[cia-drugs] Get Tough on Crime, or Its Causes (Which is cheaper and more Humane?) [1 Attachment]

2009-10-18 Thread nathaniel x vance
Get Tough on Crime, or Its Causes (Which is cheaper and more Humane?)
Over the last thirty years, California's prison population has soared. In 1980, 
California had a prison population of about 24,000 in a state of 24 million. 
Today we have an inmate population of 172,000 out of 36 million people. This 
means that since 1980, our population has grown by 50% while our prison 
population has grown 617%.
 Each year, approximately 70 percent of those released from California prisons 
commit another offense, resulting in the highest recidivism rate in the nation. 
These repeat offenses are preventable crimes that claim more victims and harm 
communities' quality of life. It costs on average more than $10,000 to 
prosecute just one felony case, and about $47,000 per year to house each inmate 
in prison. Every time an inmate is released and commits a new crime, local and 
state jurisdictions pay those costs over and over again. Most importantly, 
individuals and communities pay the highest price when they are re-victimized 
by crime. To keep our communities safe and use public money wisely, we must 
insist that people coming out of the criminal justice system become productive 
citizens and stay out.
They get trained for a job, go back to school, get current with child support, 
enroll in parenting classes, and become positive contributors in their 
communities. The program encompasses swift sanctions for making bad choices and 
clear incentives for good ones. As a result, less than 10 percent of Back on 
Track graduates have re-offended compared to a 54 percent recidivism rate 
statewide for a comparable population of offenders. We have achieved this 
success at a fraction of the cost of traditional corrections approaches. Back 
on Track costs about $5,000 annually per participant, compared to between 
$35,000 and $47,000 for a year in jail or prison.
Please sign this petition today to “Repeal the Unfair, Unjust, Racist 
Rockefeller Drugs Laws.”

The earthly  ENDTIME  of the Wicked - Not the RIGHTEOUS. Is GOD MOCKED?
salaam  akwaaba  jambo  ashogee


[cia-drugs] Re: Time to CHANGE the racist unjust Crack/Cocaine Federal Drugs Laws!!

2009-10-18 Thread muckblit
How many grams of crack can be made from 500g of powder coke?

When I was at DU with Condie and John Bertel, my next door neighbor in the dorm 
on High Street was smoking powder cocaine in marijuana cigarettes every day.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, nathaniel x vance broali...@... wrote:

 Dear group,
 Is it time, is it finally time at last to end the racist mostly republican 
 Federal Minimum Sentencing Drug Laws for possessing a measly 5 grams of crack 
 cocaine versus 500 grams (1.1 pound) of powder cocaine, whom which mostly 
 many are black, who have been disproportionately  imprisoned at a colossal 
 ratio costing taxpayers hundredth of billions of dollars yearly? 
 Please watch this C-Span video, then spread the word, and call your US 
 Congresspersons please to let them know that enough is enough! Yes, beloved 
 President Obama (Nobel Peace Prize winner) and his administration is on 
 board, and, he needs your support!
 The Time has come to end and CHANGE the racist mostly republican unjust 
 racist Crack/Cocaine Federal Minimum Sentencing Drug Law!!   
 The earthly  ENDTIME  of the Wicked - Not the RIGHTEOUS. Is GOD MOCKED?
 salaam  akwaaba  jambo  ashogee

[cia-drugs] Re: Get Tough on Crime, or Its Causes (Which is cheaper and more Humane?)

2009-10-18 Thread muckblit
The recidivism rate is partly due to life without crime getting harder than it 
already was, once a person is marked as a con. Isn't it impossible to get into 
public housing with a felony conviction? Where is one with a felony conviction, 
recently released from prison, supposed to acquire non-subidized housing 
without a job?

In Virginia, MEDICAID is for pregnant women. Check it out on a social services 

Now this is another insight, but one that could fit into stand-up comedy with 
little refinement. Are you aware of all the popular cultural inducements for 
young men to scowl in photos and to walk around scowling? Show a high class 
yearbook photo or any other photo of a nice young black man to white people and 
they say he's scary. He probably won't be able to get a job. He's already 
making sure every photo image of him looks like a scary criminal. Few 
successful black entertainers are in a position to comment, due to many of them 
making their money by leading the fashion lemmings with their best scowl. This 
one is hopeless, I know, but it's a protest against what should be different 
but is not changing.

In DC, about 2000 homeless people are about to be put out of shelters into the 
street, and at the same time, services for the homeless are to be reduced. In 
Fairfax County and DC, teachers are being fired in numbers. Detroit must be the 
model city for neocon planning.

There is no bottom. We need to have a bottom. MEDICAID for pregnant women, 
closing shelters, firing teachers, crack and power cocaine sentencing inequity, 
no felons allowed in public housing, no minimum stipend other than food stamps, 
no single payer healthcare, all adds up to just about impossible. We don't need 
to hear one more story about the one lucky, talented, beautiful or handsome 
sweepstake winner who made it through even a narrowing chicane of opportunity. 
We need to make it possible not to commit crime for food and housing. Otherwise 
I think I know why the recidivism rate is so high. You can have what you buy. 
You are getting what you are paying for.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, nathaniel x vance broali...@... wrote:

 Get Tough on Crime, or Its Causes (Which is cheaper and more Humane?)
 Over the last thirty years, California's prison population has soared. In 
 1980, California had a prison population of about 24,000 in a state of 24 
 million. Today we have an inmate population of 172,000 out of 36 million 
 people. This means that since 1980, our population has grown by 50% while our 
 prison population has grown 617%.
  Each year, approximately 70 percent of those released from California 
 prisons commit another offense, resulting in the highest recidivism rate in 
 the nation. These repeat offenses are preventable crimes that claim more 
 victims and harm communities' quality of life. It costs on average more than 
 $10,000 to prosecute just one felony case, and about $47,000 per year to 
 house each inmate in prison. Every time an inmate is released and commits a 
 new crime, local and state jurisdictions pay those costs over and over again. 
 Most importantly, individuals and communities pay the highest price when they 
 are re-victimized by crime. To keep our communities safe and use public money 
 wisely, we must insist that people coming out of the criminal justice system 
 become productive citizens and stay out.
 They get trained for a job, go back to school, get current with child 
 support, enroll in parenting classes, and become positive contributors in 
 their communities. The program encompasses swift sanctions for making bad 
 choices and clear incentives for good ones. As a result, less than 10 percent 
 of Back on Track graduates have re-offended compared to a 54 percent 
 recidivism rate statewide for a comparable population of offenders. We have 
 achieved this success at a fraction of the cost of traditional corrections 
 approaches. Back on Track costs about $5,000 annually per participant, 
 compared to between $35,000 and $47,000 for a year in jail or prison.
 Please sign this petition today to “Repeal the Unfair, Unjust, Racist 
 Rockefeller Drugs Laws.”
 The earthly  ENDTIME  of the Wicked - Not the RIGHTEOUS. Is GOD MOCKED?
 salaam  akwaaba  jambo  ashogee

[cia-drugs] H1N1 Vaccine Is Biowar Too

2009-10-18 Thread muckblit
H1N1(U Minn biowar) vaccine paralyzed Washington Redskins cheerleader Desiree 
Jennings. Her tongue and neck are paralyzed and she can't walk right. She walks 
backwards instead.

Our government buys non-lethal weapons that paralyze and mutilate, like sonic 
mutilators now being purchased by political police across the country now to 
suppress opposition to paralyzing and mutilating political weapons. Hospitals 
can get to a lot of people with fake vaccines to augment police-military H1N1 
and then police can use sonic mutilators on uppity vaccine refusers. But we're 
the good guys is what the pedo porn FBI agents said when they were caught 
using CIA-kidnapped children as prostitutes(no such thing as an under-age 
prostitute!) to make APEC blackmail videos. We're in full allergy mode, folks, 
the police-military antibodies are targeting anyone different as contaminated 
and a threat, just like wood sawdust allergy and food allergies in the body, as 




[cia-drugs] Survivorship Ritual Abuse Blog http://survivorshipwp.wordpress.com

2009-10-18 Thread smartnews
Survivorship Ritual Abuse Blog
_http://survivorshipwp.wordpress.com_ (http://survivorshipwp.wordpress.com)