Re: [Chicken-users] Comparse recursive parser

2019-02-17 Thread Evan Hanson
Hi there,

On 2019-02-16 19:33, Joe Anonimist wrote:
> Unfortunately the recursive-parser procedure is not documented and
> the above code just keeps looping.

Regarding `recursive-parser', note that this has nothing to do with
recursive parsing per se, but rather exists to simplify *syntactic*
recursion, i.e. referring to a parser before it has been defined. For

  (define a*b
(any-of (sequence (is #\a) (recursive-parser a*b))
(is #\b)))

Without `recursive-parser' you would need to enclose the parser body
manually somehow. Regardless, the infinite recursion you're seeing is
due to your grammar, as megane says.



Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] eggs failing to install on freebsd 12

2019-02-17 Thread Gavin Reade
Hi All,

I'm having trouble installing some eggs on freebsd 12, in particular
breadline and iup.
The build fails with (in the case of breadline) an error with readline.h
not being found.
In the case of iup it fails with ffi.h not being found.

It turns out that both these header files are installed in
/usr/local/include.  A similar issue was raised in the freebsd users list
(related to compiling C source) and the fix was to define a $C_INCLUDE_PATH
I have tried this and it makes no difference.
I have also edited the CSC5 command in the "" to "export
CHICKEN_CSC='/usr/local/bin/csc5 -I /usr/local/include'
However this gets over written when I run the chicken-install5 iup.

Has anyone had a similar experience?

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