Re: Coldbox and ColdSpring How to?

2009-07-26 Thread Mike Kear

One of the minor side-effects of the way ColdSpring easily handles
more and more complexity is that I found my ColdSpring XML file got
out of  control unless I took an organised approach to the layout.

My first few ColdSpring sites had about 20 CFCs or so to manage, and
without thinking much, I'd just add a new CFC to the bottom of the XML
and that would be fine.   But then i built a site that had many more
CFCs than that, and i found my XML file got unmanageable.   I was
getting errors because i was duplicating the XML definition of CFCs
and omitting some altogether.I found i had to be more organised
than the XML equivalent of the shoebox filing system.

I tried putting the CFCs into the XML file in alphabetical order,  and
that didn't really work.  It improved things a bit,  but what worked
most was to put CFCs related to different parts of the application
together - all the USER cfcs together and all the CONTENT cfcs
together and all the CATALOG cfcs together etc.  With comments between
the sections of the XML file, so they are easy to find.

THEN Coldspring showed its magic. It happily handled the management of
hundreds of CFCs, all their dependencies, locations, how they are to
be instantiated, and all i ever had to do in a calling page was
something like:

cfset UsersDAO = application.beanfactory.getbean(UsersDAO)  and i
never had to worry again about how to instantiate it,  where it was,
what other cfcs it depended on, where to find them,   whether
parameters or other objects were required in the init() method,  etc.

If i ever change my hard drive layout - move my CFCs around - there's
only one file that ever needs to know where to find them - the
coldspring XML file.

As i said,  MAGIC!   All i have to do is 'hey Coldspring - give me a
UsersDAO object' and it knows what to do , and just does it!

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 1:25 AM, Glyn wrote:

 I see, thanks for taking the time to explain, you have been very helpful.


 On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 1:36 AM, Glyn
 uk wrote:
  what are the benefits of working this way, am just ignorant having
 never used it or AOP before in CF. Any docs online you can point me to
 (I dont know what I would be looking for)

 As the number of CFCs being created / initialized increases, the
 benefits of ColdSpring increase because you don't need all that code
 inside your CFCs (this could have been all done in the init() method
 or I could have extended the CFC or I could have passed in the
 from config CFC without ColdSpring). That means that dependency
 changes can be made without changing your code, including using AOP
 add logging, security etc etc.

 ColdSpring is one of those tools where you can't really get it
 you've experienced the problem it solves and then it's a real
 lightbulb moment.

 I wasn't sold on IoC / DI tools at first. When I really saw the light
 it was working on a Mach-II application (years ago, at Macromedia)
 having to deal with complex and ever-growing configuration data. I
 needed a way to separate configuration from code and Mach-II's
 XML-based approach wasn't cutting it. So I rewrote the app using
 Model-Glue 1.0 and an external XML file for configuration data (using
 ChiliBeans, MG1's IoC container). As far as I was concerned, it was
 still just externalizing configuration, albeit object-based
 configuration. As the application grew, the bean factory really
 started to take the load off my hands as it could take care of
 increasing complexity without impact to my code. Then I switched to
 ColdSpring because it was more capable than ChiliBeans and I never
 looked back!
 Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
 Railo Technologies US --
 An Architect's View --

 If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
 -- Margaret

Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know 
on the House of Fusion mailing lists

Re: Coldbox and ColdSpring How to?

2009-07-26 Thread Sean Corfield

On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 11:15 PM, Mike wrote:
 I tried putting the CFCs into the XML file in alphabetical order,  and
 that didn't really work.  It improved things a bit,  but what worked
 most was to put CFCs related to different parts of the application
 together - all the USER cfcs together and all the CONTENT cfcs
 together and all the CATALOG cfcs together etc.  With comments between
 the sections of the XML file, so they are easy to find.

Another useful trick is to use the import directive so you can break
your ColdSpring XML file down into multiple files with each file
containing CFCs for a specific part of the application, then you have:

import resource=user-beans.xml/
import resource=content-beans.xml/
import resource=catalog-beans.xml/

Each imported file must be a syntactically complete ColdSpring XML
file, i.e., must contain beans .. /beans and some bean
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
Railo Technologies US --
An Architect's View --

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
-- Margaret At

Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know 
on the House of Fusion mailing lists

Re: Coldbox and ColdSpring How to?

2009-07-25 Thread Glyn Jackson

I see, thanks for taking the time to explain, you have been very helpful.


 On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 1:36 AM, Glyn
 uk wrote:
  what are the benefits of working this way, am just ignorant having 
 never used it or AOP before in CF. Any docs online you can point me to 
 (I dont know what I would be looking for)
 As the number of CFCs being created / initialized increases, the
 benefits of ColdSpring increase because you don't need all that code
 inside your CFCs (this could have been all done in the init() method
 or I could have extended the CFC or I could have passed in the 
 from config CFC without ColdSpring). That means that dependency
 changes can be made without changing your code, including using AOP 
 add logging, security etc etc.
 ColdSpring is one of those tools where you can't really get it 
 you've experienced the problem it solves and then it's a real
 lightbulb moment.
 I wasn't sold on IoC / DI tools at first. When I really saw the light
 it was working on a Mach-II application (years ago, at Macromedia) 
 having to deal with complex and ever-growing configuration data. I
 needed a way to separate configuration from code and Mach-II's
 XML-based approach wasn't cutting it. So I rewrote the app using
 Model-Glue 1.0 and an external XML file for configuration data (using
 ChiliBeans, MG1's IoC container). As far as I was concerned, it was
 still just externalizing configuration, albeit object-based
 configuration. As the application grew, the bean factory really
 started to take the load off my hands as it could take care of
 increasing complexity without impact to my code. Then I switched to
 ColdSpring because it was more capable than ChiliBeans and I never
 looked back!
 Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
 Railo Technologies US --
 An Architect's View --
 If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
 -- Margaret 

Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know 
on the House of Fusion mailing lists

Re: Coldbox and ColdSpring How to?

2009-07-24 Thread Sean Corfield

On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 2:59 PM, Glyn wrote:
 I think I have it now in my handler...

  variables.oUserService = 

 and i now see all common.cfc methods is this right?

If it has autowire by name enabled. Otherwise you need a property
tag in the userService definition to inject the userGateway bean.
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
Railo Technologies US --
An Architect's View --

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
-- Margaret Atwoo

Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know 
on the House of Fusion mailing lists

Re: Coldbox and ColdSpring How to?

2009-07-24 Thread Glyn Jackson

Thanks Mr Corfield, perfect.

last question I promise (fingers crossed). I am just playing with ColdSpring, 
however maybe I am missing the point with what I have done in the example so 
far. this could have been all done in the init() method or I could have 
extended the CFC or I could have passed in the details from config CFC without 
ColdSpring. I could have also cached my CFC in CB or on app start.

I have read the docs on ColdSpring it seems to be adding an easy to use system 
yes, but an extra layer to my app also. 

what are the benefits of working this way, am just ignorant having never used 
it or AOP before in CF. Any docs online you can point me to (I dont know what I 
would be looking for) 

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Re: Coldbox and ColdSpring How to?

2009-07-24 Thread Sean Corfield

On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 1:36 AM, Glyn wrote:
 what are the benefits of working this way, am just ignorant having never used 
 it or AOP before in CF. Any docs online you can point me to (I dont know what 
 I would be looking for)

As the number of CFCs being created / initialized increases, the
benefits of ColdSpring increase because you don't need all that code
inside your CFCs (this could have been all done in the init() method
or I could have extended the CFC or I could have passed in the details
from config CFC without ColdSpring). That means that dependency
changes can be made without changing your code, including using AOP to
add logging, security etc etc.

ColdSpring is one of those tools where you can't really get it until
you've experienced the problem it solves and then it's a real
lightbulb moment.

I wasn't sold on IoC / DI tools at first. When I really saw the light
it was working on a Mach-II application (years ago, at Macromedia) and
having to deal with complex and ever-growing configuration data. I
needed a way to separate configuration from code and Mach-II's
XML-based approach wasn't cutting it. So I rewrote the app using
Model-Glue 1.0 and an external XML file for configuration data (using
ChiliBeans, MG1's IoC container). As far as I was concerned, it was
still just externalizing configuration, albeit object-based
configuration. As the application grew, the bean factory really
started to take the load off my hands as it could take care of
increasing complexity without impact to my code. Then I switched to
ColdSpring because it was more capable than ChiliBeans and I never
looked back!
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
Railo Technologies US --
An Architect's View --

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
-- Margaret Atwood

Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know 
on the House of Fusion mailing lists

Coldbox and ColdSpring How to?

2009-07-23 Thread Glyn Jackson

I am trying to get my head around ColdBox and ColdSpring (manly  ColdSpring) so 
please be kind and any example code with comments would be much appreciate.

My question

I have a CFC called model/common.cfc 
This CFC contains all my SQL code that interacts with the database. However in 
common.cfc I currently use the following code inside common.cfc on init() to 
get my DNS details...

cfproperty name=dsn type=coldbox:datasource:DBDetails 
scope=instance!---inject datasource---  
instance = structnew();
cffunction name=init access=public returntype=any output=false
 cfargument name=dsn type=any _wireme=coldbox:datasource:DBDetails /
 cfreturn this

I can then call it anywhere inside common like so #instance.dsn.getName()#

Now this works fine, but wanting to expand my knowledge I have decided to 
introduced ColdSpring (no experience of it before) I understand why I would use 
an IOC so I wanted to start simple. 

I want to replace the above code and inject the DNS details into common.cfc and 
use ‘one’ bean for all. 

I have followed the documentation on CB but am struggling mainly because of my 
understanding I think. Here is what I have so far

I created my coldspring.xml (below) what I think it should do is inject DNS 
into UserService.cfc this cfc is then called by common (userGateway). then in 
my handler i can just called the one bean, right... 

bean id=coldboxFactory class=coldbox.system.extras.ColdboxFactory 
bean id=ConfigBean factory-bean=ColdboxFactory 
factory-method=getConfigBean /
bean id=dsnBean factory-bean=ColdboxFactory 
constructor-arg name=alias
bean id=userGateway class=model.Common /
bean id=UserService class=model.UserService
property name=dsnBean
ref bean=dsnBean /
property name=ConfigBean
ref bean=ConfigBean /


I assumed this would allow me to access dns inside common.cfc but it does not.


cfcomponent name=User Service

cffunction name=init access=public returntype=any 
cfreturn this /

cffunction name=getUserGateway access=public returntype=any 
output=false hint=Return the UserGateway.
cfreturn variables.instance['userGateway'] /

cffunction name=setUserGateway access=public returntype=void 
output=false hint=Set the UserGateway.
cfargument name=userGateway type=any required=true 
hint=UserGateway /
cfset variables.instance['userGateway'] = 
arguments.userGateway /

cffunction name=setDSNBean access=public returntype=void
 cfargument name=DSNBean type=Any required=true/
 cfset variables.dsn = arguments.DSNBean.getName()

 cffunction name=setConfigBean access=public returntype=void
  cfargument name=configBean type=Any required=true/
 !--- cfset variables.mailName = 


I dont know what to do in common.cfc to pull it...

any help/examples on what I need to do here or is my understanding of what I am 
doing all wrong? If you were doing this how would you go about it, i learn best 
from examples (visual keys)



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Re: Coldbox and ColdSpring How to?

2009-07-23 Thread Sean Corfield

Common.cfc has to be managed by ColdSpring for the dependency
injection to take place. I.e., you need:

bean id=common class=model.Common ... etc ... /bean

And you need to get the common bean from ColdSpring wherever you use it.

Your XML has the bean named userGateway which doesn't seem right
(since you have a property injector method in Common.cfc for


On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 5:28 AM, Glyn wrote:

 I am trying to get my head around ColdBox and ColdSpring (manly  ColdSpring) 
 so please be kind and any example code with comments would be much appreciate.

 My question

 I have a CFC called model/common.cfc
 This CFC contains all my SQL code that interacts with the database. However 
 in common.cfc I currently use the following code inside common.cfc on init() 
 to get my DNS details...

 cfproperty name=dsn type=coldbox:datasource:DBDetails 
 scope=instance!---inject datasource---
 instance = structnew();
 cffunction name=init access=public returntype=any output=false
  cfargument name=dsn type=any _wireme=coldbox:datasource:DBDetails /
  cfreturn this

 I can then call it anywhere inside common like so #instance.dsn.getName()#

 Now this works fine, but wanting to expand my knowledge I have decided to 
 introduced ColdSpring (no experience of it before) I understand why I would 
 use an IOC so I wanted to start simple.

 I want to replace the above code and inject the DNS details into common.cfc 
 and use ‘one’ bean for all.

 I have followed the documentation on CB but am struggling mainly because of 
 my understanding I think. Here is what I have so far

 I created my coldspring.xml (below) what I think it should do is inject DNS 
 into UserService.cfc this cfc is then called by common (userGateway). then in 
 my handler i can just called the one bean, right...

        bean id=coldboxFactory class=coldbox.system.extras.ColdboxFactory 
        bean id=ConfigBean factory-bean=ColdboxFactory 
 factory-method=getConfigBean /
        bean id=dsnBean factory-bean=ColdboxFactory 
                constructor-arg name=alias
    bean id=userGateway class=model.Common /
        bean id=UserService class=model.UserService
                property name=dsnBean
                ref bean=dsnBean /
                property name=ConfigBean
                ref bean=ConfigBean /


 I assumed this would allow me to access dns inside common.cfc but it does not.


 cfcomponent name=User Service

        cffunction name=init access=public returntype=any 
                cfreturn this /

        cffunction name=getUserGateway access=public returntype=any 
 output=false hint=Return the UserGateway.
                cfreturn variables.instance['userGateway'] /

        cffunction name=setUserGateway access=public returntype=void 
 output=false hint=Set the UserGateway.
                cfargument name=userGateway type=any required=true 
 hint=UserGateway /
                cfset variables.instance['userGateway'] = 
 arguments.userGateway /

    cffunction name=setDSNBean access=public returntype=void
     cfargument name=DSNBean type=Any required=true/
     cfset variables.dsn = arguments.DSNBean.getName()

     cffunction name=setConfigBean access=public returntype=void
      cfargument name=configBean type=Any required=true/
     !--- cfset variables.mailName = 


 I dont know what to do in common.cfc to pull it...

 any help/examples on what

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Re: Coldbox and ColdSpring How to?

2009-07-23 Thread Glyn Jackson

Hi Sean, thanks for the reply.

Quote: Common.cfc has to be managed by ColdSpring for the dependency injection 
to take place

So the dependency injection would be...

bean id=common class=model.Common
  property name=dsnBean
  ref bean=dsnBean /
  property name=ConfigBean
  ref bean=ConfigBean /

Quote: Your XML has the bean named userGateway which doesn't seem right (since 
you have a property injector method in Common.cfc for userGateway)?

could you expand on this. Common is the userGateway layer right?

last in common.cfc how to a use the injected DNS in common.cfc i,e. 

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Re: Coldbox and ColdSpring How to?

2009-07-23 Thread Glyn Jackson

PS would i also not have to change my User Service as all i want to do is call 
my User Service and have common available otherwise I dont see the point i can 
set this in init method. i.e would it be something like so only the user 
service is called...

User Service
cfcomponent name=User Service

cffunction name=init access=public returntype=any 
cfreturn this /

cffunction name=getUserGateway access=public returntype=any 
output=false hint=Return the UserGateway.
cfreturn variables.instance['common'] /

cffunction name=setUserGateway access=public returntype=void 
output=false hint=Set the UserGateway.
cfargument name=userGateway type=any required=true 
hint=UserGateway /
cfset variables.instance['userGateway'] = 
arguments.userGateway /

sorry for all the questions I really want to better under stand this.

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Re: Coldbox and ColdSpring How to?

2009-07-23 Thread Sean Corfield

On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 1:31 PM, Glyn wrote:
 PS would i also not have to change my User Service as all i want to do is 
 call my User Service and have common available otherwise I dont see the point 
 i can set this in init method. i.e would it be something like so only the 
 user service is called...

Ah, I misunderstood your code...

 User Service
 cfcomponent name=User Service

OK, *this* component needs to be managed by ColdSpring.

        cffunction name=setUserGateway access=public returntype=void 
 output=false hint=Set the UserGateway.
                cfargument name=userGateway type=any required=true 
 hint=UserGateway /
                cfset variables.instance['userGateway'] = 
 arguments.userGateway /

User Service has to be under ColdSpring's control for it to know about
calling this method.
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
Railo Technologies US --
An Architect's View --

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really ali

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Re: Coldbox and ColdSpring How to?

2009-07-23 Thread Glyn Jackson

sorry, so do i go back to how I was before...

bean id=Common class=model.Common
property name=dsnBean
ref bean=dsnBean /

bean id=UserService class=model.UserService /

but then how does UserService know what common? 

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Re: Coldbox and ColdSpring How to?

2009-07-23 Thread Glyn Jackson

how about below would this allow me to call any method from common.cfc using 
the user service bean.

bean id=coldboxFactory class=coldbox.system.extras.ColdboxFactory 
bean id=ConfigBean factory-bean=ColdboxFactory 
factory-method=getConfigBean /
bean id=dsnBean factory-bean=ColdboxFactory 
constructor-arg name=alias

bean id=userGateway class=model.Common
property name=dsnBean
ref bean=dsnBean /

bean id=UserService class=model.UserService /


cfcomponent name=User Service

cffunction name=init access=public returntype=any 
cfreturn this /

cffunction name=setUserGateway access=public returntype=void 
output=false hint=Set the UserGateway.   cfargument 
name=userGateway type=any required=true hint=UserGateway / 
 cfset variables.instance['userGateway'] = arguments.userGateway /

cffunction name=getUserGateway access=public returntype=any 
output=false hint=Return the UserGateway.
cfreturn variables.instance['userGateway'] /

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Re: Coldbox and ColdSpring How to?

2009-07-23 Thread Glyn Jackson

I think I have it now in my handler...

  variables.oUserService = 

and i now see all common.cfc methods is this right?

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