I am creating a report with report builder.

I have a report header.

This report is 3 pages long.  After I get the content for the first
page, I add a page break.

2 problems.  Once the detail band is longer than a page, the report
header is forced to page 1 by itself, like a page break magically
appears after the report header.

Also, At a certain point I am given an error:

Report design not valid : 1. The detail section, the page and column
headers and footers and the margins do not fit the page height.

How do I create a report that is 3 pages long, with specifically
placed page breaks, and a report header.  The detail band should start
immediately after the report header(no page break after report


David Mineer Jr
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something. It's as simple as that. A lot of people have ideas,
but there are few who decide to do something about them now.
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