Hi Fusioneers,

I have an SQL I would like to cache, but have two strategies depending on
the parameters

If the parameters are for the current month, I only want to cache the query
for 1 day
If it is for a past month, I want to start the caching from after the last
day of that month

cfquery has two attributes to do this
    - cachedwithin
    - cachedafter

So I thought I would do this, but it looks like CF does not like the CFIF
inside the cfquery tag
    <cfset rptDate = CreateDate(URL.year, URL.month, DaysInMonth(Now())) />

    <cfquery name="qryStatsByMonth"
                <cfif DateDiff('m', rptDate, Now()) EQ 0>

Any ideas how I can do this?

For now, I will put the cfif on the outside and have two cfqueries.
Guess this is not a bad way of doing it, just thought it would be neat if it
could be done with one query.


AJ Mercer
Web Log: http://webonix.net

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