Hi Change! 

Startup Weekend is having their first ever hardware version June 28-30. It 
should be a great event, and a chance to be part of something that's the first 
step in a global launch. If you're interested, see below for more details. 
*And* there's a student discount code. (STUDENT is the secret code, tho they 
will make you show a valid student id at the door).


Startup Weekend , a non-profit based in Seattle, WA, is a global network of 
passionate leaders and entrepreneurs on a mission to inspire, educate, and 
empower individuals, teams and communities. Come share ideas, form teams, and 
launch startups.

All Startup Weekend events follow the same basic model: anyone is welcome to 
pitch their startup idea and receive feedback from their peers. Teams 
organically form around the top ideas (as determined by popular vote) and then 
it’s a 54 hour frenzy of business model creation, coding, designing, and market 
validation. The weekends culminate with presentations in front of local 
entrepreneurial leaders with another opportunity for critical feedback.

Startup weekend is all about innovation- and Startup weekend Maker’s Edition 
aims to bring innovation to a whole new level. Typically, teams create software 
applications. However, with the tools and expertise provided byMakerhaus , for 
the first time in Seattle teams will be able to design, and prototype actual 
physical products. Micro-controllers, Laser cutting, 3D printing, metal 
working, woodworking, the possibilities are endless.

In addition to the three usual ticket types of developer, designer, and 
non-technical, we will be selling a fourth type of ticket- unicorns. Unicorns 
are people who agree to be trained on the equipment available at Makerhaus. We 
want to make sure there are enough people familiar with the equipment to be a 
part of each team.

Because this weekend is a little different than the typical start-up weekend, 
there will be an optional pre-event on June 12th. Participants will be able to 
meet with coaches, check out the materials and tools available at Makerhaus, 
and get a feel for the possibilities of physical prototyping.

Whether you are an experienced entrepreneur, or product developer, a craftsman, 
a microprocessor enthusiast, a developer or designer who wants to try their 
hand at hardware, everyone will be enriched by the experience of turning an 
idea into a physical reality.

Registration is live! http://seattlemaker.eventbrite.com/

Beth Kolko
Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352315
Sieg 423
Seattle, WA 98195

Faculty Associate, Berkman Center for Internet & Society
Harvard University

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