On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 11:17 AM, Xiaomei Ji <x...@chromium.org> wrote:

> 2. If CRichEditCtrl does not support this out of the box, we can do the
> dirty and hard work to make it work. It wont be easy since we need to handle
> all kinds of opening/closing punctuations, and we need back-trace to change
> the punctuation depending on the surrounding characters (for example, after
> "abc", U+0028 will be displayed as ")", but if we type in "d", ")" need to
> be changed to "(".), and we might need some states-saving as well. I think
> the performance in textfield and omnibox will be degraded a lot by those. Is
> there any better way?

The better way is "use a WebKit textfield instead of a native control to
provide the UI here".

This was something I had hoped to prototype in Q2 but didn't get to.  Help
welcomed.  Talk with Darin (Fisher) if you're interested.


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