Our annual report titled:"A Survey of the US Grocery Scene with Relevance to Purchase of Chometz After Pesach" is now ready for you to view. It is available in PDF format or in the printed hard copy (booklet like the Guide).

Unlike the Guide to Chodosh, this report has no information of value for the consumer. It is meant to provide technical background information that may be useful for Rabbonim and other poskim to pasken questions related to purchasing chometz after pesach.

The printed booklet is available;
-Free of charge to Rabbonim, mashgichim and others dealing with paskening halacha questions. These can request their free printed copy by email (to [EMAIL PROTECTED]) , by recording the request on the Hot Line (845-356-5743), or by sending a written request by mail to Y. Herman, 20 Sylvan Road, Monsey, NY 10952.
-The booklet is available to all others, not in the above categories for $1 per copy, including postage. Order as in the above paragraph.

In addition, you can download a PDF version of the report onto your computer from our BBS directly (for instructions listen to the Hot Line recording at 845-356-5743). You can also get it by email by sending an email message to ONE of the following:

Please do not send me any halachic questions regarding chometz. Instead, for practical halacha consult your rabbinical authorities.

Chag kosher v'someach

Yoseph Herman

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