[cia-drugs] Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab and its advocate, the late Edward Teller

2007-02-14 Thread norgesen
Sun, January 14, 2007: (Individual MP3: Click Here)

GUEST: Leuren Moret


60 minutes

Topic of Show:

Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab and its advocate, the late Edward Teller

Synopsis of Show:

This is the first broadcast of the Astucia Report. Our guest is Leuren Moret, 
geo-scientist, formerly employed at Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab near San 
Francisco, California. This show is PART 1 of a 2-PART series from a telephone 
interview conducted on Dec. 11, 2006. Ms. Moret is a critic of US nuclear 
policy and has lots of interesting thoughts on that and other related topics.

The show begins with host, Salvador Astucia, explaining how he was introduced 
to Ms. Moret by journalist Christopher Bollyn, formerly a writer with American 
Free Press. Mr. Astucia states that he is interested in Ms. Moret because she 
has first-hand knowledge of Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab, having worked there 
as a scientist for two years. Mr. Astucia states that he has linked individuals 
associated with Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab to the assassinations of both 
President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and ex-Beatle John Lennon.

Mr. Astucia states that Livermore was run by the late Dr. Edward Teller for 
nearly half a century, and Dr. Teller is considered by many to be the father of 
the Hydrogen bomb. Mr. Astucia considers Dr. Teller a person of interest in 
sponsoring the assassinations of both JFK and Lennon. Mr. Astucia states that 
motives for both murders center around the same issue: Antimissile arms; aka, 
Antimissile defense; aka, Antiballistic missile technology; more commonly known 
as the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI, or Star Wars) under President Ronald 
Reagan’s administration. Mr. Astucia states that in the early sixties, during 
the Cold War, the name Strategic Defense Initiative had NOT been created, but 
military insiders referred to the concept as antiballistic missile technology. 
According to Leuren Moret, antiballistic missile technology is junk/fraud 
science and is really a cover for what she calls exotic weapons programs for 
the Pentagon.

Mr. Astucia provides the following background information on Edward Teller, the 
murders of JFK and Lennon, and antiballistic missile technology/Star Wars:

  a.. Edward Teller and Air Force General and Joint Chief Curtis LeMay were 
opposed to JFK's Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in the summer of 1963. This 
may have been the true motive for JFK's murder. If so, it was likely sponsored 
by the Air Force, probably JFK's entire Joint Chief of Staff (with the 
exception of JCS chairman Max Taylor) and various military factions that 
supported Livermore Lab and the Pentagon's exotic weapons programs. 

  b.. Seventeen years after JFK's murder, a suspicious antiballistic 
nuclear/laser test (code-named Dauphin) was conducted in the Nevada Desert on 
Nov. 14, 1980, about three weeks before John Lennon’s murder. It was conducted 
by a team of scientists from Livermore Weapons Lab, under the direction of 
Edward Teller, and became the scientific basis for President Reagan’s Strategic 
Defense Initiative (SDI) program which was announced to the public two and a 
half years later. 

  c.. Lennon's accused killer, Mark David Chapman, was most likely framed for 
the murder. Mind control was used to convince him that he was the killer. 

  d.. A professional assassin, named Jose Joaquin Sanjenis Perdomo, was 
probably placed as a security guard (or doorman) at the Dakota, Lennon’s home, 
an upscale condominium complex in Manhattan. 

  e.. Perdomo had the following background: (a) often used the alias, Sanjenis, 
or Sam Jenis; (b) had been on the CIA’s payroll for ten years; (c) was a 
professional assassin; (d) founded a Cuban-based assassination squad called 
Operation 40; (e) was a commander in Brigade 2506 during the Bay of Pigs 
Invasion in 1961, a failed CIA operation to overthrow Fidel Castro; (f) worked 
closely with convicted Watergate burglar Frank Sturgis (deceased) during his 
about ten years on the CIA's payroll. 

  f.. An assassin posing as a security guard could have easily been supplied to 
Brown, Harris and Stevens (the company that manages the Dakota) by one of the 
large security firms, like WACKENHUT, for example, known for hiring former FBI 
and CIA agents, not to mention retired military personnel. (Note: Wackenhut is 
the security contractor at most nuclear weapons labs and facilities in the USA. 
Leuren Moret claims Wackenhut murdered anti-nuclear activist, Karen Silkwood.) 

  g.. Astucia asserts that Perdomo (or one of his aides) walked right behind 
John Lennon as he got out of his limousine on the night of Dec. 8, 1980, and 
shot him point blank through the heart two times (He was shot close to the 
heart, but not directly in the heart.). As Lennon ran away, Perdomo (or one of 
his aides) shot him two more times in the left shoulder, but death was caused 
by the two shots in the heart area. 

Leuren Moret 

[cia-drugs] John Lennon's Security on the Night he was Murdered

2007-02-14 Thread norgesen
Tue. Febuary 6, 2007: 

90 minutes

Individual MP3 files:

1st half of show, click here (45 min. 31 sec.)

2nd half of show, click here (44 min. 29 sec.)

Topic of Show:

John Lennon's Security on the Night he was Murdered

Hosted by Salvador Astucia

Synopsis of Show:

Salvador Astucia talks, via telephone, with the communications director of 
Manhattan real estate management firm, Brown, Harris and Stevens, the company 
that managed the Dakota condominium complex where John Lennon lived and was 
murdered on Dec. 8, 1980. Astucia also calls and speaks with a vice-president 
of the Wackenhut Corporation because he suspects Lennon's true killer, Jose 
Joaquin Sanjenis Perdomo, was placed by Wackenhut as a security guard (or 
doorman) at the Dakota. Astucia asks the following questions to officials at 
Brown, Harris and Stevens and Wackenhut:

  a.. Describe the nature of any business dealings between Wackenhut and Brown, 
Harris and Stevens, particularly those that may have occurred in December 

  b.. Provide all you know about the security guard/doorman on duty at the 
Dakota condominium complex when John Lennon was murdered? (Dec. 8, 1980 at 
10:50 pm)

  c.. How does Wackenhut respond to the allegation (made by many people) that 
the firm is responsible for the murder of union activist and nuclear plant 
whistleblower Karen Silkwood?

  d.. What was the nature of Wackenhut's business relationship with the late 
William Casey, former CIA director during the Reagan administration?

At the close of the show, Astucia explains how he determined that Jose Joaquin 
Sanjenis Perdomo was Lennon's true killer. Astucia also evokes the 1966 
landmark Supreme Court decision of Miranda vs. Arizona which addressed the 
problem of police using coercion to extract false confessions from suspects. 
Astucia compares Mark David Chapman to other people who gave false confessions, 
like John Mark Karr, the man who recently confessed to the murder of JonBenet 
Ramsey, but prosecutors declined to prosecute Karr because his explanation of 
the crime did not match known details of the case. Astucia also cites the case 
of the Central Park Jogger, where four teenage boys confessed to raping and 
severely beating a 28-year-old Caucasian female investment banker jogging in 
Manhattan's Central Park, in 1989, only to have the true rapist confess years 
later. (Five boys were convicted of the crime, but only one denied any 
involvement.) Astucia notes the irony of the Central Park Jogger case because 
it was botched by the NYPD and Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau, 
the same people who sent Chapman to prison for killing Lennon.


Jose Joaquin Sanjenis Perdomo, John Lennon's true assassin(?) 


[cia-drugs] Pipes Down

2007-02-14 Thread norgesen
Pipes Down 
- by Barry Chamish ©, Feb. 13th, 2005 


How do I know I'm getting to the heart of any matter? I just wait for the 
reaction of Daniel Pipes of the Council On Foreign Relations. Up till now he 
has employed two minor-leaguers, one from Israel, one from Switzerland, to 
conceal his very high-level campaign against my truth exposures. Now he has 
upped the stakes, bringing in far better known people from The Boston Globe and 
Philadelphia Jewish Exponent. 

However, the strategy remains the same; search the net to find any site or 
group which publishes me; then disparage me and threaten them. This week the 
thugs met their match in Reuven Koret of www.israelinsider.com. 

Just look at the desperation of the Pipes gang and the steadfast heroism of 
Koret: The smear campaign against Israel Insider. 

My last three books have documented the CFR's plans for us and they ain't 
pretty. They want us disarmed, back within 1948 borders and without half our 
capital. And they're doing all of that now, but our learned commentators just 
can't figure anything out. 

Open the CFR list and then read the first paragraph of an article the way it 
should have been written because I added the CFR members in bold print: 

  Look who's 'representing' Israel by Caroline Glick
  The Jerusalem Post, Feb 8,2005 

  As US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (CFR) embarked on her maiden 
voyage, it was reported that she departed from America armed with a new policy 
paper on how to implement the Quartet's road map produced by the James Baker 
Institute For Public Policy. 

  According to Edward Djerejian (CFR), the former US ambassador to Syria who 
directs the Baker Center, the paper, with its detailed recommendations, is a 
street map to the road map. 

  One of the things that make the paper significant is that it bears former US 
secretary of state James Baker's (CFR) name. Not only did Baker (CFR) serve 
under the president's father, he now plays a formal role in mobilizing 
international support for Iraqi reconstruction efforts. 

The latest CFR stooge to sign on to the Israel disintegration project is one 
Larry Garber, who is now chairman of the most socially disruptive charity of 
all, The New Israel Fund. Garber is no stranger to local crime, as I have 
covered before: 

  “ SO who is the USAID Director Larry Garber? Here is a bit of background 
found, guess where? On Wayne Owens own web site. Why is Larry Garber's bio on 
Owens site? Because they invited him to speak at the Center for Middle East 
Peace and Economic Development on January 29, 2002. ” 

  - Challenges Facing the Donor Community 
Now on to Daniel Pipes. He is chairman of the Middle East Forum. His director 
is one Judith Kipper and this salty lass is also director of the CFR's Middle 
East Forum. Well what do you know? Pipes think tank is not merely a front for 
the CFR, it IS the CFR: 

  ... BY REGION · IRAQ. BY TOPIC. Study Group. Middle East Forum. ( September, 
1985 -
  Present ). Project directed by : Judith Kipper. Chaired by : Anthony C. 
Zinni. ...
  www.cfr.org/projects.php?id=65 - 24k - Cached - Similar pages 

  CFR Meetings
Middle East
  Forum Meeting. December 13, 1999, Washington, DC. Middle East Forum. ...
  www.cfr.org/meetings.php?id=1928 - 23k - Cached - Similar pages 

  Council on Foreign Relations: Judith Kipper
  Judith Kipper. Director, Middle East Forum. ... Energy Security Group 
(January 1998 -
  Present) Middle East Forum (September 1985 - Present). ...
  www.cfr.org/bio.php?meety=2000id=63puby= - 31k - Cached - Similar pages 

  CFR Meetings
  February 09, 2001, Washington, DC. Middle East Forum Luncheon. ...
  www.cfr.org/meetings.php?id=2529 - 23k - Cached - Similar pages 

  CFR Publications: Middle East Debate: Should Washington Actively ...
  ... Biographical Information. Daniel Pipes Director, Middle East Forum; 
Author, Militant
  Islam Reaches America Biographical Information. Presider ...
washington_actively_promote_an_israelipalestinian_settlement.php - 28k - Cached 
- Similar pages 

  CFR Meetings
Meeting. June
  13, 2000, Washington, DC. A Conversation on the Middle East Peace Process. 
  www.cfr.org/meetings.php?id=2215 - 24k - Cached - Similar pages 

  CFR Publications: Middle East
  ... Judith Kipper is the Director of the Middle East Forum, Council on 
Foreign Relations
  and Director, Middle East Program, Center for Strategic and International ...
  www.cfr.org/pub4497/judith_kipper/middle_east.php - 27k - Cached - Similar 

  CFR Meetings

[cia-drugs] Fw: Putin Orders Warships Away From US East Coast Ahead Of Iran Attack By America

2007-02-14 Thread Arlene Johnson
How much credence do those of you who are informed about a US attack on Iran, 
have with this report?
Let me know, okay?


Arlene Johnson
To access my work, click on the icon that says Magazine.

-Forwarded Message-
From: Sorcha Faal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Jan 14, 2007 3:24 PM
Subject: Putin Orders Warships Away From US East Coast Ahead Of Iran Attack 
By   America

[Ed. Note: This report should be read from its website location at
http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index974.htm as this email copy does not
contain the links embedded in the original report.]

January 14, 2007

Putin Orders Warships Away From US East Coast Ahead Of Iran Attack By

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Russian Military Analysts are reporting today that President Putin has
signed an order for all Russian Naval and Merchant vessels to be out of
US port facilities on the Eastern Coast of the United States by March
17th.  This order, according to these reports, are in anticipation of a
US/Israeli led attack upon Iran expected no later than the end of April.

The dates set by the Western Nations for their attack upon Iran are due
to the stepping aside from power of the American War Leaders last
Western Ally, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who is due to leave
office this spring, and as we can further read as reported by China’s
State Media Service Xinhua in their report titled Kuwait media: U.S.
military strike on Iran seen by April, and which says:

U.S. might launch a military strike on Iran before April 2007,
Kuwait-based daily Arab Times released on Sunday said in a report. The
report, written by Arab Times' Editor-in-chief Ahmed al-Jarallah citing
a reliable source, said that the attack would be launched from the sea,
while Patriot missiles would guard all Arab countries in the Gulf. 

Recent statements emanating from the United States indicated the Bush
administration's new strategy for Iraq doesn't include any proposal to
make a compromise or negotiate with Syria or Iran, added the report. The
source told al-Jarallah that U.S. President George W. Bush recently had
held a meeting with Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Robert
Gates, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other assistants in the
White House, where they discussed the plan to attack Iran in minute

Vice President Dick Cheney highlighted the threat posed by Iranto not
only Saudi Arabia but also the whole Gulf region, according to the
source. Tehran is not playing politics. Iranian leaders are using their
country's religious influence to support the aggressive regime's
ambition to expand, Dick Cheney was quoted by the source as saying. 

Indicating participants of the meeting agreed to impose restrictions on
the ambitions of Iranian regime before April 2007 without exposing other
countries in the region to any danger, the source said they have chosen
April as British Prime Minister Tony Blair has said it will be the last
month in office for him. The United States has to take action against
Iran and Syria before April 2007.

In a further signal from the American War Leaders of their intentions on
attacking Iran they have ordered a massive escalation of their fighting
forces to the Iraqi-Iranian border and put as their new Commander for
all their Land, Air and Sea Forces one of their top Navy Admirals,
William J. Fallon, who is to lead the combined US Naval and Air Forces
attacks against Iranian Forces.

These reports further detail that the British Prime Minister Blair has
refused the pleas of the US War Leaders for thousands of more British
troops, and has further ‘warned’ the Americans that upon their attack
upon Iran he might order a total withdrawal of all British forces from
both Iraq and Afghanistan. 

Russian Intelligence reports are also detailing what they are calling a
‘gross violation’ of International Law in the American War Leaders
ordering an attack upon an Iranian Embassy in Iraq and its Diplomats,
and as Russia has angrily protested, and as we can read as reported by
the Fars News Agency in their report titled Russia Blasts US Raid on
Iran's Consulate General, and which says:

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stressed on Friday that the raid by
the US troops on Iran's consulate general in the northern Iraqi city of
Erbil was absolutely unacceptable and was a violation of the Vienna
Convention on Consular Relations. 

 The US armed forces detained five Iranians working at a consulate
 general located in Erbil, Iraq early Thursday morning. Sources said
 that the US forces first landed their helicopters around the building,
 then broke through the consulate's gate, disarmed the guards,
 confiscated some documents and certain objects, arrested five
 diplomats, and then left for an undisclosed location. 

The Kurdistan Regional Government also expressed their shock and
disapproval of the raid.

Russian Intelligence 

Re: [cia-drugs] Fw: Putin Orders Warships Away From US East Coast Ahead Of Iran Attack By America

2007-02-14 Thread Rocky Ward
I've been getting similar reports from several rooms for a week now.  Date 
specific.  ~Rocky

Get off your ass and take your government back. ~Rocky Ward

Don't be flakey. Get Yahoo! Mail for Mobile and 
always stay connected to friends.

[cia-drugs] Nepal to join SCO

2007-02-14 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

  Nepal to join SCO
  China to support inclusion of Nepal

  Global Research, February 14, 2007 
  DailyIndia,com - 2007-02-12 

  Nepal's interest in getting the membership of Shanghai Cooperation 
Organisation (SCO) for its oil and energy needs is bolstered by China having 
supported it. 

  Chinese Ambassador to Nepal Sun Heping has assured, Dr Suresh Chandra 
Chalise, Foreign Affairs Advisor to Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala, of 
China's decision to back Nepal's quest for SCO membership.

  He (Heping) said China would back membership for Nepal, Dr. Chalise was 
quoted by Kantipur, as saying.

  It (SCO membership) helps when there is an oil and energy crisis in 
Nepal, he added.

  Dr Chalise further said: Nepal should acquire its membership and we 
should be trying to import oil from these countries.

  The Prime Minister (Koirala) has already been convinced (to acquire the 
membership). It's only a matter of time, he said.

  Nepal is likely to apply for the membership during the Sixth SCO 
conference scheduled for June14-16 in Shanghai.

  During his visit to China later this year, Koirala is expected to discuss 
the issue with Beijing.

  According to officials, the SCO membership would end Nepal's complete 
dependency on India for oil.

  Leaders of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Tajikistan and 
Uzbekistan founded the SCO in June 2001. Many perceive SCO as a counter 
organisation to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). 

  India, Pakistan, Mongolia and Iran have observer status in the SCO. 
Mongolia, Pakistan and Iran have also applied for its full membership.

  The SCO is primarily centered around its member nations' Central Asian 
security-related concerns, often describing the main threats it confronts as 
being terrorism, separatism and extremism. 

[cia-drugs] Why is the US press silent on Brzezinski's warnings of war against Iran?

2007-02-14 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

  Why is the US press silent on Brzezinski's warnings of war against Iran?

  by Barry Grey
  Global Research, February 14, 2007 
  WSWS - 2007-02-03 

  The major national newspapers and most broadcast outlets failed even to 
report Thursday's stunning testimony by former national security adviser 
Zbigniew Brzezinski before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

  Brzezinski, national security adviser to President Jimmy Carter, is among 
the most prominent figures within the US foreign policy establishment. He 
delivered a scathing critique of the war in Iraq and warned that the policy of 
the Bush administration was leading inevitably to a military confrontation with 
Iran which would have disastrous consequences for US imperialism.

  Most significant and disturbing was Brzezinski's suggestion that the Bush 
administration might manufacture a pretext to justify a military attack on 
Iran. Presenting what he called a plausible scenario for a military collision 
with Iran, Brzezinski laid out the following series of events: Iraqi failure 
to meet the benchmarks, followed by accusations of Iranian responsibility for 
the failure, then by some provocation in Iraq or a terrorist act in the US 
blamed on Iran, culminating in, quote/unquote, 'defensive' US military action 
against Iran... [Emphasis added].

  Thus Brzezinski opined that a US military attack on Iran would be an 
aggressive action, presented as though it were a defensive response to alleged 
Iranian provocations, and came close to suggesting, without explicitly stating 
as much, that the White House was capable of manufacturing or allowing a 
terrorist attack within the US to provide a casus belli for war.

  It is self-evident that such testimony at an open congressional hearing 
from someone with decades of experience in the US foreign policy establishment 
and the closest ties to the military and intelligence apparatus is not only 
newsworthy, but of the most immense and grave import. Any objective and 
conscientious newspaper or news channel would consider it an obligation to 
inform the public of such a development.

  Yet neither the New York Times nor the Washington Post carried so much as 
a news brief on Brzezinski's testimony in their Friday editions. Nor did USA 
Today or the Wall Street Journal. All of these publications, of course, have 
well-staffed Washington bureaus and regularly cover congressional 
hearings-especially those dealing with such burning political questions as the 
war in Iraq.

  There is no innocent explanation for their decision to suppress this 
story. The Washington Post on Thursday published a large page-two column and 
photo on Henry Kissinger's appearance the previous day before the same Senate 
committee. The former secretary of state under Richard Nixon gave testimony 
that was generally supportive of the Bush administration's war policy.

  Moreover, the Post's web edition carried an Associated Press report on 
Brzezinski's appearance. That article introduced subtle but significant changes 
to Brzezinski's speculative scenario of the road to war with Iran which had the 
effect of underplaying the sharpness and urgency of Brzezinski's critique of 
the Bush administration. It omitted the suggestion that a terrorist attack 
within the US could become the justification for war, and it removed the 
quotation marks from Brzezinski's talk of a defensive war against Iran.

  The World Socialist Web Site on Friday telephoned the New York Times, the 
Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal and USA Today to ask for an 
explanation for their failure to report Brzezinski's testimony. None of the 
newspapers returned our calls.

  As for the television news outlets, the News Hour with Jim Lehrer on 
PBS showed a clip of Brzezinski laying out his war scenario before the Senate 
committee, without making any comment. NBC Nightly News ignored the story 

  The suppression of this damning critique of the Iraq war, the 
conspiratorial methods of the Bush administration, and its drive to an even 
wider war in the Middle East is one more demonstration of the corrupt and 
reactionary character of the American mass media. It indicates that the 
establishment media is preparing once again, as in the run-up to the invasion 
of Iraq, to serve as a sounding board for the administration's war propaganda 
and lies.

   Global Research Articles by Barry Grey 

[cia-drugs] The World Can Halt Bush's Crimes by Dumping the Dollar

2007-02-14 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

  The World Can Halt Bush's Crimes by Dumping the Dollar
  Russia draws the line?

  by Paul Craig Roberts 
  Global Research, February 13, 2007 
  - 2007-02-12 

   Email this article to a friend
   Print this article 

  What would be the consequences of a US or Israeli attack on Iran's 
nuclear energy sites? 

  At the 2006 Perdana Global Peace Forum, Australian medical scientist Dr. 
Helen Caldicott provided an authoritative analysis of the devastating impact on 
human life that would result from the radiation release from such an attack.

  Dr. Caldicott described the catastrophic deaths that would result from a 
conventional attack on nuclear facilities and the long-term increase in cancer 
deaths from the radiation release. 

  Should the attack be made with nuclear weapons - as some of Bush's 
criminally insane neoconservative advisers advocate - the populations of many 
countries would suffer for generations from radioactive particles in air, 
water, and food chains. Deaths would number in the many millions.

  Such an attack justified in the name of American security and American 
hegemony would constitute the rawest form of evil the world has ever seen, far 
surpassing in evil the atrocities of the Nazi and Communist regimes. 

  Dr. Caldicott detailed the horrible long-term consequences for the Iraqi 
population from the US military's current use of depleted uranium in explosive 
ammunition used in Iraq. Caldicott explained that depleted does not mean 
depleted of radiation. She explained that each time such ammunition is used, 
radioactive particles are released in the air and are absorbed into people's 
lungs. We are yet to see the horrific civilian casualty rate of the American 
invasion - or the true casualty rate among US troops.

  Dr. Caldicott expressed bewilderment why the rest of the world does not 
stand up to the US and force a halt to its crimes against humanity. 

  One man heard her - Vladimir Putin, President of Russia. 

  On February 10 at the 43rd Munich Security Conference, President Putin 
told the world's assembled political leaders that the US was trying to 
establish a uni-polar world, which he defined as one single center of power, 
one single center of force and one single master.

  This goal, Putin said, was a formula for disaster. 

  The United States, Putin said, truthfully, has overstepped its borders 
in all spheres and has imposed itself on other states. 

  The Russian leader declared: We see no kind of restraint - a 
hyper-inflated use of force. 

  To avoid catastrophe, Putin said a reconsideration of the entire existing 
architecture of global security was necessary. 

  Putin's words of truth fell on many deaf ears. US Senator John McCain, 
America's most idiotic and dangerous leader after Bush and Cheney, equated 
Putin's legitimate criticism of the US with confrontation. 

  America's new puppets - the states of central and Eastern Europe and the 
secretary general of NATO, no longer a treaty for the defense of Europe but a 
military force enlisted in America's quest for empire - lined up with McCain's 
argument that Russia was in fundamental conflict with the core values of 
Euro-Atlantic democracies. 

  Even the BBC's defense and security correspondent, Rob Watson, jumped on 
the American propaganda bandwagon, tagging Putin's speech a revival of the cold 

  No delegate at the security conference stood up to state the obvious fact 
that it is not Russia that is invading countries under pretexts as false as 
Hitler's and setting up weapons systems on foreign soil in order to achieve 
military hegemony. 

  The reception given to Putin's words made it clear to Russia, China, and 
every country not bribed, threatened or purchased into participation in 
America's drive for world hegemony that the US has no interest whatsoever in 
peace. Intelligent people realize that American claims to be a moral and 
democratic force are mere pretense behind which hides a policy of military 

  The US, Putin said, has gone from one conflict to another without 
achieving a fully-fledged solution to any of them.

  Putin has repeatedly stressed Russia's peaceful intentions and desire to 
focus on its economy and to avoid a new arms race. In his speech on the 60th 
anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany, Putin said: I am convinced that 
there is no alternative to our friendship and our fraternity. With our closest 
neighbors and all countries of the world, Russia is prepared to build a kind of 
relationship which is not only based on lessons of the past but is also 
directed into a shared future.

  In his 2006 state of the nation speech, Putin noted that America's 
military budget is 25 times larger than Russia's. He compared the Bush