From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman
Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email

The annual report on chometz and the supermarket scene has been revised and is ready for download. To
get a copy, send an email to

Note, I often get questions about stores and distributors not covered in my report. If you have such a question I urge you to go directly to my primary source of information: google-finance. Follow their leads
for information about the nature of the company’s business and officers.

As usual, free printed copies of this report will be mailed to all rabbonim, mashgichim and others in the area of kashrus and piskei halacha. To request such a copy, please forward the name of the recipient, his full mailing address and his connection to one of the professions mentioned above. You may send this information by email to or by calling the Hot Line at 718-305-5133.

For those not in kashrus and the other related fields, the report is available for the cost of $1. Please send the $1 and your full name and address to Y. Herman, 20 Sylvan Road, Monsey, NY 10952


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