

SELECT            suburbId, suburbName

FROM               suburb

WHERE            ROUND((ACOS((SIN(#suburb_latitude#/57.2958) * SIN(suburb_latitude /57.2958)) + (COS(#suburb_latitude#/57.2958) * COS(suburb_latitude /57.2958) * COS(suburb_longitude/57.2958 - #suburb_longitude#/57.2958)))) * 3963, 3) <= #val(surroundingRadiusMiles)#


There are other ways.. like just passing in a suburbId and surroundingRadiusMiles.. but I will leave that to you!! ;)





From: Taco Fleur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, 22 May 2006 8:56 AM
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
Subject: [cfaussie] [OT] Long & Lat query


Is anyone able to share a query with me that will calculate surrounding suburbs on a longitude and latitude database?

I have the database, but not the query.


Taco Fleur - http://www.pacificfox.com.au
Web Design, Web development, Graphic Design and Complete Internet Solutions
an industry leader with commercial IT experience since 1994 …

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