Dear ChucK users,

I just released my own new audio programming environment. It draws some
inspiration from ChucK, but really throws a lot of well-established concepts in
the world of real-time audio programming out of the window: first and foremost
the patch graph and the audio/control-rate dualism. All number crunching is in a
Lua, so a dynamic scripting language. It's made possible by LuaJIT, ie. JIT
compilation. Hard to explain really, without a lot of prose. Documentation is
still lacking. My master's thesis about this project will be released soon as
well, but it will be in Russian.
Anyway, I think this little project is at least a fun experiment. Whether it
will really change anything in the world of audio programming is questionable.

Here's the website and repository:

I would be happy to hear some feedback - both in trying to run my code and
regarding my design choices (as far as they are understandable, considering the
lack of introductory material at this point).

Best regards,
chuck-users mailing list

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