[Chat] Book Thing Family Bike Party: This Saturday (March 15), 9:30 a.m.

2014-03-13 Thread patrick

This Saturday the Baltimore Family Bike Party ride will be weaving its way through Charles Village and we'd love for lots of families to join us. The weather on Saturday is supposed to be great (high of 63 degrees) and we'll be meeting in the parking lot at the Book Thing, so you can get there early and grab some books before the ride.
The ride itself will weave through the northern portions of Charles Village, probably with a short stop at the new playground at the Dell, and then end at the 32nd Street/Waverly Farmer's Market in time to get some snacks and do some grocery shopping. You can also take this as an opportunity to have breakfast at Pete's Grill. Steve Berlack from the 29th Street Community Center will meet us at the Book Thing to talk about the opportunities there and we'll go by lots of neighborhood landmarks as we tour upper CV. Also, if you want to, wear green for St. Patrick's Day or decorate your bike green!
We hope that you'll R.S.V.P. on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/events/194145354111095) or Meet-up (http://www.meetup.com/Biking-in-Bmore/events/165421032/) and that you'll come ride with us this Saturday. We ride slowly and safely, generally on small streets, and usually have children along that range from toddlers up to middle-schoolers and their parents. The ride will be finished well before the ACC tournament games get going and it's a great way to get out biking now that the weather is finally warming up. Come join us and pass the message on to your friends and neighbors.

Book Thing Family Bike Party

The Book Thing, 3001 Vineyard Lane, Baltimore, MD 21218
Saturday, March 15, 2014,  9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
RSVP on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/events/194145354111095) 
or on the Biking in B'more Meet-up Group (http://www.meetup.com/Biking-in-Bmore/events/165421032/) 

The Book Thing is a special destination for families (and people of all ages!) who love books and love a good deal because the Book Thing gives books away for free! Join us next weekend on a gentle "Tour du Charles Village" starting from the Book Thing at Vineyard Lane and 30th Street and cruising on quiet neighborhood streets past local parks, playgrounds and family-friendly coffee shops. We'll be sure to stop at a playground before returning to the Waverly Farmer's Market for a snack.
Patrick McMahon

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[Chat] Charles Village LGBT Heritage Walking Tour - Sat., June 22nd

2013-06-21 Thread Patrick McMahon

> Charles Village Pride! LGBT Heritage Walking Tour
> Saturday, June 22, 2013, 10:00 AM through 12:00 PM
> Meet at Normal’s Books & Records, 425 East 31st Street, Baltimore, MD 21218
> Sign up online today! Tickets are $10 for Baltimore Heritage members, $15 for 
> non-members
> Although Charles Village is better known for its colorful “painted ladies,” 
> the neighborhood was home to many of the activists and institutions at the 
> heart of the city’s LGBT community in the 1970s and 1980s. Historian Richard 
> Oloizia and long-time activist Louis Hughes will take us on a walk past local 
> landmarks from the original home of the Gay Community Center of Baltimore, 
> now the GLCCB, to the St. Paul Street church that supported the growth of the 
> Metropolitan Community Church, Baltimore’s oldest LGBT religious 
> organization, and the radical feminist publishers, writers and activists gave 
> a voice to lesbian authors who might not otherwise have been read. Whether 
> you lived this history or are learning it for the first time, thistour is a 
> unique opportunity to explore the places that shaped the growth of 
> Baltimore’s LGBT community and civil rights movement.
> --
> Eli Pousson
> mobile 301.204.3337
> Director of Preservation & Outreach, Baltimore Heritage
> 11 ½ West Chase Street, Baltimore, MD 21201
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[Chat] Mtg. tonight, 6:30 p.m. - Guilford Ave Bike Blvd Mtg. @ JHU

2010-06-30 Thread Patrick McMahon
At 6:30 p.m. tonight (June 30) Baltimore City DOT will hold a meeting to
discuss plans for a set of improvements along Guilford Avenue between
University Parkway and Mt. Royal Avenue to manage traffic speeds, increase
greenery, and improve conditions for bicyclists.

The meeting will be held in the Sherwood Room in Levering Hall on the Johns
Hopkins University's Homewood Campus. A map showing Levering Hall can be
found at the bottom of this message and the Sherwood Room is just inside on
the left from the main entrance. If you're planning to attend, please RSVP
at the link below so the City knows how many folks are going to show up (but
show up even if you can't RSVP).

Bike Boulevards, also known as Neighborhood Greenways, are low-traffic
neighborhood streets that are optimized for bicycling, providing direct,
attractive routes for bikes and making the streets quieter, prettier, and
healthier than busy, car-filled street. Bike boulevards are more welcoming
to kids, families and novice cyclists, and attractive for all kinds of
cyclists who want to ride on a convenient & comfortable route and provide a
wide variety of benefits for pedestrians and neighborhood residents as well.

Baltimore's gridded street system is ideal for bike boulevards and Guilford
Avenue is a great place to start because the City Public School Dept. HQ
already serves to divert through auto (but not bike) traffic off the street
and it provides a direct connection to downtown from neighborhoods in north
central Baltimore and an alternative to the higher-speed, higher-volume
arterials of Calvert, St. Paul, Charles, & Maryland.

Guilford is already heavily used by bicyclists for commuting, getting to the
four elementary schools located just off Guilford, and just riding around
town and the signage and engineering improvements planned will make it more
attractive for bicycle riders, pedestrians, and neighborhood residents.


I hope you can come to tonight's meeting and will pass this on to friends,
neighbors, and other individuals interested in sustainable transportation or
the neighborhoods along Guilford.


http://bit.ly/9ZqOOf - JHU Homewood Campus PDF Map

http://baltimorecommutes.com/bike/bike-boulevards/ - Blog post about bike

http://www.socializr.com/event/594267009/ - RSVP for tonight's meeting


Patrick McMahon


Transportation Chair
Greater Baltimore Sierra Club


Baltimore City Sustainability Commission
Member & Transportation Working Group Chair



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archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Bike to Work Day Convoy - Leaving 6:45 am from Eddie's Market

2009-05-14 Thread patrick
Tomorrow (Friday, May 15th) is Bike To Work Day There will be a convoy of cyclists leaving from the new on-street bike parking in front of Eddie’s Market at 6:45 a.m. and heading to a rally in front of Baltimore City Hall from 7:00 - 8:30 a.m. The convoy from Charles Village is one of a dozen that will be converging on City Hall from all directions. Get there early and buy something from Eddie's to support their work getting the new bike parking installed.The rally at City Hall/War Memorial Plaza is one of 9 around the region, including one at JHU’s Homewood Campus (on the lawn in front of Mason Hall/Visitor Center, on Wyman Park Dr., behind the Baltimore Museum of Art) and others at Morgan State & the College of Notre Dame.  At each rally there will be prizes and free t-shirts for bike commuters along with information about upcoming bicycling events.  Register by Thursday at 2 p.m. to get a free B2W09 T-shirt, a goodie bag, an on-the-go snack with java, and a chance to win prizes!  You must be registered and attend a rally to win.So, take some time tomorrow to ride downtown with some of your neighbors and celebrate a more sustainable form of transportation that fits perfectly within our neighborhood.  And then if you’re feeling really ambitious, ride up to Belvedere Square to hear the Junkyard Saints play tomorrow night at 6:00 p.m. (e-mail me if you want a set of directions that doesn’t involve riding on York/Greenmount).Thanks and please forward this on to anyone you think might be interested in riding downtown tomorrow morning.Register for Bike to Work Day:http://www.baltometro.org/content/view/258/230/  Text & maps for the Baltimore City Bicycle Master Plan:  http://www.liveearnplaylearn.com/Publications/BaltimoreCityBicycleMasterPlan/tabid/98/Default.aspxMore bicycle commuting info:http://www.baltometro.org/content/view/79/142/  http://www.baltometro.org/bike/bikecommutemap.pdf  http://baltimorecity.gov/bike/  http://baltimorespokes.org/  http://onelesscar.org/  http://www.bikely.com/listpaths/srchkey/Baltimore/country/254/region/142  http://www.runmuki.com/commute/  http://www.bicyclinginfo.org/  http://www.baltimorecity.gov/sustainability/<>___
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archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Bike to Work Day - Friday, May 16

2008-05-15 Thread patrick
As posted last week by Gary, tomorrow is Bike to Work Day.  Unfortunately there won't be a group heading in from the Y, but I'll be leading a group from Eddie's Market of Charles Village leaving at 6:45 a.m. that will be riding down Guilford Avenue to City Hall for the event.  We'll be riding rain or shine (looks like it might rain). Patrick McMahon  For more info on Bike to Work Day go to: http://www.baltometro.org/content/view/258/230/ Listed below are some additional bike commuting resources: Bike Commuting Linkshttp://bikecommutetips.blogspot.com/http://www.runmuki.com/commute/http://commutebybike.com/http://www.poplarware.com/personal/bicycle.htmlhttp://www.sierraclub.org/e-files/bike_commuting.asphttp://www.bikecommuters.com/ Route Map Linkshttp://www.bikely.com/listpaths/srchkey/Baltimore/country/254/is/Commutehttp://veloroutes.org/bikemaps/?route=11207http://www.mapmyride.com/search?lstRouteTypeID=2&btnSearch=go&txtLocation=Baltimore,+MD Baltimore Bicycling Linkshttp://www.baltimorespokes.org/http://onelesscar.org/http://www.baltobikeclub.org   [Discussion] Bike to work dayglue39 at verizon.net glue39 at verizon.net Thu May 8 09:36:03 EDT 2008  Previous message: [Discussion] CVCBDMA Next message: [Discussion] CVCBDMA Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] Folks,  Friday, May 16th is bike to work day.  There's a celebration at War Memorial Plaza from 7:00 to 9:00 AM with coffee and for the last 3 years, the best browning in Baltimore.  (No, I don't k now where the brownies come from.)  Plus free shirts of you register.  There will be a group meeting at the "Y" on 33rd--I'll poast you on the time.  Details and if you want to register and get a shirt, go to:  http://www.baltometro.org/content/view/258/230  The Mayor is pedaling in and many Mayor's Office of the Cabinet will also be there on bikes. 

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