[cia-drugs] Fw: [PINR] 08 November 2006: Bahrain Moves Closer to the United States

2006-11-08 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

- Original Message - 
From: PINR Dispatch 
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 9:15 PM
Subject: [PINR] 08 November 2006: Bahrain Moves Closer to the United 

___Power and 
  Interest News Report (PINR)http://www.pinr.com[EMAIL PROTECTED]+1 (312) 
  242-1874--08 November 
  2006--Bahrain Moves 
  Closer to the United States Drafted By: Dario Cristiani 
  On October 30-31 in the waters of the Persian Gulf, the 25th 
  exercise of the U.S.–led Proliferation Security Initiative (P.S.I.), 
  launched in 2003, took place. The countries involved in the war games have 
  been the United States, United Kingdom, Italy, France, Australia and 
  Bahrain, an Arab state that has a large Shi'a population. Several other 
  states, such as the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Pakistan, South 
  Korea, Japan and others, took part as observers. The operation, called 
  "Leading Edge," consisted of the interception of a British-flagged ship, 
  the "Brambleleaf," carrying nuclear materials for a state that wanted to 
  build a nuclear capability. The Italian and Bahraini marines had the task 
  of intercepting the ship. The exercises took place about 30 
  kilometers (19 miles) from Iranian waters. The individuals in charge of 
  this operation denied that it was a warning signal to Tehran. 
  Nevertheless, it is likely that this exercise had the aim of intimidating 
  Iran. Indeed, Iran warned that the exercises risked peace in the Gulf and 
  urged foreign military forces not to damage regional stability. Shortly 
  after, Iran started its "Great Prophet II" war games, a ten day military 
  exercise in which Iran fired its "upgraded" Shahab-3 long-range missile. 
  Iran's action was a clear reply to the U.S. maneuvers in the Gulf. 
  In the wake of these war games, it is important to highlight the 
  role of Bahrain in the exercises because its involvement is a clear signal 
  of how Manama's foreign policy in the region will change in the coming 
  years.Why Bahrain Joined "Leading Edge"Bahrain has 
  been the sole Arab state that took part effectively in the P.S.I. 
  exercises in the Persian Gulf. Several Arab states, such as Qatar, the 
  United Arab Emirates and Kuwait, took part as observers, while Saudi 
  Arabia did not join the operation. Bahrain's decision is a clear signal of 
  Manama's desire to strengthen its relations with the United States. 
  Bahrain considers the United States the best actor for guaranteeing its 
  national security. This is a further demonstration of how external 
  powers continue to play major roles in the Middle East. Since the end of 
  the "British Lake" period in 1971, the United States played an even 
  stronger role in the area and, since the Gulf War in 1991, Washington rose 
  as the prominent military power in the region. Since 1991, Bahrain, which 
  is considered a major non-N.A.T.O. ally and hosts the U.S. Navy's Fifth 
  Fleet, shares a strong partnership with the United States. In 
  spite of its improved ties with Iran at the beginning of the decade, 
  Bahrain's moves appear to be a message for the Persian state. Iran is a 
  revisionist challenger that is unsatisfied with the present balance of 
  power in the Gulf region. Iran's strategy in this respect is perceived 
  negatively by Bahrain since the island country has a 70 percent Shi'a 
  population that is ruled by the Sunni al-Khalifa dynasty. In 
  Bahrain, the Sunnis control most of the government, military and financial 
  sectors. During the past few years, the Bahraini government has pursued a 
  controversial program of naturalizing workers who come from other Arab 
  countries. This program is considered a tool to reduce the numerical 
  disparity between Shi'as and Sunnis in order to help increase the 
  population of the latter in Bahrain.Manama is wary of increased 
  power for Iran, particularly in the Gulf region, because it could 
  instigate the Shi'a opposition in Bahrain against King Hamad bin Isa 
  al-Khalifa. Such a development would bring a wave of instability to 
  Bahrain. For the Gulf countries, the history of the region indicates that 
  Iran's historic role makes it a much more worrying neighbor than other 
  regional or external actors. This is especially true for the less 
  powerful states that have high percentage of Shi'as, such as Kuwait and 
  Bahrain. These fears stem from a mix of Iranian regional ambitions, which 
  leads Tehran to pursue a more aggressive foreign policy, and Iran's 
  support for Shi'a groups in the wider Middle East area. Furthermore, in 

[cia-drugs] Russian Minister Arrives in Ukraine to Discuss Black Sea Fleet Deployment

2006-11-08 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


Russian Minister Arrives in Ukraine 
to Discuss Black Sea Fleet Deployment
Created: 08.11.2006 14:20 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 14:20 

 , 3 hours 45 minutes ago


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has visited Ukraine for 
talks on Wednesday the Associated Press news agency reports.The main 
purpose of the visit was described as improving bilateral ties of two countries. 
However the complicated question of Russian Black Sea Fleet which is still 
staying on Ukrainian territory was also expected to be discussed. Under 
a 1997 agreement that divided the Soviet Union’s Black Sea fleet between Russia 
and Ukraine, the Russian navy was allowed to remain in Sevastopol until 2017, 
paying an annual rent of 93 million U.S. Dollars.Russia wants to extend 
the lease but Ukrainian nationalists are displeased, as Russia has taken over 
lighthouses, saying it was not the part of the original deal. Although Russia 
says the lighthouses are covered by the contract.Ukrainian Foreign 
Minister Borys Tarasyuk— the head of Ukrainian nationalist party who has 
been in difficult relations with Moscow said that it is the time to change the 
relations of two countries from being based on ideology to a healthy 

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[cia-drugs] Re: EVOLUTION (ruppert)

2006-11-08 Thread mark urban
I think the first signs of Mike's illness were displayed when he 
decided to jog around his office in his black jockey shorts in front 
of his female assistant, whom he was atempting to romance. 

Mike is out of control and there's nobody to pull back on the stick. 
Hopefully he will meet up with the same amazonian tribesmen who ate 
Happy Rockefeller's son back in the 60's.

Just like his publication hints - he's From The Wilderness. And I 
hope he returns there never to come back to civilization. Actually, 
the From The Wilderness Mike was referring to is the one that ascetic 
holy men would go into in order to hone their spirits and commune 
with God.

I think God has spoken quite clearly: Mike is a fucking wacko without 
portfolio in the middle of Venezuela.

Am I supposed to donate money to that???

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Vigilius Haufniensis 

 [FTW is really screwed up right now. Everybody knows it and I am 
not going ignore it. I am in bad shape too. I am not going to hide 
that either. I have been in Caracas for 14-plus weeks and am facing a 
serious combination of medical symptoms that were described by Carlos 
Ruiz in Living with Mike Ruppert in Caracas. They include sudden 
drops in blood pressure, blood sugar crashes, dizziness, weakness, 
paresthesis of lips and fingers, small kidney stones, heavy 
calcification of the urinary tract and prostate, cloudy urine and 
chronic fatigue. There have been four seizure-like violent tremors. 
 Looking back I can see that the first major signs of my illness 
started appearing about a year ago. The first tremor happened in 
January before we moved FTW out of Los Angeles. What is happening now 
erupted in full about two weeks after I arrived in Caracas. We do not 
have a firm diagnosis yet. I have just had an expensive series of 
blood tests run but do not have the results. Both FTW and I need your 
help although I must tell you that our offices are being vacated next 
 My friends and subscribers know that I have never lied to them. My 
enemies know that I have never lied to my friends and subscribers. 
That has been an unbroken bond for 104 consecutive months and I am 
not about to break it now.
 FTW's time of usefulness on this planet is ending. Michael Kane 
offered his resignation last week. Having already lost Stan Goff (due 
to cash shortages) and Jamey Hecht. No one person can carry it on 
their own. Kane made the right decision for personal reasons and I 
support it completely. We remain close and trusted friends with deep 
mutual admiration and respect for each other. The article that 
follows is my personal tribute to him and the entire generation of 
talented investigators, researchers and writers that has arisen since 
 One of our former writers has expressed concern for his safety in 
the current political climate of the United States. I know that he is 
not alone and that many others feel the same. I say to you all, fight 
the good fight. 
 There is one other person I must specifically thank and that is the 
angelic, dedicated, and steadfast Jenna Orkin who has researched, 
blog-managed, and loved me so unconditionally as to affirm my belief 
in God when all other evidence of Him seemed MIA. To all who have 
made FTW and its accomplishments possible, whether we parted as 
friends or not, I offer a gratitude that will endure throughout all 
 We changed the world a little bit.
 My time may be over too and I must now turn my attention to that. 
One thing we must do, however, is to save the FTW archives as a 
permanent fixture on the internet for future researchers and try to 
clean things up before we go. We must also save my personal library 
of around 250 books.
 How this came to pass merits only a brief discussion. There are too 
many details that I just don't know. In the first month after I left 
the states we had our strongest sales month in (I'm guessing) a year 
and a half. The organization I hastily put in place before leaving 
was working. Decisions were made in Ashland to upgrade our store and 
web site for all the right reasons; chiefly to cut costs by 
outsourcing our product shipment and warehousing. Many glitches made 
that process take more than two months and during that time our 
subscriber-only section was free and often orders could simply not be 
accepted. It was not that people didn't want to buy. They just 
 Sales fell by around 60% and cash flow dried up. I was made fully 
aware of these details only about two weeks ago. I was out of the 
loop for these decisions and didn't find out how bad things were 
until many well-intentioned choices had already been made; choices 
that could not be changed. The same is true for our long-time 
agent/publicist Ken Levine. We all owe a debt of gratitude to 
everyone who wrote for FTW after I left the United States. Some great 

[cia-drugs] Re: EVOLUTION (ruppert)

2006-11-08 Thread mark urban
I think the first signs of Mike's illness were displayed when he 
decided to jog around his office in his black jockey shorts in front 
of his female assistant, whom he was atempting to romance. 

Mike is out of control and there's nobody to pull back on the stick. 
Hopefully he will meet up with the same amazonian tribesmen who ate 
Happy Rockefeller's son back in the 60's.

Just like his publication hints - he's From The Wilderness. And I 
hope he returns there never to come back to civilization. Actually, 
the From The Wilderness Mike was referring to is the one that ascetic 
holy men would go into in order to hone their spirits and commune 
with God.

I think God has spoken quite clearly: Mike is a fucking wacko without 
portfolio in the middle of Venezuela.

Am I supposed to donate money to that???

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Vigilius Haufniensis 

 [FTW is really screwed up right now. Everybody knows it and I am 
not going ignore it. I am in bad shape too. I am not going to hide 
that either. I have been in Caracas for 14-plus weeks and am facing a 
serious combination of medical symptoms that were described by Carlos 
Ruiz in Living with Mike Ruppert in Caracas. They include sudden 
drops in blood pressure, blood sugar crashes, dizziness, weakness, 
paresthesis of lips and fingers, small kidney stones, heavy 
calcification of the urinary tract and prostate, cloudy urine and 
chronic fatigue. There have been four seizure-like violent tremors. 
 Looking back I can see that the first major signs of my illness 
started appearing about a year ago. The first tremor happened in 
January before we moved FTW out of Los Angeles. What is happening now 
erupted in full about two weeks after I arrived in Caracas. We do not 
have a firm diagnosis yet. I have just had an expensive series of 
blood tests run but do not have the results. Both FTW and I need your 
help although I must tell you that our offices are being vacated next 
 My friends and subscribers know that I have never lied to them. My 
enemies know that I have never lied to my friends and subscribers. 
That has been an unbroken bond for 104 consecutive months and I am 
not about to break it now.
 FTW's time of usefulness on this planet is ending. Michael Kane 
offered his resignation last week. Having already lost Stan Goff (due 
to cash shortages) and Jamey Hecht. No one person can carry it on 
their own. Kane made the right decision for personal reasons and I 
support it completely. We remain close and trusted friends with deep 
mutual admiration and respect for each other. The article that 
follows is my personal tribute to him and the entire generation of 
talented investigators, researchers and writers that has arisen since 
 One of our former writers has expressed concern for his safety in 
the current political climate of the United States. I know that he is 
not alone and that many others feel the same. I say to you all, fight 
the good fight. 
 There is one other person I must specifically thank and that is the 
angelic, dedicated, and steadfast Jenna Orkin who has researched, 
blog-managed, and loved me so unconditionally as to affirm my belief 
in God when all other evidence of Him seemed MIA. To all who have 
made FTW and its accomplishments possible, whether we parted as 
friends or not, I offer a gratitude that will endure throughout all 
 We changed the world a little bit.
 My time may be over too and I must now turn my attention to that. 
One thing we must do, however, is to save the FTW archives as a 
permanent fixture on the internet for future researchers and try to 
clean things up before we go. We must also save my personal library 
of around 250 books.
 How this came to pass merits only a brief discussion. There are too 
many details that I just don't know. In the first month after I left 
the states we had our strongest sales month in (I'm guessing) a year 
and a half. The organization I hastily put in place before leaving 
was working. Decisions were made in Ashland to upgrade our store and 
web site for all the right reasons; chiefly to cut costs by 
outsourcing our product shipment and warehousing. Many glitches made 
that process take more than two months and during that time our 
subscriber-only section was free and often orders could simply not be 
accepted. It was not that people didn't want to buy. They just 
 Sales fell by around 60% and cash flow dried up. I was made fully 
aware of these details only about two weeks ago. I was out of the 
loop for these decisions and didn't find out how bad things were 
until many well-intentioned choices had already been made; choices 
that could not be changed. The same is true for our long-time 
agent/publicist Ken Levine. We all owe a debt of gratitude to 
everyone who wrote for FTW after I left the United States. Some great 

[cia-drugs] A Glimpse of Army Special Operations Forces

2006-11-08 Thread norgesen

November 08, 2006

A Glimpse of Army Special 
Operations Forces

The role of special operations forces in the U.S. military is steadily 
increasing but relatively little is publicly known about the activities and 
performance of these specialized units.
A new U.S. 
Army manual (pdf) fills in some of the gaps in the public record with a 
description of the structure, capabilities and missions of U.S. Army Special 
Operations Forces (ARSOF).
The manual has not been approved for public release, but a copy was obtained 
by Secrecy News.
"ARSOF are specially organized, trained, and equipped military forces," it 
explains. "They conduct SO [special operations] to achieve military, political, 
economic, or informational objectives by generally unconventional means in 
hostile, denied, or politically sensitive areas."
According to the Army, special operations forces can leap tall buildings in a 
single bound.
"They provide to the Nation an array of deployable, agile, versatile, lethal, 
survivable, and sustainable formations, which are affordable and capable of 
rapidly reversing the conditions of human suffering and decisively resolving 
Counterterrorism missions are a particular focus of special operations 
"ARSOF are, and will be for the near future, continuously engaged against 
terrorists whose goal is the destruction of American freedoms and the American 
way of life," the new manual 
Special operations also support intelligence collection.
"ARSOF are a key enabler in the WOT [war on terror] by conducting SO, which 
obtain actionable intelligence The results of these activities may be fed 
directly to a commander or Country Team or may be input into the intelligence 
process for processing, analysis, and dissemination to military and other 
government agencies (OGAs)."
There is also a domestic component to Army special operations, though it is 
not clearly specified in the manual.
"The United States employs ARSOF capabilities at home and abroad in support 
of U.S. national security goals in a variety of operations."
The manual spells out the principles of special operations warfare, including 
preemption, dislocation, disruption, and so forth.
"SO [special operations] are frequently clandestine or low-visibility 
operations, or they may be combined with overt operations. SO can be covert but 
require a declaration of war or a specific finding approved by the President or 
the SecDef," the manual states.
(The asserted ability of the Secretary of Defense to authorize covert 
operations has not been explicitly claimed before, to Secrecy News' 
"Significant legal and policy considerations apply to many SO activities," 
the manual 
The new Army manual is unclassified, but its distribution is formally 
restricted "to protect technical or operational information."
In view of the possible sensitivity of the document, Secrecy News is only 
posting the preface and the first of the eight chapters from the 119 page 
See "Army 
Special Operations Forces," U.S. Army Field Manual FM 3-05, September 20, 
The Congressional Research Service noted earlier this year 
(pdf) that "The 2006 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) has called for a 15% 
increase in special operations forces beginning in FY 2007."
MYSTERYThe use of stealth techniques and technologies to 
reduce thesignatures of intelligence or military satellites a subject 
thatseems to be properly classified, for the most part. But it 
hasalso left discernable traces in the public domain.Those traces 
were assembled by Allen Thomson in his StealthSatellite Sourcebook, which 
has been recently updated (148pages, 7 MB PDF 
file): http://www.fas.org/spp/military/program/track/stealth.pdfSee 
also " Stealth satellites: Cold War myth or operationalreality?" by John 
Croft, C4ISR Journal, October 4, 2006: http://www.c4isrjournal.com/story.php?F=2034471

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Independent broker dealer
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Central intelligence agency

Central intelligence agency employment


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