[cia-drugs] Rove leaves

2007-08-14 Thread mark urban


Am I th only one who thinks that this guy can do as much damage with a
phone in Texas as he can with a phone in DC?

By leaving, Rove reduces the heat on Bush, but Rove can still pull

If Rove were leaving to serve a prison sentence, I would feel much
better about all of this.

[cia-drugs] The Empire of The City

2007-08-14 Thread norgesen
E.C. Knuth - The Empire of The City

The colossal political and financial organization centered in London, known as 
The city, operates as a super-government of the world; and no incident has 
occurred anywhere in the world without its participation in some form. Its 
pretentions are supported in the U.S. by the secret International Pilgrim 
Society, sponsor of the Cecil Rhodes One World ideology which was launched 
about 1897.


At the end of World War I, the writer, then 27 years old, was released from the 
U.S. Army as a second lieutenant of the Coast Artillery Corps. Like many more 
servicement, he was filled with resentment as the deluge of utterly obvious abd 
brazen falsehood, by which participation in that war had been forced upon the 
Amreican people, was exposed, and becam more evident day by day after the war 
was won.

That the reason advance to the American people for their entry into World War I 
were largely fraudulent became common and accepted knowledge, and over 25 years 
after the end of that war the eminent American historians, Charles A. and Mary 
R. Beard, state in the 'Basic Histroy' (page 442) that 'the gleaming mirage 
that pictured the World War as purely or even mainly a war for democracy and 
civilzation dissolved beyond recognition...'; and the well-known 
Internationalist publicist Walter Lippmann, stated in his 'U.S. Foreigh Policy' 
(page 24) in effect that the real reasons for going to war in 1917 have never 
been admitted.

May people realize that this mystifying situation, in which an alleged 
democratic and self-governing nation is actually controlled against the will of 
the people in its foreign affairs, is a clear indication that there must be a 
very powerful and well-financed secret organization which plans and directs 
American foreign affairs, and for lack of a more specific identification this 
suspected secret organization is popularly referred to as the International 

When the propaganda mills began their characteristic grind towards war in the 
early 1930's, the writer began a more definitive study of international power 
politics, and soon found it an entrancing and revealing subject. There was, 
however, no more free speech; and the most amazing documented aspects of a vast 
secret world order of International Finance could find no hearing in a 
situation where some Congressmen denounced overwhelming Nationalist expression 
of views in theri mail as mere organized subversion. 

The shelves of our public libraries hold thousands of books pertaining to some 
aspect of this vast subject; most of them dry as dust to the average reader and 
remaining unread by the public through the years. Most of these scholarly works 
are devoted to some passing phase of power politics in some part of the world, 
of which their author has made a specialized study, and have invariably been 
forgotten as the public has lost interest in that particular incident.

In running through these works some amazing nuggets of information come to 
light here and there, which fitted together gradually unfold the stunning 
history and the legal structure of a sovereign world state located in the 
financial district of the loosely knit aggregation of burroughs and cities 
popularly known as the city of London. The colossal political and financial 
organization centered in this area, known as 'The City,' operates as a 
super-government of the world; and no incident occurs in any part of the world 
without its participation in some form.

Its pretentions are supported in the United States by the secret International 
Pilgrim Society, sponsor of the Cecil Rhodes 'One World' ideology which was 
launched about 1897. The president of its American branch is Dr. Nicholas 
Murray Butler, who is also president of the allied Carnegie Endowment for 
International Peace. The ultimate objective of thie camarilla was defined by 
one of its noted propagandists, the late William Allen White, as: 'It is the 
destiny of the pure Aryan Anglo-Saxon race to dominat the world and kill off 
those or else reduce to a servile status all other inferior races.'

After reducing the vast mass of data forming the basis of this work into a 
logical and readable sequence, it was finally put into print and pravately 
published after a long delay and copyright was granted May 22, 1944. About 200 
copies were sent to various member of Congress, thus largely performing the 
purpose of the first edition. Several members of the Senate Foreign Relations 
Committee accorded som attention to this.

Senator Henrick Shipstead of Minnesota wroted August 12, 1944; ' The document 
containing the result of your research was so interesting that is spoiled most 
of my sleep that nightI have been doing some research along the same lines 
and I find my time in that respect is limited. you have done a great deal of 
work that will save me a great deal of time' One August 21, 1944, he wrote: 
'People ought to be 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: (2) A Good Time to Remember Life during the Great Depression

2007-08-14 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: August 13, 2007 2:17:40 PM PDT
Subject: (2) A Good Time to Remember Life during the Great Depression


Upon the conclusion of World War One, the beginning of the so- 
called Red Scare and fears of generalized labor violence such as  
that of the Molly Maguires a generation earlier, and a sudden burst  
of inflation, started the post-war era off somewhat ominously in  
the United States. Things were much worse elsewhere. The Allies had  
blockaded Germany during the war, and starvation among the civilian  
population of Central Powers had been one of the reasons for the  
Powers' decision to capitulate. Famine continued in eastern and  
central Europe. The Bolsheviks under the leadership of Lenin had  
seized control of Russia, but several Royalist insurrections broke  
out, and the Allied powers tried to aid the insurgents in  
overthrowing the Communist regime. The result was a prolonged and  
ghastly civil war. At the close of the First World War and the  
struggles that followed, both the victors - except for the United  
States and Japan - and the vanquished were exhausted and their  
treasuries drained.
Nevertheless, some of the Western nations contrived, by using their  
accumulated capital reserves, confiscating the remaining wealth of  
the defeated nations, and by continuing the deficit spending that  
had financed their war effort, to make the 1920's a period of  
extravagance, even if such extravagance was enjoyed only by a small  
portion of the world's population. This era of artificial plenty  
came to an abrupt end with the collapse of the world's stock  
markets -- the Stock Market Crash of August 1929 -- and the  
resultant disappearance of a significant portion of the world's  

In order to understand how this occurred, one should understand the  
curious way in which stock markets work. Let us consider an  
example. There is a new company that needs $1000 to begin  
operations, so it sells one thousand shares of stock for one dollar  
each. You pay one dollar and become the proud owner of one share of  
stock worth one dollar. You must remember that a share of stock is  
worth either what you paid for it or what someone else is willing  
to pay you for it. Let us say someone comes up to you and offers  
you five dollars for your share of stock and you accept. The worth  
of a share of stock is whatever that stock can be sold at, so the  
value of all of the shares of stock in that company is now five  
dollars. Although only five dollars has changed hands, $4000 of  
additional wealth has been created. If you then begin to regret  
having sold such fine stock, you might take an extra five dollars  
of your own money and buy a share of that stock for ten dollars.  
The market value of all thousand shares of stock is now ten dollars  
and all stock holders are becoming rich quite rapidly.

As long as everyone is confident and does not wish to lose out in  
the general enrichment, this sort of thing is well and good. But  
all of this wealth is merely paper wealth that has been created  
by the transfer of very small sums of real money. Suppose that the  
person who now holds the ten dollars that you paid for your share  
of stock decides that it would be unwise to buy any further stock.  
And further suppose that one of your fellow stock holders decided  
to try to sell his share at ten dollars. He would find that there  
were no buyers for ten dollars, or five dollars or even one dollar.  
Your stock and that of your fellow stock holders would have become  
worthless and $10,000 of wealth would have vanished.

This sort of thing happens all of the time on a less dramatic  
scale. The person who is willing to buy stock because he believes  
that people will soon be willing to buy the stock for even more  
than he spent is called a bull and someone who has decided that the  
value of stocks will not increase and that he should not buy  
anything is called a bear. What happened in 1929 is that some stock  
market investors who had been bulls for the previous five or six  
years began to worry that the good times might be coming to an end  
and turned into bears. Once the prices of stock started falling,  
investors sold stock for whatever price they could get, grabbed  
what money they could and held onto it. This meant that stock  
prices continued to fall. The Stock Market is more than a  
financier's guessing game, though. It is one the means by which  
companies obtain the money they need.

In 1929, many firms that needed money in order to keep running  
found it impossible to borrow any from banks and could not sell  
stock in their companies. Without funds or the hope of acquiring  
funds, many companies went bankrupt. They were unable to pay back  
any money 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [RM-COUNSEL] GENERAL STRIKE IN USA on Sept. 11, 2007 9/11

2007-08-14 Thread james Karl
I'm passing this on to you all to consider adding our voices to this action.  I 
would appreciate any comments anyone has to make, as I myself have made no 
decision concerning it.  But I do think it is worthy of consideration, 
particuolarly if we publicize our issue during the course of the action.

   Thanks for your consideration.

Note: forwarded message attached.

End the oppression of cannabis and its consumers. Self defense is always 
correct, and it is never illegal.  b_jb2001

Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with Yahoo! 
  GENERAL STRIKE IN USA on Sept. 11, 2007 9/11

Please forward!!

Bob Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 09:02:46 -0400
Subject: [Rainbow_Tribe] 

Sounds right to me, count me in.
  August 13, 2007
  GENERAL STRIKE IN USA on Sept. 11, 2007 – 9/11
  By Michael Collins
  “No School * No Work * No Shopping. Hit the Streets” 
  Michael Collins
Originally Published in “Scoop” Independent Media
Washington, D.C.
  A general strike is proposed for the United States on September11, 2007, the 
sixth anniversary of the 9/11/2001 attacks on New York City and Arlington, 
Virginia. The general strike movement has no clearly named leadership. It’s 
described as an Internet viral effort. Wikipedia defines viral efforts on the 
Internet as:
  An object (or an idea) is viral when it has the ability to spread copies of 
itself or change other similar objects to become more like (it) when those 
objects are simply exposed to the viral object.
  General strikes, more common in Europe, are events that shut down the normal 
operations of a city, state, or nation for a period of time. These strikes aim 
to force awareness and action on a single issue or broader set of concerns. The 
9/11/07 General Strike has a central location - http://www.strike911.org/ - on 
the Internet, which is linked to and reproduced on a variety of other internet 
sites. The site states the rationale for the effort:
  The General Strike is a national call to action, from citizens to other 
citizens. It is not about a single issue. It is not an anti-war protest, a 
civil rights protest, an election fraud protest. It is not about torture, 
surveillance, corporate media, the 9/11 coverup, or the environment. This 
strike is about all these issues and more.
  We all have different concerns, but we all have the same concern: we are 
being lied to and this government does not represent us. Join other Americans 
in demanding truth, justice, and accountability.
  This is our country.
And our world.
We just have to stand up.
  A National Call to Action: Tuesday, September 11th, 2007
No school. No work. Buy nothing. Hit the streets (Click “ABOUT”)
  LOCK DOWN USA – NO Answers (to anything)
  The strike targets key issues facing the American public, issues that have 
not been addressed in any meaningful way by any branch of government. These 
include enduring questions and inconsistencies about 911, the Iraq War; 
violations of civil rights; and election fraud. As the statement above 
indicates! , one ke y means of the coverup is the corporate media.
  Citizen discontent with 911 has been expressed in a number of public opinion 
polls. One of the most shocking surveyed citizens of New York City. The little 
reported August, 2004 Zogby Poll found that “Half of New Yorkers Believe US 
Leaders Had Foreknowledge of Impending 9-11 Attacks and “Consciously Failed.” 
National surveys also show substantial skepticism about the efforts of “US 
  Other concerns of the strike include areas of strong public skepticism. As of 
August, 2007, 64% of Americans oppose the Iraq War and a majority says it 
should never have happened in the first place. Massive violations of civil 
rights are occurring with the aid of the U.S. Department of Justice, as 
reported by its former voting rights head. Confidence in the legitimacy of the 
Bush government has been voiced in polls in Pennsylvania and in a national 
sample of registered voters. Both Zogby polls showed that tens of millions of 
Americans have little faith in the fairness and results of the 2004 
presidential election.
  Reflecting the disquiet of the American public, Bush popularity is in free 
fall. As low as 26% approval in recent polls, his decline has been steady and 
unending since the peak after the 9/11 attacks (with an odd spike on Election 
Day 2004).
  The strike campaign argues that these and other issues rarely covered in any 
depth by nearly all of the corporate media leave only one move for citizens - a 
general strike to protest the policies plus the lack of recognition and 
  Call to action: We just have to stand up
  Standing up includes no work or school on September 11, 2007. It also 
includes “no shopping;”