Re: Chicken-setup redesign (was: Re: [Chicken-users] Re: getopt, getopt_long?)

2008-07-10 Thread felix winkelmann
On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 12:01 AM, Shawn Rutledge
> I look at it this way: what is essential is the metadata, including
> the enumeration of the files that are included along with what they
> _are_.  If I say "here are my source files, here are my documentation
> files, and here are my examples" why shouldn't chicken-setup know what
> to do with them by default?  Or if you even leave those out, but have
> a standard directory structure (src, doc and examples) chicken-setup
> could make straightforward decisions based on that.  So the minimum
> requirement would be a metadata file containing the egg description
> and category.

Actually I would leave out documentation files, examples and installation
of applications - just handle libraries and have the wiki page link to examples
stored somewhere. The metadata on the other hand is already there
(the "repository" file), and I have written a script (mostly untested) that
takes a svn tree and generates eggs and a repository file containing all
metadata (maintenance/create-repository.scm in the svn tree toplevel).

> Writing a separate setup script in addition to that should be
> optional, and rare.  I don't like all the duplication of information
> with the current requirements for writing an egg.

Yes, I understand. But there are always situations where building
an extension can become arbitrarily complex. Here a procedural
way (i.e. a script) must in the end be available.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: Chicken-setup redesign (was: Re: [Chicken-users] Re: getopt, getopt_long?)

2008-07-10 Thread felix winkelmann
On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 7:23 PM, Peter Bex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 02:41:27PM +0200, Peter Bex wrote:
>> Of course, this would also require the possibility of loading a
>> particular version of a library.  I propose this syntax:
>> (require-library foo (bar 1.2) (qux 1))
>> This requires the latest installed version of foo (whatever that is),
>> and version 1.2 of bar.  From qux the latest installed minor version
>> with major version 1 is required (so, if you have 1.1 and 1.2 installed,
>> it will pick 1.2).  These semantics match those of the 'versions' egg,
>> I think.
> On second thought, the syntax above is needlessly complex.
> (require-library foo bar-1.2 qux-1) is much more straightforward and
> maps _directly_ to the code in the 'versions' egg, too.  It also reserves
> the "structured library names" like (bar ..) for future enhancements.

Indeed, the list structures are already used ("(srfi 1 2 3)", etc.). There
even is a "(version ...)" feature, but I forgot what it does (;-). The only
problem is searching for the highest sub-version, which will require
comparison of version files and obtaining directory listings. This will
have to happen at runtime and it would be unfortunate to make every
program depend on the posix unit.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] thread makes csi eats lots of cpu

2008-07-10 Thread felix winkelmann
On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 3:16 AM, William Xu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It prints the first number 0, which is called before thread-sleep!.
> After that, it'll wait for me to input something random(here, "what?"),
> then it'll continute running the thread.

On Linux this runs fine, but I'll check that (should I ever get a chance
to hack some Scheme in the next days, which I doubt...).

> The other problem is that after running this thread, and even after it's
> finished, csi starts to takes up to around 97% cpu usage!! on my dual
> core macbook.  Then I have to restart csi.

When the counter reaches five, your thread goes into an endless loop.
This will of course consume all CPU time.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Re: thread makes csi eats lots of cpu

2008-07-10 Thread Elf

oke, so youre on osx and its blocking from stdin... i was not aware of this.
thank you.  :)


On Fri, 11 Jul 2008, William Xu wrote:

Elf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

You're running readline in csi, yes?  That blocks the threads.

I didn't install this egg.

| #;1> (use readline)
| Error: (require) can not load extension: readline
|   Call history:
| (use readline)
| (##core#require-extension (quote readline))
| (begin (##sys#require (quote readline)) 
| (##sys#require (quote readline))
| (quote readline)
| (##core#undefined)
|   (##sys#require (quote readline))<--

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Re: thread makes csi eats lots of cpu

2008-07-10 Thread William Xu
Elf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> You're running readline in csi, yes?  That blocks the threads.

I didn't install this egg.  

| #;1> (use readline)
| Error: (require) can not load extension: readline
|   Call history:
|   (use readline)
|   (##core#require-extension (quote readline))
|   (begin (##sys#require (quote readline)) 
|   (##sys#require (quote readline))
|   (quote readline)
|   (##core#undefined)
| (##sys#require (quote readline))<--


Behind every great man, there is a woman -- urging him on.
-- Harry Mudd, "I, Mudd", stardate 4513.3

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] thread makes csi eats lots of cpu

2008-07-10 Thread Elf

You're running readline in csi, yes?  That blocks the threads.


On Fri, 11 Jul 2008, William Xu wrote:

Run the following program in csi:

 (use posix srfi-18)

 (thread-start! (let ((max 5)
  (i 0))
  (letrec ((thunk (lambda ()
(when (< i max)
  (print i)
  (thread-sleep! 1)
  (set! i (+ i 1)))

I'm expecting it to print 0-5.  But the result is the following:

| #;2> #
| #;3> 0
| what?
| Error: unbound variable: what?
| #;3> 1
| 2
| 3
| 4

It prints the first number 0, which is called before thread-sleep!.
After that, it'll wait for me to input something random(here, "what?"),
then it'll continute running the thread.

The other problem is that after running this thread, and even after it's
finished, csi starts to takes up to around 97% cpu usage!! on my dual
core macbook.  Then I have to restart csi.

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Little fix in

2008-07-10 Thread Alonso Andres

I was compiling the hygienic Chicken then at some point a parser error was

It was because the constant C_SVN_REVISION was empty, and I've noticed its value
is generated from the "buildsvnrevision" file, which in turn is created by the
script "".

This script uses the svn command. But since the locale is configured to my
native language, svn outputs in the current locale and the information can't be

This issue was easily fixed by adding the line LANG="C" into the top of
"". Maybe this can be useful to someone else who happens to be
using a different locale than English and wants to compile Chicken.

Thanks for working hard on this nice project,

Alonso Andres

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Re: getopt, getopt_long?

2008-07-10 Thread Shawn Rutledge
On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 6:26 PM, William Xu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't know if i understand correctly.  If that means making each egg a
> debian package, oh Jesus!! That'll spawn many debian eggs.  And
> considering there are that many linux distributions, it's a big burden..
> not to mention non-linux platforms.

There are many Debian packages though in general.

This is kindof like perl modules: do you expect to have a distro
package or do you want to use the perl cpan code to automatically
download and install a module?  Most distros actually have a bunch of
popular perl modules as packages, even though that's some work for
them to maintain.  (But I've still had to use cpan once in a while
too... and I'm not even much of a perl developer, I just have had to
download prerequisites for other packages that I wanted to use,

Obviously it needs to be automated (the process should be the same for
each egg, so that it can be automated), but actually getting it done
could be the work of some interested Debian developer, rather than
someone who thinks of it as a drudgery (which would be most people, I
would think).

Worse, on Debian and OpenMoko they like to have, in addition to the
main binary package, a separate -dev package which has the headers,
static libs and other stuff necessary for developing with the package,
and a -doc package.  Doing that for each egg seems like a lot of work
too.  But on a cell phone you don't want to install any more than you
must, depending on what your interest is, to save space.  I'm not sure
if Debian people will mind if an egg also includes its docs though.

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] thread makes csi eats lots of cpu

2008-07-10 Thread William Xu
Run the following program in csi: 

  (use posix srfi-18)
  (thread-start! (let ((max 5)
   (i 0))
   (letrec ((thunk (lambda ()
 (when (< i max)
   (print i)
   (thread-sleep! 1)
   (set! i (+ i 1)))

I'm expecting it to print 0-5.  But the result is the following: 

| #;2> #
| #;3> 0
| what?
| Error: unbound variable: what?
| #;3> 1
| 2
| 3
| 4

It prints the first number 0, which is called before thread-sleep!.
After that, it'll wait for me to input something random(here, "what?"),
then it'll continute running the thread.  

The other problem is that after running this thread, and even after it's
finished, csi starts to takes up to around 97% cpu usage!! on my dual
core macbook.  Then I have to restart csi.  


The animals are not as stupid as one thinks -- they have neither
doctors nor lawyers.
-- L. Docquier

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Re: getopt, getopt_long?

2008-07-10 Thread William Xu
"felix winkelmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I think chicken-setup should NOT duplicate functionality that
> modern packaging tools provide. Dpkg and portage will always
> do a better job at that, and it would be more worthwhile to push
> for adoption of eggs into these packaging systems (which, IIRC,
> Ivan already does with debianizing several eggs).

I don't know if i understand correctly.  If that means making each egg a
debian package, oh Jesus!! That'll spawn many debian eggs.  And
considering there are that many linux distributions, it's a big burden..
not to mention non-linux platforms.  


You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.
-- Indira Gandhi

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Re: getopt, getopt_long?

2008-07-10 Thread Ivan Raikov


  I agree that if we consider only the essentials needed by
chicken-setup, is should be possible to simplify egg installation, but
this is precisely what could be accomplished by isolating the
semantics in a domain-specific language. 

  The current chicken-setup is essentially a Scheme interpreter with
some macros and procedures for compiling and installing files. There
is no way, however, to separate the installation by phases, such as
documentation installation, library installation, etc. You keep
insisting that such support for installation phases is duplicating
the functionality of package management tools, but that is not the
case at all. Installation phases will help support binary packages,
but would not replace their functionality. 

  Instead of manually creating Debian and RPM packages, it would be
much simpler if the egg format specified what are the make commands
for compiling, and identified the different components of the egg
(libraries, executables, tests, examples, documentation). The a Debian
package creation tool could parse that information and generate the
corresponding Debian rules and control file.

  I agree that dpkg and friends would probably do a better job at
supporting multiple versions of the same egg, etc., so at present I
don't see the need for incorporating such functionality in
chicken-setup. But a domain-specific language that allows the
specification of installation locations, phases, and so on, would
provide a platform to experiment with such ideas in the future.


"felix winkelmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Allow me a slight rant...
> chicken-setup has served us well, but now has mutated into a large
> intricate mess. There has been a rewrite a while ago, but the messiness
> is still there, partly because a tool like chicken-setup has to do so
> many different things (file-system operations, extension handling,
> HTTP download, build invocation, cross-compilation, etc.). I think the
> only solution is to completely dump it and start from scratch. 
> If we consider what we
> essentially need (executing .setup scripts in a directory with the
> egg sources), a backwards compatible API for executing the build
> scripts it should be possible to reorganize the installation and
> upgrading of eggs on a user's system in a simpler, better
> maintainable and more transparent way.
> I have actually tried to isolate the pure .setup API (hygienic
> branch, module setup-api.scm), but haven't got the time
> or energy to start with such a project (insert the usual *HINT*
> here - if someone would be willing to go for it, he/she could
> rely on my eternal gratefulness).
> I think chicken-setup should NOT duplicate functionality that
> modern packaging tools provide. Dpkg and portage will always
> do a better job at that, and it would be more worthwhile to push
> for adoption of eggs into these packaging systems (which, IIRC,
> Ivan already does with debianizing several eggs). But a simple,
> portable, library-only way of fetching a tarball via HTTP, extract,
> build and install it, upgrade it if necessary and listing what's installed
> would make all the extensions available to everybody (and that
> would be enough, IMHO). A bare minimum to have access to all
> those libraries and keep them up to date.

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: Chicken-setup redesign (was: Re: [Chicken-users] Re: getopt, getopt_long?)

2008-07-10 Thread Elf

you can run chicken-setup in a way to compile an egg in-place in the
current directory while you are developing it, right?  rather than
having to completely package it first, and without having to install
it in its final location?  I've been writing Makefiles for that, but
figured there must be another way.

chicken-setup -n 
(will run chicken-setup against any .setup files it sees in the local
directory but will not install them.  if you want them to be installed, it 
should be just 'chicken-setup')


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: Chicken-setup redesign (was: Re: [Chicken-users] Re: getopt, getopt_long?)

2008-07-10 Thread Shawn Rutledge
On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 3:08 PM, Elf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  however,
> much of the actual compilation is *not* duplication, as extra bits like
> linked libraries need to be specified.  i can draft a proposal for how to

Good point (my own eggs even do that).  But it still maybe wouldn't
have to be a complete, exact, brittle command for compiling, and there
are many eggs that don't need to link libraries too.

> fix things based on my own experiences both with the repo and with
> chicken-setup, if people are interested.

Sounds good.

That reminds me of a dumb question I didn't get around to asking yet -
you can run chicken-setup in a way to compile an egg in-place in the
current directory while you are developing it, right?  rather than
having to completely package it first, and without having to install
it in its final location?  I've been writing Makefiles for that, but
figured there must be another way.

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: Chicken-setup redesign (was: Re: [Chicken-users] Re: getopt, getopt_long?)

2008-07-10 Thread Elf

oops, sorry about that.

my 2c.

chicken-setup is indeed overcomplex.  i would propose a change not only to
the chicken-setup and metadata files, but to the repo as well.  as shawn said,
there is a lot of duplication of data that should not be necessary.  however,
much of the actual compilation is *not* duplication, as extra bits like 
linked libraries need to be specified.  i can draft a proposal for how to
fix things based on my own experiences both with the repo and with 
chicken-setup, if people are interested.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: Chicken-setup redesign (was: Re: [Chicken-users] Re: getopt, getopt_long?)

2008-07-10 Thread John Cowan
Elf scripsit:


Fascinating!  Tell us more.

Female celebrity stalker, on a hot morning in Cairo:
"Imagine, Colonel Lawrence, ninety-two already!"
El Auruns's reply:  "Many happy returns of the day!"

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: Chicken-setup redesign (was: Re: [Chicken-users] Re: getopt, getopt_long?)

2008-07-10 Thread Elf

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: Chicken-setup redesign (was: Re: [Chicken-users] Re: getopt, getopt_long?)

2008-07-10 Thread Shawn Rutledge
On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 09:25:21AM +0200, felix winkelmann wrote:
> Allow me a slight rant...
> chicken-setup has served us well, but now has mutated into a large
> intricate mess. There has been a rewrite a while ago, but the messiness
> is still there, partly because a tool like chicken-setup has to do so
> many different things (file-system operations, extension handling,
> HTTP download, build invocation, cross-compilation, etc.). I think the
> only solution is to
> completely dump it and start from scratch. If we consider what we
> essentially need (executing .setup scripts in a directory with the
> egg sources), a backwards compatible API for executing the build
> scripts it should be possible to reorganize the installation and
> upgrading of eggs on a user's system in a simpler, better
> maintainable and more transparent way.

I look at it this way: what is essential is the metadata, including
the enumeration of the files that are included along with what they
_are_.  If I say "here are my source files, here are my documentation
files, and here are my examples" why shouldn't chicken-setup know what
to do with them by default?  Or if you even leave those out, but have
a standard directory structure (src, doc and examples) chicken-setup
could make straightforward decisions based on that.  So the minimum
requirement would be a metadata file containing the egg description
and category.

Writing a separate setup script in addition to that should be
optional, and rare.  I don't like all the duplication of information
with the current requirements for writing an egg.

And the install locations will be different for different systems
sometimes, so they must not be hard-coded, and setup scripts should
not be telling chicken-setup to violate those rules (like to put the
documentation in the same directory as the compiled .so's... that's
really messy).  chicken-setup can be customized or parameterized to
handle those cases.  It's a system thing, not an egg thing.  To play
well with various Linux distros, it's a requirement to follow their
rules about where packages' files are to be located.

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: Chicken-setup redesign (was: Re: [Chicken-users] Re: getopt, getopt_long?)

2008-07-10 Thread Peter Bex
On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 02:41:27PM +0200, Peter Bex wrote:
> Of course, this would also require the possibility of loading a
> particular version of a library.  I propose this syntax:
> (require-library foo (bar 1.2) (qux 1))
> This requires the latest installed version of foo (whatever that is),
> and version 1.2 of bar.  From qux the latest installed minor version
> with major version 1 is required (so, if you have 1.1 and 1.2 installed,
> it will pick 1.2).  These semantics match those of the 'versions' egg,
> I think.

On second thought, the syntax above is needlessly complex.

(require-library foo bar-1.2 qux-1) is much more straightforward and
maps _directly_ to the code in the 'versions' egg, too.  It also reserves
the "structured library names" like (bar ..) for future enhancements.

"The process of preparing programs for a digital computer
 is especially attractive, not only because it can be economically
 and scientifically rewarding, but also because it can be an aesthetic
 experience much like composing poetry or music."
-- Donald Knuth

Description: PGP signature
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Profiling large programs

2008-07-10 Thread Sven . Hartrumpf
Thu, 10 Jul 2008 12:39:33 +0200, bunny351 wrote:
> See trunk head. You can enable profiling for particular procedures
> like this;
> (declare (profile  ...))

Works perfectly for me. Thanks for the fast implementation of this useful
feature, Felix!

Description: PGP signature
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: Chicken-setup redesign (was: Re: [Chicken-users] Re: getopt, getopt_long?)

2008-07-10 Thread felix winkelmann
On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 2:41 PM, Peter Bex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> To keep things simple, only one version of any egg can be loaded in one
> program at a time.

This not only simplifies but is absolutely crucial.

But there are many things that should be supported in a redesign:
we must try to simplify creating customized or personal repositories,
to access them locally (via file-system operations), to have the complete
metadata on the host machine and to keep cross-compilation in mind.
I would happily assist in the design, if that is acceptable (but I can
also keep
my mouth shut, no problem).

The most important part still is to keep old .setup scripts working, or
at least provide backwards-compatibility.


Chicken-users mailing list

Chicken-setup redesign (was: Re: [Chicken-users] Re: getopt, getopt_long?)

2008-07-10 Thread Peter Bex
On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 09:25:21AM +0200, felix winkelmann wrote:
> Allow me a slight rant...
> chicken-setup has served us well, but now has mutated into a large
> intricate mess. There has been a rewrite a while ago, but the messiness
> is still there, partly because a tool like chicken-setup has to do so
> many different things (file-system operations, extension handling,
> HTTP download, build invocation, cross-compilation, etc.). I think the
> only solution is to
> completely dump it and start from scratch. 

Now would be the time to consider allowing multiple versions of the same
library installed at the same time.  If we are to make Chicken
attractive in business settings, there needs to be a way to keep old
stuff working while being able to make use of the latest & greatest
when starting new projects. Businesses don't have the time or money to
keep upgrading their old code whenever they install new,
backwards-incompatible libraries.

Of course, this would also require the possibility of loading a
particular version of a library.  I propose this syntax:

(require-library foo (bar 1.2) (qux 1))

This requires the latest installed version of foo (whatever that is),
and version 1.2 of bar.  From qux the latest installed minor version
with major version 1 is required (so, if you have 1.1 and 1.2 installed,
it will pick 1.2).  These semantics match those of the 'versions' egg,
I think.

To keep things simple, only one version of any egg can be loaded in one
program at a time.

"The process of preparing programs for a digital computer
 is especially attractive, not only because it can be economically
 and scientifically rewarding, but also because it can be an aesthetic
 experience much like composing poetry or music."
-- Donald Knuth

Description: PGP signature
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Profiling large programs

2008-07-10 Thread Sven . Hartrumpf
Wed, 9 Jul 2008 13:45:30 -0700 (PDT), elf wrote:

> are you inlining anything in the scheme source?

Only some functions.
I have eliminated these cases (and used -inline-limit 0), but no change.

Now I will try Felix' solution ...

Description: PGP signature
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Profiling large programs

2008-07-10 Thread felix winkelmann
On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 9:13 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> What would perhaps be easier, is to
>> allow selective profiling (say by declaring a number of procedures
>> that should be profiled). Would this be acceptable for you?
> Yes, that would be an interesting option!

See trunk head. You can enable profiling for particular procedures
like this;

(declare (profile  ...))


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] strange bug - help needed

2008-07-10 Thread F. Wittenberger
forget about it - todays svn version does the job again

Am Donnerstag, den 10.07.2008, 11:51 +0200 schrieb Jörg F. Wittenberger:
> Am Donnerstag, den 10.07.2008, 12:56 +0900 schrieb Ivan Raikov:
> > What is the content of util-chicken.scm? 
> helper functions
> attached
> > 
> > 
> > Jörg "F. Wittenberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > > Until I updated to svn trunk today, my program did work fine (as far as
> > > I ported it already).
> > >
> > > Now I see 
> > >
> > > Error: call of non-procedure: #
> > >
> > >
> > > The stracktrace is weird:
> > >
> > >   Call history:
> > >
> > >   util-chicken.scm: 543  create-pipe  
> > >   util-chicken.scm: 544  process-fork 
> > >   util-chicken.scm: 547  sudo!
> > >   util-chicken.scm: 549  duplicate-fileno 
> > >   util-chicken.scm: 550  duplicate-fileno 
> > >   util-chicken.scm: 551  close-all-ports-except   
> > >   util-chicken.scm: 552  thunk
> > >   util-chicken.scm: 561  process-execute  <--
> > >
> > > ...that is if I don't print the value of "process-execute" - if I do,
> > > it runs different:�
> ___
> Chicken-users mailing list

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Proposed addition to tcp unit

2008-07-10 Thread F. Wittenberger
Am Mittwoch, den 09.07.2008, 23:14 +0200 schrieb Hans Bulfone:
> hi,
> On Wed, Jul 09, 2008 at 02:22:45PM +0200, Jörg F. Wittenberger wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I wanted to control tcp connections from chicken, but handle the actual
> > traffic by an external program.
> > 
> > This appears not quite possible with the tcp unit as it stands.
> > tcp-accept starts reading from the accepted connection while my
> > connection handler starves.  (Or at worst they will share the traffic in
> > an unpredictable way.)
> > 
> > To cope with the situation I added "tcp-get-next-client" (which is
> > incidentally compatible with rscheme's "get-next-client", since that's
> > the code I'm porting).
> > 
> > Is this a general useful addition?  I'd appreciate if it would it make
> > it into chicken.  Will it?
> i cannot decide this, but i have a question:
> your code looks just like tcp-accept (from chicken 3.1.0) except that
> you return (values fd (##net#getpeername fd)) and tcp-accept returns
> (##net#io-ports fd).

Yes, it's just this slight modification.

> i don't understand why wrapping the fd in scheme ports should read
> anything from the fd if the ports are not used in any way besides
> getting the fd out (which doesn't seem to be possible right now -
> perhaps also a useful addition :)

This is actually possible using port->fileno.

I tried this first and got a valid fd; the writing side (chicken ->
connection handler) did work well.  But reading from connection handler
was a mess.

> otoh... ##net#io-ports makes the fd non-blocking

which it should

>  and closes them at
> some point so you are probably right, a lower-level function should be
> available that just returns the plain fd. (and tcp-accept should then
> just be (##net#io-ports (tcp-get-next-client-or-something tcpl))
> i'd prefer tcp-accept* or tcp-accept/fd over tcp-get-next-client.

Since this is an single, isolated code spot in my 100kLOC to be ported,
I don't mind any name.  function first: I want it to fly


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Re: getopt, getopt_long?

2008-07-10 Thread felix winkelmann
>   I agree about the apt-like functionality, and even proposed the
> design of a domain-specific language for such purposes but Felix
> thinks it makes things too complicated.

Allow me a slight rant...

chicken-setup has served us well, but now has mutated into a large
intricate mess. There has been a rewrite a while ago, but the messiness
is still there, partly because a tool like chicken-setup has to do so
many different things (file-system operations, extension handling,
HTTP download, build invocation, cross-compilation, etc.). I think the
only solution is to
completely dump it and start from scratch. If we consider what we
essentially need (executing .setup scripts in a directory with the
egg sources), a backwards compatible API for executing the build
scripts it should be possible to reorganize the installation and
upgrading of eggs on a user's system in a simpler, better
maintainable and more transparent way.

I have actually tried to isolate the pure .setup API (hygienic
branch, module setup-api.scm), but haven't got the time
or energy to start with such a project (insert the usual *HINT*
here - if someone would be willing to go for it, he/she could
rely on my eternal gratefulness).

I think chicken-setup should NOT duplicate functionality that
modern packaging tools provide. Dpkg and portage will always
do a better job at that, and it would be more worthwhile to push
for adoption of eggs into these packaging systems (which, IIRC,
Ivan already does with debianizing several eggs). But a simple,
portable, library-only way of fetching a tarball via HTTP, extract,
build and install it, upgrade it if necessary and listing what's installed
would make all the extensions available to everybody (and that
would be enough, IMHO). A bare minimum to have access to all
those libraries and keep them up to date.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Profiling large programs

2008-07-10 Thread Sven . Hartrumpf
Hi Felix.

Thu, 10 Jul 2008 09:10:09 +0200, bunny351 wrote:
> Enabling profiling adds considerable decorations to the code (so it's
> mostly a pure source-code-level operation). By doing more of the
> decoration on the C-level (and with the necessary changes to the
> backend), this could be reduced, but there is no quick solution

I guessed so too.

> What would perhaps be easier, is to
> allow selective profiling (say by declaring a number of procedures
> that should be profiled). Would this be acceptable for you?

Yes, that would be an interesting option!


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Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Profiling large programs

2008-07-10 Thread felix winkelmann
On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 1:55 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all.
> Compile times of chicken increase considerably when adding -profile.
> For example,
> 17 hours on a recent 2.4GHz processor instead of just some minutes
> without -profile.
> Furthermore, the resulting C file is 1.3GB so that it cannot be
> compiled by gcc. Here is the start of the resulting C file:
> /* Generated from nallch.scm by the CHICKEN compiler
>   2008-07-08 18:46
>   Version 3.3.1 - linux-unix-gnu-x86   [ manyargs dload ]
>   SVN rev. 10820  compiled 2008-05-14 on ki220 (Linux)
>   command line: nallch.scm -debug-level 0 -optimize-level 1 -profile 
> -output-file nallch3.c
>   used units: library eval data_structures ports extras srfi_69 profiler 
> posix srfi_1
> */
> ...
> Does anybody have any hints how to profile a large program?
> (Separate compilation is not an option for me, currently.)

Enabling profiling adds considerable decorations to the code (so it's
mostly a pure source-code-level operation). By doing more of the
decoration on the C-level (and with the necessary changes to the
backend), this could be reduced, but there is no quick solution
I can offer, other than separate compilation (which, as you already
said,  isn't possible for you). What would perhaps be easier, is to
allow selective profiling (say by declaring a number of procedures
that should be profiled). Would this be acceptable for you?


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