[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Iraqi police in Basra shed their uniforms, kept their rifles and switched sides - Times Online

2008-03-28 Thread roadsend




-Original Message-
From: Alamaine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 7:37 am
Subject: [ctrl] Iraqi police in Basra shed their uniforms, kept their rifles 
and switched sides - Times Online

March 28, 2008

Iraqi police in Basra shed their uniforms, kept their rifles and switched  



James Hider in Baghdad

Abu Iman barely flinched when the Iraqi Government ordered his unit of  

special police to move against al-Mahdi Army fighters in Basra.

His response, while swift, was not what British and US military trainers  

who have spent the past five years schooling the Iraqi security forces  

would have hoped for. He and 15 of his comrades took off their uniforms,  

kept their government-issued rifles and went over to the other side  

without a second thought.

Such turncoats are the thread that could unravel the British Army’s policy  

in southern Iraq. The military hoped that local forces would be able to  

combat extremists and allow the Army to withdraw gradually from the  

battle-scarred and untamed oil city that has fallen under the sway of  

Islamic fundamentalists, oil smugglers and petty tribal warlords. But if  

the British taught the police to shoot straight, they failed to instil a  

sense of unwavering loyalty to the State.

“We know the outcome of the fighting in advance because we already  

defeated the British in the streets of Basra and forced them to withdraw  

to their base,” Abu Iman told The Times.

Related Links

Basra crisis leaves British withdrawal in ruins

Analysis: Britain must now fight or fail

Iraqi troops take on Shia militia in Basra clash

“If we go back a bit, everyone remembers the fight with the US in Najaf  

and the damage and defeat we inflicted on them. Do you think the Iraqi  

Army is better than those armies? We are right and the Government is  

wrong. [Nouri al] Maliki [the Iraqi Prime Minister] is driving his  

Government into the ground.”

The reason for his apparent switch of sides was simple: the 36-year-old  

was already a member of the al-Mahdi Army which, like other militias, has  

massively infiltrated the British-trained police force in the southern oil  

city. He claimed that hundreds of others from the 16,000-strong force have  

also defected to the rebels’ ranks.Abu Iman joined the new Iraqi police  

force after the invasion, joining the Mugawil, a special police unit  

infamous for brutality, kidnapping and sectarian murders.

“We already heard two weeks ago that we were going to attack the Mahdi  

Army, so we were ready,” he said. “I decided to take off my uniform and  

join my brothers and friends in the Mahdi Army. All these years, we were  

like a scream in the face of the dictator and the occupation.” He said: “I  

joined the police because I believed we have to protect Basra and save it  

with our own hands. You can see we were the first fighters to take on  

Sadd-am and his regime, the best example being the Shabaniya uprising.”

Abu Iman said that the fighting raging in Basra yesterday was intense  

because the al-Mahdi Army was operating on its own turf. He was confident  

that the Shia militia would prevail because its cause was just.

“The Iraqi Army is already defeated from within. They come to Basra with  

fear in their hearts, knowing they have to fight their brothers, the sons  

of Iraq, because of an order from Bush and his friends in the Iraq  

Government. For this reason, all of the battles are going in the Mahdi  

Army’s favour.”

Major-General Abdelaziz Moham-med Jassim, the director of operations at  

the Ministry of Defence, played down reports of defections in the Basra  

police force. “The problem of one policeman doesn’t make up for the whole  

of the force,” he said.

In recent months Major-General Abdul Jalil Khalaf, Basra’s police chief,  

has tried to shake up the force and drive out militia infiltrators, who  

have wrought havoc in the past, often turning police stations into torture  

cells in which factions settled vendettas and power struggles with murder  

and abuse. But he only narrowly escaped an assassination attempt yesterday  

when a suicide car bomb attack in Basra killed three of his policemen. A  

local tribal leader said the police directorate building was later gutted  

by fire.


Alamaine, IVe

Grand Forks, ND, US of A

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

All are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusion is called a

philosopher. - Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)

Being ignorant is not such a shame as being unwilling to learn. -

Poor Richard's Almanack, 1758 (Benjamin Franklin)


In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material is

distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior

interest in receiving the included information for research and


[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Is Cheney betting on Economic Collapse?

2008-03-28 Thread roadsend




-Original Message-
Sent: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 10:58 pm
Subject:  [ctrl]  Is Cheney betting on Economic Collapse?   

- Original Message - 

From: Flo Hoffman 

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; 

Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 6:28 AM

Subject: [RonPaulforPresident] Is Cheney betting on Economic 

Is Cheney betting on 
Economic Collapse? 


No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG. 
7.5.519 / Virus Database: 269.22.0/1344 - Release Date: 3/26/2008 8:52 



[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Neo-Nazi rally was organized by FBI informant//TRUTH is ,this is how most everything is done ...fact.......

2008-03-28 Thread roadsend




-Original Message-
Sent: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 11:27 pm
Subject: [ctrl] Neo-Nazi rally was organized by FBI informant//TRUTH is ,this 
is how most everything is done ...fact...


- Original Message - 

From: Deon M. 

To: ddDeon 

Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 11:23 PM

Subject: Neo-Nazi rally was organized by FBI informant//TRUTH is 
,this is how most everything is done ...fact...


- Original Message - 

From: hawke 

To: pastor Brown 

Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 9:26 PM

Subject: - Neo-Nazi rally was organized by FBI informant//TRUTH is 
,this is how most everything is done ...fact...




[cia-drugs] BCCI and Terrorism Finance

2008-03-28 Thread norgesen
BCCI and Terrorism Finance - Additions as of March 23, 2008
Most entries added this week deal with terrorism finance in general and the 
criminal Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) in particular. 
Between 1979 and 1991, the US government received over 700 tips about criminal 
activities by BCCI, which repeatedly saved Pakistan from financial ruin and 
funneled money to A. Q. Khan’s nuclear program, but essentially ignored all 700 
of them. BCCI dominated the supply chain of CIA supplies and weapons for the 
Afghan mujaheddin and was also used by the CIA to pay 500 British informants 
and for another slush fund, of which the CIA failed to notify US customs. The 
NSC gained a clear picture of BCCI’s criminal activities from CIA reports, but 
a US senator was kept in the dark about them. The Pakistani government allowed 
drug traffickers to use BCCI, which was linked to Osama bin Laden, and a huge 
munitions explosion towards the end of the Soviet-Afghan war hid the fact that 
that money for the mujaheddin was being diverted to A. Q. Khan. 

Elsewhere in terrorism finance, an address book recovered in a raid linked an 
al-Qaeda operative to a Saudi billionaire, the IIRO and the Muslim World League 
are part of the Saudi government according to testimony, and Persian Gulf 
sheikhs allegedly gave bin Laden US$ 50 million in a handy single transfer in 
1999. The government of Saudi Arabia refused to help capture a key Hezboallah 
figure in 1996, made little effort to fight terrorism financing before 2002, 
and was still not properly overseeing charities in 2007. In addition, militant 
operatives were told to use a prominent Saudi bank and a known terrorism 
financier was removed from UN and US blacklists when he promised not to do it 

Imam Anwar Al Aulaqi, an associate of Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi, was 
inexplicably allowed to leave the US in 2002, and arrested and let go in Yemen 
in 2007. The US finally determined he was linked to al-Qaeda in 2008. 

Miscellaneous new entries include the US monitoring a “very important source” 
in Sudan around the time of the 1998 embassy bombings, but letting two of the 
apparent bombers escape. A 1994 US intelligence report concluded Islamic 
militants would take power in Egypt, fighters were not ready to launch on 9/11 
from Syracuse air base even after 10:00 a.m., the CIA tested an al-Qaeda 
training camp for chemical weapons in 2001, and an attack on oil facilities in 
Yemen was foiled in 2006. Finally, Presidents Reagan and Bush facilitated the 
Islamic bomb by repeatedly and falsely certifying Pakistan did not have a 
nuclear weapons program, despite knowing that it did.


History Commons Projects, Update on March 27, 2008
The biggest chunk of new material this week is about terrorism finance in 
general and the criminal Bank of Credit and Commerce International in 
particular. The entries about BCCI focus on what the US knew about the bank's 
criminal activities before it collapsed-quite a lot it turns out-and the bank's 
connections to Pakistan's government and ISI intelligence agency. In the wider 
world of terrorism finance, more examples of Saudi Arabia's laissez faire 
attitude are documented. The 9/11 Timeline has also added two new categories 
dealing with the search for Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi in late August 
and early September 2001, and al-Qaeda in Italy.
Read more

The Loss of Civil Liberties Timeline has additional entries about NSA 
wiretapping, the Military Commissions Act, and the current Harriet Miers/Josh 
Bolton case.
Read more

The Occupation of Iraq Timeline points out that oversight of Pentagon 
contractors is down, and corruption, perhaps unsurprisingly, is up.
Read more

The Iran timeline has new entries about that country’s alleged nuclear 
Read more

The Detainee Abuse Timeline has more on Alberto Gonzales, John McCain and 
President Bush.
Read more

Additional material has been added to the Watergate Timeline covering the 
Pentagon Papers, slush funds, and illegal surveillance.
Read more