Hello, neighbors,

I'd like to direct this message at Dawna in particular to suggest an
item for her Charles Village Chat column.



Your Tech-savvy Neighbors

When Google announced their initiative to bring high-speed optical
fiber to one or more lucky communities, several Charles Villagers
stepped up to help prepare a "Creative Response" on behalf of the
city.  The "bmorefiber" team included six from Charles Village, the
most from any one neighborhood.  Those six are Jon Lesser, Charles
Martucci, Patrick Roanhouse, Jason Pyeron, Robin Truiett-Theodorson,
and Emil Volcheck.  Check out bmorefiber.com to see their work.
Google plans to announce their choice by the end of the year.

Two Charles Villagers have been helping to lead the Baltimore
Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
The ACM is the world's largest professional society in computing.
Jason Pyeron was just elected to a second term as Treasurer, and Emil
Volcheck stepped down after serving two years as Chair.
Visit bacm.us to see what the chapter has been doing.

Emil Volcheck

Chat mailing list
archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

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