I am now working on revising my Guide to Mashgichim, directed to mashgichim working with Yoshon. Can you please send me email about experiences you have had uncovering unexpected problems in Yoshon hashgochos.

Everyone understands that when flour is a primary ingredient, if the flour is from spring wheat, oats, or barley, then the mashgiach must check to make sure that the flour is Yoshon. What surprises have you found that are less obvious?

For example, one surprise at the end of last season had to do with wheat starch. One manufacturer did their best to secure supplies of Yoshon oatmeal for their oatmeal cookies to allow production of those cookies beyond the normal cutoff for oats. It was not until near the end of the season that their mashgiach realized that the wheat starch that is added to these cookies as a minor ingredient may have been Chodosh as of August. A similar case involved the nutrients added to flour after the milling. Those nutrients are added to a base for mixing with the flour. Normally that base has no question of Chodosh. However, it was discovered that in the production of "Yoshon" flour from winter wheat, the nutrients were added to a base that was from wheat and may have been Chodosh.

If you have such "war stories", please share them with me. I will try to spread awareness of such problems to other mashgichim. When sending me you contribution, please identify yourself. I will, of course, keep your name and other specific details private.

Thank you, and tizku l'mitzvos
Yoseph Herman
Guide to Chodosh

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