Re: CF8, visual cropping tools?

2007-08-16 Thread Eric Cobb
LHWH Interactive wrote:
> Without re-inventing the wheel, does anyone know of some visual
> cropping tools that take advantage of CF8's cropping ability?
> Something that shows you the image you just uploaded, with some sort
> of visual overlay that allows you to draw a "square" over the area you
> want to crop, then passes the coordinates into the crop function.
> I figured I'd ask here before undertaking the creation of one in Flash...

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Re: Hosting CF 8

2007-09-04 Thread Eric Cobb
I've used Crystal Tech for years, and I've never had a problem with 
their service.  I've got about 15 client's sites running on Crystal 
Tech, and they're all happy as well.  I really like their Control Center 
as it's easy for me to manage everything, I can even create accounts for 
my clients and give them access to what I want them to have.  And all of 
my clients absolutely love the statistics reporting package 
(SmarterStats) that comes with the hosting.

I had one client that had 21 domains pointing to the same site with no 
problem, but we never needed Domain level FTP accounts so I can't 
comment on that.  We also didn't need email for each domain, but I know 
we had the ability to do it if we wanted.  They have a nice webmail 
interface that lets you configure individual or domain wide Spam 
settings, Greylisting, and Trusted Sender's lists.  I manage all of my 
SQL Server databases via Enterprise manager and Query Analyzer for SQL 
2000, and DBA Studio for 2005. 

If I  have one complaint with Crystal Tech, it's that just starting with 
CF 8 you have to go with their $26.95 plan to get SQL Server.  I have 
several clients on the $16.95 plan with CF 7 and SQL Server that are 
going to have to start paying an extra $10 per month so they can move to 
CF 8.  It's really no big deal, just a bummer that they're taking away 
this previous functionality. 

Hope this helps!


Vince Collins wrote:
> I just blogged about this but I figured I'd post my request at house of 
> fusion since so many of you also use ISPs.
> In order to find a good fit for hosting, I think you need to list up 
> front some of your requirements.  Here  are  the basics of mine.
> Requirements:
> CF8
> Control Panel
> Multiple Parked Domains / Multiple Domain level FTP accounts
> Email for each domain parked (if possible)
> Storage space
> Web-based email along with POP and IMAP connections
> MS SQL Server
> Connection to SQL Server via Enterprise Manager
> Unlimited datasources
> Decent amount of web-based storage space.  5+ GBs
> Daily Backups for web and SQL Server
> Great uptime
> Great Support (rarely needed hopefully)
> So far I'm considering and but I'm open 
> to other options.  I'd probably go with what they list as a 
> "semi-dedicated" or "Preferred" hosting solution for the bandwidth, disk 
> space and further flexibility.
> Looking forward to hearing your opinions on these or other hosts.
> Vince Collins

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Re: Hosting CF 8

2007-09-04 Thread Eric Cobb
No problem.  I'm glad I could help. 

Vince Collins wrote:
> Thanks very much for the detailed response Eric!
> Vince
> Eric Cobb wrote:
>> I've used Crystal Tech for years, and I've never had a problem with 
>> their service.  I've got about 15 client's sites running on Crystal 
>> Tech, and they're all happy as well.  I really like their Control Center 
>> as it's easy for me to manage everything, I can even create accounts for 
>> my clients and give them access to what I want them to have.  And all of 
>> my clients absolutely love the statistics reporting package 
>> (SmarterStats) that comes with the hosting.
>> I had one client that had 21 domains pointing to the same site with no 
>> problem, but we never needed Domain level FTP accounts so I can't 
>> comment on that.  We also didn't need email for each domain, but I know 
>> we had the ability to do it if we wanted.  They have a nice webmail 
>> interface that lets you configure individual or domain wide Spam 
>> settings, Greylisting, and Trusted Sender's lists.  I manage all of my 
>> SQL Server databases via Enterprise manager and Query Analyzer for SQL 
>> 2000, and DBA Studio for 2005. 
>> If I  have one complaint with Crystal Tech, it's that just starting with 
>> CF 8 you have to go with their $26.95 plan to get SQL Server.  I have 
>> several clients on the $16.95 plan with CF 7 and SQL Server that are 
>> going to have to start paying an extra $10 per month so they can move to 
>> CF 8.  It's really no big deal, just a bummer that they're taking away 
>> this previous functionality. 
>> Hope this helps!
>> Eric

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Re: Forums?

2007-09-18 Thread Eric Cobb
Try Galleon by Ray Camden:

Justin Scott wrote:
> Can anyone make recommendations on a decent ColdFusion-based forum
> application similar to phpBB or vBulletin.  Free is preferred, but I
> don't mind dropping some $$$ on a decent app.  Thanks in advance!
> -Justin Scott

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Re: CFStoredProc out variable

2007-10-05 Thread Eric Cobb
CF returns the value of the OUT variable as a regular variable, just 
like you created it with cfset for example.

Try this:


#queryResult #

You'll notice that I removed the "@" from your variable name.  You can 
name the OUT variable whatever you want, regardless of what it's called 
in the database.

Richard White wrote:
> Hi, i have the following code to call a stored procedure which is stored in 
> mysql.
>value="#url.OneToOneFolder#" null="no">
>  SELECT @queryResult;
> i have followed the instructions on mysql and the stored procedure works fine 
> if i pass in the out as @queryResult. in mysql when i run SELECT 
> @queryResult; it gives me back a value. however when i run it through 
> coldfusion and do a cfdump  of the checkOneToOneFolderAdded query it tells me 
> that it is an empty string.
> i would appreciate any help you can give me on this, or any other way to 
> reference an out variable, thanks very much
> thanks very much
> richard 

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Re: 2007 Web Design Survey

2007-10-19 Thread Eric Cobb



Jochem van Dieten wrote:
>> Hey Bruce,  Great response. I'm doing the same thing you're doing.
>> I guess I just want to make that jump to a higher level beyond 9-5 
>> and side jobs which is a great living. But I want to join those guys
>> you see on their huge boat during the day wihc great tans after their
>> month long vacation.
> Jochem

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Re: New 64-bit Dev Server

2007-10-23 Thread Eric Cobb
Exchange, SQL, and CF on the same box?  That sounds like a disaster 
waiting to happen!  Here are a few things that jumped into my head when 
I read your post:

What happens when you're debugging code that keeps crashing the server, 
and you have to reboot a dozen times a day (from an Exchange perspective)?

What happens when the latest patch for SQL Server isn't compatible with 
Exchange (why would it be?), and it kills your email server?

SQL Server will eat as much memory as it can get its hands on, how will 
that affect your Exchange server?

How much memory/hard drive space are you going to have to have to 
support a dev. appication server, dev. database server, and production 
(I assume) email server?

Personally, I would keep Exchange off of the box.  The CF/SQL setup 
wouldn't be too bad, but there's no way I would load a production email 
server on to the same box.  That's just my $.02, though.



Adrian Lynch wrote:
> I'm setting up a new development server that'll house CF 8, IIS 6 and 
> SQL 2005 on Windows 2003 64-bit. The reason for 64-bit is that it's a 
> requirement for Exchange 2007 which will also be on this box.
> Can anyone shed some light on whether there will be any problems with 
> this set up? I've been reading up on WoW64 and the requirements for the 
> various software but any other input would be great.
> Thanks.

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Re: New 64-bit Dev Server

2007-10-23 Thread Eric Cobb
That's a good point, I didn't think about virtualization.

Also, I guess it would depend a lot on the specific situation.  Are we 
talking about a small office with 10 email users, 1 web app. and 1 
database?  In that case, the one server setup may work just fine.

But, if there are numerous Exchange users, several web apps. (or 1 
really big one), and multiple databases, then I would still try to split 
it up some way.



Russ wrote:
> Of course if the load is not large and the machine is powerful, you can
> always put everything in it's own VM> 
> Russ
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Eric Cobb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 10:48 AM
>> To: CF-Talk
>> Subject: Re: New 64-bit Dev Server
>> Exchange, SQL, and CF on the same box?  That sounds like a disaster
>> waiting to happen!  Here are a few things that jumped into my head when
>> I read your post:
>> What happens when you're debugging code that keeps crashing the server,
>> and you have to reboot a dozen times a day (from an Exchange perspective)?
>> What happens when the latest patch for SQL Server isn't compatible with
>> Exchange (why would it be?), and it kills your email server?
>> SQL Server will eat as much memory as it can get its hands on, how will
>> that affect your Exchange server?
>> How much memory/hard drive space are you going to have to have to
>> support a dev. appication server, dev. database server, and production
>> (I assume) email server?
>> Personally, I would keep Exchange off of the box.  The CF/SQL setup
>> wouldn't be too bad, but there's no way I would load a production email
>> server on to the same box.  That's just my $.02, though.
>> Thanks,
>> Eric
>> Adrian Lynch wrote:
>>> I'm setting up a new development server that'll house CF 8, IIS 6 and
>>> SQL 2005 on Windows 2003 64-bit. The reason for 64-bit is that it's a
>>> requirement for Exchange 2007 which will also be on this box.
>>> Can anyone shed some light on whether there will be any problems with
>>> this set up? I've been reading up on WoW64 and the requirements for the
>>> various software but any other input would be great.
>>> Thanks.

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Re: cfqueryparam and dynamically-created SQL

2007-10-24 Thread Eric Cobb
It did go through.  Check the website, there have been several responses.



Ben Mueller wrote:
> Posted this yesterday, but it didn't seem to go through...
> I became a convert to cfqueryparam, thanks to this list, about 2 months ago.  
> Since then, I've wondered about this kind of statement (shortened here):
> SELECT username
>   FROM user
>  WHERE lastname = 
>   AND 
> Does the presence of the  block inside the SQL negate the speed 
> benefits I would get from using cfqueryparam?  I'm kind of hoping not, but 
> guessing yes.
> Thanks in advance for the advice,
> Ben Mueller 

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Re: CFC Not acting like I expect

2007-11-06 Thread Eric Cobb
You're trying to return propID, but you don't reference it anywhere in 
your Stored Procedure.  The only time you reference it is with .  This is just setting a variable, it's not a query, which 
is what your function is expecting as a return type.



Bruce Sorge wrote:
> I have a CFC that both inserts a series of field variables and returns 
> the ID number that was just created. I am getting an error that states 
> "the value returned from the insertProposal function is not of type 
> query". Here is the function:
>  datasource="#Request.dsn#">
>  dbvarname="BidType" type="in" value="#Arguments.BidType#">
>  dbvarname="Number" type="in" value="#Arguments.Number#">
>  dbvarname="Description" value="#Arguments.Description#">
>  dbvarname="Contact_Name" type="in" value="#Arguments.Contact_Name#">
>  dbvarname="Contact_Phone" type="in" value="#Arguments.Contact_Phone#">
>  dbvarname="Contact_Email" type="in" value="#Arguments.Contact_Email#">
>  dbvarname="Job_Walk_Date" type="in" value="#Arguments.Job_Walk_Date#">
>  dbvarname="Job_Walk_Time" type="in" value="#Arguments.Job_Walk_Time#">
>  dbvarname="Status" type="in" value="#Arguments.Status#">
>  dbvarname="Create_Date" type="in" value="#Arguments.Create_Date#">
>  dbvarname="Create_Time" type="in" value="#Arguments.Create_Time#">
> When I run the page, the insert query works. I captured the SP in SQL 
> Profiler, copied it into a new query in SQL Server Manager, and it 
> inserts the information and returns the newly created ID as it should, 
> so I am baffeled. Perhaps I need another pair of eyes to see what might 
> end up being a glaringly obvious error on my part.
> Thanks,
> Bruce

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Re: How do I get the characters after the last period in a string?

2007-11-07 Thread Eric Cobb

Rick Faircloth wrote:
> This seems so simple, yet I couldn't figure out the answer even after
> going through the list and strings functions in the docs for CF 8.
> I want to return the characters in the name of a photo preceding the
> period.
> i.e.. If the photo is named "dog.jpg", I want to strip out ".jpg" from the
> filename so I can alter the filename and then "reattach" the ".jpg".
> Seems so simple, but I can't figure out how to get it done.
> Rick

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Re: CFStoredProc

2007-11-09 Thread Eric Cobb
cfprocresult is for returning a query result set.  If you're not 
returning query, then you should use:

CF Developer wrote:
>   This should have been simple as making a PB&J. 
>   I am calling a SP (SQL Server 2005) using the 
> CFStoredProc function and to get the result set returned as "nextval".
> Basically it should return an interget value. 
>datasource="#application.datasource#" procedure="usp_select_nextval">
>   Now if I try to use CFDump to 
> dump the results set "nextval" it indicates the variable does not exist.
> What is it I am missing? It has ot be something I can say "DOH" about. 

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Re: Replace Syntax

2007-11-13 Thread Eric Cobb
remove the quotes around form.description


Rick Sanders wrote:
> Hey list,
> I'm trying to replace double quotes for single quotes in a string using this
> syntax:
> #Replace('form.description','"',"'","ALL")#">
> However, it's giving back form.description in the output and not the actual
> text from the textfield named "description".
> What am I doing wrong?
> Rick Sanders
> Webenergy
> Canada: 902-401-7689
> USA:   919-799-9076
> Canada:
> USA:

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Re: blocking spambots

2007-11-16 Thread Eric Cobb
The easiest thing I've found is to just use a Flash/Flex form.  While I 
realize this may not be ideal for all situations, I've had much success 
with it.  I had a simple contact form on my website that was getting 3-5 
Spam submissions per day.  I put up a Flash form, and that stopped 100% 
of the Spam.

After reading all of the other replies to this post, I can't help but 
wonder, is there something I'm missing?  Is there some reason no one is 
using a Flash/Flex form solution?



Mike Little wrote:
> just a quick update guys (and thank you for the many replies!!)..
> the following code has not made a lick of difference on the addcomment.cfm 
> page.
>  isDefined("FORM.submit"))>
> i think i first may try the session variable set on the articles page, and 
> check for this on the addcomment page.
> cheers.
> mike 

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Re: CF 5 and DAO

2008-01-03 Thread Eric Cobb
Actually, you can.  Sort of.

This was tested on CF 7, but I would think that it would work with CF 5

Hope this helps!


Chad Gray wrote:
> I though about that, but I am forced to use Access and too my knowledge you 
> can't do Stored Procedures.
> -Original Message-
> From: Greg Luce [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 11:52 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: CF 5 and DAO
> Stored procedures. :-)
> On Jan 3, 2008 11:33 AM, Ben Doom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> We always used includes, although cfmodule would probably be better.  We
>> just broke each inline query out into an include, then called it as
>> necessary.
>> --Ben Doom
>> Chad Gray wrote:
>>> I am so use to using MX and CFCs that now I have to work on a CF5 server
>> for a client and
>>> Is there a good way of setting up a DAO in CF5 so I can reuse SQL code
>> and not have to retype the CFQueryies each time I need them?
>>> Should I use CFModule?  CFInclude?  A custom tag ?

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CF 7 Certification Exam

2008-06-05 Thread Eric Cobb
I'm wanting to take the CF 7 Certification exam.  I wasn't able to find 
any reference to the CF 7 exam on Adobe's website, only CF 8.  However, 
when I log in to the VUE website to see what exams are available, they 
have both the CF 7 and CF 8 exams listed.  Whenever I try to schedule 
the CF 7 exam, it tells me the exam is not available, but I don't have 
any problem when I try to schedule the CF 8 exam.

So, obviously VUE is not offering the CF 7 exam anymore (at least in my 
area), even though it's still listed on their site.  After Ray Camden's 
recent post about the CF 8 exam 
  I'm really not interested in taking it at this time, I'd rather take 
CF 7, if for no other reason than my own personal satisfaction.

My question is, is this the official word from Adobe and no one is 
offering CF 7 anymore, or is there a chance I can still take the CF 7 
Certification exam somewhere?



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Re: Is it Flex?

2008-06-06 Thread Eric Cobb
He just has it programmed to play background music while you wait for 
your results. ;)



Ryan Stille wrote:
> Very useful, thanks.
> The weird thing is, its running the swf, too?  I ran through 
> it, because I've always wondered about that.  Then some music started 
> playing, even though I couldn't see any player.  When I closed your 
> site, the music stopped.  ???
> -Ryan
> Brad Wood wrote:
>> Ok, have you ever had the burning question when you see a Flash
>> application on a webpage--  "Was it made with Flex?"
>> James Ward, a Flex and Air evangelist from Adobe has a little page
>> located at that lets you specify a
>> URL to a SWF.  It uses swfdump to parse the SWF files and tell you if it
>> was created with Flex.
>> Well, I created a piggy-back page located at
>> which lets you type in a page, it
>> downloads the source, parses through it for SWF files, and then runs
>> them one at a time through James Ward's page (with his permission of
>> course)
>> I rewrote it last night (read: introduced some bugs) and thought I would
>> throw it out there for people to mess with. If you have any questions
>> you can hit me off-list at brad at since this is a little
>> OT.
>> Thanks.
>> ~Brad

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Re: SP's AND cfqueryparam?

2008-07-09 Thread Eric Cobb
 >Do you always cfqueryparam everything, no exceptions?


 >Are you safe just using stored procedures alone, or do you always need 
to couple them with cfqueryparam?

If you're going to use stored procedures, use the cfstoredproc tag with 



Will Tomlinson wrote:
> Are you safe just using stored procedures alone, or do you always need to 
> couple them with cfqueryparam?
> Do you always cfqueryparam everything, no exceptions?
> Thanks,
> Will 

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Re: "Login failed for user 'sa'

2008-07-15 Thread Eric Cobb

Never, EVER, under any circumstances, use the SA login for your web apps!!

Create a new login in SQL Server, and change your datasources to use that.



Orlini, Robert wrote:
> Some of our CF programs are generating this SQL error.
> [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Login failed for user 'sa'
> Any ideas pls?
> RO

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Re: SQL injection attack on House of Fusion

2008-08-20 Thread Eric Cobb
 >is  something a lot of programmers really use?

Only the good ones.  ;)



David Moore, Jr. wrote:
> When you say "Update Your Code", are you saying using ? But 
> even so, the SQL injection still will use up countless resources instead of 
> cutting it off early. So, go back and fix 1,000's of lines of code I have 
> developed over the last 'upteen' years or stop it before it starts? Is this 
> something new to CF8 or just a necessary evil because of SQL Injection 
> Attacks. 
> Not trying to pick a fight, becuase I am sure you have forgotten more code 
> than I will ever know (seriously) and I am probably just being lazy 
> (seriously), but is  something a lot of programmers really use? 
> I have never seen  used on any tags I have purchased or 
> exchanged and I am afraid all I know is what I have learned from books and 
> forums. This is the first I have ever heard of using .
> ~David G. Moore, Jr.> Subject: Re: SQL injection attack on House of Fusion> 
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> Date: Wed, 20 Aug 
> 2008 17:01:42 -0400> > > I am currently using the SQLprev.cfm from Jochem to 
> stop the onslaught of superfluous bandwidth suckage from my server, but was 
> wondering what the difference would be with this one. I am not looking to 
> start a "my SQL Injection blocker is better than yours", yet trying to 
> educate myself on just what is going on and what is best to do. > > My 
> original SQLprev script ( > just 
> checks for basic SQL keywords with a semicolon in URL variables. > It's a 
> quick and dirty way to give you some protection from bots > short-term while 
> your code base is updated to use best practices and > secure coding methods. 
> Mary Jo's is more thorough in that it checks > additional variable scopes, 
> and can help protect better against > hand-drafted attacks, but may have a 
> higher p
otential for false > positives (though it's improved recently from what I can 
tell).> > SQLPrev has a version compatible with CF5 for those who need it where 
> the other script relies on CFMX functions to run. I'm not saying one is > 
better than the other, they both get the job done. Just use whatever > works 
best for you, and update your code so that you don't need either > of them 
.> > > -Justin Scott> > > > 

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Re: help w/ DateDiff() please

2011-01-13 Thread Eric Cobb

Is "dte_2dlcl" a column in the database?  You can't execute a ColdFusion 
function on a database column in a query.


Eric Cobb
ECAR Technologies, LLC

On 1/13/2011 1:41 PM, Jay Birdsell wrote:
> The dateDiff () is killing me!  can someone please look at this and help me 
> clear my head.
> What I have is a db that tracks executive correspondence  when drafts are due 
> and when the final response is due.   I need a report that will list any 
> correspondence that has a draft or final date within 8 days of the run date 
> (today). I've read that i should be able to do this right in the select 
> statement. However I have found a clean concise example here is what I have 
> tried so far;
> try # 1::
>  select   dateDiff('d',#today#,'dte_2dlcl') as m
>  from execcoresp000
> Results:: Error - "DateDiff invalid identifier"
> try# 2
>  select   dateDiff('d',#today#,'dte_2dlcl') as m
>  from execcoresp000
>  where m<  8
> Results:  Error M invalid identifier
> try # 3
>  select  dte_2dlcl
>  from execcoresp000.correspondence
>  where dateDiff('d',#today#,'dte_2dlcl')<  8
> Results: Error - "DateDiff invalid identifier"
> The other error i tend to get is "Missing right parenthese"
> i really dont want to get in a bunch of nested loops to do this.  any ideas?
> tia,
> jbird

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Re: help w/ DateDiff() please

2011-01-13 Thread Eric Cobb

Wait, I'm confused, are you trying to use the CF dateDiff() function, or 
a database's dateDiff() function?  If you're using a database's, then I 
think you need to wrap #today# in quotes.


Eric Cobb
ECAR Technologies, LLC

On 1/13/2011 1:53 PM, Eric Cobb wrote:
> Is "dte_2dlcl" a column in the database?  You can't execute a ColdFusion
> function on a database column in a query.
> Thanks,
> Eric Cobb
> ECAR Technologies, LLC
> On 1/13/2011 1:41 PM, Jay Birdsell wrote:
>> The dateDiff () is killing me!  can someone please look at this and help me 
>> clear my head.
>> What I have is a db that tracks executive correspondence  when drafts are 
>> due and when the final response is due.   I need a report that will list any 
>> correspondence that has a draft or final date within 8 days of the run date 
>> (today). I've read that i should be able to do this right in the select 
>> statement. However I have found a clean concise example here is what I have 
>> tried so far;
>> try # 1::
>>   select   dateDiff('d',#today#,'dte_2dlcl') as m
>>   from execcoresp000
>> Results:: Error - "DateDiff invalid identifier"
>> try# 2
>>   select   dateDiff('d',#today#,'dte_2dlcl') as m
>>   from execcoresp000
>>   where m<   8
>> Results:  Error M invalid identifier
>> try # 3
>>   select  dte_2dlcl
>>   from execcoresp000.correspondence
>>   where dateDiff('d',#today#,'dte_2dlcl')<   8
>> Results: Error - "DateDiff invalid identifier"
>> The other error i tend to get is "Missing right parenthese"
>> i really dont want to get in a bunch of nested loops to do this.  any ideas?
>> tia,
>> jbird

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Re: Is Coldfusion losing it biggest asset?

2011-01-14 Thread Eric Cobb

Here's another viewpoint to throw into the pile.

Just because MORE businesses aren't using ColdFusion, doesn't mean that 
businesses aren't using MORE ColdFusion.  The product can continue to 
grow without adding new customers.

At my last job, when I started working there we had 4 CF developers and 
3 CF 7 production servers. A little over a year later we had the same 4 
CF developers, but 15 CF 8 production servers.  Adobe got to sell 12 
more CF8 licenses, plus the 3 original upgrades, and there was not 1 new 
developer or new customer added to their list.   They got to see roughly 
5x the revenue from one customer, with no marketing or promotional 
expense (to us) on their end.

Not a bad deal for Adobe, eh?  I wish my customers would do that.  :)


Eric Cobb
ECAR Technologies, LLC

On 1/13/2011 8:27 PM, Michael Grant wrote:
>> You really believe they're not "grow[ing] the product" with all of those
>> advances and investment and effort??
> I know for me the issue isn't that they aren't growing the product. The
> product just keeps getting better. It's that they aren't growing the user
> base enough.

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Re: Is Coldfusion losing it biggest asset?

2011-01-18 Thread Eric Cobb

Me too.  There's a company here in Nashville that has 30+ CF developers, 
and that's what they do.  Their job ads are for web developers with any 
CF/Java/PHP/.Net/Ruby/ect... experience, and they state that they use CF 
and the candidate must be willing to become a CF programmer.  It seems 
to be working pretty well for them.


Eric Cobb
ECAR Technologies, LLC

On 1/17/2011 11:58 PM, Andrew Scott wrote:
> I have to agree with this.
> Regards,
> Andrew Scott
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Adrocknaphobia []
>> Sent: Tuesday, 18 January 2011 4:22 PM
>> To: cf-talk
>> Subject: Re: Is Coldfusion losing it biggest asset?
>> Do yourself (and the community) a favor... train a PHP/Java/.NET/Ruby
>> developer in ColdFusion if you are struggling to hire someone. CF is so
> easy
>> to learn you'll likely spend less time training a developer than you would
>> searching for one. Our anecdotal evidence shows that an experienced OO
>> developer can be productive w/ CF in less than 3 weeks.
>> -Adam

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Re: why is cf_builder so expensive?

2011-01-26 Thread Eric Cobb

> about as nimble as a mastodon in a tar pit

That cracked me up!  Good one!


Eric Cobb
ECAR Technologies, LLC

On 1/26/2011 9:02 AM, Gerald Guido wrote:
>>> Who is being flippant? It's a fact of life that some developer tools
> cost money.
> Going out on a limb here
> It is all relative. Good tools cost do cost good money. But For some
> here, $300 is chump change. For others, even the gainfully employed, that
> could mean making a car or mortgage payment, or not. Times are tough. I
> would wager that some of the folks here vocal about not complaing about it
> not being expensive have incomes in excess of six figures, or close to it.
> For those people it is *not* expensive, but for independents or 9-5ers that
> are struggling to put their kids though college  $300 *is* a good chunk of
> change.
> I like CFB but it is a dog @ work. Our intranet has thousands of cfm's and
> cfc's (it handles *all* of our internal business proccesses) and CFB is
> about as nimble as a mastodon in a tar pit. So is it worth $300 in this
> instance? Arguably not.
> Flame on Garth!
> G!
> On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 9:39 AM, Raymond Camden  wrote:
>> Who is being flippant? It's a fact of life that some developer tools
>> cost money. That isn't unusual, it is a fact of life. I was going to
>> say just us developers, but I'm sure in most industries there are
>> tools you end up having to pay for to help you get your job done.
>> On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 8:09 AM, Eric Roberts
>>   wrote:
>>> I think we need to move where you guys live...if you can be so flippant
>>> about $300, pay must be pretty awesome there...
>>> What I wish they would do is offer a version without flash for less.  I
>>> don't ever do flash, so bundling it isn't much of a perk to me.
>>> Eri

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Should I build my app as an API?

2011-01-28 Thread Eric Cobb

I'm getting ready to start working on what I hope is to become a pretty 
large side project.  Right now I'm in the planning phases, and one of 
the (eventual) plans is to have a full API that others can use to 
interact with the site.  When thinking about this, I came up with an 
idea that I wanted to run by you guys to get some opinions.

Instead of taking the usual approach of building the site like I want 
then adding an API to it, what if I were to just build out the API 
first, then build my site off of that API?  Has anyone ever done this, 
or have any ideas on this?

I'm really hoping to get a good discussion going on this, so please let 
me know what you think!



Eric Cobb
ECAR Technologies, LLC

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Coldfusion Hosting

2011-01-28 Thread Eric Cobb

To quote our great Jedi Master:

"You probably won't find a 5 dollar a month hosting option for CF like 
you can with PHP. But basing your business on a host that charges as 
much as an imported beer is probably not a good idea."

(quote can be found in the comments here:


Eric Cobb
ECAR Technologies, LLC

On 1/28/2011 12:49 PM, Adam Bourg wrote:
> Can anyone recommend a decent yet cheap web host for ColdFusion?
> Right now I'm hosting my site at DreamHost (Simple wordpress as CMS site).
> I'm looking for
> PHP 5
> and Coldfusion 8 support
> all under $6.
> Am I dreaming?

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Re: Should I build my app as an API?

2011-01-31 Thread Eric Cobb

Thanks Michael,  those were my initial thoughts on this as well.  I'm 
glad to see someone else is doing it successfully.

Just out of curiosity, are you doing this with any high traffic sites?  
Or, do you have any cases where other people/sites/services are also 
using your API?


Eric Cobb
ECAR Technologies, LLC

On 1/28/2011 6:49 PM, Michael Grant wrote:
> I've done this approach a number of times and quite like it. The parent site
> is just a consumer of your api. You become your own first beta tester and
> helps identify issues before you roll out to the public. Plus if you need
> changes made you make them directly to the api and not just your own site.
> That way you can always be sure what you are experiencing is the same as
> what a client is.
> +1 for this approach.
> On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 9:19 AM, Eric Cobb  wrote:
>> I'm getting ready to start working on what I hope is to become a pretty
>> large side project.  Right now I'm in the planning phases, and one of
>> the (eventual) plans is to have a full API that others can use to
>> interact with the site.  When thinking about this, I came up with an
>> idea that I wanted to run by you guys to get some opinions.
>> Instead of taking the usual approach of building the site like I want
>> then adding an API to it, what if I were to just build out the API
>> first, then build my site off of that API?  Has anyone ever done this,
>> or have any ideas on this?
>> I'm really hoping to get a good discussion going on this, so please let
>> me know what you think!
>> --
>> Thanks,
>> Eric Cobb
>> ECAR Technologies, LLC

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Re: Should I build my app as an API?

2011-01-31 Thread Eric Cobb

Thanks Andy.  I didn't realize that ColdBox had REST baked in, I'll have 
to look in to that.  I know that there's been some buzz lately about 
REST with Mach-II as well, but I haven't had a chance to look into any 
of it either.


Eric Cobb
ECAR Technologies, LLC

On 1/28/2011 8:12 PM, andy matthews wrote:
> Also, consider looking into ColdBox. It's built from the ground up to allow
> for REST:
> -Original Message-
> From: Eric Cobb []
> Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 8:20 AM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Should I build my app as an API?
> I'm getting ready to start working on what I hope is to become a pretty
> large side project.  Right now I'm in the planning phases, and one of
> the (eventual) plans is to have a full API that others can use to
> interact with the site.  When thinking about this, I came up with an
> idea that I wanted to run by you guys to get some opinions.
> Instead of taking the usual approach of building the site like I want
> then adding an API to it, what if I were to just build out the API
> first, then build my site off of that API?  Has anyone ever done this,
> or have any ideas on this?
> I'm really hoping to get a good discussion going on this, so please let
> me know what you think!

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Should I build my app as an API?

2011-02-02 Thread Eric Cobb

Have you run into any unexpected road bumps since others started using 
your API?  Naturally, having a solid API able to withstand the traffic 
is essential, but do you have any pointers for anyone wanting to go this 


Eric Cobb
ECAR Technologies, LLC

On 1/31/2011 8:27 AM, Michael Grant wrote:
> Not high traffic, no. Yes the service is being consumed by a number of other
> businesses. Not many, perhaps a few dozen.
> On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 9:17 AM, Eric Cobb  wrote:
>> Thanks Michael,  those were my initial thoughts on this as well.  I'm
>> glad to see someone else is doing it successfully.
>> Just out of curiosity, are you doing this with any high traffic sites?
>> Or, do you have any cases where other people/sites/services are also
>> using your API?
>> Thanks,
>> Eric Cobb
>> ECAR Technologies, LLC
>> On 1/28/2011 6:49 PM, Michael Grant wrote:
>>> I've done this approach a number of times and quite like it. The parent
>> site
>>> is just a consumer of your api. You become your own first beta tester and
>>> helps identify issues before you roll out to the public. Plus if you need
>>> changes made you make them directly to the api and not just your own
>> site.
>>> That way you can always be sure what you are experiencing is the same as
>>> what a client is.
>>> +1 for this approach.
>>> On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 9:19 AM, Eric Cobb   wrote:
>>>> I'm getting ready to start working on what I hope is to become a pretty
>>>> large side project.  Right now I'm in the planning phases, and one of
>>>> the (eventual) plans is to have a full API that others can use to
>>>> interact with the site.  When thinking about this, I came up with an
>>>> idea that I wanted to run by you guys to get some opinions.
>>>> Instead of taking the usual approach of building the site like I want
>>>> then adding an API to it, what if I were to just build out the API
>>>> first, then build my site off of that API?  Has anyone ever done this,
>>>> or have any ideas on this?
>>>> I'm really hoping to get a good discussion going on this, so please let
>>>> me know what you think!
>>>> --
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Eric Cobb
>>>> ECAR Technologies, LLC

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Re: Should I build my app as an API?

2011-02-02 Thread Eric Cobb

What is this "documentation" that you speak of?  Programmers don't need 
directions!  Just connect to it and poke around and see what happens!  ;)


Eric Cobb
ECAR Technologies, LLC

On 2/2/2011 8:14 AM, Michael Grant wrote:
> I have three pieces of advice:
> 1. Good Documentation
> 2. Good Documentation
> 3. Good Documentation
> It's probably your best tool when allowing others to access resources you've
> built.
> On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 8:55 AM, Eric Cobb  wrote:
>> Have you run into any unexpected road bumps since others started using
>> your API?  Naturally, having a solid API able to withstand the traffic
>> is essential, but do you have any pointers for anyone wanting to go this
>> route?
>> Thanks,
>> Eric Cobb
>> ECAR Technologies, LLC
>> On 1/31/2011 8:27 AM, Michael Grant wrote:
>>> Not high traffic, no. Yes the service is being consumed by a number of
>> other
>>> businesses. Not many, perhaps a few dozen.
>>> On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 9:17 AM, Eric Cobb   wrote:
>>>> Thanks Michael,  those were my initial thoughts on this as well.  I'm
>>>> glad to see someone else is doing it successfully.
>>>> Just out of curiosity, are you doing this with any high traffic sites?
>>>> Or, do you have any cases where other people/sites/services are also
>>>> using your API?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Eric Cobb
>>>> ECAR Technologies, LLC
>>>> On 1/28/2011 6:49 PM, Michael Grant wrote:
>>>>> I've done this approach a number of times and quite like it. The parent
>>>> site
>>>>> is just a consumer of your api. You become your own first beta tester
>> and
>>>>> helps identify issues before you roll out to the public. Plus if you
>> need
>>>>> changes made you make them directly to the api and not just your own
>>>> site.
>>>>> That way you can always be sure what you are experiencing is the same
>> as
>>>>> what a client is.
>>>>> +1 for this approach.
>>>>> On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 9:19 AM, Eric Cobb
>> wrote:
>>>>>> I'm getting ready to start working on what I hope is to become a
>> pretty
>>>>>> large side project.  Right now I'm in the planning phases, and one of
>>>>>> the (eventual) plans is to have a full API that others can use to
>>>>>> interact with the site.  When thinking about this, I came up with an
>>>>>> idea that I wanted to run by you guys to get some opinions.
>>>>>> Instead of taking the usual approach of building the site like I want
>>>>>> then adding an API to it, what if I were to just build out the API
>>>>>> first, then build my site off of that API?  Has anyone ever done this,
>>>>>> or have any ideas on this?
>>>>>> I'm really hoping to get a good discussion going on this, so please
>> let
>>>>>> me know what you think!
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Eric Cobb
>>>>>> ECAR Technologies, LLC

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Re: Change in ColdFusion management

2011-02-15 Thread Eric Cobb

 > perhaps I am just weird.

No, you are a dick.  I thought we already established that!  ;)
(sorry Russ, I just couldn't resist!)


Eric Cobb
ECAR Technologies, LLC

On 2/15/2011 1:28 PM, Russ Michaels wrote:
> Brian, if you think it is wrong I wont argue, all I can suggest is try
> searching the cf-talk archives and will find otherwise. I only read the
> occasional post on here and even I  seen it to be a fairly
> regular occurrence, and that is discounting the ones directed at me.
> If I am in a tiny minority then fair enough, but I personally can't imagine
> too many people go around insulting their customers and trying to turn them
> into anti-customers, especially when they are evangelists and are defending
> your product.
> Sorry if I can't see the sense in that, perhaps I am just weird.

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Feedback on this approach to "many sites, one codebase" (MSOC)

2011-02-18 Thread Eric Cobb

One thing you may want to take into consideration, if you plan on having 
many sites run through this codebase, is NOT giving each site a unique 
application name.  (as in ).   I 
once worked on a MSOC system that ran somewhere around 2700 websites, 
and each site had its own application name.  So, every time we cached a 
CFC in the application scope, we had 2700 separate instances of it, even 
though they were all identical.  We had 2700 "application.dsn" variables 
stored in memory, even though they were all identical.  We had multiple 
CF servers each trying to store and manage the same 2700 separate 
applications, all of which were completely identical.  And the worst 
part was, there was no passing "?reinit=1" if we made code changes and 
needed to reset the application scope, we had to restart each CF server 
and take all 2700 sites offline in order to reset all of the 
applications.  To me, this always seemed inefficient, and a gross waste 
of CF processes and memory.

Just some thoughts I wanted to throw out there.  Definitely something to 
think about if you're planning on having a large number of sites on your 


Eric Cobb
ECAR Technologies, LLC

On 2/17/2011 8:59 PM, Rick Faircloth wrote:
> Your approach at Broadchoice sounds exactly like what I'm
> anticipating implementing...
> -Original Message-
> From: Sean Corfield []
> Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 5:58 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: Feedback on this approach to "many sites, one codebase" (MSOC)
> On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 10:21 AM, Robert Harrison
>   wrote:
>>   1.  Your relationship with the client changes and the client wants to
> take the site and move. Now you are faced with either holding the client's
> site hostage or giving away your multi-site base code framework (possibly
> even to a competitor). Neither of those is an attractive option.
> It really depends on how you set up the contract and the expectations.
> Broadchoice (where I worked in 2008) has a software-as-a-service CMS
> which hosts a number of high-profile client sites. It's very clear to
> the clients that they're using a multi-tenant SaaS platform and
> therefore they know upfront that this isn't a site they can just "take
> over" (although there is an option to license the codebase for an
> internal installation).
>> 2. Also, assume one or more clients keeps coming back to you to make
> adjustments and additions.  Now your code is getting more and more mucked up
> with custom-code exceptions.  That's also not cool. Eventually that will
> make your framework really difficult to manage and upgrade.
> At Broadchoice we tackled this by designing a pluggable, modular
> architecture for "applications" that could literally be dropped into
> the (single) codebase and then configured to be available on any
> client sites. The nice thing about this is that one client may pay for
> the module to be developed but it's still provided to them as a
> service - they're not purchasing the code - and then it can be offered
> to other clients, as a paid option if appropriate.
> The key is really in deciding whether you're "just" hosting a number
> of sites or whether you're offering a "website platform" in a SaaS
> model.
> You might also want to read Steve "Cutter" Blades blog series about MSOC:
> At World Singles, we have about 50 sites all running on a single
> codebase. Mostly the sites differ in branding and look'n'feel but
> there are functional differences between many of the sites, managed
> with a similar model to what we used at Broadchoice.

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Re: I think I'm confused...

2011-02-24 Thread Eric Cobb

You can make up whatever entries you want in your hosts file, and it 
will work on your local machine.

Whatever you want.  I would recommend NOT adding host entries for actual 
sites that you want to really pull up in the browser (your dev server, 
production sites, etc...) as it really just becomes a pain having to 
switch back and forth/.


Eric Cobb
ECAR Technologies, LLC

On 2/24/2011 7:00 AM, Rick Faircloth wrote:
> I could easily see that working for single sites,
> but if I'm developing a "multiple sites, one codebase"
> application that depends on reading specific domain
> names for setting sites variables, that means I have
> to have those dev.mydomain domains in the local hosts
> file, as well.
> I could just use the "mydomain" part of the url for
> identification, but as someone pointed out earlier
> in the MSOC discussion, that wouldn't account for
> subdomains, if they're used, such as blog.mydomain, etc.
> Any thoughts on this concern?
> Rick
> -Original Message-
> From: Mike Kear []
> Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 6:04 AM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: I think I'm confused...
> I use different domain names.  I have for the live
> server site,  and dev.mydomain for my  local development sites
> Then in my hosts file, i have the line:
> dev.mydomain
> for each client site i have.   With apache, the local dev versions and
> remote server versions behave in an identical manner
> Cheers
> Mike Kear
> Windsor, NSW, Australia
> Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
> AFP Webworks
> ColdFusion 9 Enterprise, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month
> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 9:21 PM, Rick Faircloth
>   wrote:
>> Ok... thanks Mark and Eric
>> We need a better solution available to developers
>> to be able to switch between local and server DNS.
>> Perhaps, a switch of some kind that could be inserted
>> into a URL to tell a browser to use a local hosts file
>> if that switch is present.
>> http://local/
>> or
>> That would certainly be a *lot* easier than constantly
>> editing that hosts file.
>> But it's good to know that I can use a local DNS file
>> that way!

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: I think I'm confused...

2011-02-24 Thread Eric Cobb

Ha!  Give your own PC a DOS attack?  :)


Eric Cobb
ECAR Technologies, LLC

On 2/24/2011 8:31 AM, Michael Grant wrote:
> My belly would ping flood this domain.

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: I think I'm confused...

2011-02-24 Thread Eric Cobb

You may be able to take it a step further and on your Development Server 
just have the IIS "default website" point to your MSOC site.  Then, you 
won't need to fool with any IIS entries, just add whatever urls you want 
to your local hosts file and have the IP address point to your Dev 
Server.  When the Dev Server gets the request, it will just hand it to 
the default site without worrying about what url is.


Eric Cobb
ECAR Technologies, LLC

On 2/24/2011 9:10 AM, Rick Faircloth wrote:
> Yes, that's what I was thinking.  I mentioned in a response
> a moment ago, the idea of using an entirely separate local
> development environment, including all data and assets, from
> everything on the development environment, and, in turn, from
> the production environment.
> Local:
> Development Server:
> (I would only have to setup the domains below in IIS.  All code
> and assets would mimic the local setup)
> Production Server:
> (At this level, all code is uploaded, and all client data and
> assets are entered by the client through a management interface,
> so even database values are not shared between local/development
> and production environments.  That's always a pain when I'm using
> client data or assets locally and the client is also uploading
> data or assets to the production server and I'm trying to make
> sure I don't overwrite their data or assets...)
> Does this follow your thinking?
> (and don't be talking 'bout my mama! ;o)
> Rick
> -Original Message-
> From: Eric Cobb []
> Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 9:20 AM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: I think I'm confused...
> You can make up whatever entries you want in your hosts file, and it
> will work on your local machine.
> Whatever you want.  I would recommend NOT adding host entries for actual
> sites that you want to really pull up in the browser (your dev server,
> production sites, etc...) as it really just becomes a pain having to
> switch back and forth/.
> Thanks,
> Eric Cobb
> ECAR Technologies, LLC
> On 2/24/2011 7:00 AM, Rick Faircloth wrote:
>> I could easily see that working for single sites,
>> but if I'm developing a "multiple sites, one codebase"
>> application that depends on reading specific domain
>> names for setting sites variables, that means I have
>> to have those dev.mydomain domains in the local hosts
>> file, as well.
>> I could just use the "mydomain" part of the url for
>> identification, but as someone pointed out earlier
>> in the MSOC discussion, that wouldn't account for
>> subdomains, if they're used, such as blog.mydomain, etc.
>> Any thoughts on this concern?
>> Rick
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Mike Kear []
>> Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 6:04 AM
>> To: cf-talk
>> Subject: Re: I think I'm confused...
>> I use different domain names.  I have for the live
>> server site,  and dev.mydomain for my  local development sites
>> Then in my hosts file, i have the line:
>> dev.mydomain
>> for each client site i have.   With apache, the local dev versions and
>> remote server versions behave in an identical manner
>> Cheers
>> Mike Kear
>> Windsor, NSW, Australia
>> Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
>> AFP Webworks
>> ColdFusion 9 Enterprise, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month
>> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 9:21 PM, Rick Faircloth
>>> Ok... thanks Mark and Eric
>>> We need a better solution available to developers
>>> to be able to switch between local and server DNS.
>>> Perhaps, a switch of some kind that could be inserted
>>> into a URL to tell a browser to use a local hosts file
>>> if that switch is present.
>>> http://local/
>>> or
>>> That would certainly be a *lot* easier than constantly
>>> editing that hosts file.
>>> But it's good to know that I can use a local DNS file
>>> that way!

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Suggestions for building a web service

2011-03-01 Thread Eric Cobb

I've been tasked with building a very simple web service into our 
existing application.  Basically, we have another department here that 
needs to know if a user is set up in our application before they set 
that user up in their application, so they need a way to hand us a 
username and we verify if that user exists.

In my particular situation, complete SES urls 
( are not an option, although I can do this: .  I was thinking of just having 
index.cfm parse the query string and use that to determine which CFC and 
method to call, then return the XML.  (i.e.: call the Validate method in 
the User CFC and pass in the ID 123)  Also, at this point, using a 
framework is not an option.

I already know that once I have this first one up and running, there 
will be two more they want built that will have almost the exact same 
functionality (see if a user is valid, see if a customer is valid, see 
if an account number is valid).  In all of these situations, these calls 
will be GET only, so they give us an ID and we tell them true/false if 
the record exists.  So, my urls for these would be something like:

What would be the best way to go about this?  Am I on the right track or 
heading down the wrong path?  I've see a lot of info out there about 
using web services and APIs, but not a whole lot on actually creating 
them in CF.  I've read a couple of posts on Ben Nadel's blog, and gone 
through some of Simon Free's presentations, but that's about it.  As I'm 
just getting ready to start building this thing, I want to make sure I 
have it laid out correctly.  I'd appreciate any advice before I start 



Eric Cobb
ECAR Technologies, LLC

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Suggestions for building a web service

2011-03-01 Thread Eric Cobb

Thanks for the links Russ!


Eric Cobb
ECAR Technologies, LLC

On 3/1/2011 8:46 AM, Russ Michaels wrote:
> Eric,
> CF has web service capability built right in, you don;t have to build your
> own custom parsing solution like that.
> These articles should put you on the right track,
> --
> Russ Michaels
>  : Business hosting services&  solutions
> ColdFusion developer community
>   : my blog
> : ColdFusion search engine
> **
> *skype me* : russmichaels

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Persisting query data across cflocation

2011-03-23 Thread Eric Cobb

Given the following scenario, what would be the best way to persist the 
data across the cflocation call?

I have page A, which includes page B, which does a cflocation to page 
C.  Query results returned in page A need to be available in page C.  
Since we're doing a cflocation, which starts a new request, storing the 
query results in the request scope doesn't work, and a query result set 
can't be passed as a url variable in the cflocation tag.

Is storing the query results in the session scope on page A, then 
retrieving it on page C my best option?  Either that or calling the 
query on both page A and page C?  I was really hoping there was an 
easier way (like storing it in the request scope!), but I can't seem to 
figure it out.



Eric Cobb
Help me make a difference this summer.

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Is saving a query in the session passed by reference or by value?

2011-03-24 Thread Eric Cobb

I know that complex data types (structs, CFCs, queries, COM/JavaObjects, 
etc...) are passed by reference, not by value.  But I'm wondering how 
that works when storing them in the session scope.

For example, let's say I have a query that returns a really large result 
set, and after that query runs I store the query results as a variable 
in the session scope.


Would the above code just create a reference to the result set already 
in memory, or would it actually create a copy of the results in the 

In a similar scenario, what would happen if I had a CFC object stored in 
the session, then passed my query results to it to be stored in that 
CFCs "variables" scope?




Eric Cobb
Help me make a difference this summer.

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Custom tags in CF 9

2011-04-12 Thread Eric Cobb

The default for multi-instance is: 

If you've created additional instances, then you'll need to look in the 
appropriate directory under C:\JRun4\servers


Eric Cobb
Help me make a difference this summer

On 4/12/2011 2:04 PM, Donnie Carvajal wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently installed an enterprise version of CF9 and the default directory 
> is c:\jrun4 and there is no CustomTags directory.  I added my customtags 
> directory from my MX7 server and the custom tags calls are returning errors 
> that they can't be found.  Does anyone know where the CustomTags default 
> directory is?  BTW, this is a "library" of tags that all of the apps on the 
> server will use, so placing them in the root of the web app is not an option.
> Thanks,
> Donnie

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Bless

2011-05-02 Thread Eric Cobb

I generally see a pretty significant gain on Oracle as well.


Eric Cobb
Help me make a difference this summer -

On 5/2/2011 3:27 PM, Mark A. Kruger wrote:
> I almost always see a significant gain in query performance - at least on
> all versions of MSSQL - as much as 20-30 percent in some cases.
> Mark A. Kruger, MCSE, CFG
> (402) 408-3733 ext 105
> -Original Message-
> From: Dave Watts []
> Sent: Monday, May 02, 2011 1:54 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: Bless attempt
>>   >  cfqueryparam creates bound sql parameters, which improve query
> performance.
>> This is purely theoretical, in practice, the gain in performance is
> neglectible.
>> I prefer have a query to take 11 ms and see the values submitted in case
> of error, than having the same query take 10 ms, but no information in
> errors.
> In your practice, perhaps. In the practice of others, not so much.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
> GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
> instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite

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Re: Migrating a DB from MS SQL 2000 into MySQL latest release

2011-05-11 Thread Eric Cobb

FWIW, here's some code for automating the backup process in SQL Server 


Eric Cobb
Help me make a difference this summer -

On 5/11/2011 1:36 PM, Carl Von Stetten wrote:
> While installing the trial of SQL Server 2008 will get you the full
> Management Studio and Business Development Studio (or whatever it is
> called in 2008, and is required for developing SSIS solutions), SQL
> Server Express does not have the SSIS service.  You have to have at
> least one full SQL Server 2008 server somewhere to have an SSIS
> service.  You might consider purchasing SQL Server 2008 Developer
> Edition (which should be about $50) which is essentially a fully
> functioning version of SQL Server 2008 Enterprise with the licensing
> restriction that it only be used for development and not production.
> Link to Developer Edition on
> HTH,
> Carl
> On 5/11/2011 8:08 AM, Russ Michaels wrote:
>> I'm sure I used SSIS with 2005 Express, so I would expect it is with 2008.
>> You certainly have import/export services anyway.
>> Just make sure you get SQL Server Express with Tools.
>> If you find features missing from the Management Studio express, there is a
>> little cheat, you can download the FULL EDITION trial of SQL Server 2008
>> with tools, and get the full edition of Management Studio, which i'm pretty
>> sure never expires, at least it didn't with 2005.

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Re: scoping

2011-05-18 Thread Eric Cobb

Here's my take on it:


Eric Cobb
Help me make a difference this summer -

On 5/18/2011 11:51 AM, Eric Roberts wrote:
> We had a discussion at work as to whether or not we should scope local vars
> with the "variables." scope since that is implied in a cfset.  One camp says
> it is not needed because of the implicit scoping when using cfset...the
> other camp says it is better to tack on "variables." and make it explicit
> for security and readability.  Any thoughts?
> Eric

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Re: scoping

2011-05-19 Thread Eric Cobb

That's kinda backwards

If you don't specify a scope in your cfset statement, then CF will 
always put it in the VARIABLES scope.  But, if you don't specify a scope 
when calling the variable (in your cfoutput), then CF will have to hunt 
down the variable to determine which scope it's in.


Eric Cobb
ECAR Technologies, LLC

On 5/19/2011 2:55 AM, Dominic Watson wrote:
> Curiously, I do it the exact opposite way:
> #myVariable#  
> However, I should probably scope both.
> Dominic
> On 18 May 2011 19:26, Aaron Rouse  wrote:
>> This is my outlook although I do not do something like:
>> instead I do:
>> But I always would do:
>> #Variables.strBlah#
>> or
>> Seems to me that is what the original OP is asking about but perhaps I am
>> reading too much into it based upon what I do.  This is all in reference to
>> just straight CFM pages.
>> On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 12:40 PM, Maureen  wrote:
>>> Especially if someone else might have to maintain the code someday.
>>> On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 9:51 AM, Eric Roberts
>>>   wrote:
>>>> We had a discussion at work as to whether or not we should scope local
>>> vars
>>>> with the "variables." scope since that is implied in a cfset.  One camp
>>> says
>>>> it is not needed because of the implicit scoping when using cfset...the
>>>> other camp says it is better to tack on "variables." and make it explicit
>>>> for security and readability.  Any thoughts?
>>>> Er

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Re: scoping

2011-05-19 Thread Eric Cobb

VARIABLES is implied when setting a variable, not when calling one.  CF 
will always go into search mode if you call a variable without a scope.  
In CF 8 it will search 3 other scopes before looking at the VARIABLES 
scope, and in CF 9 it will search 5 scopes before looking at VARIABLES.


Eric Cobb
ECAR Technologies, LLC

On 5/18/2011 8:59 PM, Eric Roberts wrote:
> A good question that was brought up by one of our developers.  When you
> don't scope a var it has to search through the various scopes to find it, in
> order of precedence.  If you are using alocal scope, is there a performance
> hit if you don't scope it since "variables" is implied or does it still go
> into search mode? this negated of you use a cfset on the top of
> the page (again...this is only referring to local vars.)
> Eric
> -Original Message-
> From: Eric Cobb []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 01:36 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: scoping
> Here's my take on it:
> -scoping
> Thanks,
> Eric Cobb
> Help me make a difference this summer -
> On 5/18/2011 11:51 AM, Eric Roberts wrote:
>> We had a discussion at work as to whether or not we should scope local
>> vars with the "variables." scope since that is implied in a cfset.
>> One camp says it is not needed because of the implicit scoping when
>> using cfset...the other camp says it is better to tack on "variables."
>> and make it explicit for security and readability.  Any thoughts?
>> Eric

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Re: VPS Hosting

2011-06-13 Thread Eric Cobb

I've got a KickAssVPS server that I've had for a while and I've been 
very happy with it, and just got another one last Friday.  I now know 
what you mean about support.  My new server went down over the weekend, 
and their "Emergency 911 Support" hasn't even bothered to contact me 
back about it yet.

KickAssVPS may be about to kiss my ass goodbye.



On 6/10/2011 6:04 PM, Pete Ruckelshaus wrote:
> I'm using KickAssVPS and have been happy; support is good, but not always
> on-the-spot prompt, so keep that in mind if you need five 9's.  I have my
> own CF9 license, so I went with the basic Entry VPS plan; you'll never
> shoehorn CF and a database on the VPS with a gig of RAM.  Two gigs works
> fine, and I'm running SQL Server Express.
> I don't use any of the SmarterTools stuff, I use MailEnable for SMTP and I
> use Google Apps for domain email.  Not a judgement on whether the
> SmarterTools stuff was any good or not, I just didn't want to have to worry
> about email on top of server admin stuff.
> Pete

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Problem with Client Variables not persisting.

2011-07-28 Thread Eric Cobb

I've got a strange problem here that I need some help figuring out.  We
have a site running on 8 load balanced CF 9 servers.  We're doing a lot of
stuff with Client Variables, and all of our code works fine in
development/staging, but in production none of the client variables
persist.  After digging in to it, I find that we're getting a new
CFID/CFTOKEN on every page request, which explains why the variables
don't persist from page to page.

My question is, could this be a problem at the load balancer?  If sticky
sessions were not enabled or configured correctly, wouldn't it cause
this?  My gut tells me "yes", but I wanted to see if any of you have run
into this.



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Re: Problem with Client Variables not persisting.

2011-07-28 Thread Eric Cobb

Thanks Pete,

Our host said they are having problems with the load balancer, so it looks like 
that's the problem.

I was thinking about putting something out there to identify which server I was 
hitting.  I'll probably put some type of small flag in a comment on the pages 
so I can just view source any time and know which server I'm on.  

From: "Pete Freitag" 
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2011 9:34 AM
To: "cf-talk" 
Subject: Re: Problem with Client Variables not persisting.

Hi Eric,

Yes if sticky sessions were not working or configured properly on your load
balancer that would certainly cause you to get new CFID/CFTOKEN on each

As of the ColdFusion security patch for session fixation (APSB11-04) if the
CFID/CFTOKEN values do not correspond to a valid session on the server it
will return new ones. In prior versions of CF it would just create a new
session with the CFID/CFTOKEN values that were sent. The problem with that
is that your session id's can last a long long time. You can actually
disable the session fixation patch by adding a JVM
argument: –Dcoldfusion.session.protectfixation=false but I'm not sure that
you want to, first I'd double check that your load balancer has sticky
sessions setup properly.

One way you could validate that would be to create a page that returned
something unique to each server in the cluster (eg it's IP address, or CF
serial number) then hit that page, if it keeps changing then you are hitting
different servers.

Pete Freitag - Adobe Community Professional - ColdFusion Consulting & Products - My Blog - Is your ColdFusion Server Secure?

On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 8:41 AM, Eric Cobb  wrote:

> I've got a strange problem here that I need some help figuring out.  We
> have a site running on 8 load balanced CF 9 servers.  We're doing a lot of
> stuff with Client Variables, and all of our code works fine in
> development/staging, but in production none of the client variables
> persist.  After digging in to it, I find that we're getting a new
> CFID/CFTOKEN on every page request, which explains why the variables
> don't persist from page to page.
> My question is, could this be a problem at the load balancer?  If sticky
> sessions were not enabled or configured correctly, wouldn't it cause
> this?  My gut tells me "yes", but I wanted to see if any of you have run
> into this.
> Thanks!
> Eric.

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Re: Problem with Client Variables not persisting.

2011-07-28 Thread Eric Cobb

I really don't have any idea what LB they're using.  Whatever it is, 
they're having problems with it so I blame it on that.  :)

Sure thing, I'll get up with you this weekend.  :)

From: "J.J. Merrick" 
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2011 9:48 AM
To: "cf-talk" 
Subject: Re: Problem with Client Variables not persisting.

Eric, What LB product are you using? I have used pound in the past and 
no sticky sessions the client vars persisted just fine.

Oh and can I borrow your saw and drill next week? I want to make some
nightstands :-D


On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 7:41 AM, Eric Cobb  wrote:

> I've got a strange problem here that I need some help figuring out.  We
> have a site running on 8 load balanced CF 9 servers.  We're doing a lot 
> stuff with Client Variables, and all of our code works fine in
> development/staging, but in production none of the client variables
> persist.  After digging in to it, I find that we're getting a new
> CFID/CFTOKEN on every page request, which explains why the variables
> don't persist from page to page.
> My question is, could this be a problem at the load balancer?  If sticky
> sessions were not enabled or configured correctly, wouldn't it cause
> this?  My gut tells me "yes", but I wanted to see if any of you have run
> into this.
> Thanks!
> Eric.

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API Question

2011-08-01 Thread Eric Cobb

I'm creating an API (if you can call it that) for one of our applications.  
It's nothing big or fancy, actually just 1 cfc with 1 method in it that's 
going to be a front-facing component for AJAX calls to hit.  All it's going 
to do is take an ID, call our main cfc to do some processing, then return 
the results.

My question is, is it better to have my API cfc just extend the main 
component, or should create the connection to the main component in the API 
cfc?  What is the "standard" or preferred method for doing this?



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Resetting cached components

2011-08-03 Thread Eric Cobb

I've got a hypothetical situation that entered into me little brain this 
morning that I thought I'd ping the group on for answers.  

Let's say I've got an object cached in the application scope.  The call to 
this CFC is used throughout the site, which gets a lot of traffic.  
Everything inside the CFC is var scoped, and it's completely encapsulated.  
It's just runs a query, sets some variables, and returns the results.  What 
would happen if I were to "reset" the cache (by re-running cfset 
application.myCfc = new com.blah) while someone was using that cached call? 

There's enough traffic on the site that it's almost certian that there will 
be users on it when I reset the cache.  This cached cfc is used on every 
page, so it's almost certain that someone will be in the middle of doing 
something with it when it's reset.  What will happen for that user when 
this happens?  


Eric Cobb

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

(ot) Recover Data from External Hard Drive

2011-08-29 Thread Eric Cobb

So, this is way OT, but I'm hoping someone out there can give me some
suggestions to help me figure this out.  Here's my situation:

I have a 500GB USB external hard drive on my home PC that I use to store
pretty much everything.  All of our pictures, financial documents,
mp3s, code repositories, everything.  I have the hard drive partitioned
into 2 equal parts, and they are set up as the "F" and "G" drives on the
PC.  Last week, my 9 month old grabbed the cable and pulled the hard
drive off of the desk.  When I plugged the hard drive back in, I could
no longer access any of the data on the drives.  Windows is saying that
the drives need to be formatted.  

I've tried it on 3 separate machines, and I get the same thing on each
one.  When I plug in the hard drive, Windows sees both the "F" and "G"
partitions, but wants to format them every time I try to open them.  I
looked in disk manager and it shows each partition with the correct
size, but it says that each one is 100% free and contains no data.  It
does this on Windows XP, Windows 2003, and Windows 7.  

I tried booting Knoppix to see if I could access it that way, but I
can't even get Knoppix to see the USB hard drive, or if it does I don't
know where to look.  I used VirtualBox to boot an Ubuntu instance, but
got the same results as Knoppix, either it doesn't see the USB hard
drive, or if it does I don't know where to look.  (now would probably be
a good time to mention that I don't know squat about Linux).  

So, that's my predicament.  Does anyone out there have any suggestions
on what to try?  I feel like that if I can get Knoppinx/Ubuntu to see
the drive that may be my best bet, but I don't have a clue as to how to
do it. (plan on doing some serious googling tonight).

I appreciate any suggestions anyone may have.


Eric Cobb

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Best thing for testing code?

2011-08-30 Thread Eric Cobb

We are wanting to put some type of testing system in place here at
work.  I know there's a ton of stuff out there, and I'm really at a loss
as to where to start.  I'm not sure if any of the TDD
frameworks are what we're after or not.  Our main concern right now is
setting up something to help test our existing applications.  Here's a
scenario of something we would be wanting to test:

We have an automated process that checks for new orders that came in from 
website.  This process takes an order and checks each of the items in
that order to see if we have it in stock or need to check 3rd party
vendors.  If it needs to check the vendors, it begins going through a
list of venders and hitting their APIs to see if they have the item.  In
certain cases we may want to skip vendor 1 and order directly from
vendor 2, or always order from vendor 3 without even looking at the others. 
 Once it finds the item it then instructs our system to place
the order for the item with that vendor, and then it moves the order
over to our accounting system.

We're not just concerned with whether or not the CFCs work, we need to
know that the correct vendor was selected for the correct item, the
database records were updated with the correct values, we don't
accidentally place the same order with 2 vendors, etc...  

All that to say, what would be a good testing system to use with
something like that? I'm open to any and all suggestions, even if it's
something we have to purchase.  


Eric Cobb

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

CFHTTP, DNS Caching, and CF 9 won't behave.

2011-09-02 Thread Eric Cobb

So, I'm having a problem with CFHTTP caching DNS and not wanting to update. 
 Basically, a vendor updated their API yesterday and now all CFHTTP calls 
to the url give a "Connection Failure" error, even though you can pull the 
url up in a browser (from the server) and it works fine.  I've already gone 
through the suggestions in the following posts:

and it doesn't seem to work.  I've changed every file I can 
find on my machine, restarted all CF services, even rebooted twice and the 
cache doesn't clear.  

I'm running CF 9 on Windows 7 64-bit.  

Any suggestions?

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RE: CFHTTP, DNS Caching, and CF 9 won't behave.

2011-09-02 Thread Eric Cobb

Actually, it is an HTTPS connection.  I've got a tutorial here 
( on how to fix 
that, I'm going to give it a try and see what happens.  


From: "Brook Davies" 
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2011 2:07 PM
To: "cf-talk" 
Subject: RE: CFHTTP, DNS Caching, and CF 9 won't behave.

Is it an HTTPS connection? Have you added  their cert to the Java 


-----Original Message-
From: Eric Cobb [] 
Sent: September-02-11 12:00 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: CFHTTP, DNS Caching, and CF 9 won't behave.

So, I'm having a problem with CFHTTP caching DNS and not wanting to update. 

Basically, a vendor updated their API yesterday and now all CFHTTP calls 
the url give a "Connection Failure" error, even though you can pull the 
up in a browser (from the server) and it works fine.  I've already gone
through the suggestions in the following posts:



and it doesn't seem to work.  I've changed every file I can
find on my machine, restarted all CF services, even rebooted twice and the
cache doesn't clear.  

I'm running CF 9 on Windows 7 64-bit.  

Any suggestions?

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Extending a Component vs. Passing an Object

2013-01-29 Thread Eric Cobb

I have a service CFC that calls my dao CFC a lot.  Currently, I just pass 
in an object of the dao to the service's init() method and save it to the 
variables scope to be used throughout the service.  But, I'm wondering if I 
would be better off having my service CFCs extend their dao's instead.  

Thoughts?  Are there any benefits to extending a CFC instead of just 
passing it in as an object, or is passing an object better? 



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Re: Adding Salt and Password Hash to existing acocunts

2013-03-11 Thread Eric Cobb

I've been playing around lately with hashing via both SQL Server 2008 and 
CF.  The following should give you the same results in both:

SET @pwdHash = CONVERT(VARCHAR(40),HashBytes('SHA1', @pwd + @UUID),2)

My understanding is, SQL Server 2012 is the only version that currently 
supports SHA512.


Eric Cobb

From: "Bobby" 
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 11:04 AM
To: "cf-talk" 
Subject: Re: Adding Salt and Password Hash to existing acocunts

In the example it was a hardcoded string for the salt. 'mySalt'. you'd
just replace that with whatever you intend to use.

I haven't used SHA512 this way. I only did it the way I did so there was
an equivalent method in CF to generate the same hash.

You'd have to play around with generating SHA512 hashes in TSQL and make
sure you are also able to generate that same hash in CF (assuming you will
be doing your hashing in CF at all before sending to the database).

You can do as many iterations of the salt as you want I suppose. If I was
going to hash multiple times, I'd salt them all.

On 3/11/13 9:05 AM, "Torrent Girl"  wrote:


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Adobe CTO Kevin Lynch leaving company for Apple

2013-03-20 Thread Eric Cobb

Huh, well how 'bout that?

Adobe has sent word to The Next Web that effective March 22, Lynch will be 
exiting the company for a position at Apple:

Also, a follow up article:

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

SVNAnt and Eclipse/CFBuilder

2011-11-09 Thread Eric Cobb

Can someone out there please tell me how to get svnant installed in 
Eclipse/CFBuilder?  I'm already using ant for some stuff, and I need to be 
able to connect it to subversion.  But, no matter what I do, I keep getting 
the below error:

Problem: failed to create task or type svn
Cause: The name is undefined.

It's throwing that error as soon as it hits my  tag in my build.xml 
file.  Everything I can find online says that I do not have svnant 
installed correctly.  

I've gone into properties and added the jars to my Ant Home Entries, but 
that doesn't seem to do anything.  I've added them to every directory in 
program files/CFBuilder that looks like it can hold a jar, and that hasn't 
helped.  I've moved the jars around and restarted CFBuilder about a dozen 
times and still get the error.

So I really don't know what else to do.  Anyone know how to get svnant up 
and running in CFB 2?  



Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Change Subversion login info stored in CFBuilder

2011-12-08 Thread Eric Cobb

So, I have my SVN repositories set up in CFBuilder (via the subclipse 
plugin), and I have it set to remember my username/password when connecting 
to the repositories.  I have a case where I need to change my login for one 
of my repository connections, and I can't seem to figure out how to do that 
in CFBuilder.  

I've gone through all of the settings can't find anywhere to change the 
username/password.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  



Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Change Subversion login info stored in CFBuilder

2011-12-08 Thread Eric Cobb

Thanks Gerald,

I've been going through there and can't seem to find anywhere that has a
UN/PW update.  I've looked through the properties for the connections,
the SVN settings in Windows>Preferences, and keep coming up empty.  

Any other suggestions?

From: "Gerald Guido" 
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2011 12:03 PM
To: "cf-talk" 
Subject: Re: Change Subversion login info stored in CFBuilder

There should be a view called SVN Repositories.

Window >Show view > other >> SVN repositories. That should show your
repositories. Then in that view start right clicking on stuff or look at
the upper right hand menu. Sorry if I am not clearer but I have both sub
eclipse and subversive installed on this install and I can't tell which 
I am using. It just says SVN  ;)


On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 12:38 PM, Eric Cobb  wrote:

> So, I have my SVN repositories set up in CFBuilder (via the subclipse
> plugin), and I have it set to remember my username/password when 
> to the repositories.  I have a case where I need to change my login for 
> of my repository connections, and I can't seem to figure out how to do 
> in CFBuilder.
> I've gone through all of the settings can't find anywhere to change the
> username/password.  Does anyone have any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Eric

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CF 9 Mulit-Sever only uses default site

2012-02-23 Thread Eric Cobb

I have a strange issue with my CF 9 Multi-Sever install running on Windows 
2008 R2 and IIS 7.  This is a new server and I set up CF 9.01 in 
multi-server mode on it yesterday.  The install went fine, and I have my 
first instance up and running with no problem.  I was able to successfully 
spin off 2 more instances from within the CF Admin.  I have my sites set up 
in IIS, and I ran wsconfig to assign each site to a CF instance.  I made 
absolutely sure that I selected the correct CF instance and the correct 
site in wsconfig.

For whatever reason, all of my sites still use the default cfusion 
instance, regardless of what I've assigned to them in wsconfig.  I even 
deleted the sites from wsconfig and added them back, and every one of them 
still uses cfusion.  

Has anyone every run into this before?  



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Re: CF 9 Mulit-Sever only uses default site

2012-03-06 Thread Eric Cobb

Thanks Russ!

I looked through everything you suggested, and I can't see anything wrong.  
Here's my file:


So it looks like my #2 site is pointing to the correct "Test01" CF 

The CFM handlers in IIS are pointing to C:\JRun4\lib\wsconfig\jrun_iis6.dll 
for both of my sites.  Is that correct, or should site #2 be pointing 
somewhere else?  

Something else that I noticed is, whenever I spin off a new CF instance 
none of the datasources seem to be carried over to the new instance.  I 
have to add them manually.  I'm not sure if this is related or not.  

I've tried deleting and recreating my instances several times, and still no 
luck.  Do you have any other suggestions? 



From: "Russ Michaels" 
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 11:49 AM
To: "cf-talk" 
Subject: Re: CF 9 Mulit-Sever only uses default site


check the .CFM handlers in iis and make sure they link to the right
if they do, then check the in the wsconfig folder

this should specify which connector is for which site/instance

should look like this.


the number is the connector in your wsconfig folder


the first entry for each number tells you the web server type and siteID
the 2nd entry is the host and instance name
the 3rd entry specifies that cf handlers are enabled


Russ Michaels  : Business hosting services & solutions ColdFusion developer community   : my blog : ColdFusion search engine
*skype me* : russmichaels

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Creating Indexes with ORM

2012-04-18 Thread Eric Cobb

I'm just starting to play around with CF 9's ORM some, and I love that I 
can have it automatically create tables for me.  But one thing I have 
haven't been able to figure out yet is, is there a way to create indexes on 
tables via CF 9's ORM?  I'm not talking about the indexes for primary keys 
or FK relationships to other tables.  I'm wanting to create indexes on 
table columns not related to other tables.  

Is this doable in ORM, or am I just going to have to create the tables on 
the DB server to do it?


Eric Cobb

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Creating Indexes with ORM

2012-04-18 Thread Eric Cobb

Thanks Dave,

I tried to use the index attribute, but I can't seem to get it to do 
anything.  Either ORM would create the table and ignore the index, or ORM 
just flat out wouldn't work.  I wouldn't get an error, but it wouldn't 
create the table.  

I guess I'll go back and play with it some more and see if I can dig up 
more info on it. 

From: "Dave Watts" 
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 9:46 AM
To: "cf-talk" 
Subject: Re: Creating Indexes with ORM

> I'm just starting to play around with CF 9's ORM some, and I love that I
> can have it automatically create tables for me.  But one thing I have
> haven't been able to figure out yet is, is there a way to create indexes 
> tables via CF 9's ORM?  I'm not talking about the indexes for primary 
> or FK relationships to other tables.  I'm wanting to create indexes on
> table columns not related to other tables.
> Is this doable in ORM, or am I just going to have to create the tables 
> the DB server to do it?

I'm sure it's doable in ORM, since it's just Hibernate, and you can
certainly do this in Hibernate. I'm not sure where you'd do it,
exactly, though - my guess would be in the mapping file that gets
created for each CFC. But first, you might try just creating an
"index" attribute for your CFPROPERTY tag and see what happens.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers, online, or onsi

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

ColdFusion developer position in Nashville, TN

2012-07-31 Thread Eric Cobb

My company is currently looking for a new CF Dev. to join our team.  Below is 
the job description and contact info.

South Eastern Book Company has an immediate need for a mid-senior level 
ColdFusion developer in our downtown Nashville, TN office.  This is a very 
exciting time for us, and a unique opportunity for a developer to get in on the 
ground floor of building an enterprise level system.  In addition to supporting 
our existing systems, we are in the early planning stages of rewriting our 
entire web platform, which is comprised of multiple sites and applications.  
This will be a complete rewrite from the ground up, from the database to the 
html, and we're scheduled to start coding within a few weeks.  This is the 
perfect time for the right candidate to come on board and play a key role in 
product development, to make recommendations for the direction of the product, 
and help shape the overall technical and online presence of our organization.   
We are looking for someone with a positive attitude, who has the ability to 
work both independently and as a vital team member to contribute to the overall 
growth of the development team and our organization.  Someone who is willing to 
speak up when they know they're right, but be able to admit when they're wrong 
and learn from their mistakes.  Responsibilities include maintaining and 
expanding current applications, developing new applications and collaborating 
with other developers. Our industry can be fast paced and competitive at times, 
so being flexible with the ability to easily adapt is a must. 

Position Description
This position is responsible for supporting, troubleshooting and optimizing 
existing web applications, assisting with the development of future web 
applications, monitoring and supporting existing web site infrastructure.  
Key Education and/or Experience   

Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or related field.  Extensive Coldfusion 
Development background with a minimum of 5 years of experience developing 
internet applications.  Possess a thorough knowledge of the principles and 
practices of application development.  Solid understanding of relational 
database design and programming. 

Key Technical Requirements

Minimum 3-5 years experience working with Coldfusion
Strong knowledge of Coldfusion 9, including CFC-based development and ORM
Experience with ColdFusion MVC frameworks and Unit Testing frameworks is a 
big plus
Strong SQL Server 2005/2008 T-SQL experience, including Stored Procedures
Strong HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, and AJAX skills
Excellent analytical/problem solving skills
Experience developing for high-volume e-commerce sites
Experience with source control mechanisms (SVN)
Comfortable with EDI formats such as JSON, XML, SOAP, REST
Publishing and Consuming APIs and Webservices

Key Competencies Required

Good communication and documentation skills
Detail-oriented, self-motivated, innovative
Strong understanding and experience in the SDLC
Strong understanding of software QA/QC
Knowledge of continuous integration and automated build technologies is a 

The successful candidate must be able to:

Demonstrate accuracy and thoroughness; Look for ways to improve and promote 
quality; Apply feedback to improve performance; Monitor their own work to 
ensure quality. 
Identify and resolve problems in a timely manner; Gather and analyze 
information skillfully; Develop alternative solutions; Work well in group 
problem solving situations; Use reason even when dealing with emotional topics.
Understand business implications of decisions; Display orientation to 
profitability; Align work with strategic goals.
Adapt to changes in the work environment; Manage competing demands; Change 
approach or method to best fit the situation; Able to deal with frequent 
change, delays or unexpected events.
Display original thinking and creativity; Meet challenges with 
resourcefulness; Generate suggestions for improving work; Develop innovative 
approaches and ideas; Present ideas and information in a clear and concise.   

This position is full-time, on-site, in downtown Nashville, TN.  If you or 
someone you know is interested in the above job, please submit your resume to 
careers @ (RE: ColdFusion Developer)


Eric Cobb

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

re: ColdFusion developer position in Nashville, TN

2012-07-31 Thread Eric Cobb

Oops...sorry.  Wrong list!  

From: "Eric Cobb" 
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 9:17 AM
To: "cf-talk" 
Subject: ColdFusion developer position in Nashville, TN

My company is currently looking for a new CF Dev. to join our team.  Below 
is the job description and contact info.

South Eastern Book Company has an immediate need for a mid-senior level 
ColdFusion developer in our downtown Nashville, TN office.  This is a very 
exciting time for us, and a unique opportunity for a developer to get in on 
the ground floor of building an enterprise level system.  In addition to 
supporting our existing systems, we are in the early planning stages of 
rewriting our entire web platform, which is comprised of multiple sites and 
applications.  This will be a complete rewrite from the ground up, from the 
database to the html, and we're scheduled to start coding within a few 
weeks.  This is the perfect time for the right candidate to come on board 
and play a key role in product development, to make recommendations for the 
direction of the product, and help shape the overall technical and online 
presence of our organization.   We are looking for someone with a positive 
attitude, who has the ability to work both independently and as a vital 
team member to contribute to the overall growth of the development team and 
our organization.  Someone who is willing to speak up when they know 
they're right, but be able to admit when they're wrong and learn from their 
mistakes.  Responsibilities include maintaining and expanding current 
applications, developing new applications and collaborating with other 
developers. Our industry can be fast paced and competitive at times, so 
being flexible with the ability to easily adapt is a must. 

Position Description
This position is responsible for supporting, troubleshooting and optimizing 
existing web applications, assisting with the development of future web 
applications, monitoring and supporting existing web site infrastructure.  

Key Education and/or Experience   

Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or related field.  Extensive 
Coldfusion Development background with a minimum of 5 years of experience 
developing internet applications.  Possess a thorough knowledge of the 
principles and practices of application development.  Solid understanding 
of relational database design and programming. 

Key Technical Requirements

Minimum 3-5 years experience working with Coldfusion
Strong knowledge of Coldfusion 9, including CFC-based development and ORM
Experience with ColdFusion MVC frameworks and Unit Testing frameworks is a 
big plus
Strong SQL Server 2005/2008 T-SQL experience, including Stored Procedures
Strong HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, and AJAX skills
Excellent analytical/problem solving skills
Experience developing for high-volume e-commerce sites
Experience with source control mechanisms (SVN)
Comfortable with EDI formats such as JSON, XML, SOAP, REST
Publishing and Consuming APIs and Webservices

Key Competencies Required

Good communication and documentation skills
Detail-oriented, self-motivated, innovative
Strong understanding and experience in the SDLC
Strong understanding of software QA/QC
Knowledge of continuous integration and automated build technologies is a 

The successful candidate must be able to:

Demonstrate accuracy and thoroughness; Look for ways to improve and promote 
quality; Apply feedback to improve performance; Monitor their own work to 
ensure quality. 
Identify and resolve problems in a timely manner; Gather and analyze 
information skillfully; Develop alternative solutions; Work well in group 
problem solving situations; Use reason even when dealing with emotional 
Understand business implications of decisions; Display orientation to 
profitability; Align work with strategic goals.
Adapt to changes in the work environment; Manage competing demands; Change 
approach or method to best fit the situation; Able to deal with frequent 
change, delays or unexpected events.
Display original thinking and creativity; Meet challenges with 
resourcefulness; Generate suggestions for improving work; Develop 
innovative approaches and ideas; Present ideas and information in a clear 
and concise.   

This position is full-time, on-site, in downtown Nashville, TN.  If you or 
someone you know is interested in the above job, please submit your resume 
to careers @ (RE: ColdFusion Developer)


Eric Cobb

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Re: CFQueryParam question

2008-10-28 Thread Eric Cobb
Try this:


Eric Cobb

Scott Stewart wrote:
> I have a variable passed though a URL that looks like this
> index.cfm?a=1,2,3
> The variable "a" is passed to a SQL statement WHERE clause as
> part of an "IN" operator
> IE: WHERE b in (#url.a#).
> How would I encapsulate "url.a" in a CFQueryParam properly, is this a 
> case where I wouldn't define the cfsqltype?

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
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Re: Use Wordpress or BlogCFC?

2008-12-08 Thread Eric Cobb
You're just really, really confused...  ;)

Wil Genovese wrote:
> BTW: So what am I?  Since I do use BlogCFC, but on Bluedragon JX 64bit and
> with PostgreSQL 8.x all running on Centos5.x 64bit?
> Cheers,
> Wil Genovese
> Sr. Web Application Developer

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;207172674;29440083;f


Re: Adobe's CF IDE, "Bolt"

2008-12-11 Thread Eric Cobb
Actually, he just got a brand new, high-end HP laptop 3 or 4 weeks ago.

Cutter's right, it's all the porn.

Larry Lyons wrote:
>> No, Andy's Eclipse is always jacked up. I'm convinced, though, that it's 
>> a PEBKAC issue. Or he needs to stop looking at porn on his laptop;)
>> Steve "Cutter" Blades
>> Adobe Certified Professional
>> Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer
> I was thinking he needs to get a computer that wasn't build when flint knives 
> and stone arrowheads were cutting edge technology.
> larry 

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;207172674;29440083;f


Re: CFIMAGE Questions

2009-01-30 Thread Eric Cobb

cfimage documentation states the destination can be an "Absolute or 
relative pathname where the image output is written."

Write an image to a file



Les Mizzell wrote:
> Quick cfimage question:
> Working on a gallery and wanting to create thumbs. No problem resizing.
> Need to write the created thumb to a new directory. Looking at the CF 
> docs - uhhh, the example leaves a little to be desired:
>   destination="jeff05.jpg">
> The "destination" is just the image name in the example, so it would 
> overwrite the original. Can the "destination" include a path as well?
>   destination="../artgallery/thumbs/jeff05.jpg"
> Is the path relative to the file the cfimage tag is located on, or 
> relative to the original image location?
> I thought about not even creating/saving the thumbs, but creating them 
> on the fly. I'm a little concerned about server load to do such a thing 
> though, especially if the gallery in mind might need 30 thumbs for al 
> the images. Very bad idea, right?

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;207172674;29440083;f


Re: Datasource issue with CrystalTech

2009-09-15 Thread Eric Cobb

Sounds like a question for the CrystalTech support guys.  I've been 
using CrystalTech for years and have never run into any problems with 


Eric Cobb

Joshua Rowe wrote:
> Hello there!  I have a website that is being hosted through CrystalTech and 
> am running into an issue with assigning a datasource through their control 
> panel.  From what I've seen in the past, you assign a datasource name with a 
> userid and password and then associate whatever MySQL database you have with 
> that datasource by it's userid.  However, in the CrystalTech control panel, 
> you create a MySQL database with up to three userids and passwords, then 
> create a datasource (without inputting a userid and password) and link it to 
> the database you have created.
> Once I have done this, I run a query on one of the tables with a  
> tag and input the datasource, username, and password attributes into that 
> tag.  I get the following error message when I run the page:
> "Datasource  could not be found."
> The connection string I receive for this datasource in the CrystalTech 
> control panel is this:
> "dsn=;uid=;password="
> the userid and password variables are empty.  When I remove the username and 
> password attributes from the  tag or assign them empty values 
> (example: username="" password=""), I receive the same error message as above.
> If I run a query test in the CrystalTech control panel, the results from the 
> table return fine.
> Is there a special way to call a datasource from CrystalTech in ColdFusion 8?

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Shift from a single developer team to a multiple developer team

2009-10-20 Thread Eric Cobb

A friend of mine originally asked this question on LinkedIn's ColdFusion 
Programmers group but didn't get much response, so I told him I would 
post it here to see what you guys thought.  His original post can be 
seen here:

Here's his post:

"I have been the primary developer on an application for a number of 
years and we have recently gotten the additional resources to bring on 3 
more programmers.

I am excited and terrified. We have a Visual Source Safe environment set 
up for file sharing management, but I am curious if anyone has made this 
transition and has any tips for how to head off issues down the road.

The application is somewhat modular, but certainly not to an object 
oriented extent. I am no project manager and am fearful that without 
proper planning we are going to be stepping on each other's toes an 
awful lot. "


Eric Cobb

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Re: T-SQL Stored procedure, "In" predicate in a "Where" clause

2009-10-21 Thread Eric Cobb


Anything you can run in a query, you can run in a Proc (plus more!).


Eric Cobb

Scott Stewart wrote:
> Hey all, 
> Quick question, in T-SQL (MS SQL Server) can you put an "in" predicate in a
> "Where" clause inside a stored procedure?
> ie:
> FROM table
> WHERE y IN (a,b,c)
> --
> Scott Stewart
> IT Consultant/ColdFusion Developer
> 4405 Oakshyre Way
> Raleigh, NC 27616
> (919) 874-6229

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Re: REReplace Statment Help

2009-10-21 Thread Eric Cobb

If you want it in one line, just combine them:

productPageName = 

BTW, you don't the the #'s inside of a function unless the variable is 
in quotes.


Eric Cobb

Glyn Jackson wrote:
> I am just going over some old code, I found the following...
> productPageName = Replace(#FORM.pageName#," ","-","All");
> productPageName = REReplace(#productPageName#,"[.*+?^${}()|[\]/\\]","","All");
> its seems like its create a page name but removed spaces and special 
> characters i.e. "this page!" becomes "this-page"
> cumbersome, any better ways of doing this, maybe one line of code and not 
> two, or a function about this does this?
> Thanks
> Glyn 

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Re: Education

2009-10-23 Thread Eric Cobb

Heh...nuclear physics...ColdFusioncoincidence?  I think not!


Eric Cobb

s. isaac dealey wrote:
>> Of around 8-9 devs in our team over the last 18 months we had one developer
>> with a comp science degree. He was worse than an appalling programmer,
>> though I suspect that is not typical.
> I took a short-term project for the state of TX a couple years ago. The
> project manager at the time told me that they'd hired someone before me
> who had a bachelors in CS and had to let him go because he didn't seem
> able to navigate their codebase on his own without a lot of direct
> instruction that they just didn't have the time to provide. And his
> results came too slow for their project timeline and were frequently not
> what they needed. They said he seemed compelled to turn everything into
> OO instead of addressing the functional requirements of the project. I
> have no degree, but got lots of praise for my work, so... not that it's
> necessarily indicative, but I at least had a corroborating experience.
> Our project manager (who also coded there) had his degree in nuclear
> physics. 

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Re: Comparing upper case and lower case

2009-10-23 Thread Eric Cobb

check out the compare() function, it's case sensitive.


Eric Cobb

Phillip Vector wrote:
> I got a confusion issue here...
> session.sRep.PassWord NEQ password
> session.sRep.Password is 'AAA' (The old password)
> password is 'aaa' (The new password)
> How do I code up something that says "If the old password is not equal
> to the new password, then do foo"?
> It seems that NEQ or "is not" doesn't care about case.

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Re: Deleting contents within a folder

2009-11-09 Thread Eric Cobb

I agree with Barney just deleting the directory and recreating it. 
Having to get a list of everything in the directory and then loop 
through that list and delete each item one-by-one seems "dirty" to me.

That being said, if you do want to go the list/loop/delete route, I 
would suggest using CF's java capabilities to do it. cfdirectory/cffile 
can kill a CF server if there are a lot of files or the files are large.

I once tried the cfdirectory/cffile approach on a directory that 
contained a large amount of images (about 2 gigs worth) and it croaked. 
  I changed it to use Java and it was able to do it.

This should help:


Eric Cobb

Barney Boisvert wrote:
> If you don't mind synchronizing, you can just delete the directory (as
> you are now) and then recreate an empty one after you're done.
> Otherwise you'll need to use CFDIRECTORY to get a list of the
> contained files and delete them individually with CFFILE.
> cheers,
> barneyb
> On Monday, November 9, 2009, Damo Drumm  wrote:
>> Hi
>> Im trying to delete all the contents within a folder using coldfusion, but 
>> its deleting the actual folder each time
>> The contents of the folder contains be PDF's
>> has anyone any tips on deleting the contents and not the actual folder
>> Thanks

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Re: CF LiveDocs

2009-11-10 Thread Eric Cobb

I gave up on cfquickdocs when I realized their search results left items 
out.  I use now

Example:  go to each site and search for "array". coldfusiondocs will 
have 3 functions listed that cfquickdocs doesn't.  (IsArray, 
ListToArray, and StructKeyArray).

Maybe it's just me, but when I do a search on "array", I want a list of 
every function that does something with an array, not just the ones that 
  have "array" at the beginning of their name.


Eric Cobb

Brook Davies wrote:
> I use almost exclusively now, its super fast
> to lookup tags...
> -Original Message-
> From: Charlie Griefer [] 
> Sent: November-09-09 1:55 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: CF LiveDocs
> Yeah, but who'se using CF8 anymore?  That's so last month.
> :)
> On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 1:52 PM, Cutter (ColdFusion) <
>> wrote:
>> CF 8 docs in FF appear to be hosed, while the 9 docs, and the 7 docs,
>> came up with no problem
>> Steve "Cutter" Blades
>> Adobe Certified Professional
>> Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer
>> Co-Author of "Learning Ext JS"
>> _
>> On 11/9/2009 3:42 PM, Steve Keator wrote:
>>> Anyone else having a problem accessing them besides me?  Two computers /
>>> OS'es and 4 different browsers later, I'm still having an issue.
>>> Any thoughts?

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'Tis a sad, sad day...jQuery kills FireFox but works great in IE!

2009-11-12 Thread Eric Cobb

Oh, the horror to see my beloved FireFox crash repeatedly when trying to 
run some jQuery that works flawlessly in IE 8!  (I thought it was 
supposed to be the other way around!)

Seriously though, I do have a chunk of jQuery that I hope someone here 
can help me with.  Basically, I have a (large) table that has a list of 
users with IDs of "newUsers" and "oldUsers".  I have a checkbox that 
displays/hides the "oldUsers".  In IE everything works instantaneously. 
  But in FireFox when you first check the box it takes several seconds 
to hide the "oldUsers".  Then, when you uncheck the box to display the 
"oldUsers" again, it changes the display instantly but then the browser 
hangs and crashes every time.

Now, as I mentioned before this table is large, with somewhere around 
500 rows.  Is this too much for FF/jQuery to handle?  I thought about 
breaking it up between 2 separate "newUsers" and "oldUsers" divs and 
just toggle the display accordingly, but I'd rather do it in one table 
if I could.

Here's my jQuery:

$(document).ready(function() {
//table striping


//Display/Hide new and old user tables rows.
// If checked
if ($("#userFilter").is(":checked")){
//hide all old users

else {
//show all old users


Here's my table:

Old Test User
Old Test User
New Test User
New Test User

Any ideas as to why this would be killing FireFox?  Is it just the way 
FF handles processing the display/hide of so many table rows?



Eric Cobb

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Re: 'Tis a sad, sad day...jQuery kills FireFox but works great in IE!

2009-11-13 Thread Eric Cobb

Thank you Azadi!  I figured it was something simple like that.  I'll 
give it a try and let you know how it goes.

Azadi Saryev wrote:
> your html is not valid: id's are supposed to be unique per page.
> chnage that and you'll see ff work fine.
> Azadi Saryev
> On 13/11/2009 06:38, Eric Cobb wrote:
>> Oh, the horror to see my beloved FireFox crash repeatedly when trying to 
>> run some jQuery that works flawlessly in IE 8!  (I thought it was 
>> supposed to be the other way around!)
>> Seriously though, I do have a chunk of jQuery that I hope someone here 
>> can help me with.  Basically, I have a (large) table that has a list of 
>> users with IDs of "newUsers" and "oldUsers".  I have a checkbox that 
>> displays/hides the "oldUsers".  In IE everything works instantaneously. 
>>   But in FireFox when you first check the box it takes several seconds 
>> to hide the "oldUsers".  Then, when you uncheck the box to display the 
>> "oldUsers" again, it changes the display instantly but then the browser 
>> hangs and crashes every time.
>> Now, as I mentioned before this table is large, with somewhere around 
>> 500 rows.  Is this too much for FF/jQuery to handle?  I thought about 
>> breaking it up between 2 separate "newUsers" and "oldUsers" divs and 
>> just toggle the display accordingly, but I'd rather do it in one table 
>> if I could.
>> Here's my jQuery:
>> $(document).ready(function() {
>>  //table striping
>> $('table.stripe>tbody>tr:even').addClass("lite");
>>  $('table.stripe>tbody>tr:odd').addClass("dark");
>>  //Display/Hide new and old user tables rows.
>>  $("#userFilter").click(function(){
>>  // If checked
>>  if ($("#userFilter").is(":checked")){
>>  //hide all old users
>>  $('table.stripe>tbody>tr:not(#newUsers)').hide();
>>  }
>>  else {
>>  //show all old users
>>  $('table.stripe>tbody>tr:not(#newUsers)').show();
>>  }
>>  });
>>  });
>> Here's my table:
>> Old Test User
>>  Stuff
>>  Stuff
>>  Stuff   
>>> id="oldUsers">   
>> Old Test User
>>  Stuff
>>  Stuff
>>  Stuff   
>>> id="newUsers">   
>> New Test User
>>  Stuff
>>  Stuff
>>  Stuff   
>>> id="oldUsers">   
>> New Test User
>>  Stuff
>>  Stuff
>>  Stuff   
>> Any ideas as to why this would be killing FireFox?  Is it just the way 
>> FF handles processing the display/hide of so many table rows?

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Re: 'Tis a sad, sad day...jQuery kills FireFox but works great in IE!

2009-11-13 Thread Eric Cobb

Yeah, after tinkering with it a little more I realized what I was trying 
to do would be better with classes instead of IDs.  I really didn't want 
to have to deal with a unique ID for all 500 rows.

Anyway, here's my jQuery now:

// If checked
if ($("#userFilter").is(":checked")){
//hide all old users
else { 
 //show all old users

It works correctly in both FF and IE, although in FF there's still a 
good bit of lag time from when you click the checkbox until it actually 
hides the rows.  I guess it's just the way FF is dealing with so many 
table rows.



Eric Cobb

Peter Boughton wrote:
>> I have a (large) table that has a list of 
>> users with IDs of "newUsers" and "oldUsers".
> This is wrong!
> Every ID on the page *must* be unique.
> Use CLASS for common attributes. 

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Re: 'Tis a sad, sad day...jQuery kills FireFox but works great in IE!

2009-11-13 Thread Eric Cobb

I'm not sure if you guys are following what I'm trying to do

I want to dynamically hide/display certain table rows when a checkbox is 



Eric Cobb

Charlie Griefer wrote:
> Preference.
> Some people would prefer to not introduce the extra CFML markup into the
> HTML markup.
> The jQuery lets you manipulate the HTML without actually modifying the
> HTML.  That's nice.
> The CF method will work even if the user has JS disabled.  That's nice.
> Neither is "right" or "wrong".
> On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 9:29 AM, Nicholas Stein wrote:
>> Maybe I am missing something.  Why not just to it this way...
>>  class="alternaterow">
>> ...display 
>> Nick

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Re: 'Tis a sad, sad day...jQuery kills FireFox but works great in IE!

2009-11-13 Thread Eric Cobb

Thanks Josh!  I'll give that a whirl and see how it works.



Eric Cobb

Josh Nathanson wrote:
> You might get a tad bit more speed if you do this in your selectors:
> $("table.stripe>tbody>tr.oldUsers")
> Instead of this:
> $(".oldUsers")
> This is because jQuery will execute the DOM search more specifically instead
> of having to traverse the whole DOM for that class.
> -- Josh
> -Original Message-
> From: Eric Cobb [] 
> Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 6:26 AM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: 'Tis a sad, sad day...jQuery kills FireFox but works great in
> IE!
> Yeah, after tinkering with it a little more I realized what I was trying 
> to do would be better with classes instead of IDs.  I really didn't want 
> to have to deal with a unique ID for all 500 rows.
> Anyway, here's my jQuery now:
> $("#userFilter").click(function(){   
>   // If checked
>   if ($("#userFilter").is(":checked")){
>   //hide all old users
>   $(".oldUsers").css("display","none");
>   }
>   else { 
>//show all old users
>   $(".oldUsers").css("display","table-row");
>   }
> });
> It works correctly in both FF and IE, although in FF there's still a 
> good bit of lag time from when you click the checkbox until it actually 
> hides the rows.  I guess it's just the way FF is dealing with so many 
> table rows.

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Re: Looking for a CF 8 host

2009-11-25 Thread Eric Cobb

+1 for CrystalTech!


Eric Cobb

Joshua Rowe wrote:
> has been awesome!
> -Original Message-
> From: Michael J. Sprague [] 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 11:39 AM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: Looking for a CF 8 host
> I've had great luck with GearHost
> On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 1:29 PM, Charlie Griefer
> wrote:
>> If you've got enough clients to justify it, you could get a CF8 VPS.  
>> I believe prices range from $35/mo to $75/mo (depending on various
> factors).
>> Even if it cost you $75 a month, and you had 5 clients, you'd break 
>> even if you charged each $15/month.  And for all intents and purposes, 
>> it's your own server.
>> FWIW, I've heard good things about kickass VPS.
>> On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 10:23 AM, Larry Soo  wrote:
>>> Well, it's been a long time since I've participated on this 
>>> list...I'm still using CF 6.1 MX.  Haven't been doing full-time web 
>>> dev for the past
>> 6
>>> yrs or so but now I'm trying to do it full-time again.  Spent a 
>>> couple of months learning ASP.NET but am not impressed.  Lots of 
>>> cool demos and samples but once you try to take full control of the 
>>> details and layout,
>> it
>>> seems to me that you get back into the same hand-coding that you do 
>>> with PHP and Coldfusion.  So for the time being, I'm going to 
>>> experiment with
>> CF
>>> 8 and its Ajax and image handling features (things I've wanted built 
>>> into CF for a long time).
>>> Anyway...that means I also need to find a CF 8 host.  I've found 
>>> some highly recommended hosts starting at USD$25.  But are there any
>> affordable
>>> but good CF8 hosts in the USD$15 range?   Most of my clients don't have
> a
>>> problem with $25/mo but some do so I need an alternative.
>>> Thanks in advance for your help!
>>> ...lars

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Re: Sending a Fax

2009-12-09 Thread Eric Cobb

There, that should do it.  ;)
(sorry, I couldn't resist!)


Eric Cobb

Damo Drumm wrote:
> Ive a text box on a fom and when I fill it in, and enter the Fax Number The 
> Info is sent to the fax machine, The Text which I entered on the form appears 
> on the 1st page of the Fax then the info follows, Im trying to move this text 
> about half way down the page and put a brder around it, 
> How do I do this using coldfusion?
> Thanks 

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Re: scoping and speed

2009-12-10 Thread Eric Cobb

According to Adobe, Yes.


Eric Cobb

Chad Gray wrote:
> If you don't scope your local variables does the page run slower?
> IE. vs. #foo#

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Re: (admin) test message

2009-12-29 Thread Eric Cobb

Worked for me as well, but this is the only message thread I've gotten 
since sometime yesterday afternoon.


Eric Cobb

James Holmes wrote:
> It worked for me.
> mxAjax / CFAjax docs and other useful articles:
> 2009/12/29 Michael Dinowitz :
>> Sorry for the totally off topic post but I need to test the status of the 
>> list.
>> Thanks
>> --
>> Michael Dinowitz

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Re: IIS & ColdFusion Developer, best practices for setting up multiple sites

2010-01-08 Thread Eric Cobb

ColdFusion is not going to be your problem, IIS is.  If you're talking 
about setting this up on a desktop OS, then IIS isn't going to let you 
do it.  I know in XP (and pretty sure about Vista), IIS can only have 1 
website.  You can only have multiple sites in IIS on a server OS.

There are hacks and specialty software you can use to get around this, 
but natively IIS isn't going to let you do it.


Eric Cobb

Jeff F wrote:
> I'd like to set up my development environment to match what I've got on the 
> server, namely multiple sites under IIS with each site acting as root. 
> Can anyone offer any tips and what they do that works well? Is there an issue 
> or special consideration with ColdFusion Developer edition in setting up 
> multiple sites under IIS? 

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Re: IIS & ColdFusion Developer, best practices for setting up multiple sites

2010-01-08 Thread Eric Cobb

Sweet!  I wasn't sure about 7 (haven't used it yet), but I didn't 
realize that about Vista.  I've never had a need to check.

That's good to know.


Eric Cobb

Dave Watts wrote:
>> ColdFusion is not going to be your problem, IIS is.  If you're talking
>> about setting this up on a desktop OS, then IIS isn't going to let you
>> do it.  I know in XP (and pretty sure about Vista), IIS can only have 1
>> website.  You can only have multiple sites in IIS on a server OS.
> This is not true in Vista or Windows 7, in any version available in the US.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
> GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
> instruction at our training centers, online, or onsi

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Re: (ot) Adobe error messages

2010-01-25 Thread Eric Cobb

Considering that I still get "Allaire" errors all along, it's probably 
going to be a while.  ;-)


Eric Cobb

Qing Xia wrote:
> I wonder how long it is going to take Adobe to replace all the
> "[Macromedia]" in CF error messages to "[Adobe]".  Completely irrelevant
> maybe, but nice to have so new CF people don't have to wonder.

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Re: (ot) Adobe error messages

2010-01-25 Thread Eric Cobb

Hey, if you're going to break something, do it right! 


Eric Cobb

Andy Matthews wrote:
> You only get Allaire errors because you code is really sucky.
> Minor code problems get you Adobe messages.
> Major code problems get you Macromedia errors.
> Quit your day job code problems give you Allaire errors. 
> andy
> -Original Message-
> From: Eric Cobb [] 
> Sent: Monday, January 25, 2010 1:11 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: (ot) Adobe error messages
> Considering that I still get "Allaire" errors all along, it's probably going
> to be a while.  ;-)
> Thanks,
> Eric Cobb
> Qing Xia wrote:
>> I wonder how long it is going to take Adobe to replace all the 
>> "[Macromedia]" in CF error messages to "[Adobe]".  Completely 
>> irrelevant maybe, but nice to have so new CF people don't have to wonder.

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Re: CF8 Advanced Status?

2010-02-01 Thread Eric Cobb

I believe you're right, they supposedly did away with the "advanced" CF 
8 certification.  Now you're either certified or you're not, no 
distinction between "certified" and "advanced certified".


Eric Cobb

Azadi Saryev wrote:
> didn't they drop the 'advanced' distinction in cf8 certification?
> i recall reading something like that a while ago... but i may be wrong.
> Azadi Saryev
> On 01/02/2010 12:00, Qing Xia wrote:
>> Yeah, for CF7 it was 85% and 80% for CF6... but now I can't find what it is
>> for CF8.
>> On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 10:55 PM, lists  wrote:
>>> In the past it's been 85% I believe.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: Qing Xia []
>>> Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2010 9:18 PM
>>> To: cf-talk
>>> Subject: CF8 Advanced Status?
>>> Does anyone know what the % score needed to get the "Advanced Certified
>>> Status" in CF8 is? I went searching for it (high and low!) but no dice.
>>> Hmm, maybe the Pentagon needs to hire Adobe to guard its papers.

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Re: ColdFusion & Windows Authentication

2010-02-05 Thread Eric Cobb

Have you looked into LDAP?


Eric Cobb
ColdFusion - the most profitable "dead" language I've ever worked with.

Craig Brown wrote:
> I'm developing an application that will hopefully interact with SQL Server 
> Reporting Services 2005 so that when the user clicks a link to generate a 
> report it will connect to the reporting services and produce the report. The 
> reporting services uses Windows Authentication and trying to connect to it 
> has me at a loss! I've been reading up about CGI.REMOTE_USER but all the 
> results I've read tend to be about doing it the other way about.
> At the moment whenever the 'generate report' link is clicked a login prompt 
> appears and once valid login details are entered the report is produced but 
> what I require is to get rid of the login prompt but still pass in the login 
> credentials somehow.
> Has anyone had any experience with anything like this or have any ideas?
> Thanks
> Craig 

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Re: cfmodule and query of queries

2010-02-09 Thread Eric Cobb

You should really be doing this in a CFC.  They're built for stuff like 


Eric Cobb
ColdFusion - the most profitable "dead" language I've ever worked with.

Thane Sherrington wrote:
> Hi all,
>   This is probably a stupid question, but my simple mind can't figure 
> it out.  I'm trying to do the following:
> 1)Have a cfmodule that does a large query.
> 2)Have a series of cfmodules that do a query of query on the large query
> 3)Have a script that calls the cfmodules
> But I can't figure out how to pass the query from one module to 
> another.  I can do it if I use cfinclude, of course, since all the 
> variables are accessible, but when I try to do it from cfmodule to 
> cfmodule, the query of query modules can't access the large query 
> because it's local to the first cfmodule.
> Is there away around this?
> T

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Re: Host with CF and Alias Names/Virtual Directory Support?

2010-02-24 Thread Eric Cobb

If you want to stay with Linux, and need complete control over your 
server, then check out Linode (  You can get a 
Linux VPS starting at $20 per month.


Eric Cobb
ColdFusion - the most profitable "dead" language I've ever worked with.

Matthew Reinbold wrote:
> I am currently tasked with moving a set of ColdFusion 8 sites with different 
> domains to a new host. The original developer hosted the website out of his 
> house. Because he had full control over the Linux box there are several 
> symbolic links created - the file system knows that calls to what seem to be 
> "../some/thing" should actually result to the file directory of another site 
> ala "../other/thing". All the sites share the same database. Not the way I 
> would have set things up but its what I am dealt.
> Couple questions here:
> 1) I've previously used IIS and virtual directories to support having 
> different domains running on the same CF box with the same db backend. Are 
> their hosts that support virtual domains without having to purchase dedicated 
> (own the entire box) plans?
> 2) I believe I could also accomplish the same thing by setting up aliases in 
> Apache. Again, are the CF hosts that let me define alias names to support 
> redirecting multiple incoming domains to different file folders (without 
> having to pay the hunderds a month to completely configure a system)?
> While I believe I could get away with CF Mappings for the 
> "...some/thing/...", "../other/thing" I don't see how that can solve my 
> multi-domains-to-same-box challenge. What are my options? 
> Matthew Reinbold
> Creative Principal, Vox Pop Design,

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Re: Best subversion repository

2010-02-24 Thread Eric Cobb

I use an old Pentium III Dell desktop with less than 1GB of RAM at home, 
and it works great!  :-)


Eric Cobb
ColdFusion - the most profitable "dead" language I've ever worked with.

Rick Faircloth wrote:
> Assembla's been great for me, too...but I only use the repository as a code
> back-up,
> since I'm a solo developer.  I'm going to check out the less-expensive
> options, however.
> Rick
> -Original Message-
> From: Matt Quackenbush [] 
> Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 1:48 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: Best subversion repository
> I can only speak of Assembla, since I use them.  I am *extremely* pleased
> with their tools and service.

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Re: Best subversion repository

2010-02-24 Thread Eric Cobb

Yep, I've got Subversion/Apache running my repositories on port 81, and 
Railo/IIS running my (final test/staging) websites on port 80.  Works 
like a champ.


Eric Cobb
ColdFusion - the most profitable "dead" language I've ever worked with.

Rick Faircloth wrote:
> Do you run Subversion or some other repository software on it?
> In other words, do you run your own repository server?
> -----Original Message-
> From: Eric Cobb [] 
> Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 3:25 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: Best subversion repository
> I use an old Pentium III Dell desktop with less than 1GB of RAM at home, 
> and it works great!  :-)
> Thanks,
> Eric Cobb
> ColdFusion - the most profitable "dead" language I've ever worked with.
> Rick Faircloth wrote:
>> Assembla's been great for me, too...but I only use the repository as a
> code
>> back-up,
>> since I'm a solo developer.  I'm going to check out the less-expensive
>> options, however.
>> Rick
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Matt Quackenbush [] 
>> Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 1:48 PM
>> To: cf-talk
>> Subject: Re: Best subversion repository
>> I can only speak of Assembla, since I use them.  I am *extremely* pleased
>> with their tools and service.
>> HTH

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Re: Forms Processing: Updating Only Changed Data

2010-03-10 Thread Eric Cobb

The first thing that jumps out at me would be to have hidden form fields 
in the form that contain the original values.  Then, when you're 
processing the form any value that doesn't match its corresponding 
hidden value has been changed. 


eric cobb
ecar technologies, llc

Blizzm wrote:
> We have several lengthy forms that are going to be used for updating records 
> and various data.  We are also looking at recording which form fields have 
> been updated. Is there a means for updating only those records which have 
> changed?  
> I was thinking of looping through a form collection, comparing submitted vs. 
> existing database values, storing any changed values and then having a CFC 
> process the SQL update.  If this is a good starting point, how would I be 
> able to update only those fields that need to be changed? 
> For example if I have 100 fields and only 10 have been updated, how can I 
> write a query to update only those 10 fields?
> Thanks in advance.

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