[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Tom Phillips: Gangsters, guns and drugs - now tourists can see the 'real Rio' | World news | The Guardian

2008-05-07 Thread roadsend




-Original Message-
From: Alamaine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed, 7 May 2008 1:30 am
Subject: [ctrl] Tom Phillips: Gangsters, guns and drugs - now tourists can see 
the 'real Rio' | World news | The Guardian

Gangsters, guns and drugs - now tourists can see the 'real Rio'
Tom Phillips
The Guardian, Wednesday May 7 2008 Article history

You could be forgiven for imagining that a holiday in Rio de Janeiro  
involved stretching out on Ipanema beach, trekking up the Sugar Loaf  
mountain or attempting to dance the samba after a bellyful of caipirinha.  
This week, however, another attraction was added to the list: posing for  
photos alongside teenage drug traffickers clutching Russian machine guns  
and bags of Bolivian cocaine.

Rio's tourist police are investigating after a Brazilian reporter went  
undercover on one of the city's shantytown or favela tours. He claims to  
have witnessed the tour guide introducing witless gringos to a member of  
the drug faction that controls Rio's largest shantytown, Rocinha, and then  
watched as they posed for photos.

There are around 600 redbrick favelas in Rio de Janeiro, home to around a  
million of its poorest people. The slums are considered no-go zones by  
most Brazilians. Foreigners, however, have always shown more interest in  
Rio's impoverished underbelly. Since the 1980s, when guidebooks suggested  
cunning ways to sneak a peek at the favelas without actually going in,  
poorism has been a growing trend. Within a few years tour companies  
began offering visitors the chance to talk to locals, visit social  
projects and buy art from authentic (ie dirt poor) Brazilians. Today a  
new, less savoury, generation of poor guides has sprung up. For around  
£30 a head, they offer to transport thrill-seeking foreigners into a  
real-life version of City of God, the acclaimed film about Rio's gang  

Some years ago I was approached by a dishevelled-looking North American,  
who described himself as an alternative tour guide. He claimed he was  
taking a young English couple to meet some gangsters. Would I like to come?

The next day, we were led up a steep concrete staircase towards the top of  
a shantytown in Copacabana. Halfway up the hillside we stopped to chat  
with a pair of traffickers and for the guide to fill his nostrils with  
cocaine. I asked the guide if he didn't think the tours, which included  
the opportunity to pose for photos holding the traffickers' weapons, a tad  
over the top. He shook his head wildly, a thick white ring now etched  
around his nostril.

It was important, he pontificated, for tourists to know the real Rio.

Alamaine, IVe
Grand Forks, ND, US of A
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[cia-drugs] Celebrated Crimes (Complete) by Alexandre Dumas

2008-05-07 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


 Celebrated Crimes (Complete) by Alexandre Dumas

[cia-drugs] Republiloon Karen Johnson visits moonhowler Alex Jones' radio show, signals she's straightjacket-ready.

2008-05-07 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


   Republiloon Karen Johnson visits moonhowler Alex Jones' radio show,
   signals she's straightjacket-ready.

Wed May 07, 2008 at 03:44:27 PM

Check out a playlist of clips from Alex Jones' interview with Mesa 
conspiracy kook Karen Johnson, here 

Like you needed more proof that state Senator Karen Johnson 
nuttier than Paula Abdul, Tom Cruise and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright 
combined, the Mesa Republitard recently appeared on Texas conspiracy 
king Alex Jones' radio show http://www.infowars.com/, fawning after 
the crackpot AM a-hole like a gushing schoolgirl and signing on to 
nearly every conspiracy theory since the assassination of Lincoln.

Johnson, of course, has penned op-eds of late defending some of the 
sicko lunacies of the 9/11 conspiranuts, who despite mountains of 
evidence to the contrary, persist in this insane notion that the Twin 
Towers were rigged with explosives. Many of them also subscribe to a 
host of other freaky fantasies, such as, the Pentagon was hit by a 
missile, Flight 93 was shot down or diverted to Cleveland (its 
passengers executed), a laser beam helped bring down the World Trade 
Center buildings, calls made from Flight 93 were faked using voice 
morphing technology, and on and on.

On Jones' show Johnson established she's battier than a vampire 
convention, stating that, I've been a conspiratoriast [sic] for a long, 
long time, and that when 9/11 happened, she questioned immediately -- 
is this another false flag [operation] like the Reichstag [fire]?

See, Johnson, like other tinfoil-hatted troofers, buys the line that 
9/11 was an inside job, an attack staged to draw America into a war 
abroad and to establish dictatorial rule at home. In 9/11, Johnson 
perceives the hidden hand of a shrouded, nefarious organization.

When you've got a cabal at the head of our country, she told Jones, 
and has been there for years pulling the strings behind the scenes, I 
mean, whatever it takes to get what they want is what they do.

Who's in this cabal, one wonders? Neocons? The illuminati? 
Shape-shifting aliens from the planet Zatar? Johnson doesn't say. But 
she assured listeners that because of these sinister plotters, America 
will cease to exist by 2010, when it will have merged into a fabled 
North American Union with Mexico and Canada. And by gum, the Arizona 
State Legislature is threatening to pass a resolution opposing the NAU, 
one sponsored in part by the local nutbars at the John Birch Society. 
Thing is, there's not a shred of evidence this wing-nut nightmare is the 
impending reality these meshuggah-nauts claim it to be.

Jones also asked if Johnson believed the Oklahoma City bombing was an 
inside job, too, and of course she did.

Oh my gosh, I mean, all the way from Ruby Ridge to Waco to Oklahoma 
City, sputtered Johnson like a black helicopter in flight. There's 
such a string of things, Alex. I'm one of your biggest fans because it's 
so wonderful to find people on the Internet, and that do wonderful DVDs 
like you have, that speak out and help inform people.

Wonderful DVDs? One of Jones' DVDs, /Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian 
Grove/, contends that the world's leaders assemble in the redwoods of 
California each year to participate in creepy occult rituals. Or there's 
Jones' DVD /Endgame/, which insists attendees of the Bilderberg 
conferences are plotting to exterminate 80 percent of the world's 
population, while enabling the elites to live forever with the aid of 
advanced technology.

Jones is a veritable hothouse flower of conspiratorial insanity. I 
documented some of his more outrageous contentions in my cover story 
last year on 9/11 lie-buster Pat Curley of the ScrewLooseChange 
http://screwloosechange.blogspot.com/ blogspot, an article entitled, 
/The Yoda of 9/11/ 
These included Jones' claims that: the GOP is a gay sex cult; Bill 
Clinton was recruited by the CIA back in the late '60s; 9/11 was a 
pretext for an Orwellian police state; 90 percent of the firefighters in 
New York support the 9/11 conspiracy nuts; Virginia Tech shooter 
Seung-Hui Cho was a mind-controlled assassin; the Ku Klux Klan sprang 
from the Masons; the Masons worship Satan; and illegal aliens will soon 
rise up and kill whitey.

So Karen Johnson's tied her wagon to this night train of madness? Maybe 
the strain of pushing out 11 kids has rotted her brain. Or maybe her 
cerebellum was Swiss cheese from the get-go. In other words, I shouldn't 
be surprised. This is the woman who wants to open campuses up to 
gun-toters, was the co-chair of Kool Aid-peddler Ron Paul's presidential 
campaign in Arizona, and was a receptionist to wacko Sand Land Governor 
Ev Mecham back in the day.