[cia-drugs] MNN Canada Justice like debating with a snake: Katenies

2008-10-27 Thread clarabelle2012
From: Mohawk Nation News [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: MNN Canada Justice like debating with a snake: Katenies 

MNN.  Oct. 22, 2008.  Early Tuesday morning the Akwesasne Mohawk 
Colonial Cops went to Katenies' mother's house in Akwesasne.  This 
community is located at the junction of the colonial entities known 
as New York State, Ontario and Quebec.  Her soft-spoken mother is 
always cautious.  They apparently wanted to drive Katenies to court 
in Alexandria Ontario for a trial - or did they really want to abduct 
her again?   For all we know, it wouldn't have been just jail this 
time.  She might have been disappeared for good.  It seems like 
these operatives are getting their advice from the same death 
squads that make disappearances happen in Latin America.   
The corporate press calls Katenies an outspoken native rights 
activist.  How?  She is a quiet person who hardly speaks to anyone.  
Even when she went to court, she put her arguments about jurisdiction 
in writing and filed it as a motion.   The court refused to 
acknowledge it or give her a chance to speak.  That's because they 
can't answer her arguments.  They are out to get her.  
Oh, what a tangled web we weave when we are honest with the 
deceivers.  In 2003 Katenies was falsely charged with running the 
border which goes right through the middle of the community.  She 
was on her way to see her daughter who lives nearby on the portion 
claimed by Ontario.  Katenies was waved through.  Then she heard on 
the scanner that bells, whistles and sirens had gone off for her 
daughter.  Katenies went back and was arrested.  What followed were 
illegal warrants upon warrants upon warrants to wear her out and try 
to break her spirit.  It wasn't working. This made the 
colonial terrorists known as the crown real mad.  
The crown had ignored Katenies' question on jurisdiction and 
proceeded to trial.  She was never arraigned.  Years have passed 
since the deadline expired.  In law failure to respond is taken as an 
admission. On January 17, 2007, she placed a motion before the court 
that the Canadian judicial system has no authority over her as a 
Kanion'ke:haka woman and to dismiss the charges.  The law of the land 
is the Kaianereh'ko:wa which they have been violating.   
She did not show up on Tuesday October 21 2008 because the issue had 
been dealt with.  In February 2004 Judge Renaud had reassured 
Katenies that he understood the motion and would answer it.  In 
September 2004 he told her she did not have to be in court.  Then he 
double-crossed her and issued a warrant for her arrest.  This time in 
Alexandria Judge Renaud impatiently waited for the cops to bring 
Katenies into his courtroom.  What I would like to do is issue the 
[fifth] bench warrant and recess the court for an hour, said the 
judge to federal and provincial Crown attorneys, Marian Bryant and 
Helene Desormeau.  An hour went by and there was no sign of 
Katenies.  There was no trophy to parade.
What is Renaud's bench warrant worth?  The court has already admitted 
that it has no jurisdiction over Katenies.  She won by default.  
Paradoxically, Katenies is the one who is respecting the court's 
decision.  Renaud is violating his own court's rule.  
Akwesasne Mohawk Police officer, Philip Swamp, arrived.  He said that 
unfortunately he was appearing empty-handed.  He didn't have 
Katenies in his clutches.  Swamp reiterated that Henes Porter had 
gone to her  mother's home.  As a member of the Liar's Club, Porter 
made a false claim.  He said that she told him Katenies no longer 
lives there and that she could possibly be living in Valleyfield, 
Quebec!!  This is complete speculation! It violates Canadian rules 
designed to make sure that firsthand truth comes out in court.  This 
lie was repeated by a local flyer known as the Cornwall Standard 
In mid-May 2008, someone came to Kahentinetha's house and warned her 
to watch out for her life and not to enter Ontario.  It was alleged 
that Ontario Provincial Police OPP Commissioner Julian Corleone 
Fantino was gunning for her.  If you go there, you might be killed 
or disappeared, she was told.  She did not take this warning 
seriously.   Just a couple of weeks later she and Katenies were 
passing through the Cornwall Ontario check point.  They had no reason 
to suspect their lives were in danger.  Both were almost assassinated 
by the jackasses of the Canada Border Services Agency [CBSA].  They 
were assaulted, beaten and almost killed.  The goons performed a well-
known Abu Graib style torture stress hold technique on 
Kahentinetha.  This induced a heart attack.  
Things have really gone off course.  Who would have thought that 
Canadian cops and border control goons had been trained in such 
subversive tactics?  This was not a random accident.  It was 


2008-10-27 Thread clarabelle2012
From: kahntineta Bear [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Post MNN Canada border child abuse continues



MNN.  October 26, 2008.  A top dog at the Federal Court of Canada, 
Prothonotary Madame Mireille Tabib agrees with us. She recognizes 
that Akwesasne and Kahnawake are not part of Canada.  


Finally!!  This is what we've been saying all along!!  Since 1783 
when Britain illegally agreed with the U.S. rebels to divide up our 
land without our knowledge or consent.


Katenies is a resident of Akwesasne.  Kahentinetha is a resident of 
Kahnawake.  Madam Tabib's October 23, 2008 Order in Kahentinetha and 
Katenies versus the Queen, Docket T- 1309-08, found that neither of 
these two women are residents in Canada.  


But she's not our friend. She did this because she wants to erect a 
barrier to justice.  She ordered them to put up $6,500 to pay the 
legal expenses of the Crown before the Federal Court will even look 
at evidence of the assaults and attempted murder carried out by the 
Canadian Border Services Agency CBSA  goons at the Cornwall Ontario 
Border on June 14, 2008. 


Have you ever heard of such a thing?  Since when did victims have to 
pay the state to prosecute criminals?  How is this protection?  After 
all, Canada does claim that the Queen sent them over here to protect 
us.  This makes it clear who we need protection from - them!!!  


Madam Tabib's Order proves that the issue of the 500 missing 
Indigenous women [3,000 plus really!] is no accident.  The Canadian 
state is out to `git' Indigenous women!   


This explains another mystery.  Even though Madam Tabib has now 
recognized that Akwesasne and Kahnawake are not part of Canada, CBSA 
agents are still threatening Akwesasne residents, particularly young 


This is serious.


We want them to get their steroid laden jackasses off our land real 
quick.  We're sick and tired of their child abuse and their death-
squad mentality.

Halloween would be a suitable time for them to clear out.  They'll 
fit in perfectly with the vampires, monsters and ghouls that night!


Canadians do not all support this institutionalized evil.


The Canadian Human Rights Commission CHRC is on our side.  Two years 
ago a young Akwesasne mother filed a complaint after she was racially 
and sexually harassed and forced to submit to several shots of the 
VACIS x-ray machine intended for use on commercial transport 
vehicles.  As a result she had to abort her unborn child and her 
family has suffered untold stress and grief.  


Canada acts slowly, but when the CHRC report [file number 20061366] 
finally came in on October 1st 2008, it found that an inquiry is 
needed.  In its words, there was a complete lack of core values like 
cooperation, respect, integrity and professionalism towards the 
complainant because of her race.


The CHRC report hasn't had any effect on the conduct of the CBSA 
brutes who are accustomed to running rough shod over international 
accords that Canada has signed, like the International Convention on 
Civil and Political Rights, the International Convention on the 
Rights of the Child and even the International Convention Against 
Torture and other degrading and inhuman treatment.  They haven't 
heard of Madam Tabib's finding that Akwesasne isn't part of Canada 
either. Those cruel goons are still there, using their razor-in-the-
apple-type Halloween dirty tricks. 


The aggrieved young mother is still being harassed while she prepares 
her response to the Canadian Human Rights Commission.  On Saturday, 
October 25th, on her way home from visiting relatives, she was pulled 
out of the Indian lane at the Cornwall border checkpoint which is a 
few yards from her home. 


The CBSA told her to get out of her vehicle and leave her sleeping 
infant unattended so they could do what they called a routine 
check.  When she refused, they said What? Don't you trust us to 
look after your baby?  


Why should she?  As both she and the CBSA know, abuse is common.  
Canadian police and the CBSA refuse to investigate complaints filed 
with them by the Mohawks.  Hundreds have been registered with the 
Mohawk Band Council of Akwesasne.  Those guards know full well that 
this young woman wants the border removed and criminal charges filed 
against them.  


Would you trust these cannibals to baby-sit your child?


When the young mother challenged these sadists to show her what law 
allows them to force her to leave her infant unattended in the car, 
they ordered her to wake up her baby.  


She refused.  After a big rigamorole, they finally let her go home. 
She was so shaken that her 8 year old daughter said, They bothered 
you at the border again, didn't they, Mom?  So the family still 
lives in a climate of fear, despite the support of the Canadian Human 

[cia-drugs] Follow the M3 money to hell

2008-10-27 Thread RoadsEnd


AnalysisLast Updated: Oct 27th, 2008 - 00:04:34

Follow the M3 money to hell
By Jerry Mazza
Online Journal Associate Editor

Oct 27, 2008, 00:21

Email this article
  Printer friendly page

Let me not keep you in the dark. As Wikipedia states, our money supply  
has three large components. M1 is physical currency circulating in the  
economy plus demand deposits (checking accounts). This measure is used  
by economists to try and quantify the amount of money in circulation.  
M1 is the most liquid measure of money supply since it only contains  
cash and assets quickly usable for conversion to currency. Hang in.

M2 is MI + time deposits, savings deposits and non-institutional money- 
market funds. M2 is a wider category of money than M1. It’s also used  
to quantify the volume of money in circulation and to explain economic  
conditions. M3 is the biggie. It’s M2 + M1 + large deposits,  
institutional money-market funds, short-term repurchase agreements,  
and other larger liquid assets. It’s the broadest measure of money  
used to estimate total supply of money in the economy.

The Fed used to publish data on all three money descriptors. But for  
some strange reason (couldn’t be saving money as they claimed because  
they never save money), the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve  
discontinued publishing data on M3 (which contain all data on M1 + M2  
=M3) on March 23, 2006. M3 also included balances in institutional  
money funds, repurchase liabilities issued by depository institutions  
and Eurodollars held by US residents at foreign branches of US banks,  
in fact at all banks in the United Kingdom and Canada.

In other words, M3 tracked what the fat cats were doing with their  
bucks. You have to think, why would the Fed do this? Of all three  
categories, M3 was your best bet to track inflation, i.e., to monitor  
what the Free-Market’s “Invisible Hand” was picking from your pocket  
through inflation, sometimes called “the hidden tax” because that’s  
just what it is. When the government runs off some extra funny money  
rest assured it’s to spend it. And you get the tab.

It would be, as InflationData.com editor Tim McMahon described it,  
“like writing checks from an account that was empty.” You would end up  
in the slammer. Nevertheless, that’s what the criminal Fed (and the  
government) is doing when it creates money out of air. To see the  
result, go back to Wiki’s Money Supply and scroll down to “Money  
Supplies Around the World,” the United States chart for M1, M2, M3  
since 1959. You will see the widest expansion of dollars is in M3. You  
might ask yourself where were all the big bucks going.

Also of interest at Wikipedia’s Money Supply is to scroll down to  
“Bank Reserves at Central Bank,” which discusses how a central bank  
can ease the flow of money by purchasing government securities in the  
open market, or tightening the flow by selling securities on the open  
market and pulling in money. Also, along with that control, up until  
the 1970s, the government said that banks had to keep a fraction on  
deposit of what they loaned out. Let’s say that would be $1 on every  
$10 dollars. This was to prevent a total freeze-up in case of a run on  
banks, like the one in 1929.

“However,” as Wiki says, “in the 1970s [the Nixon Era] the reserve  
requirements on deposits started to fall with the emergence of money  
market funds, which require no reserves. Then in the early 1990s [the  
GHW Bush era], reserve requirements were dropped to zero on savings  
deposits, CDs, and Eurodollar deposits. At present, reserve  
requirements apply only to “transactions deposits“ -- essentially  
checking accounts. The vast majority of funding sources used by  
private banks to create loans are not limited by bank reserves. Most  
commercial and industrial loans are financed by issuing large  
denomination CDs. Money market deposits are largely used to lend to  
corporations who issue commercial paper. Consumer loans are also made  
using savings deposits, which are not subject to reserve requirements.  
These loans can be bunched into securities and sold to somebody else,  
taking them off of the bank’s books.” Call that the beginning of the  

“Therefore, neither commercial nor consumer loans are any longer  
limited by bank reserves. Since 1995 the amount of consumer loans has  
steadily increased, while bank reserves have generally remained  
constant . . .” Here, too we find the blueprint for disaster, which  
actually occurred in the Savings and Loan debacle,” beginning in the  
Reagan Era, 1981, ending in the GHW Bush era, 91-92. I leave that  
fiasco for your perusal. The point of it all has to do with Free  
Market deregulation of bank lending rules and the lack of lending  

Hiding the growing debt

Returning to March of 2006, McMahon points out the US Trade deficit  
was running about 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [ctrl] Three British evangelicals cast blame on each other

2008-10-27 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: Alamaine, IVe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: October 26, 2008 5:20:06 PM PDT
Subject: [ctrl] Three British evangelicals cast blame on each other

Three British evangelicals cast blame on each other in trials over  
child abuse

at Albanian orphanage
o Edinburgh charity worker set up home for refugees
o Ten boys aged four to 13 testify against Britons
Paul Lewis in Tirana
The Guardian, Monday October 27 2008
Article history

The orphanage, a large brick house in Tirana's old quarter, promised  
shelter to
the city's abandoned street children, who came barefoot and clutching  

in search of a place to rebuild their lives.

For five years, dozens of boy and girls passed through the gates of 32  

Hekali Street, run by British missionaries in Albania's capital.

But what should have been a sanctuary for vulnerable boys and girls  
became the
site of one of eastern Europe's most shocking child sex abuse  
scandals. Three
evangelical Britons, including the director of the orphanage, David  
Brown, have

been accused of abusing children in their care.

The trials of Brown, 57, and two helpers at his shelter - Dino  
45, a social therapy nurse from Blackburn in Lancashire, and Robin  
Arnold, 56,
a salesman from Cromer in Norfolk - have barely been reported outside  

But disturbing testimony from children delivered by video link to a  

Tirana court will have far-reaching repercussions for child protection
mechanisms between the UK and other countries.

Who knew what about the abuse, how and when, are questions that have  
yet to be
fully answered. The men themselves, in interviews with the Guardian  
their prison, did not deny that the abuse took place; instead they  
blamed each

other for acts that have horrified Albania.

But there are some facts about the story that has been unfolding in  

court one that nobody disputes.

It was in early 2000 that Brown, a charity worker from Edinburgh,  
travelled to
Albania to help refugees who had crossed the border, fleeing the  
conflict in
Kosovo. He encountered neglected Gypsy children begging on the streets  

supported them with food and money.

The following year, with support from churches in Albania and the UK,  
he set
about opening an orphanage which, claiming to be receiving  
instructions from

God, Brown named His Children.

Missionaries affiliated with churches as far away as Oklahoma  
travelled to
Tirana to care for the children and give Bible lessons. Brown became a  
known figure in Tirana; a tall man with a thick, white beard, he was  
often seen

scouring the city's streets for children in need.

He bought me biscuits, a coke and gave me 500 lek [£3.20], said one of
Brown's first recruits to the orphanage, Nazmi Tatushi, now 21. I had  

shoes. No haircut. Stinking.

One of four young men who live in an apartment paid for by Brown, and  
testified in his favour in court, Tatushi added: David said to me: my  
son, why
don't you come to my house? He was a good man for the street kids in  

Only ever did we see love in that house.

That, according to the testimony of other children, would soon change.  
By 2004
Brown, who worked with children for 35 years in Scotland, had  
developed a tense
relationship with Albanian social workers, who complained his home  
lacked the

facilities for 40 children and babies.

By his own admission he failed to check the backgrounds of all the  
volunteers who were given unsupervised access to children. He also  
allowed two
young boys into his bed when they complained of nightmares, something  
he later

described as naive.

When, in October that year, children began to speak about being  
sexually abused

at the home, Brown, who was at first not named by the children as a
perpetrator, devised a plan with the help of a close-knit group of  

Christians to keep the complaints secret from the Albanian authorities.

Brown said he concealed the sexual abuse suffered by children at his  
from the Albanian authorities because he feared they would close the  

and now regretted doing so.

Christodoulou and Arnold were banned from the orphanage after Brown said
children had identified them as abusers. Eighteen months later, in May  
the scandal made headline news across the country after Albanian  
police and
social services raided the orphanage and arrested Brown following a  

about allegations of sexual abuse.

Ten boys, aged between four and 13, eventually told police they had been
sexually abused by one or more of the three Britons, who have been  
charged with
homosexual relations with minors. Christodoulou and Arnold were  
extradited to
Albania in May. In some cases the children claimed to have been bound  
to a

[cia-drugs] Re: The Obama Tidal Wave facts

2008-10-27 Thread Bob
Everybody says McCain is just like Bush.

I think McCain is just like Bob Dole. Running for president put both old 
men with good looking wives in position to make a lot of money on vi96ra 
tv commercials after their campaigns gave them name recognition in America.

But McCain's wife has the Budweiser fortune, so he does not really need 
to sell vi96ra for the money. Maybe he will do it as a public service, 
though, like Dick Cheney.

-Bob D

[cia-drugs] Colin Powell's New Crisis 'Warning'

2008-10-27 Thread scott munson

From: norgesen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: October 24, 2008 3:35:14 AM PDT
Subject: [Global_Police_State] Colin Powell's New Crisis 'Warning'

This is important and very bizarre, and comes from the mouths of Colin  
Powell and Joe Biden, Obama's Vice President.

Video clips can be seen at: http://www.wiseupjournal.com/?p=604

New Video: 2.35 in, Colin Powell on meet the press says bizarrely  
said,  The problems will always be there and there's going to be a  
crisis which will come along on the 21st, 22nd of January that we  
don't even know about right now.

Joe Biden, Obama's Vice President, can also be heard in a clip (as  
reported on ABC's website) taken 3 days ago saying it will not be 6  
months before the world tests Barrack Obama and then says we are  
going to have an international crisis a generated crisis

Both video clips can be seen here: http://www.wiseupjournal.com/?p=604

Yahoo! Groups Links

[cia-drugs] EU To Recondition Ireland (Reality Perception Management)

2008-10-27 Thread scott munson

From: norgesen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: October 24, 2008 3:35:51 AM PDT
Subject: [Global_Police_State] EU To Recondition Ireland (Reality  
Perception Management)


EU To Recondition Ireland (Reality Perception Management)

Wise Up Journal
by Gabriel O’Hara

The article below from a pro EU website, the EU  Observer, informs us  
of the creation of a new EU propaganda machine, the Interinstitutional  
group on information (IGI), despite resistance from member states. It  
will be used to reeducate, as the communists say, the school children,  
national media journalists, the general public and other education  
programmes. The EU want the people under them have to “right to know”  
what’s best. Commissioner Margot Wallstrom also explains a Yes vote in  
all EU nations in a referendum is the EU’s “the ultimate challenge”.  
At the moment it looks like a number of other nations would also vote  
no if they still had a democratic referendum. If the IGI was setup  
years ago the EU might be ready to win “the ultimate challenge”.

Brussels to educate Ireland on EU realities

EUOBSERVER / STRASBOURG - The European Commission plans to help the  
Irish government communicate “Europe” better to citizens after June’s  
shock No vote on the Lisbon treaty, with a new inter-institutional  
agreement to pull together the PR efforts of the main EU institutions.

“It’s not about the European Commission interfering with the  
procedures and referenda on the Treaty, but it is investing in trying  
to correct the situation [….],” communication commissioner Margot  
Wallstrom said on Wednesday (22 October) in Strasbourg.

Ms Wallstrom plans to sign a “memorandum of understanding” on  
launching a new communication “management project” in Ireland when she  
visits Dublin on 13 to 14 November.

The one year partnerships - already up and running in Germany, Hungary  
and Slovenia with eight other EU states about to sign up - see the  
commission provide EU literature, journalist training, school manuals  
and other civic education programmes.

One concrete project in Germany was “Guess who is going back to  
school,” in which about 500 German officials paid visits to their  
former schools, explaining to pupils what their job is within the EU  

The commissioner on Wednesday also signed an inter-institutional  
agreement between the European Parliament, commission and Council to  
co-ordinate the three institutions’ communication efforts.

She said the move was not designed to create a “propaganda machine”  
but to support the fundamental democratic principle of the right to  
know. “It is the first time we have this framework after heavy  
resistance from member states,” the commissioner explained.

Co-ordination will be provided by the Interinstitutional group on  
information (IGI) comprised of Ms Walstrom on behalf of the  
commission, French minister Jean Pierre Jouyet on behalf of the  
European Council and the vice-president of the European Parliament,  
Spanish conservative MEP Alejo Vidal-Quadras.

IGI will not have its own budget, but will draw from the coffers of  
the three institutions.

Asked what would be the outcome of a pan-European referendum on the  
Lisbon treaty - as suggested by some Irish campaigners - Ms Wallstrom  
stressed that it is “the ultimate challenge” from a communication  
point of view

Comment from Anthony Coughlan of the National Platform EU Research and  
Information Centre:

The 27 non-elected members of the Brussels Commission would obtain  
major new powers under the Lisbon Constitution Treaty.

This treaty would transfer many new areas of law-making from the  
Member States to the supranational EU level. This means that the non- 
elected Commission would then become the sole proposal of EU  
legislation for these areas.

The Commission is clearly a highly self-interested party in relation  
to EC/EU treaties,which greatly increase its own power.

What right has the EU Commission to use EU taxpayers’ money - some of  
which comes from Irish citizens - to seek to influence Irish public  
opinion on the EU with a view to reversing the Irish people’s  
referendum vote on Lisbon?

What right has the Irish Government to encourage this kind of  
interference from abroad with the same end in view?

It appears some, if not the majority, of Irish “movers and shakers”  
have already been fully conditioned by the EU to blindly support it,  
and EU’s new definition of democracy, ahead of their own nation in  
spite of “their” people’s wishes:

Irish Independent

Partners tired of ‘difficult’ Irish says Eurocrat

EUROPEAN countries are in no mood to renegotiate the Lisbon Treaty  
just to accommodate the “difficult” Irish, according to the highest- 
ranking EU civil servant from Ireland.

Secretary General of the European Commission, Catherine 

Re: [cia-drugs] Re: The Obama Tidal Wave facts

2008-10-27 Thread EB
The present  economic  chaos  apparently is   not  enough  for  Americans  to 
learn ,  and  change. They  have  to  go after  Obama, and  still  keep zero  
savings,  buying  SUVs, over  spending  in credict  cards, after   having 
elected   Reagan,  Clinton,  Bush father  and  son. George  Bush is president  
because  people  elected  him  (  well, not  including  a  little help  from 
election fraud...) .Anyway,  ther economic problem  is  so  huge that a  single 
 man's  idea  while  President will have  no impact , independent  on  how  
good  is his  tele  prompter  now  and  how  much money  he has  to mold the 
common men  or  women  mind  - just  images. 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Bob 
  To: Annie ; Amy Wright ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 12:44 PM
  Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: The Obama Tidal Wave facts

  Everybody says McCain is just like Bush.

  I think McCain is just like Bob Dole. Running for president put both old 
  men with good looking wives in position to make a lot of money on vi96ra 
  tv commercials after their campaigns gave them name recognition in America.

  But McCain's wife has the Budweiser fortune, so he does not really need 
  to sell vi96ra for the money. Maybe he will do it as a public service, 
  though, like Dick Cheney.

  -Bob D


[cia-drugs] Dangerman Always Loses Election Said Colby

2008-10-27 Thread Bob

Annie wrote:
I guess because they[Dole and McCain] are both republicans, as far as 
I can see nothing else. Also that[Dole and McCain old vi96ra mongers] 
is what the democrats are saying so that you actually will vote for 
them. There is also a lawsuit against Obama that he and his lawyer 
have ignored saying that was not born in the USA but in Kenya. As far 
as the article says if they ignored the lawsuit he is saying that he 
was not born in the USA. Main condition to be president? To be born in 
USA. They have produce a birth certificate online dated 2007, how old 
is he? and on that certificate it doesn't even mention what hospital 
he was born.

God Bless You.


Most white US presidents were born at home on their plantations where 
they had lots of black slaves like Obama. Since you say Obama has a US 
birth certificate, you are then only complaining that BLACK presidents 
have to be born in hospitals or else they could own white slaves on the 
plantation where they were born as lords and masters of the earth. The 
best white US presidents were born at home in their castles like Obama, 
who is white(half!), too. McCain owns slaves through FEAR and LIES, and 
the new plantation does not resource-rape cotton, rubber, rice, sugar 
cane, tobacco, or oil, but US taxpayer cash through the same plantation 
fear system known throughout latin america as United Fruit Company and 
ITT, and now we have Halliburton, Fluor, Bechtel, Lockheed-Martin, CACI, 
and all the other looters who could not get an election in New Orleans.


Bob Dole and John McCain are old men selling CIA police-military vi96ra 
for military keynesianism because looter economics cannot get an 
election in New Orleans or Baghdad or Santiago or Karachi.


Republicans removed one out of five Colorado voters from registration 
because they were poor latino. That is Pinochet's face you see. Removing 
voters from rolls, and death-squadding, is much needed vi96ra for the 
old man McCain-Pinochet who cannot get an election.

No one in latin america fails to recognize Pinochet in Dangerman. ITT 
United Fruit Halliburton Fluor Bechtel Lockheed-Martin cannot get an 
election in Iraq or Pakistan or Saudi Arabia.

Even director of CIA William Colby said,We always lose, when we prop 
up a Pinochet or McCain or Bush or Saddam or Bush family pet from the 
1920's, Hitler, or a Suharto by CIA police-military always lose vi96ra 

CIA vi96ra (police-military) props up helpless utopian neocon-neolib 
economics of Milton Friedman, disaster capitalism, military 
keynesianism, looting, which cannot get an election.


[cia-drugs] Latest Hydrogen Thoughts

2008-10-27 Thread muckblit

Then he shows us a typical hho cell in the corner of his room. Hook
that up! That runs on 10 amps instead of 0.1 amp.

This(above link) youtube guy plengo is the one rated best on youtube
from a Tesla expert point of view here:


That tesla guy has radiant energy powering a serious load, but is not
working on hydrogen generation. Around and around we go. At the very
least, radiant energy will solve the problem of how to spare the
alternator and battery of a car in order to generate more hydrogen.
This guy plengo has proven that the radiant energy still flows with a
capacitive load of direct connection to a hydrogen cell, two wires in
a coffee cup, which already takes us farther than just providing more
power. Now the radiant energy is in the cell, doing something
different. We're just getting started.

Sitting on the dock of the bay, wasting time, while the tide rolls away.

[cia-drugs] Re: The Obama Tidal Wave facts

2008-10-27 Thread muckblit
It would be nice if elite deviants would pay first and foremost, and
not the less guilty globally racist US masses who have been lied to
and not told half their history. Also I hate it when elite deviants
guilt-project that consumers have caused all the problems.

Credit card debt is not much. Take it from the oil company profits of
the last two weeks. Hang the 911 terrorists and election fraudsters
and JFK/RFK/MLK assassins. Then get back to me and I'll know your
serious when you say consumers deserve some blame for racist US
genocidal policy around the world, and for all the demand in the US
for street drugs, and for boring Hollywood pablum that wastes our time.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, EB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The present  economic  chaos  apparently is   not  enough  for 
Americans  to learn ,  and  change. They  have  to  go after  Obama,
and  still  keep zero  savings,  buying  SUVs, over  spending  in
credict  cards, after   having elected   Reagan,  Clinton,  Bush
father  and  son. George  Bush is president  because  people  elected
 him  (  well, not  including  a  little help  from election fraud...)
.Anyway,  ther economic problem  is  so  huge that a  single  man's 
idea  while  President will have  no impact , independent  on  how 
good  is his  tele  prompter  now  and  how  much money  he has  to
mold the common men  or  women  mind  - just  images. 
   - Original Message - 
   From: Bob 
   To: Annie ; Amy Wright ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 12:44 PM
   Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: The Obama Tidal Wave facts
   Everybody says McCain is just like Bush.
   I think McCain is just like Bob Dole. Running for president put
both old 
   men with good looking wives in position to make a lot of money on
   tv commercials after their campaigns gave them name recognition in
   But McCain's wife has the Budweiser fortune, so he does not really
   to sell vi96ra for the money. Maybe he will do it as a public
   though, like Dick Cheney.
   -Bob D

[cia-drugs] Brasscheck TV: There's a hole in the market

2008-10-27 Thread scott munson

Brasscheck TV:   There's a hole in the market

Back to the market...

Remember the 750 billion that ex-Goldman Sachs CEO/
Us Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson said we needed to
give to...Goldman Sachs and other banks to save the

That worked well, didn't it?

Where did the money go?

Hard to tell because parts of the minutes of the
meetings set up to distribute the loot...I mean
bail out funds...have been blacked out.

True story.

You couldn't make this stuff up if you tried.
No one would believe it.


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http://www.spotcrime.com/ca/san+francisco San Francisco, CA Crime  
Information and Alerts

http://www.teamten.com/lawrence/projects/sfcrime San Francisco Crime Map

Mainstream Media lies to you

Brasscheck TV:   There's a hole in the market

added to the


How Big Oil's Lobbyists Contributed to Big Finance's Crash

EU To Recondition Ireland (Reality Perception Management)

Fluoride Added To Children's Milk In Schools Throughout UK City
Fluoride is being added to children's milk in 42 schools throughout  
the city of Sheffield in the UK, despite the chemical's proven link to  
liver and kidney damage, cancer and the lowering of IQ.


[cia-drugs] How Big Oil's Lobbyists Contributed to Big Finance's Crash

2008-10-27 Thread scott munson

From: norgesen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: October 24, 2008 3:35:08 AM PDT
Subject: [Global_Police_State] How Big Oil's Lobbyists Contributed to  
Big Finance's Crash


How Big Oil's Lobbyists Contributed to Big Finance's Crash


By Antonia Juhasz

October 23, 2008

Working Americans are reeling from the unintended consequences of  
their relentless war against regulation.

In a monumental about-face, U.S. Security and Exchange Commission  
Chairman Christopher Cox became the latest deregulation devotee to  
confess utter failure, repudiating the policies to which he had  
committed his life's work and saying, The last six months have made  
it abundantly clear that voluntary regulation does not work.

Unless the current financial meltdown is to become a permanent state  
of ruin, the SEC is hardly the only government agency that must  
immediately be reformed. Among others, the Commodity Futures and  
Exchange Commission (CFTC) -- the government agency that regulates  
futures markets -- now needs a heavy dose of re-regulation.

The house of cards that is the deregulated futures market has so far  
benefited the remaining top two investment banks, Morgan Stanley and  
Goldman Sachs -- and one industry, Big Oil. Even with the recent wild  
volatility in the price of oil (a hallmark of deregulated markets),  
Big Oil has maintained its spot as the largest economic victor the  
world has ever known, profiting from an area of voluntary regulation  
that should be far more worrisome for the average American and for the  
global economy than the collapsed subprime mortgage market.

Deregulation of energy futures took place in two stages, in 1992 and  
2000, under the heavy and coordinated lobbying efforts of the nation's  
largest oil and energy companies and banks, including Mobil, Exxon,  
Conoco, Phillips, BP North America, Enron, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan,  
Morgan Stanley, Chase Manhattan Bank, Citigroup and the American  
Petroleum Institute. The first effort succeeded in removing certain  
energy trades from CFTC oversight, while the latter removed entire  
exchanges from the agency's control.

There were two immediate beneficiaries of the deregulation: the  
Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) and Enron (which is why the latter  
effort is known as the Enron Loophole). In May 2000, just before  
deregulation became the law, BP, Shell, TotalFinaElf, Goldman Sachs  
and Morgan Stanley, among others, came together in Atlanta to form ICE  
as their own privately held futures exchange, specializing in the very  
trades deemed outside the CFTC's jurisdiction. It took a few years,  
but once ICE caught on, its trades skyrocketed. By 2006, the  
unregulated ICE replaced the regulated NYMEX (New York Mercantile  
Exchange) as the home to the majority of crude oil futures trades.

As deregulation took hold and ICE grew in popularity, the price of oil  
began a steady and then rapid rise. In the 12 years from 1988 to 2000,  
the price of a barrel of oil doubled from $18 to an average of $36 per  
barrel. In just the five years from 2000 to 2005, the price doubled  
again, rising to $60 per barrel. But the prices in 2007 and 2008 would  
exceed them all. In just 14 months, from January 2007 to March 2008,  
the price doubled again, increasing from $55 to $110 per barrel. Such  
a rapid rise in price has only happened twice before in modern  
history: during the 1973 and 1979 energy crises. The rising price of  
oil, in turn, catapulted the profits of Big Oil into the largest  
profits of any corporations in world history.

Enron has already shown us what such deregulation can bring.  
Deregulation allowed Enron to move all of its electricity and other  
energy futures trades to unregulated exchanges, including its very  
own, Enron Online. From 2000 to 2002, Enron's energy traders drove up  
the price of electricity in California and across the West Coast  
through manipulation of the energy market with government regulators  
none the wiser. In 1999, Californians paid $7.4 billion for wholesale  
electricity; one year later, the cost rose 277 percent to $27.1  
billion. Ultimately, Enron imploded under the weight of its own self- 
regulated greed and corruption.

Legislators have been trying to close the Enron Loophole ever since.  
This past May, success was declared when certain provisions  
pertaining to the loophole were inserted into the Farm Bill. However,  
these provisions include the magic word voluntary. It is up to the  
CFTC to choose on a contract-by-contract basis whether or not to  
regulate certain trades and exchanges -- a far cry from closing the  

For their part, Enron's former energy traders have put their skills to  
use working for the nation's oil companies, banks and hedge funds as  
crude oil futures traders.

All of this deregulation is crucial to our economic future as it  


2008-10-27 Thread scott munson

From: Alamaine, IVe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: October 27, 2008 4:52:36 PM PDT

October 27, 2008
Bush exhibit number one for the danger of having a nut job in the  
oval office

Filed under: Impeachment News - Mikael @ 8:31 am

By Sherwood Ross

The judgment of history may well be that the United States has been  
into, and kept in, the Iraq War by a guy who is not quite right in his  
head, a

distinguished legal scholar says.

It may take 25 or 50 years, but it is almost certain that one day this
character will be exhibit number one for the danger of having a nut  
job in the
oval office, says Lawrence Velvel, dean of the Massachusetts School  
of Law at


Writing in his latest book, An Enemy of the People,(Doukathsan  
Press) Velvel
said, In everyday life, someone who refuses to recognize the actual  
facts of
the world around him, and who instead lives in a dream world in his  
head, is
regarded as not being sane, as being, to use the blunt words, insane  
or crazy.
Why is it different when it is a national leader who refuses to  
recognize facts

in the world and instead lives in a dream world in his head?

Velvel goes on to say, Most interesting is the idea that Bush suffers  
from a

condition called `dry drunk´. Essentially, this means that even if one
eventually stops drinking, as Bush did, years of alcoholism cause  
damage to brain chemistry. Results of this damage include such Bushian  

as rigid judgmentalism, irritability, impatience, grandiosity, obsessive
thought patterns, incoherent speech and other unlovely characteristics.

Bush also seems to have chacteristics, Velvel continues, that,  
whether or
not they are characteristic of `dry drunks´ are symptomatic of people  
who don´t
fully have a grip. These include immense anger, exploitativeness,  

lack of empathy, and difficulties arising from relationships with one´s

With regard to the specific analyses of Bush, there seems to be wide  
that Bush is a sociopath, defined, one gathers, as someone who feels  
no empathy
with others, who cannot feel for others, who does not feel or care for  

pain (to use Clintonian jargon,) Velvel writes.

That Bush is utterly devoid of empathy seems plainly true to me. Unlike
Lincoln or even Lying Lyndon Johnson, who sent people to their deaths  
agonized over it, Bush is thought by the shrinks, and appears to the  
lay eye,
to give not one damn about how many Americans he kills, let alone  

Explaining why Bush can´t feel guilt, Velvel writes: Given his defense
mechanisms, one gathers, and his psychology of having to overcome  
overcome his father, etc., one gathers that Bush is a sociopath (or  
word for it, a psychopath). Using charm as a vehicle for  
aggrandizement, he
can´t allow himself to feel guilt and so feels no empathy for all  
those he

smashes up in his pursuit of is grandiosity and delusions.

Velvel professes amazement that a man of Bush´s character could rise  
to the
White House: One wondered how he could have been picked as the  
nominee and
then elected. After all, it was clearly early-on that he not only had  
been a
long-time drunk, but had failed at every business venture, so that  
time and

again he had to be rescued by Daddy´s friends and wanna be friends.

He goes on to say, Bush´s life refutes fundamental values we grew up  
hard work, competence, intelligence, modesty. His life, with its  
serial failures, lack of competence, repeated salvation via Daddy and  

friends, all followed by the presidency no less, and by disastrous ill-
considered policies, makes a joke of the values we absorbed as youths  
and still

try to live by.

Living in his Father´s shadow, Velvel writes, his own lack of  
diligence and
intelligence caused him to be mediocre or a failure everywhere for  
about 25
years; he was mediocre at Andover; he was mediocre at Yale; he was a  
drunk to
the point where he could cure himself only by stopping cold turkey...  

he escaped a securities prosecution only because Daddy was president.

Velvel writes, One view is that Bush has a narcissistic personality.  
Due to
insecurities, he has constructed a grandiose vision of himself and is  
immune to the criticisms or views of those who do not go along with  
his views.
Because he is no intellect (to put it mildly), he dismisses intellect  

and utilized his strength, personal affability, to win over others.
Narcissistically, he apparently will do anything to protect his psyche  
from the
destruction of being shown wrong-including causing the deaths of  
thousands of
Americans and Iraqis in pursuit of a mere long shot opportunity to  


[cia-drugs] Skinhead plot to go on killing spree, ending with assassination of Obama

2008-10-27 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
It occurs to me that skinhead plots against Obama might in themselves 
be enough to take the place of the war on terror as justification for 
a police state.
I REITERATE:  I would never want anything bad to happen to Obama or any 
other political personality in the U.S. or abroad.

Mary Hartman wrote:

  Skinheads held over plot to kill Obama

  WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Two white supremacist skinheads were
  arrested in Tennessee over plans to go on a killing spree and
  eventually shoot Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama,
  court documents showed on Monday.

Daniel Cowart and Paul Schlesselman were charged in a criminal 
complaint with making threats against a presidential candidate, 
illegal possession of a sawed-off shotgun and conspiracy to rob a gun 

The plot did not appear to be very advanced or sophisticated, the 
court documents showed.

We're unsure of their ability or if they have the wherewithal to 
carry out any of their threats, said a source close to the investigation.

Obama would be the first black president in U.S. history if he defeats 
Republican John McCain in the November 4 election. Concerns about 
Obama's safety led the Secret Service to provide round-the-clock 
protection from early in his campaign.

The suspects met over the Internet about a month ago, said an 
affidavit filed by Brian Weaks, a special agent with the Bureau of 
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

The individuals began discussing going on a 'killing spree' that 
included killing 88 people and beheading 14 African Americans, Weaks 
said in the affidavit.

The men stole guns from family members and also had a sawed-off 
shotgun. They planned to target a predominately black school, going 
state to state while robbing individuals and continuing to kill 
people, Weaks said in the affidavit.

They further stated that their final act of violence would be to 
attempt to kill/assassinate presidential candidate Barack Obama, he said.


The men planned to wear white tuxedos and top hats during the 
assassination attempt, which would have involved driving as fast as 
they could toward Obama and shooting him from the windows of the car.

They planned their first house robbery for last Wednesday but ended up 
leaving without breaking in. Instead they bought ski masks, food and 
rope to use in their robbery attempts.

Cowart and Schlesselman were arrested later that day in Crockett 
County in western Tennessee and made initial appearances in federal 
court in Memphis on Monday.

They remain in custody and are scheduled to return to court on 
Thursday for a detention hearing, the Memphis Commercial Appeal 
newspaper reported on its website.

They wrote racially motivated words and symbols on the exterior of 
Cowart's vehicle, including a swastika and the numbers 14 and 88 
on the hood of the car.

ATF special agent in charge James Cavanaugh said H is the eighth 
letter of the alphabet and 88 stood for Heil Hitler.

The U.S. Secret Service takes all threats against presidential 
candidates seriously and is actively investigating the allegations, 
said Richard Harlow, special agent in charge of the Secret 
Service-Memphis Field Office. The Secret Service does not comment on 
this type of investigation.