[cia-drugs] California Fires=Cointelpro

2008-11-19 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
California fire Blackwater conspiracy


The California wild fire scam


Blackwater to California: Hire us to Put Out Your Fires

Updated: Blackwater and the California Fires 

  Fox blames terrorists. When that happens it isn't too far fetched to 
assume it was a government (related) psy-op. Check out these stories for the 
very very coincidental events that preceeded the san diego fire which just 
happens to be at the very site where blackwater is fighting a community that 
wants the hired killers to go away. 

Monday, November 17, 2008
California Arson Update - Montecito Fire Human Caused 
Investigators: Santa Barbara-area fire human caused
Associated Press

Doug Lannon, a spokesman with the California Department of Forestry and Fire 
Protection, said Sunday that investigators have eliminated all accidental 
causes of the fire.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

[cia-drugs] U.S.-Canada Military Plan Could Place Troops in Each Other�s Country

2008-11-19 Thread norgesen
U.S.-Canada Military Plan Could Place Troops in Each Other’s Country
By Matthew Rothschild, November 17, 2008

 The militaries of the United States and Canada are wrapping up a seven-day 
exercise called “Vigilant Shield” on Tuesday. This marks the continuation of an 
ever-closer relationship between the two.

For instance, did you know that the United States military could go into Canada 
in times of emergency? And the Canadian military could go into the United 

This extraordinary fact appears in a joint document of the U.S. Northern 
Command and the Canada Command. (The Pentagon established NorthCom in October 
2002, and the Canadian military established the Canada Command in June 2005.)

The document is entitled “Canada-US Civil Assistance Plan,” and it is dated 
February 14, 2008. 

David Pugliese of the Ottawa Citizen broke the story about this plan at the 
time, but it received little attention in the United States. 

“The purpose of the Canada-United States Civil Assistance Plan (CAP) is to 
provide a framework for the military of one nation to provide support to the 
military of the other nation in the performance of civil support operations 
(e.g., floods, forest fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, and effects of a 
terrorist attack).” This framework is designed “to save lives, prevent human 
suffering, and mitigate damage to property,” the plan says.

The plan anticipates scenarios for using for using violence. “Opposing forces 
are not expected during the conduct of operations described in this plan,” it 
says. “However . . . commanders should consider the following 
Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection issues: (1) Terrorists organizations could 
conduct operations against the Canadian or US force, or in the civil support 
operations area; (2) State/provincial and local police capabilities could be 
severely degraded in the area of operations, allowing a corresponding rise in 
criminal activity that could affect the Canadian or US force; and (3) 
Environmental factors ranging from weather to contamination and disease could 
significantly affect the Canadian or US forces.”

Both the Canadian and U.S. forces have the right to use deadly force in 
self-defense, the plan says, though “there are no standing . . . rules of 
engagement or rules for the use of force,” the plan says. “Consequently, every 
mission will require unique guidance to deployed forces.”

“Support for law enforcement operations is not covered in this plan,” the 
document says. But it “will be included in the Canada-United States Combined 
Defense Plan.” That plan is not readily available.

Cross-border support “will only be provided when agreed to by appropriate 
authorities in both the Government of Canada and the U.S. Government,” the 
document says. Canada Command and NorthCom “will develop potential options of 
the military forces of one nation to support the military forces of the other.” 
These options will then go to Canada’s Chief of the Defence Staff, which will 
seek the approval of the Canadian government. On the U.S. side, NorthCom “will 
present military options to the SecDef, who will subsequently seek the approval 
of the President to deploy military forces to Canada.”

“Execution authority,” the document says, rests with the Canada Command and 
with NorthCom.

Training for such eventualities has already been approved. “Cross-border 
movement of military resources is authorized for training and exercises in 
preparation for bilateral military-to-military civil support,” the document 

The document was signed by Lieutenant-General M. J. Dumais, commander, Canada 
Command, and General Victor E. Renuart, commander, US Northern Command.

“It’s completely bizarre and it’s frightening,” says Kevin Best, a social 
justice activist in Canada who has long worried about the increasing U.S. 
military presence in Canada.

As far as Canada’s military presence in the U.S., Best said, jokingly, “That’s 
really scary for you guys, isn’t it?”


[cia-drugs] +Oh!-Give Me a HOME! + Pinochet Victim turns up Alive

2008-11-19 Thread Arrogant WALL St. BANK-sters
* RTR Lease is a Lousy Deal for Wild Bison

Your comments are needed by 5:00 pm, MST, 
Friday, November 21, 2008, on a tentative agreement involving 
a 30-year lease of grazing rights from the Royal Teton Ranch
 - between state and federal agencies, some conservation groups, 
and the Church Universal  Triumphant (CUT). 
 If this land lease goes through, CUT will receive $3,300,000 
for leasing their land for a mere 30 years so that a handful of captured, 
tested, and tagged bison could temporarily occupy portions 
of their native range outside Yellowstone's north boundary.

The agencies are pressing forward with a decision and have now 
prepared an environmental assessment for public comment. 
BFC opposes the terms of the land deal that degrade wild buffalo 
and subject them to invasive and unnecessary hazing, capturing, 
testing, collaring, and implanting telemetry devices in pregnant females. 
Restrictive fencing, arbitrary limits on the number of buffalo allowed 
to roam there that break social group and familial bonds, 
provisions for another potential capture pen, and drop dead 
time lines including forced removal back to the Park by April 15.  
If these provisions are removed, BFC could support 
using taxpayer money to permanently remove cattle 
from Church Universal  Triumphant lands.

FWP is accepting public comments on the draft EA through 
Friday, November 21. Buffalo Field Campaign has provided 
a sample letter below, as well as supporting information,
 to help you craft yours. 
FWP must receive your comments 
by 5:00 pm MST Friday, November 21, 2008.

Please use the sample letter as a starting point to craft 
your individual comments on the Draft Environmental Assessment 
for the Royal Teton Ranch Grazing Restriction and 
Bison Access Agreement. Scroll down to the bottom of this page 
for more detailed supporting information 
for each of the talking points in order to customize your letter. 

Please be sure to *personalize* your comments, 
as they will carry more weight with decision-makers. 
Thank you!

Click HERE to download a full copy of FWP's EA


Your Letter: I am writing in regards to the Draft Environmental Assessment on 
the Royal Teton Ranch Grazing Rights Purchase. 

Please register my opposition to the proposed action for the following reasons:

The proposed action is a major federal action requiring National Environmental 
Policy Act (NEPA) analysis as well as Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) 
analysis, and requires full analysis in an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

The EA is deficient and does not include an adequate range of alternatives.

The EA references related agreements not provided and the proposed action 
threatens to influence and bias these contractual agreements.

The proposed action further threatens to restrict management adaptation in the 
Interagency Bison Management Plan (IBMP), and inappropriately relies on 
approval by a private party.

The proposed action may reduce the ecological benefits of having wild bison on 
the landscape. 

Montana Fish, Wildlife  Parks
P.O. Box 200701
Helena,MT 59620-0701

Alleged Pinochet victim turns up alive, 
sparking calls for investigation

Updated: November 18, 2008 at 02:20 PM CST 

SANTIAGO, Chile - 
The reappearance of man who was officially dead has shaken 
and outraged some in Chile, a country that mourns 
1,196 other political prisoners who vanished 
in the hands of a military dictatorship. 
Human rights judge Carlos Gajardo said Tuesday he was questioning 
German Cofre, who turned up alive this month - and with a second 
family in Argentina. Soldiers surrounded Cofre's house in '73 
and led him away to a secret prison. 
His wife never saw him again before she died in'97. 
An employee of the city street cleaning department 
and a Communist party member, Cofre was one of 
thousands of leftists rounded following the'73 military coup. 
Some, like current President Michelle Bachelet, 
were eventually released. Many others were known 
to have been killed. And some just vanished 
- presumably tortured, killed and buried 
in clandestine graves or tossed into the sea. 

But Cofre apparently was released, and fled to the Argentine city 
of Mendoza, where he established a new family. 
Back in Chile, his wife had him declared legally dead in'91. 
A funeral was held in'95 after experts wrongly identified 
as his remains found at a local cemetery. 
Deputy Interior Minister Felipe Harboe said the family received 
a government stipend granted to victims of general 
Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship. 
There is no evidence that the Chilean family knew Cofre was still 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [IPCUSA] Ron Paul Confronts Bernanke On Global Currency Plans

2008-11-19 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: shane_digital [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: November 18, 2008 9:52:28 PM PST
Subject: [IPCUSA] Ron Paul Confronts Bernanke On Global Currency Plans

Ron Paul Confronts Bernanke On Global Currency Plans

Congressman demands to know if discussions regarding new reserve
system to replace dollar have taken place

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Congressman Ron Paul confronted Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke
this morning about plans to replace the dollar with a new global
currency during the House Financial Services Committee meeting on
Capitol Hill.

Already we see talk….about a new international world reserve currency
and to me that's pretty important because the fiat dollar reserve
system is not gonna work anymore, said the Congressman, adding that
currencies have failed throughout history.

Paul asked Bernanke, In your meetings with other central bankers,
does this thought come up about a new international world reserve
currency and if so, does the subject of gold ever come up….is there a
move on to replace the dollar system?

I don't think the dollar system is dead, I think the dollar remains
the premiere international currency….I think the dollar system remains
quite strong, responded Bernanke.

Bernanke failed to address the issue of a new system of currency so
Paul repeated the question of whether the subject ever came up, to
which the Federal Reserve chairman responded, no it doesn't.

(Article continues below)

Asked if the subject of whether such a currency, or indeed the dollar
itself, would ever be backed by gold and if gold ever came up in
conversation, Bernanke responded, only in terms of the sales that
banks are planning.

Despite Bernanke's dismissal of talk about a new world currency
system, such speculation has been rife and indeed French President
Nicolas Sarkozy has repeatedly called for the dollar to be demoted as
the premiere currency.

French Economy Minister Christine Lagarde has also called for the
dollar to be replaced by the Euro as the world reserve currency, so to
believe that such proposals have not emerged in meetings between
central banks is stupidly naive.

In September, the Chinese state media, the official voice of the
ruling Communist Party, called for the creation of a new currency
system following the collapse of Lehman Brothers.

The recent G20 meeting was itself billed as Bretton Woods II in
reference to the first Bretton woods conference at which the dollar
was established as the world reserve currency in the summer of1944.

Nobel prize-winning economist and former World Bank chief Joseph
Stiglitz has also called for a new global currency, as have scores of
other top economic analysts.

Bernanke's claim that such talk has not cropped up during central bank
meetings is dubious to say the least.

Watch the clip below:

Yahoo! Groups Links

[cia-drugs] Neocons, Philip Zelikow, the Alleged Need for Regime Change

2008-11-19 Thread norgesen
11/17/2008: Philip Zelikow, Neocons - Additions as of November 16, 2008
Several of the new additions to the 9/11 Timeline this week concern the 9/11 
Commission, in particular its executive director Philip Zelikow, who played a 
significant role in shaping the commission’s take on assistance allegedly 
provided to the 9/11 hijackers by elements linked to the Saudi government. 
First, he blocked requests for interviews by commission investigators 
researching the allegations, then he denied them access to a key document, the 
28 redacted pages from the Congressional Inquiry, and finally he fired one of 
the investigators. Other entries about Zelikow cover his interview of former 
Clinton Attorney General Janet Reno, with which a staffer was appalled, and an 
interview of his close associate National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice; 
she was not put under oath and no transcript was made. 

Other entries about the 9/11 Commission point out that its chairman Tom Kean 
was repeatedly contacted by the White House over the selection of the 
commission’s lawyer, that the length of the extension it requested was 
determined by political considerations, and that some commissioners thought 
that opposition to the extension from House Republicans was orchestrated by 
Vice President Dick Cheney. 

There are also a number of new entries about Neoconservatives, such as their 
push to invade Iraq starting in January 2001, their hiring by the White House, 
and a July 2001 claim Iraq had nuclear weapons. Entries on two of the most 
famous neocon pieces in the immediate aftermath of the attacks have also been 
added: Michael Leeden’s connecting the attacks to the decision not to overthrow 
Saddam Hussein in 1991, which was published on the day of the attacks itself, 
and Ann Coulter’s call for carpet-bombing of Muslim countries a couple of days 
later. Leeden followed up by demanding the Bush administration scourge the 
Middle East until US rage was “sated”, and the charge for regime change in Iraq 
was led by Bill Kristol and included Republican Senator George Allen. Finally, 
in mid-2003 leading Neocon author Laurie Mylroie claimed the CIA and State 
Department were hiding connections between Iraq and 9/11. 

Regarding associates of the 9/11 hijackers, an Arab man in Texas claimed he was 
offered money by Marwan Alshehhi to take flying lessons, a Somali immigrant 
possibly linked to the Flight 77 hijackers was detained a couple of weeks after 
the attacks, and a Saudi who knew Hani Hanjour was convicted of lying to the 
FBI in 2002. 

Miscellaneous entries point out that security at US chemical facilities was 
poor before 9/11, which was highlighted by a think tank study in 1999 and the 
US surgeon general in late September 2001. Finally, an end times website 
indicated the apocalypse was upon us shortly after the attacks, although it has 
presumably been delayed, and former counterterrorism “tsar” Richard Clarke held 
something back from the 9/11 Congressional Inquiry.


Michael Hayden Caught in a Lie

kevinfenton @ 4:12 pm 
November 18 2008

Current CIA and former NSA Director Michael Hayden claimed to the 9/11 
Congressional Inquiry in prepared remarks on 17 October 2002:

  “Indeed, NSA had no knowledge before September 11th that any of the attackers 
were in the United States.”

I always suspected this was not true and here is the proof, evidence submitted 
at Zacarias Moussaoui’s trial in 2006. It’s documentation from August 2001 
about the passage of information about two of the hijackers, Khalid Almihdhar 
and Nawaf Alhazmi, to criminal agents at the FBI. Due to restrictions related 
to the “wall,” the passage had to be approved by the NSA’s general counsel. The 
documentation, passed between the NSA’s representative to the FBI and the 
general counsel, states, “FBI would appreciate priority handling on this 
request, since al-Mihdar is already in the U.S.” It later goes on to point out 
that Almihdhar “arrived in New York City on July 4, 2001 on a B1 visa issued in 
Jidda, Saudi Arabia.”

Clearly then, the NSA did know that one of the attackers was in the US before 

It is hard to imagine that Hayden could not have been aware of this at the time 
he was interviewed by the 9/11 Congressional Inquiry, as the NSA intercepted 
Almihdhar’s calls for years before 9/11, including when Almihdhar was in the 
USA, and Hayden discussed this with the inquiry (and also apparently the 9/11 
Commission). However, for some unexplained reason the NSA failed to notify the 
FBI of the calls and this failure was later used as the justification for the 
NSA’s warrantless wiretapping programme.

Obviously, the question is why Hayden was lying. Presumably, it was not simply 
for the good of his health and he wished to conceal some wrongdoing. Given that 
both the NSA and CIA were concealing information about Almihdhar and Alhazmi 
from the FBI one has to wonder 

[cia-drugs] Wallstreet bailout; where�s the money going?

2008-11-19 Thread norgesen
What is very evident, however, is that what Congress claimed, concerning the 
“impending financial crisis,” wasn’t true. It is also apparent that many in 
Congress believed what they were told by the White House. Since when has 
President George W Bush been known to tell the truth about anything?


By Lynn Stuter

November 18, 2008

When the U.S. House of Representatives, led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi 
(D-CA), took up President George W Bush’s (R-TX) proposal to bailout Wallstreet 
– H.R. 3997, the House of Representatives was deluged with phone calls, faxes, 
and e-mails to representatives, calling on them to defeat the bill; the deluge 
ran somewhere in the neighborhood of 100-1 against the bailout. 

The message from the American people was clear, “do not do this.” 

Even though House Speaker Pelosi pulled every dirty trick in the playbook to 
get the votes needed, H.R. 3997 failed to pass. 

The Senate then took H.R. 1424 - a bill passed by the House of Representatives 
in March 2008 then sent over to the Senate - amended it with the bailout 
language, including enough earmarks to get the votes needed, passed it and sent 
it back to the House who also passed it. Like whores, legislators were bought 
for the taxpayer dollars they would get for their pet projects back home.

All this was done against the will of the American people, the American 
taxpayers. The message from Washington, DC was clear: “We are Congress; we know 
better than you lowly taxpayers what you need.” To that end they pledged $700 
billion taxpayer dollars to bailing out their Wallstreet buddies.

It is now almost Thanksgiving and how is that bailout going?

Well, let’s see.

Stories have surfaced in the past six weeks about how that bailout money is 
being spent. Here are a few:

1- After Bailout, AIG Execs Head to California Resort 
2- AIG Execs Splurged On English Hunting Trip 
3- Reid Unhappy With Bonuses For AIG Execs 
4- Fed's Bailout For AIG Swells To More Than $150B 
5- Where Is The Bailout Money Really Going? 
6- Treasury Head Unveils Revised Bailout Plan 

From just these few stories, it becomes clear that:

1. Congress had no idea what they were doing when they passed HR 1424. They had 
no idea what the bill said; they had no idea how the money was really going to 
be spent; all they really knew was what they were told. 
2. HR 1424, while appropriating the money, provided no clear-cut perimeters of 
how it could be spent. 
3. The money is going to banks and companies that don’t need a bailout, they 
need new top management. 
4. What Congress claimed the money was for, and what the money is really for, 
are entirely different. 

This past week has brought news that the big three automakers, General Motors, 
Ford and Chrysler all are asking Congress for a financial bailout. Why not? 
Congress did it for their Wallstreet buddies; why not for the big three 

But the reception in Washington has been quite different than it was for the 
Wallstreet bankers and brokers. While Congress put no restrictions on their 
buddies on Wallstreet, the same isn’t true for the big three automakers. And 
when it comes to using the Wallstreet bailout money to help stop home 
foreclosures, that isn’t going to happen either. Why? Is it because the “big 
three” provide jobs for Americans and mortgages provide homes for Americans? 
We’ve known for a long time that Congress approves sending American jobs 
overseas. Why would it be such a stretch that doing anything to help the 
American taxpayer would be out of the question?

What is very evident, however, is that what Congress claimed, concerning the 
“impending financial crisis,” wasn’t true. It is also apparent that many in 
Congress believed what they were told by the White House. Since when has 
President George W Bush been known to tell the truth about anything?

The American people should be outraged. To that end; the American people 

1- demand the resignation of every Senator and Representative who voted for 
H.R. 1424; 
2- demand that every penny of the bailout money be returned to the Treasury; 
3- demand the prosecution of President George W Bush and Treasury Secretary 
Henry Paulson under every statute applicable. 

The American people are suffering with no relief in sight as their jobs 
disappear, and they have no means by which to put food on the table or a roof 
over their head. Congress can bailout the rich who don’t need it but does 
nothing to help those truly suffering.

And it must be noted here that both presidential candidates, John McCain and 
Barack Obama voted for the bailout. Since then, Barack Obama has become 
president-elect Obama. His followers believe he is going to help the little 
guy, redistribute the wealth, spread it around a little.

Really? The bailout was a good example of how Obama will go about 
redistributing the wealth.

The Wallstreet bailout was a taking of money, from the American 

[cia-drugs] Rothschild Corporate Heirs: Merrill Lynch; Lehman Bros; Bear Stearns; Goldman Sachs

2008-11-19 Thread Kris Millegan
Twenty Most Influential BusinessmenMeyer Amschel RothschildForbes.com Staff07.21.05, 12:00 PM ETMost Influential Businessmen Of All TimeHenry Ford (1863-1947)J.P. Morgan (1837-1913)John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937)Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919)Sam Walton (1918-1992)Thomas J. Watson Jr. (1914-1993)Meyer Amschel RothschildWalt Disney (1901-1966)Ray Kroc (1902-1984)Alfred Nobel (1833-1896)Henry J. Kaiser (1882-1967)Forbes.com readers and editors rankMeyer Amschel Rothschildas the seventh most influential businessman of all time. (Read more to find out how Forbes.com ranked them.)Meyer Amschel Rothschild helped invent modern banking by introducing concepts such as diversification, rapid communication, confidentiality and high volume. The superlatively discreet foreign-exchange banker diversified from the very beginning, selling antiques and procuring loans. Remarkably, Rothschild was willing to cut into his own profits in order to secure future business. And, earlier than most, he understood that time and information meant money, and he pulled out all the stops to remain in constant contact with associates across Europe. That network came in handy when he helped finance England's war effort during the Napoleonic Wars. Rothschild institutionalized his bank with a far-sighted will that ensured the continuation of his business. Considered a founding father of international finance, his banking empire--thanks to his five sons--had expanded to London, Paris, Vienna and Naples at the time of his death.Check back with us at noon every business day in July as we countdown the 20 most influential businessmen of all time.Corporate Heirs:Merrill Lynch(nyse:MER-news-people),Lehman Bros.(nyse:LEH-news-people),Bear Stearns(nyse:BSC-news-people),Goldman Sachs(nyse:GS-news-people)=

Re: [cia-drugs] Wallstreet bailout; where’s the money going?

2008-11-19 Thread Mary Hartman
She forgot to add the recent trip to the spa/resort in Arizona by AIG exec's, 
who told the hotel staff not to post any signs indicating they were there.  AIG 
is CIA - no accountability allowed, no responsible action required.  

--- On Wed, 11/19/08, norgesen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: norgesen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [cia-drugs] Wallstreet bailout; where’s the money going?
Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2008, 2:53 PM

What is very evident, however, is that what Congress claimed, concerning 
the “impending financial crisis,” wasn’t true. It is also apparent that many in 
Congress believed what they were told by the White House. Since when has 
President George W Bush been known to tell the truth about anything?
By Lynn Stuter
November 18, 2008
When the U.S. 
House of Representatives, led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), took up 
President George W Bush’s (R-TX) proposal to bailout Wallstreet – H.R. 3997, 
House of Representatives was deluged with phone calls, faxes, and e-mails to 
representatives, calling on them to defeat the bill; the deluge ran somewhere 
the neighborhood of 100-1 against the bailout. 
The message 
from the American people was clear, “do not do this.” 
Even though 
House Speaker Pelosi pulled every dirty trick in the playbook to get the votes 
needed, H.R. 3997 failed 
to pass. 
The Senate 
then took H.R. 1424 - a bill passed by the House of Representatives in March 
2008 then sent over to the Senate - amended 
it with the bailout language, including enough earmarks to get the votes 
needed, passed it and sent it back to the House who also passed it. Like 
legislators were bought for the taxpayer dollars they would get for their pet 
projects back home.
All this was 
done against the will of the American people, the American taxpayers. The 
message from Washington, DC was clear: “We are Congress; we know better than 
lowly taxpayers what you need.” To that end they pledged $700 billion taxpayer 
dollars to bailing out their Wallstreet buddies.
It is now 
almost Thanksgiving and how is that bailout going?
Well, let’s 
Stories have 
surfaced in the past six weeks about how that bailout money is being spent. 
are a few:
1- After Bailout, 
AIG Execs Head to California Resort 
2- AIG 
Execs Splurged On English Hunting Trip 
3- Reid 
Unhappy With Bonuses For AIG Execs 
4- Fed's 
Bailout For AIG Swells To More Than $150B 
5- Where 
Is The Bailout Money Really Going? 
6- Treasury 
Head Unveils Revised Bailout Plan 

From just these few stories, it 
becomes clear that:
1. Congress had 
no idea what they were doing when they passed HR 1424. They had no idea what 
bill said; they had no idea how the money was really going to be spent; all 
really knew was what they were told. 
2. HR 
1424, while appropriating the money, provided no clear-cut perimeters of how it 
could be spent. 
3. The money is going to banks and 
companies that don’t need a bailout, they need new top management. 

4. What Congress claimed the money was for, and what the 
money is really for, are entirely different. 

This past week has brought 
news that the big three automakers, General Motors, Ford and Chrysler all are 
asking Congress for a financial bailout. Why not? Congress did it for their 
Wallstreet buddies; why not for the big three automakers.
But the 
reception in Washington has been quite different than it was for the Wallstreet 
bankers and brokers. While Congress put no restrictions on their buddies on 
Wallstreet, the same isn’t true for the big 
three automakers. And when it comes to using the Wallstreet bailout money to 
help stop home foreclosures, that 
isn’t going to happen either. Why? Is it because the “big three” provide 
jobs for Americans and mortgages provide homes for Americans? We’ve known for a 
long time that Congress approves sending American jobs overseas. Why would it 
such a stretch that doing anything to help the American taxpayer would be out 
the question?
What is very 
evident, however, is that what Congress claimed, concerning the “impending 
financial crisis,” wasn’t true. It is also apparent that many in Congress 
believed what they were told by the White House. Since when has President 
W Bush been known to tell the truth about anything?
The American 
people should be outraged. To that end; the American people should, 
1- demand the 
resignation of every Senator 
and Representative who 
voted for H.R. 1424; 
2- demand that every penny of the 
bailout money be returned to the Treasury; 
3- demand the 
prosecution of President George W Bush and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson 
under every statute applicable. 

The American people are suffering with 
no relief in sight as their jobs disappear, and they have no means by which to 
put food on the table or a roof over their head. Congress can bailout the rich 

[cia-drugs] US Embassy agent: I spied for Mexican cartel

2008-11-19 Thread Mary Hartman
U.S. embassy agent: I spied for Mexican cartelNow a protected informant; five 
other government officials arrestedgetCSS(3053751)Americas videoMORE 
VIDEOPolar bears cannibalize each other in the Arctic
18: As the climate changes in the icy reaches of Canada's Hudson Bay,
polar bears are struggling to survive. ITN’s Lawrence McGinty reports.Violent 
clashes at soccer matchSalsa champs dance awaygetCSS(3053751)  NBC World 
BlogNBC News correspondents and producers around the globe share their insight 
on news events. getCSS(3088874)InteractiveLeftward tilt
Political shift in Latin AmericagetCSS(3053751)  Most popular• Most viewed• 
Top rated• Most e-mailedIndia navy sinks suspected pirate 'mother ship'  NBC: 
Daschle to be Obama's HHS SecretaryCops: Man uses sandwich to assault 
girlfriendG’day! Hugh Jackman is new Sexiest Man AliveAs nest eggs shrink, many 
defer retirementMost viewed on msnbc.comHomes sought for greyhounds as tracks 
closeThe epidemic of overmedicationEPA plan would ease rules for National 
ParksThe Flintsteins? Germans find Stone Age familyLost tribes tracked with 
body-heat sensorsMost viewed on msnbc.comCops: Man uses sandwich to assault 
girlfriendIndia navy sinks suspected pirate 'mother ship'As nest eggs shrink, 
many defer retirementG’day! Hugh Jackman is new Sexiest Man Alive  NBC: Daschle 
to be Obama's HHS SecretaryMost viewed on msnbc.com
if (pop_tabBoxes) pop_pushTabBox('boxB_3053751');
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updated 5:23 p.m. CT, Mon., Oct. 27, 2008
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CITY - A major drug cartel has infiltrated the Mexican attorney
general's office, and one cartel worker says he even spied on DEA
operations from inside U.S. Embassy, Mexican prosecutors said Monday.Five
officials of the Attorney General's Organized Crime unit were arrested
on allegations they served as informants for the Beltran-Leyva Cartel,
Attorney General Eduardo Medina Mora said, adding there are indications
that other spies still work inside his agency.The
embassy employee, who also worked for Interpol at the Mexico City
airport, is a protected witness after telling Mexican officials in
Washington that he leaked details of Drug Enforcement Administration
operations, an attorney general's official told The Associated Press on
condition of anonymity. He said he was not authorized to speak on the
record.Story continues below ↓advertisement | your ad 
U.S. Embassy officials had no immediate comment, saying they generally avoid 
discussing internal operating or security issues.Separately,
a U.S. official announced Monday that a high-ranking Mexican
immigration official had been caught in Arizona with 170 pounds of
marijuana in his vehicle.The
revelations of corruption inside the control centers of the
U.S.-Mexican anti-drug effort were a major blow to President Felipe
Calderon's anti-drug campaign, in which he has sent tens of thousands
of troops and federal police across Mexico to combat violent cartels.Deepest 
infiltration in 3 decades
himself has long acknowledged corruption is widespread in police
forces. Monday's case represents the most serious known infiltration of
anti-crime agencies since the 1997 arrest of Gen. Jesus Gutierrez
Rebollo, then head of Mexico's anti-drug agency. Gutierrez Rebollo was
later convicted of aiding drug lord Amado Carrillo Fuentes.Despite
the corruption, Mexico continues to arrest top smugglers. The latest
victory came Saturday with the arrest of Eduardo Arellano Felix after a
shootout in Tijuana, across the border from San Diego. He had allegedly
been running the Arellano Felix cartel with his sister since several
brothers were arrested or killed.Assistant
Attorney General Marisela Morales said two top employees of her
organized-crime unit and at least three federal police agents assigned
to it may have been passing information on surveillance targets and
potential raids for at least four years.One
of the officials was an assistant intelligence director and the other
served as a liaison in requesting searches and assigning officers to
carry them out.All but one of the officials were arrested weeks ago.Some got 
$450,000 a month
The agents and officials each received payments of between $150,000 and 
$450,000 per month for the information, Morales said.The
embassy infiltrator gave details of his involvement to Mexican
officials in Washington, the prosecutors official said, but it is
unclear if he is under Mexican or U.S. 

[cia-drugs] Drug Spy infiltrates US Embassy

2008-11-19 Thread Mary Hartman
Mexican official: Drug spy says he leaked DEA info


The Associated Press

Monday, October 27, 2008

MEXICO CITY — A major drug cartel has infiltrated the Mexican
attorney general's office and may have paid a spy inside the U.S.
Embassy for details of DEA operations, Mexican prosecutors said Monday.The
Drug Enforcement Administration's intelligence chief expressed concern
about the alleged spy's claims, but said he couldn't confirm that the
Embassy had been infiltrated, and that it was too early to pull out
undercover agents for fear their identities may have been compromised.Mexico's
Attorney General Eduardo Medina Mora said five officials of his
Organized Crime unit were arrested on allegations they served as
informants for the Beltran-Leyva cartel. He said there are indications
other spies still work inside his agency.The Embassy employee,
who also at one time worked for Interpol at the Mexico City airport, is
now a protected witness after telling Mexican officials in Washington
that he leaked details of DEA operations to the cartel, an attorney
general's official told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.
The official said he was not authorized to speak on the record.We
are not planning changing anyone at the embassy at this point, DEA
intelligence chief Anthony Placido said at a Washington news conference
called to celebrate Mexico's capture of Eduardo Arellano Felix, a
leading member of a violent Tijuana-based cartel.Law
enforcement work anywhere in the world, and certainly in Mexico, can be
perilous, Placido said in response to a question about whether the
infiltration endangered undercover agents. Is it dangerous?
Absolutely.U.S. Ambassador Tony Garza congratulated Mexico for Arellano 
Felix's arrest in a statement late Monday.He
said the DEA and the U.S. Marshals provided information on Arellano
Felix's whereabout to Mexican authorities which helped them locate him.This is 
another example of the positive results when U.S. and Mexican law enforcement 
agencies share information, Garza said.The
revelations of corruption inside the control centers of the
U.S.-Mexican anti-drug effort were a major blow to President Felipe
Calderon's anti-drug campaign, in which he has sent tens of thousands
of troops and federal police across Mexico to combat violent cartels.Calderon
himself has long acknowledged corruption is widespread in police
forces, and Placido said that with billions of dollars flowing to the
cartels from U.S. consumers of illegal drugs, some corruption is
inevitable on both sides of the border.Monday's case represents
the most serious known infiltration of anti-crime agencies since the
1997 arrest of Gen. Jesus Gutierrez Rebollo, then head of Mexico's
anti-drug agency. Gutierrez Rebollo was later convicted of aiding drug
lord Amado Carrillo Fuentes.Despite the corruption, Mexico
continues to arrest top smugglers. The latest came after a shootout
with police and soldiers in Tijuana, across the border from San Diego,
where Arellano Felix had allegedly been running the cartel with his
sister and a nephew since several of their brothers were arrested or
killed.In Mexico City, Assistant Attorney General Marisela
Morales said two top employees of her organized-crime unit and at least
three federal police agents assigned to it may have been passing
information on surveillance targets and potential raids for at least
four years.One was an assistant intelligence director and the
other served as a liaison in requesting searches and assigning officers
to carry them out. The agents and officials each received payments of
between $150,000 and $450,000 per month for the information, Morales
said. All but one were arrested weeks ago.The prosecutors'
official said separatelly that the Embassy employee became a protected
witness after giving details of his involvement to Mexican officials in
Washington. It wasn't clear Monday whether he is under the protection
of Mexico or the U.S. The official did not divulge what details the
infiltrator allegedly passed on to the cartel.The newspaper El
Universal reported Monday that the man had worked as a criminal
investigator at the embassy, had received at least $30,000 and may
have revealed details about the DEA hunt for American drug suspect
Craig Petties, who was later captured here. It cited unnamed sources.The
Beltran-Leyva brothers lead a cartel that once belonged to northern
Mexico's Sinaloa confederation, the country's largest drug-trafficking
group.___Oct 27, 2008 - 09:07 p.m. EDTCopyright
2008, The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not
be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


[cia-drugs] Largest cartel weapons cache found in Mexico

2008-11-19 Thread Mary Hartman
Largest cartel weapons cache found in Mexico 

November 8, 2008 - 4:11am

stand guard around a presentation of arms captured in an operation
against the Gulf cartel in Mexico City, Friday, Nov. 7, 2008. Army
officials said they confiscated 288 assault rifles, 500,000 rounds of
ammunition, numerous grenades and several .50-caliber rifles at a house
in the city of Reynosa, across the border from McAllen, Texas on
Thursday, and that it is the largest seizure of drug-cartel weapons
ever. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)


Associated Press Writer

MEXICO CITY (AP) - The Mexican army on Friday announced that it has made the 
largest seizure of drug-cartel weapons in Mexico's history.
The cache of 540 rifles, 165 grenades, 500,000 rounds of ammunition
and 14 sticks of TNT were seized on Thursday at a house in the city of Reynosa, 
across the border from McAllen, Texas, Mexican Assistant Attorney General 
Marisela Morales said.
The seizure ... is the largest in the history of Mexico involving organized 
crime, Morales told reporters at Defense Department
headquarters, where the army displayed hundreds of rifles, pistols, and
shotguns, and laid out rows of grenades and crates of ammunition.
Morales said the largest previous bust involved a cache of 280 weapons found in 
The weapons in this latest seizure belonged to the Gulf drug cartel,
an official said after Morales made her statement. The official spoke
on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the
news media.
Soldiers detected the cache when they chased suspects into the home
after the men refused orders to stop, Morales said. Three suspects were
It was unclear whether the raid was related to an FBI
intelligence report obtained by a Texas newspaper in October that
warned the Gulf cartel was stockpiling high-powered weapons in Reynosa
to prepare for possible confrontations with U.S. law enforcement. Morales did 
not take questions from reporters.
The man who allegedly leads the cartel's hit squad in the area,
Jaime Gonzalez Duran, was mentioned in the FBI report as having ordered
dozens of hit men to the Reynosa area as part of those plans.
Gonzalez Duran was arrested in Reynosa on Friday.

(Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This
material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.) 

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  also on wtopnews.com  

Iran tests missile _ Israel in easy reach 

Texas clout takes a hit as Democrats take control 

15th victim dies from Mexico City plane crash 

Largest cartel weapons cache found in Mexico 

  also on the web  

Grenades explode outside Mexican daily's offices

Sinaloa newspaper attacked with grenades

Instrument Center Celebrates 10 Years At Tech

Mexico Seizes Largest-Ever Weapons Haul


Associated Press Writer

MEXICO CITY (AP) - The Mexican army on Friday announced that 

[cia-drugs] Albino tiger as cartel pet

2008-11-19 Thread Mary Hartman
The title in this article is misleading: it's not albino, just another mutant 
created through human engenuity - breed brothers to sisters long enough and all 
sorts of mutations occur.  

This cat most likely traces it's origins to Guadalajara, Mexico, which got it's 
original stock of white animals from Siegfried and Roy, who also spent some 
time in Pakistan.  

This is not a species of subspecies, and is an animal whose street value is 
less than $10,000.00.  White tigers are not rare as the gene pool has become 
so polluted that nearly any orange tiger outside of the Species Survival Plan 
may produce the white coloration.  John Cuneo of Hawthorne Corporation, a 
supplier of tigers to circuses, dumped nearly two dozen tigers at the now 
defunct BEARCAT Hollow in less than six months.  Most of those adult animals 
were of the rare white coloration.  They disappeared in short order and no 
one seemed to be able to recall where they went to, which is rather telling.  

There is a layer in the CIA/FBI/OC corporate cascade that includes these white 
tiger breeding facilities.  Nashville Zoo at Grassmere's Cougar Hill Sanctuary 
Association merged with Great Cats of Nevada in 2002, which was going to be the 
springboard for the creation of Great Cat Resorts, with the numero uno facility 
opening in the dumpy but sleepy town of Racine, MN, population -300.  

There is allegedly a great deal of information already known about the CIA's 
long-standing use of zoos and circuses and zoos for covert ops, though most 
people seem to associate that with clowns and clown faces.  Clown faces aside, 
any factual information on that history would be an interesting addition to 
what we have seen happen: a proliferation of so-called sanctuaries that are 
used as cover for trafficking in weapons, narcotics, and money laundering 

From Times Online
October 20, 2008Albino tiger that was a gangster's pet 

(Mexico's Public Safety Department/AP)The tiger captured at the drug 
traffickers' mansion
Philippe Naughton

#yiv414738092 div#related-article-links p a, #yiv414738092 
div#related-article-links p a:visited {

Mexican police who raided a drug-traffickers' party at the weekend seized
weapons, vehicles and a number of exotic pets - including this albino tiger..

Authorities in Mexico City said yesterday that more than a dozen members of an
alleged drug-trafficking ring were arrested in the raid on a sprawling
mansion in the upmarket neighbourhood of Desierto de los Leones - Desert of
the Lions.

The name was certainly apt: among the animals seized were two lions and two

Marisela Morales, organised crime prosecutor, said that 11 Colombians, two
Mexicans, a Uruguayan and an American were detained during the raid.
Related Links

Lionfish devastate Florida's native shoals

Credit crunch gives added capital to Marx

Ms Morales identified the gang’s leader as Teodoro Fino Restrepo, who
allegedly arranged for sea-borne cocaine shipments from Colombia to Mexico’s
Beltran Leyva cartel. The American was named as Raul Raul Munoz Montalvo, of

All the suspects are being held on suspicion of drug trafficking, money
laundering and organized-crime activities, Ms Morales said. Nine Mexicans
working as waiters and disk jockeys were briefly held and released.

The mansion, whose walls, ceilings and furniture are made almost entirely of
ornately carved wood, appeared to have been used by the traffickers for
parties on nights and weekends. Those who received invitations were picked
up at nearby shopping-centre parking lots in vehicles with blacked-out
windows to prevent them from seeing where they were going.


[cia-drugs] Re-killed Ayman al-Zawahiri is back in 'audio message,' taunting Obama

2008-11-19 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Re-killed Ayman al-Zawahiri is back in 'audio message,' taunting Obama By Lori 
Price 19 Nov 2008 

The elusive, whack-a-mole al-Qaeda #2 is back again (from the dead)! Ayman 
al-Zawahiri criticized U.S. President-elect Barack Obama in an 'audio message' 
posted on the Internet, calling him dishonorable and a servant of whites, the 
Associated Press reported. The second-in-command of Islamic militant network 
al-Qaeda [al-CIAduh] has called on Muslims to harm criminal America. You just 
can't keep a good terrorist down (or dead) for long, especially when Bush needs 
a terror attack/martial law before January 20. 

Al-Qaeda Second-in-Command Criticizes Obama in Message, AP Says 19 Nov 2008 
Al-Qaeda's second-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahiri, criticized U.S. 
President-elect Barack Obama in an audio message posted on the Internet, 
calling him dishonorable and a servant of whites, the Associated Press 
reported. Al-Zawahiri said Obama is the direct opposite of honorable black 
Americans such as Malcolm X, AP said. He also uses a derogatory racial term to 
imply Obama is a black American who does the bidding of whites, AP says. The 
recording, if its authenticity is confirmed, will be the first comment issued 
by al-Qaeda [al-CIAduh] on the Democratic Party's election victory. 

Al-Qaida No. 2 insults Obama with racial epithet 19 Nov 2008 Al-Qaida's No. 2 
leader used a racial epithet to insult Barack Obama in a message posted 
Wednesday, using a demeaning racial term implying that the president-elect is a 
black American who does the bidding of whites. Ayman al-Zawahri said in the 
message, which appeared on militant Web sites, that Obama is the direct 
opposite of honorable black Americans like Malcolm X, the 1960s 
African-American rights leader. In al-Qaida's first response to Obama's 
victory, al-Zawahri also called the president-elect -- along with secretaries 
of state Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice -- house negroes. Speaking in 
Arabic, al-Zawahri uses the term abeed al-beit, which literally translates as 
house slaves. But al-Qaida supplied English subtitles of his speech [LOL!] 
that included the translation as house negroes. 

Al-Qaeda message condemns Obama 19 Nov 2008 The second-in-command of Islamic 
militant network al-Qaeda [al-CIAduh] has called on Muslims to harm criminal 
America. In a message purportedly from Ayman al-Zawahiri, the al-Qaeda deputy 
accused US President-elect Barack Obama of betraying his Muslim roots. He 
likened him to a house slave - who had chosen to align himself with the 
enemies of Islam. 

Injured, re-killed Ayman al-Zawahri is back! By Lori Price 29 Sep 2008 

The elusive, whack-a-mole al-Qaeda #2 is 'visiting' a main operating base for 
al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Pakistan. You just can't keep a good terrorist down 
(or dead) for long, especially during the run-up to a US 'election!' 

Taliban show no let up despite 8,000 soldiers in FATA 28 Sep 2008 Taliban 
hostilities show no sign of abating despite the deployment of 8,000 troops in 
the Federally Administered Tribal Areas and the army's claim of killing 1,000 
Taliban, according to The Times. The newspaper said in a report on Saturday 
that a constant supply of fresh fighters from inside the country and across the 
border in Afghanistan is helping the Taliban to stay in the fight. Bajaur 
Agency is a main operating base for Al Qaeda [al-CIAduh] and the Taliban. 
Pakistani intelligence believes that Ayman al-Zawahri, the second-in-command of 
Al Qaeda, has been a visitor. 

Al-Qaeda No. 2 May be Injured, Possibly Re-killed--But Still Cranking Out 
Videotapes By Lori Price 08 Sep 2008

Al-Qaeda No. 2, Ayman al-Zawahri, was 'killed,' then wounded, then 
re-killed--but through all of his deaths and injuries, he is still able to 
produce videotapes. Whenever the GOP hits a bump in the road -- say, for 
example, the imminent implosion of Caribou Barbie -- al-Zawahri is reborn and 
healed and a busy little bee! 

Al-Qaida accuses Iran of co-operating with U.S. 08 Sep 2008 Al-Qaida 
[al-CIAduh] marked the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks with a 90-minute 
video message Monday summarizing the state of jihad, or holy war, around the 
world and slamming Iran for collaborating with the United States. Short 
excerpts of the message were aired on the Arab satellite news channel 
Al-Jazeera. In them, al-Qaida Number 2, Ayman al-Zawahri, accused Iran of 
working with U.S. forces. Al-Zawahri said Tehran was co-operating with the 
Americans in occupying Iraq and Afghanistan and slammed Iran for recognizing 
the two governments. He also criticized the Shiites for not calling for a jihad 
in Iraq against the Crusader occupier. In militant postings, crusaders is 
shorthand for U.S. troops in Iraq.

Timeline-Messages attributed to al Qaeda's Zawahri 08 Sep 2008 'Al Qaeda' has 
issued a video marking the September 11 attacks, in which deputy group leader 

Re: [cia-drugs] U.S.-Canada Military Plan Cou ld Place Troops in Each Other’s Country

2008-11-19 Thread Mary Hartman
The US currently provides security for the Polar Bear Diamond Mines in the 
Yukon, considered to be a more valuable find than the Blood Diamond Mines of 
South Africa.  Linden Air Freight flies supplies in and out from their 
Anchorage base.  The excuse offered up is that our government is concerned 
about infiltration by organized crime. 

If Canada had been concerned about organized criminals infiltrating their 
diamond mines, they might have reconsidered allowing the US government to have 
anything to do with protecting these operations.

--- On Wed, 11/19/08, norgesen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: norgesen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [cia-drugs] U.S.-Canada Military Plan Could Place Troops in Each 
Other’s Country
Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2008, 2:19 PM

U.S.-Canada Military Plan Could 
Place Troops in Each Other’s Country
By Matthew Rothschild, November 17, 
 The militaries of the United States and Canada are wrapping up a 
seven-day exercise called “Vigilant Shield” on Tuesday. This marks the 
continuation of an ever-closer relationship between the two.
For instance, did you know that the United States military could go into 
Canada in times of emergency? And the Canadian military could go into the 
This extraordinary fact appears in a joint document of the U.S. Northern 
Command and the Canada Command. (The Pentagon established NorthCom in October 
2002, and the Canadian military established the Canada Command in June 
The document is entitled “Canada-US Civil Assistance Plan,” and it is dated 
February 14, 
David Pugliese of the Ottawa Citizen broke the story about this plan at the 
but it received little attention in the United States. 
“The purpose of the Canada-United States Civil Assistance Plan (CAP) is to 
provide a framework for the military of one nation to provide support to the 
military of the other nation in the performance of civil support operations 
(e.g., floods, forest fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, and effects of a 
attack).” This framework is designed “to save lives, prevent human suffering, 
and mitigate damage to property,” the plan says.
The plan anticipates scenarios for using for using violence. “Opposing forces 
are not expected during the conduct of operations described in this plan,” it 
says. “However . . . commanders should consider the following 
Anti-Terrorism/ Force Protection issues: (1) Terrorists organizations could 
conduct operations against the Canadian or US force, or in the civil support 
operations area; (2) State/provincial and local police capabilities could be 
severely degraded in the area of operations, allowing a corresponding rise in 
criminal activity that could affect the Canadian or US force; and (3) 
Environmental factors ranging from weather to contamination and disease could 
significantly affect the Canadian or US forces.”
Both the Canadian and U.S. forces have the right to use deadly force in 
self-defense, the plan says, though “there are no standing . . . rules of 
engagement or rules for the use of force,” the plan says. “Consequently, every 
mission will require unique guidance to deployed forces.”
“Support for law enforcement operations is not covered in this plan,” the 
document says. But it “will be included in the Canada-United States Combined 
Defense Plan.” That plan is not readily available.
Cross-border support “will only be provided when agreed to by appropriate 
authorities in both the Government of Canada and the U.S. Government,” the 
document says. Canada Command and NorthCom “will develop potential options of 
the military forces of one nation to support the military forces of the other.” 
These options will then go to Canada’s Chief of the Defence Staff, which will 
seek the approval of the Canadian government. On the U.S. side, NorthCom “will 
present military options to the SecDef, who will subsequently seek the approval 
of the President to deploy military forces to Canada.”
“Execution authority,” the document says, rests with the Canada Command and 
with NorthCom.
Training for such eventualities has already been approved. “Cross-border 
movement of military resources is authorized for training and exercises in 
preparation for bilateral military-to- military civil support,” the document 
The document was signed by Lieutenant-General M. J. Dumais, commander, Canada 
Command, and General Victor E. Renuart, commander, US Northern Command.
“It’s completely bizarre and it’s frightening,” says Kevin Best, a social 
justice activist in Canada who has long worried about the increasing U.S. 
military presence in Canada.
As far as Canada’s military presence in the U.S., Best said, jokingly, 
“That’s really scary for you guys, isn’t it?”
http://www.progress ive.org/mag/ wx111708. html




Re: [cia-drugs] Neocons, Philip Zelikow, the Alleged Need for Regime Change

2008-11-19 Thread Mary Hartman
General Hayden is lying.  An interview with Colonel Terry Markham, CIA Langley 
might prove interesting since he sent out an email with photos of smiling Iraqi 
terrorists in the Iraqi desert with oakbark cami clothing, military assault 
rifles and a US made Jeep.  Markham sent this with CIA contract agent David 
Conway from Lockheed Martin, who was part of the terrorism response experiment 
at Fort Belvoir in July/August of 01.  Conway would later become part of the 
Northcomm operation and in 2004, after training at CIA base in Omaha, NE, was 
offered control of the operation in the upper midwest. 

They knew exactly what was happening, and so did the FBI.  

--- On Wed, 11/19/08, norgesen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: norgesen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [cia-drugs] Neocons, Philip Zelikow, the Alleged Need for Regime Change
Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2008, 2:44 PM

11/17/2008: Philip Zelikow, 
Neocons - Additions as of November 16, 2008

Several of the new additions to the 9/11 Timeline this week concern the 9/11 
Commission, in particular its executive director Philip Zelikow, who played a 
significant role in shaping the commission’s take on assistance allegedly 
provided to the 9/11 hijackers by elements linked to the Saudi government. 
First, he blocked 
requests for interviews by commission investigators researching the 
allegations, then he denied them access to a key document, the 28 
redacted pages from the Congressional Inquiry, and finally he fired 
one of the investigators. Other entries about Zelikow cover his interview of 
former Clinton Attorney General Janet Reno, with which a staffer was appalled, 
and an interview of his close associate National Security Adviser Condoleezza 
Rice; she 
was not put under oath and no transcript was made. 
Other entries about the 9/11 Commission point out that its chairman Tom Kean 
was repeatedly 
contacted by the White House over the selection of the commission’s lawyer, 
that the length of the extension it requested was determined 
by political considerations, and that some commissioners thought that 
opposition to the extension from House Republicans was 
orchestrated by Vice President Dick Cheney. 
There are also a number of new entries about Neoconservatives, such as their 
to invade Iraq starting in January 2001, their hiring by 
the White House, and a July 2001 claim Iraq 
had nuclear weapons. Entries on two of the most famous neocon pieces in the 
immediate aftermath of the attacks have also been added: Michael Leeden’s 
connecting the attacks to the decision 
not to overthrow Saddam Hussein in 1991, which was published on the day of 
the attacks itself, and Ann Coulter’s call for carpet-bombing 
of Muslim countries a couple of days later. Leeden followed up by demanding 
the Bush administration scourge the Middle East until US rage was “sated”, 
and the charge for regime 
change in Iraq was led by Bill 
Kristol and included Republican Senator George 
Allen. Finally, in mid-2003 leading Neocon author Laurie Mylroie claimed the 
CIA and State Department were hiding 
connections between Iraq and 9/11. 
Regarding associates of the 9/11 hijackers, an Arab man in Texas claimed he 
was offered 
money by Marwan Alshehhi to take flying lessons, a Somali immigrant possibly 
linked to the Flight 77 hijackers was detained a 
couple of weeks after the attacks, and a Saudi who knew Hani Hanjour was 
convicted of lying 
to the FBI in 2002. 
Miscellaneous entries point out that security at US chemical facilities was 
before 9/11, which was highlighted by a think 
tank study in 1999 and the US 
surgeon general in late September 2001. Finally, an end times website 
indicated the 
apocalypse was upon us shortly after the attacks, although it has presumably 
been delayed, and former counterterrorism “tsar” Richard Clarke held 
something back from the 9/11 Congressional Inquiry.
http://www.historyc ommons.org/ news.jsp? oid=140393703- 734

Michael Hayden Caught in a Lie
kevinfenton @ 4:12 pm 
November 18 

Current CIA and former NSA Director Michael Hayden claimed to the 9/11 
Congressional Inquiry in prepared remarks on 17 October 2002:

  “Indeed, NSA had no knowledge before September 11th that any of the 
  attackers were in the United States.”
I always suspected this was not true and here is the proof, evidence submitted 
at Zacarias Moussaoui’s trial 
in 2006. It’s documentation from August 2001 about the passage of information 
about two of the hijackers, Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi, to criminal 
agents at the FBI. Due to restrictions related to the “wall,” the passage had 
be approved by the NSA’s general counsel. The documentation, passed between the 
NSA’s representative to the FBI and the general counsel, states, “FBI would 
appreciate priority handling on this request, since al-Mihdar is already in the 
U.S.” It later goes on to point out that 

[cia-drugs] Akha Journal: Headed for the Starting Line, Ride for Freedom

2008-11-19 Thread Matthew McDaniel
Dear Friends:
I replaced the generator battery tonight, the bus signs are about to get edited 
for the last time and we are headed for the start line.
Bus signs are going to run us about $1600.
We need an apple computer notebook, 
And we are soon ready to start out.
Thanks to all of you and if you haven't had a chance to help out, we can sure 
use it as we wrap up last minute details.
Matthew McDaniel

The Akha Heritage Foundation.
http://www.akha.org Akha Heritage Site.
Discussion http://groups.yahoo.com/group/akha
Donate Via Credit Card Paypal: 

PO Box 6073 Salem, OR. 97304 USA.


[cia-drugs] Is this suspicious?

2008-11-19 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
He was allegedly fine, when he was picked up on minor traffic warrants.  
When he arrived at the police supstation, he needed emergency care, and in 
fact was in the ICU when he was finally hospitalized.  This is the same PD that 
arrested Johnny Jolly due to the odor of codiene, (which apparently has no 
odor,) and who defied procedure (and where subsequently reprimanded) to gun 
down possible CIA Agent Roland Carnaby.  Is it normal to 
pick people up for minor traffic violations?  I've had minor traffic 
violations, and I've never been picked up.  But I'm you know, WHITE, and don't 
live in Houston.  -Vmann

NFL player's dad says he was beaten by Houston police officers

06:22 PM CST on Wednesday, November 19, 2008

By Wendell Edwards / 11 News 


NFL player's dad says Houston cops beat him 
November 19, 2008 

HOUSTON -- The father of an NFL star is in a Houston hospital, claiming he was 
beaten by HPD officers. Marvin Driver is the father of Donald Driver, a wide 
receiver for the Green Bay Packers. 

Police arrested Marvin Driver for outstanding traffic warrants early Monday in 
the driveway of his mother's house. 

When the family went to bail him out of jail, they couldn't find him. It took 
them a whole day to track him down in a local hospital. 

Exactly what happened after Marvin Driver was picked up remains a mystery, 
depending on who you believe. 

Winston Driver said his brother was fine when the police cruiser pulled away on 


Marvin Driver hasn't been able to speak since he was hospitalized. 

He left here in perfect condition, you know, Winston Driver said. I could 
tell by the way the police officers-- the way they was grabbing him and pulling 
him and snatching him, you know -- that he was in trouble. 

A statement from HPD said Driver was unresponsive when they arrived at the 
Mykawa Substation in southeast Houston. 

A doctor at the jail determined Driver needed medical help. Paramedics 
transported him to Memorial Hermann Hospital. 

At a news conference Wednesday, family members provided photos of Marvin Driver 
in his hospital bed. 

He couldn't speak, but relatives said he wrote down on paper towels what 
happened to him. 


Marvin Driver has been communicating by writing on paper towels. 

Driver wrote that the officers, whom he said he knew personally, took him to a 
Valero station, kicked him in the stomach, elbowed him in the neck and forced 
something down his throat. 

Told him to 'swallow this and you're going to see Jesus,' community activist 
Quanell X said at the news conference. 

The activist, who spoke on behalf of the family, is asking for an investigation 
by HPD's internal affairs division. 

We're asking Chief Harold Hurtt to remove all of the officers involved in the 
beating of Marvin Driver -- remove them and put them on desk duty or 
administrative leave. Suspend them from patrolling the streets, he said. 

We take allegations such as these very seriously and will begin a thorough 
investigation into the matter, HPD said in a statement released late 
Wednesday. The two officers remain on duty pending further investigation. 

Family members said the arresting officers also made disparaging remarks about 
Donald Driver, the NFL player. 

It could be somebody he knew, or something, said Michael Driver, the player's 
brother. Once again, in his papers he [Marvin] mentioned he does know this 
officer personally. 

Donald Driver is reportedly on his way to Houston to be with his father. 