[cia-drugs] Fwd: Rev. Moon's Anti-Osama Agit-Prop

2007-01-22 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Consortiumnews.com" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: January 22, 2007 8:06:38 PM PST
Subject: Rev. Moon's Anti-Osama Agit-Prop

As Rev. Sun Myung Moon's media operations have done for two  
decades, the Korean cult leader's Insight magazine has stepped up  
to inject an early dose of poison into Campaign 2008.

In this case, Moon's weekly magazine was peddling a bogus story  
suggesting that Barack Obama is a clandestine Islamic agent and  
that Hillary Clinton's operatives were dishing the dirt.

Though the anti-Obama agit-prop was quickly disproved, it revealed  
again how valuable Moon and his mysterious money have been to the  
Republicans and especially to the Bush family.

For the full story of how Moon's foreign money continues to distort  
the U.S. political process, go to Consortiumnews.com at http:// 
www.consortiumnews.com .

To remove yourself from this list, click here: http:// 

[cia-drugs] Bush Poll Ratings Before Speech Fall to Nixon's Level (Update2)

2007-01-22 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Bush Poll Ratings Before Speech Fall to Nixon's Level (Update2) 

By Nadine Elsibai

Jan. 22 (Bloomberg) -- President George W. Bush's approval ratings are now the 
lowest for any president the day before a State of the Union speech since 
Richard Nixon in 1974, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll. 

Sixty-five percent of those surveyed said they disapprove of how Bush is 
handling his job as president while 33 percent approve. The rating matches 
Bush's career low in a May 2006 poll. 

Seventy-one percent of Americans said the country is on the wrong track, up 
from 46 percent in an April 2003 poll, the month after the U.S.-led invasion of 
Iraq. A majority of those polled this month don't approve of how Bush is 
handling the Iraq war, terrorism or the economy. 

Bush, who addresses the nation before a joint session of Congress tomorrow, 
will face many members of his own party who blame him for Republicans' losing 
majority control of the House and Senate in the November 2006 midterm 

White House spokesman Tony Snow said Bush's State of the Union speech will 
focus on issues including the Iraq war, energy independence, health-care, 
immigration and education. 

Bush also received career-low approval ratings in a new CNN poll. Sixty-three 
percent of those surveyed said they disapprove of how Bush has handled his 
presidency and 34 percent said they approve. Sixty percent disapproved and 38 
percent approved of Bush's performance in a March 2006 CNN poll. 

CBS, NBC Polls 

Bush reached an all-time low 28 percent approval rating in a CBS poll released 
today. Sixty-six percent of those surveyed in the CBS poll said they opposed 
Bush's sending 20,000 additional troops to Iraq, and 75 percent said the war 
there is going badly. Fifty percent said Congress shouldn't provide money for 
the 20,000 additional troops. 

The CBS poll surveyed 1,168 adults nationwide by telephone from Jan. 18 to 21. 
The poll has a sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points. 

Almost two-thirds of people in the U.S. don't support a troop increase in Iraq 
if Congress passes a resolution opposing it, and don't believe the war can 
succeed, according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. Investigators 
questioned 1,007 adults from Jan. 17 to Jan. 20, and the poll has a margin of 
error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points. 

Giuliani, Clinton 

Former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani led among Republicans and New York 
Senator Hillary Clinton paced Democrats in a CNN poll on potential 2008 
presidential candidates. 

Giuliani received support from 32 percent of Republicans surveyed; Arizona 
Senator John McCain followed with 26 percent; and former House Speaker Newt 
Gingrich was third at 9 percent. 

Giuliani and McCain have both formed presidential exploratory committees. 
Gingrich has yet to say whether he will seek the party's nomination for 

Support for Clinton dropped to 34 percent from 37 percent a month earlier, the 
poll found. Illinois Senator Barack Obama followed with 18 percent, up 3 
percentage points from a December 2006 poll. Former North Carolina Senator John 
Edwards was third at 15 percent. 

Clinton, Obama and Edwards have each filed papers allowing them to raise and 
spend money through a presidential exploratory committee. 

Of the 1,008 adults in the CNN poll, 365 were asked about the Republican 
nomination and 467 were asked about the Democratic candidates. The margin of 
error for Republicans was plus or minus 5 percentage points, and plus or minus 
4.5 percentage points for Democrats. 

The Washington Post-ABC News telephone poll of 1,000 adults nationwide was 
conducted Jan. 16-19. Opinion Research Corporation conducted the CNN telephone 
poll of 1,008 Americans Jan. 19-21. Both surveys had a 3 percentage point 
margin of error overall. 

To contact the reporter on this story: Nadine Elsibai in Washington at [EMAIL 

[cia-drugs] This War is for Us

2007-01-22 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

- Original Message - 
From: Robert Busser 
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; 
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 5:33 PM
Subject: [work_democracy] This War is for Us


This War is for Us
Arutz Sheva IsraelNationalNews.com 

by Ariel Natan Pasko 
March 26, 2003 

Of course this war against Iraq and Saddam Hussein is for us. Even the 
anti-Semites, like Patrick J. Buchanan and Congressman Jim Moran know it. Pat 
Buchanan has been accusing the neo-conservatives, what he calls the War Party - 
i.e., the Jews and their followers in America - of pushing the United States 
into this war. He's also blamed Prime Minister Sharon and Israel for wanting 
the war. That's what he said in a recent article, "Whose War?" Rep. Moran 
recently came out of the closet saying, "If it were not for the strong support 
of the Jewish community for this war with Iraq, we would not be doing this." 
Other anti-Semites have also been saying it. 

They're both right, and dead wrong. True, most Jews in America and Israel want 
the US to capture Saddam Hussein and his gang, disarm Iraq of Weapons of Mass 
Destruction, institute some form of regime change, and introduce freedom and 
democracy. But so do most Americans, many Iraqis, and many other freedom-loving 
people in the region and around the world. Although it might be in Israel's 
interest to see the 'neighborhood bully' - Iraq - have its non-conventional 
weapons confiscated, it is also in America's interest, it is also in Europe's 
interest, it is even in Russia's and China's interest - they have both been 
plagued by Islamic terror in recent years. And, though they might not like to 
admit it publicly, it is even in the interest of Arab states in the region. 

Nobody who thinks about it for a couple of seconds should want a dictator like 
Saddam Hussein - who has already used chemical weapons on his own citizens, the 
Kurds, and his neighbors, the Iranians - to have Weapons of Mass Destruction. 
Whether he uses them himself or passes them off to terror groups like al-Qaida, 
Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines, the Chechens, or Hamas and Islamic Jihad, who 
wants some nut cases releasing Small Pox, Anthrax, or VX Nerve Gas onto 
innocent civilian populations? 

However, we already knew that this war is for us - i.e., the Jews and Israel. 
Chazal - our sages - throughout the ages have explained the Torah, telling us 
that everything that happens in the world is for the benefit of the Jewish 

Simply put another way, if all the world is a stage, then the Jews - and 
especially those in the Land of Israel - are the lead actors on the stage of 
history, and the goyim - the nations, i.e. the gentiles - have supporting 
roles, while the evil-doers are props and background scenery. As our tradition 
states, G-D - the great playwright - created the world for the sake of the 
Jewish People, and it is our responsibility to implement the Torah - absolute 
morality and the blueprint of creation - in it. 
Stop and think for a moment: the last Gulf War in 1991 ended erev - just before 
- Purim. This Gulf War began motzei - just after - Shushan Purim. Get the 
picture? In between, "The Jews had light, and gladness, and joy, and honor." 
(Book of Esther 8:16) 

Read the Purim story in Megilat Esther again, it is a rags to riches story on a 
national scale. Haman, the proto-typical anti-Semite, plans mass murder of the 
Jews and in the end pays with his life, the life of his ten sons - all hanged - 
and the Jews kill 75, 800 members of the anti-Semitic - i.e. Nazi - party of 
the time. 
This is not so different from the Nuremberg Trials after World War II, when 23 
Nazi war criminals were tried. Originally 11 were to have the death penalty 
imposed if found guilty. Everybody in those days thought that they would be 
shot - as is customary in military executions - or get the electric chair - as 
was common in the United States. But when the judges announced the verdict of 
guilty, they also said that hanging would be the method of execution. Two hours 
before the execution, they found Hermann Goering dead in his cell. He had 
committed suicide. That left only 10 Nazis to execute. 

There is more to this story than meets the eye. In Megilat Esther (9:7-9), when 
it describes the execution of Haman's ten sons, their names are listed in a 
vertical column. If you look at the Hebrew closely, you'll notice extra-small 
letters in three of the names. The first name, Parshandata, has a small tav. 
The seventh name, Parmashta, has a small shin. The tenth name, Vayzata, has a 
small zayn. Hebrew letters are also used as numbers, as well as for dates in 
the Jewish calendar. Tav, shin, zayn numerically means 707, corresponding to 
the year 5707, which began with Rosh HaShanah - the Jewish New Year - on 
September 25, 1946. On October 16, 1946, as foreshadowed in the names of 
Haman's ten sons, ten Nazi leaders were hanged as war criminals. And if tha

[cia-drugs] Ethnic Cleansing in L.A.

2007-01-22 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Ethnic Cleansing in L.A.

By Brentin Mock, Intelligence Report. Posted January 20, 2007.

Acting on orders from the Mexican Mafia, Latino gang members in Southern 
California are terrorizing and killing blacks. 
Los Angeles, Calif. -- Ascending the steep steps that lead from the street to 
the scene of her son's murder, 47-year-old Louisa Prudhomme is charged by a 
Doberman Pinscher. Prudhomme reaches over a gate and gives the guard dog a 
rough pat on the head.

"Sam doesn't seem to remember me," she says.

What Prudhomme will never forget is that just past the snarling Doberman is the 
apartment on a hill where six years ago her 21-year-old son Anthony was shot in 
the face with a .25-caliber semi-automatic while lying on a futon she had 
purchased for him from IKEA. He died wearing a shirt that read, "Keep the 

Anthony Prudhomme was slain by members of the Avenues, a Latino street gang. 
But he was not a rival gang member, or a police informant, or a drug dealer. 
The Avenues did not target him for the content of his character, or even the 
contents of his apartment.

They targeted him for the color of his skin.

Prudhomme was murdered because he identified himself as black (he was in fact 
mixed-race) in a neighborhood occupied by one of the many Latino street gangs 
in Los Angeles County. Incredibly, even though these gangs are fundamentally 
criminal enterprises interested mainly in money, gang experts inside and 
outside the government say that they are now engaged in a campaign of "ethnic 
cleansing" -- racial terror that is directed solely at African Americans.

"The way I hear these knuckleheads tell it, they don't want their neighborhoods 
infested with blacks, as if it's an infestation," says respected Los Angeles 
gang expert Tony Rafael, who interviewed several Latino street gang leaders for 
an upcoming book on the Mexican Mafia, the dominant Latino gang in Southern 
California. "It's pure racial animosity that manifests itself in a policy of a 
major criminal organization."

"There's absolutely no motive absent the color of their skin," adds former Los 
Angeles County Deputy District Attorney Michael Camacho. Before he became a 
judge, in 2003, Camacho successfully prosecuted a Latino gang member for the 
random shootings of three black men in Pomona, Calif.

"They generally don't like African Americans," Pomona gang unit officer Marcus 
Perez testified in that case. "If an African American enters their 
neighborhood, they're likely to be injured or killed."

A comprehensive study of hate crimes in Los Angeles County released by the 
University of Hawaii in 2000 concluded that while the vast majority of hate 
crimes nationwide are not committed by members of organized groups, Los Angeles 
County is a different story. Researchers found that in areas with high 
concentrations, or "clusters," of hate crimes, the perpetrators were typically 
members of Latino street gangs who were purposely targeting blacks.

Furthermore, the study found, "There is strong evidence of race-bias hate 
crimes among gangs in which the major motive is not the defense of territorial 
boundaries against other gangs, but hatred toward a group defined by racial 
identification, regardless of any gang-related territorial threat."

Six years later, the racist terror campaign continues.

A pervasive attitude

Anthony Prudhomme presented no threat to the Avenues. Even so, he was murdered 
two months after he moved into Highland Park, a neighborhood in northeastern 
Los Angeles that is home to many gang members. "He didn't have anything [to 
steal]," his mother says. "He had nothing when they broke in. So to shoot him, 
I'm sure it was a stripe. They get stripes for killing black people."

"Stripes" are a gang-soldier's badges of honor. Latino gang members in Southern 
California earn them by doing the bidding of their godfathers in the Mexican 
Mafia, a powerful criminal syndicate based in the California state prison 
system that controls most Latino street gangs south of Bakersfield.

According to gang experts and law enforcement agents, a longstanding race war 
between the Mexican Mafia and the Black Guerilla family, a rival 
African-American prison gang, has generated such intense racial hatred among 
Mexican Mafia leaders, or shot callers, that they have issued a "green light" 
on all blacks. A sort of gang-life fatwah, this amounts to a standing 
authorization for Latino gang members to prove their mettle by terrorizing or 
even murdering any blacks sighted in a neighborhood claimed by a gang loyal to 
the Mexican Mafia.

"This attitude is pretty pervasive throughout all the [Latino] gangs," says Tim 
Brown, a Los Angeles County probation supervisor. "As long as [street] gangs 
are heavily influenced by the prison gangs, particularly the Mexican Mafia, 
racism is just part and parcel of why they come into being and why they 
continue to exist."

Last fall, four members of

[cia-drugs] FW: 19-Jan-2007 I'll be on Coast to Coast tonight January 19, 2007

2007-01-22 Thread George Baaden

>From: "gary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: 19-Jan-2007 I'll be on Coast to Coast tonight January 19, 2007
>Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2007 17:52:27 -0500
>I was asked a few minutes ago to do the first hour with Coast to Coast
>tonight.  Our topic will be the latest news that the Big Bopper, Jr.  is
>having his father's remains examined by Doctor Bass at the Body Farm in
>Knoxville, Tennessee.  The examination will begin in March.  Tonight, we
>will examine the myths and legends of what happened as three rock stars
>and a young pilot plummeted to earth in a pile of twisted metal--The show
>begins at 10:00 PM PST (1:00 AM EST).  I hope that you get a chance to
>listen.  This early notice will give you a chance to get into the phone
>lines first if you have any questions.  I'd love to speak with as many of
>you as possible.
>Rock On,
>This e-mail was sent to you because you subscribed to the
>mailing list at http://www.rgarypatterson.com/newsletter.htm
>If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, please
>click on the link below or copy & paste it into your browser.

[cia-drugs] Please allow to post because all our issues connect>(((This is war)))Bob Shultz

2007-01-22 Thread MarshaMcClelland
(((This is war)))Bob Shultz showed @ Ed Brown's Stand Off in 

Your assistance, too, is needed to help assure fair trial in Concord, 
NH...This  opposed to the kangaroo court that's already taken 
place...Ed & Elaine Brown's sentencing is scheduled for 
April...Please forward this everywhere & do all else possible before 
it's too late for recovery in America

If you need media or elected official email addresses contact me and 
I'll send [EMAIL PROTECTED] & 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to both so I'll be sure to see the 
request, please

This "is" war as you'll see fox news reporting here>>>

http://www.questforfairtrialinconcordnh.blogspot.com/<<>>Income tax is illegal, oppressing and unnecessary with all 
the many other taxes being collected...Income tax was to last only 
for the duration of world war II and is voluntary, only

The truth behind income tax>>>Aaron Russo's, "Freedom To 
4312730277175242198 or http://tinyurl.com/ybdb9j

Update on 

New Hampshire Underground>>>http://www.nhfree.com/

If links come apart, paste in browser, carefully closing gaps before 

Invitation to join activists & patriots to help "US" take Back our 

In these dire & dangerous times we must stand together
No matter what group, issue or matter you represent>>>"United We Can 
Stand" but if we stay divided, we'll fall, for sure...We're all 
related & connected by our same enemy responsible for all our 
dilemmas and problems>>>The corrupt who oppress and suppress us all

We are many and there are wa more of us, than them...

WTP_U have hundreds of sister groups standing with "US"

We are over 1000 at our original forum you are being invited to & 
most are group owners...Many radio show hosts are with us...VIP's 
from all walks of life putting differences aside enough to work 
together on the important issues we do agree on...This to make the 
needed changes and secure America's future as well as the whole 

"We The People United Movement"
We are many Political and Patriot Groups joining together, to help 
right the wrongs in America..."United We Will Stand"


Our website under construction that belongs to "We The People" from 
everywhere>>>http://www.wethepeopleunited.com/...Soon we'll be 
loading all the groups who stand with "US"...If you're a group owner 
and would like yours added, let me know


[cia-drugs] Fwd: Henry Kissinger: "It's the OIL, Stupid"

2007-01-22 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: January 21, 2007 10:29:51 PM PST
Subject: Re: Henry Kissinger: "It's the OIL, Stupid"

I should have highlighted Henry Kissinger's statement, which  
slipped past me:
"[T]he United States, the most powerful country of the West, [is]  
is the indispensable component of any attempt to build a NEW WORLD  
(Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain: Henry the K works  
as a hitman for Lord Rothschild.)

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Impeachment Is a Just Slap on the Wrist -- HANG the Bastards for TREASON!

2007-01-22 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: January 21, 2007 9:46:45 PM PST
Subject: Impeachment Is a Just Slap on the Wrist -- HANG the  
Bastards for TREASON!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Was Iraq War a `Blunder' or Was It Treason?
New Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco), is  
calling President Bush's invasion of Iraq a "stark blunder" and  
says that his new scheme to send 21,500 more troops into the mess  
he created is just digging the hole deeper.

I wonder though.

It seems ever more likely to me that this whole mess was no blunder  
at all.

People are wont to attribute the whole thing to lack of  
intelligence on the president's part, and to hubris on the part of  
his key advisers. I won't argue that the president is a lightweight  
in the intellect department, nor will I dispute that Cheney,  
Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and that whole neocon gang have demonstrably  
lacked the virtues of reflection and humility. But that said, I  
suspect that the real story of the Iraq War is that Bush and his  
gang never really cared whether they actually would "win" in Iraq.   
In fact, arguably, they didn't really want to win.

What they wanted was a war.

If the war they started had ended quickly with the overthrow of  
Saddam Hussein, that would have served their purposes, at least for  
the short term. Bush would have emerged from a short invasion and  
conquest a national hero, would have handily won re-election in  
2004, and would have gone on to a second term as a landslide  
victor. But if it went badly, as it has, they figured he would  
still come out ahead. He would be a wartime president, and he'd  
make full use of that role, expansively misdefining his "commander  
in chief" title to imply authority over the Congress and the  
courts, to grab power heretofore unheard of for a president.

This, I suspect, was the grand strategy underlying the attack on Iraq.

If I'm right, there may have been method to the madness of not  
building up enough troops for the invasion to insure that U.S.  
forces could occupy a destroyed Iraq and help it rebuild, method to  
the madness of allowing looters free sway to destroy the country's  
remaining post-invasion infrastructure, method to the madness,  
even, of allowing remnant forces of Hussein's to gather up  
stockpiles of weapons and even of high-density explosives, so they  
could mount an effective resistance and drag out the conflict.

So many apparently stupid decisions were made by people who should  
clearly have been too smart to make them, from leaving hundreds of  
tons of high explosives unguarded to cashiering all of Iraq's army  
and most of the country's civil service managers, that it boggles  
the mind to think that these could have been just dumb ideas or  
incompetence. (L. Paul Bremer, for instance, who made the "dumb"  
decision about dismantelling the Iraqi army, prior to becoming  
Iraq's occupation viceroy, had headed the nation's leading risk  
assessment consultancy, and surely knew what all the risks were of  
his various decisions.)

I mean, we expect a measure of idiocy from or elected leaders and  
their appointees, but not wholesale idiocy!

This disaster has been so colossal, it almost had to have been  

If that's the case, Congress should be taking a hard look at not  
just the latest installment of escalation, but at the whole war  
project, beginning with the 2002 campaign to get it going.  
Certainly throwing 21,500 new troops into the fire makes no sense  
whatever. If 140,000 of the best-equipped troops in the world can't  
pacify Iraq, 160,000 aren't going to be able to do it either. You  
don't need to be a general to figure that out. Even a senator or  
representative ought to be able to do it. So clearly Congress  
should kill this plan.

Since it's not about "winning" the war, it has to be about  
something else. My guess would be it's about either dragging things  
out until the end of 2008, so Bush can leave office without having  
to say he's sorry. But of course, it could also be about something  
even more serious: invading Iran.

We know Bush is trying mightily to provoke Iran. He has illegally  
attacked an Iranian consulate in Iraq (an act of war), taking six  
protected consular officials there captive. He is sending a second  
aircraft carrier battle group into the Persian Gulf, and is setting  
up Patriot anti-missile missile bases along Iran's western border.  
This buildup has all the earmarks of a pre-invasion. All that's  
needed now is a pretext -- a real or faked attack on an American  
ship, perhaps, ala the Gulf of Tonkin "incident" that launched  
America into the Vietnam War.

The way I see it, either way the president is committing treason,  
because he is sending American troops off to be killed for no good  
reason othe

[cia-drugs] Neocons �Clearing a Path to the Targets� in Iran

2007-01-22 Thread norgesen
Neocons “Clearing a Path to the Targets” in Iran 
Saturday January 20th 2007, 12:45 pm 

Kurt Nimmo

It takes a “specialist” on “Persian Gulf affairs, with special emphasis on Iran 
and Iraq” to get at the real reason behind the impending neocon attack on Iran. 

Kenneth Katzman, who analyzes U.S. policy and legislation on the Persian Gulf 
region for members of Congress and their staffs, assigned to the House 
International Relations Committee, talks the talk across the corporate media 
spectrum, i.e., he is a neocon propagandist. Katzman tells us “Iran’s 
ascendancy is not only manageable but reversible,” that is if one “understands 
the Islamic republic’s many vulnerabilities,” Reuters reports. 

As should be obvious by now, the neocon plan to deal with Iran’s “ascendancy” 
has nothing to do with nukes. It has everything to do with the fact our rulers, 
in particular the neocon faction, believe Iran is too big for its britches and 
thus will be cut down to size. 

As the Clean Break boys told us a decade ago, an “effective approach, and one 
with which American can sympathize, would be if Israel seized the strategic 
initiative along its northern borders by engaging Hizballah, Syria, and Iran.” 
In this context, we can define “strategic initiative” as back-to-back bombing 
runs, wanton destruction of civilian infrastructure, and plenty of mass murder 
and prolonged misery, and not simply along Israel’s northern border. 

According to Wayne White, former top Middle East analyst for the State 
Department’s bureau of intelligence and research, the neocon plan for mass 
destruction will not be limited to a “surgical strike” against phantom nuke 

“I’ve seen some of the planning,” claims White. “You’re talking about a war 
against Iran” that likely would destabilize the Middle East for years. “We’re 
not talking about just surgical strikes against an array of targets inside 
Iran. We’re talking about clearing a path to the targets” by taking out much of 
the Iranian Air Force, Kilo submarines, anti-ship missiles that would 
undoubtedly target “commerce” (i.e., oil tankers) or U.S. warships now parked 
in the Gulf, patiently waiting for a new Gulf of Tonkin incident to get the 
World War Four ball rolling. Mr. White, no longer attached to the State 
Department, is “much more worried about the consequences of a U.S. or Israeli 
attack against Iran’s nuclear infrastructure,” and rightfully so. 

Iran’s illusory nukes, not dissimilar from Iraq’s nonexistent weapons of mass 
destruction, are simply a pretext, as the idea is to “shock and awe” the target 
population into submission. 

“The logic of targeting civilian infrastructure appears in the book from which 
the Bush Administration drew its bombing strategy in 2003. Military researchers 
at the National Defense University wrote Shock and Awe: Achieving Rapid 
Dominance in 1996. The text suggested applying U.S. military ‘resources to 
controlling, affecting, and breaking the will of the adversary to resist,’” 
writes William Van Wagenen. “Through Shock and Awe, the authors hoped that ‘the 
non-nuclear equivalent of the impact that the atomic weapons dropped on 
Hiroshima and Nagasaki had on the Japanese’ would result. President Bush 
responded enthusiastically to the concept of ‘Shock and Awe’ when Secretary of 
Defense Rumsfeld introduced it to him in the lead up to the war…. As a war 
against Iran may be upon us in the coming years, we need to keep in mind the 
effects of U.S. military tactics on civilian populations. Targeting civilians 
is still terrorism, whether undertaken for the best of motives or the worst.” 
For the neocons, nuclear “shock and awe” is perfectly acceptable, even 

Meanwhile, as “speculation over whether the American President was considering 
a nuclear strike against Tehran grew after his remarks in which he said that 
the U.S. will take any steps to halt Tehran’s alleged meddling in Iraq, 
Democratic leaders in Congress stepped up warning against what they said were 
White House plans to launch an attack against the Islamic Republic without 
first seeking approval from Congress,” reports Alijazeera. 

Note the Democrats are not opposed to attacking Iran, but rather irked by 
Bush’s insistence on going it alone in solitary unitary decider fashion. 

“The president does not have the authority to launch military action in Iran 
without first seeking congressional authorization,” Senate Majority Leader 
Harry Reid, a Democrat version of a warmonger, complained. Reid apparently had 
nothing to say about the morality or sanity of such an attack. 

Of course, as events unfold, any pissing contest between the unitary decider 
and the Democrats, the latter insulted because they are out of the neocon loop, 
is entirely irrelevant. 

As the aircraft carrier John C. Stennis set sail for the Middle Ea

[cia-drugs] Christian Mafia: "The Fellowship"

2007-01-22 Thread norgesen
January 19-21, 2007 -- "Christian Mafia" spokesperson tossed out of high-tech 
firm's leadership.

WMR has highlighted in the past the activities of the secretive "Fellowship," a 
group of wealthy "Christians" who are headquartered in Arlington, Virginia and 
whose tentacles reach into the White House (the Fellowship sponsors the annual 
National Prayer Breakfast in February), the Congress, the Pentagon, and foreign 
governments. The Fellowship is led by Douglas Coe, who Sen. and presidential 
candidate Hillary Clinton referred to as her "spiritual adviser" in her 
biography. Senator Sam Brownback, another presidential candidate, is a follower 
of the Fellowship.

The Fellowship's anointed spokesman, former Assistant Secretary of the Air 
Force Richard Carver has been effectively expelled, along with his colleagues, 
from the governance of Competitive Technologies, Inc. (AMEX: CTT) as the result 
of a stockholders' meeting held January 16, 2007. With enough proxy votes, 
former CTI corporate officials managed to vote out Carver's group and take back 
control of the company. After the vote, Carver and his associates reportedly 
snuck out of the building where the shareholder meeting was being conducted. An 
altercation between the outgoing corporate officials, the rebels led by ex-CEO 
John B. Nano, and Fairfield, Connecticut police took place on January 18 when 
the CTI officials voted out refused to concede control to the victorious 
insurgent stockholders. CTI incumbents claimed that a quorum was not present 
for the proxy fight while the insurgents said a quorum was, in fact, present.

The scene in Connecticut is emblematic of the Fellowship, also known as the 
"Christian Mafia." 

The following is from our May 2005 report on the Fellowship: 

"Although secrecy was paramount to its operations, the Fellowship saw a need 
for a public relations point man. They selected Richard E. Carver, a former 
Republican mayor of Peoria, Illinois; a reserve Air Force colonel, and 
Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Financial Management under Ronald 
Reagan. In 1982, Carver, a member of Reagan’s Commission on Housing, 
recommended cutting billions of dollars from the Department of Housing and 
Urban Development’s Section 8 housing program. That resulted in thousands of 
people, including families with children, going homeless across the nation. 
According to the Chicago Tribune, Carver caused waves in the Air Force when he 
insisted on purchasing custom made Air Force dinnerware and whiskey glasses 
from a West German manufacturer for the use of 65 Air Force attaches in capital 
around the world. It turned out that Carver wanted to impress the top 
management at Passau, West Germany-based ZF Industries with his abilities to 
expedite procurement through the vast Air Force bureaucracy. There was one 
problem for Carver – the Pentagon had a directive prohibiting such purposes 
except for a very few top flag rank officers. In 1986, Carver bypassed the 
Secretary of Defense and went straight to the Secretary of the Air Force for 
authorization to spend $100,000 on the West German dinnerware. When the cost of 
the dinnerware increased to $115,000, Air Force purchasing officers began to 

Subsequently, the West German china manufacturer went through ZF Industries to 
complain that the cost did not cover shipping. Carver then requested additional 
money for shipping costs. When that posed a problem, carver suggested that the 
dinnerware order be increased to $1.1 million to cover the original order in 
addition to custom made china for 138 commanders, mostly colonels, of Air Force 
bases and stations around the world. Lt. Gen. Carl Smith, chief of the Air 
Staff, then put his foot down – telling Carver that his china deal was way out 
of line. Smith said if colonels received dinnerware, every general would want 
it also. The bill could top $6.3 million. Smith told Carver the money could be 
used to improve dilapidated housing for officers and enlisted men in some of 
the Air Force’s residential units. Carver told General Smith that he should 
reconsider, whereupon, Smith retorted with a firm 'No.' In other words, Smith 
was not about the follow such a ludicrous order from a civilian superior.

Carver eventually left the Pentagon. He hooked up with the Fellowship as its 
major front man, became a consultant for Smith Barney (it was reported that 
Carver actually was retained by Smith Barney as a consultant while he still 
worked at the Pentagon at a fee of $920 a month), and joined ZF Industries as 
head of its U.S. subsidiary. The Chicago Tribune referred to Carver as an "Ed 
Meese of the Pentagon." The comparison was serendipitous. Meese, Reagan’s 
ethically-challenged Attorney General, was also a core member of the 
Fellowship. One of Carver’s deputies at the time was Ernie Fitzgerald, the 
whistleblower who, in 1968, identified a $2 billion overrun with the C5A cargo 
plane. As a result of his deputy's repu

[cia-drugs] Perle: Bush Will Green Light Iran Attack

2007-01-22 Thread norgesen
Perle: Bush Will Green Light Iran Attack 
Sunday January 21st 2007, 11:16 pm 

Kurt Nimmo

Richard Perle, more accurately referred to by his moniker, the Prince of 
Darkness, tells us from Herzliya, Israel, that Bush will eventually give the 
order to kill Iranians. 

“If all options were exhausted in the attempt to stop the Iranian nuclear 
project, and US military involvement was needed for a successful strike on 
Tehran, US President George Bush would give the green light for the operation, 
former director of the US Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee, Richard 
Perle, told the Herzliya Conference on Sunday evening,” reports Yedioth 

Perle may fool a few Israelis, even more than a few Americans, those who bother 
to notice, but for the rest of us, those who have followed this gang of 
criminals for nearly five years, he is simply blowing smoke out of a certain 

Asked if Bush and the neocons would “do it,” that is engage in mass murder, 
Perle responded, “I think that until the day he leaves office, this is a 
president that, if he is told, ‘Mr. President, you are at the point of no 
return,’ I have very little doubt that this president would order the necessary 
military action.”

The Prince of Darkness would have us believe the “point of no return” is Iran 
armed to the teeth with nukes, a demonstrable fairy tale. In fact, Bush’s 
“point of no return” is the day he leaves office, failing to accomplish the 
neocon plan of sowing ruin and chaos in the Middle East. 

“Perle expressed astonishment at the lack of support granted by the West to 
Iranian opposition movements who wish to overthrow the regime of the 
Ayatollahs,” the Israeli news site continues. “I’m not convinced that we have a 
lot of time. Given the peril that would result, its astonishing to me that we 
do not now have a serious political strategy with Iran…. If we continue on our 
current course, we have only a military option. So what I’m urging, and this 
should have happened a very long time ago, is that we make a serious effort to 
work with the internal (Iranian) opposition.” 

Of course, for Perle, the Israel First neocons, and the Likudniks in Israel, 
the idea of subverting an Islamic government from within is natural as rain. 
Indeed, Israel has messed with its neighbors since the Zionists state was 
established—after running off a large number of Palestinian Arabs and stealing 
their land—a historical fact evinced by the Lavon Affair, the Mossad’s framing 
of Libya for the LaBelle Disco bombing, the attack on the USS Liberty, killing 
34 Americans and wounding 171, the botched assassination of U.S. ambassador 
John Gunther Dean in Lebanon, and Israel’s connection to the Abu Nidal 
Organization, to name a few. 

As well, the CIA and Pentagon are no strangers to attacking, subverting, 
undermining and overthrowing governments, as they have a long and sordid track 
record beginning in the late 1940s, following up on more than a hundred years 
of interventions, from the Philippines in 1899 to Honduras, Panama, Guatemala, 
China, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Haiti, even 
the Soviet Union near Vladivostok during the Bolshevik revolution, right up to 
the present day. 

Naturally, Perle understands full well any effort to “work with the internal 
opposition” in Iran is doomed to failure, as this opposition consists basically 
of the son of the late Shah, Reza Pahlavi, who lives in exile in Virginia, and 
a scattering of other groups, including Mojahedin-e-Khalq, a terrorist 
organization involved in killing Iranian civilians. Perle actually expects us 
to believe the people of Iran will support the butchers of MEK or reinstall a 
monarch, the son of a dictator who unleashed SAVAK, a particularly brutal 
secret police, on the people of Iran for over three decades. 

In fact, Perle and the neocons are impatiently waiting for Bush to attack Iran, 
as their plan is to destroy Iranian society, not free the Iranian people from 
the mullahs. Perle, like a demented carnival barker, is setting the stage, 
telling us Bush will “do it,” when it fact the neocons will, as Bush is little 
more than a trained monkey from an elite family that made its way in the world 
after rubbing elbows with Nazis. 


[cia-drugs] Anti-First Amendment S.1 Passes Congress

2007-01-22 Thread norgesen
Anti-First Amendment S.1 Passes Congress 
Friday January 19th 2007, 3:29 am 

Kurt Nimmo

It was bad enough George Bush Senior found it necessary to blame bloggers for 
creating what he deems an “adversarial and ugly climate” (never mind his 
particular bit of ugliness in Iraq more than a decade ago, eventually resulting 
in the murder of more than a million people), last month we had the Manchurian 
candidate, John McCain, introducing legislation “that would fine blogs up to 
$300,000 for offensive statements, photos and videos posted by visitors on 
comment boards, effectively nixing the open exchange of ideas on the Internet, 
providing a lethal injection for unrestrained opinion, and acting as the latest 
attack tool to chill freedom of speech on the world wide web,” as Paul Joseph 
Watson writes for Prison Planet. 

Since Watson wrote his piece about McCain’s anti-First Amendment bill, Richard 
A. Viguerie has warned that Congress is attempting the silence bloggers and 
other critics of the government. “We have the First Amendment right to speak 
and urge citizens to contact Washington—without the intimidation inherent in 
federal regulation of our activities.” 

Of course, as a Republican partisan, Viguerie concentrates on Pelosi and the 
Democrats while quite naturally ignoring Bush and the neocons. But even so, his 
warning about Section 220 of S. 1, a lobbying reform bill that went before the 
Senate should not go unheeded—it will “require grassroots causes, even 
bloggers, who communicate to 500 or more members of the public on policy 
matters, to register and report quarterly to Congress the same as the big K 
Street lobbyists. Section 220 would amend existing lobbying reporting law by 
creating the most expansive intrusion on First Amendment rights ever. For the 
first time in history, critics of Congress will need to register and report 
with Congress itself,” according to Viguerie.

It’s comical, in a perverse sort of way, that Democrats and Republican—turn 
them upside down, they all look the same—are “bitterly split on … how to clean 
up the scandal-rocked U.S. Congress,” according to the Washington Post. Never 
mind that Congress is basically a whorehouse of corporate and political special 
interests and such a bill would not touch most of them. 

Republicans are not opposed to the “bipartisan bill to revamp the Senate’s 
ethics and lobbying rules” because it is a slap in the face to the First 
Amendment, but rather because they want to include a “line item veto” provision 
that would further consolidate Bush’s unitary decidership. “Attaching an 
unrelated measure to this bipartisan bill is an obvious attempt to derail 
passage of the strongest ethics reform legislation,” complained Democrats Russ 
Feingold and Barack Obama, the presidential wanna-be. 

As noted here last week, Democrats made sure to set up a special loophole, 
called an “ethics exemption,” for their friends. “A major loophole in the 
Democrats’ recently unveiled ethics package will allow non-profit arms of 
controversial lobbying organizations to fund travel excursions for members of 
Congress,” Raw Story reported earlier this month. Pelosi and crew designed this 
“loophole” specifically for AIPAC and the Aspen Institute, a Rockefeller and 
Carnegie globalist crime syndicate.

Not that opposition matters. “The Senate, responding to voter frustration with 
corruption and special interest influence in Washington, on Thursday 
overwhelmingly approved far-reaching ethics and lobbying reform legislation,” 
reports Time. “Under the bill, passed 96-2, senators will give up gifts and 
free travel from lobbyists, pay more for travel on corporate jets and make 
themselves more accountable for the pet projects they insert into bills.”

No mention here of the fact “Pelosi & Company’s lobbying legislation ‘reform’ 
would define political communications to and even between citizens as 
‘lobbying.’ This turns the definition of lobbying on its head and is in 
violation of the First Amendment,” according to Viguerie. “Moreover, their 
legislation would treat grassroots activists more harshly than the K Street 
lobbyists and the big corporations and unions. They get loopholes that the 
smallest critics using the Internet wouldn’t enjoy. Communicating to as few as 
500 people would trigger the registration and quarterly reporting to Congress…. 
In truth, the grassroots legislation would help protect corruption in 
Washington by silencing critics and diminishing the ability of grassroots 
causes to communicate with the general public.”

But the Democrats, portrayed as our saviors during the last election cycle, are 
not finished. “As the new Democratic majority continues its 100-hour 
legislative blitz in the U.S. House, one Democrat has quietly reintroduced 
controversial legislation that would give the federal government more authority 
over so-called ‘hate crimes,’” the Cybercast News Service reported on January 
16. “This is the most da

[cia-drugs] Gold-Plated Indifference: PAUL KRUGMAN - Bush & Health +

2007-01-22 Thread MA PA
  Gold-Plated Indifference: PAUL KRUGMAN - Bush & Health +
  by PAUL KRUGMAN - The New York Times 
Monday Jan 22nd, 2007  

  KRUGMAN: President Bush is someone with no sense of what it’s like to be 


Gold-Plated Indifference 
Published: January 22, 2007 

President Bush's Saturday radio address was devoted to health care, and 
officials have put out the word that the subject will be a major theme in 
tomorrow's State of the Union address. Mr. Bush's proposal won't go anywhere. 
But it's still worth looking at his remarks, because of what they say about him 
and his advisers. 

On the radio, Mr. Bush suggested that we should "treat health insurance more 
like home ownership." He went on to say that "the current tax code encourages 
home ownership by allowing you to deduct the interest on your mortgage from 
your taxes. We can reform the tax code, so that it provides a similar incentive 
for you to buy health insurance." 

Wow. Those are the words of someone with no sense of what it's like to be 

Going without health insurance isn't like deciding to rent an apartment instead 
of buying a house. It's a terrifying experience, which most people endure only 
if they have no alternative. The uninsured don't need an "incentive" to buy 
insurance; they need something that makes getting insurance possible. 

Most people without health insurance have low incomes, and just can't afford 
the premiums. And making premiums tax-deductible is almost worthless to workers 
whose income puts them in a low tax bracket. 

Of those uninsured who aren't low-income, many can't get coverage because of 
pre-existing conditions — everything from diabetes to a long-ago case of jock 
itch. Again, tax deductions won't solve their problem. 

The only people the Bush plan might move out of the ranks of the uninsured are 
the people we're least concerned about — affluent, healthy Americans who choose 
voluntarily not to be insured. At most, the Bush plan might induce some of 
those people to buy insurance, while in the process — whaddya know — giving 
many other high-income individuals yet another tax break. 

While proposing this high-end tax break, Mr. Bush is also proposing a tax 
increase — not on the wealthy, but on workers who, he thinks, have too much 
health insurance. The tax code, he said, "unwisely encourages workers to choose 
overly expensive, gold-plated plans. The result is that insurance premiums 
rise, and many Americans cannot afford the coverage they need." 

Again, wow. No economic analysis I'm aware of says that when Peter chooses a 
good health plan, he raises Paul's premiums. And look at the condescension. 
Will all those who think they have "gold plated" health coverage please raise 
their hands? 


Labels: Bush, health, health insurance, income, News, PAUL KRUGMAN, Politics, 
taxes, The New York Times, workers 

Lying Like It’s 2003: FRANK RICH ; President Carter accused of anti-Semitism 

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