Re: [cia-drugs] Greg Palast. Left-leaning voters scrubbed from lists. Mexico election.

2006-07-10 Thread Arlene Johnson
Do you want someone who merely scratches the surface, or someone who gets to 
the heart of the matter? If you just want the former, stick with Greg; if you 
want the latter, read my work.


Arlene Johnson
Publisher/Author the home of The Journal of History (Le verdad 
sobre la democracia)
Click on the icon that says Magazine. The 11th edition is about election reform 
and has articles in it by Brian Downing Quig. Remember him?
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-Original Message-
Sent: Jul 9, 2006 9:29 PM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Greg Palast. Left-leaning voters scrubbed from lists. 
Mexico election.

It is much harder to change cannabis and drug policy if these coup d'etats 
continue in elections in the USA and Mexico. In Mexico we need more honest 
elections and more honest voter registration and more voting machines in 
poorer Mexican neighborhoods (sound familiar?) and more voting machines along 
the border. Also, simple runoff election would solve many problems, too. The 
Mexican election vote was divided mainly between the 3 main candidates. A 
runoff election between the top 2 candidates would elect the left leaning 
  In Canada the Conservative Party only won a minority of the votes but now 
 its leader is the Prime Minister. The other parties to the left of the 
 Conservative Party had far more votes, but the lack of runoff voting, and the 
 screwy system for selecting the Prime Minister means that Canada also has 
 been taken over by the War Corporatists, Big Oil, and the Prison Industrial 
  They all kiss George Bush's butt, and want more war, more unfair trade, less 
 wages, no adequate increases in the minimum wage, more prisons, more wasteful 
 government spending, huge deficits, more pollution, more Big Oil instead of 
 Big Ethanol, etc...
  From the July 8, 2006 Guardian article below:
  As we found in Florida in 2000, my investigations team on the ground in 
 Mexico City this week found voters in poor neighbourhoods, the left's turf, 
 complaining that their names were disappeared from the voter rolls.
  ---July 8, 2006 Guardian article begins--,,1815601,00.html
  Mexico and Florida have more in common than heat 

There is evidence that left-leaning voters have been scrubbed from key 
electoral lists in Latin America 

Greg Palast
Saturday July 8, 2006
The Guardian 

  There's something rotten in Mexico. And it smells like Florida. The ruling 
 party, the Washington-friendly National Action Party (Pan), proclaimed 
 yesterday their victory in the presidential race, albeit tortilla thin, was 
 Mexico's first clean election. But that requires we close our eyes to some 
 very dodgy doings in the vote count that are far too reminiscent of the games 
 played in Florida in 2000 by the Bush family. And indeed, evidence suggests 
 that Team Bush had a hand in what may be another presidential election heist.
  Just before the 2000 balloting in Florida, I reported in the Guardian that 
 its governor, Jeb Bush, had ordered the removal of tens of thousands of black 
 citizens from the state's voter rolls. He called them felons, but our 
 investigation discovered their only crime was Voting While Black. And that 
 little scrub of the voter rolls gave the White House to his brother George. 
  Jeb's winning scrub list was the creation of a private firm, ChoicePoint of 
 Alpharetta, Georgia. Now, it seems, ChoicePoint is back in the voter list 
 business - in Mexico - at the direction of the Bush government. Months ago, I 
 got my hands on a copy of a memo from the US Federal Bureau of Investigation, 
 marked secret, regarding a contract for intelligence collection of foreign 
 counter-terrorism investigations.  Given that the memo was dated 
 September 17 2001, a week after the attack on the World Trade Centre, hunting 
 for terrorists seemed like a heck of a good idea. But oddly, while all 19 
 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf, the contract was for 
 obtaining the voter files of Venezuela, Brazil ... and Mexico.  What 
 those Latin American countries have in common, besides a lack of terrorists, 
 is either a left-leaning president or a left candidate for president ahead in 
 the opinion polls, leaders of the floodtide of Bush-hostile Latin leaders.
 It seems that the Bush government feared the leftist surge was up against the 
 US's southern border.  As we found in Florida in 2000, my 

[cia-drugs] OFF TOPIC Fw: [TheIlluminati] FBI plans new Net-tapping push

2006-07-10 Thread Arlene Johnson
This is just an example of what the FBI really is.


Arlene Johnson

-Forwarded Message-
From: John Perna [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Jul 9, 2006 10:59 AM
Subject: [TheIlluminati] FBI plans new Net-tapping push

  FBI plans new Net-tapping push 
  (A move to make current practices legal)
  By Declan McCullagh 
Story last modified Sat Jul 08 06:48:47 PDT 2006 
The FBI has drafted sweeping legislation that would require Internet service 
providers to create wiretapping hubs for police surveillance and force makers 
of networking gear to build in backdoors for eavesdropping, CNET has 
  FBI Agent Barry Smith distributed the proposal at a private meeting last 
 Friday with industry representatives and indicated it would be introduced by 
 Sen. Mike DeWine, an Ohio Republican, according to two sources familiar with 
 the meeting. 
  The draft bill would place the FBI's Net-surveillance push on solid legal 
 footing. At the moment, it's ensnared in a legal challenge from universities 
 and some technology companies that claim the Federal Communications 
 Commission's broadband surveillance directives exceed what Congress has 
  The FBI claims that expanding the 1994 Communications Assistance for Law 
 Enforcement Act is necessary to thwart criminals and terrorists who have 
 turned to technologies like voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP. 
  The complexity and variety of communications technologies have dramatically 
 increased in recent years, and the lawful intercept capabilities of the 
 federal, state and local law enforcement community have been under continual 
 stress, and in many cases have decreased or become impossible, according to 
 a summary accompanying the draft bill. 
  Complicating the political outlook for the legislation is an ongoing debate 
 over allegedly illegal surveillance by the National Security 
 Administration--punctuated by several lawsuits challenging it on 
 constitutional grounds and an unrelated proposal to force Internet service 
 providers to record what Americans are doing online. One source, who asked 
 not to be identified because of the sensitive nature of last Friday's 
 meeting, said the FBI viewed its CALEA expansion as a top congressional 
 priority for 2007. 
  Breaking the legislation down
The 27-page proposed CALEA amendments seen by CNET would: 
  � Require any manufacturer of routing and addressing hardware to offer 
 upgrades or other modifications that are needed to support Internet 
 wiretapping. Current law does require that of telephone switch 
 manufacturers--but not makers of routers and network address translation 
 hardware like Cisco Systems and 2Wire. 
  � Authorize the expansion of wiretapping requirements to commercial 
 Internet services including instant messaging if the FCC deems it to be in 
 the public interest. That would likely sweep in services such as in-game 
 chats offered by Microsoft's Xbox 360 gaming system as well. 
  � Force Internet service providers to sift through their customers' 
 communications to identify, for instance, only VoIP calls. (The language 
 requires companies to adhere to processing or filtering methods or 
 procedures applied by a law enforcement agency.) That means police could 
 simply ask broadband providers like ATT, Comcast or Verizon for wiretap 
 info--instead of having to figure out what VoIP service was being used. 
  � Eliminate the current legal requirement saying the Justice Department 
 must publish a public notice of the actual number of communications 
 interceptions every year. That notice currently also must disclose the 
 maximum capacity required to accommodate all of the legally authorized taps 
 that government agencies will conduct and use simultaneously. 
  Jim Harper, a policy analyst at the free-market Cato Institute and member of 
 a Homeland Security advisory board, said the proposal would have a negative 
 impact on Internet users' privacy. 
  People expect their information to be private unless the government meets 
 certain legal standards, Harper said. Right now the Department of Justice 
 is pushing the wrong way on all this. 
  Neither the FBI nor DeWine's office responded to a request for comment 
 Friday afternoon. 
  DeWine has relatively low approval ratings--47 percent, according to is enmeshed in a fierce battle with a Democratic 
 challenger to retain his Senate seat in the November elections. DeWine is a 
 member of a Senate Judiciary subcommittee charged with overseeing electronic 
 privacy and antiterrorism enforcement and is a former prosecutor in Ohio. 
  A panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C., decided 2-1 last 
 month to uphold the FCC's extension of CALEA to broadband providers, and it's 
 not clear what will happen next 

[cia-drugs] new American Exile

2006-07-10 Thread J M

CA Actress Flees To India To Escape US Black OpsBy Greg Szymanski6-28-6  Leslie Oliver has taken refuge to a peaceful part of India, a place far away from the madness in America.  A former Hollywood actress, Oliver finally had to leave after repeated attempts on her life left her with no other choice but to look for some place off the beaten track.  So she chose India as a last resort, leaving her California lifestyle behind and choosing to look "inward" in a country placing more importance on introspection and meditation
 then television and video games.  How Oliver ended up in a small Indian village in Himalayas again illustrates how violence and intimidation has saturated the American lifestyle like an unstoppable plague, driving good people away from its borders and into extinction.   And the sad thing about her story, besides the numerous attempts made on her life, is most everyone reading will shrug it off, saying there goes another "paranoid American" running away from reality.  But for those who take Oliver's story to heart, giving her the benefit of the doubt so to speak, listen to the affidavit provided to the Arctic Beacon she left behind before leaving the U.S. just in case something ugly happens.  In her detailed account of how she became the target of Black Ops harassment, Oliver calls herself the "new type of American fugitive, the title meaning she can no longer stomach the pervasive evil controlling all aspects of American society.   The following is Oliver's gut wrenching story explaining the real behind the scenes story of how things are changing in America. Oliver wanted to mention that all the information given below is a "true and accurate description of my experience and is neither solicited nor compensated in any way."  For rest of story and more informative articles, go to  
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[cia-drugs] Torture by Satellite

2006-07-10 Thread J M

TORTURE BY SATELLITE. (6-22-06)   THIS IS THE REASON WHY THE US ATTORNEY GENERAL THREATENS TO IMPRISON THOSE WHO PUBLISH DETAILS ABOUT THE SATELLITE SECRET SPY PROGRAMS. The cases below established on the federal record as a matter of fact that satellite radiation technology reserved for the military and national security is now in use to retaliate and torture those who denounce injustice. Exhibit A-1, demonstrates the swelling, pain and suffering caused on myself and on my family by radiation directed by satellite and which intensity is comparable to the radiation used by a microwave oven. Without knowing, many are the subject of harmful satellite monitoring and tracking. The power of
 those using this technology resides in the fact that most who become victims of this assault do not realize it, if they do, they are not likely to be believed and would be unable to stop the aggression. The US Attorney claims that the use of harmful radiation for surveillance of residences is legal. Sending a copy of this document to your State and federal legislators asking for an explanation to this case can help to stop this torture, can prevent that the same occurs to you or to your loved ones, and can spare lives and immense pain and suffering.The case below proved as a matter of fact my mental stability and the fact that a retaliatory electronic aggression caused me severe physical harm for denouncing a law school scheme to defraud minorities of their federal loans, and to give law degrees to those affiliated with federal law enforcement and investigative agencies.  Maldonado v. The Thomas M. Cooley Law School, et al, W. Dist. MI., Case No. 5: 01 cv 93, (2003).During the litigation of these cases it was established as a matter of fact that to benefit those engaged in fraud of federal funds and retaliation, a US Magistrate Judge altered the testimony of my wife to discredit the evidence of the pain and suffering caused on my children by high intensities of radiation inside our home. During the litigation of these cases a federal court of appeals recognized the harm caused by the retaliatory electronic aggression. During the litigation of these cases it was established as a matter of fact that federal agencies are using harmful satellite radiation technologies otherwise reserved for national security and the military to monitor activity of
 residences.  Jesus Mendoza Maldonado v John Ashcroft, (S. D. Tex.) Case No. M 03-38; US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Case No. 04-40095, Jesus Mendoza Maldonado v Alberto R. Gonzales, U.S. S. Ct., Case No. 04-9908, (2005). The case below is pending before the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Case No. 06-5108. On this case I am asking the Court an Order to compel the Defendants to cease and desist from using radiation during any investigation of my activities on the ground that the fact that Defendants’ investigation is retaliation for denouncing fraud and judicial misconduct has been established by litigation as a matter of law. The Defendants insist on operating this technology without supervision, and they are attempting to derail any Congressional investigation over the use of satellite
 radiation for surveillance. On November of 2005, the Defendants sought an exemption to the Congressional ban on torture. On December 2005, the media exposed the use of secret satellite radiation eavesdropping programs to spy on Americans. In his effort to make this the perfect crime, the US Attorney General has threatened to imprison those who publish details of satellite spy programs. The case is pending before the US Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.  Jesus Mendoza Maldonado v Keith Alexander, in his official
 capacity as director of the National Security Agency, Michael Hayden, in his official capacity as Director of the Central intelligence Agency, and George W. Bush in his official capacity as President of the United states of America, US District Court for the District of Columbia Non- Assigned case No. 06-0155, US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Case No. 06-5108. Watching on a video screen, on real time, even the most intimate activities of persons inside a home or a moving vehicle via satellite appears to be science fiction. However, the fact that satellites are monitoring the activities of families and individuals by bouncing radiation from the targets on earth is a reality. The fact that this technology is being used by government technicians operating in secret rooms to torture and murder unsuspected victims makes satellite surveillance a cruel reality. This case demonstrates that there are no safeguards in place to prevent that the same mentality that tortured, maimed, and murdered women and children in concentration camps, use this technology to harm people in homes, vehicles, schools, courts, hospitals, and churches.  For many years directed radiation has been used as a weapon to commit perfect 

[cia-drugs] New Report Proving Torture at Guantanamo Here

2006-07-10 Thread MA PA

New Report Proving Torture at Guantanamo Here   July 10, 2006Groundbreaking 51-Page Report Details Recent Torture and Inhumane Treatment in Violation of U.S. Law and the Supreme Court’s Recent Hamdan Decision; Report’s Publication Comes as Congress Considers Related Guantánamo LegislationSynopsis  More:New Report Proving Torture at Guantanamo Here Bush Be Prosecuted for War Crimes?'s Newswire:  MARC PARENT   CRIMES AND CORRUPTIONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS 

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[cia-drugs] A £6bn London flotation, a Russian oil company - and a question of morals

2006-07-10 Thread Friedrich von Hardenberg

A £6bn London flotation, a Russian oil company - 
and a question of morals 
By Michael Harrison, Executive Business Editor 
Published:10 July 2006 

This week the London Stock Exchange will play host to one of the biggest 
share sales on record. But the £6bn flotation of Rosneft, a state-owned Russian 
oil producer, will not only be huge, it will also be massively controversial. 

Apart from the sheer size of Rosneft - it will have a stock market value of 
about £38bn - one other thing marks it out from other public listings. Critics 
of Rosneft, and they include the billionaire investor and philanthropist George 
Soros, claim the company has been built on assets stolen by the Kremlin from 
another set of shareholders.
Allowing Rosneft to list its shares here will therefore legitimise that act 
and undermine London's reputation as one of the world's leading financial 
The trickle of Russian companies seeking the respectability, kudos and access 
to capital that a London share listing brings may have turned into a flood. But 
the City has never seen anything quite like Rosneft. The allegation against the 
company is simply put: that its main subsidiary, an oil and gas business called 
Yuganskneftegaz, was illegally expropriated from another oil company called 
Yukos by the Russian government.
The Kremlin says Yuganskneftegaz was seized in lieu of unpaid taxes. Indeed, 
Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the former chief executive of Yukos, now languishes in a 
Siberian concentration camp having been found guilty of tax fraud. But to many 
observers, inside and outside Moscow, Mr Khodorkovsky's crime was not to 
embezzle the Russian taxman but to challenge the political authority of 
President Vladimir Putin.
Imprisonment and the confiscation of his company is, say Mr Khodorkovsky's 
supporters, the price he is now paying. Rosneft's history has not stopped a bevy 
of the world's biggest investment banks agreeing to float the company and, in 
the process, share out $140m worth of advisory fees between them.
Nor has it prevented Rosneft's advisers aggressively marketing the company in 
the hope that they can persuade at least one big Western oil company to become a 
strategic investor. For days, the banks behind the float have been trying to 
persuade BP, Britain's biggest company, to take part. Indeed, stories are rife 
that it has agreed to place an order for shares; stories denied by the company. 
If it does decide to back the float, it would be a huge fillip for the Kremlin, 
providing Rosneft and its backers with the veneer of respectability they crave. 
Robert Amsterdam, Mr Khodorkovsky's lawyer, said it would also leave BP with 
"blood on its hands", because of the treatment meted out to his client.
So far, BP has kept its counsel, waiting to see whether other big oil 
companies choose to invest and whether the shares will be priced at a more 
realistic level.
Price does not concern Mr Soros. He has condemned the Rosneft flotation for 
raising "serious ethical and energy security issues". In a speech last week to 
the London School of Economics he said the float ought not to be allowed because 
Russia was becoming a monopoly supplier to excessively dependent Western 
His criticisms have been echoed in Russia by a former Putin adviser, Andrei 
Illarionov, who resigned last year over what he called the "swindle of the 
year". Last week, Mr Illarionov described the sale as "a crime against the 
Russian state and the Russian people. We are talking about the transfer of 
property from the state without any compensation. We will be witness to massive 
He said the flotation would dwarf even the loans-for-shares scandals of the 
mid-1990s when many of Russia's present-day oligarchs benefited from prize 
assets being sold off to preferred bidders at bargain-basement prices. And other 
investors in New York and London, including Foreign and Colonial, have 
questioned the ethics.
This has not deterred four prominent banks and two of the UK's best-known 
legal and accountancy firms from lending their names to the offer. The joint 
global co-ordinators are ABN Amro Rothschild, Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, JP 
Morgan and Morgan Stanley. Linklaters are Rosneft's lawyers and accountancy 
advice is being provided by Ernst  Young.
Nor has it budged the view of the Financial Services Authority and the London 
Stock Exchange that Rosneft is entitled to float in London, provided investors 
are made aware of potential dangers. With this in mind, the Rosneft prospectus 
contains one of the longest chapters ever devoted to "risk factors". Over 25 
pages, it details $48bn of lawsuits Rosneft is facing from Yukos and its former 
The FSA and the LSE will not comment publicly on Rosneft. But it is no 
coincidence that the offer is London. Sources at the New York Stock Exchange say 
the flotation would never have got 

[cia-drugs] CHINA PRESS: Oil Imports From Venezuela May Nearly Double

2006-07-10 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

  Oil Imports From Venezuela May Nearly Double


BEIJING -(Dow Jones)- Venezuela may nearly 
  double its oil exports to China to 300,000 barrels a day from the current 
  168,000 b/d, the official Web site reported Monday, citing 
  an official from Petroleos de Venezuela SA (PVZ.YY). The company was 
  in talks with China to increase its oil supply to the growing market as it 
  may boost oil production by nearly 2 million b/d in the next few years, a 
  vice president in charge of oil exploration and production was quoted as 
  saying, without elaborating. He didn't say when the increase in 
  shipments would begin but added that the company is also in talks with 
  India on supplying it more oil. The official said he doesn't expect 
  any increases in oil shipments to China or India to affect the company's 
  supply to the U.S., saying the U.S. market is likely oversupplied, 
  according to the Web site, which is backed by the official People's Daily 
  newspaper. Venezuela exported an average 77,045 b/d of crude oil and 
  48,127 b/d of fuel oil to China in the first five months of this year, up 
  172.1% and 287.2% on year respectively. Newspaper Web site: -By China Bureau, Dow Jones Newswires; (8610) 
  6588 5848; [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Edited by George Bernard 


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[cia-drugs] Western fears grow over new security group

2006-07-10 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Western fears grow over new security group
Members of the U.S. Congress and European leaders fear that an economic and 
security group led by Russia and China will emerge as an anti-democratic rival 
to the West, but analysts warn against confrontation. 
The two central players in this debate are the 
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), a 56-member group 
that grew out of the Cold War, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), 
a six-member group that is a product of the post-Soviet reality. China and 
Russia are the driving forces behind the SCO, which has four former Soviet 
states from Central Asia as the other members. The 
four countries -- Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan -- also are 
members of the OSCE. Kazakhstan is aiming for the chairmanship of the European 
security group in 2009. The SCO, which held a summit 
in China last month, invited Iran and India as observers, and offered Tehran 
full membership, raising suspicions in the West that the group was trying to 
expand its influence and grow as a counterweight to Western institutions such as 
the OSCE. Iran, part of what President Bush has called an axis of evil, is in a 
standoff with the West over its nuclear program. India increasingly is becoming 
a close ally of the United States and recently signed a landmark nuclear 
cooperation agreement with Washington. Speaking at a 
Capitol Hill meeting in late June, OSCE Chairman Karel De Gucht said he has 
concerns about the SCO, which was formed in 2001. 
"In our organization, all states adhere to common 
principles, which is the cornerstone of our vision of stability," said Mr. De 
Gucht, who also is the Belgian foreign minister. 
"[The SCO is] developing a philosophy on stability, 
but ... the role of common principles -- democratic principles, that's what 
we're talking about -- to put it mildly, is not that big," he said. 
Sen. Sam Brownback, Kansas Republican and chairman 
of the Helsinki Commission, described the SCO as "a collection of largely 
authoritarian and anti-democratic regimes with little tolerance for human 
rights." Although Mr. De Gucht said this wording was 
too harsh, he added, "I think there is a serious fear that in the minds of some 
participants, they see it as a competitive organization to the OSCE. I think 
it's true." SCO member countries deny any 
anti-Western agenda. A senior adviser in the Russian 
Embassy who asked that his name be withheld, said that he was disturbed by these 
comments and that Mr. Brownback's view was "totally the wrong picture." 
"We are transparent and compete with no one. Do you 
see any threat here? Why all this talk about threats?" he said.
In Beijing, a Chinese government press statement quoted President Hu Jintao 
as saying the SCO "has always been an open organization that is not exclusive 
and targets no third party." Kyrgyz Embassy official 
Kainar Toktomushev said: "I do not see why our relations with the West should be 
damaged because we are a member of the SCO. The SCO respects democratic 
principles, and we want expanded ties with Western countries, especially 
America." Lionel Beehner, a researcher at the 
Council on Foreign Relations, said touting Iran as a potential member may be 
responsible for the growing concern in Congress about SCO. 
"It was a great [public relations] move. There's no 
way Iran will ever join. But I think it drew a lot of attention and got them in 
the headlines. And people started to think, 'What kind of a group is this that 
Iran wants to join?' " Mr. Beehner said. Frederick 
Starr, chairman of the Johns Hopkins University's Central Asia-Caucasus 
Institute, said U.S. concern also might stem from fear of Russian influence 
within the group. "[Russian President Vladimir] 
Putin has really been the champion of confrontation [with the West]," said Mr. 
Starr, referring to recent sparring between U.S. and Russian officials over 
energy policy. At the SCO summit, Mr. Putin proposed the creation of an "energy 
club" within the SCO. The Russian Embassy senior 
official said, "This energy idea is no threat. It is quite natural for these 
states to work together." Roman Vassilenko, press 
secretary at the Kazakh Embassy in Washington, said Kazakhstan's position as a 
member of both the OSCE and the SCO proved that any Western fears were 
unfounded. "We are a committed member of both 
groups, and we don't see them as being mutually exclusive," he said. 
Mr. Vassilenko said Kazakhstan's bid for the OSCE 
chairmanship, which will be decided in December, could be a key for the West to 
find a bridge to the SCO. "If Kazakhstan gets the 
chairmanship, it would be a great way for the West to increase its clout in our 
part of the world. The OSCE has never placed the chair east of Vienna," he said. 
Mr. Vassilenko also said SCO members 

[cia-drugs] More details of Mexican election fraud. Frontera NorteSur.

2006-07-10 Thread Eco Man

  More Mexican election info. Please forward widely.  Manymore details of corruption, fraud, theft, irregularities, etc. .  Many Spanish-language sources listed at the end.It is important to know the pure evil ingenuity of the international Axis of Evil. Consisting of cross-border multi-national corporatists,   their hired government suits, Big Media, and the prison industrial police state. has been documenting the incredible police brutality in the   last few months in Mexico. From the article below:  "Takahasi's findings coincide with an initial analysis by the Mexican election watchdog group Civic Alliance that revealed a pattern of more votes for senators than for president in states where Lopez Obrador had
 strength, and more votes for president than for senator in states where Calderon enjoyed popular support. In the Lopez Obrador strongholds, 312,450 more votes for senators than president were tallied, while in the pro-Calderon zones, 403,740 more votes for president than senators were tabulated."-article begins---  July 8, 2006 [date is from the end]Mexico’s Election Results Challenged by AMLOFrontera NorteSur [ ]Registering second place in Mexico’s official vote count, presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) of the center-left For the Good of All Coalition, led by the Democratic Revolution Party, intends to challenge the election results. Lopez Obrador announced on July 6 that he will
 ask Mexico's Federal Electoral Tribunal (TEPJF, aka TRIFE) to review the election results that gave rival candidate Felipe Calderon of President Fox's National Action Party (PAN) amajority of slightly more than one quarter-million votes. "We can't accept these results. There are many irregularities," Lopez Obrador declared. "I don't know of any place in the world with such a competitive election where the count is done in 24 hours and than sent to the tribunals." According to Lopez Obrador campaign coordinator Ricardo Monreal, the presidential hopeful seeks a "vote-by-vote, precinct-by-precinct" recount. The Federal Electoral Institute (IFE), Mexico's government agency that organized and oversaw the elections, reports that Calderon chalked up 15,284,000 votes to obtain 35.88 percent of the total ballots cast, while Lopez Obrador got
 14,756,350 votes, or 35.31 percent of the total. The two candidates were trailed by the Institutional Revolutionary Party's (PRI) Roberto Madrazo, Patricia Mercado and Roberto Campa, in that order. Lopez Obrador backers are openly charging the election was a fraud. Elements of Lopez Obrador's pending legal challenge were laid out at a July 5 press conference in Mexico City attended by leaders of the former Mexico City mayor's electoral coalition. In a strong statement, Leonel Cota, national president of Lopez Obrador's PRD, alleged "a state election" was manipulated by "the group in power that seeks to hold power at all costs because their interests are at risk."Building their case, Cota, other leaders of the PRD ,and the allied Labor party contended that more votes than voters were registered at 781 precincts. Also more votes than ballots were counted in 52,000 electoral tallies and, strangely, voter turnout in some places exceeded 100 percent.
 Lopez Obrador supporter Gerardo Fernandezsaid impossible turnouts occurred in the states of Tamaulipas, Sinaloa, Jalisco, and Guanajuato, among others – all Calderon strongholds.Adding that the Lopez Obrador campaign had contacted the European Union with its concerns, Cota said his campaign was soliciting international organisms to request that Mexico's Federal Electoral Institute (IFE) "clean-up the election" so that the next Mexican president is "not illegitimate like Carlos Salinas de Gortari was after 1988." Under fire for his agency's handling of the preliminary vote results, and then speeding along the official results,IFE President Luis Carlos Ugalde defended the July 2 voting as "a clean and transparent election." Ugalde said, "The citizens have manifested their will by a very narrow margin never before seen in Mexico. It's the most competitive presidential election in the history of Mexico." In a public statement just prior to the
 vote count, the IFE assured it would scrupulously follow all the legal conditions laid out for vote counting.In one victory speech, Felipe Calderon sounded conciliatory but his supporters booed when the virtual president-elect mentioned Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s name. Repeating a mantra from the campaign, and one that is fast reemerging in the press as protests against the election mount, Calderon made a curious reference to a supposedly violent opposition that virtually any journalist would have been hard-pressed to find during the long election race."The peaceful force expressed at the polls won over the violent option of 

[cia-drugs] Missing Keynes

2006-07-10 Thread Linda Minor

Missing Keynes

By: Chris Sanders
Date: 10-07-2006

If you don’t know what a Peaker is, you should. In fact you should
treat yourself to an Italian holiday and attend the fifth annual
conference next week of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil in
Pisa, where SRA’s Chris Sanders will be speaking along with Colin
Campbell. In the meantime, don’t worry about Peak Oil. The European
Commission is on the case. Well, sort of. And most reassuringly,
Goldman Sachs says not to worry, all it takes is your money. Read on….

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[cia-drugs] Russian moves spark 'gas OPEC' fears

2006-07-10 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Russian moves spark 'gas OPEC' fears

By Sergei Blagov in Moscow for ISN 
Security Watch (10/07/06)
Despite subsequent denials, recent calls by some Russian officials to create 
an OPEC-like gas producers' grouping - a reference to the world's oil cartel and 
its history of politically motivated supply cut-offs - are an ominous sign for 
European energy supply security.
The "gas OPEC" idea was floated in the wake of a price dispute between Moscow 
and Ukraine that briefly disrupted gas supplies to the EU last January, 
highlighting Europe's vulnerability to foreign energy providers.
As non-Russian EU gas imports come from few sources, the potential creation 
of a non-Western gas cartel would have serious repercussions for gas supplies to 
Russian officials have been increasingly critical of European energy policies 
and the EU Energy Charter. Notably, Valery Yazev - chairman of the State Duma's 
(Russia's lower house of parliament) energy committee and head of the Russian 
Gas Association - has called for the formation of a gas producers' cartel along 
the lines of the oil market's OPEC.
At a May energy conference in Berlin, Yazev accused European bureaucrats of 
"provoking gas producers to take actions in response."
"Acting mainly in isolation, gas suppliers have lost out in the negotiation 
process, which has been dominated by consumers acting in coordination, as a 
cartel," Yazev told the Berlin conference.
Subsequently, the world's top gas producers, with Russia in the lead, could 
"create a gas suppliers' alliance that will be more effective and influential 
than OPEC," Yazev said, criticizing what he called the "monopolies" in the 
downstream European gas sector, saying those players were "squeezing out 
suppliers from the gas market."
Yazev added that exporting countries could "set up a coordinated transit 
structure with countries owning trunk gas pipelines that will be more efficient 
than the EU Energy Charter."
A formal or informal cartel?
Last month, Gazprom spokesman Sergei Kupriyanov declined to comment on the 
possible creation of a gas cartel, calling it "a very delicate matter." However, 
Russian gas executives indeed have moved to pressure Europe on the issue.
Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller recently told a group of European diplomats in 
Moscow that blocking Gazprom's acquisition plans in Europe "would not bring good 
Following negative reactions from consumers, however, Russia wasted little 
time denying any cartel ambitions in an attempt to allay fears of plan to either 
squeeze supplies or prices. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on 20 
June that Moscow and Tehran had "no plans to create a 'gas OPEC'."
Lavrov's denials followed Tehran's proposal that Iran and Russia establish a 
joint natural gas venture.
"There won't be a cartel, though cooperation between governments that produce 
and export energy resources, including gas, will increase," Lavrov said.
However, talk of a gas cartel resurfaced after last month's summit of the 
Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) - a six-member group that includes 
China, Russia and Central Asian states - during which Russian President Vladimir 
Putin's proposal to set up an energy club within the SCO was discussed.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, whose country has observer status in 
the SCO, told the Shanghai summit that energy coordination among SCO nations 
could help "prevent the threats of domineering powers and their aggressive 
interference in global affairs." He also said Russian-Iranian energy cooperation 
"could be even more productive if we cooperated in pricing gas and forming the 
main gas routes."
Putin not only advocated the idea of an SCO "energy club," but also said he 
supported joint Russian-Iranian energy projects. However, he quickly dismissed 
suggestions of a formal gas cartel and shrugged off claims that a gas joint 
venture with Iran could amount to an OPEC-style grouping.
"OPEC is a cartel, while we will establish a joint venture to coordinate our 
efforts in third countries and work together on some deposits in both 
countries," Putin said. "There is no talk of a 'gas OPEC'."
But Putin told journalists in Shanghai on 16 June that Russian gas giant 
Gazprom was prepared to contribute financing and technology to the construction 
of a gas pipeline from Iran to India via Pakistan.
"Such a project would be quite profitable and realistic," Putin said, adding 
that Turkmenistan also supported the program. The pipeline, together with an 
upgraded pipeline between Turkmenistan and Iran, could create a vast 
interconnecting Eurasian network with Gazprom at its center.
Subsequently, Gazprom set about intensifying contacts with potential Iranian 
partners. On 26 June, Gazprom CEO Miller met with Iranian Deputy Oil Minister 
Hadi Nedjad-Hoisseinian to discuss possible oil and gas production and transit 
ventures. According to a 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Limbaugh's dysfunction

2006-07-10 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:From: "Alamaine, IVe" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: July 10, 2006 2:44:24 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ctrl] Limbaugh's dysfunctionReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Limbaugh's dysfunctionPalm Beach Post Editorial, July 09, 2006The criminal justice system continues to treat Rush Limbaugh with the fairness that he claims the system denies him.Last week, the Palm Beach County State Attorney's Office correctly concluded that Mr. Limbaugh broke no law by having 29 Viagra pills that were for him but had been prescribed in someone else's name. That decision spares the talk-show host any problems related to his earlier deal with the state attorney's office on a doctor-shopping charge for prescription pain relievers. In both cases, prosecutors stuck to the law and acted professionally.Mr. Limbaugh, though, remains a serial offender when it comes to hypocrisy. On his show, he will embellish or invent any presumed weakness that might embarrass someone he dislikes. But he didn't want it on the record that he needs an erectile-dysfunction drug. Similarly, when he entered treatment for drug addiction in October 2003, he told his audience that he had tried to "always be honest with you and open about my life." Yet, he had gone through rehab twice before that without being "open about my life." Finally, the Palm Beach resident filed his December 2004 divorce in Key West, 220 miles from the Palm Beach County Courthouse, because it was "more convenient" and tried to keep the case sealed.On Wednesday, the self-absorbed Mr. Limbaugh was blaming the federal agents for confiscating the Viagra as part of some vast left-wing conspiracy tied to the 2006 and 2008 elections. The self-proclaimed "truth detector" would rather tell a good story than "be honest."Alamaine, IVeGrand Forks, ND, US of A~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"All are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusion is called a philosopher." - Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)Don't ask about caste or riches but instead ask about conduct. Look at the flames of a fire. Where do they come from? From a piece of wood"and it doesn't matter what wood. In the same way, a wise person can come from wood of any sort. It is through firmness and restraint and a sense of truth that one becomes noble, not through caste.  -Sutta Nipata~~~In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~-- Check out the new improvements in Yahoo! Groups email. www.ctrl.orgDECLARATION  DISCLAIMER==ctrl is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.That being said, ctrl gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. ctrl gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.There are two list running, [EMAIL PROTECTED] and, [EMAIL PROTECTED] has unlimited posting and is more for discussion. is more for informational exchange and has limited posting abilities. Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.Omimited posting abilities. Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.Om Yahoo! Groups Links* To visit your group on the web, go to:* To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: 

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[cia-drugs] Leading neo-conservative activist slain

2006-07-10 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

July 10, 2006 -- Leading neo-conservative activist slain on street in 
trendy Georgetown neighborhood. Alan Senitt, a 27-year old British citizen and 
leading neo-conservative activist was killed on Q Street, near Wisconsin Avenue 
in the trendy Georgetown neighborhood just after 2 am Sunday morning. Senitt, an 
unsuccessful Labor Party candidate for the House of Commons, twice elected as 
head of Britain's Union of Jewish Students -- a pro-Israel organization -- and a 
policy adviser for former Virginia Governor Mark Warner's 2008 presidential 
campaign, died at the site of the attack from a slash wound to his throat. Four 
individuals from the crime-ridden areas of Southeast and Northeast Washington 
were arrested for the murder and the attempted rape of Senitt's female 
companion. The attack occurred while Senitt and his companion were trying to 
retrieve something from the trunk of a car.
Senitt was very active in the neo-conservative movement. He attended the 2003 
Interdisciplinary Conference in Herzliya, Israel sponsored by the Institute for 
Policy and Strategy of the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy, and Strategy. 
Senitt represented the Union of Jewish Students of the UK and Ireland. Others in 
attendance at that meeting included Israeli espionage agent Larry Franklin, the 
Iraq/Iran Terrorism Desk Office in the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans; 
Franklin's associate Michael Rubin (later with the American Enterprise 
Institute); Michael Ledeen, Joshua Muravchik, and Christoper DeMuth of the 
American Enterprise Institute, Harold Rhode of the Pentagon's Office of Net 
Assessment; Pat Robertson of the Christian Broadcasting Network; Patrick Clawson 
of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), Ariel Cohen of the 
Heritage Foundation; Alan Dershowitz of the Harvard Law School; Abraham Foxman 
of the Anti-Defamation League; Jan Van Der Hoeven of the International Christian 
Zionist Center; Martin Indyk of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy of 
Brookings; Herbert London of the Hudson Institute; Norman Podhoretz of 
Commentary magazine, and his wife Midge Decter of various right-wing 
organizations, including Heritage Foundation, Hoover Institution, and the 
now-defunct Nicaraguan Freedom Fund; and Kenneth Abramowitz, Managing Director 
of the Carlyle Group.
According to today's Washington Post, Washington police believe that 
Senitt was the victim of the same gang that had committed robberies of 
pedestrians in Georgetown and on the Washington Mall. One of the men arrested 
for the attack denied being involved in the murder although he apologized for 
what happened while being led away by police in 

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