[cia-drugs] FW: Report: US considers phone companies 'arm of government'

2009-10-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 From: Sardar sar...@spiritone.com
 Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2009 17:19:18 -0700
 To: Sardar recon1968br...@yahoo.com
 Subject:  Report: US considers phone companies 'arm of government'
 Report: US considers phone companies 'arm of government'
 Daniel Tencer
 Raw Story
 Sunday, Oct 11th, 2009
 The US government doesn't have to reveal information about phone companies
 that may have spied illegally on Americans because those phone companies are
 an arm of the government, the US Justice Department argued in a recent
 court case.
 In a lawsuit over the Bush administration's decision to give immunity to
 telecom companies over its warrantless wiretapping program, the Justice
 Department argued that it doesn't have to publicly reveal what it discussed
 with the phone companies because those discussions were inter-agency
 communications, explains Ryan Singel at Wired.
 He cites a passage from a court document in which the department argues that
 the communications between the agencies and telecommunications companies
 regarding the immunity provisions of the proposed legislation have been
 regarded as intra-agency..
 Singel was reporting on privacy watchdog group Electronic Frontier
 Foundation's two-year-long legal battle with the DoJ over access to those
 communications. In 2008, the Bush administration passed a law granting
 reotroactive immunity to phone companies that had participated in the
 administration's warrantless wiretapping program.
 After news reports in 2007 suggested that the phone companies had lobbied
 the government to have those protections put in place, the EFF launched a
 freedom-of-information request to have discussions between the Justice
 Department and the phone companies made public. When the government refused,
 the EFF took the matter to court.
 On September 24, a US District Court judge sided with the EFF and ordered
 the government to release more records about the lobbying campaign to
 provide immunity to the telecommunications giants that participated in the
 NSA's warrantless surveillance program, the EFF stated.
 The judge gave the Justice Department until last Friday to hand over the
 documents. But, late on Thursday, the government appealed for a 30-day stay
 of the judge's order. That order was refused, but the judge has delayed any
 further decisions on the case for another week.
 Blogger Marcy Wheeler at FireDogLake says there are more interesting
 revelations about the government's attitude towards constitutional powers in
 the delay request it filed last week.
 The language attempting to protect agency discussions with Congress
 describe Congress as a mere appendage to the executive branch which did not,
 in 2008, have its own distinct constitutional interest in legislation
 concerning matters in which the executive branch had been found to have
 flouted duly passed laws, Wheeler writes. She cites the following passages
 from the court filing (PDF):
   Given the purpose and role of the communications in the agencies' own
 deliberations, the agencies have regarded their communications with Congress
 as intra-agency documents under the foregoing lines of authority..
   .In providing the agencies with information and views about legislative
 options for use in the development of the Executive Branch's own legislative
 position, Congress was participating in a common effort with the Executive
 Branch to advance the public interest.
 It is a fascinating comment on the state of separation of powers that
 Congress would be described by the executive branch as a mere appendage to
 the executive branch, Wheeler wrote.
 She also argued that there is a fundamental contradiction in the government
 claiming that companies it contracted to do (potentially illegal) work would
 be treated as government agencies:
   These were telecoms lobbying! Lobbying about programs that brought them
 and will continue to bring them ongoing business. But by treating the
 telecoms as agencies for this negotiation, the Obama Administration . is
 treating this lobbying as part of the task that telecoms have been
 contracted to do by the government. We are paying telecom contractors . to
 lobby our government and elected representatives (who are, at this point,
 just an appendage to the executive branch anyway) to make sure they continue
 to get that contracted work.

-- End of Forwarded Message

[cia-drugs] FW: The Untold History of The Project for the New American Century :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis Forecasting Free Website

2009-10-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-- Forwarded Message
 From: Sardar sar...@spiritone.com
 Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2009 18:11:06 -0700
 To: Sardar recon1968br...@yahoo.com
 Subject: The Untold History of The Project for the New American Century :: The
 Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis  Forecasting Free Website
 The Untold History of The Project for the New American Century
 Politics / New World Order Oct 10, 2009 - 01:41 PM
 By: Submissions
 This film goes in detail through the untold history of The Project for the
 New American Century with tons of archival footage and connects it right
 into the present. This film exposes how every major war in US history was
 based on a complete fraud with video of insiders themselves admitting it.
 This film shows how the first film theaters in the US were used over a
 hundred years ago to broadcast propaganda to rile the American people into
 the Spanish-American War. This film shows the white papers of the oil
 company Unocal which called for the creation of a pipeline through
 Afghanistan and how their exact needs were fulfilled through the US invasion
 of Afghanistan.
 This film shows how Halliburton under their cost plus exclusive contract
 with the US Government went on a mad dash spending spree akin to something
 out of the movie Brewster's Millions, yet instead of blowing $30 million
 they blew through BILLIONS by literally burning millions of dollars worth of
 hundred thousand dollar cars and trucks if they had .
 Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general
 information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice.
 Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising
 methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any
 losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should
 consult with their personal financial advisors.

-- End of Forwarded Message

[cia-drugs] Forensic Aspects of Dissociative Identity Disorder

2009-10-12 Thread smartnews
Forensic Aspects of Dissociative Identity  Disorder 
Sachs, A. ; Galton, G. (Eds). (2008) Forensic Aspects of Dissociative  
Identity Disorder _http://www.karnacbooks.com/product.php?PID=25876_ 
(http://www.karnacbooks.com/product.php?PID=25876)   Karnac Books. ISBN 10 : 
The book Forensic aspects of dissociative identity disorder looks at the  
role of crime in the lives of people that suffer from Dissociative Identity  
Disorder. It is a collection of essays written by several international  
researchers. It explores the legal, moral, ethical and clinical questions that  
psychotherapists and other professionals face while working with those 
suffering  from Dissociative Identity Disorder. Authors that have contributed 
the book  come from the fields of psychotherapy, counseling, psychology, 
medicine, law,  police, psychoanalysis and social work. Chapters include 
discussions on ritual  abuse, dissociative identity disorder, mind control, 
extreme abuse, survivor  accounts and criminal convictions.

[cia-drugs] Min. Farrakhan: The Crucifixion of Michael Jackson [1 Attachment]

2009-10-12 Thread nathaniel x vance
Dear Group,
I have yet to meet a person who did not like at least a few of Michael Jackson 
songs. He wedged unimaginable power in the music industry that I do not think 
that anyone else on this earth ever had! So then, why would some people at the 
top want to do him harm in any way, shape, or form? If any of you knew why 
certain people at the top despised such black minority enterprises like Motown, 
Afro Sheen, and BET – just to name a few, why not purchased this video by The 
Nation Of Islam Minister Farrakhan. Thereafter, you will have more than enough 
proof that America is not a nation where they truly believe in “Live and Let 
Live “for its entire people, mainly those who are black and influential! 

Min. Farrakhan: The Crucifixion of Michael Jackson 

The earthly  ENDTIME  of the Wicked - Not the RIGHTEOUS. Is GOD MOCKED?
salaam  akwaaba  jambo  ashogee
