[cia-drugs] The Hidden Truth about US Financial Problems - video article

2008-09-26 Thread scott munson

The Hidden Truth about US Financial Problems - video  article

Video:   Creature From Jekyll Island A Second Look at the Federal  


PART 1 of 2
 By: Devvy
September 25, 2008

© 2008 - NewsWithViews.com

  No one knows what to do. We are in new territory here. This is a  
different game. We're not here playing soccer, basketball or  
football, this is a new game and we're going to have to figure out  
how to do it. Sen. Harry Reid [D-NV], September 17, 2008

It is exactly that level of ignorance in the U.S. Congress for  
decades that has brought America to the brink of financial ruin.  
William Greider, author of Secrets of the Temple, said the same thing  
during his testimony, House Banking Committee, October 7, 1993:

Otherwise confident and intelligent people including members of  
Congress - defer to the Fed's wisdom mainly because they do not  
understand itThe only players who are left out of this  
conversation are the American people and, to a large extent their  
elected representatives. Instead, they are provided a frustrating  
stream of evasive euphemisms and opaque jargon and platitudinous  
generalities and, sometimes, even downright deception. As more than  
one Federal Reserve governor confided to me, it would be very  
difficult - perhaps impossible - for the Fed to have an honest  
discussion of monetary policy with Congress or the public because the  
level of ignorance is so profound.

Clearly, we have made huge strides in educating our fellow Americans  
about fiat currency and sound monetary policy, but without real  
newspapers in this country, most Americans don't know the truth. It's  
also crystal clear that members of Congress, with few exceptions, are  
clue less. I think it's safe to say that many of those who do know,  
don't have the courage to go up against the most powerful money  
cartels in the world; the rest are simply crooks who profit from a  
corrupted monetary system. Over the decades, Congress has been  
perfectly willing to forfeit their authority, violate their oath of  
office and the supreme law of the land as Robert Reich, former  
Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton, pointed out in USA TODAY,  
January 7, 1999:

The dirty little secret is that both houses of Congress have become  
irrevelant...In case you hadn't noticed, America's domestic policy is  
being run by Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve Board...Congress  
is out of the loop. Every so often, some senators or House members  
politely ask Greenspan to visit and talk about the economy. He  
obliges by riding up to the Hill and muttering convoluted sentences  
that no two people interpret in quite the same way. Then he goes back  
down to the Fed and runs the country.

Not long after the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act was passed  
and our country was turned over to a cabal of the rich and  
privileged, there were congressmen who railed against this massive  
fraud and swindle. Louis McFadden was one of the champions of  
exposing what happened by the passage of that act. On May 23, 1933,  
McFadden launched an indictment against the robbers called banker  

Mr. Chairman, we have in this Country one of the most corrupt  
institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve  
Board and the Federal Reserve Banks, hereinafter called the Fed. The  
Fed has cheated the Government of these United States and the people  
of the United States out of enough money to pay the Nation's debt.  
The depredations and iniquities of the Fed has cost enough money to  
pay the National debt several times over.

This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of  
these United States, has bankrupted itself, and has practically  
bankrupted our Government. It has done this through the defects of  
the law under which it operates, through the maladministration of  
that law by the Fed and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed  
vultures who control it

The Federal Reserve Bank destroyed our old and characteristic way of  
doing business. It discriminated against our 1-name commercial paper,  
the finest in the world, and it set up the antiquated 2-name paper,  
which is the present curse of this Country and which wrecked every  
country which has ever given it scope; it fastened down upon the  
Country the very tyranny from which the framers of the Constitution  
sough to save us

As Agents of the foreign central banks the Fed try by every means in  
their power to reduce our favorable balance of trade. They act for  
their foreign principal and they accept fees from foreigners for  
acting against the best interests of these United States.

In my last column, I warned we the people would be forced to  
sacrifice the fruits of our labors to foreign banks -- just as  
Congressman McFadden said in his 

[cia-drugs] FDIC Running out of Cash: No Bank is Safe in this Alarming Atmosphere

2008-09-26 Thread scott munson

FDIC Running out of Cash: No Bank is Safe in this Alarming Atmosphere

Be very, very careful. There are reports the US Federal Deposits  
Insurance Commission is running out of money. Chairman Sheila Blair  
has been forced to issue a statement. US banks are overwhelmingly  
safe and sound and the Government fund used to cover insured deposits  
will be adequate to absorb any losses, even high losses, she says.

But Brian Bethune, US economist at consulting company Global Insight,  
said: Additional failures of large banks or savings and loans  
companies seem likely, and that could overwhelm the FDIC's insurance  

Christopher Whalen, senior vice-president and managing director of  
Institutional Risk Analytics, said: We've got a … retail bank run  
forming in this country.

On Monday, US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said the nation's  
commercial banking system is safe and sound, and that the American  
people can be very, very confident about their accounts in our  
banking system.

FDIC officials say 98% of US banks still meet regulators' standards  
for adequate capital.

Associated Press reported that the FDIC was down to $US45.2 billion  
($A57 billion) - the lowest level since 2003.

Whalen then wrote that reports the FDIC was running out of cash had  
no basis.

His statement said: It is essential that people realise the US  
Treasury will advance whatever cash is needed by FDIC to address bank  
failures and make good the deposit insurance guarantee. There is no  
issue regarding the bank insurance fund, but unfortunately most of  
the public do not understand this. The FDIC needs to make this clear  
in all of its public statements.

IRA has been constantly in contact with the FDIC and other regulators  
and knows more about this situation, I would suggest, than the US  

The situation may not have been helped by a report from American  
Banker concerning the deal by Bank of America, the FDIC's biggest  
customer, with 10% of the nation's deposits, to take over Merrill  
Lynch saying it is unclear how much that acquisition would increase  
B of A's risk profile.

It is an intricate game, with the stability of the nation's finances  
on the line. American Banker says regulators will meet the Senate  
Banking Committee, which is increasingly worried about the FDIC's  
ability to pay for the growing number of bank failures, and relaxing  
the barriers between banks and the riskier affiliates is likely to  
raise some concerns.

It said the Federal Reserve board had waived long-standing limits  
designed to prevent commercial banks from bailing out affiliates,  
including their investment banking units. The waiver, which will last  
until January, was seen as helping B of A make the Merrill deal.

That's specifically so that no one will question Bank of America's  
ability to capitalise Merrill Lynch because it allows B of A to use  
its deposit base, which is enormous, to capitalise the broker- 
dealer, said Chris Low, chief economist at First Horizon National  
Corp's FTN Financial Capital Markets.

The initial worry for the FDIC is that deposits will be used to  
backstop investment banking operations, which in and of itself is  

This sort of statement has the potential to roil troubled markets.  
Statements to the effect that there is no cause for alarm, although  
accurate in the immediacy, can cause the public to consider the  
opposite. But the genie is out of the bottle.

These developments draw attention to how close we are to widespread  
alarm, and in that environment no bank is safe.

Paul Craig Roberts was assistant secretary of the Treasury in the  
Reagan administration. He was associate editor of The Wall Street  
Journal editorial page and contributing editor of National Review. He  
is co-author of The Tyranny of Good Intentions.

He wrote on Tuesday: Most Americans, including the presidential  
candidates and the media, are unaware that the US Government today,  
now at this minute, is unable to finance its day-to-day operations  
and must rely on foreigners to purchase its bonds.

The Government pays the interest to foreigners by selling more  
bonds, and when the bonds come due, the Government redeems the bonds  
by selling new bonds. The day the foreigners do not buy is the day  
the American people and their government are brought to reality. This  
is not the financial position of a superpower … Will what happened to  
Lehman Brothers today be America's fate tomorrow?

Hopefully, tomorrow is a long way off.

Meanwhile, RSG Monitor, a creation of Professor Nouriel Roubini and  
other top international economists and policymakers, reports: The  
biggest US savings and loan, Washington Mutual, might be close to a  
bust. Dozens of other banks could be near bankruptcy and the  
beginning of a silent bank run is looming as depositors are nervous  

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Banks in China ordered to halt lending to US banks during meltdown

2008-09-26 Thread Kris Millegan

Begin forwarded message:

Date: September 25, 2008 1:45:18 PM PDT
Subject: Banks in China ordered to halt lending to US banks during  

China banks told to halt lending to US banks

Wed Sep 24, 2008 9:52pm EDT
BEIJING, Sept 25 (Reuters) - Chinese regulators have told domestic  
banks to stop interbank lending to U.S. financial institutions to  
prevent possible losses during the financial crisis, the South China  
Morning Post reported on Thursday.

The Hong Kong newspaper cited unidentified industry sources as saying  
the instruction from the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC)  
applied to interbank lending of all currencies to U.S. banks but not  
to banks from other countries.

The decree appears to be Beijing's first attempt to erect defences  
against the deepening U.S. financial meltdown after the mainland's  
major lenders reported billions of U.S. dollars in exposure to the  
credit crisis, the SCMP said.

A spokesman for the CBRC had no immediate comment. (Reporting by Alan  
Wheatley and Langi Chiang; editing by Ken Wills)

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[cia-drugs] The Mob's President: Richard Nixon's Secret Ties to the Mafi

2008-09-26 Thread Kris Millegan

February 5, 2006

President Richard Nixon with Bebe Rebozo (left) and J. Edgar Hoover  
at the Florida White House. Credit: National Archives.

The Mob's President:
  Richard Nixon's Secret Ties to the Mafia

by Don Fulsom

During the height of the Watergate scandal, Atty. Gen. John Mitchell's  
wife, Martha, sounded one of the first alarms, telling a reporter,  
''Nixon is involved with the Mafia. The Mafia was involved in his  

White House officials privately urged other reporters to treat any  
anti-Nixon comments by Martha as the ravings of a drunken crackpot.

Time, however, has proved Mrs. Mitchell right.

Richard Nixon's earliest campaign manager and political advisor was  
Murray Chotiner, a chubby lawyer who specialized in defending members  
of the Mafia and who enjoyed dressing like them too, in a wardrobe  
highlighted by monogrammed white-on-white dress shirts and silk ties  
with jeweled stickpins. The monograms said MMC, because – perhaps to  
seem more impressive – he billed himself as Murray M. Chotiner,  
though, in reality, he lacked a middle name.

In this cigar chomping, wheeler-dealer, Nixon had found what future  
Nixon aide Len Garment called ''his Machiavelli – a hardheaded  
exponent of the campaign philosophy that politics is war.''

When Nixon went on to the White House, both as vice president, and  
later as president, he took Chotiner with him as a key behind-the- 
scenes advisor – and for good reason. By the time he became president  
in 1969, thanks in large part to Murray Chotiner's contacts with such  
shady figures as Mafia-connected labor leader Jimmy Hoffa, New Orleans  
Mafia boss Carlos Marcello, and Los Angeles gangster Mickey Cohen,  
Richard Nixon had been on the giving and receiving end of major  
underworld favors for more than two decades.

In his first political foray – a successful 1946 race for Congress as  
a strong anti-Communist from southern California – Nixon received a  
$5,000 contribution from Cohen plus free office space for a ''Nixon  
for Congress'' headquarters in one of Mickey Cohen's buildings.

And there was more to come.

In 1950, at Chotiner's request, Cohen set up a fund-raising dinner for  
Nixon at the Knickerbocker Hotel in Los Angeles. The affair took in  
$75,000 to help Nixon go on and defeat Sen. Helen Gahagan Douglas,  
whom he had portrayed as a Communist sympathizer – ''pink right down  
to her underwear.''

''Everyone from around here that was on the pad naturally had to go,''  
Cohen himself later recalled, looking back on the Knickerbocker  
dinner, ''… It was all gamblers from Vegas, all gambling money. There  
wasn't a legitimate person in the room.'' The mobster said Nixon  
addressed the dinner after Cohen told the crowd the exits would be  
closed until the whole $75,000 quota was met. They were. And it was.

Cohen has said his support of Nixon was ordered by ''the proper  
persons from back East,'' meaning the founders of the national  
Syndicate, Frank Costello and Meyer Lansky. Why would Meyer Lansky  
become a big fan of Richard Nixon? Senate crime investigator Walter  
Sheridan offered this opinion: ''If you were Meyer, who would you  
invest your money in? Some politician named Clams Linguini? Or a nice  
Protestant boy from Whittier, California?''

Lansky was considered the Mafia's financial genius. Known as ''The  
Little Man'' because he was barely five feet tall, Lansky developed  
Cuba for the Mob during the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista, when  
Havana was ''The Latin Las Vegas.'' Under its tall, swaying palms,  
gambling, prostitution and drug trafficking netted the U.S. Syndicate  
more than $100-million-a-year – even after handsome payoffs to Batista.

In the mid-‘50s, Batista designated Lansky the unofficial czar of  
gambling in Havana. This was so Batista could stop some Mob-run  
casinos from using doctored games of chance to cheat tourists. A  
shrewd, master manipulator whose specialty was gambling, Lansky was  
also known among mobsters as honest. It wasn't necessary to rig the  
gambling tables to make boatloads of bucks. Lansky directed all casino  
operators to ''clean up, or get out.''

Lansky, in turn, was very generous with the Cuban dictator. As former  
Lansky associate Joseph Varon has said: ''I know every time Myer went  
to Cuba he would bring a briefcase with at least $100,000 (for  
Batista). So Batista welcomed him with open arms, and the two men  
really developed such an affection for each other. Batista really  
loved him. I guess I'd love him too if he gave me $100,000 every time  
I saw him.''

Lansky saw to it that his friends were generous to Batista too. In  
February 1955, Vice President Richard Nixon traveled to Havana to  
embrace Batista at the despot's lavish private palace, praise ''the  
competence and stability'' of his regime, award him a medal of honor,  
and compare him with 

[cia-drugs] Rep Barney Frank blames House GOP for breakdown of deal

2008-09-26 Thread scott munson

in writing and bring it to the floor. That's really up to the House

Shelby, however, said he has a letter from some 200 economists saying  

plan as structured by Paulson is a mistake and won't work.

I say this will not solve the problem, he said on ABC's Good Morning

We're going to spend close to a trillion dollars, we're going to  
borrow it,

I say we can do better, Shelby said.

Republicans and Democrats alike seemed unsure which way McCain was  

His campaign's statement late Thursday shed little light.

At this moment, the plan that has been put forth by the  
administration does
not enjoy the confidence of the American people, it said. It was  

whether McCain would attend Friday night's scheduled debate against
Democratic nominee Barack Obama in Oxford, Miss.

Ordinarily a Republican president's problems are with Democrats,  
if they control the House and Senate. In this case, Bush seemed  
almost over

that hurdle.

To be sure, Democrats demanded a number of changes in his plan, but
administration insiders signaled they probably were acceptable. They
included greater oversight, more protections for taxpayers, efforts  
to head
off home foreclosures and piecemeal allocations of the federal money  
to buy

toxic mortgage securities.

What caught some by surprise, either at the White House meeting or  

before it, was the sudden momentum behind a dramatically different plan
drafted by House conservatives with Minority Leader John Boehner's  

Instead of the government buying the distressed securities, the new plan
would have banks, financial firms and other investors that hold such  
pay the Treasury to insure them. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., a chief  

said it was clear that Bush's plan was not going to pass the House.

But Democrats said the same was true of the conservatives' plan. It  
for tax cuts and insurance provisions the majority party will not  

they said.

At one point in the White House meeting, according to two officials,  

voiced support for Ryan's criticisms of the administration's proposal.
Frank, a gruff Massachusetts liberal, angrily demanded to know what plan
McCain favored.

These officials also said that as tempers flared, Bush struggled at  
times to

maintain control.

At one point, several minutes into the session, Obama said it was  
time to
hear from McCain. According to a Republican who was there, all he  
said was,

'I support the principles that House Republicans are fighting for.'

Some at the table took that to mean the conservatives' alternative  

which stands little chance of passage.

A few hours later, Paulson and the handful of negotiators wearily  
headed for
home. Frank told The Associated Press: I did tell Secretary Paulson  
this whole thing is at risk if the president can't get members of his  

party to participate.

Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,

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[cia-drugs] McCain Suspends Campaign, Dodges Debate, But Keeps Right On Campaigning Anyway. What a liar!

2008-09-26 Thread scott munson
McCain Suspends Campaign, Dodges Debate, But Keeps Right On  
Campaigning Anyway. What a liar!


*McCain Suspends Campaign, Dodges Debate, But Keeps Right On Campaigning
Anyway. What a Liar!*
*John McCain has missed hundreds of Senate votes, but now he suddenly  
to appear to drop everything and put on a dog and pony show and  
appear all
Presidential to the sheeple, while dodging the first debate with  
Obama. Well the campaign and the ads kept right on going!  He  
pretends to
take off his Republican hat, but he instantly replaces it with a Tin  

Hat and piles on some more make-up for the cameras! -T*

So what did Senator McCain ACTUALLY do after he notified the public
that he would be suspending his campaign? Well, politics as usual, of

- A meeting with Lady de Rothschild (former supporter of Hillary
Clinton, and now vocal advocate and donor to McCain)
- A meeting with the Prime Minister of India
- An interview with Katie Couric
- A short stop in at the Clinton Global Initiative

SO, 23 hours after he suspended his campaign, Mr. McCain arrived in
Washington to save our country from the economic crisis.

McCain Cuts and Runs

*Wed Sep 24, 3:19 PM ET*

The Nation

After calling for debates all summer, John
McCain is cutting and running from the first one.

In one of the weirder political ploys of a long campaign season,  
McCain says

he will suspend his campaign on Thursday. He is also pushing for a
postponement of the first presidential debate. McCain says he is taking
these dramatic steps because he wants to focus on congressional  
over the bailout. It's not clear how a national presidential debate  
-- the

ultimate bully pulpit in this political season -- would detract from any
effort to build national consensus on solutions for the economic crisis.

The debate, scheduled for 9pm EST on Friday, would have provided the  

direct, extended exchange between the nominees on foreign policy, and
presumably would have included economic discussions as well, given the
current crisis. Both candidates could travel to Washington the next  
-- Obama is already scheduled to do so -- so McCain's decision to  
bail on

the debate as his polling slips is odd. Today's Washington Post/ABC poll
showed Obama taking a national lead, powered by voters flocking to  
him on

economic issues.

The Obama campaign just released a statement describing their  

with McCain, though it did not directly address his debate gambit:

At 8:30 this morning, Senator Obama called Senator McCain to ask him  
if he
would join in issuing a joint statement outlining their shared  
and conditions for the Treasury proposal and urging Congress and the  
House to act in a bipartisan manner to pass such a proposal. At 2:30  
afternoon, Senator McCain returned Senator Obama's call and agreed to  

him in issuing such a statement. The two campaigns are currently working
together on the details.

That's nice. Here's a better idea: Lay out those details in public, in a
transparent, free-wheeling televised debate this Friday, after  

changing the topic from foreign policy to the economy. Good leaders can
change course to meet a crisis, but they don't run from public  
scrutiny. John
McCain may hope his Beltway trip looks presidential, but you don't  
need to

be in Washington to rally the American people to a solution to these

Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[cia-drugs] +FINA CRISIS-A few snapshots before the market opens

2008-09-26 Thread Race-Specific - Bio-Weapon
 On Fri, 9/26/08, don.stacey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
### FINANCIAL CRISIS: A few snapshots before the market opens ###

What a week to be away! Lousy scheduling on my part. LOL.
As I try to catch up on messages in my inbox and my favorite website, 
here are a few snapshots of where we are 
as of early morning on Friday, September 25:
From indexcalls.com:
For openers...
Biggest bank failure in history, WaMu[Washington Mutual] is ovah. 
JPM [J P Morgan Chase] comes in to feed on the carcass.
1. Gold coin sales halted after retail rush
By Javier Blas in London

Published: September 25 2008 23:03
The rush by retail investors into gold on Thursday forced 
the US government to “temporarily” suspend the sales of the popular 
American Buffalo one-ounce bullion coin after depleting its inventories.

The shortage of gold coins is the latest sign of investors 
seeking a safe haven into bullion amid Wall Street woes. 
Gold prices this week surged above $900 an ounce, up about
 20 per cent from its level before the collapse of Lehman Brothers.

Safe-haven buying spurred by a weakening dollar and rising inflation 
on the back of high commodity prices 
have also benefited gold sales, analyst said.

The US Mint said in a memorandum that 
“demand has exceeded supply” and, therefore, it was
 “temporarily suspending sales of these coins”. 
“We are working *diligently to build up 
our inventory and hope to resume sales shortly,” it added.

Spot gold in New York on Thursday traded at 
$875 an ounce, down $5 on the day. 
Traders said bullion prices came under pressure 
from a strengthening in the dollar. 
Gold set a record of $1,030.80 an ounce in March.

The US Mint said it has sold 164,000 ounces of gold 
in American Buffalo one-ounce bullion coins since January, 
almost 54 per cent more than in the same period of last year. 
Demand for other gold coins from the US Mint is also very strong.

Last August, a shortage of American Eagles one-ounce bullion coins, 
another popular gold investment, due to “unprecedented demand” 
also forced the US Mint to suspend sales and later to place limits 
on the number it ships to dealers.

The US Mint has sold since last January about 
419,500 ounces of bullion in the form of
 American Eagles coins, more than double the 
198,500 ounces it sold during the whole 2007. 
In 2006, it sold 261,000 ounces.

The scarcity of gold coins comes as investors in bullion-backed 
exchange traded funds (ETFs) have amassed a record 
1,054 tonnes of bullion, becoming the largest holders of gold 
after the reserves of the US, Germany, 
the International Monetary Fund, Italy, France and Switzerland.
2. Paulson down on one knee. lol

Here's the skinny to get you up to speed this am,
Source: Yahoo,
A bad day for the GOP on politics, bailout plan

Uncertainty dawns after bad day for Bush, McCain 
and the $700 billion bailout plan 

Even for a party whose president suffers dismal approval ratings,
 whose legislative wing lost control of Congress 
and whose presidential nominee trails in the polls, 
it was a remarkably bad day for Republicans.

A White House summit meeting on Thursday 
meant to shore up John McCain's shaky campaign 
devolved into a contentious shouting match. 
And that's how McCain's own campaign described it.

The meeting revealed that President Bush's $700 billion bid 
to combat the worst financial crisis in decades had been 
suddenly sidetracked by fellow Republicans in the House, 
who refused to embrace a plan that appeared close to acceptance 
by the Senate and most House Democrats.

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson begged Democratic participants 
not to disclose how badly the meeting had gone, dropping to one knee 
in a teasing way to make his point according to witnesses.

And when Paulson hastily tried to revive talks in a nighttime meeting 
near the Senate chamber, the House's top Republican 
refused to send a negotiator.

This is the president's own party, said Rep. Barney Frank, 
a top Democratic negotiator who attended both meetings. 
I don't think a president has been repudiated so strongly 
by the congressional wing of his own party in a long time.

By midnight, it was hard to tell who had suffered a worse evening, 
Bush or McCain. McCain, eager to shore up his image 
as a leader who rises above partisanship, was undercut
 by a fierce political squabble within his own party's ranks.

The consequences could be worse for Bush, and for millions 
of Americans if the impasse sends financial markets tumbling, 
as some officials fear. Closed-door negotiations were to resume Friday, 
but it was unclear whether House Republicans would attend.

Republicans and Democrats alike seemed unsure 
which way McCain was leaning. 
His campaign's statement late Thursday shed little light.

At this moment, the plan that has been put forth by the 
administration does not enjoy the confidence of the American people, 
it said. It was unclear whether McCain would attend 
Friday night's 

[cia-drugs] Combat Troops in Iraq repatriated to help with civil unrest

2008-09-26 Thread scott munson

Pre-election Militarization of the North American Homeland.
US Combat Troops in Iraq repatriated to  help with civil unrest

Pre-election Militarization of the North American Homeland.
US Combat Troops in Iraq repatriated to  help with civil unrest

By Michel Chossudovsky

Global Research, September 26, 2008

The Army Times reports that the 3rd Infantry´s 1st Brigade Combat  
Team is
returning from Iraq to defend the Homeland, as an on-call federal  
force for natural or manmade emergencies and disasters, including  

attacks.  The BCT unit has been attached to US Army North, the Army's
component of US Northern Command (USNORTHCOM). (See Gina Cavallaro,   

homeland tours start Oct. 1, Army Times, September 8, 2008).

Beginning Oct. 1 for 12 months, the 1st BCT will be under the day-to- 
control of U.S. Army North, the Army service component of Northern  
Command, as

an on-call federal response force for natural or manmade emergencies and
disasters, including terrorist attacks.

It is not the first time an active-duty unit has been tapped to help  
at home.


But this new mission marks the first time an active unit has been  
given a

dedicated assignment to NorthCom, a joint command established in 2002 to
provide command and control for federal homeland defense efforts and  

defense support of civil authorities.

After 1st BCT finishes its dwell-time mission, expectations are that  
as yet unnamed, active-duty brigade will take over and that the  
mission will be

a permanent one.

The command is at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colo.,  
but the
soldiers with 1st BCT, who returned in April after 15 months in Iraq,  

operate out of their home post at Fort Stewart, Ga.,


The 1st of the 3rd is still scheduled to deploy to either Iraq or  
in early 2010, which means the soldiers will have been home a minimum  
of 20

months by the time they ship out.

In the meantime, they´ll learn new skills, use some of the ones they  
in the war zone and more than likely will not be shot at while doing  
any of it.


The BCT is an army combat unit designed to confront an enemy within a  


With US forces overstretched in Iraq, why would the Pentagon decide to
undertake this redeployment within the USA, barely one month before the
presidential elections?

The new mission of the 1st Brigade on US soil is to participate in  

efforts as well as provide support to civilian authorities.

What is significant in this redeployment of a US infantry unit is the
presumption that North America could, in the case of a natgional  
constitute  a war theater thereby justifying the deployment of  
combat units..

The new skills to be imparted consists in training 1st BCT in  
repressing civil

unrest, a task normally assumed by civilian law enforcement.

What we are dealing with is a militarization of civilian police   
activities in

derogation of the Posse Comitatus Act.

The prevailing FISA emergency procedures envisage the enactment of  
martial law
in the case of a terrorist attack. The 1st BCT  and other combat  
units would be

called upon to perform specific military functions:

They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control  
or to deal
with potentially horrific scenarios such as massive poisoning and  
chaos in

response to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield
explosive, or CBRNE, attack.

Training for homeland scenarios has already begun at Fort Stewart and  
specialty tasks such as knowing how to use the jaws of life to  
extract a
person from a mangled vehicle; extra medical training for a CBRNE  
incident; and
working with U.S. Forestry Service experts on how to go in with  
chainsaws and

cut and clear trees to clear a road or area.

The 1st BCT´s soldiers also will learn how to use the first ever  
package that the Army has fielded, 1st BCT commander Col. Roger  
Cloutier said,
referring to crowd and traffic control equipment and nonlethal  
weapons designed

to subdue unruly or dangerous individuals without killing them.

It´s a new modular package of nonlethal capabilities that they´re  
They´ve been using pieces of it in Iraq, but this is the first time  
that these
modules were consolidated and this package fielded, and because of  
this mission

we´re undertaking we were the first to get it.

The package includes equipment to stand up a hasty road block; spike  
strips for
slowing, stopping or controlling traffic; shields and batons; and,  


Civil unrest resulting from from the financial meltdown is a distinct
possibility, given the broad impacts of financial collapse on  

[cia-drugs] Great news about media campaign, SB 1738 and Holly Collins!

2008-09-26 Thread smartnews
Great news about media campaign, SB 1738 and Holly  Collins!  

Dear Friends, Scroll to the end for great news about Holly  Collins. 

1. SB 1738 the PROTECT Our Children Act  passed the Senate! _www.protect.org_ 
(http://www.protect.org/) . You  can call Senator Reid at (202) 224-3542 and 
Senator Coburn at (202)  224-5754 to thank them for helping.  

2. Dr. Joy Silberg,  Geraldo and Jennifer Collins appeared on the Mike and 
Juliet Show  on Wed Sept 25! 

3.   A protest was staged at Alec Baldwin's book signing at Barnes and Noble  
in NY on Tuesday Sept 23 to let him and the public know the truth  about PAS: 
it is a legal defense for child molesters and batterers. 
(http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5jp7rQ_fN4CYpznMTaIjiIaiadB0QD93CQ9H80) .  
Many thanks to Tasha Amador,  Voices of Women, Leadership Council, and 
Children's Protection  Alliance for this and other upcoming national media 
_www.childrensprotection.org_ (http://www.childrensprotection.org/) . 

Even  the men's rights groups are disgusted with Baldwin's whining and 

4.  Visit Stop Family Violence at 
(http://capwiz.com/sfvo/issues/alert/?alertid=11955481type=CU)   to  send a 
free message to Mr. Bill Geddie, executive producer of The 
View, urging  him to include experts on the program who can challenge Mr. 
Baldwin’s propaganda  and provide information that will help keep women and 
children safe. Last  year, ABC's  The View stooped to a real low - inviting 
Baldwin to make excuses for his abusive phone call to his daughter  Ireland.  
On Wednesday September 24, 2008 The View invited Alec  Baldwin back to promote 
his book and the junk science abuse excuse of  Parental Alienation.  

5. Holly Collins can come home at  last, thanks in large part to her amazing 
daughter Jennifer's advocacy.   Jennifer spoke at the International Violence, 
Training, and Abuse conference in  San Diego last week, and received a 
Courageous Kid medal from CA Protective  Parents Association and The Leadership 
Council. Holly's attorney brokered a plea  agreement.8,000 emails were sent to 
Hennipen County DA through _www.stopfamilyviolence.org_ 
(http://www.stopfamilyviolence.org/)  and  were pivotal in this great outcome 
for Holly and her  

Fugitive Mom Gets Probation in Old Custody  Dispute

Fugitive mom returns to US from Netherlands, gets probation in  old custody 

By STEVE KARNOWSKI Associated  Press Writer 

MINNEAPOLIS  September 23, 2008 (AP)

The Associated Press 

A mother who  fled the country with her three children 14 years ago in a 
dispute over custody  and domestic abuse allegations received probation and an 
order to perform  community service when she went to court Tuesday.

Holly-Ann Collins, 43,  flew to Minneapolis from the Netherlands to plead 
guilty to contempt of court  after her attorneys worked out a deal with federal 
and local prosecutors to drop  felony charges.

She left the United States with her children in 1994, and  the Dutch 
government granted her asylum. The family lived quietly in a town near  
until last year when U.S. authorities located them and tried  unsuccessfully to 
bring her back.

Collins decided to come back because  her daughter, Jennifer, now 23, wanted 
to work in Washington, D.C., as an  advocate for children caught in similar 
circumstances, said Collins' attorney,  Tim Webb.

After her hearing, Collins said no mother should have to do  what she did 
just to keep her children safe. She said she'd even recommend that  other 
do the same.

I should have left sooner, she said. And  everyone has to make their own 
decision, but the family court is not protecting  kids right now.

Jennifer Collins was at her mother's side.

I  have a wonderful life, she said. But I want to come home, and I 
shouldn't not  be able to come home because of what my father has done to me.

Hennepin  County Attorney Mike Freeman said the children's father, Mark 
Collins, was fine  with the plea agreement. Defending the deal, he said 
had to decide  whether they could prove their case.

Holly-Ann and Mark Collins, who  divorced in 1990, were often in court over 
custody and visitation rights,  trading allegations that he was abusive and 
that she was an unfit parent. Mark  Collins had sole custody of Jennifer and 
Zachary, now 28, when she fled with  them in 1994. She had 

[cia-drugs] 2009 Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Conference, FLDS

2008-09-26 Thread smartnews
2009 Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Conference,  FLDS  

The 2009 Twelfth Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind  
Control Conference - August 14   16, 2009  information is at 

More FLDS members indicted on sexual assault charges (CNN) - Three more  
members of a polygamous sect led by Warren Jeffs are facing sexual assault  
charges, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott said Tuesday. The latest charges  
two months after Warren Jeffs and five followers were indicted in Texas. On  
Tuesday, a Texas grand jury indicted the three male members of Jeffs'  
Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints compound outside  
Abbott said. Each faces one felony count of sexual assault of a child.  Two of 
them also face felony bigamy chargesThe charges stem from a state and  
federal investigation into the sect's Yearning for Zion Ranch. In April, child  
welfare workers removed more than 400 children from the compound, citing  
allegations of physical and sexual abuse. After a court battle, the Texas  
Court ordered the children returned in June, saying that the state had  no 
right to remove them and that there was no evidence to show the children  faced 
imminent danger of abuse on the ranch. Jeffs, 52, is the leader and  prophet 
of the estimated 10,000-member FLDS, an offshoot of the mainstream  Mormon 
church. The FLDS openly practices polygamy at the YFZ Ranch and in two  towns 
straddling the Utah-Arizona state line: Hildale, Utah, and Colorado City,  
Arizona. Jeffs, who is facing a sentence in Utah of up to life in prison and is 
awaiting trial in Arizona, could face another life sentence in Texas if  
convicted on the latest charge. In Utah, he was convicted on accomplice to rape 
charges for his role in the marriage of a sect member to a 14-year-old. He 
similar charges in Arizona. 

**Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial 
challenges?  Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and 
calculators.  (http://www.walletpop.com/?NCID=emlcntuswall0001)

[cia-drugs] Comcast Tells All About New Traffic Management Scheme

2008-09-26 Thread scott munson

Comcast Tells All About New Traffic Management Scheme
From: EFFector list
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2008 12:26 PM
Subject: Comcast Tells All About New Traffic Management Scheme

EFFector Vol. 21, No. 33 September 26, 2008  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A Publication of the Electronic Frontier Foundation
ISSN 1062-9424

: . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . :

In our 485th issue:

TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SCHEME, published last week in a filing
with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). EFF hopes
that transparent disclosure becomes a normal business
practice for Internet service providers (ISPs) so that
consumers, technologists, entrepreneurs, and regulators can
make informed decisions about their Internet usage.

For more of analysis of Comcast's plans:

BOGUS LEGAL THEORY. In the latest order in Capitol v.
Thomas, the first peer-to-peer jury trial, U.S. District
Court District of Minnesota Chief Judge Michael Davis
agreed with EFF's view that simply making a music file
available in a shared folder does not violate copyright
law. In addition, Chief Judge Davis called on Congress to
amend the Copyright Act's oppressive damages provisions.

For more legal analysis:

: . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . :

* Government Files to Dismiss Telecom Surveillance Cases
The government started the formal retroactive immunity
process for the communications companies that assisted in
its illegal spying.

: . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . :


~ Spore Makers Sued for Duplicitous DRM
Game maker Electronic Arts is facing a lawsuit for the use
of copy protection that secretly installs a restrictive
program on a user's computer.

~ ISP: It's Impossible for Us to Stop Illegal P2P
A Belgian ISP, ordered by a court to stop illegal file
sharing, now says that effective filtering is impossible.

~ Analysis on EFF's Case Against the NSA
Ars Technica's Julian Sanchez has some thoughts on the
implications of EFF's new case against the government.

For more miniLinks:

: . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . :


* The Boiling Suns Host EFF Fundraiser in SF Next Week!

On Saturday, October 4th, local San Francisco rock band The
Boiling Suns is hosting a fundraiser for EFF in support of
our work to preserve fair voting practices and fighting
against illegal wiretapping. The band would like to invite
EFF supporters (21+) to Bender's Bar and Grill in San
Francisco's Mission District for drinks and blues-based
rock and roll. A portion of the $5 admission will be
donated to EFF.

For more on the Boiling Suns:

: . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . :


EFFector is published by:
The Electronic Frontier Foundation

[cia-drugs] Messages to Congress as high as 300 to 1 against bailout

2008-09-26 Thread scott munson

Messages to Congress as high as 300 to 1 against bailout
- Original Message -
From: Downsizer Dispatch
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2008 9:38 AM
Subject: Messages to Congress as high as 300 to 1 against bailout

D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h
Quote of the Day:

Party is the madness of many for the gain of a few.
-- Alexander Pope

Subject: Messages to Congress running as high as 300 to 1 against the  

First the Republicans were for it (the Big Bailout), and then they  
were against it. What happened?

What happened is YOU, and others like you, pounding on Congress to  
NOT pass the Big Bailout.

There were constant reports on CNBC yesterday, and in other places,   
that calls and messages to Congress were running roughly 300 to 1  
against the Big Bailout.  This is what made the Republicans reverse  

Your messages and calls to Congress do make a difference!

But pressure from powerful special interests also has an impact, so  
we must maintain OUR pressure.

It would also help to provide Congress with an alternative plan that  
is better than the Big Bailout. Fortunately, we can do that. All  
Congress has to do is remove the mark-to-market accounting rule, and  
replace it with a discounted cash flow accounting rule. Doing so  
would . . .

* Enable firms to record a more realistic value for their assets
* Boost balance sheets and restore credit ratings
* Provide useful information that would serve to create a liquid  
market for these assets

In short, this one simple regulatory change would accomplish  
everything the Big Bailout is supposed to achieve, with NO  
expenditure of federal funds!

If you want to learn more about mark-to-market accounting vs.  
discounted-cash-flow there's a good write-up of it here.

Please send another message to Congress right now. The message for  
the campaign we're using for this purpose reads: Please cut federal  
spending. Use your personal comments to add something like the  
following . . .

The Big Bailout moves in the wrong direction, toward more spending  
and more debt. Oppose the bailout! Instead, remove the mark-to-market  
accounting regulation, and replace it with a discounted-cash-flow  
accounting rule. This will free up the markets at no cost to the  

You can send your message here.

Thank you for being a part of the growing Downsize DC army.

Perry Willis
Communications Director
DownsizeDC.org, Inc.

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Bank Borrowing From Fed Already Exceeded Bailout Total in Last Week

2008-09-26 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: September 26, 2008 2:22:15 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Bank Borrowing From Fed Already Exceeded Bailout Total in Last Week Bank Borrowing From Fed Already Exceeded Bailout Total in Last Week$700 billion figure means nothingSteve WatsonInfowars.netFriday, Sept 26, 2008U.S. banks borrowed $188 billion per day on average in the latest week from the Federal Reserve, meaning that the Fed loaned out more money than the Treasury’s proposed bailout in just one week, still barely managing to keep the economy afloat.Federal Reserve data showed on Thursday the total amount banks borrowed nearly quadrupled the previous record of $47.97 billion per day notched just the week before, Reuters reports.$188 billion per day on average over the course of five days means that the total amount borrowed from the Fed in the week ending the 24th September stood at $940 billion - a figure that easily eclipses the proposed $700 billion bailout.As we have already reported, the $700 billion number was simply pulled out of thin air by the Treasury.The Treasury’s fact sheet about the bailout states, “The Secretary will have the discretion, in consultation with the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, to purchase other assets, as deemed necessary to effectively stabilize financial markets.”(Article continues below)This gives the government and the Federal Reserve carte blanche to do whatever they want to long as it is done in the name of stabilizing financial markets, they can nationalize any company or industry and use taxpayer money, above and beyond the initial $700 billion, for whatever purpose is deemed necessary, without any oversight. Paulson’s bailout plan is also unreviewable by any court, it will remain in perpetuity.Paulson’s draft bailout plans says: “The Secretary’s authority to purchase mortgage-related assets under this Act shall be limited to $700,000,000,000 outstanding at any one time.”As Chris Martenson writes, “This means that $700 billion is NOT the cost of this dangerous legislation, it is only the amount that can be outstanding at any one time. After, say, $100 billion of bad mortgages are disposed of, another $100 billion can be bought. In short, these four little words assure that there is NO LIMIT to the potential size of this bailout. This means that $700 billion is a rolling amount, not a ceiling.”If the bailout bill passes it is just the beginning of something much larger. $700 billion is a meaningless figure that will do nothing to shore up the economy. It is not a bailout, it is a giveaway that will allow insiders to purge themselves of bad bets and free to continue where they left off. The real reason for the bill is the unprecedented transfer of power to the Executive Branch and into the hands of the global corporate elite. a.. b.. Social bookmarks c.. d.. Email this article e.. f.. Print this page4 Responses to “Bank Borrowing From Fed Already Exceeded Bailout Total in Last Week” 1.. 4 beijingyank Says: September 26th, 2008 at 1:48 pm Alex, Reports state that the U.S. gold inventory has not been auditedThe message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:Shortcut to: http://www.prisonplanet.com/bank-borrowing-from-fed-already-exceeded-bailout-total-in-last-week.htmlNote: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled. =

Description: Binary data

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Stand by for Black Monday: Britain braced for meltdown

2008-09-26 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: September 26, 2008 2:37:43 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Stand by for Black Monday: Britain braced for meltdown Stand by for Black Monday: Britain braced for meltdownDAILYMAILFriday, September 26, 2008The U.S. President today admitted he has failed to land a bank bail-out deal, leaving the world on the brink of a global financial catastrophe.President Bush was forced to admit he had not yet been able to persuade senior Republicans to back his $700 billion rescue plan.Experts predict the London Stock Exchange could fall by up to 1,000 points when it opens next week if the deal is not signed.It would be a ‘Black Monday’ meltdown similar to the financial crash of 1987. Other world markets would also be sure to fall dramatically.(ARTICLE CONTINUES BELOW)In a terse statement from in front of the White House, the President conceded this afternoon: ‘We’ve got a big problem and we’ve got to move quickly.’He admitted there were still disagreements about the plan which saw a summit descend into a ’slanging match’ last night but insisted the U.S. would deliver.‘The legislative process is sometimes not very pretty but we are going to get a passage passed. We will rise to the occasion - Republicans and Democrats will come together to pass a substantial rescue plan,’ he said.However, his candid statement that the rescue deal masterminded by U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson had still not been approved - interpreted as a fresh plea to Congress to sign up to it - leaves the global economy on the brink of disaster.American politicians now effectively have three days of frantic negotiations to save the world’s financial system from a seizure that could cast it into a deep recession.FULL STORY CLICK HERE a.. b.. Social bookmarks c.. d.. Email this article e.. f.. Print this page7 Responses to “Stand by for Black Monday: Britain braced for meltdown” 1.. 7 DNBriittani Says: September 26th, 2008 at 1:23 pm HAHAHA I HAVE BEEN SAYING FOR 2 MONTHS NOW I PREDICT THE STOCKThe message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:Shortcut to: http://www.prisonplanet.com/stand-by-for-black-monday-britain-braced-for-meltdown.htmlNote: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled. =

Description: Binary data

[cia-drugs] Contact Congress Now! Do all you can to thwart a long-term, drawn-out economic disaster and a taxpayer-funded bailout of Corporate execs.

2008-09-26 Thread scott munson
Contact Congress Now! Do all you can to thwart a long-term, drawn-out  
economic disaster and a taxpayer-funded bailout of Corporate execs
« Ron Paul’s Joint Economic Committee StatementI’m not sure they  
understand… »

Action Alert

Action Alert
Capitol Hill Switchboard: (202) 224-3121

“Dear Senator/Representative:

You MUST reject the Paulson/Bernanke plan for bailing out and  
propping up reckless banks at taxpayer expense.  This is madness to  
ask us, the taxpayers, to cover the liabilities of Wall Street. We  
are tired of being fleeced.  If you vote to support this plan, I will  
do everything in my power to remove you from office before you can  
give away any more of our money to failed businessmen.

Thank you, [Your name]”

Activist Materials:
We have developed a simple one page handout that can be distributed  
door-to-door or easily handed out to anyone you come across.  This  
handout sums up the current situation, gives a four-step solution to  
getting our country out of this mess, and includes contact  
information for people to reach their representatives and senators.   
It’s designed to get as much information in the hands of as many  
people as possible as fast as possible.

Get the PDF here: Crisis on Wall Street

The key with the first handout (which we know had an awful lot of  
info for a one-page handout) is that it exists to get information out  
there - even if that means just using it as a resource for discussing  
the topic with other people.

PDF of succinct handout: Slim Jim

Sponsored Interviews:
Radio Interview:  Dr. Bob Murphy and Dr. Mark Thornton
Archived MP3 of the interview:

Radio Interview: Robert Blumen
Archived MP3 of the interview:

Radio Interview:  Peter Schiff
Archived MP3 of the interview:

This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 24th, 2008 at 5:45 pm	  
and is filed under Action Item, Economy, Federal Reserve. You can  
follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both  
comments and pings are currently closed.

Comments are closed.

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Blessings of Light,

Craig Combs

If you always do what you always do, you always get what you always  
get. So, what is insanity? Thinking you'll get something different.-- 
Author Unknown

[cia-drugs] Bailout deal stalls as Republican lawmakers revolt + Vote for Ron Paul in this FOX Poll! --- KEEP CALLING YOUR CONGRESSMAN!

2008-09-26 Thread scott munson
Bailout deal stalls as Republican lawmakers revolt + Vote for Ron  


Now 79%!

Bailout deal stalls as Republican lawmakers revolt!!!

http://www.foxbusiness.com/   Vote for Ron Paul in this Fox Business  
News poll - RON'S @ 66%!!!

We appreciate you!

Successfully yours,

Christopher S. Lawton

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe  
they are free.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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WARNING: Due to Presidential Executive Orders the National Security  
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Great accomplishments occur when a small group of individuals with  
laser-beam focus work in harmonious cooperation with each other,  
with a specific vividly defined goal written down!

by Chris Lawton

All Common Law Rights are reserved explicitly without prejudice
UCC 1-103, 1-105, 1-207.


Take The Financial Security Worksheet Quiz
(takes only 90 Seconds)

Do you know how much money you will need for your retirement?

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If so, how much will it cost?



ctrl is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing  
propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing— 
please!  These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its  
many half-truths, mis-directions and outright frauds—is used  
politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread  
throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, ctrl gives no endorsement to the validity of posts,  
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
