Re: [cia-drugs] Fwd: altered flag

2005-07-09 Thread Synthetic Sound

What about the 9 striped flag with 28 stars that 
flew behind the Prez when he addressed the troops at Ft 
Bragg home to psy-ops central?
It is viewable here

  - Original Message - 
  To: Cia-drugs Cia-drugs 
  Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2005 7:01 
  Subject: [cia-drugs] Fwd: altered 
  Begin forwarded message:
From: billder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: July 9, 2005 12:31:56 PM 
To: d hop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, trine 
Subject: altered 

What Does A Backwards American Flag With Yellow 
Fringe Mean?

Free Press International Commentary

I do not claim to know everything about the 
backwards American flag with
yellow fringe but this articles purpose is to find 
the truth, hopefully with
some of FPIs readers.

Every soldier in the Army must now wear the U.S. 
flag insignia on his or her
utility uniform, according to a new Army rule. 
Soldiers have until Oct. 1,
2005, to get the insignia sewn on their 

The flag Schoomaker has authorized for wear is the 
"reverse field" or
"backwards flag" patch, in red, white and blue with 
yellow fringe.

I have gone over World War I,World War II and 
Vietnam pictures and have yet
to find an American flag on their combat 

Army Regulation 670-1states that when authorized 
for application to the
proper uniform the American flag patch is to be 
worn, right or left
shoulder, so that “the star field faces forward, or 
to the flag’s own right.
When worn in this manner, the flag is facing to the 
observer’s right, and
gives the effect of the flag flying in the breeze 
as the wearer 'moves
forward'. The appropriate replica for the right 
shoulder sleeve is
identified as the ‘reverse side flag’.”

This makes no sense. What if the soldiers are 
marching 'downwind'?

As one person wrote, The "backwards flag" is no 
silly affectation. It is
part of a well-planned and coordinated effort to 
subvert our national
sovereignty. As pointed out, reversing the display 
of a nation's flag can
sometimes result in the flag becoming that of 
another nation. At any rate,
it ceases to be a legally emblematic of the 
sponsoring nation. It is part of
the body of the International Laws of Warfare that 
combatants not PROPERLY
displaying the flag of their nation on their 
uniforms are not considered to
be under the command and control of that nation. 
All this nonsense about a
flag emblem sewn on a uniform not looking like a 
flag on a pole moving
backwards is the most ridiculous and transparent 
non-reason that I can
imagine to try to disguise the real intent. No 
rational 7-year old would buy
such idiocy, but most adults will because they have 
had more years of
government indoctrination. Because we are fighting 
a worldwide "War on
Terrorism", surrender of any and all of our rights, 
individual as well as
national, is expected and will, almost universally, 
be gladly given. Martial
law under a high-tech police state is just around 
the corner, folks.

As to the yellow fringe on our flags, APFN states, 
The flags displayed in
State courts and courts of the United States have 
gold or yellow fringes.
That is your WARNING that you are entering into a 
foreign enclave, the same
as if you are stepping into a foreign embassy and 
you will be under the
jurisdiction of that flag. The flag with the gold 
or yellow fringe has no
constitution, no laws, and no rules of court, and 
is not recognized by any
nation on the earth, and is foreign to you and the 
United States of America.
more information


Martial Law Flag "Pursuant to 4 U.S.C. chapter 1, 
§§1, 2, & 3; Executive
Order 10834, August 21, 1959; 24 F.R.6865; a 
military flag is a flag that
resembles the regular flag of the United States, 
except that it has a YELLOW
FRINGE border on three sides. The President of the 
United States designates
this deviation from the regular flag, by executive 
order, and in his
capacity as Commander-in-Chief of the military. The 
placing of a fringe on
the national flag, the dimensions of the flag and 
the arrangement of the
stars in the union are matters of detail not 
controlled by statute, but are
within the discretion of the President as Commander 
in Chief of the Army and
Navy." 34 Ops. Atty. Gen. 83.

President, Dwight David Eisenhower, by Executive 
Order No.10834, signed on
August 21, 1959


2005-07-09 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
QUIT IRAQ Sat Jul 09 2005 19:16:16 ETBRITAIN and America are 
secretly preparing to withdraw most of their troops from Iraq - despite warnings 
of the grave consequences for the region, the SUNDAY MAIL in UK is 
reporting.A secret paper written by UK Defence Secretary John Reid for 
Tony Blair reveals that many of the 8,500 British troops in Iraq are set to be 
brought home within three months, with most of the rest returning six months 
later.The leaked document, marked Secret: UK Eyes Only, appears to fly 
in the face of Mr Blair and President Bush's pledges that Allied forces will not 
quit until Iraq's own forces are strong enough to take control of 
security.If British troops pull out, other members of the Alliance are 
likely to follow. The memo says other international forces in Southern Iraq 
currently under British control will have to be handled carefully if Britain 
withdraws. It says they will not feel safe and may also leave. 
Embarrassingly, the document says the Americans are split over the plan 
- and it suggests one of the reasons for getting British troops out is to save 
money. Mr Reid says cutting UK troop numbers to 3,000 by the middle of next year 
will save GBP 500million a year, though it will be 18 months before the cash 
comes through.The document, Options For Future UK Force Posture In Iraq, 
is the first conclusive proof that preparations for a major withdrawal from Iraq 
are well advanced.The British Government's public position is that UK 
troops will stay until newly trained Iraqi forces are ready to take control of 
security. Less than a fortnight ago, Mr Blair said it was 'vital' the US-led 
coalition stayed until Iraq stabilised, and Mr Bush endorsed his comments. 
Mr Reid's memo, prepared for Mr Blair in the past few weeks, shows that 
in reality, plans to get them out - 'military drawdown,' as he puts it - are 
well advanced.It says: 'We have a commitment to hand over to Iraqi 
control in Al Muthanna and Maysan provinces two of the four provinces under 
British control in Southern Iraq in October 2005 and in the other two, Dhi Qar 
and Basra, in April 2006.Developing... 

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] An Illuminati Ordered 'Terrorist' Attack in London -- by Michael Shore, July 7, 2005

2005-07-09 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

> An Illuminati Ordered 'Terrorist' Attack in London
> by Michael Shore, July 7, 2005 for
> (Posted here by Wes Penre, July 9, 2005)
> -
> Today is 7/ 7 2005 {2+5} or 777, a "perfect" day for the insane  
> Illuminati to do one of their dirty deeds(1). One thing the  
> Illuminati are into is rituals and numbers. The Illuminati like to  
> leave their secret markings on their crimes. Remember 911?
> Bush and Blair desperately needed some kind of new "terrorist"  
> attack because they were losing the support of their citizens for  
> the war in Iraq. The "Downing Street Memo" was a problem for both  
> Bush and Blair and was not going away. http:// 
> The G8 anti-poverty demonstrations were also a negative factor for  
> these two men and the other six G 8 members. So what better way to  
> divert the people's attention than to "order up" a "terrorist"  
> bombing in the U.K.
> All this may sound pretty unbelievable, but it's no different than  
> the Illuminati engineered 911 killing "mass casualty producing  
> event", but on a much smaller scale.
> You have to watch the initial news reports which were purposely  
> confusing. After all if you control all the news media, you can  
> report just about anything you'd like to report for your benefit.  
> From the news reports, it sounded like there weren't as many deaths  
> as the Illuminati had expected. First there was a report of only  
> two deaths, which is much less than this insane group of killers  
> and gangsters had expected. Check out the following news headline  
> and see if you notice anything strange:
> "U.S. law enforcement sources say the British government has said  
> at least 40 people are dead in bomb attacks." On the same page you  
> will notice "two confirmed dead". Plus what is "US law enforcement  
> sources" { whatever that means} reporting so quickly on how many  
> dead there are in London? Why wouldn't the London police report  
> something like that themselves?
> From the way the news of the bombings were reported, it sounded  
> that possibly a few of their bombs did not go off as planned. There  
> was a report that there were two buses that had blown up, when only  
> one bus was confirmed and pictures were shown.
> "12:35 Scotland Yard revises the number of blasts down to four,  
> three in the underground system and one on a bus. These are:  
> Russell Square and Kings Cross Underground, Moorgate, Aldgate and  
> Liverpool Street Underground, Edgware Road station and Tavistock  
> Square where there was an explosion on a bus."
> index.html
> Then you have the typical claiming of responsibility by some  
> unknown bogus "terrorist" group called " the "Secret Organization  
> group of al Qaeda Organization in Europe," who claimed  
> responsibility in a Web site posting. The authenticity of the claim  
> could not immediately be verified." People will not even remember  
> the name of this bogus organization by tomorrow.
> Plus it was not even claimed to be a "suicide" bombing, so any of  
> the US or British "black ops" killer government groups could have  
> easily planted their bombs on the trains and bus and remotely  
> detonated them. Since it already has been established that this was  
> a supposed "terrorist" attack, there will be no need for a CRIMINAL  
> INVESTIGATION to find out where the bomb parts came from and WHO  
> made the bombs>>>CASE CLOSED, no more investigation needed here.  
> YEAH RIGHT SURE! The People will never notice this one BIG major  
> give away for the real "black ops" perpetrators of the killing act  
> to get away "scott free" in so-called "terrorist" attacks. One need  
> look no further than Israel to see this kind of Modus Operandi by  
> government controlled "black ops" small groups of individuals. So  
> called "suicide" bombings in Israel and elsewhere go un- 
> investigated thoroughly like other crimes, if it is called a  
> "suicide TERRORIST" bombing". People would never want to believe  
> that their gangster
>  leaders would kill their own citizens for the benefit of the  
> "elite" super wealthy Illuminati "rulers" and their connected web  
> of gangsters, killers and thieves. But one only has to look at 911  
> to see this possible TRUTH!
> There were even reports that Scotland Yard knew about the attacks  
> before they took place, which is very strange. How could Scotland  
> Yard have such information and possibly know who, what, where, when  
> the attacks would occur and then DO NOTHING to stop them or warn  
> their British citizens? Obviously an investigation is warranted.

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] An Illuminati Ordered 'Terrorist' Attack in London -- by Michael Shore, July 7, 2005

2005-07-09 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

> An Illuminati Ordered 'Terrorist' Attack in London
> by Michael Shore, July 7, 2005 for
> (Posted here by Wes Penre, July 9, 2005)
> -
> Today is 7/ 7 2005 {2+5} or 777, a "perfect" day for the insane  
> Illuminati to do one of their dirty deeds(1). One thing the  
> Illuminati are into is rituals and numbers. The Illuminati like to  
> leave their secret markings on their crimes. Remember 911?
> Bush and Blair desperately needed some kind of new "terrorist"  
> attack because they were losing the support of their citizens for  
> the war in Iraq. The "Downing Street Memo" was a problem for both  
> Bush and Blair and was not going away. http:// 
> The G8 anti-poverty demonstrations were also a negative factor for  
> these two men and the other six G 8 members. So what better way to  
> divert the people's attention than to "order up" a "terrorist"  
> bombing in the U.K.
> All this may sound pretty unbelievable, but it's no different than  
> the Illuminati engineered 911 killing "mass casualty producing  
> event", but on a much smaller scale.
> You have to watch the initial news reports which were purposely  
> confusing. After all if you control all the news media, you can  
> report just about anything you'd like to report for your benefit.  
> From the news reports, it sounded like there weren't as many deaths  
> as the Illuminati had expected. First there was a report of only  
> two deaths, which is much less than this insane group of killers  
> and gangsters had expected. Check out the following news headline  
> and see if you notice anything strange:
> "U.S. law enforcement sources say the British government has said  
> at least 40 people are dead in bomb attacks." On the same page you  
> will notice "two confirmed dead". Plus what is "US law enforcement  
> sources" { whatever that means} reporting so quickly on how many  
> dead there are in London? Why wouldn't the London police report  
> something like that themselves?
> From the way the news of the bombings were reported, it sounded  
> that possibly a few of their bombs did not go off as planned. There  
> was a report that there were two buses that had blown up, when only  
> one bus was confirmed and pictures were shown.
> "12:35 Scotland Yard revises the number of blasts down to four,  
> three in the underground system and one on a bus. These are:  
> Russell Square and Kings Cross Underground, Moorgate, Aldgate and  
> Liverpool Street Underground, Edgware Road station and Tavistock  
> Square where there was an explosion on a bus."
> index.html
> Then you have the typical claiming of responsibility by some  
> unknown bogus "terrorist" group called " the "Secret Organization  
> group of al Qaeda Organization in Europe," who claimed  
> responsibility in a Web site posting. The authenticity of the claim  
> could not immediately be verified." People will not even remember  
> the name of this bogus organization by tomorrow.
> Plus it was not even claimed to be a "suicide" bombing, so any of  
> the US or British "black ops" killer government groups could have  
> easily planted their bombs on the trains and bus and remotely  
> detonated them. Since it already has been established that this was  
> a supposed "terrorist" attack, there will be no need for a CRIMINAL  
> INVESTIGATION to find out where the bomb parts came from and WHO  
> made the bombs>>>CASE CLOSED, no more investigation needed here.  
> YEAH RIGHT SURE! The People will never notice this one BIG major  
> give away for the real "black ops" perpetrators of the killing act  
> to get away "scott free" in so-called "terrorist" attacks. One need  
> look no further than Israel to see this kind of Modus Operandi by  
> government controlled "black ops" small groups of individuals. So  
> called "suicide" bombings in Israel and elsewhere go un- 
> investigated thoroughly like other crimes, if it is called a  
> "suicide TERRORIST" bombing". People would never want to believe  
> that their gangster
>  leaders would kill their own citizens for the benefit of the  
> "elite" super wealthy Illuminati "rulers" and their connected web  
> of gangsters, killers and thieves. But one only has to look at 911  
> to see this possible TRUTH!
> There were even reports that Scotland Yard knew about the attacks  
> before they took place, which is very strange. How could Scotland  
> Yard have such information and possibly know who, what, where, when  
> the attacks would occur and then DO NOTHING to stop them or warn  
> their British citizens? Obviously an investigation is warranted.

Re: [cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as Real Attack

2005-07-09 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

it's like de ja vu, time and time 
vigilus haufniensis

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2005-07-09 Thread Robert Millegan

Begin forwarded message:Subject: WRH Archive: AL QAEDA WEBSITE TRACKS BACK TO ... MARYLAND???Reply-To: "Adelaide Institute" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Original Message - From: "Ardeshir Mehta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2005 10:17 AMSubject: WRH Archive: AL QAEDA WEBSITE TRACKS BACK TO ... MARYLAND???Interesting!Begin forwarded message:From: celestial_shamanka [EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: July 9, 2005 7:57:57 PM EDT (CA)To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [GMLH] WRH Archive: AL QAEDA WEBSITE TRACKS BACK TO ... MARYLAND???Reply-To:[EMAIL PROTECTED]AL QAEDA WEBSITE TRACKS BACK TO ... MARYLAND??? Submitted by two readers.Last night on CNN I heard them making a connection between the London bombings and an "Islamic terrorist" website called I  tried to view the website but it's been taken offline. I did find the following three year old reference to on CNN:From:"These statements and others from al Qaeda have been appearing from time to time on a Web site called"In recent months, the site, which experts suspect is closely linked  to al Qaeda, also has posted manifestos signed "al Qaeda jihad" in  which it says bin Laden is alive and well and preparing future attacks against the United States.-- "link" to al-Qaeda, as revealed by whois data for[WHOIS ALNEDA.COM]Registration Service Provided By: DIRECTIContact: +91.2256797500Website: http://www.directi.comDomain Name: ALNEDA.COMRegistrant:SFP, IncJon David ([EMAIL PROTECTED])Po 312BerlinMaryland,21811USTel. +011.4107237089Creation Date: 16-Jul-2002Expiration Date: 16-Jul-2013--Jon David, a fine Islamic sounding name, no doubt named after a  martyr or prophet or some such. Located in that hotbed of terrorism,  Berlin, Maryland USA.I ran a traceroute to the web address. I've left off the first ten  hops to obscure the source of my trace, to protect my privacy. But as you can see the trace ends up at to (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets11 ( 3.630 ms 3.539 ms 3.682 ms 12 ( 4.874 ms 4.364 ms 4.431 ms13 ( 4.361 ms 4.321 ms 4.235ms 14 ( 11.472 ms 11.432 ms 11.875 ms 15 ( 11.453 ms !H * 11.596 ms !H--Broadwing Communications of Austin, TX. Hey, aren't we killing and incarcerating Iraqis so we don't have to host terrorist websites in der homeland?Admin contact info for Broadwing is provided below. Might be fun to ask them what they're doing hosting terror websites connected with the recent bombings.--[WHOIS BROADWING.NET]Registrant:Broadwing Communications, LLC1122 Capital of Texas Highway SouthAustin, TX 78746USDomain Name: BROADWING.NETAdministrative Contact:Smith, Kyle [EMAIL PROTECTED]Broadwing Communications, LLC1122 South Capitol of Texas HighwayAustin, TX 78746US302.283.2854 302.283.2802 fax: 302.283.2802--Following another line of inquiry, the authoritative name records are hosted by, and email for alneda.comis directed to's mail server:--; <<>> DiG 9.2.2 <<>> @A.GTLD-SERVERS.NET ns;; ANSWER 172800 IN NS 172800 IN NS; <<>> DiG 9.2.2 <<>> ns;; ANSWER 3600 IN NS 3600 IN NS; <<>> DiG 9.2.2 <<>> a;; ANSWER 3600 IN A; <<>> DiG 9.2.2 <<>> mx;; ANSWER 3600 IN MX 10 is registered to a web hosting company inSarasota, FL:--[WHOIS THEWETLANDSINC.COM], Inc.PO Box 312Berlin, MD 21811USDomain Name: THEWETLANDSINC.COMAdministrative Contact:David, Jon [EMAIL PROTECTED]12507 SUNSET AVE STE 21OCEAN CITY, MD 21842-9296US410-723-7089 fax: 410-723-7085Record expires on 13-Oct-2011.Record created on 13-Oct-1999.Database last updated on 9-Jul-2005 12:01:33 EDT.Domain servers in listed order:NS2.THEWETLANDSINC.COM"Abu Musab" Jon David of Maryland again! Note the registrant is, Inc.:--[WHOIS THEWETLANDS.COM]Registrant:, Protection ServiceP.O. Box 229Margaretville, NY 12455USDomain Name: THEWETLANDS.COMAdministrative, LLC Ref# 103974:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Protection ServiceP.O. Box 229Margaretville, NY 12455USPhone- 4107353410Fax- 014107353433Record create date: 

Re: [cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] FW: CANNIBIS AND CANCER

2005-07-09 Thread james Karl

This is a really great letter!  Thanks for sharing.  Hope to hear more from you on these topics.Vanessa Di Domenico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear list,I thought that I should make a comment, since I haveMORE than 100 joint-years on me (definition inoriginal message), and certainly more chemistry andneuroscience studies than most MDs...Cannabis users have a LOWER incidence of cancer thannon-users because cannabis is an anti-cancer drug. Potsmokers almost NEVER get leukemia. Asthma also goesaway. If you can't breathe from bad flu, it will alsobe cured quite fast, because it has antibioticproperties.But I celebrate its anti-seizure properties, which gotme a scholarship to college at age 15! I hadundiagnosed epilepsy, my seizures did not becomevisible to others until I had the first 'biggie' atage 20. For the first time in my life, at 14, I wascalm and able to study well, usually while waiting formy boyfriend and the joints. I stopped
 bullyingothers, and making money in nasty ways. I had evenbullied my teachers around, and other adults, too! Ofcourse, the epilepsy also gave me a body that looked18 at age 9, which makes one an immediate victim ofsexual harrassment, and only a snake's tongue can keepthose perverts away. And no one can say that pot leads you into otherdrugs: I started with cocaine, which was great for meat first (Freud also loved it for his epilepsy, but itis worse in the long term). I spent about 6 monthsgoing to school to snort the first pure coke at 8am.When I met Ms. Marihuana, the coke seemed like trash,good only as a female 'Viagra' (the song 'gasolina' byrapper Daddy Yankee is based on this effect, and Ihave seen MANY foreign oil company execs here buyingcoke to get girls, usually under 15).Before, I had avoided the pot as a 'trashy' drug,while the coke seemed so pure and clean... BUT, that'sbecause we took it
 from large bricks of pure coke thatpasses through this city on its way to Aruba-Europe,or Carribbean sea-USA. I'm writing a novel about ourlives as children in that strange group of kids joinedby our love for Ozzy Osbourne. Over 12 people havewanted to write the story, but only 3-4 of theoriginal 'Old Guard' kids of that group are stillalive- including myself.For my problem, cannabis has been used as medicationfor over 8000 years!!One problem in the USA- the illegal pot made geneticengineering of pot seeds popular, for higher THCcontent- but its medical properties are usually fromOTHER cannabinoids, not the THC that makes someone'high'. SO that USA pot is contaminated with geneticengineering in its most pure, uncontrolled form. Here,we don't have the fireworks brands of pot- so I cansmoke and NOT have seizures or get high, but it doeshave all the creative effects it can.BTW, I should mention that
 the other medicines I takefor the seizures are stronger than the pot-phenobarbital, diazepam (Valium), and Ativan. I takethese ALL the time. The pot sure was easier on my poorbody! At least it helped me eat- these others give meanorexia.Vanessa Di DomenicoMaracaibo, Venezuela--- RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> > > Begin forwarded message:> > >> > -- Forwarded Message> > From: xxx> > Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2005 09:16:32 -0400> > Subject: CANNIBIS AND CANCER> >> > HA HA!> >> > Pot Shots> >> > Study: Smoking  Marijuana Does Not Cause Lung> Cancer> >> > By  FRED GARDNER> >> > Marijuana smoking -"even heavy  longterm use"-> does not cause  > > cancer of the> > lung, upper 
 airwaves, or esophagus, Donald> Tashkin reported at  > > this year's> > meeting of the International Cannabinoid Research> Society. Coming   > > from> > Tashkin, this conclusion had extra significance> for the  assembled> > drug-company and university-based scientists (most>  of whom get  > > funding from> > the U.S. National Institute on Drug  Abuse). Over> the years,  > > Tashkin's lab> > at UCLA has produced irrefutable evidence of the> damage that  > > marijuana smoke> > wreaks on bronchial  tissue. With NIDA's support,> Tashkin and  > > colleagues> > have identified  the potent carcinogens in> marijuana smoke,  > > biopsied and> > made  photomicrographs of pre-malignant cells, and> studied the 
 > > molecular> > changes occurring within them. It is Tashkin's> research that  the Drug> > Czar's office cites in ads linking marijuana to> lung  cancer. Tashkin> > himself has long believed in a causal> relationship,  despite a  > > study in> > which Stephen Sidney examined the files of  64,000> Kaiser patients  > > and found> > that marijuana users didn't  develop lung cancer> at a higher rate  > > or die> > earlier than non-users.      __ Yahoo! Mail for Mobile Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone. Complete archives at let us stay on topic and be civil. OM

End the oppression of cannabis and its consumers. Self defense is always correct, and it is never illegal.  b_jb

[cia-drugs] Fwd: altered flag

2005-07-09 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:From: billder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: July 9, 2005 12:31:56 PM PDTTo: d hop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, trine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: altered flag What Does A Backwards American Flag With Yellow Fringe Mean?Free Press International Commentary2.11.2005I do not claim to know everything about the backwards American flag withyellow fringe but this articles purpose is to find the truth, hopefully withsome of FPIs readers.Every soldier in the Army must now wear the U.S. flag insignia on his or herutility uniform, according to a new Army rule. Soldiers have until Oct. 1,2005, to get the insignia sewn on their uniforms.The flag Schoomaker has authorized for wear is the "reverse field" or"backwards flag" patch, in red, white and blue with yellow fringe.I have gone over World War I,World War II and Vietnam pictures and have yetto find an American flag on their combat uniforms.Army Regulation 670-1states that when authorized for application to theproper uniform the American flag patch is to be worn, right or leftshoulder, so that “the star field faces forward, or to the flag’s own right.When worn in this manner, the flag is facing to the observer’s right, andgives the effect of the flag flying in the breeze as the wearer 'movesforward'. The appropriate replica for the right shoulder sleeve isidentified as the ‘reverse side flag’.”This makes no sense. What if the soldiers are marching 'downwind'?As one person wrote, The "backwards flag" is no silly affectation. It ispart of a well-planned and coordinated effort to subvert our nationalsovereignty. As pointed out, reversing the display of a nation's flag cansometimes result in the flag becoming that of another nation. At any rate,it ceases to be a legally emblematic of the sponsoring nation. It is part ofthe body of the International Laws of Warfare that combatants not PROPERLYdisplaying the flag of their nation on their uniforms are not considered tobe under the command and control of that nation. All this nonsense about aflag emblem sewn on a uniform not looking like a flag on a pole movingbackwards is the most ridiculous and transparent non-reason that I canimagine to try to disguise the real intent. No rational 7-year old would buysuch idiocy, but most adults will because they have had more years ofgovernment indoctrination. Because we are fighting a worldwide "War onTerrorism", surrender of any and all of our rights, individual as well asnational, is expected and will, almost universally, be gladly given. Martiallaw under a high-tech police state is just around the corner, folks.As to the yellow fringe on our flags, APFN states, The flags displayed inState courts and courts of the United States have gold or yellow fringes.That is your WARNING that you are entering into a foreign enclave, the sameas if you are stepping into a foreign embassy and you will be under thejurisdiction of that flag. The flag with the gold or yellow fringe has noconstitution, no laws, and no rules of court, and is not recognized by anynation on the earth, and is foreign to you and the United States of America.more informationMILITARY FLAG WITH THE GOLD FRINGEMartial Law Flag "Pursuant to 4 U.S.C. chapter 1, §§1, 2, & 3; ExecutiveOrder 10834, August 21, 1959; 24 F.R.6865; a military flag is a flag thatresembles the regular flag of the United States, except that it has a YELLOWFRINGE border on three sides. The President of the United States designatesthis deviation from the regular flag, by executive order, and in hiscapacity as Commander-in-Chief of the military. The placing of a fringe onthe national flag, the dimensions of the flag and the arrangement of thestars in the union are matters of detail not controlled by statute, but arewithin the discretion of the President as Commander in Chief of the Army andNavy." 34 Ops. Atty. Gen. 83.President, Dwight David Eisenhower, by Executive Order No.10834, signed onAugust 21, 1959 and printed in the Federal Register at 24 F.R. 6865,pursuant to law, stated that: "A military flag is a flag that resembles theregular flag of the United States, except that it has a yellow fringe borderon three sides." 

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [social_control_psychological] Greening Corporate America at the the Bohemian Grove with homicide charges

2005-07-09 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:From: "gizzmoegadget" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: July 9, 2005 5:49:37 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [social_control_psychological] Greening Corporate America at the  the Bohemian Grove with homicide chargesReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please Disseminate, also posted at Party P rotest the war profiteers as they come to Bohemian GroveJuly 15-17, 2005 Monti Rio California (1.5 hours N of San Francisco) Please note the posted e-mail below, from Peter Phillips PHD of Project Censored California Green PartyThe Green Party of California is a grassroots political party that pursues a ...excursion to protest the war profiteers as they come to Bohemian Grove, ... Grove Protest July 15-17 2005 "Camp In Monti Rio ...The Bohemian Grove Protest of July 15-17, 2005 This protest is also a requestfor homicide charges against corporations. One censored District Attorney has ... see The Bohemian Grove Action Network __Need a reason to join the protest ?56% of the 1991 Gulf War Vets are "Disabled"<(Google search results)> Toxic Revelations <(Google search results)> TheDeception Dollar - The Truth of 911  <> _-Best Regards, The Toxic ReverendRed Collar Crimes KILL are YOU the next victim ? = Death By Health Care_Firm failed to get consent for tests of blood substitute by The Associated Press, Nation & World: Health & Science: Posted at 06:30 p.m. PST; Monday, January 18, 1999  HMBW , Hylack , M49 , LTMR , ConRec , GSHDTCIA Peter Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   From Peter Phillips Wed Jul 6 15:32:31 2005Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2005 15:32:31 -0700To: XXXPRESS ANNOUNCEMENTContact: Paul Encimer- 707-540-9061Don Eichelberger- 415-567-4577Mary Moore- 707-874-2248CALIFORNIA GREENS CONVERGE AT BOHEMIAN GROVEState Party seeks united response to the Middle East War for OilCalifornia State Green Party and greens from around Northern Californiawill spend the week-end of July 15-17 crashing the "greatest men's party onearth", bringing a message of peace to the men of Bohemian Grove, andcondemning their role in waging wars.With support from the Sonoma County and many other Green locals, veteransgroups, Native Americans, peace groups, students and others, three days ofevents are planned to protest the Iraq war and bring attention to theconcentration of power and wealth that Green Party members feel subvertslegitimate political processes.Events will include a greeting of incoming Bohemians as they arrive onFriday, July 15th. Then Saturday the 16th, will be a protest and"Resurrection of Care" ceremony to counter the Bohemians' opening"Cremation of Care" ceremony, which burns a coffin containing "the DullCares of the market place" at the base of the 40-foot stone owl alterinside the grove.On Sunday, the 17th, the Party will convene a community meeting of greensand other activists to examine ways to confront the war and the continualenrichment of Bohemians while the gap between rich and poor widens."These men are the elite, the aristocracy, in this country," says DonEichelberger, State Party Issues Co-Coordinator, and an organizer of thissummer's events. "Some of them run the war machinery, others profit fromit, all are complicit."Members of the exclusive Bohemian Club in San Francisco have gathered eachsummer for 123 years along the Russian River in the Sonoma County town ofMonte Rio to "throw off the dull cares of the marketplace", holding plays,water sports events, skeet shooting, and daily speeches called the"Lakeside Chats".Members and guests have included every Republican US President sinceHerbert Hoover, who dubbed the gathering the worldís greatest menís party.Also included are many cabinet members and high ranking politicians andadvisors, members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, some of the most powerfulbusinessmen in America, as well as musicians and entertainers, called "menof use" by the more elite members."This is truly the biggest back room in the world", says Paul Encimer, amember of the state Green Party Coordinating Council, another organizer ofthe events. "Many of the corporate heads coming to this encampment haveprofited immeasurably from the insider status this club offers."The corporate who's who that attend the gathering includes the topexecutives and owners of the biggest American corporations, like BechtelCorp. The international engineering company claims it will "go anywhere tobuild anything", and are a major contractor in rebuilding Iraq andAfghanistan. They also rebuilt Kuwait after the first Iraq war under thenPresident and fellow Bohemian, George H. W. Bush.The major media conglomerates are also represented, but don't watch forthem to issue reports about their en

[cia-drugs] directly produced anti-western terrorist attacks, with the full awareness of western government elements maintaining these 'ties with the devil'

2005-07-09 Thread RoadsEnd he ties it all together with a fascinating overview of how al qaeda DOES exist, was created by the western powers, but ultimately manipulated and coopted by them not only during the Cold War but well after the end of the Soviet Union until today in the Balkans, the Caucasus, the Asia-Pacific, Central Asia, the Middle East (yes, including Pakistan and Saudi Arabia), etc. Most disturbingly he demonstrates beyond doubt that these policies inevitably and directly produced anti-western terrorist attacks, with the full awareness of western government elements maintaining these 'ties with the devil',as Ahmed ironically describes them. And his focus is not only Bush, but Clinton. Not only the USA, but Europe and Britain. As for his discussion of the hijackers - I've never read such a detailed and well documented account of the odd liaisons between the US military intelligence services and the alleged 9/11 hijackers. Ahmed doesn't bother going round in circles wondering whether or not the hijackers existed, or were actually on the plane, or not - he simply presents report after report showing that these guys were monitored round-the-clock by the CIA and FBI both before and after their entry into our country, were trained by the US military, and were steeped in completely anti islamic practices like alcohol, cocaine, and lap dancing. And he clearly suggests, at one point, that these guys were probably double agents, although with characteristic and welcome caution, he doesn't labour the point and again leaves it to us to make up our own minds. 

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[cia-drugs] Re: [Writers Forum] Clerics issued fatwa against bin Laden

2005-07-09 Thread Homi Wadia

Source: Free Internet Press"Muslim clerics in Spain issued an unprecedented fatwa, or Islamicedict, against Osama bin Laden on Thursday, calling him an apostate and demanding other Muslim leaders to condemn the al-Qaeda acts."Did you hear about that famous saying, "Fools your reward is neither hear nor there?"
Yes, these stupid clerics are nothing but pawns in the hands of the Western Mafia and 
utterly brain-washed by their White-supremist Masters. Who is Bin Laden? Where is he?
Who syas that he is the one planting bombs here, there and everywhere and killing people?
Where is the proof that Al-Qaeda exist and that Osama is its head? Where is the proof that
the bombings in London were the doings of Al-Qaeda? So, if the sick, evil-minded and racist Western media, who absolutely hate Muslims, blame it on Muslims and the so-called Al-Qaeda, the Muslim clerics in Spain, ignorant bunch of idiots, too eat the shit of the demonic Wester Press and pass stupid Fatwa!!!
Does not Islam and Quran say rhat there must be a categorical and absolute proof before you startb throwing stones at those whome you hold as suspects? 
The real terrorists and perpetrators of crimes against humanity are - WMD Bush and his 'poodle' Blair, CIA, FBI, Mossad and MI5. Thses barbarians and evil criminals have callously,
ruthlessly, meticulously and deliberately carried ouit the carnage in London to boost their gutter image and waning popularity and to divert the world's attention from the stage-manged show carried out in Singapore where Billions of Dollars changed hands to give London the Olympics of 2012. They did it in New York on 9/11, they did it in Madrid and they did it in London on 7/7. These stuopid clerics in Spain should issue Fatwa against these
international criminals, the predators of humanity and human values and the murderers of 
peace and security in our world - these blood-thirst vermins, Bush, Blar, CIA, FBI, Mossad, and MI5 - must be condemned and brought before the International Court of Justice.
God Bless us all, Dr Homi Wadia 
   Sarah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Islamic World News  Muslim clerics in Spain issue fatwa against bin Laden3/11/2005 9:00:00 AM GMTSource: Free Internet PressMuslim clerics in Spain issued an unprecedented fatwa, or Islamicedict, against Osama bin Laden on Thursday, calling him an apostate anddemanding other Muslim leaders to condemn the al-Qaeda acts.The Fatwa was issued by the Islamic Commission of Spain, the main groupwhich represents the country’s 1 million Muslims.The commission's secretary general, Mansur Escudero, said that thegroup consulted Muslim clerics in other countries, such as Morocco,Algeria and Libya, and won their support."They agree," Escudero said, referring to the Muslim clerics in thethree countries, adding; "What I want is that they say so publicly."The edict said that,
 according to the Qur’an, "the terrorist acts ofOsama bin Laden and his organization al Qaeda ... are totally bannedand must be roundly condemned as part of Islam."Inasmuch as Osama bin Laden and his organization defend terrorism aslegal and try to base it on the Qur’an ... they are committing thecrime of 'istihlal' and thus become apostates that should not beconsidered Muslims or treated as such."The Arabic word "istihlal" means making up one’s own laws.Escudero said that the fatwa can be said by many other Muslim clericswho lead prayers."We felt now we had the responsibility and obligation to make thisdeclaration," he said. "I hope there is a positive reaction fromMuslims,"Asked if the ruling meant that Muslims must help police in arrestingbin Laden, Escudero said: "We don't get involved in police affairs butwe do feel that all Muslims are obliged to ... keep anyone from doingunjustified damage to
 other people." --- Sabahat Ashraf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> "no major Muslim cleric or religious body has ever issued a fatwa> condemning Osama bin Laden."> > When we refuse to acknowledge reality, we all lose.> > S> > On 7/8/05, Hasan Essa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> >  > > Thought this might be interesting read, which appeared > > in NYTimes ED/OP today. > >   > > Hasni Essa > > Peace and Pluralism> > > > __> >> > > Support Freedom of _expression_: Join PEN Canada today! Convenient!Access the Writers Forum Group, Click here: post messages,email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[cia-drugs] The DISH Vol. 8 No 27

2005-07-09 Thread Dot Smith

Dot's Information Service Hotline
"Unbossed and unbought news and information you can use"
Visit The DISH online at
Vol. 8 No 27...Dedicated to the Dialogue on Race... 07-08-05

Table of Contents

1. A Bit of History...Sissieretta Jones (1869-1933)
2. Comments from the Bat Cave
3. Minstrels, Blackface and Movies...By John Burl Smith
4. Hood Notes...The Drama in Drama
5. News You Use...Blaxploitation Films
6. Venue for an Artist...40 Acres and a Mule...By Oscar Brown, Jr.
7. Intuit's Vibe..."Love Doctor"...By Tiy-E Muhammad
8. DISHing It Up Hot!...On Tiy-E...By John Burl Smith


A Bit of History
Sissieretta Jones (1869-1933)

Born January 5, 1869 in Portsmouth, Virginia to African Methodist Episcopal
minister Jeremiah Malachi Joyner and Henrietta Beale Joyner, Matilda
Sissieretta Joyner became American's leading prima donna. In 1876, her
family moved to Providence, Rhode Island, where she attended the Meeting
Street and Thayer Schools. At age fourteen (14), Sissieretta married David
Jones, a news dealer and hotel bellman.

A soprano, she began formal music training with Ada Baroness Lacombe at the
Providence Academy of Music in1883. At age 18, she attended the New England
Conservatory in Boston and studied with Flora Batson, the leading singer of
the Bergen Star Company.

While performing at the Music Hall in 1887, concert managers Abbey, Schoffel
and Grau saw Sissieretta and brought her to New York, where she successfully
debuted at the Wallack Theater in 1888. The manager of famed Italian
operatic star Adelina Patti recommended she tour with the Tennessee Jubilee
Singers of Fisk University. While touring with the Fisk University Singers,
she received the first of many medals she wore during her performances at
home and abroad.

Sissieretta performed for three presidents at the White House and before the
Prince of Wales. She toured South America and Europe, appearing at the
Wintergarten in Berlin and Covent Garden, England. She appeared with Antonín
Dvorák and was the first black to perform at Carnegie Concert Hall. After
her appearance in the "Grand African Jubilee" at Madison Square Garden in
New York (1892), Sissieretta drew international acclaim. Stunned by the New
York Clipper's theatrical critic racially categorizing her as "the Black
Patti" - referring to Italian soprano Adelina Patti- Sissieretta insisted on
being called "Madame Jones."

Her many gifts from admirers included a medal from President Hippolyte of
Haiti, a bar of diamonds and emeralds from the citizens of St. Thomas, an
emerald shamrock from the Irish people of Providence, and a diamond tiara
from the governor-general in the West Indies. She often wore 17 medals
across her chest during performances. Following her European tour,
Sissieretta noticed she encountered far less racial prejudice there than in
the United States. "It matters not to them the color of an artist's skin. If
a man or a woman is a great actor, musician or singer, they will extend a
warm welcome. It is the soul they see, not the color of the skin."

Although Sissieretta signed a contract with Major J.B. Pond, manager of
well-known singers and lecturers, that raised her fees to as high as $2,000
for a week's appearance at the Pittsburgh Exposition, the highest ever paid
to a Black artist, her compensation did not compare to Adelina Patti's
$4,000 a night. Racism controlled black success. The Metropolitan Opera
considered her for a leading role but rejected her because of her skin

Frustrated that racism limited venues for black artists, Sissieretta formed
a troupe known as the Black Patti Troubadours. It combined vaudeville,
minstrel, musical review and grand opera. For almost 20 years, Sissieretta
performed excerpts from such operas as Lucia, Il Trovatore, Martha, Faust,
and El Capitan.

Sissieretta became ill in 1913 and retired to Providence, where she devoted
her later years to church work and caring for homeless children and her
ailing mother. She died on June 24, 1933 at age 74 in Rhode Island. (Source:

Comments from the Bat Cave

The Dark Knight-Batman/White Ninja/Zorro is experiencing the joys of summer
with a twist. He is working on Saturdays with a family member. When asked
for comments, the Dark One/Ninja/Zorro, who normally avoids work like the
plague, remarked, "It's work! But, a man needs money is his pockets!"

Minstrels, Blackface and Movies
By John Burl Smith

History shows American theater began aboard slave ships that brought
Africans to the Americas. Those "performances" were compulsory. Slavers
forced blacks to dance and sing while crossing the "Middle Passage." Such
notables as James Weldon Johnson and W.E.B. Du Bois believed that minstrelsy
"constituted the 'only completely original contribution' of America to the
theater." Minstrel shows developed during the 19th

[cia-drugs] Breaking: U.S and U.K. secretly preparing to withdraw from Iraq!

2005-07-09 Thread MA PA

Breaking: U.S and U.K. secretly preparing to withdraw most of their troops from Iraq! 
SECRET PLAN TO QUIT IRAQ Sat Jul 09 2005 19:16:16 ETBRITAIN and America are secretly preparing to withdraw most of their troops from Iraq - despite warnings of the grave consequences for the region, the SUNDAY MAIL in UK is reporting.A secret paper written by UK Defence Secretary John Reid for Tony Blair reveals that many of the 8,500 British troops in Iraq are set to be brought home within three months, with most of the rest returning six months later.The leaked document, marked Secret: UK Eyes Only, appears to fly in the face of Mr Blair and President Bush's pledges that Allied forces will not quit until Iraq's own forces are strong enough to take control of security.Continued:


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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [Spy News] Intelligence failure is ruled out

2005-07-09 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: July 9, 2005 4:54:50 PM PDTTo: "!SPY NEWS" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [Spy News] Intelligence failure is ruled outReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] failure is ruled outVol XXVIII NO. 111Saturday 9th July 2005LONDON: British Home Secretary Charles Clarke admitted yesterday that theLondon bomb attacks that killed more than 50 people "came out of the blue"and insisted that they did not represent a failure by intelligence services."As far as the general threat assessment was concerned, we didn't have priorknowledge of this attack," he said, after questions were raised about thealertness status of the security services."We obviously are looking very carefully at all our intelligence to see ifanything was missed, but in fact we don't believe anything was missed. Itjust came out of the blue," Clarke told Sky News television.British newspapers focused on the status of the security services, andhighlighted a recent decision to downgrade the terror threat level to itslowest point since the September 2001 attacks on New York and Washington."The timing of Thursday's seemingly co-ordinated attacks on the capital'stransport system appears to have exploited a weak link in the chain ofintelligence and a fatal lapse in security," the Financial Times said.Clarke said the alert status system would be re-examined, but he deniedclaims that London's security had been compromised because police officerswere deployed to Scotland for the G8 summit."Obviously it was wrong. We have looked very carefully at the threat we arenow under, particularly in the light of events yesterday, and the threatlevel will be increased," he said."We will reinforce all our efforts to minimise the chances of any otherterrorist attack being successful."-__ ___ _ ___ __ ___ _ _ _ __  /-_|-0-\-V-/-\|-|-__|-|-|-/-_| \_-\--_/\-/|-\\-|-_||-V-V-\_-\ |__/_|--//-|_|\_|___|\_A_/|__/  SPY NEWS is OSINT newsletter and discussion list associated to Mario's Cyberspace Station - The Global Intelligence News Portal CAUTION! # Since you are receiving and reading documents, news stories,comments and opinions not only from so called (or self-proclaimed) "reliable sources", but also a lot of possible misinformation collectedby Spy News moderator and subscribers and posted to Spy Newsfor OSINT purposes - it should be a serious reason (particularly tojournalists and web publishers) to think twice before using it for theirstory writing, further publishing or forwarding throughout Cyberspace.To unsubscribe:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]*** FAIR USE NOTICE: This message contains copyrighted material whose use has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Spy News is making it available without profit to SPY NEWS eGroup members who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information in their efforts to advance the understanding of intelligence and law enforcement organizations, their activities, methods, techniques, human rights, civil liberties, social justice and other intelligence related issues, for non-profit research and educational purposes only. We believe that this constitutes a 'fair use' of the copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use,' you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.For more information go to: --- SPY NEWS home page: Mario Profaca Yahoo! Groups Links<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:<*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]<*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: 

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] The Inevitability of George W. Bush

2005-07-09 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:From: "Alamaine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: July 9, 2005 2:24:08 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ctrl] The Inevitability of George W. BushReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] July 9 / 10, 2005A Man for Our TimesThe Inevitability of George W. Bush BEN TRIPPWith regrets for all the chaos and death and destruction, it was necessary that George W. Bush should ascend to power and retain it for two terms of office. He is a singularly giftless man, but he brings one gift to everyone: disaster. Placed at the pinnacle of the greatest military empire in human history, its wealth and reach unimaginable in Caesar's day, equipped with every conceivable advantage that the very most powerful, influential cabals of rulership and commerce and warmaking can bestow, all of their collective beneficence concentrated behind his every purpose, yet he will fail. Say what you will about the accomplices secretly running the show: Bush himself is the president. He is no dupe. A slobbering cretin nearly incapable of forming a coherent thought, or of operating a bicycle on a hill without running over a policeman; a feckless, soulless meta-bureaucrat with the attention span of a hydroencephalitic flea preoccupied with revenge, machismo, booze, and proving to his father he's not a latent homosexual: these things he indubitably is. But he's not a puppet merely. It is his magical ability to wrest defeat from the jaws of victory that will end America's unsuitable world domination. Then we can get on with averting the next ice age. Far too late to save what's left of the world as we know it, but that's the cosmic joke our species seems never to get, no matter how often the punch line is repeated.Bush is only the latest of many such necessary evildoers. There's always somebody. Hitler, an even more egregious schmekel than G.W. Bush, was the inevitable instrument of the destruction of Europe as it had been known for a thousand years. Things simply could not remain as they were, and he saw to it that they didn't. The Great War wasn't enough of a hint for those old countries whose pastime it had long been to annex each other and swap royal bloodlines, feeding their various empires on the flesh of distant lands. So along came Hitler with WWII. Unfortunately America, which came late to both World Wars, got to feeling superior and decided an empire could be done properly: it just needed to be run by folks that were elected, not handed the job through fortunate birth. We set about the task, our elected leaders passing the torch from one grasping claw to the next, and built up a pretty good portfolio of client states and resource-rich territories outside our borders. That showed those old-Europe types!Here's the problem. Empire is the sole purpose and certain downfall of political power. We got our post-European empire sure enough, paddling around in various bits of Asia before settling on oil-rich climes at the buckle between Eurasian shirt and African trousers. We got fat and complacent and began to believe our own press about the goodness and greatness and rightness of America, her jiggle & kill blow-dried Surfer Jesus playtime commercial culture, anaesthetic low-calorie pilsner beers, and infinite opportunity for the right blend of complexion and connection. We began to imagine we were shaping the world to fit our image. This is the first symptom of a dying empire. Check out this kickin' toga, bro. Pretty soon everybody will be wearing them instead of pants. Hey, are those Visigoths? The second symptom is when the leaders start electing themselves by divine right or noble blood. The final symptom is that the popular weal ceases to be a factor in governance. One might argue that most empires were founded and maintained without the popular weal being considered at all, but this is simplistic. Empires rely on a mutual parasitism between leaders and people: you send us to war, we get cheap resources (or Poland). That sort of thing. Eventually, the rulers start running the show entirely for their own benefit, putting increasing downward pressure on the populace until society breaks down like my Fiat Cinquecento. Bingo! The spoils of a sprawling, resource-grabbing common enterprise have been diverted to a self-selecting few. The ticks are exsanguinating the hyena. What's next? A leader must emerge from the top ranks to ruin everything, pronto.That leader is George W. Bush. He brings his gift of failure to our nation and the world. That is the real similarity between him and Adolf Hitler. And various Caesars. And Richard of the Crusades. They come along at a time when empires need collapsing, after which the common business of mankind can proceed. That said, I'm hoping he gets it over with soonI'd look awful in a toga.Ben Tripp is an independent filmmaker and all-around swine. His book, Square In The Nuts, may be purchased here, with other outlets to follow: http:/

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as Real Attack

2005-07-09 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:From: "Alamaine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: July 9, 2005 2:24:07 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ctrl] 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as Real AttackReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] London Underground Bombing 'Exercises' Took Place at Same Time as Real AttackCulpability cover scenario echoes 9/11 wargames Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison Planet | July 9 2005A consultancy agency with government and police connections was running an exercise for an unnamed company that revolved around the London Underground being bombed at the exact same times and locations as happened in real life on the morning of July 7th.On a BBC Radio 5 interview that aired on the evening of the 7th, the host interviewed Peter Power, Managing Director of Visor Consultants, which bills itself as a 'crisis management' advice company, better known to you and I as a PR firm.Peter Power was a former Scotland Yard official, working at one time with the Anti Terrorist Branch.Power told the host that at the exact same time that the London bombings were taking place, his company was running a 1,000 person strong exercise which drilled the London Underground being bombed at the exact same locations, at the exact same times, as happened in real life.The transcript is as follows.POWER: At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now.HOST: To get this quite straight, you were running an exercise to see how you would cope with this and it happened while you were running the exercise?POWER: Precisely, and it was about half past nine this morning, we planned this for a company and for obvious reasons I don't want to reveal their name but they're listening and they'll know it. And we had a room full of crisis managers for the first time they'd met and so within five minutes we made a pretty rapid decision that this is the real one and so we went through the correct drills of activating crisis management procedures to jump from slow time to quick time thinking and so on.Click here for a clip of this dialogue. Click here for a longer clip where the comments can be heard in their full context.The fact that the exercise mirrored the exact locations and times of the bombings is light years beyond a coincidence. Power said the drill focused around 'simultaneous bombings'. At first the bombings were thought to have been spread over an hour, but the BBC reports just today that the bombings were in fact simultaneous.Mr. Power (pictured above) and Visor Consultants need not have been 'in on the bombing' or anything of that nature for this to be of importance. The British government or one of their private company offshoots could have hired Visor to run the exercise for a number of purposes.The exercise fulfils several different goals. It acts as a cover for the small compartamentalized government terrorists to carry out their operation without the larger security services becoming aware of what they're doing, and, more importantly, if they get caught during the attack or after with any incriminating evidence they can just claim that they were just taking part in the exercise.This is precisely what happened on the morning of 9/11/2001. The CIA was conducting drills of flying hijacked planes into the WTC and Pentagon at 8:30 in the morning.It is clear that at least five if not six training exercises were in operation in the days leading up to and on the morning of 9/11. This meant that NORAD radar screens showed as many as 22 hijacked airliners at the same time. NORAD had been briefed that this was part of the exercise drill and therefore normal reactive procedure was forestalled and delayed.The large numbers of 'blips' on NORAD screens that displayed both real and 'drill' hijacked planes explain why confused press reports emerged hours after the attack stating that up to eight planes had been hijacked.The Anglo-American establishment that controls the military-industrial complex of the West has been caught over a hundred times carrying out bombings and other terrorist attacks around the world to further their corporate aims and to blame their enemies.The US government has been caught planning to carry out attacks and carrying out attacks. The British government has been caught red-handed as well. Members of Vladimir Putin's FSB were caught planting bombs in a Russian apartment building in 1999 by the Moscow police.This is not speculation. Kermit Roosevelt admited on NPR radio that in 1953 the CIA and British intelligence carried out a wave of bombings and shootings in Iran. He then went on to brag about how they subsequently blamed the bombings on Iran's President, Mossadegh. Do you understand, these people brag about wh

[cia-drugs] U.S. Terror Attack — “ Ninety Days at Most ”

2005-07-09 Thread MA PA

U.S. Terror Attack — “ Ninety Days at Most ” 
July 9, 2005
Juval Aviv is a former Israeli Counterterrorism Intelligence Officer and President and CEO of Interfor, Inc. Mr. Aviv has also served as a special consultant to the U.S. Congress on issues of terrorism and security and is the author of “Staying Safe : The Complete Guide to Protecting Yourself, Your Family, and Your Business.”
"I predict, based primarily on information that is floating in Europe and the Middle East, that an event is imminent and around the corner here in the United States. It could happen as soon as tomorrow, or it could happen in the next few months. Ninety days at the most."
WHO IS AVIV JUVAL? - Says U.S. Terror Attack — “Ninety Days at Most"
Richard Perle calls for New New (sic) Pearl Harbor 
July 9, 2005


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[cia-drugs] Tarpley Synthetic Terror

2005-07-09 Thread norgesen

9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in 
A remarkable look under the skin of the lurid 
scarecrow figure of modern terrorism to reveal the bones and sinews of a 
man-made monster, one with very direct genetic links to the Bader-Meinhof gang 
and the "strategy of tension" deployed after WW-II to justify the militarization 
of society and the targeting of selected groups. Once society gets used to the 
idea that odd little groups or demented individuals occasionally pull off 
spectacular attacks, the mask of any desired target group (leftists, hippies, 
Arabs) can be easily fitted to the patsy who will be blamed for the attack. 
The National Security State needs its terrorists, and leaves nothing to 
chance in their care and feeding. By revealing the mundane operational details 
of these programs, and the continuity over time of both the strategies and the 
personnel involved, Tarpley brings these deliberately shadowy enterprises into 
the realm of normal human activities. In this view, the series of staged events 
leading up to 9-11 (Waco, the Murrah building and all the rest) comes into clear 
focus as the successive elaborations of the same schema on an ever larger scale. 
The use of visible patsies to focus blame, the networks of moles that 
protect and manage them, the aggressive coverups with blatent destruction of 
evidence and violent suppression of potential whistle-blowers, the fake 
investigations and popular press debunking... the pattern repeats with 
remarkable consistency, and the growing boldness of a cabal that has tasted 
success and has so far crushed all those who have tried to reveal the extent of 
their crimes. Tarpley's deep knowledge of the Bush family and NATO 
secret terror operations in Europe make him the ideal historian to put the 
distinctly post-WW-II phenomenon of synthetic terrorism in it's proper 
historical perspective, and in so doing he in effect does create a new field of 
historical inquiry. This is truly an important work, written with great 
precision and elegance. 
The thesis of Webster Tarpley’s 911 Synthetic 
Terror: Made in USA has been enthusiastically received with its 
working model of the 9/11 plot: a rogue network of moles, patsies, and a 
commando cell in the privatized intelligence services, backed by corrupt 
political and corporate media elites. 
Buttressed by historical examples like the Baader-Meinhof Gang and the 
Gunpowder Plot, this model makes it clear how such a monstrous false-flag or 
self-terror exploit is possible even under a largely benign government. That 
paradox is the incredibility gap that has made most Americans reject the 
evidence about 9/11 as paranoid fantasy. 
Tarpley brings decades of expertise to the 9/11 issue. Already in 1978 he had 
exposed the terrorist Red Brigades as patsies of Italy's fascist P2 shadow 
government, and 9/11 is on the same pattern. The forthright subtitle, Made in 
USA, is backed up by an analysis of key figures who behave like moles working 
for the rogue network or parallel government. 
9/11 Synthetic Terror highlights the salient points of sheer physical 
impossibility of the official 9/11 conspiracy theory. It then analyzes the 
psychological traits which make Anglo-American society gullible to artificial 
enemy images and unable to grasp the truth of 9/11. 
Understanding how synthetic terror works, we see the weakness of the muddled 
"blowback" theories of terrorism and the spurious leads to Pakistan or Saudi 
Arabia that have marred many critiques of 9/11. Tarpley's model makes it clear 
that figures like Osama bin Laden are patsies or double agents who were selected 
for their ethnic coloring as the basis for launching a "Clash of Civilizations," 
and it is absurd to imagine that such tools of US intelligence agencies could 
turn around and infiltrate or overwhelm US defenses unaided. 
9/11 Synthetic Terror is also firmly grounded in Great Power geopolitics. It 
shows that the wars on the Islamic world, the Soviet-Afghan, Kosovo and Chechen 
conflicts, as well as US-UK-NATO synthetic terror incidents like 9/11, Beslan or 
3/11 in Madrid, have been contrived to continue the Cold War, in pursuit of the 
centuries-long campaign for Anglo hegemony over Eurasia and the world. 
For a principled refutation of the 9/11 propaganda myth in all its parts, 
Tarpley's work is indispensable.About the AuthorWebster 
Griffin Tarpley is an activist and historian best known for his George Bush: The 
Unauthorized Biography (1992), a masterpiece of research which is still a must 
read. A decades-long expert on international terrorism, he directed the study 
Chi ha ucciso Aldo Moro? (Who Killed Aldo Moro?), commissioned by a member of 
the Italian government and published in Rome in 1978, which broke open the 
affiliation of the Red Brigades with the neofascist lodge P2. 
I therefore contend that the more reliable 
model for understanding terrorism is one that 
situates the secret intelligence

[cia-drugs] BBC - The Power Of Nightmares

2005-07-09 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
BBC - The Power Of Nightmares - pt1 avi
BBC - The Power Of Nightmares - pt2 avi
The Power of Nightmares - The Shadows In The Cave (2004)
The Shadows In The Cave (2004) - The Power of Nightmares 
assesses whether the threat from a hidden and organised 
terrorist network is an illusion. In the concluding part 
of the series, the programme explains how the illusion 
was created and who benefits from it. ~ A MUST SEE !!

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[cia-drugs] Madrid Redux?

2005-07-09 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Saturday July 09th 2005, 7:43 am 
Remember how the alleged bombers in Spain blew themselves up as police closed 
in? It was convenient because dead men tell no tales. Now there are unconfirmed 
reports British police killed two “suicide bombers” outside the HSBC tower at 
Canary Wharf in London, according to the New Zealand Herald. “Following the 
shooting, the 8000 workers in the 44-storey tower were told to stay away from 
windows and remain in the building for at least six hours,” a New Zealand man 
working for Reuters in London told the newspaper. Another coincidence is the 
alleged participation of Mohammed al-Gerbouzi in the London bombings. “As head 
of the Group of Islamic Combatants of Morocco, he has been linked to the Madrid 
atrocities and bombings in Casablanca two years ago when 40 people died,” notes 
the Edinburgh Evening News. “Mohammed 
al Gerbouzi is said to have been living with his family in Britain for 16 years. 
It is understood he was granted indefinite leave to remain in the country, 
despite warnings from Morocco that he posed a threat.” Isn’t it odd a potential 
threat to security such as al-Gerbouzi is allowed to walk around? “A former 
pupil of cleric Abu Qatada—said to be Osama Bin Laden’s European 
ambassador—Gerbouzi is alleged by the Spanish authorities to have spoken to some 
of the Madrid bombers twice in the hours before they blew themselves up as 
police closed in.” I wonder if the bombers al-Gerbouzi talked with are the same 
ones accused of working with the Spanish 

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Re: [cia-drugs] Akha Journal: Akha in Laos

2005-07-09 Thread RoadsEnd


On Jul 9, 2005, at 10:06 AM, Vigilius Haufniensis wrote:

> I look forward to hearing from you.
> Wife, children, happy and healthy, and EATING.
> Matthew McDaniel

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[cia-drugs] Train Wreck of the Week By Bob Chapman

2005-07-09 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

- Original Message - 
From: Milo 
To: Recipient List Suppressed 
Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2005 5:12 AM
Subject: [new_patriots] Train Wreck of the Week By Bob 
Train Wreck of the Week By Bob Chapman 
July 3 2005
George W. Bush has lied about WMD in order to create an excuse for war, and 
we now also find he lied about his actions and interest prior to the war. In 
August of 2002, he began military actions inside Iraq. First came the bombing 
extension and then the insertion of Special Forces Units for reconnaissance. Six 
months later the CIA and special operations were sent into Iraq. Our President 
was waging aggressive war long before official war and invasion began. This is 
George and the neocon’s version of democracy. Our intelligence tells us that the 
same pre war, war preparations are going on in Iran, which is to be the 
elitists’ next target. Our special units are already in Iran and have been for 
some time and the BBC tells us our U2 spy plane was shot down while over Iran. 
Our government hasn’t told us yet where the wreckage is, only that they are 
guarding and inspecting it. Essentially, we are already at war with Iran – we 
just haven’t invaded yet. US trained infiltrators from Azerbaijan are already in 
Iran collecting intelligence, which we mentioned some months ago. We also have 
military aircraft in Azerbaijan with which we can attack Iran. Our government is 
in the process of creating another war for profit – to steal Iran’s oil. If we 
do not impose tariff barriers on goods and services, America’s economic 
structure will be destroyed. Yes, consumer prices will rise but that cost is far 
less than the destruction of our economic and financial system, which is now 
taking place. Free trade and globalization has been disastrous for our 
If you live in a hot housing market you had best pay attention and beware 
that you will suffer the most from a downturn. The FDIC says the 22 major local 
markets with the fastest growing prices account for 35% of the nation’s housing 
values, that is those that are up more than 30% over the past three years. In 
2004, 55 of 362 markets qualified, and account for about 40% of national 
residential values.
Fannie Mae concludes that the probability of regional housing busts has risen 
sharply in certain parts of the country and current conditions mirror past 
conditions that preceded regional housing busts. Twenty-four percent of the 
sub-prime loans, included in private label securities, were adjustable rate 
mortgages with an interest-only payment provision. More than 30% of sub-prime 
loans were topped with a home-equity loan granted at the same time. Overall, 
mortgage borrowings rose to an average of 91% of home values.
We are totally convinced a national housing bubble exists and the risks to 
the economy are enormous. The Fed and government agencies are well aware of the 
situation. If they tighten the way they should, the stock market, bonds, real 
estate and pensions will all fall in value. If they do nothing and continue to 
inflate, the boom will get further out of hand and the resultant fall will be 
worse. If the interest rates are not quickly increased and the credit punchbowl 
removed the downside will be ghastly.
Five years ago in early April 2000 we announced the end of the equity bubble 
and this fall we should start to see the end of the real estate bubble. Thanks 
to the Federal Reserve, one bubble led to another. It did not just happen that 
way; it was planned that way. The same crowd that saw equities fairly valued 
sees real estate fairly valued today. There are no fundamentals to drive the 
real estate market, only low interest rates. The situation is little different 
from 2000.
Over 2-1/2 years the S&P 500 fell 49%. Presently house price inflation is 
at a 25-year high in real terms. In the first quarter of 2005, double-digit 
house price inflation was evident in 23 states plus DC. In 25 of the top 100 
metropolitan areas, the rate of home price appreciation was at least 20%. 
Investors, not owners are currently accounting for 11.5% of newly-originated 
conventional mortgage loans; that is up from a 2% low in late 1995. Mortgage 
financing is now a game of exotics; anything goes for now, who cares about 
Prompted by low interest rates and exotic mortgages and low investment 
returns most everyone has jumped on the real estate bandwagon. This is a global 
bubble with only a few exceptions. This is, as we have said many times, the 
biggest financial bubble in history. It’s not only the Fed; it’s a number of 
central banks and governments that have added fuel to the fire. Sir Alan 
Greenspan was never concerned with irrational exuberance; he was the one 
responsible for running the stock market up from December 1995 to April 2000. He 
could have stopped it at any time simply by raising interest margin 
requirements, but he w

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Nonsense triumphant

2005-07-09 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:From: thew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: July 9, 2005 6:49:47 AM PDTTo: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [ctrl] Nonsense triumphantReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]July 9, 2005  Leading Cardinal Redefines Church's View on Evolution  By CORNELIA DEAN and LAURIE GOODSTEIN   An influential cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church, which has long been regarded as an ally of the theory of evolution, is now suggesting that belief in evolution as accepted by science today may be incompatible with Catholic faith.  The cardinal, Christoph Schönborn, archbishop of Vienna, a theologian who is close to Pope Benedict XVI, staked out his position in an Op-Ed article in The New York Times on Thursday, writing, "Evolution in the sense of common ancestry might be true, but evolution in the neo-Darwinian sense - an unguided, unplanned process of random variation and natural selection - is not."  In a telephone interview from a monastery in Austria, where he was on retreat, the cardinal said that his essay had not been approved by the Vatican, but that two or three weeks before Pope Benedict XVI's election in April, he spoke with the pope, then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, about the church's position on evolution. "I said I would like to have a more explicit statement about that, and he encouraged me to go on," said Cardinal Schönborn.  He said that he had been "angry" for years about writers and theologians, many Catholics, who he said had "misrepresented" the church's position as endorsing the idea of evolution as a random process.  Opponents of Darwinian evolution said they were gratified by Cardinal Schönborn's essay. But scientists and science teachers reacted with confusion, dismay and even anger. Some said they feared the cardinal's sentiments would cause religious scientists to question their faiths.  Cardinal Schönborn, who is on the Vatican's Congregation for Catholic Education, said the office had no plans to issue new guidance to teachers in Catholic schools on evolution. But he said he believed students in Catholic schools, and all schools, should be taught that evolution is just one of many theories. Many Catholic schools teach Darwinian evolution, in which accidental mutation and natural selection of the fittest organisms drive the history of life, as part of their science curriculum.  Darwinian evolution is the foundation of modern biology. While researchers may debate details of how the mechanism of evolution plays out, there is no credible scientific challenge to the underlying theory.   American Catholics and conservative evangelical Christians have been a potent united front in opposing abortion, stem cell research and euthanasia, but had parted company on the death penalty and the teaching of evolution. Cardinal Schönborn's essay and comments are an indication that the church may now enter the debate over evolution more forcefully on the side of those who oppose the teaching of evolution alone.  One of the strongest advocates of teaching alternatives to evolution is the Discovery Institute in Seattle, which promotes the idea, termed intelligent design, that the variety and complexity of life on earth cannot be explained except through the intervention of a designer of some sort.  Mark Ryland, a vice president of the institute, said in an interview that he had urged the cardinal to write the essay. Both Mr. Ryland and Cardinal Schönborn said that an essay in May in The Times about the compatibility of religion and evolutionary theory by Lawrence M. Krauss, a physicist at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, suggested to them that it was time to clarify the church's position on evolution.  The cardinal's essay, a direct response to Dr. Krauss's article, was submitted to The Times by a Virginia public relations firm, Creative Response Concepts, which also represents the Discovery Institute.  Mr. Ryland, who said he knew the cardinal through the International Theological Institute in Gaming, Austria, where he is chancellor and Mr. Ryland is on the board, said supporters of intelligent design were "very excited" that a church leader had taken a position opposing Darwinian evolution. "It clarified that in some sense the Catholics aren't fine with it," he said.  Bruce Chapman, the institute's president, said the cardinal's essay "helps blunt the claims" that the church "has spoken on Darwinian evolution in a way that's supportive."  But some biologists and others said they read the essay as abandoning longstanding church support for evolutionary biology.  "How did the Discovery Institute talking points wind up in Vienna?" wondered Glenn Branch, deputy director of the National Center for Science Education, which advocates the teaching of evolution. "It really did look quite a bit as if Cardinal Schönborn had been reading their Web pages."  Mr. Ryland said the cardinal was well versed on these issues and had written the essay on his own.  Dr. Francis Collins, who headed the official American eff

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Criminal Intent, Illegal Wars, Gangsta Plots: Why the W/Blair Gang will B tried4war crimes

2005-07-09 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:From: Neo Mulder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: July 9, 2005 12:12:05 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ctrl] Criminal Intent, Illegal Wars, Gangsta Plots: Why the W/Blair Gang will B tried4war crimesReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Criminal Intent, Illegal Wars, Gangsta Plots: Why the Bush/Blair Gang will be tried for war crimes Edward Teague, I'n'I July 7, 2005 “UNDER SECRETARY FEITH VISITS ROMANIA, PAKISTAN, AFGHANISTAN AND ITALY Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas J. Feith will travel to Romania, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Italy this week.      In Romania, Mr. Feith will meet with President Ion Iliescu, Prime Minister Adrian Nastase, Foreign Minister Mircea Dan Geoana and Minister of Defense Ioan Mircea Pascu. The visit to Romania presents an opportunity to convey the U.S. government's appreciation for Romania's contributions to the War on Terrorism and for Romania's conclusion of a bilateral Article 98 agreement with the U.S. dealing with the International Criminal Court. Romania is the first country to conclude this important agreement with the U.S. Feith will also discuss U.S.-Romania defense cooperation and Romania's NATO candidacy   In Romania, the group will meet with national leaders. They will discuss the country's NATO candidacy, and the U.S. delegation will thank Romania for its help in the war on terrorism and for supporting the U.S. position on the International Criminal Court.”Press Release, September 23rd 2002 US Embassy Romania   At their August meeting 2002 Bush gave Blair his instructions about invading Iraq. These plans were settled in detail by Rumsfeld a week later in New York when Minister of Defence Geoff Hoon (with, we now know, a very unhappy bunch of MOD stars including Dr David Kelly ). After he and his military men got their marching orders, the leaden lawyer Hoon, with a delightful sense of irony, addressed his old American alma mater, Louisville U. in the appropriately named Muhammed Ali Peace Hall.   The above little noticed visit by one of the self confessed neo-cons, whose mission and vision were still a guilty little secret unknown outside the Beltway, was doing his best to drum up support for US refusal to recognise the International Criminal Court.   Few criminals decide they don't recognise the courts jurisidiction in advance of committing the crime. Proof, if it were needed, of the wicked and criminal intention to illegally invade and occupy Iraq.   Crime cannot be justified In launching the imperial invasion and shock and awe inspiring blitzkrieg on March 8th 2003, the UK and US are unquestionably in violation of the Charter of the United Nations and other international agreements by which the US and Britain as signatories are bound. UN Secretary General Kofi Annan repeatedly said before the invasion that a unilateral attack would be in violation of the UN Charter.   This violent and aggressive invasion, unleashing over 30,000 bombs, napalm, and all the terrors of aerial bombing against a civilian population, was a Hobbesian, "War of each against all". Raw power, military might, not morality, not legitimacy was the only currency. The Bush Administration and Parliament were well aware this attack had no legal basis. The legal justifications offered then, and over which much squalid sophistry is being used and cyinically offered are transparently fraudulent.   Simply put. The invasion of Iraq was illegal. It's authors are criminals and should be tried as such.   The White House Legal Brief On March 13th 2002 at a Press Briefing in the White House, Ari Fleischer, then but now, ex- Presidential spokesman, was asked about the legality of a war on Iraq.   He read, from an obviously prepared statement,   “The UN Security Council Resolution 678 authorised use of all means to uphold UN Security Council resolution 660 and subsequent resolutions and to restore international peace and security in the area.”    In fact 678 authorised the use of force only to remove Iraqi military forces from Kuwait, not to invade Iraq. “Thereafter,” Fleischer stridently continued, “687 declared a cease fire …. And provides then legal grounds for the use of force.”   The UN Charter The 1945 UN Charter Article 2 , states,     “must refrain..from the use of force against or the territorial integrity or political independence of any state”…except under certain narrowly defined circumstances.” “Member states must seek a solution to disputes through the Security Council (Art 33) and the Security Council, which will determine what action to take” (Art 39)   It is only the Security Council that can decide upon the use of force :  “Plans for the application of force shall be made by the Security Council with the assistance of the Military Staff Committee..” (Art 48) “Member states may use force but only the Security Council is empowered to provide the autho

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Condemned2Relive the Past-Ken Sanders,

2005-07-09 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:From: Neo Mulder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: July 9, 2005 12:09:10 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ctrl] Condemned2Relive the Past-Ken Sanders,dissidentvoice.orgReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Condemned to Relive the Past Ken Sanders, July 7, 2005<"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to relive it."-- George Santanya It is probably safe to assume that few Americans know or care about their nation's history of atrocities in Latin America. They neither know nor care about the death squads in Guatemala and El Salvador that were trained, funded, and equipped by the U.S., and which tortured and murdered thousands of alleged "communists and terrorists." From the point of view of the U.S. government, Americans' ignorance and disinterest in their nation's history of "counter-terror assistance" to countries like Guatemala is a real boon. It makes it that much easier for the U.S. to fund, train, and equip nearly identical death squads in Iraq. Beginning in the 1960's, the U.S. assisted the right-wing Guatemalan government in establishing a counter-terrorist task force to combat communist insurgent groups (a.k.a. terrorists). For instance, when the Guatemalan government asked for help in developing special squads that would kidnap, torture, and kill suspected communists, the U.S. military recommended that the U.S. "fully support current police improvement programs and initiate military psychological warfare training and additional counterinsurgency operations training." In other words, Guatemala got the help it wanted. In 1968, the State Department's Viron Vacky, former U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission in Guatemala, criticized the U.S. government for condoning the Guatemalan government's counter-terror practices of killing, torturing, and mutilating suspected communists. Vacky summarized the U.S. position regarding Guatemala's death squads: "[A]s long as Communists are being killed it is alright. Murder, torture and mutilation are alright if our side is doing it and the victims are Communists." In a 1971 cable to the House Sub-Committee on Inter-American Affairs, the U.S. embassy in Guatemala confirmed Vacky's accusations when it admitted, "The U.S. Government is aware of the tactics being used by the Government of Guatemala in combatting [sic] urban and rural terrorism." Despite this awareness, the U.S. continued to provide overt military aid to the Guatemalan government and its regime of murder and torture until 1990. Covert military aid continued until 1995.  Click to join catapultthepropaganda The U.S. wrote a similar story in El Salvador.Why the (extremely) brief history lesson? In Iraq, U.S.-backed counterinsurgency groups are engaging in the same practices of kidnapping, torture, and murder  ( )  that were employed in Guatemala and El Salvador. With each passing day in Iraq, more and more bodies of suspected insurgents are turning up exhibiting clear signs of torture and summary execution. Take, for instance, the case of Hassan an-Ni'ami, a suspected terrorist. As reported in The Observer, an-Ni'ami was abducted in May by Iraqi police commandos (to great televised fanfare) twelve hours before his mutilated body turned up at the morgue. He had been hung from handcuffs until his hands and wrists became swollen. There were burn marks and welts covering his torso. His nose and arm were broken and one of his upper vertebrae was dislodged. Clusters of circular wounds on both sides of his left knee looked like they had been inflicted by an electric drill. Finally, he was shot repeatedly in the chest and head. His is not an isolated case.Beginning in April, following the announcement of Iraq's new Shiite-led government, the bodies of Sunni men began turning up at Baghdad's central morgue. Witnesses had seen the men captured by men in police commando uniforms and body armor, brandishing Glock 9mm pistols, and driving Toyota Land Cruisers with police markings. (The use of Land Cruisers and Glocks is significant since they cost more than $55,000 and $500 apiece, respectively, and are used exclusively by Western contractors and Iraqi security forces.) The mens' hands had been tied or handcuffed behind their backs and their eyes were blindfolded. The dead men appeared to have been whipped, electrocuted, and beaten with blunt objects before being shot, execution style, in the back of the head. According to Knight-Ridder, more than 30 such killings in Baghdad occurred in less than a week. Similarly, Knight-Ridder reported that in May, 14 Sunni farmers were abducted from a Baghdad market by a patrol of more than 10 police vehicles. The next day, the bodies of the suspected insurgents were found in shallow graves. The men had been blin

[cia-drugs] THE PROVOCATEUR STATE: Is the CIA Behind the Iraqi "Insurgents"--and Global Terrorism?

2005-07-09 Thread norgesen

STATEIs the CIA Behind the Iraqi "Insurgents"--and Global 
Terrorism?by Frank MoralesThe requirement of an 
ever-escalating level of social violence to meet thepolitical and economic 
needs of the insatiable "anti-terrorist complex" isthe essence of the new US 
militarism. What is now openly billed as"permanent war" ultimately serves 
the geo-political ends of social controlin the interests of US corporate 
domination, much as the anti-communistcrusade of the now-exhasuted Cold War 
did.Back in 2002, following the trauma of  9-11, Secretary of 
Defense Donald H.Rumsfeld predicted there would be more terrorist attacks 
against theAmerican people and civilization at large. How could he be so 
sure of that?Perhaps because these attacks would be instigated  on the 
order of theHonorable Mr. Rumsfeld. According to Los Angeles Times military 
analystWilliam Arkin, writing Oct. 27, 2002, Rumsfeld set out to create 
a  secretarmy, "a super-Intelligence Support Activity" network that 
would "bringtogether CIA and military covert action, information warfare, 
intelligence,and cover and  deception," to stir the pot of spiraling 
global violence.According to a classified document prepared for Rumsfeld 
by his DefenseScience Board, the new organization--the "Proactive, 
Preemptive OperationsGroup  (P2OG)"--would actually carry out secret 
missions designed toprovoke terrorist groups into committing violent acts. 
The P2OG, a100-member, so-called "counter-terrorist" organization with 
a$100-million-a-year budget, would ostensibly target "terrorist 
leaders,"but according to P2OG documents procured by Arkin, would in fact 
carry outmissions designed to "stimulate reactions" among "terrorist 
groups"--which,according to the Defense Secretary's logic, would 
subsequently expose themto "counter-attack" by the good guys. In other 
words, the plan is toexecute secret military operations (assassinations, 
sabotage, "deception")which would intentionally result in terrorist attacks 
on innocent people,including Americans--essentially, to "combat terrorism" 
by causing it!This notion is currently being applied to the problem of 
the Iraqi"insurgency," it seems. According to a May 1, 2005 report by Peter 
Maass inthe New York Times Magazine, two of the top US advisers to 
Iraqiparamilitary  commandos fighting the insurgents are veterans of 
UScounterinsurgency operations in Latin America. Loaning credence to 
recentmedia speculation about the "Salvadorization" of  Iraq, the 
report notesthat one adviser currently in Iraq is James Steele, who led a 
team of 55 USArmy Special Forces advisers in El Salvador in the 1980s. Maass 
writes thatthese advisors "trained front-line battalions that were accused 
ofsignificant human rights abuses."The current senior US adviser at 
the Iraqi Interior Ministry, which Maasswrites "has operational control over 
the commandos," is former top US DrugEnforcement  Administration (DEA) 
official Steve Casteel, who worked"alongside local forces"  in the 
US-sponsored "Drug War" in Bolivia, Peruand Colombia, "where he was involved 
in the hunt for Pablo Escobar, thehead of the Medellin  cocaine 
cartel."The US "drug war" in Latin America also serves as a cover for 
ongoingcounterinsurgency, employing terrorist methods to achieve two aims: 
one,actually combating genuine insurgency; two, the ratcheting up of  
a"strategy of tension," heightened social violence designed to induce 
fearamong the citizenry and the subsequent call for greater 
"security."This was the essence, for example, of Operation Gladio, a 
decades-longcovert campaign of provocateur-style terrorism and deceit. The 
ostensiblepurpose of Gladio, officially launched as a covert NATO program in 
1952,was to establish a clandestine network of "stay-behind" teams which 
wouldorganize armed resistance and sabotage in the event of a Soviet 
invasion ofWestern Europe. But the network actually took a far more 
proactive role.Directed by US/NATO intelligence services of the West against 
their ownpopulations, Operation Gladio led to possibly hundreds of innocent 
peoplebeing killed or maimed in "terrorist" attacks which were then blamed 
on"leftist subversives" or other political opponents. The most notorious 
suchattack was the 1980 bombing of the train station at Bologna, which left 
85dead. Initially blamed on left-wing radicals, the blast was revealed 
uponinvestigation to be the work of an ultra-right network linked to 
theItaly's Gladio team; four Italian neo-fascists were eventually convicted 
ofthe crime.The purpose was again twofold: to demonize designated 
enemies (the"communists") and to frighten the public into supporting 
ever-increasingpowers for the national security state. It appears the 
Pentagon has beenimplementing Gladio-style operations for quite  some 
time--possiblyincluding 9-11. A stretch? Maybe not.Witness the 
US  Joint Chiefs discussion of "Operation Northwoods" back in1962, a 
plan to  blow up U.S. 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Ivans-GovtCorruption Is Easy2Find,Thomas-Rove Crosses Line W/Attack On Liberals+Toons

2005-07-09 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:From: Neo Mulder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: July 8, 2005 11:42:18 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ctrl] Ivans-GovtCorruption Is Easy2Find,Thomas-Rove Crosses Line W/Attack On Liberals+ToonsReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Randy takes a bribe  Government Corruption Is Easy To Find By Molly Ivins   AUSTIN, Texas -- The stirring tale of Randy "Duke" Cunningham, congressman and bon vivant, becomes more entertaining by the day, and it is far more instructive than another case of a missing white female.     True, Duke Cunningham is merely an obscure Republican from San Diego (Crow Eaten Here: In a recent column, I said Cunningham was in charge of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, whereas actually he is only a member thereof ... apologies. He is also on the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.) On the other hand, the whole tale is so ... so prototypical, so archetypal, so (even though I keep promising not to use the word) paradigmatic.     Cunningham was a decorated pilot in Vietnam who has oft campaigned on the claim that he is the original model for Top Gun. In 2003, he sold his house in Del Mar, a very upscale town north of San Diego. The buyer was Mitchell Wade, a defense contractor, who paid $1.675 million. Wade later resold the house at a $700,000 loss.      Now, either this makes Wade the only person in recent history to lose money on a San Diego real estate deal, or the guy paid way too much for the house.      The deal is now under investigation by a grand jury. Cunningham in turn used the money he made from the Del Mar deal to buy a $2.55 million home in Rancho Santa Fe.      Meanwhile, back in Washington, Cunningham is living, rent-free, aboard a 42-foot yacht named the Duke Stir, which belongs to the said same Mitchell Wade. Since 2002, Wade's company, MZM Inc., has received $163 million in defense contracts.      There the case stood until this week, when we learned from Copley News Service and The Washington Post that the boat-loving Cunningham was living on the Duke Stir only because he had sold his own boat, the Kelly C, a 65-foot flat-bottom riverboat, to Thomas Kontogiannis, a New York real estate developer.      Follow this closely: Kontogiannis buys the boat from Cunningham in the summer of 2002. In 2003, a mortgage company owned by Kontogiannis' nephew and daughter finances $1.1 million of the price of Cunnigham's new home in Rancho Santa Fe. Also, Kontogiannis never gets around to putting the Kelly C in his own name, so the Coast Guard still thinks it's owned by Cunningham. What a misunderstanding.      My favorite quote, so far: Kontogiannis, when asked if he was doing Cunningham a favor by keeping the boat in his name while Kontogiannis paid $100,000 to redecorate it, said: "Why would I do that? I don't need the man." The pragmatic approach.      Kontogiannis does admit that he was looking for a pardon for his unfortunate 2003 conviction on kickback and bribery charges in connection with a bid-rigging scheme for New York City school computers. He said Cunningham steered him to a Washington law firm for this purpose, but it was "too much aggravation."      Cunningham is very big on patriotism and the no-flag-burning amendment. Meantime, MZM is working on classified intelligence projects for the government. The company's literature says it helps the government with "enigmatic problems."      For those who prefer to contemplate varieties of political corruption in a more systemic way, the current issue of Harper's magazine has a cover article on "The Great American Pork Barrel: Washington Streamlines the Means of Corruption," by Ken Silverstein, which I highly recommend.      Silverstein details the ballooning of the practice called "earmarks" in the federal budget. As it is true of much of what is wrong with our politics, the practice is not new -- pork barrel politics has a venerable history -- but it is spiraling out of control. The same thing has happened with gerrymandering, also an ancient practice, and campaign contributions. They've always been part of politics, it's just that now they are so much more so. Indeed, what have been just deplorable flaws in our system are now eating the whole system -- the flaws are getting bigger than the functioning, with the result that serving the public interest is rapidly disappearing.      Silverstein reports on earmarks: "In the past two decades, the pastime has become breathtaking in its profligacy. Even as the federal deficit soars to record heights, the sums of money being diverted from the treasury have grown ever larger. Last year, 15,584 separate earmarks worth a combined $32.7 billion were attached to the appropriations bills -- more than twice the dollar amount in 2001 ... and more than three times the dollar amount in 1998

[cia-drugs] China Trying to Use Russian Army for its Own Purposes

2005-07-09 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis China Trying to Use Russian Army for its Own 
PurposesMOSCOW (RIA Novosti) -- Yesterday, Chief of 
the Russian General Staff YuryBaluyevsky left for China to settle a scandal 
over the first Russian-Chinesemilitary exercise, Commonwealth-2005, which is 
due to be held this fall offthe Yellow Sea coast, writes Kommersant. 
The initial plans were to practice operational teamwork in 
combatingterrorism during the exercise. However, Beijing, skillfully 
changing theformat of the exercise, has tried to re-orient the two 
countries' armies topracticing an invasion of Taiwan. The choice of 
where the exercise will take place became a stumbling block.The Russian 
military selected the Xinjiang-Uigur autonomous region, basingtheir choice 
on the area's problematic nature due to Uigur separatists andits proximity 
to Central Asia, which has become an arena in the fightagainst international 
terrorism. However, Beijing flatly rejected theproposal. Instead, it 
suggested the Zhejiang province near Taiwan. A joint exercise in this 
area would look too provocative and trigger astrong reaction not only from 
Taiwan but also America and Japan, whichrecently included the island in the 
zone of their common strategicinterests. Beijing is trying to use 
Russia as an additional lever of pressure on thedisobedient island to show 
it that its policy is also causingdissatisfaction in Russia, from which the 
Taiwanese are expecting assistancein their dialogue with Beijing and bid to 
join the WTO and the UN. On the Russian military's insistence, the 
exercise was shifted north to theShangdong peninsula. However, the Chinese 
are trying to change the format ofthe exercise with proposals to enlarge the 
contingents with Marines andPacific Fleet warships. Marine landings to seize 
the area will be practicedduring the "antiterrorist" exercise. 
Russia's agreement to hold the exercise will inevitably cause a furor 
inAmerica, Japan and Taiwan. But a refusal will spoil relations with 
China,which three months ago courteously agreed to Russia's proposal to hold 

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] The Great Tom Cruise Backlash By Mark Morford

2005-07-09 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

> The Great Tom Cruise Backlash
> Will this annoying phase pass, or will Tom become the next super- 
> rich, Mel Gibson-like nutball?
> By Mark Morford
> Let it begin now. Let it start with a wry askance glance and evolve  
> into full-fledged annoyance and then move into raging hell-bent OK  
> that's quite enough now please stop before we slap you silly.
> Note to Tom Cruise: You are maxing out. Wearing out the welcome.  
> Becoming less the tolerable and moderately talented and mildly  
> likable megastar and more like an itchy boil on the deranged ferret  
> of popular culture, requiring lancing.
> The signs are all in place. The crazy ranting, the jumping on  
> couches, the crazed grins, the enormous piles of money, the  
> incessant photos of you sucking the face off your new and  
> bewildered and child-like fiancee, the weird diatribes about  
> psychiatry and mental health, the relatively common knowledge that  
> you are super-seriously involved at the highest levels with one of  
> the creepier money-hungry pseudo-religions in the nation.
> Also: the assigning of a "handler" from said cult to tag along with  
> your new bewildered young fiancee everywhere she goes to "keep her  
> on the path" and make sure she doesn't, I don't know what. Talk  
> about the nightmares? Break down in a heap and confess that it's  
> all a staged setup? Reveal your true lizard identity?
>  Yes, Tom Cruise is getting weirder, more annoying than ever. Or  
> maybe he was already deeply weird and we just didn't know it  
> because he was famously tight-lipped in interviews and was never  
> much of a deep thinker and wasn't all that articulate and no one  
> really paid much attention because, well, who really cares?
> But now, oh, Tom is opening up. Tom is speaking extemporaneously on  
> talk shows and in interviews about life and love and Scientology,  
> free of the careful grooming and aggressive protection of his  
> former publicist, and while he's still not all that interesting, he  
> is indeed letting his true colors beam right through and those  
> colors are sort of a strange reddish brown with lots of unbecoming  
> blue polka dots and weird slashes of hot pink all overarched by a  
> vague hint of a rainbow flag waving just overhead.
> Click to join catapultthepropaganda
> There are rumors, and they are all juicy and fun. Rumors that  
> Cruise "interviewed" numerous young actresses to play the part of  
> his fiancee so as to crank the Scientology awareness quotient and  
> downplay the gay rumors. Rumors of Katie Holmes being essentially  
> trained by the "church" to forgo her former self. Rumors that  
> Holmes essentially vanished for 16 days just before emerging with  
> Cruise on her arm and a hundred million more dollars in her future  
> and a new, decidedly odd Scientology gleam/haze over her eyes.
> Aren't rumors fun? Totally silly? But somehow, in the age of Bush  
> and bogus wars and massive, commonplace deceptions, weirdly  
> believable?
> Also: Rumors persist that Tom's Scientology-rich pseudo-love  
> somehow convinced Katie that she must immediately dump her  
> longtime, beloved manager and agent switch to his. And she is  
> rumored to be disassociating with old friends and not communicating  
> with her close family (cult behaviors, all) --
> and did we mention the part about how the Scientologists have  
> allegedly assigned her a handler/new best friend to tag along  
> wherever she goes and answer questions for her and coach her on how  
> to behave and speak when asked about their "religion"?
> Hell, not even Mel Gibson has a beady-eyed priest from the Holy  
> Family uber-Catholic sect following him around everywhere he goes,  
> answering, in hissing Latin, questions from Vanity Fair reporters  
> and spraying everyone with fake stage blood and sitting next to Mel  
> in all the big studio meetings and screaming "Jesus wants 20  
> percent off the back end, plus international DVD rights!" while  
> twitching madly.
> But then again, Mel's an old hand at being a slightly creepy  
> religious nuthead. And now, apparently, so is Tom. After all, he's  
> been deep into Scientology for upward of 20 years, and is rumored  
> to have progressed to the level of an OT6 (Operating Thetan 6),  
> which is a super-secret high level of the church with super-secret  
> knowledge of the alien story (called "The incident") and ESP, and  
> they all get super-secret decoder rings with access to all the best  
> alien-bred hallucinogens in the L. Ron Hubbard Bone Room, where  
> high ranking devotees gather to drink bunny blood and watch old  
> Travolta movies and discuss what the hell to do about Kirstie Alley.
> But Katie Holmes, she's not like them. She's just a kid. She needs  
> lots of creepy brainwashi... e

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] War Or Impeachment? By Robert Parry

2005-07-09 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:From: Neo Mulder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: July 8, 2005 11:26:24 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ctrl] War Or Impeachment? By Robert ParryReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]         War Or Impeachment? By Robert Parry      In the days ahead, American politicians and pundits will talk a lot about "leveling" with the people by speaking the hard truth about Iraq, meaning an admission that the war is sure to rage for years and require an even heavier sacrifice in money and blood.      But this "leveling" will be just the latest spin. What they won't tell you are these two other hard truths:     First, whatever lies ahead in the Iraq War, the outcome is almost certain to be far worse for Iraqis and Americans than it would have been if the U.S.-led invasion had never happened. Despite the uplifting political rhetoric about democracy and peace, the smart money is on a staggering death toll, a grisly civil war, possibly even genocide, with Sunnis killing Shiites and Shiites killing Sunnis.     CIA analysts also have concluded that Iraq is emerging as a far more effective training ground for Islamic terrorists than Afghanistan ever was. Iraq is both more central to the Arab world and provides hands-on experience in bomb-making, kidnapping, assassination and conventional attacks on military targets. [Reuters, June 22, 2005]      If the Iraq insurgency ever ends, these battle-hardened terrorists also would be freed up to turn their skills on American targets around the world or on pro-U.S. governments in the Middle East, such as Saudi Arabia and Jordan., according to an internal CIA analysis written in May 2005.      A drawn-out Iraq War also is certain to damage America's volunteer military, with some of the nation's best warriors killed, wounded or embittered after repeated tours in Iraq. Recruiters have struggled to meet quotas, and many current GIs have stayed in the military only because the Bush administration has invoked so-called "stop-loss" orders that prevent soldiers from leaving when their tours of duty are up.      Another sign of how poorly "Operation Iraqi Freedom" is going is that one of the mission's chief goals now is a major expansion of Iraq's prison system. In other words, the expectation is that Saddam Hussein's old police state will be succeeded by a government that will lock up even more people.    Click to join catapultthepropaganda     Two Choices The second hard truth is that the American people have only two choices on what to do next: they can continue to send their young soldiers into the Iraqi death trap for at least the next several years and hope for the best, or they can build a movement for impeaching George W. Bush and other administration officials - and then try to make the best of a bad situation in Iraq.    Although the realistic prospects for electing a Congress in 2006 that would act against Bush may appear slim, an impeachment movement would create at least a focus for a national political campaign, much like the Republicans used the Contract with America to gain their congressional majorities in 1994.    An impeachment strategy would have two other benefits: it would create the framework for an official investigation into the deceptions that led the nation to war in 2002-2003 (as well as into the incompetence with which the war was fought) and it would offer a legal structure for achieving some accountability.    No accountability means that a precedent has been set for future presidents misleading the nation into other aggressive wars of choice and paying no price.    While many liberals and Democrats reject an impeachment strategy - fearing that it would be too confrontational and carry too many political risks - there are dangers, too, in again trying to finesse the Iraq War, as Democrats did in the disastrous elections of 2002 and 2004.    Arguably, the Democrats would be no worse off - and might actually be in control of the government - if they had stood up to Bush's war hysteria in 2002 and made the case in 2004 that the war must be brought to a swift conclusion. If Election 2006 is a reprise of the past two elections, the Republicans might actually gain ground against a demoralized Democratic base.    But these two "hard truths" - the recognition that the Iraq War fails any reasonable cost-benefit analysis and the realization that only extraordinary political courage can force a change of course - are sure not to be part of Bush's new PR push on Iraq, even as the politicians and the pundits say they're finally "leveling" with the American people. (c) 2005 Robert Parry, broke many of the Iran-Contra stories in the 1980s for the Associated Press and Newsweek. His new book, Secrecy & Privilege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq, can

Re: [cia-drugs] Akha Journal: Akha in Laos

2005-07-09 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

congrats mathew!

  - Original Message - 
  Matthew McDaniel 
  Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2005 4:03 
  Subject: [cia-drugs] Akha Journal: Akha 
  in Laos
  Dear Friends:
  Well Laos is nice, no screwed up missionary villages, lots of trees, lots 
  of gentle Akha.
  My wife and children got out of Thailand. 
  The Akha project goes on, both in Asia and in the west.
  We are still looking for volunteers, people who can research, travel, 
  raise funds, write, put on presentations.
  I look forward to hearing from you.
  Wife, children, happy and healthy, and EATING.
  Matthew McDaniel
  The Akha Heritage Foundation. Akha Heritage Site. 
  Via Credit Card Paypal:
  PO Box 6073 Salem, OR. 97304 
  Yahoo! MailStay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour 
  Complete archives at let us 
  stay on topic and be civil. OM

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  Anti-Virus.Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.11/44 - Release Date: 

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[cia-drugs] CIA, FBI, Mossad and MI5 Responsible For London Carnage

2005-07-09 Thread Homi Wadia

Dear Friends,
Yes, without any doubts, the CIA, FBI, Mossad and MI5 are certainly responsible for the bombings on hapless, innocent civilians in London and the carnage, death amnd destruction in the Trains and buses. The leader of terrorism amd evil, Master WMDBush and his 'poodle' Blair are the ones who must have given orders to these barbaric organisations to carry out such heinous and barbaric crimes against innocents as they have and continue to do in Iraq and elsewhere in the world.When IRA was active and and during their last phase of the troubles, they targeted mainland Britain and they came close to blowing up Margaret Thatcher and her cabinet in Brighton. A missile was fired at No 10 some years later. London's financial quarter was also targeted. Who were the perpetrators of these troubles? There was no secret as to the identity of the organization. And all this happened despite the various Prevention of Terrorism Acts passed by the
 Commons.    The identityt of the bombers who targeted London on Thursday 7/7 are not known. But the British racists keep on ranting and beating their breasts and blaming it all on Al-Qaeda and saying that those who carried out these
 attacks are linked to al-Qaida. There is no evidence, no proof and no signs leading to Al-Qaeda. We simply do not know. Al-Qaida is not the only terrorist group in existence. It has rivals within the Muslim diaspora. But it is safe to assume that the cause of these bombs is the unstinting support given by New Labour and its prime minister to the US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. One of the arguments deployed by Ken Livingstone, the mayor of London, when he appealed to Tony Blair not to support the war in Iraq was prescient: "An assault on Iraq will inflame world opinion and jeopardise security and peace everywhere. London, as one of the major world cities, has a great deal to lose from war and a lot to gain from peace, international cooperation and global stability." Most Londoners (as the rest of the country) were opposed to the Iraq war. Tragically, they have suffered the blow and paid the price for the re-election of Blair and a continuation of the war.
 Ever since 9/11, the world have been arguing that the "war against terror" is immoral and counterproductive. It sanctions the use of state terror - bombing raids, torture, countless civilian deaths in Afghanistan and iraq.Moreover, to keep this illegal, illegitimate and immoral war on 'terror,' which suits the political aspiratiomns of the West and the evil designs of Bush and Blair, every now and then they have create such calamitious situation to retain the ante and inadvertantly give full power to these criminals at CIA, FBI, Mossad and MI5.May God Bless us all, Dr Homi Wadia  
		 Sell on Yahoo! Auctions  - No fees. Bid on great items.

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Re: [cia-drugs] The Provocateur State: Is the CIA Behind the Iraqi "Insurgents"--and Global Terrorism?

2005-07-09 Thread Homi Wadia

Yes, without any doubts, the CIA, FBI, Mossad and MI5 are certainly responsible for the bombings on hapless, innocent civilians in London. The leader of terrorism amd evil, Master WMDBush and his 'poodle' Blair are the ones who must have given orders to these organisations to carry out such an heinous and barbaric cime.

When IRA was active and and during their last phase of the troubles, they targeted mainland Britain and they came close to blowing up Margaret Thatcher and her cabinet in Brighton. A missile was fired at No 10 some years later. London's financial quarter was also targeted. 
Who were the perpetrators of these troubles? There was no secret as to the identity of the organization. And all this happened despite the various Prevention of Terrorism Acts passed by the Commons. 
The identityt of the bombers who targeted London on Thursday 7/7 are not known. But the British racists keep on ranting and beating their breasts and blaming it all on Al-Qaeda and saying that those who carried out these attacks are linked to al-Qaida. 
There is no evidence, no proof and no signs leading to Al-Qaeda. We simply do not know. 
Al-Qaida is not the only terrorist group in existence. It has rivals within the Muslim diaspora. But it is safe to assume that the cause of these bombs is the unstinting support given by New Labour and its prime minister to the US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. 
One of the arguments deployed by Ken Livingstone, the mayor of London, when he appealed to Tony Blair not to support the war in Iraq was
 prescient: "An assault on Iraq will inflame world opinion and jeopardise security and peace everywhere. London, as one of the major world cities, has a great deal to lose from war and a lot to gain from peace, international cooperation and global stability." 
Most Londoners (as the rest of the country) were opposed to the Iraq war. Tragically, they have suffered the blow and paid the price for the re-election of Blair and a continuation of the war. 
Ever since 9/11, the world have been arguing that the "war against terror" is immoral and counterproductive. It sanctions the use of state terror - bombing raids, torture, countless civilian deaths in Afghanistan and iraq.
Moreover, to keep this illegal, illegitimate and immoral war on 'terror,' which suits the political aspiratiomns of the West and the evil designs of Bush and Blair, every now and then they have create such calamitious situation to retain the ante and inadvertantly give full power to these criminals at CIA, FBI, Mossad and MI5.
May God Bless us all, Dr Homi Wadia  
 norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The Provocateur State: 
Is the CIA Behind the Iraqi "Insurgents"--and Global Terrorism?
by Frank Morales

WORLD WAR 4 REPORT, May 10, 2005   12 May 2005 
The URL of this article is: 

The requirement of an ever-escalating level of social violence to meet the political and economic needs of the insatiable "anti-terrorist complex" is the essence of the new US militarism. 
What is now openly billed as "permanent war" ultimately serves the geo-political ends of social control in the interests of US corporate domination, much as the anti-communist crusade of the now-exhausted Cold War did.
Back in 2002, following the trauma of 9-11, Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld predicted there would be more terrorist attacks against the American people and civilization at large. How could he be so sure of that? Perhaps because these attacks would be instigated on the order of the Honorable Mr. Rumsfeld. According to Los Angeles Times military analyst William Arkin, writing Oct. 27, 2002, Rumsfeld set out to create a secret army, "a super-Intelligence Support Activity" network that would "bring together CIA and military covert action, information warfare, intelligence, and cover and deception," to stir the pot of spiraling global violence.
According to a classified document prepared for Rumsfeld by his Defense Science Board, the new organization--the "Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group (P2OG)"--would actually carry out secret missions designed to provoke terrorist groups into committing violent acts. The P2OG, a 100-member, so-called "counter-terrorist" organization with a $100-million-a-year budget, would ostensibly target "terrorist leaders," but according to P2OG documents procured by Arkin, would in fact carry out missions designed to "stimulate reactions" among "terrorist groups"--which, according to the Defense Secretary's logic, would subsequently expose them to "counter-attack" by the good guys. In other words, the plan is to execute secret military operations (assassinations, sabotage, "deception") which would intentionally result in terrorist attacks on innocent people, including 

[cia-drugs] 'Police shot bombers' reports New Zealander

2005-07-09 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis'Police shot bombers' reports New 
Zealander09.07.05 (July 9, 2005 NZ)A New 
Zealander working for Reuters in London says two colleagues witnessed the 
unconfirmed shooting by police of two apparent suicide bombers outside the HSBC 
tower at Canary Wharf in London. The New Zealander, who did not want to 
be named, said the killing of the two men wearing bombs happened at 10.30am on 
Thursday (London time). Following the shooting, the 8000 workers in the 
44-storey tower were told to stay away from windows and remain in the building 
for at least six hours, the New Zealand man said. He was not prepared to 
give the names of his two English colleagues, who he said witnessed the shooting 
from a building across the road from the tower. Reports of attacks 
carried out by suicide bombers have been rife in London. Canada's Globe 
and Mail newspaper reported an unconfirmed incident of police shooting a bomber 
outside the HSBC tower. Canadian Brendan Spinks, who works on the 18th 
floor of the tower, said he saw a "massive rush of policemen" outside the 
building after London was rocked by the bombings.

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[cia-drugs] Wisdom's Maw (CIA + LSD = The Acid Novel)

2005-07-09 Thread spookyermomma
Wisdom's Maw  (CIA + LSD = The Acid Novel)

What critics have to say...

"You have written a very controversial book here, and if it is 
published and read, you might have to answer some questions from 
some pretty big boys. I hope you have the backbone for it."  - 
Ernest J. Gaines (A Lesson Before Dying; The Autobiography of Miss 
Jane Pittman;  MacArthur "Genius grant" Award winner, 1993)

"Fahey has rendered an articulating diorama of the Sixties, and a 
slide-show of the Beast."
- Willard "Skip" Fox, poet (review in Exquisite Corpse) 

"As an 'historical' novel, it reminds me somewhat of Robert Graves' 
I, Claudius. The difference being that Graves wrote his dramatic 
history about the events of centuries past, while Fahey dramatizes 
events that he and I lived through, peopled by characters we 
actually saw or knew, some still walking. But, to a reader in his 
twenties, and those to come, the sixties are as surely ancient 
history as the Roman Empire. ...And in the end, there's only 
Wisdom's Maw."
- Tom Harper (syndicated columnist, Canada)

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[cia-drugs] London Bridges, Falling down, falling down, falling down

2005-07-09 Thread Synthetic Sound

The London Bomings are being described by Sherman 
Skolnick Tom Henegehan and our media analyst Lenny Bloom on cloak and 
dagger radio as an operation of the "Anglo-American Aristocracy" called 
London Bridges Falling down that had in fact been penetrated by foriegn 
And Der Spiegel seems to admit here that the 
initial reports of power-outages were deliberate propaganda. Maybe it's 
all psy-ops.

Posted By: StClairDate: Saturday, 9 July 2005, 8:48 a.m. 

  In Spiegel online I found in German 
  this key sentence, which I translate as closely as I can into English: 
  In order to avoid mass panic in the 
  population, police initially seeded the information that a short circuit had 
  debilitated the subways (tubes) in all of London. Over more than one hour this 
  message was being disseminated - with success. 
  "Um eine Massenpanik in der 
  Bevölkerung zu verhindern, streute die Polizei zunächst die Information, ein 
  Kurzschluss habe die U-Bahnen in ganz London lahm gelegt. Mehr als eine Stunde 
  lang wurde diese Meldung verbreitet - mit Erfolg." 
  THERE YOU HAVE IT! it is at this link, 
  3rd paragraph:,1518,364319,00.html 
  I was not able to find this in English 
  M StC. 

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[cia-drugs] The Provocateur State: Is the CIA Behind the Iraqi "Insurgents"--and Global Terrorism?

2005-07-09 Thread norgesen

The Provocateur 
Is the CIA Behind the 
Iraqi "Insurgents"--and Global Terrorism?
by Frank Morales

  WORLD WAR 4 REPORT, May 10, 2005   12 May 
The URL of this article is: 

  The requirement of an ever-escalating level of social 
  violence to meet the political and economic needs of the insatiable 
  "anti-terrorist complex" is the essence of the new US militarism. 
  What is now openly billed as "permanent war" ultimately 
  serves the geo-political ends of social control in the interests of US 
  corporate domination, much as the anti-communist crusade of the now-exhausted 
  Cold War did.
  Back in 2002, following the trauma of 9-11, Secretary of 
  Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld predicted there would be more terrorist attacks 
  against the American people and civilization at large. How could he be so sure 
  of that? Perhaps because these attacks would be instigated on the order of the 
  Honorable Mr. Rumsfeld. According to Los Angeles Times military analyst 
  William Arkin, writing Oct. 27, 2002, Rumsfeld set out to create a secret 
  army, "a super-Intelligence Support Activity" network that would "bring 
  together CIA and military covert action, information warfare, intelligence, 
  and cover and deception," to stir the pot of spiraling global 
  According to a classified document prepared for Rumsfeld 
  by his Defense Science Board, the new organization--the "Proactive, Preemptive 
  Operations Group (P2OG)"--would actually carry out secret missions designed to 
  provoke terrorist groups into committing violent acts. The P2OG, a 100-member, 
  so-called "counter-terrorist" organization with a $100-million-a-year budget, 
  would ostensibly target "terrorist leaders," but according to P2OG documents 
  procured by Arkin, would in fact carry out missions designed to "stimulate 
  reactions" among "terrorist groups"--which, according to the Defense 
  Secretary's logic, would subsequently expose them to "counter-attack" by the 
  good guys. In other words, the plan is to execute secret military operations 
  (assassinations, sabotage, "deception") which would intentionally result in 
  terrorist attacks on innocent people, including Americans--essentially, to 
  "combat terrorism" by causing it!
  This notion is currently being applied to the problem of 
  the Iraqi "insurgency," it seems. According to a May 1, 2005 report by Peter 
  Maass in the New York Times Magazine, two of the top US advisers to Iraqi 
  paramilitary commandos fighting the insurgents are veterans of US 
  counterinsurgency operations in Latin America. Loaning credence to recent 
  media speculation about the "Salvadorization" of Iraq, the report notes that 
  one adviser currently in Iraq is James Steele, who led a team of 55 US Army 
  Special Forces advisers in El Salvador in the 1980s. Maass writes that these 
  advisors "trained front-line battalions that were accused of significant human 
  rights abuses."
  The current senior US adviser at the Iraqi Interior 
  Ministry, which Maass writes "has operational control over the commandos," is 
  former top US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) official Steve Casteel, 
  who worked "alongside local forces" in the US-sponsored "Drug War" in Bolivia, 
  Peru and Colombia, "where he was involved in the hunt for Pablo Escobar, the 
  head of the Medellin cocaine cartel."
  The US "drug war" in Latin America also serves as a 
  cover for ongoing counterinsurgency, employing terrorist methods to achieve 
  two aims: one, actually combating genuine insurgency; two, the ratcheting up 
  of a "strategy of tension," heightened social violence designed to induce fear 
  among the citizenry and the subsequent call for greater "security."
  This was the essence, for example, of Operation Gladio, 
  a decades-long covert campaign of provocateur-style terrorism and deceit. The 
  ostensible purpose of Gladio, officially launched as a covert NATO program in 
  1952, was to establish a clandestine network of "stay-behind" teams which 
  would organize armed resistance and sabotage in the event of a Soviet invasion 
  of Western Europe. But the network actually took a far more proactive role. 
  Directed by US/NATO intelligence services of the West against their own 
  populations, Operation Gladio led to possibly hundreds of innocent people 
  being killed or maimed in "terrorist" attacks which were then blamed on 
  "leftist subversives" or other political opponents. The most notorious such 
  attack was the 1980 bombing of the train station at Bologna, which left 85 
  dead. Initially blamed on left-wing radicals, the blast was revealed upon 
  investigation to be the work of an ultra-right network linked to the Italy's 
  Gladio team; four Italian neo-fascists were eventually convicted of the 
  The purpose was again twofold: to demon

[cia-drugs] Akha Journal: Akha in Laos

2005-07-09 Thread Matthew McDaniel

Dear Friends:
Well Laos is nice, no screwed up missionary villages, lots of trees, lots of gentle Akha.
My wife and children got out of Thailand. 
The Akha project goes on, both in Asia and in the west.
We are still looking for volunteers, people who can research, travel, raise funds, write, put on presentations.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Wife, children, happy and healthy, and EATING.
Matthew McDaniel

The Akha Heritage Foundation. Akha Heritage Site. Via Credit Card Paypal:
PO Box 6073 Salem, OR. 97304 USA.
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[cia-drugs] Iraq signs military pact with Iran

2005-07-09 Thread Lic. Jim adams
Iraq signs military pact with Iran
Thu Jul 7, 2005 09:44 AM ET 
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By Peter Graff 
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq signed a military pact with Iran on Thursday
in a breakthrough with a former foe, but al Qaeda said it would kill
Egypt's kidnapped envoy and attack more diplomats to stop the
government winning international support. 

Defense Minister Saadoun al-Dulaimi signed a pact in Tehran agreeing
to accept Iranian military training and other cooperation with the
country Iraq fought for a decade under ousted leader Saddam Hussein. 

Responding to the suggestion that the thaw in ties with Iran would
anger Washington, Dulaimi said: "Nobody can dictate to Iraq its
relations with other countries." 

Iraq is anxiously trying to improve its ties with other Muslim
countries to win legitimacy and undermine insurgent support. But
mainly Sunni-led Arab states have been cautious about embracing the
Shi'ite-dominated, U.S.-backed Iraqi authorities. 

Al Qaeda's Iraq wing, led by Jordanian Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi, said it
would kill Egypt's top envoy Ihab el-Sherif, issuing photographs of
personal documents as proof it held him. 

Its statement referred to a "sharp sword against the infidels'
ambassador," an apparent hint that he could be beheaded. It included
no demands or possibility of negotiation. Zarqawi's followers have
frequently filmed beheadings of captives for maximum political

"The sharia court of al Qaeda Organization in Iraq has decided to
hand the apostate, the ambassador of Egypt which is allied to Jews
and Christians, to the mujahideen to ... kill him," said the group.
Cairo did not comment on the statement. 

Sherif's abduction off the streets on Saturday was the first in a
series of strikes on diplomats. 

Pakistan withdrew its ambassador from Baghdad on Tuesday after his
motorcade was attacked by gunmen. Bahrain's envoy was shot in the
hand in his car in an apparent kidnap attempt. 

The al Qaeda statement threatened more such strikes. 

"This will be the fate of ambassadors of the tyrannical states
because Jihadist Iraq today is not secure for infidels ... and
America cannot protect itself, let alone others."Continued ... 

© Reuters 2005. All Rights Reserved. 


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