> This error went away! I will try to get some more information about 
> what happened and why... J

I have the same problem, except that mine didn't go away. The simple upload 
script worked for a few weeks and then just stopped working and I got the same 
JRun error. 

It is failing on my GoDaddy shared Linux box, just like yours. It works on a 
similar Windows box.

I noticed that in your example, the TestFile returns: 

I read somewhere that it is better to use the following enctype:
enctype="multipart/form-data; charset=utf-8" 

which is a slightly different from the normal (and what you used): 

When I use the first one, the script doesn't get the JRun error, but my 
testFile returns: file.ext
which is the actual file name, rather than the path to the .tmp file as in your 

I don't know the significance of this really. The JRun error is gone, but now I 
get a CF error on the <cfftp... statement:
“Security: The requested template has been denied access to file.ext.”

This is understandable to me because CF doesn't know where to find file.ext 
(there is no path info).

So I am still quite confused. Did you learn any more about this problem? Have 
you tried the optional enctype?

Thanks for any help on this.


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