Introduction, Cheap Hosting

2007-03-25 Thread Peter Donahue
Good morning everyone,

Let me first begin by introducing myself before asking for hosting
recommendations based on my criteria. My name is Peter Donahue. My wife Mary
and I live in San Antonio Texas where I do Web development for a non-profit
organization and for several clients. My wife is a reservations agent for
Marriott Hotels. This past weekend we celebrated our 22nd wedding
anniversary and I turned the big 50 yesterday! This proves that you're never
too old to learn to program Web pages using any language including Cold

I had my first exposure to Cold Fusion in the fall of 2004 when I took
an Internet Commerce Course at Northwest Vista College. Since then I built
two CF Web sites one for the organization I referred to above, and the other
for a lady in Nebraska.  This insidentally leads me in to the second part of
the message subject.

The afore-mentioned Web sites were hosted by a company out of Florida.
Without sufficient warning we received a notice advising us that the owners
of this particular hosting company were closing up shop and that we would
need to arrange for hosting with another provider. I paid for a years worth
of hosting from this outfit. They never offered us a refund for the unused
hosting period. They simply shut down their server, took our money and ran
leaving me very little time to locate another host for my Web sites.

As a result the lady in Nebrasca who paid top dollar for her account
with this company decided to manage her own Web site. The organization whose
site I'm responsible for maintaining has requested that I find another host
and get their site back up and running. The previous hosting company charged
us an annual fee of about $75.00. I have been searching for a new host for
this Web site and for possibly several other new sites I want to create
using CF, but have not found very many companies that meet our requirements
for a reasonable price. I'm willing to spend $200.00 a year for CF 7
Hosting, the ability to host multiple domains on a single account and for
several GB of disk space as our organization produces lots of audio and
video content for the Web. I've found several hosting companies that offer a
plan that would meet these requirements, but wanted to check here in case
you know of other hosting companies that offer similar plans. Dedicated
servers are kind of steep for me at this time given the loss of my paying
client who could help carry the cost of a dedicated server. That is
certainly an option for the future if I can secure enough cashflow to
sustain the monthly charges for such hosting. I've looked at
and don't believe they offer what I need in the way of a large amount of
disk space. Your hosting recommendations will be very much appreciated.

Let me conclude by apollogising if this request is somewhat OT. I'm just
getting back in to working with CF and need to find suitable hosting so I
can begin building CF sites once more. Thanks for your recommendations in

Peter Donahue

Macromedia ColdFusion MX7
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Re: Introduction, Cheap Hosting

2007-03-25 Thread Will Tomlinson

Try - very cf-oriented

And - kinda cf-oriented.

A lot of the members of this list use one of the two. 

There are also a few folks on this list that offer hosting themselves. I'm sure 
they'll chime in. 


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