[cia-drugs] Iraqi Police Arm Mahdi Men

2008-03-31 Thread muckblit
We knew that.

What's interesting is that both the Washington Post and Washington
Times published that Iraqi police left Shiite neighborhoods which are
under attack by US military occupation troops, and that as they did,
police handed over their weapons to local militia the US is attacking.

The Post published a photo on page A1 showing an Iraqi policeman
handing a rifle to a militia leader.

An hour later, according to the Post, US troops left the neighborhood.
Good idea!

WashPost and WashTimes, March 30, 2008

In the Times, Oliver North noticed a direct relationship between the
number of Iraqi civilians killed by US troops and quantitative
measures of the strength and effectiveness of Iraqi resistance to the
unprovoked invasion by US troops. We kill civilians, they kill more US
troops. If nothing else is going on strategically, Ollie, isn't that
strategic enough for you? Larry the Liar spins another troll.

Now we know why the British pulled out of Basra in December. They
didn't, that was just a propaganda play so now it can be claimed that
the Iraqis attacked the Shiites, and the British are helping, rather
than the crusaders initiated again.

The other day, the US crusaders were drawn in to the Iraqi
offensive, rather than the unprovoked foreign invaders and occupiers
initiating an offensive. And a photo of a wounded Iraqi boy did not
say that he was wounded by US troops, but rather, that he was
recovering, i.e. not wounded but recovering. Spin.

In other news, a photo of a beaver without a tail was actually a
photo of a groundhog, also known as woodchuck, which looks like a
beaver without a tail. Maybe Warco was testing us there. How many
people pointed out the truth, that it was a woodchuck? Warco wants to
know precisely how dumbed down we are. Five Warco companies own 90% of
US media. Warco is on track for three Warco companies to own 95% of US
media by the time the lame duck has to go. Then they can show us a
photo of a duck and call it a beaver, and that will only amount to
Torture Lite for the few who notice, and know that no one else does.

[cia-drugs] McQain Four Education

2008-03-31 Thread muckblit
Kent State

Four Dead In Ohio

Teach Your Children Well

May 4th

(McCain Four Education)


[cia-drugs] Four Whom The Bells Toll

2008-03-31 Thread muckblit
McQuain Four Education

Paul Weyrich wrote an editorial 3/30/2008 spinning the frame/meme of
Republican top two slogan/frame/meme education.

May 4

Four Dead in Ohio

McQuain Four Education

FourWhomTheBellsToll.org ? maybe a t-shirt to teach your children well
that historical education is about dead here in the rah-rah USA


[cia-drugs] Russia challenges US in the Islamic world

2008-03-31 Thread norgesen
Russia challenges US in the Islamic world 

By M K Bhadrakumar 
Mar 29, 2008 

When US President George W Bush named Karachi-born Pakistani American Sada 
Cumber as the first US envoy to the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), 
the White House announcement of February 27 almost passed off as pork-barrel 
politics on the part of a lame-duck administration. Cumber is a Texan 
entrepreneur - and so was Bush. 

Cumber is founder of CACH Capital Management based in Austin, Texas, which is a 
high-performance wealth management firm with acumen and expertise in rendering 
advisory services to Muslim countries flushed with disposable petrodollar 
sovereign wealth funds. But then wouldn't Bush know the OIC is not an 
institution for investment selection and portfolio structure? 

White House press secretary Dana Perino explained that Bush considered the OIC 
to be an important organization and that's why he appointed a special envoy. 
She said, The [OIC] has a constructive role to play in the world, and the 
president is signaling our desire to have a greater dialogue with the 
organization as well as Muslims around the world. But the OIC has been 
existence for 39 years - and Muslims for over a millennium. Why now? 

In June last year Bush first articulated the thought of deputing an envoy to 
the OIC. Why the delay? When the media asked Perino why Bush had taken so long, 
she merely said, He [Bush] wanted to find the right person and he found that 
in Sada Cumber. 

Islamic card in Kosovo 
There is reason to believe, however, that it was in the month of February that 
the Bush administration woke up to a new reality that cultivating the 57-member 
OIC could indeed make all the difference in the years to come. Around that 
time, Washington almost instinctively played the Islamic card against Moscow, 
and found to its dismay that what used to be a highly dependable and potent 
trump card in Cold War politics is no longer so, and, in fact, it turned out to 
be a dud card. 

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov succinctly captured Washington's OIC 
heartache when he commented in an interview with the government newspaper 
Rossiskaya Gazeta, It is not without meaning that many nations, including 
Islamic states, do not intend to recognize Kosovo's independence. 

With a touch of sarcasm, Lavrov underscored post-Soviet Russia's reversal of 
roles with the US in the Muslim world. He added, I would like to caution 
against the temptation to succumb to exhortations that are coming from non-Arab 
and non-Islamic countries but are addressed precisely to Islamic countries to 
display Islamic solidarity and recognize Kosovo. For, the situation in Kosovo 
is the most striking example of ethnic separatism. 

He was cautioning the Islamic world to be wary of the US attempt to Islamize 
the geopolitical setting in the Balkans. He warned, Disturbances have also 
begun in other regions of the world. To encourage separatist tendencies, I 
believe, is immoral. You see what is happening in China's autonomous region of 
Tibet, the way the separatists are acting there ... And then developments in 
other parts of the world as well suggest that we see only the beginning of an 
extremely explosive process. And those who follow this path should not call for 
a show of solidarity, whether Islamic or Euro-Atlantic. They ought to think of 
their responsibility in the first place. 

Soon after his interview in Moscow, Lavrov set out on yet another extended tour 
of the Middle East, but starting with the eleventh summit of the OIC at Dakar, 
Senegal, on March 13, which was he attending as an observer for the second 
time in a row. 

Among the many laurels that Russian President Vladimir Putin gathers as his 
eight-year tumultuous stewardship in the Kremlin draws to a close, it is often 
overlooked that history will most certainly judge him as a great bridge-builder 
between Russia and the Muslim world. Putin's achievement is extraordinary since 
Russia had a complex, difficult and hugely controversial relationship with the 
Islamic world for the better part of the last century. 

To be sure, Putin's effective handling of the Chechnya problem helped remove a 
potentially debilitating embarrassment with regard to the Muslim world. But 
that shouldn't detract from the singular success of his policy in ensuring that 
no adversary can today hope to get away with manipulating the Muslim world 
against Moscow in civilizational terms in the fashion in which the West 
managed to do through the Soviet era. 

Russia, instead, today is well placed to offer its good offices to mediate a 
dialogue of civilizations between the Christian West and the Islamic East. In 
fact, Lavrov in his speech at the Dakar summit of the OIC drew the attention of 
the Islamic world to the situation of Muslims in the European countries and 
the attempts by some politicians to stir up Islamophobia. 

Religions as a panacea for conflicts 

Being no longer a citadel of 

[cia-drugs] The new Brahmins

2008-03-31 Thread norgesen
The new Brahmins

By Chan Akya 
March 29 2008

Imagine if you fancied the roulette tables in Macau, but had a nasty habit of 
losing US$10,000 every time you landed there. Most sane people would get some 
kind of psychiatric treatment that prevented them from ever getting to Macau 
under those circumstances. Supposing though that a rich uncle compensated you 
for all your losses in Macau and also paid for your travel and hotel stay. Are 
you likely to return to Macau after losing a whopper this week, or not? 

Sitting back and absorbing the sheer scale of fraud that was perpetuated on the 
global financial system last week in the name of a putative rescue of Bear 
Stearns, I wrote When trust goes down the drain, which laid out the sound 
principles of central  banking as enunciated by Walter Bagehot that have been 
serially violated in this crisis. Even as most left-leaning commentators brush 
off the concerns of the so-called moral hazard crowd of which this author is 
a card-carrying member, the fact of the matter is that we are now in the middle 
of a transformation. 

Ruminating a bit more in the morass though, especially after the eager buyer 
upped his price fivefold this week, it became apparent that the Ben Bernanke 
Fed has merely emulated its alleged bete noire, namely the Bank of Japan, whose 
failed policies in the 1990s caused a lost decade of growth for the country and 
more importantly ensured that its demographic nightmare simply accelerated. 

So kudos indeed to the Fed for achieving in a couple of months what the 
Soviet Union could not muster in its seven decades of existence - namely to 
destroy global market capitalism, chiefly through the demise of the Anglo-Saxon 

In rescuing Bear Stearns, the Fed was in good company, following the Bank of 
England and the European Central Bank (ECB) in bailing out large financial 
institution using taxpayers' money that they strictly did not have to account 
for to anyone. Yes, the details are somewhat different, namely that 
shareholders got different outcomes in each case and the level of oversight 
responsibility was different, but the inescapable conclusion from all this is 
that Group of Seven (G7)central bankers are utterly corrupt besides being 
terrifyingly incompetent. 

As I wrote in a previous article (Euro-trash, Asia Times Online, March 11, 
2008), the ECB sowed the seeds for its own policy inflexibility by blithely 
rescuing every bank that came begging on its knees. The fractured nature of the 
European economy, its lack of service and system integration and mind-numbing 
political details all allowed the mandarins of the ECB to quietly pass favors 
to their constituent banks. 

While on the above-referenced article, a reader wrote in to complain that I had 
merely misunderstood the superiority of Europe, and invited me to Sweden, which 
is apparently the Mecca of something called market socialism. As it turns out, 
the region boasts the worst record of banking losses and subsequent taxpayer 
rescues, with an average of 18% of gross domestic product following the 1991-92 

Since the government provided assistance without taking over equity capital, 
tax burdens needed to be higher for longer for these countries to pay for the 
mess. Thus, people's natural tendency to grow and become richer was sacrificed 
at the altar of this demon called market socialism. The net result is that 
Scandinavia boasts the highest incidence of suicides in the Western world - 
yes, I am sure to tell the Asia Times Online reader to expect me to begin 
living in this paradise soon enough. 

To think that the original models for the Fed actions from the middle of last 
year were set in the Scandinavian and Japanese crises of the last decade only 
makes us more puzzled, rather than less. The aftermath of those crises was to 
stunt the economic growth of both regions (Scandinavia and Japan) once specific 
extraneous influences are removed from the picture - for example, the rise in 
oil prices that benefited Norway and the technology bubble that helped a part 
of the Japanese economy in the 1990s. 

The Japanese merged a bunch of banks together but refused to take the necessary 
steps that could have made the combined banks more efficient in terms of 
utilizing scarce resources such as capital and good people. Scandinavian banks 
attempted to split the good and bad banks, but eventually put everything 
back together without any serious change in industrial structure. 

Meanwhile, to absorb the costs of the rescues, the governments had to issue 
billions in new debt, which had to be bought by the rescued banks at 
artificially low yields because the governments would have themselves been 
bankrupted by higher charges. 

As the system's decline was arrested with the strong government backing, banks 
found themselves in new problem areas - namely that they did not know what to 
do with the billions in deposits that were sitting in their books. In 

[cia-drugs] What do you do with the defective slaves?

2008-03-31 Thread Kris Millegan
What do you do with the defective slaves?

What do you do with the defective slaves?
Do you set them aside?
Do you boil them in oil?
Do you deceive them,
As, you bleed them,
All the while?

What do you do with the defective slaves?
Do you get them to fight one another?
You know,
To save you the bother?
Now, you lose, 
By the way, 
But the play is the game,
And it ain’t always the same.
And isn’t being a player,
Better than, 
Being the game?

What do you do with the defective slaves?
Effectively, cajoling away, 
Away down the river, 
Away till the time,
A will and a way, 
For the defective slaves.

(C) !997 R. A. Kris Millegan

[cia-drugs] America pimps 6 year old Iraqi girls, 9 year olds in Afghanistan

2008-03-31 Thread MA PA
Monday, March 31, 2008America pimps 9 year olds in 
   The Opium Brides of Afghanistan
In the country's poppy-growing provinces, farmers are being 
forced to sell their daughters to pay loans.
   Sami Yousafzai and Ron Moreau

   Updated: 1:19 PM ET Mar 29, 2008
Khalida's father says she's 9—or maybe 10. As much as Sayed 
Shah loves his 10 children, the functionally illiterate Afghan farmer can't 
keep track of all their birth dates. Khalida huddles at his side, trying to 
hide beneath her chador and headscarf. They both know the family can't keep her 
much longer. Khalida's father has spent much of his life raising opium, as men 
like him have been doing for decades in the stony hillsides of eastern 
Afghanistan and on the dusty southern plains. It's the only reliable cash crop 
most of those farmers ever had. Even so, Shah and his family barely got by: 
traffickers may prosper, but poor farmers like him only subsist. Now he's 
losing far more than money. I never imagined I'd have to pay for growing opium 
by giving up my daughter, says Shah.
 The family's heartbreak began when Shah borrowed $2,000 from a local 
trafficker, promising to repay the loan with 24 kilos of opium at harvest time. 
Late last spring, just before harvest, a government crop-eradication team 
appeared at the family's little plot of land in Laghman province and destroyed 
Shah's entire two and a half acres of poppies. Unable to meet his debt, Shah 
fled with his family to Jalalabad, the capital of neighboring Nangarhar 
province. The trafficker found them anyway and demanded his opium. So Shah took 
his case before a tribal council in Laghman and begged for leniency. Instead, 
the elders unanimously ruled that Shah would have to reimburse the trafficker 
by giving Khalida to him in marriage. Now the family can only wait for the 
45-year-old drugrunner to come back for his prize. Khalida wanted to be a 
teacher someday, but that has become impossible. It's my fate, the child says.
 Afghans disparagingly call them loan brides—daughters given in 
marriage by fathers who have no other way out of debt. The practice began with 
the dowry a bridegroom's family traditionally pays to the bride's father in 
tribal Pashtun society. These days the amount ranges from $3,000 or so in 
poorer places like Laghman and Nangarhar to $8,000 or more in Helmand, 
Afghanistan's No. 1 opium-growing province. For a desperate farmer, that bride 
price can be salvation—but at a cruel cost. Among the Pashtun, debt marriage 
puts a lasting stain on the honor of the bride and her family. It brings shame 
on the country, too. President Hamid Karzai recently told the nation: I call 
on the people [not to] give their daughters for money; they shouldn't give them 
to old men, and they shouldn't give them in forced marriages.

Marc Parent CCNWON   at 12:11 PM   0 comments   Links to this post  
   Labels: afghanistan, children


America pimps 6 year old Iraqi girlshttp://tinyurl.com/2mnacq
6 year old Iraqi girls forced into prostitution

As a result of the Iraqi invasion many Iraqi girls have fled the violence to 
Syria. In order to support their families many girls resort to prostitution.

If this video doesn't make you oppose the War then you have no heart.

Added: March 30, 2008

Marc Parent CCNWON   at 11:58 AM   0 comments   Links to this post  
   Labels: children, iraq war, syria


MARC PARENT, mparent, mparent, 



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[cia-drugs] DARPA still Alive: BBN gets $5.7M to build the next Internet

2008-03-31 Thread Max Robinson

/Tuesday, March 18, 2008

 BBN gets $5.7M to build the next Internet

 Mass High Tech: The Journal of New England Technology - Mass High Tech

BBN Technologies 
has landed $5.7 million from the Defense Advanced Research Projects 
for work on developing a multi-terabit optical network.

The Cambridge company, which specializes in acoustic technology, speech 
recognition and data mining, is well-known for its role in the 
development of the ARPANET, the forerunner of the Internet.

This week's DARPA deal finds BBN agreeing to perform work on the DARPA 
Dynamic Multi-Terabit Core Optical Networks: Architecture, Protocols, 
Control and Management (Coronet) program. BBN executives said the goal 
of the Coronet program is to upgrade the operation, performance, 
survivability, and security of the United States' global IP-based 
inter-networking infrastructure through improved network architecture, 
protocols, and control and management software.

BBN said it plans to collaborate on the project with RTI International 
Renaissance Computing Institute 
Verizon Federal Network Systems 
Photon Futures LLC 
Optoelectronic Consulting LLC 
the University of California Davis 
and LabN Consulting LLC. 
BBN said the ultimate goal of the project is to make the Coronet 
technology available to commercial telecommunications carriers, the U.S. 
Department of Defense and other U.S. government networks

Last week, the privately held Cambridge company landed $13 million from 
DARPA to fund development of software technologies to translate both 
speech and text.

Founded in 1948, BBN recently has also been busy spinning out consumer 
technologies such as EveryZing, a media merchandising platform designed 
to help web producers and publishers create searchable multimedia content.

All contents of this site © American City Business Journals Inc. All 
rights reserved. 


[cia-drugs] Fwd: Zeitgeist, The Movie - Remastered / Final Edition

2008-03-31 Thread Kris Millegan




-Original Message-
Sent: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 12:45 pm
Subject: Zeitgeist, The Movie - Remastered / Final Edition


ZEITGEIST, The Movie - Remastered / Final
Edition - Full Production.

What does Christianity, 911 and The Federal Reserve all have in common?



1955 Freedom of Speech, Thought Crime


don't people ever learn? — Henk
Ruyssenaars, Mon Mar 31 09:37

To Wake The Hell Up! — Judith Moriarty,
Sun Mar 30 12:15

 Ron Paul - We Want
Our Country Back!


[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] SPIEGEL ONLINE - Druckversion - Nazi Sex Video Scandal: Formula One Boss Mosley Under Pressure to Resign - International

2008-03-31 Thread roadsend


Formula One




-Original Message-
From: Alamaine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 1:37 pm
Subject: [ctrl] SPIEGEL ONLINE - Druckversion - Nazi Sex Video Scandal: Formula 
One Boss Mosley Under Pressure to Resign - International


03/31/2008 02:23 PM


Formula One Boss Mosley Under Pressure to Resign

A British tabloid claims to have obtained a video showing the president of  

Formula One's governing body, Max Mosley, engaging in an orgy involving  

Nazi role-playing. Jewish leaders are calling on Mosley, the son of  

British fascist leader Oswald Mosley, to resign.


FIA president Max Mosley is under pressure over sex allegations.

The president of Formula One's governing body FIA is under pressure to  

resign over sex allegations made by a British tabloid newspaper.

The News of the World reported Sunday that Max Mosley, 67, had taken part  

in a sick Nazi orgy with five prostitutes involving Nazi role-playing.  

The allegations are based on a five-hour video obtained by the newspaper,  

which shows a man identified as Max Mosley acting out various  

sadomasochistic role-plays in a London apartment.

One prostitute inspects the man's genitals and searches his hair for lice  

in an obscene parody of the treatment of concentration camp inmates during  

the Third Reich. The man is whipped by one dominatrix before himself  

whipping two prostitutes wearing concentration camp-style striped uniforms.

The man also addresses the prostitutes in German during the role-plays,  

although one girl reportedly confesses in the video to not understanding  

what he is saying. The man also reportedly engages in sex acts with the  

prostitutes before finishing off the sex session with a cup of tea.

Jewish leaders in the UK have condemned the video. “This is sick and  

depraved,” Karen Pollock, chief executive of the Holocaust Educational  

Trust, told the London Times. “I am absolutely appalled.”

This is an insult to millions of victims, survivors and their families,  

Stephen Smith, director of the Holocaust Centre, also told the newspaper.  

He should apologize. He should resign from the sport.”

Formula One chief executive Bernie Ecclestone, who is a personal friend of  

Mosley, defended the reputation of the FIA president. I find it difficult  

to believe. It's his business but it sounds to me like a set up, he told  

the Daily Mail. Knowing Max it might be all a bit of a joke rather than  

anything against Jewish people.

A FIA spokesman said Sunday that the organization had no comment: This is  

a matter between Mr. Mosley and the newspaper.

Max Mosley is the son of Sir Oswald Mosley, the founder of the British  

Union of Fascists, and the society beauty Diana Mitford. The couple  

married in 1936 at the family home of Nazi propaganda chief Joseph  

Goebbels in Berlin. Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler was among the guests.

Max Mosley was educated partly at an elite boarding school in Germany and  

later studied at Oxford University. He is a multi-millionaire, having  

inherited a fortune from his father who died in 1980, and has been married  

to his wife Jean since 1960. He has been president of FIA since 1993.





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Alamaine, IVe

Grand Forks, ND, US of A

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All are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusion is called a

philosopher. - Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)

Being ignorant is not such a shame as being unwilling to learn. -

Poor Richard's Almanack, 1758 (Benjamin Franklin)


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