[ANN] sdl2 0.4 released

2021-10-21 Thread John Croisant
Hello all,

Version 0.4 of the sdl2 egg is now available for CHICKEN 4 and 5:


This release adds many new features, and type declarations for over 500
procedures to provide improved compile-time checks. It also has a few
small changes that break backward compatibility. See the CHANGELOG for
full details:


Thanks to megane and kp for their bug reports, and megane for
spearheading an effort to reduce error-checking boilerplate.


- John Croisant

Request for feedback on FFI helpers egg (Jiffi)

2021-07-17 Thread John Croisant

Hello all,
I have been working on a new egg called Jiffi, which provides
  high-level helpers for writing foreign-function interface (FFI)
  bindings to C libraries. It is especially helpful for large and
  complex libraries. I hope it will also lower the barrier for
  beginners to create high-quality bindings and contribute to the
  CHICKEN ecosystem. You can read more on the wiki:

Jiffi is already usable and fully documented. However, before I
  stabilize the API, I would like some volunteers of various
  experience levels to try using it to create bindings to a C
  library (or part of a C library), and provide feedback about any
  concepts or documentation that are confusing, and any use cases
  that are difficult to accomplish.
My current plan is to accept feedback until mid-August, then try
  to release a beta with a stable API in early September.
You can provide feedback by joining the IRC channel ##jiffi (with
  two #) on the Libera.Chat network, or by emailing me off-list.
  Programmers of all experience levels are welcome, and I am happy
  to provide help writing bindings, and answer your questions. :)
- John Croisant


New egg: macaw

2020-04-20 Thread John Croisant
Hello everyone,

I have published a new egg, macaw. It provides efficient color types,
math operations, and color space conversion. It is primarily meant for
computer graphics, data visualization, image processing, games, etc. The
examples directory has a useful HSL color picker application
in about 300 lines of code.

Docs: https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/macaw

Release info for CHICKEN 4 and 5:

Wishing you all good health,

- John Croisant

New egg: web-colors

2019-12-31 Thread John Croisant
I have published a new egg, web-colors. It provides procedures to parse
and write colors in a variety of formats used in HTML/CSS:

- Hex colors in #RGB, #RGBA, #RRGGBB, and #RRGGBBAA formats
- rgb() and rgba() colors
- hsl() and hsla() colors
- Named colors, a.k.a. color keywords

The egg is mainly targeted at CHICKEN 5, but also works with CHICKEN 4.
There can sometimes be differences in the exactness of numbers due to
CHICKEN 4 not having a built-in ratio type.

Docs: https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/5/web-colors

Release info for CHICKEN 4 and 5:

Happy new year!

- John Croisant

[Chicken-users] [ANN] ck-macros 0.2.0

2019-02-28 Thread John Croisant
The ck-macros egg version 0.2.0 has been released. This version adds
CHICKEN 5 support, many new features, some R5RS compatibility fixes, and
a few breaking changes to the API.


ck-macros is based on work by Oleg Kiselyov, with many original
contributions by me. It provides a novel kind of  macro (or, a novel way
of using macros) with two important properties:

1. Aside from wrappers, they are implemented using only standard R5RS
features, mostly syntax-rules. So they are trivially portable to pretty
much any Scheme, not just CHICKEN. And wrappers are trivially portable
to any Scheme that implements er-macro-transformer in the usual way.

2. They can be composed (combined) much like Scheme procedures can. It
is even possible to create higher-order macros, analogous to
higher-order functions. For example, you can use "c-compose" to compose
multiple CK-macros together, then use "c-map1" to map the composed macro
over a list. There are many, many examples on the wiki page.

The biggest new feature in version 0.2.0 is the "ck-wrapper" procedure,
which creates a CK-macro from any Scheme procedure, including lambda
forms and "let over lambda" closures. The egg provides wrappers for many
standard R5RS procedures, and it's trivial to create your own.

If this sounds useful to you, wonderful. Personally, I just enjoy
exploring the boundaries of what is possible with this idea -- already
much more than I expected!

- John Croisant

P.S. Please add this to the CHICKEN 5 coop:


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Difficulty installing eggs on Chicken 5 on Windows 7 MSYS2

2019-02-28 Thread John Croisant
On 2/28/19 6:50 AM, dignified face wrote:
> Hello,
> I installed Chicken 5.0.0 on Windows 7 64bit with MSYS2, following the 
> instructions found here: http://wiki.call-cc.org/msys2
> All works fine, but when I try to install an egg - for instance 
> "chicken-install matchable" - I get the following error:
> building matchable
>C:/msys64/usr/local/bin/csc -host -D compiling-extension -J -s -setup-mode 
> -I C:\msys64\home\username\.chicken-install\cache\matchable -C 
> -IC:\msys64\home\username\.chicken-install\cache\matchable -O2 -d1 
> matchable.scm -o 
> C:\msys64\home\username\.chicken-install\cache\matchable\matchable.so
> creating subprocess failed
> Error: shell command terminated with nonzero exit code
> 1
> "C:\\msys64\\home\\username\\.chicken-install\\cache\\matchable\\matchable.build.bat"
> chicken-do seems to be the problem. I managed to build the egg by copying the 
> csc invocations from matchable.build.bat then running matchable.install.bat 
> manually, but this seems like a bad approach. Any help would be greatly 
> appreciated!
> Thanks in advance,
> JJ

Unfortunately I don't have a solution, but I have the same problem on
Windows 10 MSYS2. Here is a paste with a bunch of information in case it
helps someone debug the problem:


One thing I didn't mention in the paste is that I did a "make check"
after compiling and installing CHICKEN, and it seemed to pass. I didn't
paste the output of make check because it is extremely long.

- John Croisant

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] [ANN] sdl2, sdl2-image, sdl2-ttf eggs ported to CHICKEN 5

2019-02-13 Thread John Croisant
sdl2 v0.3.0, sdl2-image v0.2.0, and sdl2-ttf v0.2.0 have been released.

The main changes are compatibility with CHICKEN 5 (as well as CHICKEN
4), a more user-friendly installation process, and support for linking
to frameworks on macOS. In most cases, the installer should now
automatically detect the SDL2 compiler flags necessary for your system.
Please let me know if you have any installation problems so I can fix them.

Thanks to Christian Kellermann, Kristian Lein-Mathisen, Laughing Man,
and Jonas whose bug reports and suggestions made the eggs better. Thanks
also to Matt Welland whose email inspired me to finish porting to CHICKEN 5.

- John Croisant

P.S. Please add these URLs to the CHICKEN 5 coop:


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] [ANN] sdl2 egg 0.2.0

2016-02-13 Thread John Croisant

Version 0.2.0 of the sdl2 egg is now available!

The sdl2 egg provides bindings to version 2 of the SDL game development 
library. Highlights of this release include:

- Support for 2D accelerated rendering (renderer and texture)
- Support for hints (configuration variables)
- Support for most SDL 2.0.4 features
- Efficient color, point, and rect operations
- Performance improvements
- Improved integer type checking
- Miscellaneous other changes

For more details, please see the CHANGELOG: 

Many thanks to Kooda Loutre and Kristian Lein-Mathisen for submitting 
suggestions which have been implemented in this release. :)

- John Croisant

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] [ANN] ck-macros egg

2016-02-07 Thread John Croisant
I have created a new egg, ck-macros. If you have ever written a 
syntax-rules macro and wished that you could expand its arguments ahead 
of time, this egg may be of interest to you.

The egg includes Oleg Kiselyov's "ck" macro, plus about 80 small 
composable CK-macros written by me, most of them analogous to functions 
from R5RS, SRFI-1, and SRFI-43.

For those not aware (as I wasn't until a week ago), CK-macros are a 
style of macros which use the CK abstract machine (implemented as the 
core "ck" macro) to recursively expand the CK-macro's arguments, before 
the CK-macro itself is expanded. This gives you more control over the 
macro expansion process, allowing you to easily combine simple reusable 
macros to form more complex macros. This makes it easy to write portable 
macros that previously were only feasible using non-portable features 
like CHICKEN's low level macros.

Writing CK-macros is remarkably similar to writing Scheme functions, 
except they are computed at macro-expansion time, and you have the 
benefit of syntax-rules pattern matching and destructuring. You can even 
implement "higher-ordered macros" which take a macro as an argument. For 
example the "c-map" macro applies a macro to every item in a list, at 
macro-expansion time.

Another nice thing about CK-macros is that all of the macros currently 
in the egg are implemented using only standard R5RS features, namely 
syntax-rules and let-syntax. This means they are trivially portable to 
any R5RS implementation, unlike CHICKEN's low level macros.

For more information about CK-macros, including a tutorial about how to 
write them (it's not hard, but there are a few things you must be 
careful of), see the egg wiki page: 

In the future, I plan to add non-portable CK-macros (based on CHICKEN's 
low level macros) for string manipulation and decimal math.

Many thanks to Oleg Kiselyov for creating the "ck" macro, without which 
this egg would not be possible. Thanks also to "please_help", who 
mentioned CK-macros on IRC, which led me to learn about them.

- John Croisant

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] [ANN] sdl2-ttf 0.1

2015-12-25 Thread John Croisant

Version 0.1 of the sdl2-ttf egg is now ready.

The sdl2-ttf egg provides bindings to SDL2_ttf, a library for rendering 
text using TTF, OTF, and FON font files. This egg is designed to be 
compatible with the new sdl2 egg, which provides bindings to SDL2, the 
popular game library.

* sdl2-ttf docs: http://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/4/sdl2-ttf
* Issue tracker: https://gitlab.com/chicken-sdl2/chicken-sdl2-ttf/issues

Here is the release-info file. Please add it to egg-locations. :)


Happy holidays,

- John Croisant

P.S. Don't forget about the Lisp Game Jam coming up January 1!

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Bug: define-foreign-type causes confusing messages to be printed

2015-12-22 Thread John Croisant
I have observed some strange compiler behavior while developing the sdl2 
egg, and now I have finally gotten an idea of what is causing it.

If you use define-foreign-type and provide argconvert and retconvert 
procedures, but never use that foreign type in a function binding as a 
return type or argument type, the compiler will print out messages such 
as "Note: global variable `foo#g11' is only locally visible and never used".

One or two messages like that are printed for every unused foreign type, 
depending on whether it is used as a return type, an argument type, or 
neither. For an egg like sdl2, which has many foreign types, this causes 
over a dozen messages to be printed when the egg is compiled. This is 
not a big problem, but it is a bit annoying and confusing. It can cause 
the developer or users to wonder if something is wrong, and how to fix 
it. It is especially perplexing because these seem to be gensyms, which 
are never found in the original source code, so you can't search to find 
where in your code they might be coming from.

Example: Create file foo.scm containing this code:

(module foo ()
  (import scheme chicken foreign)
  (define (unwrap x) x)
  (define (wrap x) x)
  (define-foreign-type my-type c-pointer unwrap wrap)

Compile with: csc -v foo.scm

Compilation succeeds, but the following messages are printed:

Note: global variable `foo#g11' is only locally visible and never used

Note: global variable `foo#g10' is only locally visible and never used

I would like it if the compiler did not print these messages. Perhaps 
the compiler could automatically (declare (unused g10 g11)) or 
something. Alternatively, the compiler could print a more informative 
message, such as "foreign type `my-type' is never used", so that it is 
more obvious what is causing the messages. But personally, I would 
rather just silence the messages, and that is probably easier to 
implement anyway.

I have reproduced this issue with CHICKEN and 4.10.0. I have not 
tried other versions yet. I am using Mac OS X 10.10.5. `chicken 
-version` says:

Version 4.10.0 (rev b259631)
macosx-unix-clang-x86-64 [ 64bit manyargs dload ptables ]
compiled 2015-08-04 on yves.more-magic.net (Linux)

Some observations:

These messages are only printed if you provide an argconvert or 
retconvert procedure to define-foreign-type. They are not printed if you 
pass only the first two arguments, e.g. (define-foreign-type my-type 

These messages are not printed if you actually use the foreign type as 
both a return type and an argument type of foreign lambdas. If you use 
the foreign type only as a return type, or only as an argument type, the 
compiler will print only one message.

Looking at CHICKEN's compiler.scm around line 1055, I see this in the 
code related to define-foreign-type:

(let ([arg (gensym)]
  [ret (gensym)] )
  (##sys#hash-table-set! foreign-type-table name (vector type arg ret))
  (mark-variable arg '##compiler#always-bound)
  (mark-variable ret '##compiler#always-bound)
  (hide-variable arg)
  (hide-variable ret)

This seems like the compiler is already trying to declare the gensyms as 
unused/hidden/whatever. So, I'm not sure why the messages are still 
being printed. Maybe those declarations are not sufficient, or maybe the 
cause is elsewhere.

I hope this information helps fix the cause of these confusing messages. :)


- John Croisant

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] January 2016 Lisp Game Jam

2015-12-21 Thread John Croisant

Attention CHICKEN game programmers,

There is a Lisp Game Jam coming up on January 1. You have 7 days to 
create a small game using any Lisp dialect, including CHICKEN Scheme. 
Think of it as a friendly, low-pressure opportunity to practice your 
game development skills and create something fun. CHICKEN has many game 
libraries and bindings, such as Allegro, Chipmunk, OpenAL, OpenGL, and 
SDL. Or you could create a text console game, or even a web browser game 
using awful and/or spock!

I will be participating, using the jam as an excuse to create another 
example game for the new sdl2 and sdl2-image eggs. I will also be 
hanging out in the #lispgames and #chicken IRC channels on freenode as 
much as I can during the jam, to answer anyone's questions about the 
sdl2 and sdl2-image eggs, and about game development in general. My IRC 
nickname is jacius.

You can find more info and join the jam at 
http://itch.io/jam/january-2016-lisp-game-jam . Don't forget to 
introduce yourself in the community forums. :)

Happy new year and happy jamming to all!

- John Croisant

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] [ANN] sdl2 and sdl2-image 0.1

2015-12-19 Thread John Croisant

Version 0.1 of the sdl2 and sdl2-image eggs are now ready!

The sdl2 egg provides bindings to Simple DirectMedia Layer 2 (SDL2), a 
popular library used in games and other media-rich software. The 
sdl2-image egg provides bindings to SDL2_image, a library for loading 
various types of image files to be used with SDL2. I have made an effort 
to create programmer-friendly, convenient, thorough, and well-documented 
bindings. They take care of the annoying low-level C stuff for you, so 
you can focus on making your game.

Although the version numbers for these libraries are only 0.1, they are 
ready to start using now. Some features have not been implemented yet, 
but it is already possible to create many types of games, even 3D games 
using OpenGL (when combined with  the gl-utils or opengl eggs, for 
example). Several demos and example programs are available to help you 
get started. Large backwards-incompatible changes are unlikely, but 
there may be small tweaks and fixes to the API if problems are 
discovered. There may be some bugs, but they will be fixed promptly if 
you report them to the issue tracker.

* sdl2 docs: http://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/4/sdl2
* sdl2-image docs: http://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/4/sdl2-image
* Examples: https://gitlab.com/chicken-sdl2/chicken-sdl2-examples
* Issue tracker: https://gitlab.com/chicken-sdl2/chicken-sdl2/issues

I also intend to eventually create bindings for other libraries, such as 
SDL2_ttf (text rendering), SDL2_mixer (sound effects and music), and 
SDL2_gfx (shape drawing and image transformation).

Here are the release-info files for the two new eggs. Please add them to 
egg-locations. :)



- John Croisant

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] [ANN] sdl2 and sdl2-image 0.1

2015-12-19 Thread John Croisant

On 12/19/15 11:11 PM, Evan Hanson wrote:

FWIW, the sdl2 egg fails to build with gcc-4.6:

 In file included from sdl2-internals.c:14:0:
 lib/sdl2-internals/custom-functions.c: In function 
 lib/sdl2-internals/custom-functions.c:212:3: error: ‘for’ loop initial 
declarations are only allowed in C99 mode
 lib/sdl2-internals/custom-functions.c:212:3: note: use option -std=c99 or 
-std=gnu99 to compile your code
 lib/sdl2-internals/custom-functions.c:213:5: error: ‘for’ loop initial 
declarations are only allowed in C99 mode
 lib/sdl2-internals/custom-functions.c: In function 
 lib/sdl2-internals/custom-functions.c:267:3: error: ‘for’ loop initial 
declarations are only allowed in C99 mode
 lib/sdl2-internals/custom-functions.c:268:5: error: ‘for’ loop initial 
declarations are only allowed in C99 mode

Building with gcc-5 instead worked fine. The sdl2-image project didn't
have this problem.
Thanks for this report. I have fixed the issue by changing the code to 
declare the variables before the for loop.

I will make a 0.1.1 bugfix release in a few days, after more people have 
had some time to maybe report some more bugs. :)

For future reference, here is the issue I filed on your behalf: 

Thanks again!

- John Croisant

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] New SDL2 eggs; help wanted

2015-11-05 Thread John Croisant

On 11/4/15 3:41 PM, Kooda wrote:

On Wed, Nov 04, 2015 at 01:35:13PM -0800, Dan Leslie wrote:

As a potential user and implementor of similar eggs (Allegro, SOIL, .. nanovg), 
I would provide fairly lean bindings first, then do any simplification or 
hand-holding as an additional module. It will save you time in the near term 
and provide flexibility to the users.


It seems to already be the case. There is a sdl-internals module used by
the public sdl2 module.

Yes, the sdl2 egg is implemented as two modules, sdl2 and 
sdl2-internals. The sdl2-internals module is not considered part of the 
public API, and does not have the same stability guarantees. But, some 
parts of it are safe to use, which I have today written a guide to document:


So, if anyone really needs to drop down to a lower level, the low-level 
bindings *do* exist. But I hope most people will not need (or want) to 
do that. If there are low-level operations that people need to perform, 
please submit a feature request so I can consider providing support for 
it to the sdl2 module. That said, the purpose of this egg is only to 
provide convenient access to SDL2's features. It is not a high-level 
game framework or engine. (But it would be a good foundation for someone 
to build a high-level game framework or engine on top of.)

- John Croisant

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] New SDL2 eggs; help wanted

2015-11-04 Thread John Croisant

Hello everyone,

I am working on new eggs that provide bindings to version 2 of Simple 
DirectMedia Layer (SDL), the popular game development library, and 
related libraries. The eggs will soon be ready for an alpha release, 
with partial functionality. I am looking for people to help with 
testing, documentation, and creating demos and example games.

The APIs are not yet set in stone, so please take a look, try the eggs 
out, and send me your feedback. I am already planning to make procedures 
signal exceptions when an error occurs, instead of returning error codes 
like the C library does.

- sdl2: http://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/4/sdl2
- sdl2-image: http://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/4/sdl2-image
- Examples: https://gitlab.com/chicken-sdl2/chicken-sdl2-examples

I am also planning to eventually make eggs for SDL_mixer 2, SDL_ttf 2, 
and (parts of) SDL_gfx 2.

CHICKEN already has eggs for version 1 of SDL and some related 
libraries. These new eggs are for version 2 of SDL, which has many new 
features and improvements. These eggs are new codebases (not updates of 
the earlier eggs), and I am working to create very polished, thorough, 
and maintainable eggs.

Currently the project needs people to help with:

- Manual testing (installing, running examples) on different platforms
- Writing unit tests and semi-automated test programs
- Writing API reference docs, guides, and tutorials
- Creating detailed installation instructions for different platforms
- Creating feature demos and example games/programs

In the longer term, I want to provide good instructions, tooling, and a 
project template for building and distributing self-contained CHICKEN 
games for various operating systems. If you have experience making 
self-contained CHICKEN apps, especially apps using C libraries, and you 
would be willing to answer some questions or help out, please contact me.

If you are interested in helping in any way, please send me an email.


- John Croisant

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] which RxRS?

2013-12-10 Thread John Croisant


This is not the proper venue for rehashing or ranting about the Scheme 
standardization process. And, it's very inappropriate to vilify and 
insult other community members. Your original question was answered by 
Christian Kellermann. Let's leave it at that, and not start another 
flame war.

- John Croisant

On 12/10/13 7:08 PM, Giorgio Flaverli wrote:

@John Cowan;

An Olin Shivers-style rant (the Jack'n'Zac one that opens the SCSH 
manual) would be extremely tempting given your lack of ability to 
comprehend the immense harm that your position brought to the unique 
value proposition of Scheme. I've noticed there is little hope arguing 
with people like you.

Everytime you introduce a new standard, especially one that is 
backwards-incompatible, you split the codebase. Some people will write 
R6RS code that is incompatible with R5RS and R7RS implementations. 
Some people will write R7RS-large code that is incompatible with R6RS 
(and R7RS-small). Now we have R6RS which is even FORWARD-incompatible, 
and the 2 R7RS's which are SIDEWAYS incompatible, and you can't see a 
problem with this.

This is bad for people who target multiple implementations. Nobody 
wants to write 5 versions of code because Chicken, Guile, Racket etc 
each decided to target a different standard, or haven't upgraded to 
the latest madness from the ADHD-impaired standardizers *just yet*.

It's also bad for people who target a single implementation, because 
your code that runs today might no longer run a few years later as the 
implementation moves on, or the R(x-1)RS support in the implementation 
starts receiving less support etc.

2007 was a particularly bad year to split a community and waste 
efforts, as Scheme still had a good chance to be adopted for modern 
stuff (web frameworks, map reduce maybe).

Another problem: anything other than a small standard makes it hard to 
write Scheme interpreters for everything. This was the amazing thing 
about Scheme. Want to drive your embedded system? Go ahead and embed a 
tiny scheme interpreter. Want to drive JVM code? Use KAWA or Sisc. 
Want to drive an Ocaml program? Embed OCS. R7RS-small might be good, 
but when lots people write R7RS-large code, and some write R6RS, a lot 
of code will be useless to minimalistic implementations.

Finally, it's sad that this whole disaster was fostered upon the 
community un-necessarily. There was absolutely nothing wrong with 
extending Scheme via the SRFI process, particularly on the library 
side. In fact it was an amazingly effective way to assemble a small, 
interested community and develop a facility in an organized and 
controlled manner (as opposed to having a large electorate of 
non-experts trample over everything and argue over bike-shed issues 
over tens of messages, like a bunch of 'tards).

The fact that most SRFI's had reference implementations **in scheme** 
made it extremely easy to add such facilities to a minimalistic 
interpreter. In the meanwhile a big implementation could write a C 
implementation of the SRFI. Programs would simply use 
(require-extension (srfi NN)) and not have to care about such details. 
Some SRFI's require interpreter support, of course, and users can 
pressure implementors to add SRFI NN support if it's important to them.

So I don't think my language was excessively harsh. You really have no 
idea what you're talking about advocating multiple incompatible 
standards and huge incomprehensible standards instead of the concise 
gems that R5RS and R4RS were. With people like you on the loose a 
language can be destroyed (and probably was destroyed, as it's hard to 
compete with Python nowadays for any language; back in 2007 there was 
still a a chance to focus on software, not on misguided standards).

-Original Message-
From: John Cowan co...@mercury.ccil.org
To: Giorgio Flaverli flave...@aol.com
Cc: chicken-users chicken-users@nongnu.org
Sent: Tue, Dec 10, 2013 7:43 pm
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] which RxRS?

Giorgio Flaverli scripsit:

 I've gradually lost touch with Scheme after the R6RS debacle. It was
 a sad day to witness the victory of the pushers of complexity, helped
 along by a large number of well-meaning morons who should never have
 been allowed in the electorate given that they never even came close
 to implementing a meta-circular. I wonder how much more successful
 Scheme could have been without this disaster and without the harmful
 actions of those individuals who caused it.

This is excessively harsh and downright insulting language.  R7RS-small
is, I believe, a substantial improvement over R5RS, but it could not have
been achieved so easily and completely without R6RS first paving the way.
R6RS provided a model of what standards can aim for as well as what they
should not aim for.

For example, the R7RS-small committee adopted the R6RS exception-handling
system unchanged, but rejected the R6RS condition system because it was
backward incompatible with all

Re: [Chicken-users] reader macros

2013-05-13 Thread John Croisant

On 5/13/13 4:55 PM, John Cowan wrote:

Răzvan Rotaru scripsit:

I have not found information about this topic, so I have to ask here: does
chicken provide reader macros?

See http://wiki.call-cc.org/man/4/Unit%20library#reader-extensions.

To add to that: be aware that you have to load reader extensions in a 
special way if you want to use them when compiling your code. To do it, 
use the -X flag when running the chicken command, for example: 
chicken -X my-reader-extension-module my-source-file.scm That loads 
the reader extension _before_ it starts compiling your code, which 
allows the reader extension to be available at compile time.

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] New string manipulation module

2013-02-21 Thread John Croisant

On 2/21/13 9:55 AM, Nicholas Van Horn wrote:
On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 1:24 PM, Dan Leslie d...@ironoxide.ca 
mailto:d...@ironoxide.ca wrote:

I'm not certain what you intended by 'official', but if you meant
that you'd like to see it packaged with Chicken then perhaps you
should consider switching the license to Chicken's license. Mind
you, GPL3 eggs are happily accepted, but note that many folks
won't touch them for various reasons. However, if this is a port
of an elisp library then likely re-licensing is not an option.

I would love to package this under the BSD license, but as far as my 
limited knowledge is concerned, it seems that I must keep the GPL3 
license of the original elisp package. If someone is aware of an 
alternative solution, please speak up and I'll change things accordingly.

I am not a lawyer, what follows is not legal advice, etc. ...

It's possible to change the license by clean room reverse engineering 
the library, since the new code would (from a legal standpoint) not be a 
copy or derivative of the original code.

To do that: someone who has not seen any of the contaminated source 
code (i.e. the original library or your port) reimplements the library 
from scratch based only on a general description of the original 
library's API and behavior, (e.g. your README file). Then, they can 
attach any license they wish to the new code.

This approach is typically used to reverse engineer proprietary 
software, for example to create an open source clone. But there's no 
reason it couldn't be used to create a clone of another open source 
library with a different license.

The downside is that it might be considered rude or disrespectful by 
some people in the open source community, especially if you use the 
exact same library name and function names as the original.

On the other hand, this library is so simple and obvious that I think it 
would be very silly for anyone to be offended by it being cloned.

- John

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] [ANN] New egg: protolk

2012-11-24 Thread John Croisant

Greetings, Chickeneers.

I have just released a new egg, protolk:

Protolk provides flexible  object oriented programming in Scheme,

 combining encapsulation and message passing a la Smalltalk and Ruby,
 with prototypal inheritance a la Self and JavaScript.

You might be wondering how how Protolk differs from existing 
prototype-based object systems available for Chicken, such as JSO, 
Protobj, and Prometheus. JSO and Protobj are simpler, with no 
encapsulation or message passing, as far as I can tell. Prometheus is 
the most similar to Protolk, but there are some stylistic differences, 
especially related to inheritance and slots (Prometheus is inspired more 
by Self, and Protolk is inspired more by Ruby).

I have created a page for protolk on the Chicken wiki 
(https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/4/protolk), but at the moment most of 
the documentation is on the project wiki: 
https://github.com/jacius/protolk/wiki . Once the API is more set in 
stone, I will add the API docs to the Chicken wiki so that they are 
searchable in Chickadee.

This is my first significant project written in Chicken (or even 
Scheme), so I would like to hear constructive feedback about code style, 
organization, etc.


- John Croisant (jacius)

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Bug with #!optional in Chicken 4.8.0

2012-10-17 Thread John Croisant

On 10/17/12 4:22 AM, Felix wrote:

So I wonder: is there any problem with simply adding support for a
second arg to the parameter-functions, without removing the arg check
for all procedures that use #!optional? Even in Chicken 4.7,
parameter-functions silently accept extra arguments, so there would be
no user-visible change in the way parameter-functions are called.

That is correct. The first problem here is that there exist procedures
that behave like parameters, but aren't (current-input-port, for
example - this has historical reasons). The second problem is that
there is no reason parameterize shouldn't work for any procedure
with a single optional argument.
No, you are basically right. Doing the check would be better (not
*that* much better, but it would be The Right Thing to do), including
a proper implementation of parameters (perhaps with 2 different entry
points, or some handler hidden inside the parameter closure, or
whatever). I just can't do it right now.

Now I understand what you mean about parameter-like procedures. 
Supporting them does indeed make the situation more challenging. But, if 
we could somehow distinguish between real parameters and parameter-like 
procedures, we could be sure to only send the bypass guard/conversion 
procedure flag when restoring the old value to real parameters.

If there is already some way to distinguish between them, that would be 
perfect. Otherwise, maybe we could use lambda decorators to mark real 
parameters when they are created in make-parameter? I am not really 
familiar with what lambda decorators can do, so maybe what I am saying 
is not possible (or is just a stupid idea).

Of course, instead of writing more and more hacks, there is the option 
of creating a proper implementation of parameters, as you say. What 
would be different in the proper implementation, versus the current 
implementation? Is this something that an experienced programmer who has 
never before hacked Chicken internals could help with?

From your earlier comments, it sounds like creating a new 
implementation would have a high risk of accidentally breaking stuff, 
especially because of threading. But that risk could be significantly 
reduced if we create a good test suite before the change. Even if I 
don't know have enough experience with Chicken internals to implement 
proper parameters, I could certainly help write tests.

Basically, I really want to see the proper behavior of #!optional 
restored, and I am willing to help in any way I can. Just let me know 
how I could be most useful.

- John

P.S. I don't know why I care so much about this issue. It's not that I 
depend on #!optional so much. I guess I am just shocked that such a 
basic language feature could be altered without any public discussion 
(that I can find) or even a mention in NEWS. I like having order and 
stability in the universe. ;-)

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Bug with #!optional in Chicken 4.8.0

2012-10-16 Thread John Croisant

On 10/15/12 10:51 AM, Felix wrote:

[...] It can be considered a bug, indeed. The problem is that we have to pass
an additional argument to parameter-functions to mark the situation
when a parameter gets restored. parameterize expands into something

   (let ((param1 ...) ...)
 (let ((old-value1 #f) ...)
 (lambda ()
   set old-valueN to value of paramN)
(lambda ()
(lambda ()
  restore value of paramN

The restoration can not simply by (paramN oldval), since we must
avoid calling the guard procedure (if it exists). Being too lazy / too
afraid to change the implementation of parameter procedures (which is
relatively complicated, including threading issues, as parameters are
thread-local), and because I saw the opportunity to cut a tiny bit of
runtime by simply omitting the check for surplus arguments (as is done
in various old-school Lisp dialects, in C (or undeclared procedures,
or procedures with ...), in Lua, and in a number of other scripting
languages), I decided to drop the check completely. The parameterize-
issue is now handled by simply passing an extra flag argument that
indicates restoration. Parameter-like procedures that take a single
optional argument will be handled transparently - they simply ignore
the second flag argument, which is fine, as they don't have a guard

I hope this explanation is not too confusing. If it is, I'll try to
give more examples.

Note that R5RS only requires rest-arguments, which, by definition,
can be of arbitrary length. Chicken's #!optional just builds on top
of R5RS' rest-parameters, BTW.

I had a lot to say about rest args and optional args being two different 
things from a user's perspective, and each one has different uses and 
expected behavior. But, I think I have already talked too much about why 
the old behavior should be restored. So instead, I will just suggest a 
possible technical solution. :-)

Here is how I understand the situation: in order to avoid unnecessary 
computation, we want to avoid invoking the guard procedure when the old 
parameter value is restored at the end of parameterize. So, we need 
parameter-functions to accept a second arg, which is a flag to tell it 
to bypass the guard procedure.

So I wonder: is there any problem with simply adding support for a 
second arg to the parameter-functions, without removing the arg check 
for all procedures that use #!optional? Even in Chicken 4.7, 
parameter-functions silently accept extra arguments, so there would be 
no user-visible change in the way parameter-functions are called.

The only bad effect I could see, would be that Chicken users might think 
the ability to bypass the guard procedure is a real feature of Chicken, 
instead of a hack to make parameterize more efficient. But, that problem 
could be avoided by checking that bypass guard argument is a certain 
unexported symbol (maybe even a gensym) that Chicken users would not 
(normally) have access to. To put it into pseudocode, a 
parameter-function might behave something like this:

|  (lambda args
(case (length args)
  ((0) (get-this-parameter-value))
  ((1) (set-this-parameter-value (guard-procedure (car args
  (else (if (eq? ##bypass-parameter-guard## (cadr args))
(set-this-parameter-value (car args))
(set-this-parameter-value (guard-procedure (car 

This is still a hack, but at least it is just a small hack which affects 
only parameterize, and only in the intended way (bypassing the guard 
procedure when restoring their value). Then, the old behavior of 
#!optional can be safely restored.

Maybe I have misunderstood something, and this solution would not work 
for some reason. If so, please help me understand.

- John

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Bug with #!optional in Chicken 4.8.0

2012-10-14 Thread John Croisant

On 10/14/12 7:20 AM, Felix wrote:

From: John Croisant j...@croisant.net
Subject: [Chicken-users] Bug with #!optional in Chicken 4.8.0
Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2012 20:34:26 -0400

In Chicken 4.8.0, procedures defined with #!optional no longer signal
an exception if invoked with too many arguments. For example:

(define (foo x #!optional y) (list x y))
(foo 'x 'y 'too 'many 'args)

In Chicken 4.7, this would signal an exception, because the foo
procedure expects a maximum of 2 arguments. In Chicken 4.8, the extra
arguments are simply ignored.

I think this is a bug, because the docs for Extended DSSSL style
lambda lists say:

If there is no rest-parameter  and no keyword-parameters in the
parameter-list, then it shall be an error for any extra arguments to
be passed to the procedure.

That is correct. The check has been removed and conflicts with
the documentation. I will update the docs accordingly.

The check has been removed to accomodate a terrible hack for handling
re-initialization of parameters with parameterize, and for a slight
performance win. The hack is so terrible, I hardly dare to talk about
it in public. On the other hand, I see no problem in allowing extra
parameters to lambdas with rest/optional arguments being silently
dropped - it has been done before.


The new behavior may not break very much currently existing software 
(although it did break some of my unit tests), but future software 
written in Chicken will start to depend on the new behavior, so changing 
the behavior back in the future *would* break existing software. So, we 
should address this soon, while the pain of changing back is still minimal.

The old behavior was useful and valuable for (at least) two reasons:

1. It provided clear and immediate feedback if the procedure was called 
incorrectly, making the mistake much easier/cheaper to fix. (Even 
experienced professional programmers make this kind of mistake sometimes.)

2. It was consistent with the behavior of optional args in many other 
widely-used programming languages.

The new behavior can be useful in some situations, but it was already 
very easy to implement: just add a rest arg to any procedure that should 
ignore extra args. On the other hand, it takes a significant amount of 
code/effort for developers to (correctly) reimplement argument count 
checking in their own libraries and applications.

So, for all those reasons, I think this should be considered a bug and 
fixed as soon as possible. Perhaps if you describe the parameterize 
problem (or link to discussion about it elsewhere), someone can think of 
an alternative solution that will not require changing the behavior of 
optional args?


- John

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Incorrect hash-table-size for copied hash tables

2012-07-16 Thread John Croisant

I have discovered a bug in hash-table-copy and/or hash-table-size.

If you copy a non-empty hash table, hash-table-size will report that the
copy has 0 entries. But if you use hash-table-ref, hash-table-alist, 
etc. you will see that the copy actually has all the expected entries. 
The only thing incorrect is the size reported by hash-table-size.

It seems like an internal counter is being initialized to 0 in the copy,
when it should be the same value as the original hash table. Adding a
new entry to the copy increases the size by 1, setting an existing entry
has no effect on the size, and deleting an entry decreases the size by
1. That behavior is normal, but because the counter starts at 0, the
size can become negative, which is nonsense. :)

I'm seeing this bug in Chicken 4.7.0 and 4.7.3 (from Git) on Linux. I'm
having trouble compiling Chicken 4.7.3, so I don't know if this bug
still exists in the latest code from Git.


#;1 (use srfi-69)
; loading library srfi-69 ...
#;2 (define h1 (alist-hash-table '((0 . 1) (2 . 3) (4 . 5
#;3 h1
#hash-table (3)
#;4 (hash-table-size h1)
#;5 (define h2 (hash-table-copy h1))
#;6 h2
#hash-table (0)
#;7 (hash-table-size h2)
#;8 (hash-table-alist h2)
((4 . 5) (2 . 3) (0 . 1))
#;9 (hash-table-set! h2 6 7)
#;10 (hash-table-alist h2)
((6 . 7) (4 . 5) (2 . 3) (0 . 1))
#;11 (hash-table-size h2)
#;12 (hash-table-set! h2 4 8) ; -- replace entry for 4
#;13 (hash-table-size h2)
#;14 (hash-table-delete! h2 0)
#;17 (hash-table-size h2)
#;18 (hash-table-delete! h2 2)
#;19 (hash-table-size h2)

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