?

2003-03-18 Thread Michael Kear
Why not pick up the old fashioned phone and call them?  I know we're an
online world these days,  but I have it on good authority that MS have a
pretty substantial team of people to handle sales.  

OR you could call any of their distributors or even many of the
resellers will have it.

Michael Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.

-Original Message-
From: Nick de Voil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 19 March 2003 3:40 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: MSDE on Office XP CD - where is Enterprise Manager?

 That's the answer. The 120 day trial of SQLServer is handed out like
 lolly water by Microsoft at any of their promotions.  The server
 after 120 days but I don't think the EM does.

Thanks, yes, I think that must be where I had it from before - I had a
Server 7 book with an evaluation CD. In which case you're right, the EM
doesn't expire, because it's still running a couple of years later.

Unfortunately MS seem to have taken the evaluation version off their
because of Slammer.


This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


RE: RE: big database (need to modify columns)

2003-03-17 Thread Michael Kear
Well how about that!  Query analyser does automatically what I was
suggesting.  Looks like I had better get to know more about what Query
analyser does.  I just use it to test and compile queries, and do ad-hoc
minor updates to records.

Is there a walk-through of all the features of QA?  There are quite a
few buttons on the toolbar that I don't know what they do.  I've got an
item on my Must Get Around To This One Day list to learn about them.

Michael Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, 18 March 2003 10:05 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: RE: big database (need to modify columns)

Using Query Analyser, SQL Server does not lock tables when doing a DDL

Using Enterprise Manager, what happens is that EM creates a new table
that resembles the one you've modified, copies the data over, removes
the old table, and renames the new table to the correct table name in
one transaction.  As you can tell, this could take a tad bit of time and
affect the usability of the database.

The transaction isolation level of DTS packages can be set.

- Original Message -
From: Michael Kear [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, March 17, 2003 3:52 pm
Subject: RE: big database (need to modify columns)

 I've never had anything to do with tables that large either, but if
 you're worried about it exclusively locking the table, could you 
 DTS the
 records to a new table containing the additional column, and then 
 afterit's successfully processed everything, drop the existing 
 table and
 rename the new one?  That would have your data locked only for a few
 milliseconds, wouldn't it?   Or does DTS lock the table too?
 Are you working on a live data table or a dev copy of it?
 Michael Kear
 Windsor, NSW, Australia
 AFP Webworks.
 -Original Message-
 From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, 18 March 2003 2:09 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: big database (need to modify columns)
 but from query analyzer I should be ok?
 Tony Weeg
 Senior Web Developer
 UnCertified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
 Information System Design
 Navtrak, Inc.
 Mobile workforce monitoring, mapping  reporting
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 9:09 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: big database (need to modify columns)
 Quoting Tony Weeg [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  has anyone on here ever had to add a column or change a column's 
  properties.  My database already has like 15 million rows of 
 data in
  if so, how the HECK did you do it?
 ALTER TABLE table ADD COLUMN column datatype;
 Never done it on something larger as 8 million rows and it takes some
 time, but
 it is not something that ought to break anything. Just remember that
 this will
 most likely exclusively lock your table, and that CF (or any other web
 is not the right tool for it, but you need the native DB management

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Macromedia.Com (The new site?)

2003-03-14 Thread Michael Kear
IF the feedback thing is working ok with cgi scripts, why waste time
rebuilding it?  Or any of the other cgi scripts that work ok?  They're
better to invest their energy in making groundbreaking new things or
spiffy new RIAs or new features for us to use. 

I don't need to see a feedback script that works ok redone in coldfusion
so it works just the same.  

Michael Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.

-Original Message-
From: Christian Cantrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, 15 March 2003 2:36 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Macromedia.Com (The new site?)

The old Macromedia site used hundreds of CGI scripts, and the web  
technology group didn't have time to rewrite them all in ColdFusion, so

you will notice there is still some legacy code here and there.


On Friday, March 14, 2003, at 10:07 AM, Tony Weeg wrote:

 what the heck...why does mm use cgi and perl, I assume?
 not to sure what that tells me?


 Tony Weeg
 Senior Web Developer
 UnCertified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
 Information System Design
 Navtrak, Inc.
 Mobile workforce monitoring, mapping  reporting

Signup for the Fusion Authority news alert and keep up with the latest news in 
ColdFusion and related topics.


RE: Macromedia.Com (The new site?)

2003-03-13 Thread Michael Kear
I have read their what we learned report and it makes fascinating
reading.  They always said they take feedback seriously, and this shows
how seriously they do take it.   It's interesting to see how they
measure their performance and there are some lessons there for most of
us I'd bet. 

For me, the new site's taken away all the issues I had with it.  I think
if flash is going to be a viable alternative for general site navigation
it has to address the issue of matching the user experience of html in
terms of how the pages are used.

It's no good saying we don't need to adhere strictly to W3C standards -
all developments have been done by people who went outside the
standards because there are a few things people have come to accept.
Developments have almost all been enhancements or additional features.
This interface as it was TOOK THINGS AWAY - no right click menus, no
wheel support etc.

Eventually, flash will have to address these things somehow, or it'll
never be fully accepted as a means to navigate web sites.   Have a
customer service department get 50 calls a day with people saying your
site doesn't work properly . I cant use my right mouse button and
you'll soon want to change your site back to the old way.  It's the
users who determine what will be accepted on your site, not the

But as a graphic/animation/games mechanism, it's unsurpassed, and I
honestly do hope that eventually it does have all these navigation

Michael Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.

-Original Message-
From: Pablo Varando [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, 14 March 2003 10:53 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Macromedia.Com (The new site?)

Well, Macromedia has changed the site with the feedback they received
the community.

Like it better? Worse?

They also released a report about what they learned (good and bad) from
first week of the new site.
(This is really interesting... you should read it..)


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The result. ( Was RE: Still can't connect to IIs anyone know why?)

2003-03-12 Thread Michael Kear
I'm sure you're all pretty well sick of my problem, and to tell the
truth, so am I.   But you'll be glad to know it's finally ended.  Not
solved, but with Dave Watts' help, we've made a workaround and its no
longer a problem for me. 

The problem:

Jrun is just not doing what it should.  When I try to get CFMX to
connect to IIs the jrun server (which is definitely running) can't be
found by the gui to connect to it.  Everything I've tried, Chris Kief
has tried, and Dave Watts has tried has failed to make this jrun
connection work.

The Solution:

Last night, for about 4-5 hours, Dave Watts connected to my desktop in a
VNC session and we tried one thing after another.  Or more accurately,
he did one thing after another while I watched.  Dave is an
extraordinarily generous man, and apart from the obvious expert
knowledge and problem solving skills we've all seen so frequently here
on CF-TALK, he gave up time to help me, and when it got difficult, he
didn't give up.  When I gave him the chance to get out and say Good
luck he persisted and kept on helping.  I am very indebted to him and
we are very lucky to have such a person on this list.

The answer was staring me in the face the whole time, and I was too
close to it to see.  IT seems really stupid now, but it was like a light
going on.  Suddenly, in a burst of inspiration, a question arose ... DO
I REALLY NEED TO USE IIs?  I know it seems stupid from this perspective
but it had never occurred to me before that I mightn't need IIs, and it
didn't occur to Dave to ask why I needed IIs.  But I can't think of a
reason why I need it.  

SO the solution:  Don't use IIs.  LOL!!!  Yes, the CFMX web server isn't
as sexy, and can't use WinXP authentication, and to create virtual
directories I have to edit a xml file, but it works fine.  So I'm doing
without IIs, and the problem, while it hasn't gone away, it doesn't
matter any more.

One day I'll rebuild my WinXPPro and I guess I'll have another go at
installing it all then, but in the mean time I'm past the obstacle and
moving on. 

Thanks everyone for their suggestions, help and advice, and for giving a

Now I'll shut up for a while.

Michael Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.

This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


RE: Macromedia DONT help me now. so where do i turn now?

2003-03-11 Thread Michael Kear
I'm starting to think that perhaps the problem might lie in the Windows.
Does anyone know if there is a self-repair kind of thing in WinXPPRo?
If I do a reinstall, will it safely install with all my tweaks and
setting or will it take me all the way back to the initial installation
again and I'll have to reinstall all my apps again?

Michael Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, 11 March 2003 4:02 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Macromedia DONT help me now. so where do i turn now?

I'm just thinking along the lines that there may be something wrong
with the computer, maybe a corrupted nic driver, or a somehow broken
IIS install...I've seen both of those cause many strange problems. The
Metabase can get corrupted, but IIS will still function to a point,
and corrupted nic drivers can cause all sorts of odd things to happen.

I've installed MX on 3 machines, some old, some new, and had problems,
but nothing like what you are seeing, and haven't seen people
mentioning this kind of problem, so the problem would seem to be with
your setup somewhere.Trying to install on another system would at
least give concrete proof that the problem is with the computer if it
succeeds. At which point I'd say it's time for a Windows reinstall, or
at least download a copy of Metaedit to make sure your IIS metabase
isn't corrupt, and reinstall the nic drivers.

Forgive me if I'm off base, I've followed the threads but there have
been quite a few and I may have missed some relevant point.

Monday, March 10, 2003, 11:30:08 PM, you wrote:

This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


RE: Macromedia DONT help me now. so where do i turn now?

2003-03-11 Thread Michael Kear
Yes, thanks Dave, and the others who are giving me the benefit of their
experience in these things.  Dave I did see your advice about
rebuilding the system.  I took so long to build it the first time - only
a couple of months ago, that I really want to exhaust all the other
possibilities first.  That's a BIG job for me - not really up to speed
on XPPro things.   However I'm fast running out of other things to try. 

This machine isn't just used for my web development. I have a really
tiny business - just me - this machine does a multitude of jobs for me,
my business, my family etc.  Rebuilding it isn't a trivial task, but as
I said, there aren't many other possibilities left to try. 

Thanks for your suggestions, and thanks for giving a damn.

Michael Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.

-Original Message-
From: Dave Lyons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 12 March 2003 12:32 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Macromedia DONT help me now. so where do i turn now?

a clean install is the best way to go, as I suggested too you a few days
but xp also has a repair feature to where it goes over your install and
fixes its files but I'm not sure I'd trust that.

- Original Message -
From: Michael Kear [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 4:40 AM
Subject: RE: Macromedia DONT help me now. so where do i turn now?

 I'm starting to think that perhaps the problem might lie in the
 Does anyone know if there is a self-repair kind of thing in WinXPPRo?
 If I do a reinstall, will it safely install with all my tweaks and
 setting or will it take me all the way back to the initial
 again and I'll have to reinstall all my apps again?

 Michael Kear
 Windsor, NSW, Australia
 AFP Webworks.

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, 11 March 2003 4:02 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Macromedia DONT help me now. so where do i turn now?

 I'm just thinking along the lines that there may be something wrong
 with the computer, maybe a corrupted nic driver, or a somehow broken
 IIS install...I've seen both of those cause many strange problems. The
 Metabase can get corrupted, but IIS will still function to a point,
 and corrupted nic drivers can cause all sorts of odd things to happen.

 I've installed MX on 3 machines, some old, some new, and had problems,
 but nothing like what you are seeing, and haven't seen people
 mentioning this kind of problem, so the problem would seem to be with
 your setup somewhere.Trying to install on another system would at
 least give concrete proof that the problem is with the computer if it
 succeeds. At which point I'd say it's time for a Windows reinstall, or
 at least download a copy of Metaedit to make sure your IIS metabase
 isn't corrupt, and reinstall the nic drivers.

 Forgive me if I'm off base, I've followed the threads but there have
 been quite a few and I may have missed some relevant point.

 Monday, March 10, 2003, 11:30:08 PM, you wrote:

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2003-03-10 Thread Michael Kear
IF you're using SQLServer, it's very finicky about double and single
quotes.  Double quotes in your values means for SQL to set the values
equal to the column name .. e.g.  set the column LastName equal to the
column 11. But of course you don't have a column called 11.

However single quotes tell SQL to set the column equal to the value 11. 

Therefore, I think your problem is solved if you change your code to: 

cfquery name=InsertStaff datasource=SLL_Staff dbtype=ODBC
 SET LastName = '#form.lname#',
  FirstName = '#form.fname#', 
  Building = '#form.bldg#', 
  DeptCode = '#form.dept#', 
  Job = '#form.job#', 
  Extension = #form.ext#, 
  [Alternate Phone] = #form.aphone#,
  [Alt  Extension] = #form.aext#, 
  Email = '', 
  GroupCode =, 
  FTE = '#form.fte#', 
  SupevisorID = #form.sup#

And you had better check the other case too - where you have no  quotes
at all.  They should be single quotes too I think.

Not sure why the error message is so vague.  Probably because SQL
doesn't give ColdFusion back much to work with, but it is very obtuse
and would be far better if it told you more about what it was
complaining about.

Michael Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.

-Original Message-
From: Scott Wilhelm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 11 March 2003 5:08 AM
To: CF-Talk

I keep getting the following error:

Error Diagnostic Information

ODBC Error Code = 37000 (Syntax error or access violation) 

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Invalid bracketing of name

SQL = UPDATE Staff SET LastName = 11, FirstName = 21, Building =
West Side Elementary, DeptCode = 09, Job = 3, Extension = 4,
[Alternate Phone] = 3864504, [Alt Extension] = 5, Email = [EMAIL PROTECTED],
GroupCode = 4, FTE = .50, SupevisorID = 25 WHERE ID = 1137 

Data Source = SLL_STAFF 

The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier
of (CFQUERY), occupying document position (9:2) to (9:66).

Date/Time: 03/10/03 13:06:54
Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR
Remote Address:
HTTP Referrer:
Query String: a=updateid=1137

With this code:
 cfquery name=InsertStaff datasource=SLL_Staff dbtype=ODBC
 SET LastName = #form.lname#, 
  FirstName = #form.fname#, 
  Building = #form.bldg#, 
  DeptCode = #form.dept#, 
  Job = #form.job#, 
  Extension = #form.ext#, 
  [Alternate Phone] = #form.aphone#,
  [Alt  Extension] = #form.aext#, 
  Email =, 
  GroupCode =, 
  FTE = #form.fte#, 
  SupevisorID = #form.sup#
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?  I know all the fields are
correct, and the FORM requests are too...

Scott Wilhelm
Computer Technician/Web Developer 

Canton (Mon/Tue)
St. Lawrence-Lewis BOCES
PO Box 231, 139 State Street Road
Canton, NY 13617
P.   315-386-4504 x 164
F.   315-386-3395

Heuvelton (Wed/Thu/Fri)
Heuvelton Central School
PO Box 375, 87 Washington Street
Heuvelton, NY 13654
P.   315-344-2414 x 3651?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =
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Macromedia DONT help me now. so where do i turn now?

2003-03-10 Thread Michael Kear

Regular readers to this list will be aware that I have been wrestling
with installing CFMX since last Friday to no avail.   I decided to see
if Macromedia would back me up as a reseller and developer, and I called
their support line.

I got connected to their Manilla office and Pauline's response was that
I couldn't even talk to a support person unless I paid US$500.

IN other words, I have downloaded the CFMX, it doesn't install
correctly, for whatever reason, I can't make it work, no one else can
either apparently, and Macromedia aren't going to try unless I cough up
nearly 2/3 of the cost of a server.  That's to evalutate it!!!

I guess I'm just not meant to be in the MX world. 

Michael Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.

Signup for the Fusion Authority news alert and keep up with the latest news in 
ColdFusion and related topics.


RE: Where did my CFMX files go?

2003-03-10 Thread Michael Kear
O does this sound familiar to me

I'm sorry Critz, I can only offer sympathy, because I have been
wrestling with this same problem since last Friday.

I'll save you some heartburn.  Don't call Macromedia unless you have
US$500 lying around the place with nothing to do.

Michael Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.

-Original Message-
From: Critz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 11 March 2003 2:45 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Where did my CFMX files go?

oi CF-Talk,!!

  I have installed/uninstalled/removed dirs/rebooted/installed...etc a
number of times.

  my file extensions point to:

  but  under  wsconfig,  I  have no 1 directory.. I thought perhaps my
copy of cfmx was uh I dunno
  old... so i d/l a new one... same deal.

  any ideas any suggestions?


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RE: Macromedia DONT help me now. so where do i turn now?

2003-03-10 Thread Michael Kear
Thanks for your suggestion.

What would be the point of it?  I'm sorry but I don't see the reason.
Can you elaborate a little for me? 

I have two computers in my company. Only two.  It's a one-person
company.  The other computer is really small and old.   It would be
really stretched to run the server at all, let alone do anything with
it.  (Plus my servers which are production servers and I'm not going to
go tinkering about with those unless I know what I'm doing)  I need it
on this box.

Michael Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, 11 March 2003 3:24 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Macromedia DONT help me now. so where do i turn now?

Michael, have you tried installing on another computer entirely?

Monday, March 10, 2003, 11:11:05 PM, you wrote:


MK Regular readers to this list will be aware that I have been
MK with installing CFMX since last Friday to no avail.   I decided to
MK if Macromedia would back me up as a reseller and developer, and I
MK their support line.

MK I got connected to their Manilla office and Pauline's response was
MK I couldn't even talk to a support person unless I paid US$500.

MK IN other words, I have downloaded the CFMX, it doesn't install
MK correctly, for whatever reason, I can't make it work, no one else
MK either apparently, and Macromedia aren't going to try unless I cough
MK nearly 2/3 of the cost of a server.  That's to evalutate it!!!

MK I guess I'm just not meant to be in the MX world. 

This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


RE: Macromedia DONT help me now. so where do i turn now?

2003-03-10 Thread Michael Kear
This is a very generous offer from Peter. He's a good man.  I've sent
him my phone number off-line. 

SO many people have shown a willingness to help with this, I promise I
wont get it fixed and not post the solution here.  I'm sure there are
plenty of people who want to know how it turns out.

Michael Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.

-Original Message-
From: Tilbrook, Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 11 March 2003 5:15 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Macromedia DONT help me now. so where do i turn now?

Mike, what's your phone number. I'll call you tommorrow (Wednesday)
and try and assist.


Peter Tilbrook
Internet Applications Developer
Australian Building Codes Board
GPO Box 9839

Telephone: +61 (02) 6213 6731
   Mobile: 0439 401 823
Facsimile: +61 (02) 6213 7287 

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CFMX Stand alone web server problem now

2003-03-09 Thread Michael Kear
The plot thickens - Can't set up virtual directory in the standalone web

If you've been following the adventures of the last 2 or 3 days, you'll
know that I have managed to get CFMX to operate on my machine with its
own internal webserver, but not with IIs. (I have WinXPPro system).

Today I decided to put off trying to make CFMX work with IIs because I
was heartily sick of the whole thing, and I will come back to that.   So
I started doing some tutorials that go with a CFMX book I got at MXDU.
(From Static to Dynamic in 10 Steps).

One of the things this book does is take you through the conversion of a
site from static to CFMX dynamic.   When I went to make a virtual
directory to the code in the CFMX web server, I found it wouldn't do it.
I just got the CFMX File not found error, even though I know it is

What did I do wrong?  

The site is in a folder called C:\CFusionMX\wwwroot\CFMX10Steps\NewSite
so I added the following to the file


Am I right in assuming that this didn't work because it also is related
to the problems I've been having getting anything to connect to a jrun
service?  OR have I added the wrong code to the wrong file?

The url I'm trying to look at in my browser is
http://localhost:8500/10sNewsite/about/about.cfm   and I do know there
is a file called about.cfm in a folder underneath /NewSite 

Ain't CFMX wonderful?

Michael Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.

This list and all House of Fusion resources hosted by The place for 
dependable ColdFusion Hosting.


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