[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Cries of 'Duce! Duce!' salute Rome's new mayor | World news | The Guardian

2008-04-30 Thread roadsend




-Original Message-
From: Alamaine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 11:52 pm
Subject: [ctrl] Cries of 'Duce! Duce!' salute Rome's new mayor | World news | 
The Guardian


Cries of 'Duce! Duce!' salute Rome's new mayor
John Hooper in Rome
The Guardian, Wednesday April 30 2008

Supporters of Gianni Alemanno wave flags in Rome. Photograph: Dario  

Italy's new parliament met for the first time yesterday with applause for  
Rome's mayor-elect, Gianni Alemanno, a day after followers celebrated his  
triumph with straight-arm salutes and fascist-era chants.

Alemanno, a former neo-fascist youth leader, took 54% of the vote in a  
run-off on Sunday and Monday, crushing his rival, Francesco Rutelli, a  
deputy prime minister in the last, centre-left government.

Silvio Berlusconi, who won a general election earlier this month, welcomed  
the latest evidence of Italy's leap to the right by declaring: We are the  
new Falange. Although he took care to wrap his remark in a classical  
context, his choice of words appeared to be a nod and a wink to his most  
extreme supporters.

The original Falange - the word means phalanx - was the Spanish fascist  
party, founded in the 1930s, which supplied Francisco Franco's  
dictatorship with its ideological underpinning.

The prime minister-elect's closest ally, Umberto Bossi, the Northern  
League leader, kept up the intimidating rhetoric, arriving for the first  
session of Italy's parliament warning of violence if the centre-left did  
not go along with his plans for federalism.

I don't know what the left wants [but] we are ready, he told reporters.  
If they want conflicts, I have 300,000 men always on hand.

On Monday night, the area around Rome's city hall rang to chants of Duce!  
Duce!, the term adopted by Italy's dictator, Benito Mussolini, equivalent  
to the German Führer. Supporters of the new mayor gave the fascist Roman  
straight-arm salutes.

Alemanno, however, has promised to be the mayor of all Romans. He  
yesterday sent telegrams to both the Pope and the Chief Rabbi. Rome's  
Jewish community was shaken by the prospect of a mayor with Alemanno's  
record. During the campaign, there was a protest aimed at him in the  
city's old Jewish ghetto, where many of the city's Jews still live.
guardian.co.uk © Guardian News and Media Limited 2008

Alamaine, IVe
Grand Forks, ND, US of A
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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[cia-drugs] Fwd: [SPY NEWS] In Memoriam Philip Agee

2008-04-30 Thread roadsend




-Original Message-
From: Mario Profaca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 9:01 am
Subject: [SPY NEWS] In Memoriam Philip Agee

In Memoriam Philip Agee
by Die Geheim-Redaktion / [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Apr 23 2008 ? Ein guter Freund ist gestorben: Anfang Januar dieses Jahres 
verstarb im Alter von 72 Jahren auf Kuba der ehemalige CIA-Agent Philip Agee. 
Die Zeitung der kubanischen Kommunisten, „Granma“, würdigte ihn als 
„verlässlichen Freund Kubas und glühenden Verteidiger des Kampfes der Völker 
eine bessere Welt“. 
Ja, das war Philip und so wird er in Erinnerung vieler bleiben, obwohl die 
aus „Granma“ eine stimmige, kurze Zusammenfassung eines stürmischen, 
kämpferischen Lebens sind. Philip Agee hat ganz bewusst und mit Konsequenz die 
Seiten gewechselt. Zunächst als Durchschnittsnordamerika-ner“, patriotisch und 
karriereorientiert, neugierig auf die große, weite Welt aufgewachsen, verschlug 
es ihn in den berüchtigten US-Geheimdienst CIA, wo er glaubte, all das erleben 
und erfüllen zu können. Diese Organisation des Staatsterrorismus schickte ihn 
als intelligenten, sprachbegabten Nachwuchs-agenten nach Lateinamerika, um die 
Dominanz des Imperiums in Lateinamerika mit allen Mitteln zu verteidigen. 
Dort erlebte Philip Agee jedoch mit eigenen Augen, was dies sehr konkret 
bedeutete: Folter, Mord, Staatsstreich, Mediendesinformation, Lüge, Verrat. 
Nichts blieb da mehr übrig von seinen Werten, die er einst geglaubt hatte, mit 
und in der Agency verteidigen zu können. Um sich treu zu bleiben, wurde er 
deshalb zu einem ihrer schärfsten und konsequentesten Kritiker.
Er brach mit der CIA 1968 und veröffentliche 1975 sein in viele Sprachen 
übersetztes Buch „Inside the Company“, indem er die schmutzigen Tricks der CIA 
sowie auch die Namen vieler für sie verantwortli-chen CIA-Agenten und 
Seither wurde er von seinem ehemaligen Arbeitgeber gejagt, ihm der US-Pass 
entzogen; er war, wie einer seiner späteren Buchtitel lautete: „On The Run“ – 
auf der Flucht... 
Dennoch. Philip Agee blieb sich treu. Er veröffentlichte weiter, enthüllte 
weitere CIA-Operationen, so u.a. gegen Nikaragua, Grenada, Jamaika. Er blieb 
einer der konsequentesten und schärfsten Kritiker der CIA! 
So unterstützte er von Anfang an weitere nordamerikanische Kritiker der CIA, 
unter ihnen auch andere ehemalige CIA-Agenten, die von Beginn der 70er Jahre an 
in Büchern und Zeitschriften („Covert Ac-tion Information Bulletin“/später 
„Covert Action Quarterly“ sowie „The National Reporter“) eine weltwei-te 
Bewegung gegen die Terrororganisation CIA initiierten und damit alle Völker, 
Parteien, Organisatio-nen und Bewegungen sehr konkret unterstützten, die für 
Freiheit, sozialen wie politischen Fortschritt, für eine bessere Welt gegen das 
brutale Imperial kämpften. Diese Bewegung wurde schließlich so erfolgreich, 
einer der ersten Amtshandlung des 1980 neu gewählten US-Präsidenten Ronald 
Reagan war, das so genannte „Identities Protection Act“ zu verabschieden, mit 
dem es von nun an allen US-Bürgern – bei Androhung horrender Strafen – verboten 
war, wo und wie auch immer durch Veröffentlichungen zur Enthüllung aktiver, 
getarnter CIAAgenten und/oder geheimer CIAOperationen beizutragen, was 
zur Gefährdung der so genannten „nationalen Sicherheit“ des Yankee-Imperiums 
führen könne. Ein repressiver Gummiparagraf und ein schwerer Schlag gegen die 
Presse-freiheit in den USA, dem in den folgenden Jahrzehnten noch viele weitere 
folgen sollten... 
An diesem Punkt der Geschichte trafen sich unsere Wege – im revolutionären, 
sandinistischen Nika-ragua, das wir tatkräftig unterstützten. Unser Magazin 
GEHEIM wurde geboren, um jene Aspekte der Anti-CIA-Bewegung fortzuführen, unter 
anderem das NAMING NAMES, also die Enthüllung diploma-tisch getarnter 
CIAAgenten, die in den USA und für USBürger verboten worden war. Seither war 
Philip verbunden: ob als Autor oder Unterstützer. Deshalb versuchte die CIA 
auch, Veröffentlichungen in GEHEIM, die Furore machten, so u.a. 1988 die 
systematische Enthüllung von CIA-Agenten und Strukturen, ihm anzuhängen, um den 
weltweiten Druck auf Philip Agee weiter zu erhöhen. Die Terroristen im 
CIA-Hauptquartier in Langley störte es dabei nicht, dass er mit diesen Aspekten 
nichts zu tun hatte. Also wieder einmal ein klassischer Fall von 
Ende der 90er Jahre zog Philip ganz nach Kuba und fand dort endlich einen 
ruhenden Pol ohne den Druck, ständig gejagt zu werden. 2000 gründete er in 
Havanna eine Reiseagentur, um vor allem nord-amerikanischen Staatsbürgern gegen 
das US-Embargo Reisen auf die revolutionäre Karibikinsel zu ermöglichen. Für 
war dies ein konkreter, aktiver Schritt prinzipieller Solidarität mit der 
kubanischen Revolution, ein weiterer Schnittpunkt, den ihn mit uns verband.
Philip, wir werden Dich in vielerlei Hinsicht vermissen, 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] CIA's John McCone Western Bancorporation Westheimer Houston TEXAS !!!

2008-04-30 Thread roadsend




-Original Message-
From: judson witham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 6:18 pm
Subject: [ctrl] CIA's  John McCone  Western Bancorporation Westheimer Houston 

judson witham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  

Throughout the 1980s, the assets of the holding company, Western 
Bancorporation, exceeded $1 billion and became the 4th largest bank of the 
Houston Metropolitan area.
POTHOLES  PROMISES/Montgomery County's crumbling
 subdivisions/ Investors mired in muddy mess of sub...  CATHY GORDON : Staff  
Clesson said officials at Western Bank-Westheimer in Houston, who financed the 
project, urged him to take it over in 1978 after Eikel went into default on a 
loan.  06/22/1987

Good Old Harreal Blackshear and 
CIA Director John McCone's  Western Bancorporation
The Pinewood Village MAFIA
POTHOLES  PROMISES/Montgomery County's crumbling subdivisions/ Investors mired 
in muddy mess of sub...  CATHY GORDON : Staff 
Pinewood Village resident Shelly Dayton said she lives for the day when she can 
travel Pinewood Village roads without battling potholes. 
Resident's crusading `fans fire'/Subdivision's
 critic outlines difficulties 
CATHY GORDON : Staff  I want to warn people about the Pinewood Villages of the 
world. But my only motivation is putting a stop to Pinewood Villages. 
Man charged in threat against Bush 
CATHY GORDON : Staff  Authorities said all the threats appear to stem from 
Witham's frustration at road, drainage and septic tank problems in Pinewood 
Village, the subdivision in which he lives.
Conroe man charged with threatening assistant county attorney's life 
CATHY GORDON : Staff The telephone call apparently stemmed from Witham's 
frustration over getting problems corrected in Pinewood Village, the 
subdivision in which he lives east of Conroe. 11/20/1985
Now Maybe We Should Look A Little CLOSER
at the Houston Posts Stories and that
 Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Hearing
William Webster, Herman K. Beebe , Ollie North 
and the Houston Post
After the Bay of Pigs fiasco, Kennedy tried to appease the right-wing by 
appointing McCone as CIA director
Right up the street from the Galleria were North, Secord and B H Bush
took up one of their FIRST COLLECTIONS for Iran Contra and the

Westgate Investments
Western Bancorporation is a private bank holding company owned by Swiss 
investor O.R. Lababedi.  Although the company's remaining banks will be sold, 
the Lababedi family will retain ownership of the holding company, Scogin said. 
Western bank failures largest in city's history 
SCOTT CLARK : Staff  Starting with the bank on Westheimer, Western built a 
group of five banks in the early 1980s. The North Wilcrest bank was opened in 
The Billary and William J. Clinton
Gary Mauro Connection !!!
Authorities probing forgery allegations 
Wright, who was a director at Western Bank-Downtown when the $850,000 loan was 
made, and Caraway launched a dozen real estate projects in the Clear Lake area 
in the early to mid-1980s. 

Established in 2002, Westgate is the Swiss arm of RLG's Real Estates Division 
and its management has an important role in RLG's global real estates strategy. 
The Switzerland portfolio is to grow strongly over the next few years through 
acquisitions and developments. Westgate Investments aims to become one of the 
major players on the Swiss market by using RLG's now traditional investment 
method, based on a secure financial structure, irreprochable work ethics and 
excellent partner relations.
McCone, John A.   
McCone is a former CIA director, a member of the Bohemian Club, and a director 
of Pacific Mutual Life Insurance, United California Bank, Western
 Bancorporation, Standard Oil of California, ITT, and the Committee on the 
Present Danger. More on McCone 
King, Frank L. 
King is a director of Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company. He has been a 
director of Litton Industries and the chairman of Western Bancorporation and 
United California Bank. 
Shumway, Forrest N. (Treasurer) 
Shumway is a director of United California Bank, president and chief executive 
of The Signal Companies, Inc., 

[cia-drugs] Father of the Drug LSD Dies at 102

2008-04-30 Thread Kris Millegan


Father of the Drug LSD Dies at 102


Posted: 2008-04-30 09:32:14

Filed Under: Health News, Science News, World News

GENEVA (April 30) - Albert Hofmann, the father of the mind-altering
drug LSD whose medical discovery grew into a notorious problem
child, died Tuesday. He was 102.

Keystone / AP

Hofmann died of a heart attack at his home in Basel, according
to Rick Doblin, president of the Multidisciplinary Association for
Psychedelic Studies, in a statement posted on the association's Web

His death was confirmed to The Associated Press by Doris Stuker,
a clerk in the village of Burg im Leimental, where Hofmann moved
following his retirement in 1971.

Hofmann's hallucinogen inspired - and arguably corrupted -
millions in the 1960's hippy generation. For decades after LSD was
banned in the late 1960s, Hofmann defended his invention.

I produced the substance as a medicine. ... It's not my fault
if people abused it, he once said.

The Swiss chemist discovered lysergic acid diethylamide-25 in
1938 while studying the medicinal uses of a fungus found on wheat
and other grains at the Sandoz pharmaceuticals firm in Basel.

He became the first human guinea pig of the drug when a tiny
amount of the substance seeped on to his finger during a repeat of
the laboratory experiment on April 16, 1943.

I had to leave work for home because I was suddenly hit by a
sudden feeling of unease and mild dizziness, he subsequently
wrote in a memo to company bosses.

Everything I saw was distorted as in a warped mirror, he
said, describing his bicycle ride home. I had the impression I
was rooted to the spot. But my assistant told me we were actually
going very fast.

Upon reaching home, Hofmann began experiencing what he called a

What I was thinking appeared in colors and in pictures, he
told Swiss television network SF DRS for a program marking his
100th birthday two years ago. It lasted for a couple of hours and
then it disappeared.

Three days later, Hofmann experimented with a larger dose. The
result was a horror trip.

The substance which I wanted to experiment with took over me.
I was filled with an overwhelming fear that I would go crazy. I was
transported to a different world, a different time, Hofmann

There was no answer at Hofmann's home on Tuesday and a person
who answered the phone at Novartis, a former employer, said the
company had no knowledge of his death.

Hofmann and his scientific colleagues hoped that LSD would make
an important contribution to psychiatric research. The drug
exaggerated inner problems and conflicts and thus it was hoped that
it might be used to recognize and treat mental illnesses like

For a time, Sandoz sold LSD 25 under the name Delysid,
encouraging doctors to try it themselves. It was one of the
strongest drugs in medicine - with just one gram enough to drug an
estimated 10,000 to 20,000 people for 12 hours.

Hofmann discovered the drug had a similar chemical structure to
psychedelic mushrooms and herbs used in religious ceremonies by
Mexican Indians.

LSD was elevated to international fame in the late 1950s and
1960s thanks to Harvard professor Timothy Leary who embraced the
drug under the slogan turn on, tune in, drop out. The film star
Cary Grant and numerous rock musicians extolled its virtues in
achieving true self discovery and enlightenment.

But away from the psychedelic trips and flower children, horror
stories emerged about people going on murder sprees or jumping out
of windows while hallucinating. Heavy users suffered permanent
psychological damage.

The U.S. government banned LSD in 1966 and other countries
followed suit.

Hofmann maintained this was unfair, arguing that the drug was
not addictive. He repeatedly maintained the ban should be lifted to
allow LSD to be used in medical research.

He himself took the drug - purportedly on an occasional basis
and out of scientific interest - for several decades.

LSD can help open your eyes, he once said. But there are
other ways - meditation, dance, music, fasting.

Even so, the self described father of LSD readily agreed
that the drug was dangerous if in the wrong hands. This was
reflected by the title of his 1979 book: LSD - my problem

Hofmann retired from Sandoz in 1971. He devoted his time to
travel, writing and lectures - which often reflected his growing
interest with philosophy and religious questions.

He lived in a small picturesque village outside of Basel in the
Swiss Jura mountains, a stone's throw from the French border, and
remained active until his early 90s.

Hofmann is survived by two of his four children. He was
predeceased by his wife Anita.

Funeral arrangements were not immediately available.

2008 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP