[cia-drugs] SMART's new ritual abuse page http://ritualabuse.us/

2008-10-23 Thread smartnews
SMART's new ritual abuse page _http://ritualabuse.us/_ 
all of our newsletters: _http://ritualabuse.us/newsletter/_ 
Information on our 2009 conference _http://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/_ 
Extreme  Abuse Survey Research - 

Stop Ritual Abuse and Mind Control  Today  
The purpose of S.M.A.R.T. is to help stop ritual  abuse and to help those who 
have been ritually abused. We work toward this goal  by disseminating 
information on the possible connections between secretive  organizations, 
abuse, and mind control, by encouraging healing from the  extensive damage done 
ritual abuse and mind control, and by encouraging  survivors to network. We 
offer this web site, a bimonthly  newsletter, an e-mail discussion list, and  
annual conferences. 
For immediate release: 
“A conference to help survivors of severe child abuse (ritual abuse) and  
torture will be held on August 14  - 16, 2009, between 8 - 5 PM Saturday  and 
Sunday at the DoubleTree Hotel near Bradley International Airport, 16 Ella  
Grasso Turnpike, Windsor Locks, CT 06096 (between Hartford, CT and Springfield, 
MA).  This conference will help educate survivors of this abuse and their  
helpers.  Pre-registration is preferred.  For information write   S.M.A.R.T., 
P. O 
Box 1295, Easthampton, MA 01027-1295 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) , conference information is  at:  
(http://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/) ”

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: They Did It On Purpose/The Housing Bubble And Its Crash Were Engineered From The Highest Levels Of The US Government The Federal Reserve, And The Financial Industry

2008-10-23 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: October 23, 2008 4:13:44 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: They Did It On Purpose/The Housing Bubble And Its Crash Were Engineered From The Highest Levels Of The US Government The Federal Reserve, And The Financial Industry They Did It On PurposeThe Housing Bubble And Its Crash Were Engineered FromThe Highest Levels Of The US Government,The Federal Reserve, And The Financial Industry10-23-8   During the Clinton administration, the government required the financial industry to start expanding the frequency of mortgage loans to consumers who might not have qualified in the past.   When George W. Bush was named president by the Supreme Court in December 2000, the stock market had begun to decline with the bursting of the dot.com bubble.   In 2001 the frequency of White House visits by Alan Greenspan increased.   Greenspan endorsed President Bush's March 2001 tax cuts for the rich. More such cuts took place in May 2003.   Signs of recession had begun to show in early 2001. The stock market crashed after 9/11. The U.S. invaded Afghanistan in October 2001 and Iraq in March 2003.   The Federal Reserve began cutting interest rates, and by 2002 a home-buying frenzy was underway. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac went along by guaranteeing the increasing number of mortgage loans.   According to a mortgage broker this writer interviewed, word began to come down through the mortgage banks to begin falsifying mortgage applications to show more borrower income than borrowers actually possessed   Banks that wrote mortgages began to offload them when Wall Street packaged them into mortgage-backed securities that were sold around the world as bonds to investors.   Risk-analysts at the leading credit-rating agencies, such as Standard and Poor's, Moody's, and Fitch, gave their highest ratings to mortgage-backed securities whose risks were later acknowledged to be grossly underestimated.   Mortgage companies, with Alan Greenspan's endorsement, began to offer more Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs), loans that would reset at much higher rates in future years.   Mortgage brokers fed the growing bubble by telling people they should buy now because housing prices would keep going up and they could resell at a profit before their ARMs escalated.   Huge amounts of money began to flow into the economy from mortgages and home equity loans and from capital gains on resale of inflating property.   Meanwhile, in the world of investment securities, the Securities and Exchange Commission greatly reduced the amount of their own capital investors were required to bring to the table, resulting in a huge increase in bank leveraging of speculative trading.   George W. Bush was reelected in 2004 at the height of the housing and investment bubbles. By 2005 the housing bubble was accounting for half of all U.S. economic growth and yielding huge tax revenues to all levels of government.   Despite the tax revenues from the bubbles the Bush administration was running huge budget deficits from expenditures on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.   ABC News reports that during this time risk analysts at Washington Mutual, one of the nation's largest banks, were told to ignore high risk loans because lending had to be maximized. Those who objected were disciplined or fired.   State attorneys-general moved to investigate mortgage fraud but were blocked from doing so by orders of the Treasury Department's Comptroller of the Currency. There was no federal agency that was charged with regulating mortgage fraud.   In February 2006, Ben Bernanke replaced Alan Greenspan as Federal Reserve Chairman and held interest rates steady. Homeowners began to default as ARMs reset.   The housing bubble began to collapse in 2006-2007, with the economy showing early signs of a recession and the stock market starting to decline by August 2007. Home prices began to plummet in most markets, with millions of homeowners owing more on their homes than their new appraisals.   Homeowners began to default, with over four million homes going to foreclosure from 2006-2008. In many cases, homeowners simply walked away, dropping off the keys to their houses at the bank.   The U.S. economy shed 60,000 jobs in August 2008. In a year, Wall Street had cut 200,000 jobs. State and local governments began to cut budgets and jobs.   The "toxic debt" from the collapse of the housing bubble brought about a full-scale crash of the U.S. financial system by September 2008. The stock market immediately fell, with 40 percent of its value-$8 trillion-now having been lost in a year. $2 million of the losses were in retirement savings.   The crash of the U.S. economy began to reverberate around the world with bankers and the IMF warning of an onrushing global recession.   Massive bailouts by the U.S. Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Finally: the Bush revelations

2008-10-23 Thread Kris Millegan

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Russ Baker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: October 23, 2008 8:47:25 AM PDT
To: "Russ Baker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Finally: the Bush revelations

Greetings friends and countrymen:

When Salman Rushdie was asked, “What should Bush do next,” he replied:  
“Nothing. Fade. I’d like to hear nothing about him for the next 40  

Rushdie presumably will not be—or initially not be—pleased to hear  
that I have new information about George W. Bush & Company to share.

As some of you know, I've spent the last four years seeking deeper  
truths behind the rise of the Bush family. As many of you may not  
know, I have hit paydirt. There are some serious humdingers out there  
to discuss before we simply flee the Bush era. And they are not just  
about Bush’s visible path. Major revelations concerning the CIA, JFK  
assassination, Watergate, W’s religious conversion, and, lest it all  
seem too high-minded, a bit in the tawdry “Wow, he did that?”  

Along these lines, I am delighted (and relieved) to report that my  
first book, Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, The Powerful Forces  
That Put It in the White House, and What Their Influence Means For  
America, is scheduled for release by Bloomsbury Press on January 6,  

You can now pre-order it (with a 30% discount) on Amazon—http://tinyurl.com/5834st 
—or, if you are particularly socially-conscious and have a wee bit of  
time, place an order with your local independent bookseller, should  
one still exist in your community.

Here’s a jacket blurb, from the historian and former LBJ/Nixon staffer  
Roger Morris -- author of "Richard Milhous Nixon: The Rise of an  
American Politician" and "Partners in Power: The Clintons and Their  

"Shocking in its disclosures, elegantly crafted, and faultlessly  
measured in its judgments, Family of Secrets is nothing less than a  
first historic portrait in full of the Bush dynasty and the era it  
shaped.  From revelation to revelation, insight to insight—from the  
Kennedy assassination to Watergate to the oil and financial intrigues  
that lie behind today's headlines—this is a sweeping drama of money  
and power, unseen forces, and the emblematic triumph of a lineage that  
sowed national tragedy. Russ Baker's Family of Secrets is sure to take  
its place as one of the most startling and influential works of  
American history and journalism."

We're beginning the publicity process for the book, and I would  
welcome any advice/assistance with getting the word out. Feel free to  
pass this along to those in your circle who might also be interested.

I hope to do a book tour early next year, and look forward to seeing  
you then if not before.

Russ Baker

[cia-drugs] Fwd: "Pink Swastika," the Next Generation

2008-10-23 Thread Kris Millegan

Begin forwarded message:

Date: October 23, 2008 11:58:53 AM PDT
Subject: "Pink Swastika," the Next Generation

Jörg Haider (January 26, 1950 – October 11, 2008) was an Austrian  
politician. He was Governor of Carinthiaand Chairman of the Alliance  
for the Future of Austria(Bündnis Zukunft Österreich, BZÖ).

Haider was a long-time leader of the nationalist Austrian Freedom  
Party (FPÖ). Although he stepped down as the FPÖ's chairman in 2000,  
he remained its major figure until he founded the BZÖ in April 2005.  
He was subsequently expelled from the FPÖ by its interim leader Hilmar  
Kabas. He was controversial within Austria and abroad for his  
"provocative praise of the Nazi era," and the United States State  
Department criticized Haider for comments that "could be interpreted  
as xenophobic or anti-Semitic." Several countries imposed mild  
economic sanctions against his party's government.

According to The Daily Telegraph, Haider "had never confirmed or  
denied the rumours about his sexuality, but he was often criticised  
for surrounding himself with attractive young men in his political  
movement, which jokingly became known as 'Haider's boy party'."'

Haider's parents had been Nazis and early NSDAP(National Socialist  
German Workers' Party) members. Haider's father, Robert Haider, joined  
the NSDAP in 1929 as a fifteen year-old boy, four years before Adolf  
Hitlercame to power in Germany.  He remained a member even after the  
Austrian Nazi Party was banned in Austria and after Engelbert Dollfuss  
had dissolved the Austrian parliament and established a Ständestaat, a  
fascistdictatorship. Following the end of the war, legal proceedings  
against both Haider's parents were conducted to determine what  
measures should be taken against them because of their NSDAP  
membership (proceedings against all former Nazis —NSDAP members and  
collaborators— were undertaken as a matter of law in both Austria and  
Germany after the war ended). They were labelled as  
"Minderbelastet" (meaning only low-ranking in the NSDAP structure) and  
given minor punishments.

Jorg Haider had associated publicly with Waffen-SS veterans, including  
attending at least one major remembrance ceremony, and was widely  
condemned  for making remarks considered anti-semitic -- statements  
favorable to the Nazi party and critical of Jews.

Haider was allegedly spied upon by Mossad, the Israelisecret service;  
FPÖ secretary general Peter Sichrovsky gathered inside information on  
Haider's controversial contacts with prominent "Arab dictators".

Far-right Austrian leader sacked for revealing gay affair with Jörg  

Times (UK), October 23, 2008
Bojan Pancevski in Vienna
The successor of the Austrian far-right leader Jörg Haider was  
dismissed yesterday after he revealed a “special” relationship “far  
beyond” friendship with his former mentor.

In emotional interviews with the national broadcaster and a tabloid  
newspaper Stefan Petzner spoke openly about his affair with Haider,  
who died at the age of 58 in a high-speed car crash after heavy  
drinking session at a gay club this month. Haider’s party, the  
Alliance for the Future of Austria, captured 11 per cent of the vote  
in national elections last month .

“He was the man of my life. Our relationship went far beyond  
friendship,” Mr Petzner, 27, said after only a week in the job, adding  
that Haider’s wife, Claudia, 52, “did not object” to their relationship.

“I only had him. Now I am all alone. I would spend nights with him and  
his family and that was important for me because I often was afraid to  
be alone in the dark,” he added.

Mr Petzner’s appointment as party leader was widely seen as a  
fulfilment of Haider’s last wish, as he had frequently said in public  
that he would like his young protégé to take his place one day. Mr  
Petzner dropped out of university when he met Haider at a party. At  
that time he was working as a journalist, writing about cosmetic  

Outraged by the interviews, the party felt compelled yesterday to  
dismiss its leader amid reports of his alleged role in Haider’s tragic  
death. Local papers said that, on the night of his accident, Haider  
and Mr Petzner had a row at a magazine launch party. Haider left in a  
hurry and drove to a gay club in Klagenfurt, his home town, where he  
drank vodka with male escorts. The reports said that he was hardly  
able to walk to his car.

The new leader of the Alliance, Josef Buchner, 43, a hotel owner and a  
divorced father of two, is seen as a more conservative choice. Mr  
Petzner will serve as his deputy.

Play online games for FREE at Games.com! All of your favorites, no  
registration required and great graphics –check it out!


2008-10-23 Thread radar runner


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You are here:

News Topics 
US Election 2008 
Barack Obama

Frank Marshall Davis, alleged Communist, was early influence on Barack Obama
New details about a black poet in Hawaii who was a key early influence in 
Barack Obama’s life can be revealed by The Telegraph. 


By Toby Harnden in Washington
Last Updated: 9:25PM BST 24 Aug 2008

Barack Obama visited Mr Davis on several occasions to get his advice when he 
was grappling with racial issues Photo: AFP 
Although identified only as Frank in Mr Obama’s memoir Dreams from My Father, 
it has now been established that he was Frank Marshall Davis, a radical 
activist and journalist who had been suspected of being a member of the 
Communist Party in the 1950s. 
Obama's true colours: Making of the man who would be US president 
Mr Davis moved to Honolulu from Chicago in 1948 with his second wife Helen 
Canfield, a white socialite, at the suggestion of his friend the actor Paul 
Robeson, who advised them that there would be more tolerance of a mixed race 
couple in Hawaii than on the American mainland. 
A bohemian libertine who drank heavily and loved jazz, he became friends with 
Stanley Dunham, Mr Obama’s maternal grandfather in the 1960s. Mr Davis died in 
1987 at the age of 81, five years before Mr Dunham. 
“He knew Stan real well,” said Dawna Weatherly-Williams, a close friend of Mr 
Davis “They’d play Scrabble and drink and crack jokes and crack jokes and 
argue. Frank always won and he was always very braggadocio about it too. It was 
all jocular. They didn’t get polluted drunk. And Frank never really did drugs, 
though he and Stan would smoke pot together.” 
While his mother was in Indonesia during part of his teenage years, Mr Obama 
lived with his white grandparents. Mrs Weatherly-Williams said that the poet 
was first introduced to the future Democratic presidential candidate in 1970 at 
the age of 10. 
“Stan had been promising to bring Barry by because we all had that in common - 
Frank’s kids were half-white, Stan’s grandson was half-black and my son was 
half-black. We all had that in common and we all really enjoyed it. We got a 
real kick out of reality.” 
Maya Soetoro-Ng, Obama's half-sister, told the Associated Press recently that 
her grandfather had seen Mr Davis was “a point of connection, a bridge if you 
will, to the larger African-American experience for my brother". 
In his memoir, Mr Obama recounts how he visited Mr Davis on several occasions, 
apparently at junctures when he was grappling with racial issues, to seek his 
counsel. At one point in 1979 Mr Davis described university as “an advanced 
degree in compromise” that was designed to keep blacks in their place. 
Mr Obama quoted him as saying: “Leaving your race at the door. Leaving your 
people behind. Understand something, boy. You’re not going to college to get 
educated. You’re going there to get trained.” 
He added that “they’ll tank on your chain and let you know that you may be a 
well-trained, well-paid nigger, but you’re a nigger just the same.” 
It has also been established that Mr Davis, who divorced in 1970, was the 
author of a hard-core pornographic autobiography published in San Diego in 1968 
by Greenleaf Classics under the pseudonym Bob Greene. 
In a surviving portion of an autobiographical manuscript, Mr Davis confirms 
that he was the author of Sex Rebel: Black after a reader had noticed the 
“similarities in style and phraseology” between the pornographic work and his 
“I could not then truthfully deny that this book, which came out in 1968 as a 
Greenleaf Classic, was mine.” In the introduction to Sex Rebel, Mr Davis 
(writing as Greene) explains that although he has “changed names and 
identities…all incidents I have described have been taken from actual 
He stated that “under certain circumstances I am bisexual” and that he was “ a 
voyeur and an exhibitionist” who was “occasionally mildly interested in 
sado-masochism”, adding: “I have often wished I had two penises to enjoy 
simultaneously the double – but different – sensations of oral and genital 
The book, which closely tracks Mr Davis’s life in Chicago and Hawaii and the 
fact that his first wife was black and his second white, describes in lurid 
detail a series of shockingly sordid sexual encounters, often involving group 
One chapter concerns the seduction by Mr Davis and his first wife of a 
13-year-old girl called Anne. Mr Davis wrote that it was the girl who had 
suggested he had sex with her. “I’m not one to go in for Lolitas. Usually I’d 
rather not bed a babe under 20. 
“But there are exceptions. I didn’t want to disappoint the trusting child. At 
her still-impressionistic age, a rejection might be traumatic, could e

[cia-drugs] Tiny glimpse at feds in Minnesota

2008-10-23 Thread Mary Hartman

Today, October 23, we had more
shenanigans with our telephones.   This prompted me to call a
security firm to discuss the following:

About three weeks ago, after receiving
information on the history of corruption in Minnesota, I had a phone
call re-routed.  I thought I was contacting an individual in
Washington, DC because I had dialed their 202 number.  The man I
spoke with was pretending to be “Bill”, but “Bill” does not
have an accent and this man did.  I gave a confused description of
some of the information I had received and asked my new friend what
he thought of it.  When he asked for clarification I told him I'd
type him something and fax it if he would provide me with a fax
number.  He did: the fax number to ACE PCA Services, INC, in
Minneapolis.  The business is managed by a man named Chris Bates, who
had been an intern in the office of Senator Hubert Humphrey, a person
of interest to me.  

Today I've received calls from phone
numbers that are, according to the phone company, not in service any
more.  This comes on the heels of seeking information on Kenneth
Arron, a conman who was on the Board of Directors for Kenneth and
Nancy Kraft's sham sanctuary and money laundering front, BEARCAT
Hollow.  Articles in the Cincinnati Enquirer state that Mr. Arron
claimed to have connections to Animal Planet, which makes sense
because Brian Werner listed himself as the CEO of Great Cat Resorts
(HQ in Washington, DC and Mr. Werner is a regular in Animal Planet
programming, according to himself.  Mr. Arron boasted about being a
liaison to the State Department, though we have not )yet) been able
to determine which desk he supposedly reported to.  With tentacles
from Washington DC spreading into Johannisburg, SA and Guam, it is
entirely possible that Mr. Arron was not lying.   A detective who
worked on one of the many con's Arron was part of recently said, “he
was the most fascinating sociopathic personality I have ever
encountered”, which makes him a perfect choice for a CIA scam/money
laundering op.

We recently found more files from an
individual I will only identify as JB.  A certain JB had a hacking
file on our computer printer, which was found and reported to the
local authorities and the FBI because I was, at that time, a federal
witness/punching bag.  This was ignored.  September 2, 2007, we
received a phone call from an unknown individual, a JB.  On September
5, on my way to see detective Jim Rothstein I decide to call the
number because the name seems familiar and I'm curious.  JB's
girlfriend answers and we chat.  She doesn't know why he tried to
call.  I ask here where he works and she says, “Mobile One”.  I
assume it's a wrong number and just a common name.  September 11,
2007 I try to open a Pony Club file and my computer tells me it has
restored/saved a file called GOP pedophiles.  I stare at it for a
moment and start over: same thing.  I contact my brother, who knows a
little about computers and tell him what's coming up on the screen. 
He has me go through some motions after disconnecting from the
internet and vwala, we find a cache of files that I do not recognize.
 Some are encrypted and all of them have unknown names.  When I open
some of them, however, I find that they are old letters I have
written to various government agencies regarding Kraft's, corrupt law
enforcement etc.  We are on our fourth computer since 2001 and no
old files are transferred from one system to the next so it is pretty
much impossible for these to exist on my system.  My brother works
for a bit longer and tells me I have a bigger problem because the
hacker has networked my computer to his so he can monitor me,
download my files...and when his system crashed with his GOP pedo
list open, it “saved” to my system.  It now wanted to go “home”.
 As we continued to open files we came across a drawing of a man on
his knees, hands above his head...quivering.  To his right on the
ground is a severed pigs head shaped like a shotgun, eyes x'd out and
tongue hanging out to the side.  To his left is a green bottle with
the initials JB.  His black and white striped “jail suit” has
Mobile One on the front.  He has a ball and chain around his ankle. 
The caricature is signed, J...B, the name that matches
the info from 04, from the call display on my phone, from the
computer records  An imaged hard drive went to the FBI.  They say
that all of the information is “coincidental”.  

Over and over again the FBI seems to
think they are dealing with coincidence.  The fact that one of their
retired handwriting experts would confirm that a threatening letter
sent to us in 01 has handwriting that matches the handwriting of one
of the Mower County law enforcement officials who worked to protect
Kraft's criminal enterprise is a “coincidence”.  The fact that
one of their agents, Timothy Gossfeld, bears a striking resemblance
to the man photographed in Col

[cia-drugs] Black Papacy vs Zionism Debate

2008-10-23 Thread Nierika

Recently exposed Rothschild Agent Eric Jon Phelps debates Noel (Ognir from TIU)

Black Papacy vs Zionism Debate


VOTE:  Who won the debate between Eric and Noel?


[cia-drugs] Surveillance System

2008-10-23 Thread scott munson

Date: October 23, 2008 5:59:15 AM PDT
Subject: [ctrl] Surveillance System

The govt agency that birthed the Internet is developing a  
sophisticated search engine for video, & when complete will allow  
intelligence analysts to sift through live footage from spy drones, as  
well as thousands of hours worth of archived recordings, in order to  
spot a variety of selected events or behaviors.

In the past month, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency  
announced nearly $20 million in total contracts for private firms to  
begin developing the system, which is slated to

take until at least 2011 to complete.

According to a prospectus written in March but released this month,  
the Video
and Image Retrieval and Analysis Tool will enable intel analysts to  
"rapidly find video content of interest from archives & provide alerts  
to the analyst of events
of interest during live operations," taking both conventional video  
and footage from infrared scanners as input.

The VIRAT project is an effort to cope with a growing data glut that  
has taxed intelligence resources because of the need to have trained  
human personnel perform time- and labor-intensive review of recorded  

The DARPA overview emphasizes that VIRAT will not be designed with  
face rec- ognition,gait recognition,human identification,or any form  
of biometrics in mind. Rather, the system will search for classes of  
activities or events.

A suggested partial list in the prospectus includes digging,  
loitering, exploding, shooting, smoking, following, shaking hand,  
excahnging objects, crawling un-
der a car, breaking a window, and evading a checkpoint. As new sample  
are fed into the system, it will need to recognize the signature  
features of

new classes of search terms.

VIRAT will be rolled out in three phases, each assigned to a different  
in order to prevent conflicts of interest. The first phase, design of  
an initial pro- totype, will be handled by New York–based Kitware Inc,  
which The Washington Post re- ports is heading a consortium of 9  
companies and universities that will work on the $6.7 million project.  
Correction: The Post initially misidentified the consortium as  
comprising 19 members.

Later phases will refine/optimize the search algorithm, then  
demonstrate its capabilities on real-world data. Massachussets-based  
BAE Systems National Security Solutions  and Lockheed Martin were also  
awarded VIRAT contracts, presumably for these later phases, totalling  
$7.2 million and $5.5 million respectively.

By the end of the final phase of development, according to DARPA's  
plan, VIRAT
will process at least 58 megapixels per second, with an accuracy rate  
of 95%.


ctrl is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing  
propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   
These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half- 
truths, mis-directions and outright frauds—is used politically by  
different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the  
spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, ctrl gives no endorsement to the validity of posts,  
and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. ctrl gives  
no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

There are two list running, [EMAIL PROTECTED] and  
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] has unlimited posting and is  
more for discussion. [EMAIL PROTECTED] is more for informational  
exchange and has limited posting abilities.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Omimited posting abilities.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.


[cia-drugs] Police prepare for unrest

2008-10-23 Thread scott munson

From: a_cascadian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: October 23, 2008 5:36:50 AM PDT
Subject: [Cascadian_Bioregionalism] Police prepare for unrest

Police prepare for unrest

By Alexander Bolton

Police departments in cities across the country are beefing up their  
ranks for Election Day,
preparing for possible civil unrest and riots after the historic  
presidential contest.

Public safety officials said in interviews with The Hill that the  
election, which will end with
either the nation's first black president or its first female vice  
president, demanded a

stronger police presence.

Some worry that if Barack Obama loses and there is suspicion of foul  
play in the election,
violence could ensue in cities with large black populations. Others  
based the need for
enhanced patrols on past riots in urban areas (following professional  
sports events) and

also on Internet rumors.
Democratic strategists and advocates for black voters say they  
understand officers wanting
to keep the peace, but caution that excessive police presence could  
intimidate voters.

Sen. Obama (Ill.), the Democratic nominee for president, has seen his  
lead over rival Sen.
John McCain (R-Ariz.) grow in recent weeks, prompting speculation that  
there could be a

violent backlash if he loses unexpectedly.

Cities that have suffered unrest before, such as Detroit, Chicago,  
Oakland and

Philadelphia, will have extra police deployed.

In Oakland, the police will deploy extra units trained in riot  
control, as well as extra traffic

police, and even put SWAT teams on standby.

"Are we anticipating it will be a riot situation? No. But will we be  
prepared if it goes awry?

Yes," said Jeff Thomason, spokesman for the Oakland Police Department.

"I think it is a big deal — you got an African-American running and  
[a] woman running," he
added, in reference to Obama and GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah  
Palin. "Whoever
wins it, it will be a national event. We will have more officers on  
the street in anticipation

that things may go south."

The Oakland police last faced big riots in 2003 when the Raiders lost  
to the Tampa Bay
Buccaneers in the Super Bowl. Officials are bracing themselves in case  
residents of

Oakland take Obama's loss badly.

Political observers such as Hilary Shelton and James Carville fear  
that record voter turnout
could overload polling places on Election Day and could raise tension  

Shelton, the director of the NAACP's Washington bureau, said  
inadequate voting facilities
is a bigger problem in poor communities with large numbers of  

"What are local election officials doing to prepare for what people  
think will be record
turnout at the polls?" said Shelton, who added that during the 2004  
election in Ohio
voters in predominantly black communities had to wait in line six to  
eight hours to vote.

"On Election Day, if this continues, you may have some tempers flare;  
we should be
prepared to deal with that but do it without intimidation," said  
Shelton, who added that
police have to be able to maintain order at polling stations without  
scaring voters,

especially immigrants from "police states."

Carville, who served as a senior political adviser to former President  
Bill Clinton, said that
many Democrats would be very angry if Obama loses. He noted that many  
were upset by Sen. John Kerry's (D-Mass.) loss to President Bush in  
the 2004 election,
when some Democrats made allegations of vote manipulation in Ohio, the  
state that

ultimately decided the race.

Experts estimated that thousands of voters did not vote in Ohio  
because of poor

preparation and long lines.
Carville said Democratic anger in 2004 "would be very small to what  
would happen in

2008" if the same problems arose.

Carville said earlier this month that "it would be very, very, very  
dramatic out there" if
Obama lost, a statement some commentators interpreted as predicting  
riots. In an
interview Tuesday, however, Carville said he did not explicitly  
predict rioting.

"A lot of Democrats would have a great deal of angst and anger," said  
Carville, who
predicted that on Election Day "the voting system all around the  
country is going to be

very stressed because there's going to be enormous turnout."
Other commentators have made such bold predictions.

"If [Obama] is elected, like with sports championships, people may go  
out and riot," said
Bob Parks, an online columnist and black Republican candidate for  
state representative in
Massachusetts. "If Barack Obama loses there will be another large  
group of people who
will assume the election was stolen from him….. This will be an  
opportunity for people

who want to commit mischief."

Speculation about Election-Day violence has spread on the Internet,  
especially on right-

wing websites.

This has caught the attention of police departments in cities such as  
Cincinnati, which

[cia-drugs] Zombie PCs: ‘Time to infection is less than f ive minutes’

2008-10-23 Thread Kris Millegan
October 21st, 2008
Zombie PCs: ‘Time to infection is less than five minutes’

Posted by Andrew Nusca @ 9:24 am

Categories: Offbeat news

Tags: Infection, PC, Microsoft Corp., Zombie, Computer, Productivity,  
Internet, Security, Viruses And Worms, Andrew Nusca

ZombiesA fascinating — and horrifying — new article in The New York  
Times offers the lowdown on “zombie computers,” the half-a-million-or- 
so machines that are converted, assembled into systems called  
“botnets” and forced to do a shadowy figure’s bidding, namely in the  
form of automated programs that send the majority of e-mail spam,  
illegally seek financial information and install malicious software on  
still more PCs.

Lock up your Windows and children!

In what sounds like the plot of 28 Days Later — computer “rage,”  
anyone? –  the Times reports that botnets are alive and strong,  
according to shadowserver.org, a site that tracks such things:

 “The mean time to infection is less than five minutes,” said  
Richie Lai, who is part of Microsoft’s Internet Safety Enforcement  
Team, a group of about 20 researchers and investigators. The team is  
tackling a menace that in the last five years has grown from a  
computer hacker pastime to a dark business that is threatening the  
commercial viability of the Internet.

Great Scot! The simple reality of these bots is terrifying to the  
security-minded: Any computer connected to the Internet can be  
vulnerable. Botnet attacks can come with their own antivirus software,  
permitting the programs to take over a computer and then effectively  
remove other malware competitors.

According to the article, Microsoft investigators “were amazed  
recently to find a botnet that turned on the Microsoft Windows Update  
feature after taking over a computer, to defend its host from an  
invasion of competing infections.”

Good lord. What’s more, botnets have evolved quickly to make detection  
more difficult, recently using “fast-flux,” a technique that generates  
a rapidly changing set of Internet addresses to make the botnet more  
difficult to locate and disrupt.

Yikes. So what’s a user to do?

First, take Microsoft’s Malicious Software Removal Tool out for a  
ride. Then make sure your firewall is up and you’re up to date with  
all security patches.

Then pray. Because these zombies are hard to find, much less kill.  
Just last week, Secunia, a computer security firm,  tested a dozen  
leading PC security suites and found that the best one detected only  
64 out of 300 software vulnerabilities.

Has your computer ever gone zombie? Tell us in TalkBack.=

Complete archives at http://www.sitbot.net/

Please let us stay on topic and be civil. 

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[cia-drugs] downfallthefilm.com

2008-10-23 Thread scott munson

Why is this interesting? because the USA is the Fourth Reich.
Henry kissinger brought thousands of NAZI spies, Generals, Biologists,  
Physicists to work for the USA.
Now the Bush regime organized crime family is attempting world  
domination, as did Hitler.
Hitler was funded by Henry Ford and Prescott Bush. Prescott is  
grandfather to George W Bush.





ACLU Files FOIA On Brigade Deployed in U.S.

Chapter Eleven of NAFTA Remains a Threat to National Sovereignty

Currency Changes...A Video you MUST See!

Top world military leaders meet in Lake Placid

Colin Powell Warns Of Coming Crisis "We Don't Even Know About Right Now"
http://Infowars.net http://www.infowars.com/?p=5461

Why is this interesting? because the USA is the Fourth Reich.
Henry kissinger brought thousands of NAZI spies, Generals, Biologists,  
Physicists to work for the USA.
Now the Bush regime organized crime family is attempting world  
domination, as did Hitler.
Hitler was funded by Henry Ford and Prescott Bush. Prescott is  
grandfather to George W Bush.

From Subprime to Meltdown: Is Peak Oil Responsible?

Huge Protests As New Jersey Declares Flu Vaccines Mandatory

Brasscheck TV:   How to send Bush to jail

Greatest Transfer of Wealth in History | GlobalResearch

YouTube - US Economy Collapsing
"Truth is treason in the empire of lies" Ron Paul

Homeland Security's Space-Based Spying Goes Live

If we can put a man on the moon... we can put George Bush  in jail.

Financial Meltdown: The Greatest Transfer of Wealth in History
How to reverse the tide, democratize US monetary system

Brasscheck TV:   How countries go broke

Congressional Hearing: Retired DA Vincent Bugliosi trying to charge  
Bush with murder - impeachment


Election Fraud has begun and where is your Guy Fawkes mask? Remember,  
Remember the 5th of November!


ACLU Assails 100-Mile Border Zone as 'Constitution-Free'

If Bush Pardons Himself or His Subordinates
Attorneys, Scholars, Activist Groups Call for Impeachment

RFID based, Transit Card systems

Real ID: Connecting the Dots to an International ID

California Real ID Act Trades Liberty for a Security Breach

[cia-drugs] As Democratic Landslide Looms, Big Media Try to Peddle More 'Right-Wing Nation' B.S.

2008-10-23 Thread razldazl

   As Democratic Landslide Looms, Big Media Try to Peddle More
   'Right-Wing Nation' B.S.

 By Paul Waldman, Media Matters for America
 Posted on October 22, 2008, Printed on October 23, 2008

We usually have to wait until /after/ the Democrats emerge victorious at 
the polls for the Beltway finger-waggers to begin warning them not to be 
too ambitious, not to do too much, not to actually follow through on the 
proposals they presented to the voters. But this year, it's starting 
early: Jon Meacham, the editor of Newsweek, penned a 3,300-word cover 
story  warning that, as the subtitle 
says, "America remains a center-right nation -- a fact that a President 
Obama would forget at his peril." Because, God forbid, a progressive 
candidate who wins an election should actually keep the promises he made 
to the American people.

It's an interesting contrast to what happens when Republicans win. While 
Democratic victories are seen as signifying nothing about the 
electorate's fundamental beliefs, Republican victories are inevitably 
described as revealing profound sea changes in American ideology. When 
the GOP took over both houses of Congress in 1994, The New York Times 
wrote the next day, "[T]he country has unmistakably moved to the right." 
The Washington Post agreed, saying, "The huge Republican gains also 
marked a clear shift to the right in the country."

And after Election Day 2004, the Times intoned, "[I]t is impossible to 
read President Bush's re-election with larger Republican majorities in 
both houses of Congress as anything other than the clearest confirmation 
yet that this is a center-right country -- divided yes, but with an 
undisputed majority united behind his leadership." The article was 
headlined, "An Electoral Affirmation of Shared Values." The Los Angeles 
Times agreed that the election proved voters "don't believe that the 
Democrats share their values." Chris Matthews wondered, "Can the 
Democrats ever connect with the country's cultural majority?"

Yet we heard nothing of the sort from elite media outlets in 2006, when 
Democrats retook both houses of Congress -- no grand proclamations that 
the country had moved left, no ruminations on whether conservatism was 
an electorally bankrupt ideology. Instead, the news media focused on a 
few conservative Democratic candidates who won seats in Republican 
areas, despite the fact that they were far outnumbered 
 by the new Democratic 
members who held traditionally progressive positions.

In other words, when Republicans win, we're told that Democrats need to 
move to the center, because the country is too conservative for them. 
When Democrats win, on the other hand, we're told that... Democrats need 
to move to the center. Their victory must have been some kind of 
accident -- it couldn't have been because the public actually agreed 
with what they want to do.

So what kind of evidence does Meacham offer for his oh-so-familiar 
thesis? First off, he says, Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, and Bill 
Clinton didn't accomplish everything they wanted to. Interesting -- but 
last time I checked, liberal programs like Social Security, Medicare, 
and Clinton's expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit remain pretty 
popular. And remind me how George Bush's 2005 attempt to privatize 
Social Security -- a longstanding conservative goal -- went.

Then Meacham gives us the oft-noted fact that when asked by pollsters, 
more people will call themselves "conservative" than "liberal." The 
problem with this is that people who know a lot about politics -- like 
journalists -- assume that ordinary people have the same interpretation 
of those terms as political junkies have. But the truth, as nearly a 
half-century of political science research has made clear, is that a 
significant portion of the public has little or no idea of what these 
terms mean in the political world. A third of the public can't even tell 
you  which 
of the two major parties is the "conservative" one.

Meacham also argues that America is "center-right" because we're more 
conservative than most Western European countries, which is kind of like 
arguing that Kevin Garnett is a mediocre basketball player, because Kobe 
Bryant scores more points than he does. The American public is much more 
liberal than publics in almost every region of the world other than 
Western Europe. Does that tell us that we're fundamentally liberal, or 
does it tell us not much of anything?

Comparisons to our friends in Sweden aside, a look at the issue terrain 
at the moment shows a public firmly in the progressive camp. On foreign 
policy, on economic policy, on social policy, on just about everything 
, it's the progressive 
position that is m

[cia-drugs] ACLU Files FOIA On Brigade Deployed in U.S.

2008-10-23 Thread scott munson

From: elvis oner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: October 22, 2008 10:10:24 PM PDT
, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Conspiracy- 

Subject: [ctrl] ACLU Files FOIA On Brigade Deployed in U.S.

ACLU Files FOIA On Brigade Deployed in U.S.

Kurt Nimmo

October 22, 2008,

The ACLU filed a Freedom of Information Act request under expedited  
processing to the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland  
Security earlier today.

“The American Civil Liberties Union today demanded information from  
the government about reports that an active military unit has been  
deployed inside the U.S. to help with ‘civil unrest’ and ‘crowd  
control’ –

 matters traditionally handled by civilian authorities,” a press  
release on the ACLU site explains. “This deployment jeopardizes the  
longstanding separation between civilian and military government, and  
the public has a right to know where and why the unit has been  
deployed, according to an ACLU Freedom of Information request filed  

 	Amy Goodman on September 22, 2008, reporting on the deployment of  
the 1st Brigade Combat Team within the United States.

“The military’s deployment within U.S. borders raises critical  
questions that must be answered,” said Jonathan Hafetz, staff attorney  
with the ACLU National Security Project. “What is the unit’s mission?  
What functions will it perform? And why was it necessary to deploy the  
unit rather than rely on civilian agencies and personnel and the  
National Guard? Given the magnitude of the issues at stake, it is  
imperative that the American people know the truth about this new and  
unprecedented intrusion of the military in domestic affairs.”

The latest request falls on the heels of an FOIA filed on October 17  
with the Justice Department and the National Security Agency.

The previous request demands the agencies disclose “any policies and  
procedures” that protect Americans’ privacy rights when the NSA  
“collects, stores and disseminates private U.S. communications.” As  
Melissa Goodman, a staff attorney with the ACLU’s National Security  
Project, noted, “the American public needs to know whether the NSA’s  
procedures are sufficiently protective of our privacy rights.  
Unfortunately, there is often no meaningful court oversight of the  
NSA’s surveillance activities and the NSA is left to police itself.”

Earlier this year, Siobhan Gorman of The Wall Street Journal reported  
on the specifics of the NSA’s “driftnet” surveillance efforts. Paul  
Kiel, writing for TPM Muckraker, provided the following summary of  
that system:
Here’s the way the whole thing works, according to Gorman: into the  
NSA’s massive database goes data collected by the Justice Department,  
Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Treasury.

This information includes data about email (recipient and sender  
address, subject, time sent), internet searches (sites visited and  
searches conducted),

 phone calls (incoming and outgoing numbers, length of call, location),

 financial information (wire transfers, credit-card use, information  
about bank accounts),

and information from the DHS about airline passengers.

Then the NSA’s software analyzes this data for indications of  
terrorist activity. When it hits upon a suspicious pattern, the NSA  
“feeds its findings into the effort the administration calls the  
Terrorist Surveillance Program and shares some of that information  
with other U.S. security agencies.”

The so-called Terrorist Surveillance Program is nothing short of a  
resurrection of the Pentagon’s Total Information Awareness program,  
which was allegedly de-funded by Congress after details became public.  
Instead, it was rolled into NSA and is now classified. The NSA  
driftnet, according to Gorman, has a budget of $1 billion.

It is important to note that data collected by way of the NSA’s  
lavishly funded driftnet is fed into a database shared by “other U.S.  
security agencies,” no doubt including Northern Command with an active  
military unit — tasked with “civil unrest” and “crowd control” duties  
— at its disposal.

 See - http://www.infowars.com/?p=5463

Alex Jones on military surveillance of antiwar protests.

In January, 2007, the ACLU received documents through FOIA indicating  
that the Pentagon, under its domestic surveillance program, had  
monitored at least 186 antiwar protests in the United States and  
collected more than 2,800 reports involving Americans in a single anti- 
terrorism database. The Pentagon said they were spying on domestic  
antiwar and peace groups and compiling data in order to detect threats  
against military installations. A Pentagon unit known as  
Counterintelligence Field Activity, or CIFA, organized by

[cia-drugs] With oil at $145 and gold looking to leave $1000 in the dust, the US was on the verge of collapse

2008-10-23 Thread scott munson

From: "Bryan Boot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: October 22, 2008 6:45:01 PM PDT
Cc: "Jim Sinclair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [sfbayoil] (unknown)

On Oct 22, 2008, at 3:36 PM, Jeane Rosenmeier wrote:

But Washington - and the world - are working very hard now to avoid  
deflation.  This is proving to be harder than they thought, so I  
wouldn't totally rule out a default.  I used to be of your opinion,  
but the way the system has been teetering on the brink of deflationary  
collapse makes me wonder.


Definitely good to wonder.  Here is my hypothesis.

With oil at $145 and gold looking to leave $1000 in the dust, the US  
was on the verge of collapse as could be seen in charts of the dollar  
index, which is like the stock of the United States, Inc.  However,  
there remained a trump card that, although somewhat destructive, could  
be used to buy time in terms of dollar destruction and the US demise.   
Given the tremendous leverage being used across the financial system,  
a coordinated and intense selloff would spark rampant margin calls and  
a cash squeeze of fantastic proportions.  All commodities and OTC  
derivatives are denominated in dollars, so this cash squeeze would,  
and has proven to be, an enormous short term boon to dollar demand.

Banks being more leveraged than anybody, would be the worst hit, but  
that blow could be moderated through the various Fed loan windows.   
They have been saving banks since.  One big mistake though was letting  
Lehman Brothers fail, because that now puts Lehman's huge OTC  
derivative portfolio into the the courts, a new test of OTC  
derivatives.  Unraveling the derivatives and finding out who owes what  
has been a nightmare, and already a cascade of business and hedge fund  
failures have followed Lehman's demise.

This spectacle has provided fodder for government scaremongering, as  
the US president himself stayed just short of declaring the potential  
for another great depression if the $700 billion bill didn't pass.   
Actually the $700 billion is chump change since that same week,  
virtually as the president spoke, $1.5 trillion was in the process of  
being passed out via the Federal Reserve.  The real purpose of the  
$700 billion bill, as mentioned by Bernanke himself last night on C- 
Span, was to give the Federal Reserve more powers to print.  More  
power and opaqueness with less oversight.

The US is in a predicament where it will *never* have the insane  
amount of funds needed to repay its debts to itself (social security  
and medicare) or to its creditors (the rest of the world, particularly  
Asia).  The intention all along has been to inflate away this debt.   
But it can't be done in an environment where the public is catching on  
to rising inflation.  Deflection of focus on the problem was needed  
and it worked well.

But the truth is the problem remains and waits and continues to grow  
larger with every cash infusion.  Time is being bought, but it's not  
coming cheap.

  Bryan Boot

[cia-drugs] Darpa Wants to See Inside Your House

2008-10-23 Thread scott munson

From: "Linda Robb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: October 22, 2008 9:16:42 PM PDT
Subject: [doctorplum] Darpa Wants to See Inside Your House

Darpa Wants to See Inside Your House

The Pentagon wants to be able to peer inside your apartment building  
-- picking out where all the major rooms, stairways, and dens of evil- 
doers are.

The U.S. Military is getting better and better at spotting its  
enemies, when they're roaming around the streets. But once those foes  
duck into houses, they become a whole lot harder to spot. That's why  
Darpa, the Defense Department's way-out research arm, is looking to  
develop a suite of tools for "external sensing deep inside buildings."  
The ultimate goal of thisHarnessing Infrastructure for Building  
Reconnaissance (HIBR) project: "reverse the adversaries' advantage of  
urban familiarity and sanctuary and provide U.S. Forces with complete  
above- and below-ground awareness."

By the end of the project, Darpa wants a set of technologies that can  
see into a 10-story building with a two-level basement in a "high- 
density urban block" -- and produce a kind of digital blueprint of the  
place. Using sensors mounted on backpacks, vehicles, or aircraft, the  
HIBR gear would, hopefully, be able to pick out every room, wall,  
stairway, and basement in the building -- as well as all of the  
"electrical, plumbing, and installation systems."

Darpa doesn't come out and say it openly.  But it appears that the  
agency wants these HIBR gadgets to be able to track the people inside  
these buildings, as well. Why else would these sensors be required to  
"provide real-time updates" once U.S. Troops enter the building?  
Perhaps there's more about the people-spotting tech, in the  
"classified appendix" to HIBR's request for proposals.

There are already a number of efforts underway, both military and  
civilian, to try to see inside buildings. The Army has a couple of  
hand-held gadgets that can spot people just on the other side of a  
wall. Some scientists claim that can even catch human breathing and  
heartbeats beyond a barrier.

Darpa's Visibuilding program uses a kind of radar to scan structures.  
The problem isn't sending the radio frequency (RF) energy in.  It's  
"making sense of the data produced from all the reflected signals"  
that come back, Henry Kenyon wrote in a recentSignal magazine article.  
Besides processing data from the inside a structure, the system also  
must filter a large amount of RF propagation in the form of randomly  
reflected signals. Although radar technologies exist that can track  
people in adjacent rooms, it is much more difficult to map an entire  
building. “Going through one wall is not that bad, but a building is  
basically an RF hall of mirrors. You’ve got signals bouncing all over  
the place,” Darpa program manager Dr. Edward J. Baranoski says. Field  
trials are supposed to get underway this fall.

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[cia-drugs] Fwd: The SAS: Prince Philip's manager of terrorism

2008-10-23 Thread RoadsEnd
Begin forwarded message:From: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: October 22, 2008 6:11:05 PM PDTTo: "Sardar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: The SAS: Prince Philip's manager of terrorism  This article appears in the October 13, 1995 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. The SAS: Prince Philip's manager of terrorism by Joseph Brewda On the eve of the first of six scheduled French nuclear weapons tests in the South Pacific atoll of Mururoa in September, Greenpeace, an offshoot of Prince Philip's World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), carried out a series of violent protests. A Greenpeace team somehow managed to penetrate the highly militarized nuclear test zone. French authorities revealed that the team was led by two highly trained retired professionals from the British Army's Special Air Services (SAS), its elite paratrooper and commando arm. "They are people used to operations which have nothing to do with ecology," commented the French Security Services commander on the scene. The incident points to the fact that SAS is active in international terrorism today, and that the motives behind its deployment are different than those of its patsies. As this report will show, SAS deployment is a key component of the "afghansi." SAS has a special role derived from the fact that it operates outside the British government command structure, and is directly beholden to the Sovereign. Formed in 1941 by Lt. Col. David Stirling, it has always drawn on the highest levels of the Scottish oligarchical families for its officer corps. Stirling himself was from the Fraser family (the Lords Lovat), one of the oldest and wealthiest of the Scottish Highland families. Closely associated with the royal family throughout his career, Stirling served as the "Goldstick" at Queen Elizabeth's 1952 coronation. The Goldstick is the royal household official solemnly mandated with securing the Sovereign's protection. Until his death in 1990, Stirling was a principal military adviser for Prince Philip's World Wide Fund for Nature, the royal family's most important private intelligence agency, and an organization bankrolled by his uncle, Lord Lovat, and his cousin, the Hongkong banker Henry Keswick. Together with its numerous private security company spinoffs, SAS is the military arm of the WWF. SAS methods and procedures According to the British Army handbook, the SAS is "particularly suited, trained, and equipped for counter-revolutionary operations," with a specialization in "infiltration," "sabotage," "assassination," as well as "liaison with, organization, training, and control of friendly guerrilla forces operating against the common enemy." From its inception in World War II, Special Air Services was detailed to run sabotage behind enemy lines and to organize popular revolt, at first in North Africa, and then in the Balkans, where another Stirling cousin, Fitzroy Maclean, ran British operations. At the end of the war, SAS was disbanded, but it was soon revived to crush the Malay insurgency in Malaysia, and the Mau Mau insurgency in Kenya. The principle employed was to take over the insurgency from within, and use it to destroy the native population. In his 1960 book Gangs and Countergangs, Col. Frank Kitson boasted that the British were covertly leading several large-scale Mau Mau units, and that many, if not all Mau Mau units had been synthetically created by the colonial authorities. As a result of this practice, 22 whites were killed during the insurgency, as compared to 20,000 natives. Based on this principle, SAS emphasized recruitment of natives, as it received increasing responsibilities for overseeing counterinsurgency within the postwar empire, as well as organizing insurgencies elsewhere. In New Zealand, 30% of SAS was drawn from the indigenous Maori tribes, later supplemented by Sarawak tribesmen from Indonesia. By the 1960s, New Zealand SAS was active throughout Southeast Asia, organizing tribal revolts against the Burmese government, and stirring similar movements in Northeast India. Similarly, SAS squadrons based in Rhodesia ran the 1960s tribal separatist insurgency in Zaire. They later recruited and deployed natives in terrorist raids in Mozambique and Zambia. Today, there are three known SAS regiments, comprising 4,500 highly trained commandos in total. Training exercises for 15-man teams simulate terrorist assaults, in order, it is said, to "know the mind of the terrorist." Such teams are often sent abroad, to train British Commonwealth and other military units in the techniques of terrorist assault, as well as the use of tribal auxiliaries in covert warfare. Through such means, SAS has built an extensive terrorist control capability, especially in its former colonies. Its soldiers currently serve officially in some 30 countries. 'Private' means 'Her Majesty's' In order to facilitate its role as a disavowable arm of royal household covert operations, SAS has spu

[cia-drugs] R.I.P. Reagan Revolution

2008-10-23 Thread razldazl

From Forbes magazine

Dangerous Thoughts
*R.I.P. Reagan Revolution*
Dan Gerstein 10.22.08, 12:01 AM ET

As a student of politics, I have been watching this campaign with one 
eye on the historic prospects of Barack Obama and one eye on the tenuous 
future of his Republican opponents.

I have been particularly fascinated by how the Republicans plan to begin 
rehabilitating the brand that President Bush and his allies have 
shredded over the last eight years, reconnect with their sunny Reagan 
roots and prepare themselves to compete again for the determinative 
center of the electorate.

Judging from the disturbing developments of the last two months, the 
verdict seems clear. Forget the self-reckoning and self-repairing--the 
Republicans seem intent on self-immolation. Indeed, instead of trying to 
work itself out of the deep electoral hole that Bush and company 
created, the GOP has apparently opted to apply the drill-baby-drill 
mantra to its own political fortunes--and, improbably, find ways to 
narrow the party's appeal to the swing voters they have done so much to 
alienate during the Bush era.

I'm not talking about what the hateful yahoos who are attending rallies 
for the Republican ticket are yelling (albeit after being egged on by a 
flurry of indefensible attacks by the McCain campaign and its 
surrogates). I'm talking about what Republican leaders and elected 
officials are actually saying and doing. All of which, taken together, 
suggests that the GOP of the moment is now far closer to being the party 
of Joe McCarthy than John McCain, and explains why Colin Powell and many 
other responsible Republicans are sending increasingly urgent distress 
signals over the sinking McCain ship.

We have seen the party that gave us Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Eisenhower 
and Reagan nominate a woman for vice president who could not answer an 
interviewer's relatively gentle question about what news sources she 
regularly reads. This is not a matter of class or gender, but rather 
seriousness and credibility, which Sarah Palin lost with many voters who 
were willing to give her a fair shake the minute she claimed that seeing 
Russia from her state was a foreign policy credential.

We have seen Palin go on to falsely accuse her Democratic opponent of 
"palling around with terrorists." The most outrageous thing about this 
assertion is not the gross exaggeration of Obama's relationship with 
Bill Ayers, but the shameful, purposeful use of the plural: 
"terrorists." These are the kinds of loony accusations we are used to 
hearing from members of the ultraconservative John Birch Society, not 
running mates of John McCain.

We have seen one of McCain's campaign co-chairman, former Oklahoma 
Governor Frank Keating, use the racially loaded term "guy of the street 
to try to paint Obama as extreme to white America. This about a black 
man who grew up in the suburbs of Hawaii, graduated from Columbia 
University, was the first black president of the Harvard Law Review, 
taught constitutional law for 12 years and was attacked as an elitist by 
Republicans for talking about the price of arugula in Iowa? He is about 
as "street" as the late William F. Buckley, Jr.

Just last Friday, we saw a Republican congresswoman from Ohio, Michelle 
Bachmann, explicitly attack Obama and his wife as "anti-American" and 
call on the media to investigate members of Congress to "find out if 
they are pro-America or anti-America. 
Then Palin repeated this patriotism-questioning line at a rally in North 
Carolina, saying she was glad to be in a part of the country that was 
"pro-America." One has to wonder what made these women think that this 
was acceptable in the United States of 2008?

And most recently, as if the overt hints of McCarthyism were not enough, 
McCain and his allies are now openly calling Obama a socialist because 
he wants to raise the top tax brackets back to their Clinton-era levels 
(when the country enjoyed the greatest peacetime expansion in our 
history) and provide a cut in the payroll tax to middle class workers.

These digs about a Democrat who has raised more money from Wall Street 
than his Republican opponent and been endorsed by notable red diaper 
babies like Warren Buffett, former Federal Reserve Chairman and Reagan 
appointee Paul Volcker, Bank of America CEO Hugh McColl and Google CEO 
Erik Schmidt? These attacks from a Republican Party whose president just 
called for nationalizing much of our banking system and whose nominee 
endorsed that same extreme government intervention in the marketplace?

Some will want to write off all these bizarre deep-end diatribes--to 
borrow a favorite Cheney-ism--as the last desperate throes of a dying 
campaign. Something is near death all right, but it's not merely the 
McCain insurgency. It'

[cia-drugs] What �incredibly tough� foreign policy actions is Obama preparing?

2008-10-23 Thread norgesen
Biden’s chilling remarks at fundraiser
What “incredibly tough” foreign policy actions is Obama preparing?
By Patrick Martin 
22 October 2008

In remarks made over the weekend in Seattle, Democratic vice presidential 
candidate Joseph Biden warned that Barack Obama, if elected president, would be 
compelled to take deeply unpopular actions in both domestic and foreign policy 
within months of taking office.

In closed-door gatherings with two audiences of Democratic Party insiders and 
fundraisers, Biden forecast a major international crisis in the first six 
months of an Obama administration.

He compared Obama to John F. Kennedy, the last senator to be elected president. 
"It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did 
John Kennedy," Biden said. "The world is looking. We're about to elect a 
brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Watch. 
We're going to have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the 
mettle of this guy."

Biden mentioned the Middle East, Afghanistan, Pakistan, North Korea and Russia 
as potential points of conflict, but did not spell out the exact nature of such 
a crisis, observing, "I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where 
it might originate." He made it clear that Obama would respond forcefully: 
"They're going to want to test him. And they're going to find out this guy's 
got steel in his spine."

The most politically significant portion of Biden's remarks came when he 
admitted that the decisions of an Obama-Biden administration were likely to be 
deeply unpopular, and he called on the Democratic Party regulars to stand 
behind the new president even when public opinion turned against him.

"He's going to need help," Biden said. "He's going to need you—not financially 
to help him—we're going to need you to use your influence, your influence 
within the community, to stand with him. Because it's not going to be apparent 
initially, it's not going to be apparent that we're right."

He continued, "There are going to be a lot of you who want to go, ‘Whoa, wait a 
minute, yo, whoa, whoa, I don't know about that decision.' Because if you think 
the decision is sound when they're made, which I believe you will when they're 
made, they're not likely to be as popular as they are sound. Because if they're 
popular, they're probably not sound."

Here is the voice of a longtime representative of the financial aristocracy, 
voicing his contempt for public opinion—"if decisions are popular, they're 
probably not sound"—and warning his wealthy audience that the new Obama-Biden 
administration will have to defy public opinion to carry out its policies. 
Biden's language suggests that the ferocity of the new administration's 
response will shock not only public opinion, but even its own supporters.

In that context, one must point out Biden's suggestions that nuclear weapons 
might play a role in one or more of the potential crises. A nuclear-armed 
Korean Peninsula could lead to "Japan as a nuclear power," he said, which could 
push China into expanding its nuclear weaponry. The Pakistan-Afghanistan border 
is "crawling with Al Qaeda" and "Pakistan is already bristling with nuclear 
weapons, all of which can hit Israel." Biden also noted Iran's alleged drive to 
build a nuclear weapon.

Foreign policy journals and pundits linked to the Democratic Party have 
undoubtedly been discussing many such doomsday scenarios, and Biden's language 
suggests that the use of the US nuclear arsenal, the world's largest, is under 
consideration by those who are formulating the foreign and military policy of 
an Obama-Biden administration.

Biden himself has been one of the most hawkish on foreign policy among leading 
congressional Democrats, backing the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and 
Iraq and advocating a US-led military intervention in Darfur. During the 
Democratic presidential primary campaign, he was the most vociferous of all the 
candidates in denouncing antiwar protest groups seeking a cutoff of funds for 
the war in Iraq.

Biden's expectation of widespread popular hostility to an Obama administration 
applies not only to foreign and military policy, but to domestic policy. He 
told the Seattle audience, "I promise you, you all are going to be sitting here 
a year from now going, ‘Oh my God, why are they there in the polls, why is the 
polling so down, why is this thing so tough?' We're going have to make some 
incredibly tough decisions in the first two years."

The Democratic candidate did not spell out the exact nature of these 
"incredibly tough decisions," other than to refer to the financial and economic 
crisis and two wars being bequeathed by the Bush administration to its 

In the wake of these blunt and ominous comments, there have been disingenuous 
attempts to explain them away from both parties.

Republican presidential candidate John McCain seized on the su

[cia-drugs] What Will Obama�s �International Crisis� Be?

2008-10-23 Thread norgesen
What Will Obama’s “International Crisis” Be? 

Paul Joseph Watson

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

 Joe Biden’s “guarantee” that an “international crisis” will unfold shortly 
after President Obama takes office conjures up several different possibilities, 
but it seems the likely outcome will revolve around an announcement that Iran 
has developed a nuclear bomb, prompting a potential military attack.

“It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did 
John Kennedy,” Biden told an audience in Seattle this past weekend.

“Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. 
Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test 
the mettle of this guy.”

The assured tone with which Biden delivered his forecast was staggeringly 
convincing, and left the observer in no doubt that there will be a major world 
crisis shortly after Obama takes office. “Mark my words, mark my words,” Biden 
stressed, adding that “tough” and “unpopular” foreign policy decisions will 
have to be made.

“I promise you it will occur,” Biden added, “As a student of history and having 
served with seven presidents, I guarantee you it is going to happen.”

Biden’s use of the word “generated” is even more startling. One of the 
dictionary definitions we find for the word “generated” is “to bring into 
existence; cause to be; produce,” which begs the question, will this be another 
staged and manufactured crisis like the 9/11 attacks, which occurred less than 
8 months after Bush took office?


Or will it be something even more serious, a nuclear conflagration involving 
Russia or Iran?

John McCain raised the specter of nuclear war yesterday when he warned that the 
United States faces “many challenges here at home, and many enemies abroad in 
this dangerous world,” before mentioning the 1962 Cuban Missile crisis.

Echoing Biden’s comments, McCain said the next president “won’t have time to 
get used to the office” and “I know how close we came to a nuclear war and I 
will not be a president that needs to be tested. I have been tested. Senator 
Obama has not.”

What is the test to which McCain and Biden refer, and how can they be so sure 
that it will arrive shortly after Obama takes office should he win the election 
as expected? What was Colin Powell referring to on Meet The Press when he said, 
“There’s going to be a crisis which will come along on the 21st, 22nd of 
January that we don’t even know about right now.”

The most likely scenario seems to revolve around Iran announcing, or the U.S. 
government claiming, that they are ready to build their first nuclear bomb.

Indeed, the Mossad front news outlet Debka File reported yesterday that “Iran 
will be ready to build its first bomb just one month after the next US 
president is sworn in.” The very next sentence of the report ties this in with 
Biden’s promise of an international crisis immediately after Obama takes office.

“DEBKAfile’s military sources cite the new US timeline: By late January, 2009, 
Iran will have accumulated enough low-grade enriched uranium (up to 5%) for its 
“break-out” to weapons grade (90%) material within a short time. For this, the 
Iranians have achieved the necessary technology. In February, they can move on 
to start building their first nuclear bomb,” according to the report.

Of course, the legitimacy of these claims are likely to be completely 
fabricated - the official U.S. National Intelligence Estimate concluded in 
December that Iran had suspended its nuclear weapons campaign in late 2003 - 
but the Israelis may be laying the groundwork for a propaganda offensive 
similar to the “weapons of mass destruction” scam that preceded the invasion of 

Will the military assault on Iran occur not under the highly unpopular Bush 
administration, as many had predicted, but under an Obama presidency? Riding 
into office on a wave of popular approval and support, Obama will have the 
political capital to get the country behind the attack if the threat of 
imminent danger is cited - or at least stand by and allow Israel to do the 
dirty work.

Will a nuclear flash point on the scale of the Cuban Missile Crisis turn out to 
be the “international crisis” that Biden so vehemently promised? Or will the 
event take on a different characteristic.

Bush exploited 9/11 to realize the pre-set agenda of his Neo-Con masters months 
after he was inaugurated and Bill Clinton seized upon the Oklahoma City Bombing 
shortly into his second term to expand federal power. What will Obama’s crisis 
be that enables him to offer his contribution to building the American police 

- A terror attack, or a series of attacks, on major American cities, possibly 
involving crudely designed nuclear bombs or dirty bombs?

- A complete economic collapse and 

[cia-drugs] FW: Alaskan Gifts to the World: Palin & Varnished Moose Turds

2008-10-23 Thread Quechick Barnyard

--- On Wed, 10/22/08, Amy Muhs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Amy Muhs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FW: Alaskan Gifts to the World: Palin & Varnished Moose Turds
To: "Amy Muhs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 11:07 PM

My niece lives in Alaska .  What he says is true.  She is different.   Amy
From: Barbara Subject: Alaskan Gifts to the World: Palin & Varnished Moose Turds



By now the world knows our Gov. Palin is an expert at swishing around
in color coordinated this and that, with her makeup, fake Minnesota
accent, and her mooseburger and mean-spirited commentary. 

We can only hope people realize that's not what our state is about and 

that she's a pretty atypical Alaskan, one who is simply skimming 

the gravy off our hard-earned Alaskan mystique 

to mix with her varnished nonsense. 

(And yes, some Alaskans do sell varnished moose turds, also.)

In the Arctic where global warming is melting our world regardless of
Palin's lone charge against reality, her alleged appeal leaves many of
us cold. With our long winters and tough trails, we still value a beaver
hat and common sense more than high heels and clip-on hairdos.  We
simply don't want another leader less intelligent than we are.



Published on Tuesday, October 21, 2008 by the Alaska Dispatch
That Sarah Palin Is One Unreal Alaskan
by Seth Kantner

I'm sitting on my bearskin chair beside the woodstove, in Kotzebue
Alaska , fifty miles above the Arctic Circle , while outside the ocean
begins to freeze over. Inside I have about 49 things piling up to say to
you, America .  

I'm an Alaskan -- born in an igloo, enjoy whale muktuk, all that -- and
in case you aren't sick of our state by now, I'll start off with an
apology for one of our residents: Sarah Palin.

We Alaskans are not generally so magazine-pretty like her, nor are we
so confrontational and vapid.  Most of us don't have those peachy cheeks 

-- we have sunburn, windburn and frostbite. Our fingernails are dirty from 

actually gutting moose, not yakking about it. Our hands are chapped from 

picking thousands of salmon out of nets, not holding one up for the camera.

Having said that, here in Alaska we are accustomed to getting jobs
we're not qualified to fill.  In our far-flung villages and towns we
have big money surrounded by big wilderness; the combination causes 

warped career opportunities.  Sort of an Edge of Nowhere phenomenon

 --cousin to the Bridge to Nowhere one.

For example, in the village closest to the wilderness homestead where I
was raised, I remember standing in my friend's cabin when his dad 

got a call on the CB radio: "People are writing you in for mayor."

"Nope!" my friend's dad transmitted. "Tell ‘em no, I ain't doing that.." 

He spit in a can, peered out the door at his Honda generator 

-- idling rough -- an extension cord running up the hill and under his door, 

to power the rerun of "Dukes of Hazard" he was watching. 

If he'd lived in Wasilla 25 years later he could have responded, 

"Call Sarah, she'll want it."

Similar stories abound. Jimmy: who got the dogcatcher job by telling
the interviewer, "I can shoot a shotgun, .30-06, .308..."  Or my
friend Ian, who this summer worked with computers

-until he was named CEO of a $45 million corporation. 

Tougher in Alaska ?  Not necessarily. Here most anyone can be
dogcatcher, city planner, governor, with little or no experience. That's
one beauty of our state -- although, often the only thing keeping it all
working is the lubrication provided by obscene amounts of money. 

Sitting on this worn-to-the-hide bearskin chair of mine, scribbling, I
pause to glance at a month-old newspaper before I stuff it in the stove.
Lo! There's yet another photo of Gov. Palin; she's sitting in a glass
office in Anchorage , with a bearskin, too, draped across the back 

of her expensive couch. Sarah's wearing heels. 

The bear's wearing a fake head with a plastic snarl.  In the foreground 

on a glass table crouches something with pincers--a taxidermied king crab!  

I'll have to show this crab photo to my Eskimo friends I grew up with.
We simply never contemplated such wanton unAlaskanness.  

Why not eat the damn thing?  We ate this bear I'm sitting on, 

including the paws and jaw and fat-some of which we ate raw, 

while some got rendered for piecrusts.

Out beyond my window, the slush ice is thickening.  In the west lie the
Bering Straits. Yes, Vladimir Putin and Moscow are over there somewhere 

-- a little closer than London . Plenty of us reside hundreds of miles closer 
to Russia 

than Palin ever did down in the big cities of Wasilla or Juneau .  

In the past 40 years Russians have motored across a handful of times, 

Russian Eskimos, in homemade boats. One that I know stayed, and married.  

She's an Eskimo dancer and ivory carver, very capable and beautiful, in a real 

And, I gue