Changeset: bcd9636dcea0 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Sorted and checked list of non-reserved words.

diffs (182 lines):

diff --git a/sql/server/sql_parser.y b/sql/server/sql_parser.y
--- a/sql/server/sql_parser.y
+++ b/sql/server/sql_parser.y
@@ -5661,96 +5661,95 @@ ident:
-  LARGE                { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "large"); }        /* sloppy: 
officially reserved */
-| sqlNAME      { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "name"); }
-| OBJECT       { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "object"); }       /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
-| PASSWORD     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "password"); }     /* neither reserved nor 
non-reserv. */
-| PATH         { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "path"); }         /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
-| PRECISION    { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "precision"); }    /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
-| PRIVILEGES   { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "privileges"); }   /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
-| ROLE         { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "role"); }         /* neither reserved nor 
non-reserv. */
-| sqlSIZE      { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "size"); }         /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
-| TYPE         { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "type"); }
-| RELEASE      { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "release"); }      /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
-| VALUE                { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "value"); }        /* sloppy: 
officially reserved */
-| ZONE         { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "zone"); }         /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
-| ACTION       { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "action"); }       /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
-| AS           { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "as"); }           /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
+  AS           { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "as"); }           /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
 | AUTHORIZATION        { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "authorization"); }/* sloppy: 
officially reserved */
 | COLUMN       { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "column"); }       /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
 | CYCLE                { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "cycle"); }        /* sloppy: 
officially reserved */
+| sqlDATE      { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "date"); }         /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
 | DISTINCT     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "distinct"); }     /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
-| INCREMENT    { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "increment"); }    /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
-| MAXVALUE     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "maxvalue"); }     /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
-| MINVALUE     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "minvalue"); }     /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
-| SQL_PLAN     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "plan"); }         /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
-| SCHEMA       { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "schema"); }       /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
+| EXEC         { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "exec"); }         /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
+| EXECUTE      { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "execute"); }      /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
+| FILTER       { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "filter"); }       /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
+| INTERVAL     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "interval"); }     /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
+| LANGUAGE     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "language"); }     /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
+| LARGE                { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "large"); }        /* sloppy: 
officially reserved */
+| MATCH                { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "match"); }        /* sloppy: 
officially reserved */
+| NO           { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "no"); }           /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
+| PRECISION    { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "precision"); }    /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
+| PREPARE      { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "prepare"); }      /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
+| RELEASE      { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "release"); }      /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
+| ROW          { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "row"); }          /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
 | START                { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "start"); }        /* sloppy: 
officially reserved */
-| STATEMENT    { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "statement"); }    /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
 | TABLE                { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "table"); }        /* sloppy: 
officially reserved */
-|  CACHE       { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "cache"); }
-|  DATA        { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "data"); }
-|  DIAGNOSTICS         { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "diagnostics"); }
-|  MATCH       { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "match"); }
-|  OPTIONS     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "options"); }
-|  ROW         { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "row"); }
-|  KEY         { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "key"); }
-|  LANGUAGE    { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "language"); }
-|  LEVEL       { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "level"); }
-|  sqlSESSION  { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "session"); }
-|  sqlDATE     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "date"); }
-|  TIME        { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "time"); }
-|  TIMESTAMP   { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "timestamp"); }
-|  INTERVAL    { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "interval"); }
-|  QUARTER     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "quarter"); }
-|  WEEK        { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "week"); }
-|  IMPRINTS    { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "imprints"); }
-|  PREP                { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "prep"); }
-|  PREPARE     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "prepare"); }
-|  EXEC                { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "exec"); }
-|  EXECUTE     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "execute"); }
-|  SQL_EXPLAIN { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "explain"); }
-|  SQL_DEBUG   { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "debug"); }
-|  SQL_TRACE   { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "trace"); }
-|  sqlTEXT             { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "text"); }
-|  AUTO_COMMIT { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "auto_commit"); }
-|  NO          { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "no"); }
+| TIME                 { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "time"); }         /* sloppy: 
officially reserved */
+| TIMESTAMP    { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "timestamp"); }    /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
+| UESCAPE      { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "uescape"); }      /* sloppy: officially 
reserved */
+| VALUE                { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "value"); }        /* sloppy: 
officially reserved */
+| ACTION       { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "action"); }
+| ANALYZE      { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "analyze"); }
+| AUTO_COMMIT  { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "auto_commit"); }
+| CACHE                { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "cache"); }
+| CLIENT       { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "client"); }
+| COMMENT      { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "comment"); }
+| DATA                 { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "data"); }
+| SQL_DEBUG    { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "debug"); }
+| DIAGNOSTICS  { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "diagnostics"); }
+| SQL_EXPLAIN  { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "explain"); }
+| FIRST                { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "first"); }
+| GEOMETRY     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "geometry"); }
+| IMPRINTS     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "imprints"); }
+| INCREMENT    { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "increment"); }
+| KEY          { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "key"); }
+| LAST         { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "last"); }
+| LEVEL                { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "level"); }
+| MAXVALUE     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "maxvalue"); }
+| MINMAX       { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "MinMax"); }
+| MINVALUE     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "minvalue"); }
+| sqlNAME      { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "name"); }
+| NULLS                { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "nulls"); }
+| OBJECT       { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "object"); }
+| OPTIONS      { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "options"); }
+| PASSWORD     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "password"); }
+| PATH         { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "path"); }
+| SQL_PLAN     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "plan"); }
+| PREP         { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "prep"); }
+| PRIVILEGES   { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "privileges"); }
+| QUARTER      { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "quarter"); }
+| REPLACE      { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "replace"); }
+| ROLE         { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "role"); }
+| SCHEMA       { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "schema");
+| SERVER       { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "server"); }
+| sqlSESSION   { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "session"); }
+| sqlSIZE      { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "size"); }
+| STATEMENT    { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "statement"); }
+| STORAGE      { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "storage"); }
+| TEMP         { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "temp"); }
+| TEMPORARY    { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "temporary"); }
+| sqlTEXT      { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "text"); }
+| SQL_TRACE    { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "trace"); }
+| TYPE         { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "type"); }
+| WEEK                 { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "week"); }
+| ZONE         { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "zone"); }
 /* SQL/XML non reserved words */
-|  STRIP       { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "strip"); }
-|  WHITESPACE  { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "whitespace"); }
-|  PASSING     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "passing"); }
-|  NIL         { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "nil"); }
-|  REF         { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "ref"); }
-|  ABSENT      { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "absent"); }
-|  EMPTY       { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "empty"); }
-|  DOCUMENT    { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "document"); }
-|  ELEMENT     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "element"); }
-|  CONTENT     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "content"); }
-|  NAMESPACE   { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "namespace"); }
-|  RETURNING   { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "returning"); }
-|  LOCATION    { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "location"); }
-|  ID          { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "id"); }
-|  ACCORDING   { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "according"); }
-|  URI         { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "uri"); }
-|  FILTER      { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "filter"); }
-|  TEMPORARY   { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "temporary"); }
-|  TEMP                { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "temp"); }
-|  ANALYZE     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "analyze"); }
-|  MINMAX      { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "MinMax"); }
-|  STORAGE     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "storage"); }
-|  GEOMETRY    { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "geometry"); }
-|  REPLACE     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "replace"); }
-|  COMMENT     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "comment"); }
-|  CLIENT      { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "client"); }
-|  SERVER      { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "server"); }
-|  NULLS       { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "nulls"); }
-|  LAST                { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "last"); }
-|  FIRST       { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "first"); }
-|  UESCAPE     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "uescape"); }
+| ABSENT       { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "absent"); }
+| ACCORDING    { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "according"); }
+| CONTENT      { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "content"); }
+| DOCUMENT     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "document"); }
+| ELEMENT      { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "element"); }
+| EMPTY                { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "empty"); }
+| ID           { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "id"); }
+| LOCATION     { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "location"); }
+| NAMESPACE    { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "namespace"); }
+| NIL          { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "nil"); }
+| PASSING      { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "passing"); }
+| REF          { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "ref"); }
+| RETURNING    { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "returning"); }
+| STRIP                { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "strip"); }
+| URI          { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "uri"); }
+| WHITESPACE   { $$ = sa_strdup(SA, "whitespace"); }
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